Gay Erotic Stories

Friendly Favour, Part 1

by Slick

Friendly Favour, Part I Friendly Favour - Part 1 Slick There was never any doubt in Paul's mind that he knew what he was doing when he turned into the street and walked the row of house, which all looked the same. One after the other, the faces of identical doors and windows beamed back at him, painted the same colour and often, clad in the same lace curtains. Sure, he was entering a world far different from his own but he had a mission and the mission had been his prime objective now for just on a year. He'd dreamed of a day like this for years. Dreams can come true. Here was the proof. He stopped outside Gary's house. Number 24 was no different to all the other houses, although he had a slight hope it might be, as he had walked the lower class street, disheveled with a century of discarded rubbish by uncaring residents. Similar lace curtains greeted him behind the unkept , dirty windows. The red door needed a coat of paint badly and the row of beer cans on the step gave rise to where Gary must spend much of his time by night. The bell failed to work and the glass pane in the window rattled when he was forced to knuckle his demand to be let in. Doubt crept in for a second but was quickly swept away the moment he saw Gary part the curtain across the door and a smile as wide as the Mississippi flooded out to greet Paul. He quickly opened the door and exchanged hands with his beer can to free the right one to shake Paul with his regular strong grip. "Get yu' arse in here son !" He stepped aside and walked slowly down the hallway, looking back over his shoulder, to be sure Paul followed along. "Shut the door after yu'. You born in a tent or something." He swung into the first door he came to, which could have been the lounge room, had it any furniture which resembled a sofa, tables or TV. Everything that was there, was covered with old newspapers, cans and other discarded rubbish, which Gary was obviously too lazy to remove - a year ago. "Find a seat and give it the pleasure of yu' arse." He carried on through a further door, into what must be the kitchen, judging by the pile of dirty plates, pots and empty food packaging laying about. Somewhere among the mess, Paul saw Gary open the door to a refrigerator and extracted a couple more cans. If Gary owned a glass, then it was sure to be well hidden under the mountain of dishes, if you could find the sink. "Wrap yu' laugh'n gear around this." He tossed the can the last 2' and Paul was glad when it arrived after only doing 3 spins. Carefully, he zipped the can open, holding it well away in case it shot a spout of froth in the air. Gary fell into the spot next to Paul, though neither could tell what they were sitting on, for all the newspapers, magazines and bits and pieces, including fishing gear, parts from a motor cycle and tools. "Thanks for inviting me over Gary. I got the impression you didn't like me much so I was a bit surprised." "Yeah...well...yu' can't say too much at work, can yu' ? I gotta reputation to keep and...well...yu' know..." "No, I don't." Paul had secretly been in love with Gary from the moment he set eyes on him, but he did have a reputation, which was the reason Paul never made any suggestion toward him. And now, he was hearing the strangest words ever to fall out of this Greek Gods' mouth. Paul waited long enough for an answer, "what do you mean ?" The leather-clad Hercules shuffled in the seat a little, sipped his beer then looked high to the ceiling. "Well, you know how I'm known for being a bit of a ladies man ?" Paul nodded, wishing Gary wasn't and at the same time wondering if this was leading to a most wonderful revelation of a kind Paul had prayed for. "Well...I gotta problem." "Oh ? Too much pussie and not enough milk ?" Both gave a laugh and it seemed to settle the air a little. "No, wish it was that easy." Gary became uneasy again as he realised he had to bite the bullet and announce why he invited Paul to a private chat. "You see, I got this girl and she...well...she's got a fetish. She wants to watch 2 guys having sex. Says it turns her on and Christ!, I need her cunt more than a beer I tell yu'." "So, what's that got to do with me ?" Paul was now disappointed. "Well, people talk, yu' know ?" Paul said nothing. "I hear...I hear you like to play other guys." Gary blurted it out and was plainly glad it was all over. he said it ! "How'd yu' like to help me out ?" "You mean, climb into bed with you, so we can turn your bird on so she'll open her gates for you ?", Paul made it clear he wasn't happy with the idea. "Where'd yu' get the idea I might jump for something like that Gary ?" "People talk, as I said. I heard yu' like a bit of was wondering if you know...?" "What's your plan ?" The idea of having some fun with Gary was too much to refuse. Seeing him naked in the showers every afternoon had been enough, under the circumstances, but to have a little of his action, even if only for 5-10 minutes, that was close to his dream, even if he might never get a return engagement. "Well, it just so happens, her brother is gay too and she asked him...." "Wait a minute ! Who said I'm gay ? Besides, I thought you said she wanted you to play around with a guy ?" "Nah ! Don't have to be me mate ! Any guys getting the salt flow'n is good enough for her. She's arranged for her brother and we wondered if you and he.." "Get fucked ! I'd love to fuck around with you but..." before he knew what he was saying the words burst across the room. A cheeky smirk crossed Gary's lips and he slowly lifted the can to cover them, as they broadened even further. "What I meant to say was, I know you and might be willing to help you an old friend. But not with a perfect stranger !" "Yeah." He took another sip. Silence was the only sound now. Then, Gary swung to face Paul. "Yu really like me ?" Paul only answered by dropping his head and traced the scattered mess across the floor, until they met Gary's boots. He lifted his eyes up the jean-clad muscular calves, thighs and quickly by-passed the massive crotch which had given Gary his wonderful reputation with men and women alike. Upward, he scanned past the leather jacket to the thick bull neck, jutting out of the dazzling white T-shirt. A few jet black hairs curled over the collar and pointed up toward the most handsome face a guy could have. "You've really got a fucking hide Gary." "You'll get to see me in action ! Mary wants you guys to stay in the room and fuck around with each other while I hammer her arse to the cot." His voice become more and more excited as he went along. "And if yu' promise to do it for me, I'll even let yu' sniff me dick. But not with the others around. Just you and me. OK ?" "Gee you're generous to a fault mate." "Alright, alright, you can lick it. But just for a moment. I don't think I could let yu' do it for long...its not my style, yu' know ?" Gary begun to unzip his jeans and Paul went into shock to think he might have his moment, right now. "But if I let yu' sniff it you gotta promise you'll take on Mary's brother." "What's he like ?" Paul tried to distract his eyes with the question. Gary had his jeans down around his thighs and he was hooking his thumbs under the waistband of his jocks. He could see that massive meat packed in well and although he'd eyed it off a thousand times, this viewing would be a new experience. Gary dragged his jocks over his hips and his flaccid cock fell across his hairy thigh. He seemed not to hear the question and only after a short while, Paul decided to use it again to slow his heart beat down. "I said, what's he like ?" "Who ?" "Mary's brother ?" His lips stayed open and he noticed his mouth begin to water at the sight before him. "Oh. Don't know. Never met the guy." Gary shuffled closer toward Paul, taking a strong grip on his dick and giving it a rough ride inside his tight fist. "Here, take a whiff while I still got the courage." His fist aimed the monster toward Paul, who quickly fell forward and took up position only an inch away. The scent was strong as the man it came from and his head started to swirl at the thought of finally getting so close to that which he worshipped for so long. His breathing came more quickly as he drew in the smells, growing heady with the scent rising up to him. "Now, I'm gunna shut me eyes for a minute so you can lick it if you want." A man of his word, he closed his eyes, let his head fall backwards slightly, then dropped his fist away from his prized possession. Paul watched him giving way and then dipped a little closer. His tongue darted out and lightly whisked across the head of the giant dick, which was still as soft as when Gary hauled it out. The man jerked, pulling away a little. "Sorry..go on..I wasn't ready." "Just relax. Pretend its a woman's mouth around your..." "Shut up and do it before I change my mind !" Paul obeyed his Prince and engulfed the cock head instantly, swallowing it whole. He traveled lower, inch by inch. Gary shuddered but not out of pleasure. It wasn't half obvious that the whole idea was against his better judgement. His powerful thighs struggled to stop quivering. His hips would try to pull his dick away from Paul, then remember the reason for all this, and so, allow it to slip back, deeper into the mouth surrounding only a small portion of the mass of still-soft meat. Paul could see the rippling abdomen jerk and contract as the man fought off the will of his mind, for the will of his desires. Oh what he would do for his girl ! Paul made sure no other part of his body touched Gary, so as to not make it more difficult for him to accept this situation. He also watched his breathing and tried not to make any whimpering or loving sounds. That would certainly turn Gary right off to the idea. Although he sucked him like he'd never sucked a man before, he avoided any slurping sounds as well. His tongue worked feverishly on the crown and gland in general, while his teeth zipped and unzipped the small part of the shaft he dared to gulp down. His lips meanwhile, squeezed and massaged the whole dick as it come under their control. On top of all this, he mentally counted the seconds, waiting to hear Gary announce "enough" and his promise would be set in concrete before he had hardly come to taste the sweet flesh. "You'll have to stop. Its no good." Those feared words finally came. "You don't like it ?" Paul let the dick pop from his lips obediently. "Oh yeah, I guess so, but guys can't do it like girls can." "In what way ?" "Girls really make yu' know they love yu' dick. You don't." "But I was trying to be careful because you didn't really want to do it !" Paul objected to his putting down his best efforts under the circumstances. "If you gave me a free hand, I bet I can do as good as any woman you had !" "Doubt it." "Want'a bet ?" Paul challenged him. "I'll do it with Mary's brother twice if you just let me do whatever I want with you to prove I can do better than any woman you've had. Is that fair ?" "You'd lose." "So ? That means you'd win." They looked long and hard into one another's eyes and Gary fell back on his elbows and resigned with a nod of the head. "No holds barred ?" Gary frowned but shrugged his shoulders. "I'll only do things you'll like, nothing kinky, OK ?" Gary again nodded, tossing his head back to look at the ceiling, while a hand waved Paul on. He felt he had nothing to lose now, so he took that dick into his tight fist and dragged it up to point toward that muscular belly. His face fell forcefully into the hairy balls and he nozzles them, licking, nibbling and sucking them in turn, firmly yet with loving care. He could feel strength building inside his fist as the dick begun to swell and spread his fingers apart. He drove his face lower and found the musky sense of Gary's arse as it came closer. The man hesitated a moment before he raised his hips slightly, knowing from experience what his lover wanted to do. He didn't object as he felt a hot, wet tongue strike his centre hole and plunge inside, washing the walls of his ring. The fist around his cock started a slow stroke, up and down the growing mass. He decided not to fight against this, even though it wasn't exactly what he was used to experiencing. He closed his eyes and pictured his favourite girl. Meanwhile, Paul was able to lock onto his favourite dream, which has always been exactly what was now taking place. His tongue stroked the tail, his fingers stroked the meat and his nose found their vocation, rubbing up against those hefty balls, which hung low and fully ripe, to such a length, they could easily have lay onto Gary's arse cheeks, if Paul's face wasn't in the way. The ring twitched and winked at Paul's mouth and tongue, opening and closing to the pleasure of the teasing. As it opened, Paul pushed home deeper. Soon, he had bore his way into the subterranean tunnel to the point his teeth obstructed him going further. Darting back and forth, his mouth-dick fucked the arse and loosened it all the more. But Gary felt there had to be some limits set and the degree Paul was eating his crack had more than reached that point. He bore down inside and sent a powerful fart out his arse. "I don't mind a chick having supper on me, but not a guy. You stay there and I promise I'll shit all over you." Paul looked him in the eye, then dipped low once more, despite the fowl air and gave the coil of flesh a few quick licks. "Fuck off !" Gary once again forced a hefty fart out his back passage. "You afraid I might try and fuck you or something ? We said no holds barred. Anything you'd let a woman do, its only fair you let me do too." Paul felt he had some command here as well and he dropped his face into the parted cheeks once more. His tongue tickled the outer ring and played across the hairy gorge. Gary fell back and relaxed, giving into the man devouring his anus. Some residue had emerged after his farting sessions but this only steamed up Paul's blood all the more. He washed the area clean before returning to the challenge of fucking the hole, which was more than happy to allow him entry. Gary was primed now and this action was not new to him, although he was used to lipstick in the past. His dick become the greatest witness that Paul could venture to almost any place and perform almost anything he wanted. It could not be harder, as it dispersed Paul's fingers wider, in all directions. The heat radiating from it almost burnt and its pulsations and jerking made it difficult to always keep a steady grip. Paul felt a cool trickle of precum ooze over one, then a second finger, trailing its way as more juice collected at the eye of the dick and seeped out. Those massive balls tightened up and lifted closer to the base of the swollen dick. Though not to such an extent as to worry Paul and force him to consider swallowing that rod of flesh before it reached that final reason for existence. Paul commenced long licking strokes, taking him from the cave entrance to the base of the cock, travelling over those balls, then back again. Over and over, he rose and fell, climbed and descended. The path becoming slick, wet and easier to traverse over the bushy hair, after each graze of the fields. He rose higher and wrapped his mouth over his fingers, washing the lather from them before lifting his head higher still, so he could drop his lips over the raging cockhead and swallow it and the juices, which had turned into a river. His mouth now slime coated, he let his face return to snail trailing the shaft, balls and arse once more. The tongue with its slippery layer seemed to be able to ram even deeper into the underground chamber than it had before. Gary squirmed, rotating his buttocks and driving himself down over the drill bit probing his arse. Once or twice, Paul had let his free hand wander here and there, but never for too long or too deep inside enemy territory. They had glanced against Gary's thigh a few times or cupped the buttocks, as if in support of his mouth. While feasting on the spunked head, he pretended to rest his hand as a counter balance, on Gary's hips. But he still wasn't too sure, just how far the man would let him take on the role of his partner. He decided to see. Lifting up over the reclining man, who still lay back, head hanging from his neck and shoulders, as he looked to the ceiling, Paul moved over him and dropped his mouth fully over the erect stork. He slowly rode down over it until it rested on the back of his throat. Adjusting himself, it slipped down further into his throat, while Paul let his hands scout their way, under the T-shirt and leather jacket, to foster a relationship with the muscular stomach. He felt the brawn tighten into tough bands, then relax. His hands moved higher and massaged the slightly hairy chest, which rose and fell with increasing rates. The strong sinews flexed and ballooned out to his touch. The nipples stood erect and he watched Gary's throat swallowing hard, resisting any objection, as Paul twitched and pulled at the paps. His mouth never stopped giving Gary the best attention it could, while his hands returned from under the clothes and begun to peel the coat from over the shoulders. With some surprise, Gary looked down at this and then sat forward a little, helping Paul remove the jacket. He took a hold of the T-shirt and dragged it up toward his neck, lifting it over his head and letting it capture his shoulders, so that his chest and belly were now completely bare. Paul slithered up the powerful body, licking his way to the navel, washing the hairs flat, then on up to the chest, tongue caressing each nipple. He moved higher still and wasn't stopped, so Paul pushed his face into the broad, strong armpits. He sniffed and licked at the hairs there as well. Looking up into the face, inches from him now, he found Gary laying there, smiling at the scene before him. Gary gave a little shake of his head before tossing it back and once again, closing his eyes. "I wish yu'd finish blow'n me so I can get another beer." "Go. I've had enough anyway. You're not as exciting as I thought you'd be." Gary stood up as he hoped he gave his best performance as an actor. "Yu' not gunna leave it like that are yu' ?" Gary nodded toward his enflamed tool, which was automatically lurching and throbbing, oozing plenty of juice with each pulsation. "You'll really be nice and horny for Mary now, won't you." Paul sat back, taking up his warmed can of beer, offering it to Gary before taking a sip. "You're fuck'n incredible !" Gary also sat forward, looked hard at Paul before lowering almost shocked eyes at his raging fat dick. "Bloody hell !" He took his own cock in his hands and worked it with hard, long strokes. With each kneading stroke, he quickened the beat. Stopping, he squeezed it extra tightly, forcing more spunk out of the eye which he scooped down over the whole organ, making it shine and creating a more slippery coupling between his fist and shaft. His hips bucked as he fucked up into his fists and his beefy thighs swished about on the seat, sending his jeans lower, until they hung around his ankles. His whole body begun to quake and quiver, as a light coating of sweat produced a sheen to his muscular torso. "Oh alright !" Paul quickly fell back across those thighs and his face pressed against the fast moving hands. He could see his trick was about to backfire on him, as Gary rose closer and closer to his desired objective. Gary quickly removed one of his hands, which he drove under himself before forcing a finger inside his arsehole. His other fist never slowed the pace and Paul wondered how he might climb onto that wonderful weapon under these circumstances. Looking between Gary's thighs, he watched a second digit ram itself into the expanded ring, which was made easier by all the wetting Paul had recently given it. "Look out !" Gary tried to push Paul's encroaching face away, as it got in the road of what he was doing. Both hands were fucking equally as fast. One fucking his arse while the other fucked his own pole. "Oh yes !!" Gary cried out. Spunk shot from the end of his dick with such force, it traveled clear to his chin. His mouth opened and he snapped at the air, obviously with a hope his volcano rush might have sent a stream of hot man-lava into his mouth, but it took the second issue to get that far. His mouth closed over the string of cum and quickly lapped at the lips for more. He humped and bent his body to bring his dick closer to his face, which wasn't too difficult considering its length had to measure 10". He was able to lick and bite a few more outpourings but most fell short, across his chest, belly and finally his fingers, which still pumped and pounded the meat. Meanwhile, his other fingers never stopped their programmed procedure, escaping in and out his arse with rapid thrusts. Paul refused to totally be at a loss here, as he dropped his greedy face onto the belly and lapped at the steamy cum, laying in thick, long strings up the torso. "Fuck off !" Gary pushed him away and dipped his fingers into the creamy man-soup, hurrying it to his own mouth. They fought over the spill like boys fighting for the last of the lollies on a party table. "You always eat your own cum like that ?" Paul asked as he watched Gary licking the last from his fingers, before squeezing any dreg from the fuck tube. "Never wasted it in my life. From a little kid I always ate my spunk. I reckon that's why I always got plenty to give me chicks. Recycling." Paul could taste the best spunk he'd ever had, lingering on his tongue. As he saw a bubble break the surface, when Gary squeezed his dying cock one last time, he decided he needed it more than Gary did. His mouth swallowed the dick and sucked hard, drawing even more then he had seen emerge. "Well, yu' reckon you can do it for us tonight ?"


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Slick

Bodyguards, Part 2

Body Guards Part II Brett could hardly wait for the ball to end. He was so on edge throughout the party, wondering just what was going to happen later that night. He was glad he was off duty for the next 2 days, so he could rest up. Even if nothing took place tonight, he needed plenty of rest after that powerful session with Cash. During the night, he had seen Cash

Boys To Men, Part 1

Boys To Men Part I "Line up straight!" The Warden barked to the shifting, unsettled row of new prisoners being inducted in, that evening. "Now, where was I?" He turned his eyes back to the clip board in his hands. "Foster! Cliff!" He looked up to the column of men again and a young man came to attention, just as he had been shown to do

Boys To Men, Part 2

Boys To Men Part II "Well, tell me about it! I reckon yu' know I'm someone you can trust by now." Cliff sat down on his bunk, next to Moby. He could smell the garlic rising from him, as both men had eaten the pasta for dinner. But through it he could also smell - and taste the essence of the man as well. Moby just sat there, looking deeply into the concrete

Continued Fun With My Latin Friend

I was horny as hell today when I left work. So I decided to go back to the park where I had met this Latino dude in a park restroom. He is 20, about 5'10" 160, nice build with a nice 5" uncut cock. I’m in my mid 40's, 6’, 170 and in decent shape. Brown hair, green eyes, hairy chest, legs and ass, with a 7"cut cock. I easily pass for a mid 30 something. Most people are shocked at my

Friendly Favour, Part 1

Friendly Favour, Part I Friendly Favour - Part 1 Slick There was never any doubt in Paul's mind that he knew what he was doing when he turned into the street and walked the row of house, which all looked the same. One after the other, the faces of identical doors and windows beamed back at him, painted the same colour and often, clad in the same lace

Friendly Favour, Part 2

Friendly Favour, Part II Friendly Favour - Part 2 Slick Gary expected Paul to hump with Mary's brother that same night ? It was all right by Paul, however, Gary had just lost one hell of a load. But he agreed and Gary left him sitting in that untidy room, while he went upstairs to shower and get ready. Paul pondered the notion of going up to the bathroom

Fun With My Latin Friend, Part 2

The restroom was already loaded with guys and the leaves were falling, so the trails were too visible. We headed out in the car and found a new subdivision where the builder must have gone bust; a couple of framed houses that had not been worked on in months. Not enough cover there, but there was a hidden cul de sac to park on. Before I got the car stopped, he was pulling on my


Homeless But Not Hopeless By Aussie Slick Its tough being homeless but even tougher on cold nights, when the rain is just pissing down, heavy and at an angle because of the wind behind it. It was just such a night when the street awnings gave no protection, nor did the bus shelters. I wandered for a while, up one street, down another, hoping to find a garage door open, so I

My Latin Surprise

Tonight after I finished my workout at the gym I was extra horny. I went in the steam room and got a little action from a regular buddy. I can usually find plenty of fun there. I’m above average in looks for a guy in his mid 40s. I usually pass for a mid 30 something. I’m 6', brown hair, green eyes, hairy chest, legs and ass with a 7" cut dick. The gym was so busy we got disturbed

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