Gay Erotic Stories

Full Moon

by Kris Stevens

M/M/F oral sex, M/F sex, anal sex Oz, Willow, and Xander. This story depicts characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" created by Joss. It contains boy/boy sex, and boy/girl sex, containig oral and anal sex. If you do not want to read such material, then DON'T FULL MOON 1 Oz peered out his window, once again taking in the terror associated with the setting sun. Tonight would be a full moon, and with a full moon, Oz would make his transformation. Full sunset would only be a few moments away. Oz was a werewolf, bitten months ago, and forever cursed with the transformation. When he became the wolf, he was no longer able to control his actions. The animal force within his blood took over, and searched for food. While Oz enjoyed a couple of Whoppers, the monster within preferred much fresher meat. Therefore, he was forced to chain himself in order to prevent attacking innocent people. Luckily, Oz's parents were home very rarely at night. Oz' parents had divorced years ago, and his mother worked a full night shift as a doctor at the hospital. Because of this, Oz's mother never saw her son chain himself in his bedroom each full moon night. Oz thanked God a endless number of times for this lucky way of things, for he had no idea how to break the news to his mother. Being the doctor she was, she would most certainly present him to an endless number of doctors and scientists, all wanting to somehow "fix" Oz of his ailment. But he knew that they would be able to do nothing. Instead, Oz would be plastered across the National Enquirer, and perhaps make a guest appearance on Jerry Springer. No....Oz thought. His mother must never know. Instead, the secret was shared only with his friends: Willow, Buffy, Xander, Cordelia, and Giles. They were all fully aware of Oz's sickness, as well as all the other strange occurrences associated with Sunnydale. Oz had been presented with a crash course of Sunnydale's strange attraction to all creatures of the dark. As Oz once again glanced to the window of his bedroom, he began to really worry. Willow always helped him put on his chains, to make sure that he couldn't escape. If Willow did not arrive soon, then there would be a problem. A short knocking the door soon put Oz's fears to rest. Willow entered his room, holding several chains in her hands. " I really hope my parent's never catch me coming over here", Willow said. " Imagine what they would think of me carrying chains and handcuffs over to my boy friend's house". Oz chuckled. He and Willow, despite his condition, had been able to form a healthy relationship. They both shared a very strong fondness for each other. He wanted to say that what he felt for her was love, but knew inside his heart that he felt the same feelings for Xander. Oz was certainly attracted to Willow, and cared for her too, which is why he was going out with her. But he was also attracted to Xander. Xander and Oz had shared an episode in the library two weeks ago, in which they had fully explored each other's feelings. It had been one of the most amazing experiences of his lifetime, and he had thought that Xander felt the same way. However, since the experience had occurred, Xander and Oz had not opted for another "date". Oz was too scared Of hurting Willow. If she ever found out about that night, then she had no idea what she would do, and what would happen. As much as it hurt him, he knew that he had to keep Xander a secret. Xander had promised that they would indeed meet again sometime, and once make love, but it would be in secret as well. They had both decided to meet when the time seemed right. "Well, I think that's that." Willow said as she turned the final lock on the chains. Oz had begged his parents for a very strong bed after his first transformation, and they had given in. The bed was very heavy and very strong metal, certainly not the most attractive bed, but his parents knew that Oz was not the most normal young man. They associated the bed with Oz's strange tastes in music and clothes. However, the bed served another purpose. When chained to the bed properly, there was no way that Oz could escape. The bed served as a holding device, and would not rise as many questions as chains bolted into the wall. Willow had once again done a wonderful job of chaining him, and Oz flashed her a smile. " Thanks Will, I don't know what I would do without you!" "Eat a few children?" she said, Oz surprised at this dark humor. Willow never failed astound Oz. He knew that there was a lot more to that nose-in-a-book girl than most people thought. She certainly had a wild side, and it was an adventure learning more and more about it with each coming day. Willow now took a seat beside Oz on the bed, and began to stroke his stomach lightly with her hand, circling his outline of stomach muscles. Stripping down to his boxers was always a part of getting ready for the transformation. Becoming a werewolf changed your proportions rapidly, and Oz could not stand to lose any more clothes. Boxers, he could stand to lose, because they were the least expensive. " I've got to go now sweetie!", Willow said. Willow hated to see Oz's other form, and it was much safer for her to not be there and see his painful transformation." I'll check on you in the early morning to remove the chains. I don't want your mom to catch you like this!", she laughed at the thought, then formed a devilish grin. " But.....I can't say that I mind the look!", and with that, she reached down for a goodbye kiss. The kiss was deep and sensual, but had to be short. " You better go now Willow!", said Oz, taking a final glance at the window. Through the thin drapes, both could see the full sunset was very near. Oz once again began to feel the pains that came with the transformation. They stared in the pit of his stomach, and proceeded through his entire body. "GO! ", Oz yelled, a yell that began to take on an animal ring to it. Quickly, Willow left the room, and locked the door as a final precaution. She was gone. The pains came rapidly and strong. Oz could now feel hairs sprouting from all sides of his body, his hands turning to claws, and his face stretching. His senses swelled, he could now smell all the air around him. Before he knew it, Oz let go an animal's howl. His mind raced and turned and danced. He would soon no longer be able to think as a human. Only with daylight would he change back, and once again be able to think as a man. As the final human thoughts slipped away...Oz blacked out. Turning to his side, Oz began to come to. His head ached, and his vision was distorted. He was barely able to make out the sunlight streaking through his window. The transformation was now complete for another moon. Lifting his weak head, Oz turned to see that someone was standing at the end of his bed. As his vision slowly cleared...he could begin to make out the form. It was Xander. PART 2: Oz's head throbbed and ached. His thoughts were always muddled after the transformation. It usually took several minutes before Oz was able to think clearly again. His vision however, was soon back to normal. Xander was standing at the foot of his bed smiling, with a bottle of champagne in his left hand. "Xander?" Oz whispered, "what are you doing here?". "What am I doing here?" smiled Xander. "C'mon Oz, I think I deserve a better welcome than that." "Xander..." Oz asked once again " what's going on?" " We promised to meet again Oz. That time in the library was so wonderful, and it's all I can think about. I know that this is dangerous, but I don't care. I had to see you again....and I felt that this was the time" "Xander..." Oz said, " I just transformed back from being a werewolf. I don't think that this is the best time to drop in and see me." "I know that you just transformed. I've been here for quite a while, waiting for sunrise. I snuck in through your window while you were a snarling beast, took a seat back here, and waited for you to change back. Now you have, and it couldn't be a more perfect time!" It was taking Oz a few moments to understand Xander, his mind still withdrawn from him. Looking down to his naked body chained to a bed finally brought what Xander was saying to him. The transformation had left Oz completely nude, and chained. As the thought raced through his head, his cock also reacted, forming an erection. " I see that you got the idea" said Xander, viewing Oz's hard on and tracing it softly with his fingers. Oz's cock pulsed in reaction to the soft touch. " I don't have to undress you, and I can have you any way that I want", said Xander. He sat down beside Oz, smiling an attractive grin. Taking his hand, he traced his fingers down Oz's jaw line and to his lips. "Shhh" he said. " This is the perfect time, and I am going to show you that". Oz smiled. This *was* the perfect time. They would have some fun. And with that, Xander reached down for a kiss. Oz quickly parted his lips and invited Xander's mad tongue. It was long and sensual. Xander pulled back from the kiss, and slowly began to undress himself. First, Xander removed his shirt, revealing once again his muscular stomach, chest and arms. A few chest hairs circled his pecs. Then, Xander tugged at his jeans, which outlined his rock hard erection. Soon, the jeans were tossed aside. Xander was not wearing any underwear, and his manhood sprang to attention at 7 long inches. "Oh Xander!" said Oz, " I want you so bad!" "All in good time", said Xander. Reaching into the pocket of his discarded jeans, Xander removed a bottle of oil, and a small jar of Vaseline. Taking the oil, Xander rubbed it all over his chest, causing his muscles to shine. Climbing onto the bed, Xander lied on top of Oz. The slickness of the oil was very sensual, the skin rubbing and sliding. The hot bodies of the two young men close. Both dicks were pressed together, throbbing and pleading. Something about Oz being chained turned both of them on, and they found themselves more eager than ever before.. Xander had proved in the library his that he liked to take charge, and this was the perfect chance. " Kiss me" said Oz, which Xander was pleased to obey. The kiss was just as erotic as the last, a mad wrestle of tongues. Xander traced his tongue down to Oz's nipples and begun to suck. Oz loved this,, and Xander knew it. Oz's reaction in the library had made that clear. Soft moans escaped Oz. Now Xander raced his tongue down to Oz's cock, and pressed his nose into his nest of hairs, taking in the manly smell that drove them both mad with passion. After teasing Oz by sucking his ball, and then licking his cock, Xander finally took the tool in his mouth and began to suck. Oz's cock pulsed, spreading pleasure all through Oz's body. Oz moaned and squirmed as Xander took in more and more of his cock, soon able to take the whole length. Louder moans were heard, and Xander looked up to see Oz's chest flushing. Soon Oz came, Xander never letting go, taking in all his cum. The orgasm was long and filled with pleasure, Oz's whole body taking part. After it was over, they kissed once again, Oz tasting a faint trace of his own seed. Popping the cork of the champagne, Xander poured a glass for him, and for Oz ( feeding Oz's to him ). Xander's mad lovemaking and Oz's transformation left them both very tired, and before long, they both fell asleep, side my side. One hour later, Willow raced up the stairs. She has overslept, and Oz would be waiting to be unchained. Taking her key, she unlocked the door to Oz's bedroom, and gasped. FULL MOON 3: Willow's eyes fully took in the scene. Xander and Oz were in bed together, both naked, and both asleep. A small gasp of complete shock left her throat. Fearing that she would wake the two before she could deal with it all, Willow stepped outside to gather her thoughts, and leaned against the wall. Had she seen what she just thought she had seen? A quick second glance confirmed it to be the truth. Willow was in shock. Her breaths were deep, demanding air. Xander and Oz? It couldn't be. She knew that both of them weren't gay. She had seen Xander and Cordelia, and had experienced Oz first hand. They were NOT gay, and yet....there they were in bed together, sleeping deeply. It was all to much. Willow was not sure what she felt. She felt betrayed. Oz was hers, and here he was in bed with her first true crush. The two men of her lives had found each other, and had left her out of the picture. She had dealt with Xander and Cordelia, but there was no way she could deal with this. It just wasn't fair. A few tears streamed down Willow's cheek. Why was this happening to her? She knew why. She was miss goody two shoes. She was the bookworm, the brainiac, the nice wholesome girl. Her image was sweet, but not at all sexy. Who would want a bookworm? No one. It wasn't fair. Willow's mind raced with thoughts she had never felt before. She wanted what was in that room. Her image now had gotten her nowhere. She too had desires and needs. Why should they not be fulfilled? It was up to her, she decided, to get what she wanted. She would need to take charge of her life, and listen to what her mind told her she wanted, not what sounded like the "good thing to do". That was a dead end. It was time to do what her body told her to do for once, to let herself go, and pursue. Taking in a deep breath, Willow quietly entered the room. Creeping to the end of the bed, Willow feasted her eyes upon the bed's occupants. Xander had his muscular arms wrapped around Oz's firm, lean body. Both of their cocks were fully exposed to her for the first time, and this excited her. They were both thick and long, Xander's slightly bigger. She did not know much about cocks, but she knew these were big. She could feel the arousal within her, a slight moistness coming from behind her jeans. She could not help but reach down to touch herself, pressing her hand firmly to her crotch. She had never in her wildest dreams imagined that she would be able to see the wonderful sight she now saw. She knew what she had to do, but would have to be careful. She had latched Oz with two pairs of handcuffs for his form as a monster, but he would only need one as a human to hold him. Xander would get the other. As quietly as she could, Willow removed one of Oz's handcuff pairs, and attached it to Xander. Both pairs had long chains, and allowed some movement. She and Oz had bought them together. She didn't want Oz to be uncomfortable when she prepared him for his transformation. After that was done, Willow took the bottle of champagne from the dresser, and drank. The alcohol would help her free herself from her inhibitions. For a while, she just sat in a chair against the wall, letting the drink take it's affect before she took her next step. Her two men sleeping together looked so cute! Quietly reaching into Oz's closet, Willow found what she was looking for,a Polaroid camera. With one last breath, Willow framed her picture and pressed the shutter button. The camera flashed brightly and whirred loudly. Xander was the first to wake. Fluttering his eyes, he soon focused on the figure who held a camera. " Willow!", he yelled " Oh my God!!" Oz jumped awake at Xander's yell, and was soon joining Xander in his cries. As Oz came to realize what Willow was seeing, Xander discovered his handcuffs. "Willow...what's going on with the handcuffs?" Xander asked." Look Willow! I can explain...( he knew he couldn't), just let me us get these handcuffs off!" he said. "I'll be doing no such thing" Willow said. "You'll be doing what I say". Xander and Oz stared at each other in disbelief. "You're not serious Will," said Xander " what's going on?" "I'll ask the questions, and TELL you the answers" Willow said. She was amazing herself with her OWN words, coming from inside her, a place that seemed to spark and fire, and fill her with energy. It felt good! " You two boys are going to do everything I say, and you don't have a choice in the manner. If you don't, then I will show this picture to the entire school!". Willow held up her prize, a clear photo of Oz and Xander in each other's arms. Xander and Oz's mouths were wide open." You would never! " yelled Xander, "'re our FRIEND!". "That's the problem" said Willow. "But...not any longer." Willow turned and locked the door. Oz's mom wouldn't be home for two hours. Plenty of time for some fun! FULL MOON 4: "Willow", Oz asked, "what's come over you? I've never seen you like this before" "And I've never seen you like this" quipped Willow, gesturing to their naked bodies. Willow was clearly not herself. The sweet and mild Willow that they had known was no longer there, replaced by a different Willow, one who was expressing her sexual desires, and one who it seemed would receive them. " I've always been the sweet and innocent one ", she said, "And I'm tired of that. I can see now that I'm going to have to take charge to get what I want." Each word seemed to flow from Willow so easily now, coming from a place inside her that had struggled so long to be set free. This discovery had been the final pull that opened the door for it. She now tasted this new part of herself, and found that she liked it. " You're going to do what *I* want now, or this picture will be posted all over school, and sent to all your friends and family via E-mail. Now....I'm hoping that it won't have to come to that." " God," said Xander, " I can't believe this...I mean. .WOW!" "I can believe it" smiled Oz. He knew all along that Willow had a wild side. He now saw it before him, and liked it. He had long desired to see this new side, and it was now here. " I guess we'll have to do what the lady wants" said Oz, smiling at Willow." "Are you serious?" asked Willow, then caught herself, " I mean....good." Willow slowly began to undress herself. It was hard to discard her clothes, but she knew that she had to do it. Soon, her clothes were on the floor, leaving every inch of herself exposed to her prisoners. "My God Willow," said Xander " you're beautiful!". Willow smiled. Xander had never imagined how womanly Willow was beneath her modest clothes. Her body was thin and shapely. Her breasts not large, but round and firm, her nipples erect and demanding. Both men's eyes travel led down to the nest of hairs between her legs, slightly dampened by her arousal. In her eyes burned desire, within them burning a fire that neither men had ever seen before. Willow gestured for the two to make room for her on the bbed. O could move aside only a few inches, both arms attached to the handcuffs. Xander however, having one hand free, was able to move to the side, making a space for Willow between them. Climbing in, Willow soon was on top of Oz, planting a mad kiss on his lips, fueled by her new sudden strength. Xander's oil had spread onto Oz, and Willow loved the slick sensation of the two skins rubbing together, able to feel his firm chest muscles, down to his few chest hairs. Xander now took his place in the threesome, softly kissing Willow's neck as she embraced his other lover. His arm travel led down to the small of Willow's back, moving lower to her firm ass. Turning, Willow now moved to Xander, now giving him his mad kiss, wild and passionate. Who would have thought Willow was such an animal? Breaking away from the kiss, Willow lied down on her back, allowing Xander to take her right nipple in his mouth, and suck. Oz took the other nipple in his mouth, both boys sucking greedily at their new partner. Willow softly moaned and ran each hand through the boys' hair. As Oz stayed stuck to Willow's firm breasts, Xander bent as far as his handcuffs allowed him to, and reached his tongue to Willow's wet cunt. His tongue was soon inside her, thrashing and searching. Willow moaned and gasped at this new amazing pleasure. Xander's tongue was expert, giving heated pleasure to Willow. After his tongue was weary, Xander broke away, allowing Willow to once again climb onto Oz. This time, Willow spread her legs to welcome Oz's manhood her virgin opening. There was a short pain upon his sudden entry, but it was soon gone, replaced by pleasure. Oz and Willow both began to moan, pumping and trashing, soon forming a rhythm. Xander was not to be left out. Taking the Vaseline from the nightstand, he quickly lubed his great tool, and spread his fingers as well. Pushing his fingers into Willow's asshole, Xander prepared her for his cock, as she and Oz pumped and moaned. He was soon able to work his fingers in easily, and took his place on top of Willow, slowly entering her ass. Willow gasped at the short pain from Xander's entry, but again the pain was soon gone. Wild sensations flooded her from both ends, as her two men pumped her and flooded her with pleasure. The three soon all pumped together, all moaning, drenching the sheets with sweat. The rhythm began to quicken as their bodies pleaded them to release and welcome the pleasure. Only able to hold it all back so long, they soon all came together, massive explosions of pleasure surging through their bodies, erotic screams filled the room. "Of my God Willow...,." that was wonderful said Oz. " I always knew that you had it in you." "I didn't" said Xander, " But damn! I sure know it now!". It took them all a few moments to once again collect their words, all heavily breathing. But after a long silence, Xander was able to break it. "Oz?" he asked. "Yes Xander?" "When's the next full moon?" THE END! :-) COMMENTS?PLEASE!! Kris Stevens


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kris Stevens

Dawson's Creek

Discmaimer: This story depicts characters from the television Series "Dawson's Creek". The names and places involved in this story are the property of the show's creator, Kevin Williamson. This story does not reflect the attitudes of the writers, actors, and staff. They are not my creations, I am just having my way with them. Warning: This story contains two young men having

Dawson's Creek, Boys Night In, Part 3

MALE BLACKMAIL PART III OF "BOYS NIGHT IN" WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the

Dawson's Creek, Jay Walking, Boy's Night In, Part

WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson. This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the characters are of adult age. The actors that play these

Full Moon

M/M/F oral sex, M/F sex, anal sex Oz, Willow, and Xander. This story depicts characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" created by Joss. It contains boy/boy sex, and boy/girl sex, containig oral and anal sex. If you do not want to read such material, then DON'T FULL MOON 1 Oz peered out his window, once again taking in the terror associated with the setting sun.

Shelving, Parts 1 & 2

Shelving, Part I & II This is a story based upon characters from the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" program. Characters:Mainly Xander and Oz. disclaimer: Everyone in this story is the intellectual property of Joss, WB and the Grr Argh Mutant Enemy. Note: if boy/boy is not your thing, do not read! This story depicts sexual acts between two men. SHELVING PART 1

Shelving, Parts 3 & 4

Shelving, Part III-V PART 3: Oz found himself kissing back, despite the fact that he was closer to being in shock than he ever had before. The kiss was a long one, involved and deep, certainly more sensual that Oz had ever experienced. Cordelia was one lucky girl. Suddenly, Xander pulled back. "Oh my God," said Xander, " I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so


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