Gay Erotic Stories

Found Out

by Dawson Nash

: names have been changed to protect the innocent "What the Fuck is this?", he asked, dangling my diary from his fingertips. "....huh?", I stammered, feeling trapped and terrified. ---- 'He' was Jeremy Locke. 'He' and I had worked together for three years. 'He' was the object of many of my desires. That day had started out fairly normal. It was a Saturday and we had to go and put in some overtime at the factory we work at. We both work in shipping and this summer proved to be a very busy one for us, seems we just couldn't keep up with all the orders. We were both 23 and had both foregone schooling for work, he out of need to support his mother and sisters, me out of lack of ambition. Jeremy drives the forklift at work and I pick orders, so we are always bumping into one another during the day to confer on what truck is in, or what parts are missing, or which order has priority over another. This particular day he was wearing the faded bluejeans that I've come to love, his work boots of course, and an old favorite t-shirt with a picture of Spider-man on it. I'd love when he'd stop the truck to talk to me, mainly because the way he sat in it made for a real appetizing view of his crotch (at odd time's he'd give it a 'fix' or a shift, but it was really something that was done absentmindedly). It was then too, while going over an order sheet together, that I could often get a whiff of him. I loved the way he smelled. He always had that 'Spring-fresh' scent about him, I knew if I could ever get a hold of any of his dirty laundry I would have a hay-day! He was 6' 1" and weighed about 190lbs, he was well developed from years of work. He had quit school at 16, when his dad died, and usually held about two or three jobs. His eyes were entrancing, they were of the most luminescent green - like some other worldly lake. His hair was brown and short cropped to his head, the rest of his facial features were of perfection too, I'd often dreamed of licking his lips, I'd often dreamed about doing many things to him, this is what had me in trouble now. You see, I'd had many fantasies of him, and I'd copied most of them down in - you guessed it - my diary, along with lots of other embarrassing trivialities, such as what he was wearing on a certain day, or what he smelled like, or what kind of mood he was in, or even how he made me feel just by talking with me for a while. I've known I was gay for some time, was out to my parents, even had a couple of groping experiences, but nothing like this, this was pure awe-struck infatuation. I admired him so much, not only for his looks but for how he dealt with life, never saying he had been cheated out of anything, and always taking his responsibilities to heart, he may have been the same age as me, but he was twice the man. I was born a rich-kid. My parents were unhappy when I decided against further education. I said I needed to work, to have life experience, to grow, they gave into me when I said I would take a night class here and there in area's that interested me. They supported me still, my furnishings could not be come by if they didn't, they were a little shocked that I'd taken to this job so however; truth is, if it weren't for Jeremy I'd have been gone long ago. I'd only ever gone out with him outside of work once, he was always working at another of his jobs, or just too tired to go out, but early in the year I had taken him out for his birthday, and I think we had a pretty good time. That was marked under Feb 21 in the diary, and 22, and 23... Anyway, this day I had no vehicle, and was fully prepared to call up a cab to take me home, hearing this Jeremy wouldn't have it, he insisted on giving me a ride, which I warmly accepted. We talked about work on the way home, I asked how his family was, he asked after mine, I asked him if he had to go to another job tonight and he said 'no', then, being brave, I asked if he had any plans for the night, and again a 'no', his mother had taken his oldest sister to visit one of the college campus' that she had been accepted to, he was real proud of her, and the youngest two girls were staying over at friends for the weekend, it was like a mini-vacation for him. Right then and there I couldn't help thinking - 'God, I love him'. We got to my place and I invited him in for a beer, he kinda looked at me for a second then accepted. I live in a loft type apartment and I guess it's kinda nice, big open space, hardwood flooring, copies of famous art about, island kitchenette with hanging pots and pans, an area-rug here, another there, big t.v., leather couch and chairs, all designed by mom, bless her heart. He looked around when we got in and exclaimed "Whoo, wouldn't mind livin in a place like this! It's real nice Nash.", then he kinda snickered, "When ya do bring em home the girls must love it!". I hemmed, "It goes over alright I guess.", I said smiling, imagining the prospect of him living here. Going over to the fridge I got us both a beer and we walked over to the main area by the t.v. sipping on them. I sat down on the couch and he went up to my movie wall. Looking over the collection of VHS there. "Haven't seen most of these." he said, cocking his head to point to them. "Pick one out and put it on.", I returned, hoping that would encourage him to stay for a long visit. "Nah, I'm sure you don't want me hanging out and stinkin up your furniture for too long, heh, you probably wanna go out and party all night, hit on some girls, hehe.". It's true I usually did go out quite a lot, and I usually told him odd stories of which bars were busy, which weren't, which one's had the pretty girls, which didn't. I hated that I masked myself, I wished I could've told him the truth, but I usually would make up some story about how I struck out, and how I could never get the kind of girl I wanted, he shocked me once by saying that they must be stupid because I was a decent enough guy and good-looking enough to get just about anyone, I knew they were just brotherly words of encouragement for a guy down on his luck, but if he only knew I only wanted him. He himself didn't have a girlfriend because of the many jobs he worked, "not enough time in the day.", he'd say. "Don't be crazy man.", I said back to him. "First of all, you don't stink, second, I like hangin out with ya... outside of work I mean, it's ... I don't know, you're a cool guy.". "Heh, well, I wish I woulda showered before I left work then, I don't like being sweaty too long after.". "Hell, you can use my shower. I'm sure I have some clothes that will fit you. Stay man, you don't have to be home. C'mon, it'll be fun.", I tried to stop talking before I sounded desperate, but I'm not sure if it worked. "Well, if you really don't mind.". I led him to my room and looked around for some clothes for him. We got him some khaki walking shorts and a tight fitting tee (he was better developed than me and 2 inches taller), then to the bathroom and I got him a large cotton towel and told him to throw his clothes out the door when he was undressed so I could put them in the wash for him. He said I didn't have to do that, but at my insistence he obliged (and when the door was open I looked in and saw his delicious naked round butt in the mirror). Now you don't think I'd let this opportunity go by do you. That man-hunks clothes, all of them, handed right over to me, and after a days work in them too, ahhhh. I headed right back for my room, stripping all the while, and plopped down right on the middle of my bed. I wasn't sure how long he'd be, so I'd have to be quick, Darn the luck, darn, darn, darn. I began jacking immediately, and had in fact been semi-hard since the drive over. I brought those faded jeans to my face and plunged deep inside his crotch, I chewed at the material, imagining that his cock and balls had been there recently, I licked his zipper and ran some material over my chest, I could've spent all day there, next was his shirt, I sniffed at the pits and locked the smell away in my imagination, the heady scent of his sweat mixed with deodorant really got me, this too i chewed on, all the while tugging my toy. His gray work socks were next, I put my nose in each one and inhaled - heavenly. I licked the bottoms of these, wishing he was in them. Then the prize I was waiting for, his shorts, they were white FTL boxer-briefs. They must have snugged up against him nicely. I looked for stray pubes, found one, and put it in my mouth. I sniffed at where his ass would be and around his sack. That acrid scent sent me over. I licked and chewed the crotch getting it wet in my mouth, I swallowed his pube. I came harder than I think I almost ever had. Wave after wave of lava poured out of my balls, I could feel tingling from my chest right through my toes, and before it spewed out of my cock I lowered one of his socks over my member and came in that. I loved the feeling of it, it was almost like I was close to him, and shot after shot after shot after shot I soaked his sock. I never even stopped to enjoy my after-glow, but rose and ran to put his laundry in the wash. I then got another large towel and wrapped it around myself just as he was shutting the water off. He came out of the washroom and thanked me, saying he felt tonnes better, I smiled (so did I). I told him to grab another beer, as the one from before he'd brought in and finished while showering. Then it was my turn. I went in and dropped the towel. Smiling at myself in the mirror for what I'd just done. I'm not going to tell you what I look like, if you're anything like me you'd just think I was lying, so imagine what you want, hell you can even imagine yourself. I took a long time, letting the hot water run over me, relax me. Took a while to soap up my nuts and hammer, even spent a long time on my asscrack. I ran my hands all over me, imagining he was here with me. I started getting hard again, thinking of him using my shower. After a 10 or so minute shower I stepped out and dried myself. I laughed, I hadn't even brought any clothes with me, so I had to wrap myself in the towel again. Then I walked smiling out of the john... that's where this story started. "What the Fuck is this?", he asked, still dangling my diary from his fingertips. (flashback humor) "...huh?", I couldn't think of anything else to say! "Man, is this shit for real?!!", the look in his eyes scared me. "...uh. Fuck, how, where, what???", this was too much. "What the fuck is this Dawson?", he opened the book. "Jeremy was wearing his blue work-pants today and I had mine on too and he said to me 'Hey dude were twins'. I wanted to stand next to him and compare them, just to touch him, but couldn't ask.", flipping, "At lunch he had chili he said his mom made, all I could think about was wanting to be his chili, wanting to be in his mouth, wanting to be in him all day. What the fuck??", he flipped some more pages, "Jeremy has the nicest ass I think I've ever seen. Today I watched him walk all the way down the long hall and thought of burying my tongue in his hot hole.". I thought I'd die right there, my heart was racing and I couldn't concentrate on anything. "Last night I thought of him fucking me when I jerked off, it was like before, he cornered me in the lunch room and told me that he needed to get his rocks off, and I was just the guy to do it. What the shit is going on here Dawson?? Is this shit for real, or are you fucking with me??!!", he demanded. "Fuck, man sorry.", was all I could say, not even, how'd you get my diary out of my night table. "Aww fuck,", I think I started to well up then, "just, just don't hate me okay?? I'm sorry, sorry, sorr..", I trailed off and the tears started coming and I slumped to a lump on the floor. He ran over to me. "Don't!", he said, kneeling down to me, taking my shoulders in his hands and looking in my eyes. "Just tell me if it's for real?". "Huh?", (I'm just a master of words in a tight situation), I gulped, "...Yeah, sorta, for real.", my tears were running and he took his thumb and wiped them away with it, and for the first time I noticed something, the look in his eyes wasn't wild with hate, it was astonished amazement. "I, I ... kind of have this .. thing for you .. a, a crush..", I said, bringing a smile to his lips, "..and, well, ... how did you find it anyway.", I managed to blurt out. Now his smile was mixed with a blush. "Aww man. I went into your room to jerk off on your bed while you were in the shower, and I was wonderin` if you had any magazines, so I looked around a bit and found this. ... I, I couldn't believe it man, alot of the stuff in here, the stuff you say, the stuff you want, I want the same things. I mean, the exact same things! It's like you can read my mind. That's why I was wonderin if you were fuckin with me somehow, I mean, you're so straight man... aren't you?". My fear was quickly being replaced by wonder. "Huh?". He leaned into me and kissed me. Soft at first, like he was testing the water, then harder. I returned his kiss and he plunked his tongue into my mouth. I let it invade me, snake around my own tongue, and feel the reaches of my teeth. He pushed me back on the hardwood, following me down all the way. One hand slid down from my shoulder and over my chest, stopping to swirl his thumb over a nipple his other slid around back of me and drew me in tight to him. His weight was on me now. He lifted his head back so I was looking at his adam's apple. "Fuck, you don't have any idea how long I've thought of doing this Daws!", he cried. Then brought his head down again to nuzzle and chew at my ear. "Fuck!", I said. "I have two other diaries just like that one!", and began pulling up at his shirt (well my shirt, but you get the idea). He sat up, pulling the shirt off and undoing the khaki's, then he went to work on my nipples. Chewing them, suckling them, roughing them, kissing them, while his hands deftly disposed of my damp towel and continued to the confining khaki's. Now it was my turn. I rolled him over so I was on top and lifted his arms so I could lick at his pits. He had just a spattering of hair there and I slicked them all down with my spit. He grunted his approval and told me how hot I made him. I chewed on his muscles all the way down his torso, stopping at his naval to allow my tongue to flick over the little button that stuck out there, I inhaled deeply, audibly and noticeably and looked up at him and we smiled at each other, no words were needed and we moved in for another kiss. His hand was wrapped around my hardened cock and he let a few fingers fall to feel my fuzzy sac, ticking my balls. I kissed his neck, and felt like crying again, right there, only not from fear, or sorrow, but out of pure joy. I pushed him back on the floor and kissed his jutted chin, then slid down and took in the sight of his treasure trail, and it was a definite treasure at the end of that trail. His chest is virtually hairless and his nipples are of a pinkish color, the soft brown hairs that start under his bellybutton snake down to a nice bush of hair. Fairly uniformed in design it is neither sparse nor overly hairy, I stood his prick straight up with one hand and kissed his breadbasket, evincing a shudder and a moan from him. "Take it Dawser. Take my cock in your mouth. Please.", I glanced upward and he was intent on me. I lapped at his scrotum and around his base. Fuck this thing was thick, and stood about 8 & ½" tall. He was cut and the head on it was flared and menacing. I swallowed it all at once. I gagged a bit and pulled off, chuckling, he chuckled too and said "Whoa there.". This time I just took the head in, and sucked tighter than I think I ever could have. I rolled my tongue around it, bathing him in my spit, then twisted my head a bit and took more of him in, sucking tight and swirling tongue all along. My hands were feeling the whole of him. Up to his nipples, down his arms, feathering on his legs, round his hips, to his nuts, and I pressed up on his choda, causing another squirm from him. My head was in good bob now and I was loving it. I took him all the way in and set there a bit, then pulled off and mouth fucked him for a while, stopping now and again to kiss his balls, or his hips or his legs. I then got down and sucked on each one of his toes in turn. I licked his soles and kissed his ankles. My hands were wrapped around the backs of his calves. He sat up. "My turn!", with that he picked me up over his shoulder and carried me to the couch, where he tossed me down and went down on my cock. Everything he did was everything I wanted him to do. He was right, if it was as though I could read his mind, he could doubly read minel. I'd think 'lick my balls now', and he would, 'suck it harder', and he did, he was amazing. And looking down to see that gorgeous boy's head rolling around on my cock, that boy who until 40 some minutes ago was nothing but a wild fantasy, well that made it all the better. Even though I'd cum already he skillfully worked on me till he felt me going over, I tried switching but he would have none of it, holding me down till he got his prize, and that he did, right at the back of his throat I spunked out glob after glob of goo. He took it all. It was even more intense than when I was fucking his sock, if that were possible. Then he laid me lengthwise on the couch and put my head over the edge, and got up so he could mouth-fuck me some more. I choked out between thrusts that I wanted him to fuck me, he said later and that he wanted me to take his first load right in my yap! I loved it. We swung around so he was standing in front of me while I sat and deep throated him. I ran my hands over his hairless glutes and took to running a finger or two along his crevasse, each time i did that he would thrust into my face a little more, and soon he was shouting about what a good little cocksucker I was and how I was gonna get all his juice right down into my guts. I grabbed my beer and poured some on his cock, drinking it as it ran off, then doubled my efforts of sucking. His nuts tightened noticeably and his 'thumper' warned me that he was letting loose. He grabbed hold of my head just as he began unloading inside me. I sucked that thing until it was finished, he whimpered as he finished and he shook a little too, causing quick little jabs of his hips. He fell on me and kissed me, tasting his load from me. Then he spun around, and spun me around, and began to rim my hole. His tongue invaded me as deeply as he could, and his hands ran up my back and down my legs. "Yeah, you got a nice hole for fuckin man, I'm gonna love this.". He rimmed me for what seemed hours. Working a finger or two in here and there, and pulling his pud until it was rigid again. He backed away and spit a big working of saliva right into my pucker, and laughed about what accuracy he'd accomplished. I told him I just dreamed of him fucking me and couldn't wait until I had that big fuck-tool buried inside me. He reared up behind me and let another glob of spit fall onto his hardness, smearing it around with his thumb. He slapped it off my ass a few times then pushed the head of it in. I gasped. Even with all his workings that fat prick managed to split me open but good, and it isn't like I've been fucked that many times, hell I'd only ever done it with 1 guy (3 x's) before. My own cock was rock hard. Two loads today and I'm already feeling 3 and 4 building up. He slowed in and I felt him rub over the nub of my prostate. Agony and exstasy. He soon developed a rhythm of fucking and I felt beads of sweat falling from him onto me. We had both built up a good sweat by this time and I felt his hands slicking over me. Looking back and up at him I saw him tasting my sweat off his fingers. "Fuck you feel so good!", I confessed to him. He half moaned and half sighed and said "I could stay in you forever.". My mind was wild with thought. This fucking stud whom I've drooled over for 3 years was ramming my ass, and saying he wanted to forever. All my thoughts were of him, trying to, if in any way capture this time and seal it forever away. Lock us together for all eternity. All thoughts of other people had long dwindled away, all thought of anything else other than my love for him had gone. All want had been fulfilled, all desire had been sated, all was perfect. We maneuvered off the couch and I was lying flat down on the floor. He was still plugging away at me. I could feel the tensing off his body and the concentration he was giving to me. I could feel his legs against mine, and the slap of his hips as he wriggled against me, trying to further invade me. Then he pulled out of me. "Roll over, I'm gonna cum soon.", he commanded. I did. He grabbed my ankles and lifted them, when they were high enough he locked them over his shoulders, I was feeling at his arms and face. With grim determination he fed his prick back into me and began to fuck me like that, looking right into my eyes as he did with a twisted, albeit pleasurable, look on his face. "Fuck I'm gonna cum. I gonna cum. I mmphh, grrk ffaaahhkk!!!". And he did. I felt every throb of his cock, every volley of his spew, every twist of his body, as he drained himself deep within me. His eyes closed and he had that contorted look of lust on his face. He was chewing his lower lip. And though I'd heard of it many a time, and never believed it any a time I began to cum. Without so much as touching myself I came. I came, now get this, with even more intensity than when he blew me, I was out of my mind with pleasure, how could anything feel this good. I spunked up over my head and it came back down a fair distance on the hardwood, the next went up again and landed on his shoulder as he was half bent, shot after shot, almost matching his. His penis plopped out, my legs fell down and he crashed on top of me, panting. "Mmmmm.", he kissed my neck. "You make me feel so good.", he confided to me, taking my hand. He kissed my mouth and hugged me. "I can't believe you came like that!", he giggled, noting the load away on the floor, and he touched his nose to mine in confidence. "Me either!", I exclaimed. "You must bring out the best in me. We lay there holding for a bit. Then we got up and I made us some sandwiches and we had a few more beer and talked. As it turns out his father had not died, but had barged in and caught him masturbating to a gay magazine when he was 16 yrs old. He was enraged and beat him around some, cursing him saying he wasn't having no fairy girl for a son, and that he'd make him be a man if he liked it or not. That night he packed some things and left, stopping by Jeremy's room to say that he had to be a man now and take care of this family, with that he was gone, and they hadn't heard from him since. His mother knew of what happened and told him that he needn't think about it and that they'd get by, but that had made him all the more determined to do what he must, to prove to his father and him self that he was a man. She also encouraged him to go out and date, but he wouldn't, he couldn't. I just listened to him, and loved him all the more. I held him and caressed him. He said he wouldn't mind dating now and my heart leaped. We are exclusive boyfriends now. Have been for the past 10 years. His family is wonderful. His mom and I get along well and the last of the girls is going through school. Jeremy also went to school, at my insistence. My parents said if they didn't have a son in school then at least they could have a son-in-law going. He has his own consulting firm now and even paid my parents back the money they gave him. I could tell you more about that day, about laying together, showering together, lovemaking together and learning of each other, about our professing our love and desire for each other before he had to go home, or of that next Monday when he cornered me in the lunchroom at work and told me that he needed to get his rocks off and that I was just the guy to do it (I loved that), or even of our dating, which turned into living together, which turned into true loving together, or about when we got married; but I won't. I write all about it in my diary though, and Jeremy watches and reads as I do. Love you... xo if you like this story e-mail me and let me know at it may help inspire another...


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Dawson Nash

Best Friend's Roomie

It was a cold winter and my best friend Jack (who had moved away to go to University) was throwing a keg party. He’s a six foot two blonde jock who’s ruggedly gorgeous; ice-blue eyes, noble nose, luscious lips, and a judicial jaw! We’d been friends since grade 9, we had a few classes together and hung out all the time. I loved him very much, but he’s straight and I would have much

Drummer Boy

I was walking my dog, Bob, when I first heard him playing. I live out in the country and usually you don't hear more than the chirping of birds or a far off bark - so I was surprised to hear the beat, beat, beat of drums; especially coming from Old Lady Grady's farm (well it used to be a farm, now she sells antiques). Bob and I stood at the end of her laneway and listened. It was

Found Out

: names have been changed to protect the innocent "What the Fuck is this?", he asked, dangling my diary from his fingertips. "....huh?", I stammered, feeling trapped and terrified. ---- 'He' was Jeremy Locke. 'He' and I had worked together for three years. 'He' was the object of many of my desires. That day had started out fairly normal. It was a Saturday and we had to


Sometimes having a rumour floating around about you can work to your advantage. Now I'm not saying go out and start a rumour by any means, but when one is out there and you're worried that it might do you some damage, remember that it may just give someone else the courage they need and end up doing you some good. I'm gay, but am a fairly straight acting guy. I suppose I could go

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