Gay Erotic Stories

Fumbling Ecstasy

by Spencer Whang

Fumbling Ecstasy By Spencer Whang e-mail to for suggestions The storm had been raging for four days, and I was getting tired of being couped up in my small attic room. Not to mention that being so close to the storm it was deafeningly loud. For a time I had been able to amuse myself with surfing the Net, but a tree was uprooted in Cutter's Lane, and my Cyber life was terminated. Now I had to amuse myself with reading my old *.mot files, and looking at some JPEG's. I was busy rubbing my crotch through my pants when I heard someone coming up the stairs to my room. I quickly minimized the hunk in the JPEG who I had been drooling over. Melanie, my younger sister of 14, entered my room without so much as a knock (as was her custom). "Listen, Eric, Mom says that you are to come downstairs, and wait for Spencer to arrive", Melanie said with her hands on her hips. Often I wanted to burst out laughing when she took this stance, because she was obviously trying to imitate our mother, but her face was all wrong. No heavy frown, and pursed lips - just her cute smile. "Oh, alright, I was getting bored up here anyway." I was not looking forward to meeting this guy. From all the accounts given to my mother and me by Melanie, he sounded like a very dull guy. If not a little arrogant. He was supposed to be this great football star. Melanie had offered our home to him while he attending a football game for four days. "I'll be down in a little while", I said and turned my back to her. Melanie stood there for a little while, and then she went back downstairs. I had no idea who this guy was, and I would be sharing the next four nights with him. The thought was not really appealing. Oh, yeah, a little about myself. My name is Eric Masters, and I have brown hair, brown eyes, and a lovely tanned muscled body. Now I sound arrogant. But it is all true. From young my father had made me work in the lands on our farm, and my body had developed nicely from life's hard labour. I remember when I was a youth I hated having to do all the chores, but now I loved the powerful feeling of my body. Turning off my PC I went downstairs. Mom was sitting in her rocking chair knitting, and Melanie had a chessboard in front of her. "Geez, Mel, I hope that you are going to let this guy get settled before you drag him to the chessboard", I said, not waiting for an answer, and heading straight for the fridge. My mother smiled at me as I walked past her, and said, "I doubt it Eric". I rustled up a sandwich, and was heading back to the living room when the front door swung open. My father entered followed by the guy who I assumed was the infamous Spencer Whang. I took a bite of the sandwich, and then placed it down on a table. When he looked up at me I almost choked on my food. His face was so handsome. "My, God", Mom shouted, "you are soaking!" She jumped up from her rocker and started to literally undress my father. "No, to the laundry," she commanded, after she saw the mess that the two men were making on her freshly polished floor. Dad just shrugged, and followed Mom, with Spencer in tow. He was still holding his bags, and I took them from him. I set them down by the door, and headed for the laundry. My mother had practically undressed my father when I arrived, and was just about to start on Spencer, and then she realized what she was doing. "Sorry, Spencer, my maternal instinct gets a little out of control sometimes", she said removing her hands from Spencer's coat. "Eric, go and get your father's robe, and bring yours as well for Spencer." I quickly bounded up the stairs, and when I returned I found my Dad sitting in the kitchen, and handed him his robe. "Spencer is in the laundry still getting undressed", my father said, and took his robe. He pulled it on and then headed to his room for a warm shower. Entering the laundry I saw Spencer's back to me, and he was bending over to undo his laces. His butt was so sexy. So nice, and round. I cleared my throat, and he turned around. His body was naked from the waist up, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I was a little stunned, and he took the initiative. "Hi, my name is Spencer, and you are obviously, Eric", he said and shook my hand. He had a nice firm grip. "Could you do me a favor please", he asked? "Yes?" "My fingers are so cold that I can't seem to get my laces on my shoes undone - can you help?" "Sure", I said kneeling in front of him, and loosening his laces. I removed his soaked shoes, and socks. I was busy getting up when he said, "and while you are there would you mind loosening the button on my jeans, and pulling down my fly?" Trembling, my hands moved to his crotch. I was rock hard and oozing precum. "Thanks", Spencer said when I had loosened his pants, and I turned to collect the shoes, and socks on the floor. I had to stay down a little longer, or else he would have seen my tented crotch. When I turned around still crouching, I almost shot my load. He was naked in front of me, and his uncut, thick, 4" cock rested against his leg - right by my face. I stood up in a second, and held his shoes in front of me to cover my erection. Spencer took my robe, and pulled it on. "A shower, would be nice", he said, and headed out of the laundry. I followed him - wondering if it was just my imagination, or if he was trying to seduce me. Mel intercepted us on the way through the living room, and introduced herself. They agreed on a match later, and then I showed Spencer to my room. I picked up his bags from the entrance hall, and carried them upstairs. When we arrived at my room I showed Spencer where he would be sleeping, and the shower. He thanked me and headed for the shower. I went back down the short stairs to my bedroom door and locked it. Just in case Mel bounded into my room uninvited. I lay down on the bed, and found an old Superman comic to try and control my lust. My mind was going absolutely crazy with erotic thoughts, and I lost all track of time. "Eric there is no towel in there", Spencer said, standing in the door way to the shower. I quickly grabbed one of the towels, which my mother had prepared for Spencer, and handed it to him. He did not reenter the bathroom, but began to dry himself right in front of me. Plucking up every ounce of courage, I said, "Spencer how do you manage to have such a great body?" "Well, my mother works at a local gym, and I have been going since I was about 12 or so", he said. "Do you approve?" "Um, yeah, you have a great build", I said nervously "Shit, I am getting cold standing here - let me get dressed", Spencer said, and headed for his bag. He bent over, and his butt hole winked at me. "Damn, all these clothes are soaked - can you lend me something?" he asked. "Yeah, sure", I said and headed for my closet. We were roughly of the same build, so I quickly managed to find some clothes for him. He dressed slowly - almost seductively I thought. Nah, just my imagination. He had just finished getting dressed when Mel almost broke the door down to my room. "Hey, guys, let me in", she shouted. Instead of letting her in, I suggested to Spencer that we head downstairs. We spent the remainder of the day talking, throwing footballs around, and eating. At about 9 o'clock we decided to call it a night, and so Spencer and I headed up to my room. We entered the room, and I locked it against Mel's interruptions. "I'm bushed, bud, shall we call it a night?" Spencer asked heading for his bed. Before I could answer he cursed, "damn I forgot my wet tog bag on the bed, and now the bed is soaked". I walked over to investigate, and saw that the bed was wet all the way through to the mattress. "Well there is nothing that we can do about it tonight, so I guess that I will sleep on the floor, and you can sleep in my bed", I offered. But Spencer would not hear of it. "No, you have a double bed there and I am sure that the two of us can fit on the bed comfortably." "Um, sure if it's alright with you - I don't mind." "Okay, do you mind if I use the bathroom first, and then you go - I really need to take a leak?" "Sure, no problem." While Spencer went into the bathroom I arranged the pillows on the bed, and rolled down the blankets. After a short while Spencer emerged, and I slipped into the bathroom. I stared into the mirror for a long time at my self. "Just stay calm", I said to myself. My lust was incredible. I had never had a gay relationship with another guy, but I had known for a long time that my taste in sexual partners leaned towards the male of our species. And now I had an Adonis in my bed, and he was driving me crazy. I finished up in the bathroom - took a deep breath, and headed out to bed. Spencer was already in bed, and he looked as though he was asleep. I pulled off my clothes, and climbed into the bed with my briefs on. I turned my back to Spencer, and went to sleep after a long time. It was around two in the morning when I awoke to find Spencer's arm draped over my chest, and his dick pressed up against my ass. I was immediately hard. The feeling of his warm chest against my back was driving me wild. Not to mention his shallow breath against my neck. I wanted to turn around and kiss him, but I was afraid. Moving my ass further back I could feel his cock even better, and I was certain that he was sporting an erection as well. It actually felt to me like he was not wearing any underwear, so I slowly moved my hand down his side, until a reached where the elastic of his briefs should have been, but was not. My stomach had butterflies, as I lowered my own briefs, and felt his naked hardness against me. I couldn't take it any longer, and shot a load without even touching myself. Content for the moment I fell asleep again. I dreamt wonderful dreams of Spencer and I making out in the barn. My dream was so erotic, that I came again. I awoke shortly afterwards to find that I was looking directly into Spencer's open eyes. "Good morning", he said, "I won't ask how you slept, because I know that it must have been full of wonderful dreams." I didn't understand what he was talking about until he brought his finger up to my lips. It had cum all over it. "Um, I'm sorry Spencer, I don't know what happened, um I...", I said jumping out of the bed and running to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, and began to sob. Trying to calm down I started the shower, and entered it. I felt so guilty, and ashamed. My mind was so involved in its own self-incriminations that I did not even hear Spencer enter the bathroom. I knew that he was there when he put his arms around me, and kissed my neck. Turning slowly I faced him, and looked into his deep brown eyes. He nodded his head slightly, and I allowed all my longings to be released. My lips met his, and our tongues explored each other for the longest of times. Spencer eventually broke our passionate kiss, and began to slowly kiss his way down to my erection. My cut 7" cock was screaming for his warm mouth, but he slowly explored each of my nipples, and only left when they were erect. From my nipples he moved down to my belly button, and tongued the tight folds of flesh. "Please, Spencer", I begged. He looked up into my lust filled eyes, and then he took my erect cock into his mouth. It was so wet, and warm that I did not manage to hold back for long, but shot my load into his mouth. He sucked every last drop of cum from my cock, and then came up to my mouth, and kissed me. I could taste my seed in his mouth, and it was absolutely electric. My lips began to trail down the side of Spencer's neck, but he stopped me. "No, not yet", he said, "lets take it slowly and appreciate every moment". "Can I at least touch your cock", I asked? "No, I want you to wash my entire body, and the last thing that you may wash is my cock", Spencer commanded. I took the cake of soap in my hand, and began to lather Spencer's body. It felt so good to touch another man's body, that I was hard in no time. I loved the feel of his strong pecs, and biceps. His body was perfect in every proportion. Finally, I arrived at my target, and slowly washed his erect cock. I had never seen another guy with a foreskin before - shit, I had never touched anyone other than myself. "Move the skin back and expose the head", Spencer instructed parting his legs for me. "Now move the foreskin back and forth slowly, oh, yes, that's it you've got it", moaned Spencer. It was not long before Spencer's cum sprayed all over my face. I took some from my cheek, and tasted it. It was similar to mine, but different in a way. Spencer smiled down at me. "We are going to have a lot more fun", he said, and boy did we ever. But that is another story. We held each other for the longest time after Spencer came, and I was in Heaven. For the first time in my life I felt whole. I felt like I belonged. Finally, we broke our embrace, and finished showering. We dressed. Spencer dressed me with a tender kiss planted on each part of exposed flesh before he hid it behind an item of clothing. When he was finished I was rock hard again, but Spencer just patted my cock. I was ready to undress myself again, but he stopped me. "You need to learn control, Lover-boy, or else we will never be able to really enjoy our lovemaking", Spencer said as his cute butt swaggered away from me. He didn't even ask my permission of what he could wear, but took some clothes from my dresser. He even took my briefs that were lying on the floor, and put those on. "I want to be close to you the whole day", he said, and finished dressing. I tidied the room, and stripped Spencer's wet blankets from his bed. The last thing I wanted was for Mom to get suspicious about why Spencer always seemed to be wearing my clothes, so I intended to tell her about the wet bag on the bed. We actually made it out of my room before Mel could start her barrage on the door. I was so jealous of Mel spending the whole day with Spencer, at the Football meeting. Mom had prepared a hearty breakfast for us, and we ate well that morning. After breakfast we all went our separate ways. By the end of the day I was exhausted. Every muscle in my body ached from having fenced of a new field. I had exerted myself even more then normal, because it was the only way that I could stop my mind from straying onto Spencer's stunning body. When I arrived back at the house, Spencer and Mel were not back from town yet, so I decided to take a shower to wash off the day's sweat and grim. After I had showered I pulled on a pair of shorts, and lay on my bed. I planned to read the latest book that I had bought, but my eyelids lost to gravity, and soon I was asleep. The day's exertion had won the battle of fatigue. I awoke to Spencer's soft kisses on my neck. I looked at him with sleepy eyes, and smiled a content smile at him. "Mmm, what time is it?" I asked, stretching my arms. "It's nine o'clock", said Spencer stoking my cheek, and running his thumb over my lips. I took his thumb into my mouth, and slowly sucked on it. Spencer told me that I had slept through dinner, and that my mother had left some food in the oven for me - should I awaken. "But I know something that you will enjoy even more then some fresh farm vegetables and meat," Spencer said, and started to undress. I knew straight away what he was offering. His dick and I wanted to taste it so badly. "Let's do this together," said Spencer after he had undressed and lay on the bed in a 69 position. I quickly pulled down my shorts, and I felt his warm mouth engulf my cock. For a while I just looked at his cock in front of me and then I moved my tongue forward to explore his manhood. I loved the feeling of his foreskin, and my tongue explored beneath the skin. Spencer moaned around my cock that he was teasing with his tongue. Using my lips I exposed his head, and sucked it. The taste of his cock was shocking. It almost tasted a little cheesy, and had traces of precum. I LOVED IT!! Spencer and I developed a rhythm, and we came at roughly the same time. My inexperience, allowing me to come first. I swallowed as much of his seed as I could manage. Afterwards we shared our seed with each other, and lay in each other's arms for a long time just talking about our feelings, and the events of the day. Spencer eventually fell asleep in my arms, and his warm breath caressed my chest - teasing my nipples to erection. I kissed him on the forehead, and pulled a blanket over us before I too fell asleep. I woke up first the next morning and I did not think twice about exposing his cock, and beginning a gentle sucking motion. My tongue explored each inch of his "morning glory", and I teased the underside of his head, which caused him to moan with pleasure. His balls screamed for attention, and I sucked first one and then the other, but I was more interested in his cock. I continued my sucking motion on his cock, and Spencer gripped the back of my neck. He forced his cock further into my mouth. I gagged at first, but I managed to get all of him into me, because I felt his pubes tickle my nose. It amazed me that I could fit so much of him into me, and I loved the burning sensation that his cock left in my throat as he thrust back and forth. I did not have to suck him for much longer after his deep penetration, because he quenched my blazing throat with his cum. "Ah, that was great", said Spencer smiling down at me. I sucked his cock a little more until it was placid, and then I kissed him. We kissed for a little while, and then I just lay there and looked into his eyes. For what seemed like an eternity we just lay there and looked at each other. Finally, Spencer ran his hand down my back, and pulled me closer to him. I loved the feeling of his warm body against mine. We were reveling in each others touch so much, that my heart almost stopped when Mel started bashing on my room door. In less then a second I cleared the area between the bed and the steps leading down to my room door. Somewhere along the way I had grabbed my robe and pulled it on. I opened the door a crack to tell Mel that she was a real pain in the butt, but she forced past me, and headed up the stairs. If you can imagine that my heart was beating in my ears as I followed her. My mind raced to the sight of Spencer still lying in my bed, and I was a nervous wreck by the time that I reached the top of the stairs. "Spencer?" Mel called towards the closed shower door, and the sound of running water. I/we were safe. Spencer had even tossed the sheets on his bed, so it looked like he had slept in his bed. Mel looked at me for an answer as to were Spencer was at that moment. "Don't be an idiot, Mel, he is obviously in the shower. Now what do you want?" I demanded. "I wanted to tell him, that today's conference program had been post-phoned by one day, because the emergency sprinkler system shorted or something last night, and the school hall is like a small swamp. And they are looking for a new venue, which means that we don't have to go to town today," Mel finally concluded. "And what the hell was your case just barging into my room? What if Spencer was in his birthday suit? Oh, wait that was it, you wanted to see him naked, don't you? Yeah, I bet that is what it is, right? Does my little sister have a crush on him? Spencer can you come out here please, and don't bother to put anything on, because Mel would like to see the "family jewels"," I shouted towards the bathroom. "God, you are an asshole!" Mel said running from the room with blood red cheeks. "Well, he is mine Sis, so don't even think about it, because I won't give him up for anything," I whispered after she had left the room. After I had locked the door - I crossed the room, and entered the shower. I filled Spencer in about what had happened, and especially about Mel having a crush on him. Spencer laughed at this, and said, the words that I had been hoping he would say, "you are the only one for me, Eric". He planted a kiss on my lips to seal his statement. "What do you think that we should do today seen as we have the whole day free," I asked Spencer as I entered the shower with him. While we soaped and washed each other we discussed the options, and eventually decided to go for a short hike. Spencer lived in a city, and he said that the closest he had ever gotten to nature was the local park, and zoo. We dressed after our shower, and headed down for breakfast. When we arrived downstairs everyone was sitting at the table and eating. We greeted everyone, and received a response in return - except for Mel who just mumbled a response. She did not even look up at us. I told my father about our plans, and asked him if I could be excused from my chores for the day. He agreed, saying that I had done a great job on the fencing, and he had planned to reward me anyway with the day off. Mel looked up at this point, and Spencer winked at her. She turned scarlet. Her eyes threw "daggers" in my direction before she said, "you told him didn't you?" I nodded my head, and she jumped up from the table, and went upstairs sobbing. "Madeleine, what Is the matter with that child, now?" father asked, looking towards the stairs that Mel had disappeared up. "Probably that time of the month again," I said. My mother gave me a look that showed pure disapproval at my comment. "I'll go and speak to her, Ma'am. I think it has something to do with me," Spencer said and rose from the table. He climbed the stairs to Mel's room. When he arrived at her room he knocked on the door. "Who is it she sobbed?" "It's me, Spencer. Mel, please open the door." Mel came to the door and opened it. Spencer entered and sat down on her bed. "Mel, come and sit next to me. I want to apologize for mine and your brother's behaviour. I guess that I was flattered that you liked me, but I have to tell you something. I have a girlfriend back home, and so there could never be anything between us. Can we just be friends, Mel?" "I feel so stupid, Spencer. You are just so handsome, and so perfect, that I wanted you all for myself even if it was just for a short while." Spencer leaned over and kissed her on her tear stained cheek. "Yes, I guess that we can just be friends," Mel said, and hugged Spencer. They spent a little while speaking, and then Spencer left her and returned to the breakfast table. We were all finished eating, and were basically waiting to find out what had happened. Spencer told my parent's that Mel had a crush on him, but that they had sorted the matter out. (Later when we were alone he told me that he had told Mel that he had a girlfriend back home. I did the funniest thing - I actually asked him if he did, which he denied.) We packed some backpacks after breakfast, and sleeping bags. We had decided to spend the night out camping. Instead of coming home. It was around 10 a.m. when we eventually drove the 4X4 out along one of the farms many dirt roads. Our lands are large. About a third of the farm has a forested area, and that is where I was headed. It had been quite a while since I had been up to that part of the farm, and I was looking forward to it. Just being alone with Spencer would be great. This story will continue...


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Spencer Whang

Fumbling Ecstasy

Fumbling Ecstasy By Spencer Whang e-mail to for suggestions The storm had been raging for four days, and I was getting tired of being couped up in my small attic room. Not to mention that being so close to the storm it was deafeningly loud. For a time I had been able to amuse myself with surfing the Net, but a tree was uprooted in Cutter's Lane, and


Possession by Spencer Whang "What the hell do you think you're doing!" Joe Free screamed as Spencer Whang threw him off the raft and into the pool. True, the water was in the nineties, but Joe profoundly resented being tossed in against his will. It was hot. Really, really hot. The summer drought had hit Piedmont badly. All the kids in


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