Gay Erotic Stories

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 1 : Captain Invulnerable

by Frans

THE HERO-DESTROYER, A SUPERVILLAIN WITH ONE TARGET: TOTAL DESTRUCTION Captain Invulnerable, Part 1 The ever extreme popular Captain Invulnerable had finally agreed to fight a member of the skinheads in public. He always hated that scum of town. Time after time he stopped them in all of their plans to try to take over parts of the town. These skinheads, masters in the rough art of street fighting and without any scrupulous had several times defied our hero, stating he was a whimp in his girly-like spandex clothes and that he dared not fight a real man in public. So now at last the time has come when both are standing inside the square circle. Captain Invulnerable in his well-known tight-fitted lycra costume and his opponent in his worn off shabby jeans. Invulnerable who in real life is called Kyle Landings is aged 22 years. He wears his red lycra tights up to his waist. On top of this are matching leotards. On his feet are brown boots up just below his knees. Unlike many other superheroes he's not wearing a cape which means his butt-crack is always there to be seen by the public. He has a small mask both for protection and privacy reasons. On the whole. Captain Invulnerable is a steaming sight for both men and women. His opponent, Scrummy, looks like nothing but this Scrummy calls himself the Hero-Destroyer (at your service !!!) and with reason. In the last year or so at least five other superheroes vanished from earth while they all were busy trying to capture the Hero-Destroyer. Captain Invulnerable overlooks the situation and asks himself why he is doing this. This so called hero-destroyer can't ever be a real danger to him. The battle will be over in seconds and he knows for sure this fool will receive everything he had deserved a long time ago already. I can't have people think these fucking skinheads can be a serious problem for me. But of course, I'm Invulnerable in my red spandex tights which give me my special powers. While the Captain over thinks this strange situation the bell rings for the first round. The fight is on !! Scrummy walks up to his opponent and looks him straight in the eyes. "You may think you're invulnerable, cappy, but nothing is farther from the truth which you will find out very soon. "Fuck of," bites the Captain and pushes his opponent back. Scrummy falls to the canvas but gets up very quickly. "My, my, our hero is a bit short-tempered !! Scrummy moves around the red hero, making sure Invulnerable can't reach him. At the moment our superhero makes his first move towards his opponent, Scrummy leaps over the Captain, lands right behind him, grabs both feet of the poor man and pulls them from underneath him. Captain Invulnerable loses his balance and falls down, face first. Still before the hero knows what happened to him the evil has been inflicted. Scrummy, fast as hell, grabbed under Invulnerable's leotards and into his red tights. At that moment the baffled superhero felt Scrummy's hand slide up between his legs to search it's way up his ass and into his ass-crack. "What ... what are you doing ? ", yelled the captain. I will end this fight quickly, Cap so you won't be able to get your hands on me. For years we have tried to figure out what is it that makes you invulnerable. It has to do something with those ridiculous tights you're wearing. With the help of Dr Skeleton we developed this suppository which brings a drug into your bloodstream so quickly that you never ever have time to do anything against its effects. Can you feel it already ..... ? The Captain DID feel something change in his body. His muscles stopped responding and he only got up with great difficulty. Everything around him began to spin around. He moved trough the ring trying to escape from his conqueror. "My only chance is to try to get out of this place before it is too late, he thought. "Where do you think you're going, Scrummy asked in a sarcastic way treating the superhero as a small child. He grabbed Captain Invulnerable balls from behind and hoisted him high into the air. The extreme pain shoots through his underbelly. A few seconds later he is lying on his back on the canvas with Srummy standing over him. He grabs him by the hair and lifts his head up. "Say goodbye, Captain !!! while he looks in the watery eyes of the defeated superhero. Then with a sickening head-to-head collision Captain Invulnerable is knocked out cold. The public screams, yells and some even applaud the moment Scrummy tosses the athletic lycra-clad body of the once unbeatable superhero over his shoulder and leaves the hall. Not a single soul dares to help this defeated hero and they all have their own thoughts about what will be the fate of this poor defeated boy. Probably this will be the last time they will see Captain Invulnerable alive. The over-confident superhero got himself here into the same nightmare as his colleagues once gotten themselves into. Captain Invulnerable, part 2. The Hero-destroyer ties up the Captain's hands behind his back before he dumps the body into the back of his van. For a while he looks at the helpless athletic body of the fallen hero. He had to admit it was a bit overwhelming to look at this superbody. For a few seconds he let his left hand slide over the muscular legs. It felt great. He slid up until he reached the groove between his buttocks. Even now his muscles were solid as steel. Not much later the hero-destroyer disappeared into the night with him an ignorant victim. The strong lights on the ceiling did hurt his eyes the moment Captain Invulnerable regained consciousness. He had a throbbing headache. For a while he couldn't think clearly. He only could feel that something was wrong .... very wrong! He was in an upright position but his feet couldn't find any ground. He was hung up in a suspender of which the bands held him up right between the legs. His own weight pulled him down causing a teasing pain in the crotch area. Moving made it only worse. His arms were pulled outwards with ropes attached to his wrists. The tension these ropes caused were so strong he was unable to move his arms even half an inch. His legs were bound together at the ankles with some kind of shiny metal bands. No way he could move them apart. Captain Invulnerable realized now he was in big trouble because it all came back to him that he was fallen into the trap of this skinhead. That suppository put up in his ass really had done it's work. The only thing that worried Invulnerable was how that ever could have happened. Wasn't he invulnerable after all? Some kind of experimental drug surely should not have been able to put him out of a fight so easily. More than once villainous and obscure individuals, both men and women, had tried to poison him but in the end they all had failed because of his invulnerability. His body did absorb and neutralize each known drug so far. As time progressed the suspenders cut deeper and deeper into his flesh and the pain began to be a real pain in the ass. The pressure between his legs grew and grew. He could feel his cock trying to find a way to grow inside his spandex tights but because of the situation he was in, the overstretched lycra covering his crotch and buttocks fortunately could prevent a humiliating situation for our hero. Captain Invulnerable didn't know how much time had passed before he regained consciousness again. Hours maybe. Although he realized the dangerous position he was in a strange feeling came hover him. He felt his spandex tights all over his overstretched and lean body. He had always liked his body. It was extremely athletic and it deserved the Captain Invulnerable spandex costume. While trying to move his legs the spandex rubbed against his inner legs. He swallowed from pure excitement. He felt his dick was eager to grow underneath the fabric. It wouldn't take long before the lycra couldn't hide his excited nature. He tried to ignore the feeling but with that damned mirror in front of him, it was almost impossible not to get excited. Then Scrummy came into the room. He was not alone. Right behind him was an elderly man: Dr. Skeleton. "Well, well, the once-a-hero is with us again ! "I still don't understand, Skeleton said staying close behind Scrumm. If it wasn't the poison that did him in, what else could have been the reason for his defeat. Look at him up there, he's as helpless as a baby can ever be! "Oh yes, replied Srummy, and he seems to like it too. Look at him, there, between his legs. Remind me to do something about that later! When both men entered the room Captain Invulnerably again tried to free himself once again from the cuffs and ropes which held his body for so long already. "Don't waste your time, Invulnerable. These cuffs are too strong for you to break. You don't think I'm a fool, do you! "What are you going to do to me now you have me powerless in this contraption? " "That's a good question, I'm going to do some experiments on you and when I'm finally done with you, Captain Vulnerable is going to be a humiliated, wrecked and not-so-powerful ex-hero in town "I can take it all Scrumm. You're never going to break me. I've had worse!" "Yes, you did. But in all these fights you could use your invulnerability. I think I found a way to neutralize all that power. You know, that suppository I stuck into your ass, well the drug didn't work so well as we hoped it would " "You know damned well it worked, answered the bounded hero. Within seconds I lost all of my powers" "That's right, but I think it wasn't the drug that did the work, I think it was the suppository itself" "What the hell do you mean by that ? " "Let me say it in a way even you can understand it. Your invulnerability disappears when someone or something has penetrated you from behind. It has to do with your state of mind. When you are in a humiliating position your powers will crumble. I think that even a thought of being humiliated will decrease the strength of your body. "WHAT ...... you, you ......I ......won't ......... " This message hit the Captain hard. The shear thought of someone penetrating him from behind made him shiver with fear and disgust. The destroyer was right. Only this thought made him weaker already. He knew the Hero-destroyer had found his one weakness, even before he had done it himself. "Dr Skeleton. The honour is yours to place this butt-plug there where it belongs, inside Captain Invulnerable. "Hahahahahahahahaha ........................." Captain Invulnerable, part 3. In OUR world there are many superheroes around like the well-known superheroes Batman, Robin and Superboy. Next to them however are dozens of other superheroes all over the world. All of those heroes seem to be very popular with the public, but let's be fair. They all have to be quite arrogant to walk around in super tight costumes, the one even more coloured then the other. With these tights on, "hiding" almost nothing, they scream it all over the world that THEY are the best. THEY will defend earth against all villains. THEY will show everybody that they're better the everybody else. THEY really expect to be worshiped because of their supremacy. Not everyone thinks of Superheroes as great men. No, there are people who despise them. One of these people is the TV-producer Holleman. With every chance he gets he sends out messages of superheroes in less heroic situations. Every bit of bad news for superheroes will be shown on his network viewed by millions. So it wasn't a great surprise there were people present during Captain Invulnerable's bad night who cheered the Hero-destroyer when he beat up the spandex hero. Holleman also was present in the public. The moment Scrummy left the building with Captain Invulnerable over his shoulder Holleman slipped him a note. After having read this small note back in his lair he contacted this Holleman. Within minutes they had a deal. Scrummy would receive one million dollars when Holleman was allowed to tape everything the Hero-destroyer was about to do with his victim. "Dr Skeleton. The honour is yours to place this butt-plug there where it belongs, inside Captain Invulnerable. "" Hahahahahahahahaha ........................." At that moment a door opened and Holleman entered the room at the moment Dr. Skeleton approached the helpless Invulnerable. "Stop, I tell you, STOP!! "What ......... ", shouted Srummy. "You promised me I could tape everything, Destroyer. Everything!" "Alright, alright "shouted the surprised Srummy. "I need ten minutes to install my cameras. After that you may do whatever you want to do." An annoyed villain stepped back to give Holleman a chance to place several automatic cameras. This public showing of the destruction of Captain Invulnerable he liked very much. Why hadn't he thought about that while destroying the other victims. About fifteen minutes later Holleman was ready. He was behind his director's box so he could move all the cameras the way he wanted. From the moment Holleman had entered the room Captain Invulnerable knew he was in even bigger trouble then he was already. Whatever was about to happen to him there was no way he could do anything about it. Both the butt-plug and the humiliation of being broadcasted all over town will neutralize all of his powers. If only he could escape ............... Captain Invulnerable, part 4. TV-producer Holleman made a deal with the Hero-destroyer to broadcast the way the defeated Captain Invulnerable will be destroyed by his superior adversary. Whatever was about to happen to Captain Invulnerable: there was no way he could do anything about it. Both the butt-plug and the upcoming humiliation in front of the whole nation, would neutralize all of his powers. Once he was the most popular superhero, but now ............. ? ! ! ? ? Dr Skeleton walks up to the bounded superhero who had not said one word from the moment Holleman had entered the room. But now that Skeleton makes his first real move, Invulnerable realizes he is totally powerless of preventing his upcoming destruction. "No, please, don't do this.", Invulnerable pleaded. "I'm a Superhero. Please, show some respect!" The Captain again desperately tried to free himself from his bounds but the only thing he achieved was a painful crotch. "Aaaauwwww !! " "Don't try to move too much, fool. You only hurt yourself," shouted Scrummy who still was at the other side of the room. Dr Skeleton got to the athletic body of the tied-up superhero. "First I have to get rid of your leotards, man." A pair of ordinary scissors appeared on the scene and within a few minutes his leotard was cut in half and removed from the muscular and tanned body of Captain Invulnerable. He now was naked from the waist up. His muscular but hairless chest was stretched far out. The muscles of his abdomen lay in layers over his midsection, showing a jealous making washboard. But real breath-taking are his buttocks, real round, firm and hard as a rock. It's real perfection. Booth cheeks, perfectly equal and separated by the butt-crack showing slightly under the spandex fabric. And exactly this part of the superhero's body is the destination of Skeleton. He grabs the waistband of Invulnerable from behind and pulls it down with one strong tug. There are both his cheeks. Holleman directs one of his camera's into a close-up so nothing will be missed Skeleton places the large butt-plug near Invulnerable's ass-hole and tries to push it inside. The strung-up superhero however tightens up his behind muscles to prevent the inevitable. He had success with it but how long could he withstand the penetration. Scrumm however thought it took too long already and he walked up to the superhero. Without saying anything he hit the bound superhero in the groin area. "Oeeee...oeeeeeeiiii ..... !!!!!. All the air was beaten out of him in a split second. At that same moment all his muscles relaxed giving Skeleton his chance to do his work. With one big push the butt-plug was inserted in the hero's ass. "Aaaaaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeee," he screamed in a high tone. No lubrication was used. His ass-hole began to burn like hell. "No, no, please .... " With a quarter of a twist to it Skeleton made sure the butt-plug would be impossible to be removed by the man himself. Captain Invulnerable felt the same feeling when being inserted with the suppository. This time however, the weakening effect was many times larger. Arms and legs he hardly could feel anymore. He began to sweat. Strings of water ran from his face. His eyes began to roll and everything got cloudy. He thought he was going to pass out. "How do you feel, stupid,?" Scrumm asked when he approached the helpless hero. He ordered Dr. Skeleton to leave the room. Captain Invulnerable tried to raise his head to be able to look at his conqueror. His hair was soaking wet and partly covered his eyes. He tried to speak but had no strength left. "No, don't speak! You will need all the strength that's left in you when we meet again at ringside, because now it's become an honest match. You without your superpowers and me just the way I like myself. Horny as ever." The Captain collected all his strength. "Why, why doing this. ? I ........ I can .... " "Oh, shut up, you fool. I really like to wrestle you a bit and after that when the world really knows who is the better one I will personally humiliate you into the ground by making you cumm in front of millions of people." While saying this, the Hero-destroyer walks up to the camera. "Look at your hero now, look at him for the last time. Stay tuned and see how I will finish off this superhero of yours" Captain Invulnerable was lowered to the floor and released from his shackles. He fell to the ground, still not able to use his muscles. "Be patient, moron. Within minutes you are able to get up again. Only then we will leave for the square circle. " To make sure Captain Invulnerable couldn't do anything to try to escape, his hands were tied behind his back. He was flat on his stomach recovering from the effects of the huge butt-plug. His ass, covered with the red spandex tight again, still was a breath taking sight and Scrumm new this. The last thing the public saw before part one of the defeat of Captain Invulnerable ended, were his huge cheeks with somewhere in between and invisible for anyone to see, the plug doing it's absorbing work by neutralizing all superpowers once inside the superhero's body. Captain Invulnerable, part 5. The Hero-destroyer finally has succeeded in making Captain Invulnerable an average human being by inserting a plug into the man's rear. Result: superpowers gone and at the mercy of a skinhead leader who saw his one wish become reality, the ultimate destruction of his biggest enemy. But first it was playing time. Scrumm grabbed the fallen hero by his half-long soaking wet hair en forced him up. With difficulty Invulnerable stood up, still a bit feeble. Scrumm pushed the half naked superhero towards a black door in the far corner of the large room. Both man entered the narrow corridor which was only dim-lighted. Scrumm walked behind Invulnerable and pushed the man out in front of him. Kyle desperately sought of a way escaping his conqueror. He realized his only chance was in here, in this narrow hallway. He knew how to fight even without his superpowers. Yes, he had to act before they reached the next room where there was lots of space for Scrumm to wear him down. Suddenly, Captain Invulnerable made his move. He jumped forward, turned around and swiftly kicked the man in the chest. Scrumm dropped back against the wall but regained himself quickly. Invulnerable tried to hit the man once again but this time Scrumm reacted with lightning-like swiftness. He grabbed Invulnerable's foot, twisting it hard. This sudden in balance made him fall to the ground. "This is very stupid, Cap," the still standing Scrumm yelled . "You just couldn't wait, could you? At the same moment Scrumm kicked Captain Invulnerable hard between his legs. "Aaaaaaaiiiiiieeeee," the superhero screamed while the pain grew and grew inside his underbelly. Instinctively, Invulnerable protected his crotch area with his hands now giving Srumm a chance to hit anywhere else. A devastating kick to the head made Captain Invulnerable roll over two or three times towards the end of the hallway. He desperately tried to outmaneuver the next kicks of the Destroyer. It had no effect whatsoever. Invulnerable kept on rolling through the hallway and was covered with the dirt on the cement floor. The cement powder stuck to his bare chest and his red spandex tights weren't that red anymore. The brave one wasn't that brave anymore. While rolling down the hallway a nail, stuck in a piece of wood, made a tear in his tights a few inches at the side of his left upper leg. A drop of blood appeared. "Bit the dust, Invulnerable!", the Destroyer yelled at him. "I'm not going to defeat you in this place. I won't give you the pleasure of avoiding your demise in front of the public. We wait until we're in front of camera's again." With a crushing blow to his jaw Captain Invulnerable went flying through the door at the end of the narrow hallway. They had entered a second large room filled with all kinds of fitness equipment. It was the place where Scrumm kept himself strong and fit. It was the place where Scrumm had dreamt many times of destroying Invulnerable and it was the place where this dream was about to come through. Behind the two fighting men Holleman also entered the room with his mobile camera. It had been impossible for him to shoot pictures in that narrow hallway, but now in this wide open place he could let the camera's roll again, broadcasting it all over town at the same moment. At that same moment Dave got home and turned on his TV-set. He dropped back on his couch, tired of a long day at work and he started zapping the channels. By chance he reached Holleman's channel just at the moment Holleman started broadcasting the fight again. At first, Dave thought it was some kind of a cheap series about Superheroes. He always hated these shows. They all looked ridiculous and far beside the truth. This time however it looked quite different. It wasn't as smooth as all the other series. And then when he watched more precisely his eyes opened wide. These weren't a series, this was reality. He had heard about the defeat of Captain Invulnerable against the Hero-destroyer only this morning and now he and everybody else in the country saw what was about to happen to the lad. For a moment he felt tears coming up. He had always been close to Kyle Landings, very close and they knew each others big secret. Dave didn't loose a second. He jumped up, got into his bedroom and opened the secret wardrobe. Kid Liberty was on the move again !!! Captain Invulnerable, part 6. Dave is one of the many witnesses of the upcoming public slaughter of Captain Invulnerable. Without thinking he decides to change into the Kid Liberty with just one goal: stopping the Hero-destroyer for good. To be able to rescue his friend from sure death he has to move quickly. In his red white and blue spandex costume the real American Hero speeds out the door on his way to the central broadcasting company to find out where these movie shots come from. In the meanwhile at the Destroyer's lair Invulnerable is tossed into the square circle followed closely by Scrumm. Holleman makes sure there is enough film in the camera so he will be able to tape and broadcast the whole upcoming humiliating fight. Scrumm walks up to the superhero who instinctively steps back until the ropes stop him. Scrumm presses his chest against that of Invulnerable. Then with a sudden move he grabs into the bulge between Invulnerable's legs. The pain makes him writhe. A second later he is lying on his back on the canvas. The Destroyer smiles at the camera and delivers smash after smash to the man on the mat. Captain Invulnerable after each kick desperately tries to get up, but he gets no chance. With every hit his strength flows out of him. After some time Scrumm get bored. He grabs with his hand inside the tear of Invulnerable's tights. With a big tug half his tights are ripped away from his body. The bigger part of his left leg are shown. With the ripped and torn off piece of spandex-cloth Scrumm manages to tie up Invulnerable's hands behind his back. How humiliating can it get ? Now totally open and half unconscious the Hero-Destroyer starts working on the bulge underneath the spandex still covering that part of his body. Captain Invulnerable realizes what's about to happen and makes a few feeble spastic movements with his body. No way however he can do anything about the inevitable. The villain works on the crotch-area, alternately gentle and rough. "No, please, don't do this to me," Invulnerable pleaded knowing it was all video-taped. He thought about his friends who might be watching this at this same moment. The thought made him blush already. It got even worse when he couldn't resist the stimulation inflicted by the Hero-destroyer. His cock definitely began to grow. It got bigger and bigger. Invulnerable shouted to his adversary to end this thing. After a while Scrumm got tired of all that yelling and decided to make him stop whining. With a tug he managed to make a tear in the strong spandex, still covering his right leg. Not much later Invulnerable's mouth was gagged. Now he was lying there almost naked and tied up professionally with part of his own spandex tights. Only his private parts and his still awesome buttocks were covered with the red spandex tights. At the same moment when Scrumm was about to tear away the remaining part of Captain Invulnerable's tights in this way showing a complete naked and humiliated superhero to the public a muffled noise was heard in the hallway. It seemed like some fighting was going on in there. Scrumm looked up and saw a well-known figure enter the room: Kid Liberty. "STOP THIS!!!", the white hero shouted and he jumped into the square circle. Captain Invulnerable, part 7. Only seconds before our helpless superhero was about to get stripped naked an unexpected guest arrived: Kid Liberty. Covered in his white shiny spandex and red boots, gloves and a red belt this superhero looked dangerous. His beautiful, shiny white cape completed the costume. "STOP THIS !!!", the white hero shouted as he jumped into the square circle. "How dare you, you of all people, mess into my affairs," reacted the Hero-destroyer while tossing the limb body of Captain Invulnerable back on the canvas. " I warned you I would reveal your secret identity to the world the first time you would interfere with my affairs ". "You know I will have to take you down, villain." "I guess you have to," the Hero-destroyer answered with sarcasm. "Don't know how you managed to defeat the Captain, but you surely won't succeed with me. " "Oh no, I don't think you will cause me a problem " "What do you mean?" "You happen to be on the right spot!" The Kid never saw it coming. The blow to the back of his head was swift and furious and as he fell to the canvas the last thing he remembered hearing was the laugh of the Hero-destroyer. The Kid fell and he entered the big emptiness. He lay in the middle of the Destroyer's lair .... completely defenseless. As soon as it was clear the sneak attack had it's effect Dr Skeleton appeared from out of the shadows. "Well done, Skeleton " "Thank you, I told you he would appear at the scene " "So now we caught the big fish. All our plans have succeeded. The capture of Invincible did set the trap for our real hero, Kid Liberty. " "Yes! What else can you expect from someone when his lover is in big trouble. Come to the rescue, of course ! " "Hahahahahahahahaha.................... ", both men laughed out loudly while Holleman's camera still rolled. And so, because of this situation, it became known all over town that two of the most popular superheroes were gay and in fact loved each other. Captain Invulnerable, part 8. The Kid never saw it coming. He fell down and light gave way to darkness. He lay in the middle of the Destroyer's lair .... completely defenseless. "So now the big fish is caught thanks to a little smelt. We have succeeded. " "Yes, we have! What else could you expect when one's ass-lover is in big trouble. Come to the rescue, of course !" Because of Hollemans movie it became known all over town that two of the most popular superheroes were gay and in fact did f--- each other now and then. With one jerk the glossy cape of Kid Liberty was removed from him and thrown out of the ring. "This stupid piece of cloth is only going to be in our way, Liberty, when I start playing with you" "Skeleton, throw me some ropes ....." The Kid who was lying on his back after the brutal and sneak attack had no idea whatsoever of what was being done to him. The Destroyer tied up his arms behind his back. His ankles also got tied up firmly. Following that he connected a third piece rope to the one that bound the Kid's wrists together. After that the limb body of the Kid was rolled over onto his stomach and the rope was guided underneath the ropes which bound the ankles. Now with all his might the destroyer pulled this rope hard achieving Kid Liberty's back to be arching. Tying the knot, the arch in his back became permanent. His hands now almost touched his ankles behind his back. They were only a few inches apart. The Hero-destroyer admired the scene for a while, got out of the ring and walked towards some kind of hoisting apparatus. With this he lowered a chain into the square circle coming from the ceiling. The apparatus normally was used for moving heavy weights around. Not much later the chain was connected to the ropes that held the arms and legs of the Kid together. The moment the Destroyer wanted to leave the ring again to hoist up the bound and still unconscious superhero a muffled sound was heard from ringside. Kid Liberty was coming through again. "Ah, welcome back. Just in time! " "What ... what have you done ... ? " Kid Liberty wanted to know while looking around still a bit dazed. Liberty felt he was restrained in his movements and the tension in arms and back was painful, very painful. Without saying anything else to his victim, the Destroyer got out of the ring and began hoisting the body up. Slow but surely Liberty's arms and back were stretched even more. Realizing his critical situation Kid Liberty desperately tried to escape but every move he made only made the inflicting pain worse. He came loose from the canvas. His movements now only made his body swing across the square circle. " Maybe a couple notches higher, then it's alright with me," the Destroyer said. Finally Kid Liberty was suspended in mid-air in the centre of the ring at about five, maybe six feet high. The pain made it almost impossible for him to think. He thought his back was about to break in two. Talking was too painful. In the meantime Captain Invulnerable had regained consciousness. In his half thorn spandex costume he saw what had been done to his friend. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO .............., " he cried out. With disgust he looked towards the Hero-destroyer entering the ring again. Invulnerable's eyes followed the man who had beaten both him and his friend. He walked towards the hung up superhero. He came as close to the helpless superhero as he could get without making their heads collide. The Kid's frightened eyes met the Destroyer's. "Not so comfortable, I guess..," the destroyer asked. "Uuuggghhh .... nummmmhh .. " was all the Kid could reply. He still was in terrible pain. "I think you're quite right with that!" Then the destroyer's hands reached out to the base of the Kids head. It looked very much like he was about to do what he had promised to do: show the world who Kid Liberty was in reality. He grabbed the mask and pulled it over his chin. His mouth became visible. Kid Liberty now realized this was going to be the end of his career. With that damned Holleman and his filming this, the world would know about his real identity. It would be too dangerous for his friends and family to go on with his crime fighting career. "No, my mother... She ... ", it suddenly crossed his mind. "She would not survive this. " Unexpectedly however, the Destroyer hesitated to totally remove his victim's mask. For a moment he considered the possibilities. Then he reached a decision. "No ! I won't reveal your secret Liberty. At least, not today. Without this mask there is only a boy strung up in this contraption. WITH the mask however I have Kid Liberty in my powers. I guess it's not that difficult to choose between the two." As a kind of signature to this statement the Hero-destroyer pressed his lips firm against the Kid's. In the long and humiliating connection between the two it was the Destroyer who really enjoyed it. Kid Liberty only could hope it would be over soon. For him it looked like hours before the Destroyer stepped back. "How did you like that, you f---ing male-lover," the Destroyer spoke out while softly caressing the bulge between the Kids legs. "There is not much bone inside your love muscle yet, is there Liberty." The Kid shivered. "Don't be afraid Kiddo. I'm not going to do you myself. Your own lover is present here and he is going to make you cumm. I think you got enough experience with him already so it won't be to difficult. The difference however is that now the whole wide world will be our witness. " "No, please" the Kid managed to say. "Please don't make me cumm on television. The humiliation will be too much for me. " Captain Invulnerable, part 9. "The difference however is that now the whole wide world will be our witness," the Hero-destroyer made clear to the utterly helpless superhero Kid Liberty still bound in an extreme painful position. "No, please" the Kid barely managed to say. "Please don't make me cumm on television. The humiliation will be too much for me. " "............. and that is exactly my purpose ! ". "Bring the other one over here," the villain ordered to his henchmen who in the meantime had gathered in the far corner of the room. No-one wanted to miss the final act of the play. It looked like the Kid had given up hope escaping. He realized it was useless trying to escape from this contraption. His only hope was Captain Invulnerable. His faith was in the Cap's hands. He had to find a way to free both of them. However, when two henchmen guided the broken Kyle to his friend, Kid Liberty lost all hope. "No": when he saw Invulnerable approaching, the Kid knew he could forget about that. How was this going to end? "Hey boy ", the Destroyer said, turning to Invulnerable. "You're going to work on your love partner. You're going to make sure this thing is going to be an XXX-rated porn-video which will yield millions of dollars for me. I'm sure every little honest citizen will gladly pay to own a video which shows the ultimate humiliation of two of it's superheroes. It will give them the feeling to be superior to even a fucking superhero. In the end, I even think, people are gonna hate superheroes because of this incident and that could well mean the end of your species. " Although his body looked broken, Captain Invulnerable's willpower stood strong as always. "No, never! I will never give in to your devilish plan. Fuck you !!! " "My dear Captain. Have it your way, but I will promise you this. When you refuse to co-operate I will gladly take off your boyfriend's mask so all his friends and relatives will know. " "No, you can't. He ... We won't have a normal life anymore ! " "The choice is up to you!" Captain Invulnerable was desperate. This choice was too difficult to make. When his eyes met Dave's, Dave blinked once to his friend. The Cap got his answer. "Alright, I will do it ! " "The only right choice you could make. First I want you to remove his red belt. It's too dangerous to keep it that close to him." The Cap obeyed his new master and slowly tried to unbuckle the belt. It took some time but then it fell onto the floor." One of the henchmen hurried to grasp it. After that he was forced to lower the white tights of Kid Liberty from his waist down, pulling them slowly over his roundly shaped buttocks until the fabric reached his knees. Underneath it the Kid wore a tiny white thong , which made his buttocks even more pronounced. A few seconds later also this tiny piece of cloth was disappeared from it usual place. The Kid was naked from the waist down. While doing all of this The Cap felt his own cock starting to rumble inside his tights. He tried to ignore it, but it was useless. He hated himself for that because it looked like he was having a great time while his friend was still in agony. "I see you do enjoy the situation, Boy," the Destroyer responded on sight of the growing bulge between the Cap's legs. The Kid heard the Destroyer's remarks. He wasn't very pleased with it, being a toyboy for two people. Even his boyfriend appeared to like seeing him strung up in this humiliating position. "Fuck them all," he thought. He started even hating Kyle. Why wasn't he doing anything to get him out of this ordeal. Why did he give in so easily? Why did he get a hard on so quickly? Why .... why .... why....... ? "Finger him!" Captain Invulnerable hesitated but he knew he had no choice anymore. With his left middle finger he followed the Kid's butt-crack down until he reached the gateway to a world of shear delight. After a little premassaging he pushed through.. "Ooooggghhh," a soft moan came from the Kid's lips. He closed his eyes "Now, make his ass wider ..." The Cap began to move his finger, slipping it in and out the ass of the naked superhero. The Kid tried to hide the pain it caused, but without success. For a moment, the Cap stopped but was forced to go on again. "Aaaaaiiieeeehh " "Now, show me some fist fucking !!! " The Cap looked at the Destroyer with disgust. "No," he thought. "Please, no!!" This was new for our fearless superhero. How was he.... he had never done something like that. He had heard about it but it made him sick already even thinking about it. The Destroyer saw this hesitation. "DO IT ! NOW ! Or I will expose his face to the public". Kyle started digging between the Kid's buttocks. How was he ever to get his whole hand inside. It just was impossible to do. Being a rookie in this Cap started to push a few fingers inside Kid Liberty's ass. "AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIHHHHHEEEEEE," Kid Liberty screamed out at the moment the Captain pushed through a bit rough causing his whole left hand to disappear in between both hills. He felt a tear come up in his eyes. He managed to suppress it. Kid Liberty still screamed in agony. For a moment he couldn't think anymore. He only could react like a wild and wounded animal. "Please, let me get out of him! You had your pleasure! Please," the Captain pleaded. "SHUT UP, FOOL", the Destroyer yelled while he hit the Captain's back hard with his booth. The momentum of the blow made Invulnerable loose his balance causing his arm to penetrate the Kid even further. Again a beastly cry was heard through the building. After a few minutes the Hero-Destroyer allowed the Captain to pull his arm out of the Kid's ass. He was weakened from pain, his head hung low. His humiliation was complete. Captain Invulnerable had to step back a few feet. He saw all the men in the room gather around the utterly defeated hero. They all wanted to have a share in the destruction of the one who had defeated them several times before. Now the tables were turned. It was Kid Liberty who got beaten up. At this time Captain Invulnerable came into action. He threw a small object between the group of men. One moment later a pale yellow gas erupted from the capsule. The villains were completely surprised. Even the Hero-destroyer never saw it coming. Within seconds they all lay on the floor unconscious. Only the Hero-destroyer himself had managed to reach the door. " Don't know .... kuffhh ... you did it , but .... kuffhh ........ we will meet again !!! " The Destroyer was forced to leave the building. He had inhaled too much of the gaz. Staying here now was stupid. He was certain a second chance would come, one time. In the meantime Captain Invulnerable had protected himself from the yellow gaz with tiny nose filters. Kid Liberty however had also been sucking up the gaz and was unconscious. The Cap lowered him back to the floor and released him of his bonds. He tossed the limp body of his friend over his shoulder and also left the building. Within an hour they reached their apartment. The still unconscious body of Dave was thrown onto a couch. The Kid looked at the partly naked body of his best friend. He felt a raging hard on coming up again. This time however he could really enjoy it. He got down next to his friend and started working on his dick. At that moment Dave woke up. THE END .......?


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Frans

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 1 : Captain Invulnerable

THE HERO-DESTROYER, A SUPERVILLAIN WITH ONE TARGET: TOTAL DESTRUCTION Captain Invulnerable, Part 1 The ever extreme popular Captain Invulnerable had finally agreed to fight a member of the skinheads in public. He always hated that scum of town. Time after time he stopped them in all of their plans to try to take over parts of the town. These skinheads, masters in the rough art

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 2: Too Much To Handle

TOO MUCH TO HANDLE Too much to handle, part 1 After The Hero-destroyer had barely managed to escape from the gaz-attack from Captain Invulnerable the villain swore ultimate revenge. From that time on it became his sole purpose in life to eliminate all superheroes in the country. With the indispensable help of his Dr Skeleton the Destroyer was sure he would succeed in the end.

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 3 : Punk Superheroes

PUNK SUPER HEROES A twelve episodes long story, the follow-up of "Captain Invulnerable" and "Too much to handle" The involvement of other superheroes is spreading out and the super villains are becoming more dangerous every day. Punk Super Heroes, part 1 Skeleton decided to go to the Metropolis Wrestling Arena himself without the help of the Hero-destroyer. He had taken an

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 4 : Wrong Place, Wrong T

This story is a work of ADULT FAN FICTION and it contains references to Tempest, Superboy, Robin, Aqualad, Batman, Wonderman and Captain Marvel These characters are the property of D.C. or Marvel Comics. To the best of my knowledge all other figures are pure fantasy. WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME (4) Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 1 The explosion that destroyed the Metropolis

Too Much To Handle

Too much to handle, part 1 After The Hero-destroyer had barely managed to escape from the gaz-attack from Captain Invulnerable the villain swore ultimate revenge. From that time on it became his sole purpose in life to eliminate all superheroes in the country. With the indispensable help of his Dr Skeleton the Destroyer was sure he would succeed in the end. Skeleton was specialized


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