Gay Erotic Stories

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 4 : Wrong Place, Wrong T

by Frans

This story is a work of ADULT FAN FICTION and it contains references to Tempest, Superboy, Robin, Aqualad, Batman, Wonderman and Captain Marvel These characters are the property of D.C. or Marvel Comics. To the best of my knowledge all other figures are pure fantasy. WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME (4) Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 1 The explosion that destroyed the Metropolis Wrestling Arena had turned some tables. Who-ever had planted that bomb could be proud of his work. The Hero-destroyer was mutilated beyond belief. His only luck now was having a friend like Dr Skeleton. This man picked up the shivering body of HD and now he was on his way back to the lair. With them in their van were the bodies of three helpless superheroes : Superlycra, Superboy and Robin. A fourth superhero, the Hunter who at the time of the explosion was in the ring together with the Hero-destroyer was blown away from it and landed about twenty or thirty meters from where he had been. In the panic following the explosion nobody ever thought about him anymore. His body was lying in a dark corner, motionless and bleeding from a severe head wound. Far away, in another part of town, Tempest had managed to escape the Dehydrator. But he was weak and had to avoid contact with any figure in these slums. Chances would be they were criminals, hungry for an easy target. The progress he made through these slums was slow and with every step he made, he felt his strength leaving him again. He had been in the water for a too short time. Would he ever be able to reach the river ? Only a few minutes after Skeleton left the Arena, police and ambulance reach the totally wrecked place. A thorough search of the place resulted in eight dead criminals, the famous Holleman, also dead and a severely wounded Hunter. Because the Hunter was the only survivor they found at the place, he is arrested and brought to a military hospital for treatment of his wounds first. That same night already the former superhero is brought to prison. There he has to wait the upcoming investigations and then probably his trial for his share in the devastation of a government-building and the killing of nine people. As soon as Skeleton reached the hide-out HD is brought to the laboratory as soon as possible. He will operate on his friend right away. Before he starts making preparations for this, he gives orders to his most reliable and huge man named Warth, what to do with the captured heroes. "Superlycra is to be tied up with the blue lycra only. No body bag anymore. Tomorrow he must have regained his consciousness. He will be dealt with tomorrow. " "Superboy must be tied to the cross. Be sure to use the kryptonized shackles. He will be dealt with also very soon " " .... and then Robin. You can tie him up in our sound proof dungeon. Don't know yet what to do with him. I think I will keep him for a while and give him to HD as a get well present. Robin always has been the favorite of HD. " That night already Skeleton operates upon HD. His stumps have to be dealt with first. Only after these have healed, new substitute hands are in order and Skeleton already knows what kind of improvements he wants to include. The next day Skeleton receives a message from the Masked Villain: "Sorry to hear about Hero Destroyer's unfortunate accident.... glad he is in good hands... I am sure that he will be more angry than ever at any heroes now that he has been injured ......... and also at any villain who blew up the building ... who do you think it was ? If you need any help capturing future heroes, please feel free to use my services.... still looking forward to seeing what happens to Superlycra.... and getting the mask ! " "How did he know so soon HD got hurt in that blast ? ", Skeleton thought to himself. "I wonder ........... " He already had thought about the possibilities over and over about who could be so cruel to try and kill the Hero-destroyer. Both the Masked Villain and the Cobra where high on his list. Both didn't show up yesterday night although they had promised to be there. Maybe the Masked Villain just was pretending to be concerned about HD's health. And the Cobra .........? Skeleton sends back a message to Masked Villain to help him find the man responsible for the destruction of the Wrestling Arena and the crippling of HD. " Just wait and see what will happen! " Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 2 Skeleton sends back a message to Masked Villain to help him find the man responsible for the destruction of the Wrestling Arena and the crippling of HD. While the Hunter is being locked away in prison and three of the other heroes are helpless in Skeleton's lair awaiting their fate, the Tempest is still fighting to stay conscious in the slums of the city. His only fear is to be recognized and attacked before having reached the river. Because of his weakened state his senses have decreased. So he only realizes too late four men surround him. "Isn't this the famous Tempest? ", one of them said. "I think he is, but he doesn't look very well." Tempest stopped and turned to the one, closest to him. "What do you want from me?" "What do we want from you ...... ", the man sarcastically repeated. "We are just four lonesome guys out on the streets searching for some fun." "Yes! ", another replied. "... and I think we just found our fun ! " The four men laughed out loud. Tempest looked for a way to escape. He threw himself in between two of them, hoping to be able to break through the circle to escape them. It was in vain. The two men each grabbed an arm of the hero and threw him back into the circle. He landed hard on his butt and now looked up at four men, all-hungry for some sexual pleasure. "This is bad, this is going to be very bad.", Tempest realized "We followed you for some time and couldn’t help but notice your feeble state. Don't you know it's very dangerous for a superhero in function to roam these slums when not feeling all right? " "Yeah! You might get hurt! ", another one continued. "Take him into that ally! ", their leader now demanded. "I feel my cock is already in search of a tight ass." The exhausted Tempest tried to resist but was too weak. Without any problems the hero was dragged into the dark ally. There he was thrown over a barrel. The leader, who liked to call himself Tiger, now ordered his mates to make the helpless hero unable to move. Tiger admired the small and tight butt of Tempest. He always had a weakness for a pair of perfect buttocks. It always, just like now, would raise his dick like on command. And this Tempest sure had exceptional buttocks. Tiger for a while softly caressed the spandex fabric stretched over the helpless one's buttocks. Tempest realized what was about to happen. He swallowed. Then Tiger grabbed Tempest's tights around his waist en started pulling them down slowly. The skin on the hills of delight was somewhat lighter then the skin on his back and legs. Tiger appreciated that sight. At that same time he began to unzip his jeans, then lowering them. A steel-hard penis was released from it, about eight inches and pointing straight up. Tiger pulled back the foreskin and took position behind Tempest. He placed the head between both butt-cheeks in front of the cave of lust. Then, with one powerful movement, he plunged in, making Tempest throwing his head in his neck from pain. "AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE............ " "How you like that? How you like being raped, sun of a bitch? So called superhero! " Tiger started pushing, pumping deeper, harder, while Tempest only could scream with every further penetration of Tiger's cock. His mind stopped thinking, his senses numb. The only thing he felt was the burning pain Tiger inflicted on him. Excruciating pains took over every function of Tempest's body. Tiger kept on pushing until he felt he was about to explode. Only seconds later Tiger reached his point of no return, followed by a massive and violent burst of semen inside Tempest's ass. The orgasm itself lasted for more than a minute. After it had faded out Tiger pulled back his cock. "How you liked that, Tempest. Being raped like a WOMAN? " Tempest didn't react. He only was disgusted with the situation and even more disgusted with his own body. This man's semen was inside HIM, he TEMPEST, a superhero supposed to be fighting evil. For a moment he even wished the Dehydrator had done his work properly, so he never had to experience this ultimate humiliation. Even if he were to reach his safe harbour, the river, it would be doubtful he ever was to fight crime again the way he was used to. "Alright boys. We've had our fun. Leave this pitiful boy lying here. We don't need him anymore! ", Tiger said while pulling up his tight jeans again. "I'm sorry, Tempest, but you were just at the wrong place, at the wrong time! " Then they disappeared into the nightlife leaving a broken Tempest behind. The next morning Hunter slowly regained consciousness. He was lying on a small bed. When he started to look around there was not much to be seen. White plastered walls, a small mirror, a small table, a chair ......... bars .........BARS!!!! When he tried to get up, he felt dizzy and had to lie down for a short time again. When he felt his head he noticed the bandage covering parts of it. Again he tried to get up and for a long time he sat on the edge of the bed. Then he noticed the green spandex he wore. "What is this? Why am I wearing this? ", he thought to himself. He touched the fabric and he liked it, but why ? He caressed several parts of his in spandex covered body. He was confused and then, in a flash, he realised he didn't know his own name. "Who am I and why am I here, in prison ? " Skeleton had been operating upon HD for almost seven hours when he finally left the operating room. Now he was forced to take over the crime-business from HD , Warth had become his most important aid. As soon as Skeleton showed himself again, Warth jumped up. "How is he? Did you succeed? " "Yes, he is fine! ", Skeleton answered . "I think he will recover completely. " "When will that be? " "That's up to HD himself. His own will power will determine the speed of his recovery. For now he is in a forced state of coma. It will speed things up even more. " "Can I see him? " "NO ", Skeleton answered with force. "No one but me is allowed inside that room. You will see him again in time. " "Alright. Alright! " "And now I'm gonna get some rest. I'm exhausted, but I have one request to you " "Just tell me!! " "I want you to "visit" Superboy in his new found home and give him the treat of his life. From now on we will humiliate and torture him on a daily basis until he is broken completely. Before HD is with us again, I want Superboy in our gang. " "Do you think that is ever possible? " "That, it's up to you, Warth. Your career with us depends on your success on Superboy" "It's my pleasure", Warth answered. He never had such a joyful mission before. He was sure he was going to break Superboy. Warth smiled as he left on his way to wake up Superboy. Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 3 "That's up to you, Warth. Your career with us depends on your success with Superboy" "It's my pleasure", Warth answered. He never had such a joyful mission before. He was sure he was going to break this Superboy. Warth smiled as he left on his way to wake up Superboy. What both men didn't know yet at this time was the message awaiting for them to read on the computer. It appeared another All-American Superhero was born, who called himself Sqwarecut. The contents of this message were the following: Message to Hero-Destroyer I have heard about the capture or death of several friends that I have not seen since childhood, by you and your super villain’s friends. Although I had denied my obligation to use my powers to defeat you and I have lived a life of study and athletics at an elite American University, you now leave me no choice but to seek you out and destroy you. Only your utter defeat, will convince the other villains to lay down their masks and find the path of truth, justice and the American way. Soon, you will understand what the power of a highly developed super-intelligence coupled with athletic powers (All-American wrestler and swimmer) can do to a diseased mind like yours. Although you will never see the Sqwarecut jaw and All-American good looks behind my red lycra mask with yellow lightning bolts, or the deeply ripped and six-packed abs underneath my red spandex lycra body suit that fits so tightly, adhering to my athletic frame, that it is almost a second skin, with red, white and blue striped power enhancing Speedo, and red boots, you will surely come to understand what my supernatural combination of speed, power and mind control can do to a super villain. Since childhood when I was frightened by seeing hapless flies caught in the webs and intrigues of villainous spiders or helpless animals poisoned and devoured by cruel snakes like you, I feared that could be my fate. However, now at 21 and buff, I knew the day would come that I could no longer remain silent on the sidelines. So, Hero-Destroyer, soon you will gaze upon an Ivy League mind with a major league body. I look forward to seeing your eyes fill with envy when you meet your mental and physical superior. While I get no pleasure out of destroying others, except on the mat or in the pool, I shall relish knowing that the deaths of superhero friends will have been avenged and that I have been reunited with the old super friends that you have captured. If you submit to me now, I shall let you choose how you wish to die, if not I will see to it that you are humiliated beyond your wildest imagination. Sqwarecut: The New American Superhero " Unaware of the new superhero hot on their trail, Warth was on his way to Superboy. As he entered the darkened room, the lean body of the captive boy was spread eagle on the Cross of Torture, as Warth liked to call it. Both his arms, legs and his small waist were in kryptonite shackles. The boy still tried to break himself free, but it was useless. And he knew it. He looked as if he had been trying for an escape for hours already. There were large dark stains on his spandex caused by extreme sweating. His black hair was soaking wet. Warth really liked these young superheroes to work themselves into their own sweat. When Warth entered, Superboy looked at him through the half long hair fallen in front of his eyes. He was exhausted and was about to give up his attempts to break free. "You set me free now or I will ............. " You do nothing ",Warth interrupted the hero. "You surely must have understood by now, escape is impossible. We are gonna keep you here for a long, long time and my boss, Dr Skeleton, has given me permission to do whatever I want with you! " "Just don't think I will be scared now! " "Oh no, Superboy. I,m gonna do my work properly and slowly, very slowly. We have many days in front of us and I want to enjoy them all. " Then for some unknown reason, Warth starts untying his boots. Superboy can't think of a reason he is doing this. "Hey! I will start gentle with you, I promise.", Warth spoke out to Superboy. "From childhood on until present days everybody has complained about my smelly sweatsocks. My mother even forbids me to not wear shoes inside the house. If I did not, you could smell my socks everywhere around within minutes. " Now Warth had removed his boots, he started to pull off both his perfect smelly sweat socks. Then Warth rubbed the socks over Superboy's nose and he teased him with them for a short time. Superboy kept pulling his head away. "Uuuughhh ..... get them off me. They stink!!!! " "You bet they do. My mother was right, don't you think. ". Seeing Superboy's disgusted face Warth knew the smelly socks still worked. It surely wouldn’t hurt or kill the Boy but he definitely would feel some humiliation. After having played for a long enough time, Warth made a square knot in both socks and then connected them with a third square not. In this way he got himself one long sock with a large knot in the centre of it. Now he tried to get this gag inside Superboy's mouth. The Boy struggled but after putting two fingers up Superboy's nose and pulling it up toward his forehead, Warth had no problem anymore. Just a few muffled noises from behind the knot, which he couldn't understand. Both ends of the sweat socks were now tied behind his head. Superboy now was unable to breathe through his mouth so all the undefined scents from the sweat socks were inhaled with every breath he took. "How do you like this, hey ! " "Oooeeempghhhh ...", was all the gagged one could say for himself. He started to feel awful, sick ... and humiliated. The scent was almost unbearable and without his superpowers he had to breathe like any normal man : about twelve times each minute and with every breath he inhaled a new dose of the sweat sock’s flora flew into Superboy through his nose. After having enjoyed looking at the heavily breathing hero, Warth left the room with the gag still in Superboy's mouth. Superboy let his head hang down. He only tried to withstand his urge to vomit. If that happened he might suffocate in it. Later that afternoon Skeleton was back on his feet again and after having checked on HD he found and read the message the new superhero Sqwarecut had left him. It made him furious. Another so-called hero who thinks he can rule this town. And how old is he really, 21. They keep getting younger by the day. Skeleton decided to send this Sqwarecut a warning: "I have received many e-mails like yours and they all have that same repeating message, saying 'LOOK AT ME HOW GREAT I AM ! " and "I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN ! ". Did you know I got such messages already from Superboy (helpless now), Superlycra (out of action for a week already), Tempest (you can read what happened to him so far!) and the Hunter (now in jail, where that rookie belongs). You make one move against me, or one of my friends, and I assure you, you’ll become my unfortunate guest. " After having sent this e-mail back to Sqwarecut (what a name!!) he didn't have to wait long before getting a response: "I am moving against you in ways which will amaze and surprise you! Are you sure you can trust the Dehydrator or Cobra or the Masked Villain? We will meet face to face soon, but only shortly. With the information I will give to the police, Hunter will be released soon. I dare you to take me on in public. It's time to don me my mask and lycra suit and get to work. Govern yourself accordingly! " This last message affected Skeleton more than he would admit. He knew he himself was not strong enough to fight one of those super guys and the newly developed HD was still not available yet. Maybe Warth, with some of his toys, could be a match for this Sqwarecut. Was this hero really as strong as he described or was he overrating himself, as some superheroes like to do. Another point mentioned by Sqwarecut gave him even more worries. The explosion! He still had to find out who was responsible for this, because a second attempt to kill HD would be plausible when the message was on the street Scrumm was still alive. While still thinking about all possibilities, suddenly the Cobra entered. Skeleton jumped up, first from fright, and then from anger. "What the hell are you doing here?" "What do you mean? Don't we work together anymore? We are a team, Skeleton, a Dream team! " "Do you know what happened last night." "Yes! I always liked HD It's a great loss that he is dead! " "DEAD! HD is not dead. He survived the bombing. I have operated upon him last night. He is fine now " From behind his mask the Cobra's face turned white. "Not ... not dead! " "No! His body was mutilated at some vital places, but I managed to get him some fine replacements." "Not ... not dead!", the Cobra repeated. "Where is he? Can I see him? " "No. We will have to wait until he is recovered. He is in a forced coma now! " "Not dead! ", Cobra thought to himself. "So I have to figure out another plan then! " Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 4 "No! HD's body was mutilated at some vital places, but I managed to get him some fine replacements." "Not ... not dead!", the Cobra repeated. "Where is he? Can I see him? " "No. We will have to wait until he is recovered. He is in a forced coma now! " "Not dead! ", Cobra thought to himself. "So I have to figure out another plan then! " The conversation stopped when Warth came into the room. Skeleton just had to wait some time before he could confront the Cobra with his suspicions. After some small talk between the three men, Cobra decided to leave the hideout. He knew what he wanted to know After Cobra had left the room Skeleton turned to Warth. "I really think Cobra is responsible for the near death of HD. One day he will pay for it! " "You sure! " "Almost 100%. I have to make some more inquiries. Now however, I have to talk with you first. You know we had a message from Sqwarecut. Just now I received another message from this hero with a lot of humbug. I think he likes to show us his intelligence. For sure, he doesn't know my own capabilities yet. He dared to challenge me into a fight with him in public." "You Skeleton. You're no fighter. You're a thinker. I better take your place. " "That's exactly what I wanted to propose, but only when you want it yourself. " "I will send this Sqwarecut straight to heaven. I will send him a message to arrange a meeting." Ten minutes later the next message was sent to Sqwarecut : "You want a fight in public. Fine with me. Pick a place and time, and you will find out you were at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Signed, Warth !" As if the superhero had been awaiting Skeleton's answer, it didn't take Sqwarecut long to answer. It was addressed to Warth : "So, Skeleton wants to send a second string flunky to test me. Well, Warth, be mindful of my morphing ability and don't incur my "wrath". You will find me tonight, midnight, in the old Armory. Bring evidence of my superhero friends that are still alive and I will spare you and bring you back onto the right path. " "Tonight already! ", Warth spoke out. "I hope to be able to stand up against him. We don't now much about this new hero Sqwarecut...... and what does he mean with "morphing ability"? " "I have been looking around in my computer while you were having your fun with Superboy and I DID found something about this Sqwarecut. ", Skeleton told him. "This superhero Sqwarecut has the ability, thanks to his cold fusion power belt, to project a moving visual and auditory holographic image of himself or of others. There is no way to tell if the image is real or a projection until you try to touch it. Although this holographic image can be projected only about 25 feet from his physical body, the character and position of this projection can be changed every 5 seconds. Thus, he can have the sound and appearance of anyone. However, repeated morphing does cause a drain on his resources. " Warth, the impulsive man he was, couldn't wait another minute before he finally had a chance of comparing his strength with that of a real Superhero. But he needed some tricks to really have a chance beating Sqwarecut up. "Do you have something for me, Skeleton" "Yes, I have! ", he said. " These are miniature batteries you must connect to your wrists. You can fire electric bolts with it. It really can help you fighting this Sqwarecut. " Warth put the gadgets on his wrists and wanted to try them out. He pointed his arm at a chair and fired. A blue electric bolt hit the chair. The chair was blown into pieces. "Oooh. What a force! Now it's Sqwarecut who has to be doubting the outcome of the fight ! " "Before I will go, I think I will pay Superboy another visit. I think he misses me ! " When he entered the room, Superboy was still kept spread eagle, the boy still had Warth's socks in his mouth. When he approached the hero he could see his eyes had become smaller, his willpower broken down a bit already. The odors of Warth’s sweat socks always worked fine. He knew that from childhood. "Hello Superboy! Still having fun! No! How come? " Superboy groaned softly behind the knot in his mouth. "I'm afraid I don't have much time for you now, but I promise you that when I get back we will enter phase two: how about a nice haircut. Now that you are weak and not invulnerable I bet I can get a pair of scissors into your hair. I would like that hair as a souvenir of your demise. " The helpless Superboy shook his head no. That would be humiliation to the square, getting all your hair lost. "I'm not sure yet I want the hair that's above your waist, or the hair beneath the waist, right here. ", Warth said in a sarcastic voice while grabbed the now small package between Superboy's legs. "Or are you still this much a boy, it don't grow there yet?" After this, Warth left the room and got on his way to the Armory. He was keen on meeting Sqwarecut. In the meantime Superboy realized he had to do something soon or this madman was really going forth with that evil plan. It would devastate the boy if he would be bald for everybody to see. The shame would be too much for a boy of his age. His only way out was to try and telepathically get Sqwarecut's attention. He definitely could use some help now from his friends. Concentrating as much as possible, he sent out a telepathic message time after time. The message was: "Sqwarecut! I'm telepathically sending you this message. Need your help to get out of here. I'm bound in kryptonite & gagged with fetid sweat socks. I'm about ready to pass out from the odor. You must help me to free myself from the kryptonite so we can defeat these guys. They've taken out too many heroes already. Follow this mind beacon I'm sending you, so you can locate me. Be very careful & watch out for any traps they might've set for you! These guys mean business and the Hero Destroyer is super strong, so be aware! Please get here fast; don't know how much more of this I can take. Every whiff of these socks is making me weaker! " Superboy could only hope Sqwarecut had noticed his message and was able to come to the rescue soon. He didn't want to get bald yet. Superboy's message did come through. Sqwarecut had received it. He now had to choose between his promise to the villain Warth or to go and rescue Superboy. The choice was not difficult. If it weren't really necessary, Superboy wouldn't contact him. He had to be in mortal danger. I will blow off my meeting with Warth and find Superboy to try to rescue him from a horrible death.", he decided. After a short preparation Sqwarecut got on his way to save Superboy out of Skeleton's hands and out of his villainous mates' clutches. While this was happening another superhero was licking his wounds back home. After his rape, Tempest fortunately had reached the river. Tempest still was in shock from the ravaging. He had a mixture of shame and danger from being treated as someone's chattel. He was Tempest, prince of the seas - not some sort of prisoner or slave- how could this have happened. It does not help that it brings up old feelings from when villains taunted him while holding him captive as Aqualad. His confidence is shaken - he no longer feels invulnerable. Once reaching the river - he cannot help but scrub himself over and over again to get the scum's seed out of his body. He knows he will feel violated, confused and somewhat lost for some time. Still, he is not beaten. He is still alive and for now out of harms way. The sea will bring his strength and with time his confidence back. He vows when that happens he will continue his quest to put all evildoers behind bars, and rescue any captured friends. High on his list are HD, the Dr. the Dehydrator and even that minor scum Tiger. He then entered the friendly waters of the river and vanished into the black world below the surface. Tempest would be back. Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 5 The choice was not difficult for Sqwarecut. If it weren't really necessary, Superboy wouldn't contact him. He had to be in mortal danger. "I will blow off my meeting with Warth and find Superboy to try to rescue him from a horrible death.", he decided. After a short preparation Sqwarecut got on his way to save Superboy out of Skeleton's hands and out of his villainous mates' clutches. "Attempting to get this message to you on the Batwave radio ... not sure if it will penetrate this sound-proof chamber of the Hero-destroyer. Need help now. Other superheroes captured, unable to help. Don't know how long I can hold out against this fiend. Send help ! Signed : The Boy 1der. " "That fucking, fucking pain-in-the-ass hero! He managed to get a message out by radio!", Skeleton cried out when his electro-magnetic tracking equipment caught the message Robin had sent to Batman. He jumped up; rushed to the room Robin was kept captive and invaded it. "You devilish fool! You have contacted Batman!" Skeleton jumped in front of Robin and hit him as hard as he could in the face. Robin's head snapped back. "aaaauuwww" Then another hit on his smacker. Skeleton was furious and started ripping of the Boy Wonder's spandex. "I will find that radio now, even if I have to search your ass to get it." Robin kept his mouth shut. He now knew his message surely had reached Batman too. Help would be on it's way! In the meantime though Skeleton kept ripping the spandex costume from the Boy Wonder's body. Then, with an already half naked Robin, he found the device. It was hidden in the badge Robin wore on his left chest. Skeleton destroyed the gadget with the heel of his shoe. Then a last well hit uppercut made Robin taste a little blood inside his mouth. He didn't care. He knew his plan to escape had succeeded, so far. It was almost midnight when Warth had been waiting already an hour at the Armory. "Was this hero so punctual he would show himself at strike twelve! ", Warth thought. "What a wimp! " Sqwarecut however didn't show up at twelve o'clock sharp. Warth kept on waiting. No Sqwarecut. "Are there any superheroes you can trust these days.", Warth angrily spoke out, but only to himself. "First Superboy who makes Skeleton wait in vain. And now this red spandex and Speedo wearing moron has kept HIM standing." Warth was mad as hell. If only he could lay a hand on that Sqwarecut. The only thing he could do was go back to the lair. Half an hour later Warth arrived at the lair. Two henchmen watching the entrance closely at all times let him in. "I want to see Superboy! , Warth told to one of the henchmen. " But I need one of you there. I have some new surprises for our captured boy. " "I like to see what you've come up with this time!", one of them said . Warth made the man go in front of him. He followed. They walked a long corridor and then, sooner then expected reached a somewhat large room, party hidden in the dark. "Put on all the lights!", Warth ordered. Two seconds later the room was filled with bright light and Warth saw Superboy hanging there, spread eagle as he was for some time already. "Hey you, what's your name? " "What's my name? You must be kidding, Warth. I'm your best friend, Thorog. Did the Sqwarecut dish it out to you, did he? " 'No, he didn't do anything to me, but he will do it to you! " With one mighty blow Warth knocked the gang member unconscious. Superboy who saw all this happen, first didn't understand what happened, but then he knew ... After Warth had rescued Superboy from the smelly sweat socks, Superboy spoke out "Sqwarecut ! You DID receive my telepathic message" In front of Superboy Warth now morphed back into that stunning Sqwarecut. He had fooled all the henchmen in the lair and now he was busy untying the Boy of Steel. Still feeble Superboy got on his feet again. "I'm still weak from the Kryptonite and that damned Warth's socks. I don't think I can be of much help closing down this building. " "I can manage on my own ", Sqwarecut replied. "And I still want to meet that real Warth!" "We only have to get you out here first and I know exactly how." Ten minutes later Warth pushed the bounded and gagged Superboy through the corridor. He kicked and beat him while they approached the door outside. Soon after, Superboy was on the street again. He had to get back to his Fort to regain his strength. The Kryptonite had done a too good job. Sqwarecut alias Warth re-entered the lair and got back to the place Superboy had been helt for some time. He eagerly wanted to speak to Warth. Because of the fact being morphed into another figure drains his body, he decides to wait for Warth being Sqwarecut himself. It takes a long time for Warth to reach the lair. While Sqwarecut awaits his fiend, he looses a bit of his concentration. He walks around a bit and then he drops himself onto a chair. He had a busy day already and now, long after midnight, missing the action, his eyes start to turn heavy. He dozes off but snugs out of it again. "Being a Superhero sometimes can be a boring business", he thought to himself. As if it was arranged; when that thought crossed his mind, he was attacked from behind. Two powerful arms had gotten underneath his arms and behind his head. He was pulled out of his chair and then he felt something sharp enter his neck. In a mirror he now could see his attacker. "COBRA", he shouted out while he tried to break out of Cobra's grip. Before he knew his cold-fusion belt was taken away from him and tossed onto the floor, far away from him. Then he realised that sharp thing in his neck were the fangs of the Cobra, the venomous fangs of the Cobra. With all his might he could break free, but already he felt his powers fading away. The poison from the Cobra already started to work inside Sqwarecut's body. The Cobra attacked and with great speed Sqwarecut hit the brick wall. He was on his knees. An iron chair was smashed on his back. He now lay flat on his stomach. Cobra kicked him between the legs from behind, grabbed him by the spandex on his back and hoisted him up. Sqwarecut's legs didn't function very well anymore. He felt the venom reaching his pounding head. He knew it now would be over within minutes. He once again tried to break away from Cobra. He was knocked senseless three times before he went down again. At that moment the door opened and Skeleton showed up. "You! You again!", he shouted. "Hello Skeleton. Welcome to my surprise party and here is the first surprise. He hoisted the numb superhero from the floor and smashed him for a last time on his face. Sqwarecut fell backwards and landed in front of Skeleton. He didn't get up anymore. He was beaten and unconscious. "I know you've tried to kill HD!", Skeleton said. "Yes, I did! And I've come back to finish the job! " "You won't succeed", Skeleton reacted while he took a small step towards the Cobra. "I already have, Skeleton" The Cobra took some steps towards Skeleton and with two or three blows the man was beaten unconscious too. Both men lay brotherly next to each other. "You are a nice couple". Cobra laughed out loud. The Cobra ordered some of his helpers to take both Skeleton and Swqarecut out of this building and take them to the Cobra's lair. He had his deadly plans with these two. After this was done, the Cobra went to Skeleton's laboratory and searched for any stuff that was flammable; ether, petrol, methanol. There were many gallons of these chemicals present. He started spilling it around Skeleton's laboratory, even onto his computer. After that had been done, one match was enough to make the fire start vigorously. Large flames started eating from everything they could find. The ceiling caught fire. It spread like hellfire. The Cobra had to leave the building in a hurry. Within two hours the complete building with everything in it, had ceased to exist. Second and third floor had collapsed onto the first floor. Everything was gone. But what had happened with the people who were still in the building, when this fire broke out. ? What about Superlycra, not unconscious anymore but still bound with the blue lycra? What had happened to Robin who had managed to get a message to Batman? And last but not least, the Hero-destroyer. He was still in that forced coma and because of that even more helpless than a small child. He never could have survived! Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 6 Within two hours the complete building with everything in it, had ceased to exist. But what had happened with the people who were still in that building, when this fire broke out. ? What about Superlycra, not unconscious anymore but still bound with the blue lycra? What had happened to Robin who did manage to get a message to Batman.? And last but not least, what about the Hero-destroyer. He was still in that forced coma and because of that even more helpless than a small child. He never could have survived! While Skeleton and Sqwarecut were transported to the lair of the Cobra, the last pieces of the once well-equipped lair of the Hero-destroyer and Skeleton came tumbling down. All gang members were able to escape this havoc but what about the three who still were inside ; Superlycra, Robin and HD himself. After Skeleton in his rage had stripped Robin and beaten him senseless, he hadn't noticed that together with the ripping of his shirt, Robin had been able to loosen some of the binding ropes that had tied him. After Skeleton had left again, Robin could manage to slip out - beaten and tired, but still able to muster his strength for an escape. The only thing he now could do was leaving the already burning building. From the other two nothing was heard off anymore after the fire had started. As soon as the Cobra reached his hideout he ordered to lock up Sqwarecut. He first had to finish some business with Skeleton, the sidekick of the former Hero-destroyer. "You do understand your HD has gone to "heaven". " "You ... you ... I will get U once .." "I don't think so, Bonehead! HD burnt to his death and you are about to join him, wherever he is. " "What do you mean? " "I mean… ", the Cobra responded "I mean I can't let you live. You're too dangerous for villains like me. " "What? Why? ", Skeleton cluttered. His face turned white from fear. "I promise you it will be done quickly and without pain. Just an ordinary neck-shot will do. " The Cobra walked to a table, opened a drawer and took out a small handgun. "I barely use this dangerous piece of metal, you know. I much more like my fangs. " Skeleton couldn't take his eyes away from the gun, lying in Cobra's hands. He knew Cobra was never just threatening. He always did what he said. "Only because I respect you, I won't use my fangs this time. I hope you can appreciate this! " "Go fuck your mother, you piece of shit! " "Swearing never helps. I know " The Cobra steps up to Skeleton and places the barrel of the gun against his neck. "I will count to three and then it will all turn black for you Skeleton. Bye, bye! " "One ...Two ...!!! " With a hellish noise the large door of entrance was smashed open and a figure rushed in. It was not clear who or what it was. It looked much like .............. "THE HERO-DESTROYER! YOU LIVE ......... ", the Cobra took some steps backwards. Only then he realised he still had a gun in his hand. He aimed it at the invader, but before he could make any use of it HD already had reached Cobra and with one quick move the gun was out of Cobra's reach. "Look, HD. You see. I saved your friend from death!" HD didn't listen to Cobra. He knew exactly what had happened since that fire started. With both hands he grabbed the Cobra's throat and started pressing. The Cobra pounded on HD's head and body with all his might, but nothing happened. It was as if it just didn't bother him. Then the Destroyer threw the Cobra across the room. The villain landed on the floor and rolled over into a corner. HD followed him and hit him with a devastating blow between the shoulder-blades. The air was blown out of Cobra's lungs. "Uggh.. Ugggh....... Uggghhaaaa ... ", his only sound was. He managed to get up and saw HD speeding towards him again. The Cobra was smart, not foolish. He knew, he had no chance against a bewildered and outraged Hero-destroyer. His only rescue was retreat. And that is exactly what he did. He could reach a door behind him and in a rush left the room they were in. HD tried to follow him, but the Cobra had managed to lock it. "STOP! Scrumm! ", Skeleton yelled, still being tied up. HD turned and saw his friend in his predicament. He came back and started untying him. They didn't speak. While being untied many thoughts crossed Skeleton's head. Only seconds away from his own death, Skeleton saw things in a new perspective. It was useless for him to start a gang of his own. He didn't have the capabilities himself. No! From now on the Hero-destroyer, or Scrumm would be his one and only chief. And with the new improved Destroyer things could only get better from now on. "Scrumm! How glad I am, you're okay again. I was afraid you had died in that hellfire. " "You see, I'm still alive and I think I may thank YOU for that " "We just have to support each other. ", Skeleton answered. "But are you feeling completely recovered already. It's been just a few days since that bomb attack on you." "I think so! Feel even better and stronger then before. What devilish things have you done to my body? ", Scrumm asked showing a broad smile. "I will tell you, Scrumm, but believe me. You were in a pretty bad state, so I had no other choice" "What do you mean? " "First, I have given you two new hands. They were ripped from the rest of your body. Now there is increased power in those hands. I think you saw what happened to Cobra just now. Some vital parts in your body are now armoured with some titanium making it almost impossible to hurt you in hand-to-hand fights." "Wow" " I also planted a small gadget inside your head, connected it to your brain. Now. When you visualize any superhero I think it might be possible for you to see where they are and what they do. It's not tested yet. We have to try it out one day, before we are sure it works" HD grabbed his head. "Don't worry. It's harmless to you. " "And now the difficult part. Because of that bomb you lost both your hands, but that was not all. I don't know how to say it but ... but.... " "What is it? Tell me! ", HD demanded. "Your penis. It was a bit “damaged. " "Oh, NO! NO! NOOOOOOO! "HD screamed. "NOOO. Why me! " "Calm yourself Scrumm.". Skeleton tried to calm his friend. "It's not as bad as you think, Scrumm. If you hear me out, I think you will like the improved version. " " The improved one...?" "Yes! I have given you some new equipment for you to have your pleasure with. And it IS improved. " "Quick! Tell me the part about the improvement ", HD became curious. "Your penis will work in a normal way until you stick it in someone else's butt. Then it will start to grow and swell up. It only stops swelling when there is absolutely no space anymore for it to grow. You and your "partner” will be linked together. There is no disconnection possible. This only can take place when YOU deliver your semen into the other one's asshole. " Scrumm listened with growing interest. The first improvements were nice, but that last one. He couldn't wait to try it out. But on who? "I know the Cobra captured that new superhero Sqwarecut.", Skeleton suggested. " It's time for a first test ride with my new joystick and this Sqwarecut is the chosen one to be my first victim " Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 7 "I think the Cobra had captured that new superhero Sqwarecut.", HD noticed " It's time for a first test ride with my new joystick and this Sqwarecut is chosen to be my first assistant " Five minutes later the bound Sqwarecut was brought to a room fitted for the plans HD had with the red spandex hero. "I think Cobra also liked to fool around with his victims. ", HD said. "I think I'm gonna like living in his former lair." Sqwarecut, without his morphing belt, now was just a great looking college athlete who was bravado and goodness to the core. But, Cobra's venom still working a bit and Sqwarecut stands there like a sack of potatoes. He's only partly conscious yet. HD, who had never seen this great looking guy before, was astonished. "Why do all these superheroes have to have such great bodies! " He circled around Sqwarecut , admiring both front and back. "I almost feel sorry for this guy ", he smirked and then he laughed, laughed out loud, to be heard by everybody inside the building. First HD grabbed the red; white and blue striped Speedo’s and pulled them down. "Step out of it! ", he ordered the weak hero. As in a dream, Sqwarecut obeyed HD's command. He knew what he was doing and he also had a beginning of a thought of what was about to happen, but he was unable to do anything that would set him free. HD now searched for the waistband of the red tights. Once found it only took a short time for him to get it down too. Sqwarecut, naked from the waist down, began to feel fear. What were they going to do with him ? He didn't have to wait long to find out. HD grabbed his own mean machine and the way it looked, it was already prepared for firing. The upper body of Sqware was put on a table. Then with one mighty attack, the Hero-destroyer was inside Sqwarecut's ass and he started swinging it in and out. Time after time. Then he pushed his cock in as far as possible. With one painful and electrifying attack from HD, Sqwarecut regained full consciousness immediately. He looked back and now realised to it's full extension what was being done to him. "NOOOOO! GET OUT OF ME! ", he cried out and tried to fight his way out of HD's fire line. Then, complete surprise, embarrassment and maybe even fright came upon the hero. His upper body had come loose from the table but HD was still inside him. He pushed, pulled but no way out. HD's cock still occupied his asshole. "What the FUCK .......... " "IT WORKS! IT WORKS! ", Scrumm cried out from pleasure. After his cock had penetrated Sqwarecut he felt it grow and expand. To make it stick tightly he made a last deep penetrating push and then it happened. Scrumm was unable to get his own penis out of Sqwarecut's ass. Sqware, now hanging bent over in front of HD, stuck to the man's cock, tried to swing back with his arms to grab a hold of his violator. He only grabbed into thin air. HD now started humiliating this red-clad superhero by strolling through the room. The helpless Sqwarecut was forced to stumble in front of him with agonizing pains in his ass. His arms still swinging through the air, his head being thrown back into his neck, with every step HD made. Sqwarecut couldn't believe this was happening for real. He always had been on top of things. At college he always had been the best in both wrestling and swimming . His buddies at school all adored his divine body. But now, if they could see him in this humiliating situation, they would be horrified. He wouldn't have a life there anymore. There was only one thing for Sqwarecut to try and do. They had a telepathic contact before so if ever one person could help him, it had to be Superboy, although he knew the boy was released from his own shackles for a maybe too short time yet. "Superboy! Superboy! Here Sqwarecut. Help me. " Sqwarecut felt HD's cock still growing inside him. In his childhood he had always been afraid of getting killed as soon as he was to step forward into the superhero scene. This was the only reason why he had waited to do so until 21. He never had anticipated getting killed by being raped, by having his intestines torn apart this way. "Hero-destroyer is back. He’s killing me! " Because HD was unable to move his love muscle inside Sqwarecut, the only ways to stimulate an orgasm was walking around and make the vibrations reach his dick. It worked. He felt an orgasm come up. "YES! YES! ", he cried out in ecstasy when his semen got blown inside Sqware's vacuum asshole. The hero felt he had been had. Ultimate humiliation.! His muscles stopped responding. And while HD's cock no slowly shrunk again, the violated man fell to the floor, sobbing and weeping. "Don't have much time anymore! If you can hear me; be quick! " "KKKKRRRAAAABBBOOOOEEEEMMMMMM ......" Superboy burst his way inside through the brick wall. "Stop it! Destroyer. I order you to let go of Sqwarecut. " "Superboy !", Sqwarecut spoke out. "be ........ careful ...... ! " It only came out in a whispering voice. Superboy's attention was towards the Hero-destroyer so he didn't hear the warning from his friend. "Back so soon!", the Destroyer asked the red and blue hero. "Don't be too smart, Destroyer. I am gonna ............. " Before Superboy could finish his sentence HD attacked. He hit the Boy of Steel right on the smacker, making him step back. Superboy counter-attacked and hit HD into the stomach. No effect! A second blow, the same effect, none whatsoever. Then HD elbowed Superboy and he went down. "That hurt, I guess", HD teased. Superboy got up and flew at high speed to the Destroyer. He better should not have done it. The Destroyer grabbed one of Superboy's ankles and began swirling him round and round. Then, at full speed, HD let go and because of the momentum, Superboy crashed into and through the wall. The encounter between Superboy and the brick wall had caused a large hole in it. The Hero-destroyer stepped through it, grabbed the Boy's ankles and dragged him back to the room. The boy was in shock. How could the Hero-destroyer beat him up so easily ? There just couldn't be any Kryptonite around! As if the Hero-destroyer knew what Superboy was thinking he spoke out to the Boy. "This is something you didn't expect, he Superboy! " BAAAFFFF! "..................." "And this all is only me to blame! " WHHOEEEMPPP! "..................." "No kryptonite this time ! "TTTHHUUUDDDD. "..................." The Hero-destroyer kept on bashing into the numb body of Superboy. He had no defense anymore. The only thing that kept him on his feet, were HD's hands hoisting him up. "AND NOW IT IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!" As soon as the Hero-destroyer heard that voice, he turned around making Superboy fall down. "CAPTAIN MARVEL!!! " Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 8 The Hero-destroyer stepped through the hole in the wall and dragged Superboy back to the room at his ankles. The Hero-destroyer kept on bashing into the numb body of Superboy. He had no defense anymore. The only thing that kept him on his feet, were HD's hands hoisting him up. "AND NOW IT IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!" As soon as the Hero-destroyer heard that voice, he turned around making Superboy to fall down. "CAPTAIN MARVEL!!! " It was Captain Marvel, the World's Mightiest Mortal. He possessed the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, and the speed of Mercury. He had blue piercing eyes and black hair. Granted powers by the wizard of Shazam, the athletic built Billy Batson had only to speak the wizard's name to transform into Earth's mightiest mortal. His job was to protect Earth from numerous threats. His costume consisted of a cape attached to a rope around his neck, a red elastic spandex body suit, a yellow belt and yellow boots. A yellow lightning bolt ran down his massive chest. Yellow arm bands covered his muscular forearms. He wore no underwear and his genitals were clearly outlined against the red skin-tight fabric. He was also favored with a large, round butt, with a cavernous crack separating the melon-size globes. The Hero-destroyer knew Captain Marvel was another league. Not like these boys he had beaten before like Superboy, Sqwarecut or the Hunter. This was a superhero powered through witchcraft and nor he, nor Skeleton had any experience with that kind of power. "Leave that boy alone or I will have to stop you myself. " HD decided to bluff his way out. "Who do you think you are, giving me orders! " "I am Captain Marvel, the world's mightiest mortal! " "And now I am scared! " "Step away from Superboy. Now! " HD took a few steps aside while Captain Marvel bent over to Superboy inspecting his condition. This is what the Hero-destroyer had been waiting for. His best defense against a powerful superhero like Captain Marvel was to attack. The over-confident superhero never anticipated someone would really be foolish and attack him. Everybody just knew about his strength. So, he was completely surprised when the Hero-destroyer DID start a fight. He fell to the floor after a devastating kick to the side of his head. "BOMBERS! " Before he could get up however, HD lifted the muscular body and tossed him onto a wooden desk. Captain Marvel slid over it and landed on the floor again now between desk and wall. He jumped up, ducked a metal chair and came from behind the shattered desk. The two giants were now standing in front of each other. "You may think you're the world's mightiest mortal, but for me, you just have to prove it first! ", the Destroyer bit towards Captain Marvel. "Your days in crime are numbered, you pitiful one! " HD grabbed Captain Marvel and tried a bear hug. No use, the Captain was too strong. He got free easily and hit HD on his head. Stumbling backwards HD fell into a bookcase, which came tumbling down from the wall, landing on his body. That hurt! He managed to get up on his feet though but then was hit into the stomach. He bent forward from pain, but also Captain Marvel was in pain. He had hit an armoured part of HD's body, the indestructible Titanium alloy. He pulled back his arm and caressed the sore fist. "What was that? " HD now grabbed his chance and Captain Marvel was hit on the chin, followed by a hit right on his forehead. The mighty one lost his balance and hit the edge of another desk. He stayed down next to that desk and now put his hand on the back of his head. HD saw the opportunity arise and attacked vigorously, but Captain Marvel came back and started pounding in on the Hero-destroyer. The fight went on for another half hour without giving one of them the advantage. They were equally matched. For Captain Marvel, this was already some kind of defeat. Never before, he had so much trouble staying upright in a battle. Receiving these hits was a new experience to him. Who was this Hero-destroyer? Where did he get his strength? In the end it was HD who decided this couldn't last forever. He decided to get away from here to wait for a next opportunity. Both he and Skeleton took their chance when Captain Marvel once again flew through the room, hitting something valuable again. When he got up, the two villains had gone through one of the secret doors. Captain Marvel stayed behind, bruised , both mentally and physically. He had not much time to think about it however, because both Superboy and Sqwarecut needed his support. Superboy had regained consciousness again and already was on his feet. It hurt, but he was all right. The condition of Sqwarecut was more serious. Still half naked, he tried to walk but the rape had probably damaged some of the tissues inside him. Every step hurt as hell. It became almost impossible to walk. Then Superboy saw a small stream of blood run over the back of his upper leg. "You're bleeding! " "WHAT!! ", Sqwarecut looked and saw it running down. "OH, NO! NO, what has he DONE to me! " "Just wait a moment. I will see to it! ", Superboy tried to calm down the college boy. He put his index finger into his own mouth and moistened it. Then he placed it against Sqwarecut's rosebud. "What are you doing? ", the frightened boy asked. "Only a small investigation! " Superboy now pushed his finger slowly inside Sqwarecut. The boy moaned but didn't try to stop the penetration. It didn't hurt when Superboy started to move his finger around. Sqwarecut actually liked the feeling and tried to enjoy it as much as possible. While Superboy and Sqwarecut were busy doing what they were doing, Captain Marvel stood there, disgusted with the sight. "What the hell are you doing there? Are you insane? " "No, Marvel! This boy is hurt and we are here to rescue him.", Superboy said while easing up the boy a bit by letting his fingers run through his hair. "You are mad. You know! MAD. You're just fucking fagots! " There it was. The high word was out. Captain Marvel accused them of being fagots, gay superheroes. Only the thought made him shiver already. Superboy now got his finger out of Sqwarecut's ass. "I think nothing is wrong inside with you, just a small wound just on the outside. The bleeding has stopped already, I think! ", Superboy calmly told Sqwarecut. Then he turned towards Captain Marvel. "And what's wrong being gay? " "Eh,... nothing, I guess! " "Yes Marvel. I AM gay! SUPERBOY LIKES MEN OVER WOMEN! " "No, you can't be! " To make things perfectly clear to Captain Marvel, Superboy stepped towards Sqwarecut who was just pulling up his own tights again and grabbed his head. "Look here, Marvel " Then he connected his own lips with Sqwarecut's. A long and hot session of tongue wrestling started between Superboy and Sqwarecut. They both seemed to really like it. Captain Marvel had seen enough. He just wanted to leave. If they wanted to do these things, that was up to them as long as he was not forced to look at it. After Captain Marvel had left the building, the two boys ended their kissing adventure. "What a moron ! ", Superboy spoke out. "Doesn't he know almost every superhero is gay? I think he himself is gay too, but is afraid to admit it yet. His time will come." While kissing, Superboy had noticed that Sqwarecut had a bulge in his tights. He now forced Sqwarecut to the ground gently, got on top of him and tried to pull his tights off when all of a sudden Sqwarecut threw his arms around Superboy and pulled him close. He allowed it to happen. Then Sqwarecut started kissing him again.. They once again began to explore each other’s mouths. They could feel each other’s erect dicks rubbing through their spandex. They lay there kissing and touching each other’s chests for a while until Superboy reached down to Sqwarecut's tights and started to take it off. He was hard and Superboy grabbed his throbbing cock in his hands. Sqwarecut moaned. Superboy started to lick his cock and then put his mouth right over the boy's meat. "Oh yes," Sqwarecut moans, "Oh yes, yes, yes!" "Stop!" he yelled Superboy did. "What?" he asked "I'm about to cum, but I don't want to yet, I want to do it up your ass." "Okay," Superboy answered. He quickly stood up and took off his own tights. He laid on the floor face down. Sqwarecut rubbed his dick on Superboy's shiny ass and then slowly began to put it in. When it was all in he began to push it in and out. They really got a rhythm together and both of them moaned until Sqwarecut shot his load into Superboy. Late that night the boys were in Sqwarecut's flat, in bed, naked again and now Superboy did Sqwarecut up the ass. Then they lay there, hugging. Sqwarecut told his friend that night that he had been waiting ages already to get a chance to do this to him. Superboy had to admit being here in bed with Sqwarecut was much more pleasant that those lonely nights in his Fort of Solitude, only able to satisfy himself. He was happy. So was Sqwarecut! Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 9 Late that night the boys were in Sqwarecut's flat, in bed, naked again and now Superboy did Sqwarecut up the ass. Then they lay there, hugging. Sqwarecut told his friend that night that he had been waiting ages already to get a chance to do this to him. Superboy had to admit being here in bed with Sqwarecut was much more pleasant that those lonely night in his Fort of Solitude, only able to satisfy himself. He was happy. So was Sqwarecut! It's been a few days since Superboy and Sqwarecut met in a very close encounter. Since that night the boys were almost inseparable. Each night they met for new sexual explorations. Their crime-fighting job suffered because of their newly found personal lives. It's been days already since Superboy had been in his Fort of Solitude. What should he bother doing there in the cold, when he had this gorgeous Sqwarecut for grabs right here in the city? He was a superhero but no fool. In the near future however this will turn out to be a big mistake for the Boy. For now, Superboy enjoys his new live together with his friend. It had taken him a few days to recover from the brutal rape. Physically he was all right, but Tempest still had some mental problems with it. Time after time that vision came back, being tossed over that barrel and being filled with Tiger's semen. He still hesitated to go back on land again to battle criminals. What if ... ? Since many years already the city had a place where radioactive waste was being dealt with from all over the country. Until last year the Government was both owner and exploiter of this plant. Due to cutting expenses this factory came into private hands. In the last year the complete waste-disposal-site was sold three, maybe even four times. With the last transaction, WDF Inc, The Waist Disposal Company had become the newest owner What almost nobody knew, was that this new founded corporation actually was owned by the Cobra, as a part of his fast expanding empire. At first the Cobra only wanted to use this radioactive waist disposal plant to be able to create new venoms. He and his co-workers were working on it almost on a daily basis. Progress was slow however. After being thrown out of his own lair by the Hero-destroyer, he decided to use the WDF also as his home base. From day one the Cobra owned that factory rules about the disposing of waste were being changed. The factory had to make money fast so Cobra decided big amounts of the toxic waste would be dumped into the ocean nearby. As a result of this, within two weeks several large fish were washed onto the beaches. Nobody knew why they had died and nobody was really interested. The responsible people in public service were kept silence with silencing-money and, if needed, threats. There was only one man who took some real interest in what was happening at that plant. It was Tempest, of course. He saw how his own environment again was being violated from people on dry land. He saw his friends, fish and other sea creatures, suffer and die from the toxification of the waters. When he got the message two dolphins had died because of it, Tempest decided to take the right into his own hands. He arrived after dark at the distress site only to find an empty corridor ten-feet wide. He just had to find prove and then inform the independent press. They would know what to do with it. He followed the corridor. Tempest heard voices at the end of it. He opened the steel door just enough to see through the opening and when he saw his chance, he slipped into the huge hall, hiding behind a pile of crates. In his hiding place, Tempest could follow the next discussion "It's time to start, guys" "Where do you want these barrels to go " "Put them on the truck. We will dump this waste this night already. " Tempest knew he was lucky. There would be a new dumping of radioactive waste into the ocean. He could see the sign on the yellow barrels. "We also need to get the light-weight material into the ferro-concrete tonight." "Why are we putting this inside the concrete?", one of the men asked. "It's all show! ", Tiger answered! Nobody would believe us when radioactive waste was brought to us and nothing would be stored in the salt-pits outside town. " "Yes! We just put a little of the waste inside the concrete. Nobody can or will check this properly." They laughed and got on with their work. Tempest knew enough for now and he was about to leave the hall again with both picture- and audio-evidence. He had been concentrating on the group of men working in the hall so much, he had forgotten to check his back. Three men had noticed the intruder and were now sneaking in on him. Within seconds, Tempest was hit from behind, then got immobilized because of a bear of a man and got punched in the lycra pouch, weakening him. His mighty knees buckled, but he was being held up in the back by a grab at his tights, which now pressed into his butt-crack and in the front by a knee to his groin. He tried to avoid an erection, but the weakened Superhero grew. One more shot to his encased pouch, a spray of something to his face, snap-cuffed behind his back, and the overpowered superhero was defeated and captured in the arms of that huge man who still held him from behind. His captor now began to apply a sleeper hold to him. One more karate chop to his pouch and the increasing pressure on both his neck and his massive, swollen equipment, finished off the hero. The knocked-cold Tempest was given a few soft, small kicks to the butt area, just to reinforce his defeat. The small camera and tape-recorder were taken away from him and destroyed. After this, the defeated Tempest was dragged to the middle of the hall, where the other men had heard the noise and had stopped their work for a moment. When they saw this read-and-black clad superhero being tossed into the circle, they cheered. The three men, having overpowered this superhero were being congratulated. "I will let the Cobra know, you three did him in. He will reward you three accordingly", Tiger, apparently the leader at this site, made clear. "This is the man I told you about", he continued. "I thought that after his rape, Tempest would never be heard of again, but now, he is back again! " "What are you gonna do with him, Tiger? " "I'm gonna give him a seaman's grave " "But the water will revitalise him again?" "Only if the water can reach him, but we have huge amounts of concrete here to "wrap" his body in. " "Alright then! First bind his legs together too! Then bring him over to the concrete-filling-department." After some strong ropes secured Tempest's legs, the giant grabbed the lean but unconscious Tempest and tossed him over his shoulder. Without any exertion he was being carried to another part of the hall and then dumped onto the floor, awaiting his upcoming demise. Tiger instructs two men to get a new large crate to put it beneath the filling-machine. First it is getting filled halfway with concrete. Then the body of Tempest is carefully lowered onto the cement. "Make sure the body doesn't sink to the bottom, men. It may give him a way to escape later " To strengthen the block of concrete, iron mats are pushed in horizontally at different levels. Tempest is laid down on one such mats and then more liquid concrete is flowing into the crate and slowly covers up the red-black figure of Tempest. A few minutes later the face of the hero is the last part of his body to be covered with the concrete. Now the flow increases and within two minutes the crate is completely filled. After this, vertical bars of iron are pushed in to make it all even more shockproof. "Get it through the hardening-street a few times, so the concrete is hardened completely.", Tiger commanded. "In the meantime the others start loading the truck. Make sure there is still place for this piece of art. " Almost two hours later the heavy loaded truck is leaving the WDF and is on it's way to an appointment with a boat in the town harbour. It's not strange boats are being loaded at night so nobody gets suspicious when a large block of concrete is hoisted onto the boat with a small crane. Again one hour later the boat leaves the harbour on it's way out to the ocean. The sun is already rising, when Tiger decided they had gone far enough from the coast "This is were you came from Tempest and this is where you will die ! " These were the last words spoken directly to the Tempest before the block of concrete was pushed into the ocean water. With high speed it sank to the bottom and stayed there at a depth of almost 3000 m. After also having dumped the barrels filled with again radio-active waste, the boat with Tiger on it returned to the harbour. At the open sea nothing reminded of the concrete coffin with Tempest in it, lying there at the bottom of the ocean. At that same morning Tempest was buried, Sqwarecut made himself ready again to go to college. It was his final year so he couldn’t allow himself to miss any lesson. Superboy stayed behind at his flat, doing nothing. Why should he ! There were no distress calls and here with Sqwarecut, life was pleasurable. He had no idea about what horrible things were about to happen that day. He would soon find out ! Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 10 At the same morning Tempest was buried, David made himself ready again to go to college. It was his final year so he couldn’t allow himself to miss many lessons. Superboy stayed behind at his flat, just doing nothing. Why should he ! There were no distress calls and here with David, life was pleasurable. He had no idea about what horrible things were about to happen that day. He would soon find out! It already had been for more than a week the Hunter was put behind bars awaiting the outcome of the investigations. The first few days he was amnesiac, didn't know who he was and why he was put into prison. His memories though came back slowly after some days. From that time the Hunter had only one goal, escaping! "I'm not going to rot in prison for a crime I didn't commit while the real culprit and all those other villains are still running around free to terrorize whomever they please. ", he thought to himself. Getting arrested had made him lose his spandex for a second time. He was now in regular prison clothing: blue jeans and a red, short sleeved sweat-shirt. Even though he disliked prison life to the bone, he was content with the clothes he had to wear. The jeans were tight, so he still could admire his body in the small mirror. In spite of the casual wear, news got around that he in fact was the Hunter, the green spandex-clad superhero who was responsible for putting some of them behind bars. Alexander felt uncomfortable knowing they all knew, while standing in line to get his food. He feared they might try something bad in the near future. "I can't just sit and wait for the justice system to release me, with all this violence and these perverted criminals in prison, who, I'm sure would love to get their grubby hands on a superhero. " So, in true superhero tradition, the Hunter decides to make up a plan to try and break out of this prison and apprehend the real bomber to clear his own name. An escape shouldn't be too difficult. He has been studying the guards patterns the whole week he has spent here, even when he could not yet remember who he was. It should be child's play for someone with his speed and agility to snag a set of keys from a guard and slip stealthily through the prison halls, out into the yard, and over the wall. "My heightened senses will forewarn me of anyone who might detect my escape, and though I am loath to injure an officer of the law , I'm fast and strong enough that I can fight my way through prison guards as easily as street thugs if it comes down to that " "Only after I get outside again I can take up my now first priority and that is to track down the true culprit of the bombing at the wrestling arena and bring him to justice. After that I can finish what I began before the explosion, finding Robin and Superlycra, and defeating the villainous Hero-Destroyer once and for all." The bell finally rang. It had been a long, boring and hot day in class. But now, it was time for sports. David headed down the hallowed halls for the locker room to get dressed for his last class of the day: wrestling. Together with several other guys, he rushed into the locker room hoping to get a head start on dressing. David always was one of the first to get undressed and into his wrestling costume. This time however it seemed he was not that fast. He did undress but now was searching in his locker for his wrestling gear. It was not there. In his tight underwear David strolled around the locker room looking for his gear everywhere. "He, David. Showing off your body again ! " "Keep your mouth shut, Banks. I'm looking for my wrestling gear. One of you must have taken it away." David got a bit bad tempered. Nobody however admitted the theft. So in the end, he was the only one left in the locker room, only dressed in his underwear, still searching. He could really shout from anger. The boy looked incredible in his underpants. They were off-white and almost as tight as his spandex, now lying at the bottom of his locker. The bulge in front was clearly accentuated and the toy inside was a bit aroused from his walking through the locker room. His butt-cheeks and a small part of his upper legs were covered with the white fabric. His butt-crack was barely visible, just enough though for others to fantasize about it's looks underneath. It looked hopeless for him and David already accepted the fact there would be no college-wrestling for him today. At that moment the coach entered the locker room. "Hey, David. I heard you lost your wrestling gear." "Yes, I did. Can't imagine where it has gone to." "Here, you can put these on.", the coach said, while he stepped towards the boy. "He had a purple wrestling costume in his hands." They looked very familiar to David, especially when he saw the number "69" printed on it. "Hey, these are mine!" "Yes, they are !", his coach said. "I took them out of your locker and I also found these." He held the Sqwarecut's costume in front of him. David was without speech. He knew, his coach knew he was Sqwarecut. All kind of thoughts now crossed his mind. Why in the first place did he take his wrestling gear? Could he be trusted knowing his secret ? Was Sqwarecut doomed? David now sank down on the bench. He was about to tell it all to his coach, the man he had always trusted. But then, suddenly,a piece of cloth, drenched into chloroform, was pressed against his mouth and nose. It had a sweet taste. David, with al his power jumped up, trying to break free. In vain--because the figure trying to numb him now changed into another figure. "COBRA ", David saw in the mirror. With all his might he forced himself to keep struggling. His eyes started to water from the irritating smell and his arms started to get heavy. His movements slowed down and his knees buckled. Only seconds later the boy lay motionless on the locker floor, dressed only in his underwear. The Cobra now changed into a member of the school cleaning service and got himself a laundry cart. The lifeless body of David was thrown into it and then covered with a heap of smelly sports gear : shirts, underpants and socks. The Sqwarecut-costume, found by Cobra was also hidden underneath the laundry. Without any problem David got smuggled out of the building. Nobody they passed, had a clue of what was really in that laundry cart. Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 11 It was the Cobra, David saw in the mirror. With all his might he forced himself to keep struggling. Only seconds later the boy lay motionless on the locker floor, dressed only in his underwear. The lifeless body of David was thrown into a laundry cart and then covered with a heap of smelly sports gear : shirts, underpants, socks. Nobody they passed, had a clue of what was really in that laundry cart. Now Alexander was almost completely recovering from his injuries in the bombing, he decided it was time to get out of here. It shouldn't be too difficult for him to snag a couple of keys from a guard, while having his daily walk in the open air. He succeeded as planned and hit the key carefully before re-entering the building because they would be searched thoroughly. But which guard would search a man between his buttocks ? Inside his prison cell and alone again, he tried the master key . It did fit ! Tonight he was going to be free again, free to clear his name and free to look for revenge. In the meantime Steve had just dressed himself as Wonderman. His body was practically hairless except for the golden hair on his head. He was in exceptional shape and stood about 6-2. His costume consisted of a red long sleeved spandex shirt with a yellow "W"across the chest. His mask was like that of Captain America. He had red knee high boots and his lower extremities were covered with royal blue star spangled spandex Speedos. He wore a golden belt around his waste. This golden belt was the source of his superpowers. Without it he would become a regular normal guy. In recent years Wonderman had been working together with the Boy Wonder (not the Robin we know already, although his name was Jason!) For unknown reasons their partnership had abruptly ended so Wonderman was fighting crime alone now. He had no idea where Boy Wonder had gone to. A few months ago he just vanished and was never heard of again. Sometimes Steve still thought about the fights they had fought together against criminals like Brutilla, the Milk Lady, the Sperminator and the Barbarian Queen. And now another devilish female Supervillain had showed up in town. She called herself the Sister of Semen and she had only one goal in her pitiful life. Humiliating strong looking guys and stealing their semen by torturing them, making them climax into repeating orgasms. This week already she had forced herself onto two Football-players, one Hockey player, and a big shot from High school. All these boys had been drained so completely from their "milk", they had to be treated in hospital for several days. After that last attack, Wonderman could not deny these brutalities from that woman anymore. He had to find this Sister of Semen and stop her before real damage was being done. What this Wonderman didn't realise yet, was that all these set-up attacks had only one purpose for the Sister; making Wonderman walk into her trap with his eyes open. She still wanted to have her revenge against this Wonderman for what he had done to her sister, Brutilla, who was killed in her own attempts to defeat Wonderman. While Alexander was preparing his escape from jail and Steve was on his way to battle the sister of Semen, David, being overpowered by the Cobra himself, was being transported back to the terrain of the WDF. After his short fight against the Hero-destroyer Cobra felt being humiliated. It was unacceptable for him being forced to leave and set up his new lair out of town. There is one thing Cobra hates the most and that is being humiliated. He just has to prove, he is a force to be reckoned with. He has come up with a plan which will get him back into the centre again.. And the superhero Sqwarecut will be the one to help him earn the respect from his fellow villains again. The Cobra hates people who are absolutely goodness to the core. That's why he can't stand superheroes and Sqwarecut in particular. So he made up this plan to give this Sqwarecut a last chance in fighting the Cobra, a fight to the death televised. So now he has this David kidnapped from College. After reaching his lair the Cobra orders two of his henchmen to dress up this boy back in his Sqwarecut-suit. ".. and don't forget his mask ! " The Cobra wants to be the one who reveals Sqwarecut's secret identity to all over the world. "Put him in chains until he recovers again", the Cobra orders his two men. Sqwarecut, still unconscious from the chloroform, has no idea about his upcoming fate. He is just lying there, as peaceful as can be. In the meantime, the place, where Sqwarecut is going to be sacrificed only to make Cobra being respected more, is being prepared. Wonderman has reached the hideout of the Sister of Semen. It wasn't very hard to find it although it was situated at the 41st floor of the Satin Tower, one of the last built skyscrapers in midtown. It was a bit too much even for Wonderman to climb all these stairs. The only other possibility was to use the elevator. He would be up at the 41st floor within seconds. As soon as the elevator started to move up, he suddenly heard a voice. "Welcome to my hide-out, Wonderman ! " " What .......... " "I have been expecting you. " "The Sister of Semen ! " , Wonderman spoke out. "Ah, you know me already. I am flattered" Wonderman DID realise he was in a vulnerable position. He searched but could find no opening in this elevator. How could he have been so stupid? "I wonder how you could have been so stupid to get up here by elevator! ", the Sister continued. "But I guess that's what superheroes are supposed to do; being stupid! " "Big words, darling! ", Wonderman tried to find some time. "Don't you call me darling! Not when you have murdered my sister Brutilla. "Brutilla .............. your sister! ". Wonderman choked. He remembers what had happened between him and Brutilla. These were no pretty memories. And now he is up against her sister, her mad sister. "Before you get up here, Wonderman. I have a small present for you. " "A present. ", Wonderman repeated. "Yes. I want you to look through that small window in front of you. " There was nothing else for Wonderman to do then to look through that somewhat blackened window. What present could this Sister have in store for him? He had no idea. Then, all of a sudden, the window opened itself and with the speed of light, a metal-filled boxing glove came out and hit the completely surprised Wonderman off guard, right on his head. Wonderman was struck down at once. Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 12 There was nothing else for Wonderman to do then to look through that somewhat blackened window. What present could this Sister have in store for him? He had no idea. Then, all of a sudden, the window opened itself and with the speed of light, a metal-filled boxing glove came out and hit the completely surprised Wonderman off guard, right on his head. Wonderman was struck down at once. He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but when Wonderman came around again, he had a bursting headache. Then he remembered the boxing glove coming straight at him. How stupid had he been! Only then he felt the restraints. He was unable to make any move. Both his arms and legs where tied up to something. He couldn't figure out yet to what it was! Then he heard a voice, a woman's voice at some distance from him. "Ah, at last! Welcome back to the world of the living, Wonderman." "Sister of Semen! ", was all Wonderman could blur out. "Why did you attack me? What have I ever done to you? " "What YOU have done to ME? Ever heard of Brutilla ? " "Brutilla! Oh yes ", Wonderman thought. "She already had told him back in the elevator that was her sister" "Yes, I did! But her death was only her own fault.", Wonderman spoke out in his own favor. "Don't lie to me! You pushed her of that bridge! You are nothing more than a filthy murderer. " "No, she ........... " Wonderman was interupted by his conqueror, the sister of Semen. "After my sister's death I found out everything she had collected on you! I know everything about you. She even had spiked every defeat you ever suffered in your career as a superhero. She thought this could help her set up new traps to defeat you" "I was never defeated, you evil woman." "I think you did Wonderman. Do you remember the Sperminator. I will read a part of her diary: "........... Than Wonderman spotted some goings on in an abandoned old building. When Wonderman had landed and entered the darkened building it was very quiet, but then a young girl walked up to Wonderman and said "I am lost where am I". Wonderman walked over to the little girl and asked the girl her name. "My name is Jenny. Can you help me Wonder Man?" " Yes I can", he replied. He knelt down to talk to the girl and then she sprayed him with some sort of mist. Wonderman began to feel dizzy. It was a trap and he had fallen right into it. He tried to get away but the drug had already taken effect and he was soon unconscious. " "That was a mean, mean trick to use little children to trap me ! " "But it worked! " "In the end the Sperminator got beaten though." "And what about the Milk Lady?" "NO ! " "Hear me out! ", Semen Lady read: " Wonderman and the Boy Wonder began to search for clues to the whereabouts of the Milk Lady. While asking questions one of the women they spoke told them she knew of the Milk Lady and her whereabouts. Wonderman demanded that she would bring them to the Milk Lady. Wonderman as always was very confident about defeating her. Maybe too confident because he didn't realize that he and the Boy Wonder were walking straight into a trap. After arriving at the hide out of the Milk Lady Wonderman and his sidekick were surrounded by dozens of Amazonian women who began to attack the heroes. There were just too many off them to fend off. The women quickly piled on top of the two heroes and pinned them down and pulled off Wonderman's and the Boy Wonder's magic belts, leaving both of them powerless and at their mercy. " "And that reminds me! " The Sister of Semen walked up to the tied up Wonderman and unbuckled his magic belt. Now Wonderman knew he was in real trouble. There was no way anymore to replenish his superpowers. Soon he would be down to being just an average guy. "And to conclude my speech. I myself have entered the last part in Brutilla's diary. It's all about her death, but before that horrible event, she had you down once more. " " ........... Then Wonderman heard a voice saying "Wonderman, if you ever want to see the Boy Wonder alive again you will surrender by removing your golden belt. You have one minute to surrender, Wonderman, or the Boy Wonder is finished". Wonderman had no choice but to unbuckle his golden belt from around his waste, and toss it to the side. He then was ordered to walk slowly down the corridor and into the first room he saw there before hi--stood Brutilla. "Ok boys tie Wonderman up, just like his buddy", ordered Brutilla. Four of her henchmen grabbed Wonderman and forced him to a table and secured his hands and feet. He was now tied spread eagle just like the Boy Wonder. " "You see, Wonderman. You have never been too difficult to beat. And now again you are helpless! " "I don't know what you want from me, but I will never give in to you! You must know also I'm in a tremendous physical shape with tremendous stamina in every way. " Wonderman kept on talking. "I have trained my mind and body to withstand certain tortures that some enemy might use to break me. I'm not afraid of you, Semen. " "We both know what you mean by "certain tortures", don't we! " "Yes, I think so! ", Wonderman more or less whispered. "Let me say it out straight: If I make you cum, your powers will decrease. After repeated cumming it's even possible to kill you or maybe even better, make you my sex slave for ever! " Wonderman was silenced. She knew and she would surely make use of that information. She was not called "Sister of Semen" for nothing. Back in the lair of the Cobra another dramatic event was about to start. David had been dressed as Sqwarecut by Cobra's henchmen and had regained consciousness again. For the Cobra this was his starting point for the ultimate defeat and humiliation of this young superhero. A squared off circle had been installed and now the still confused Sqwarecut was led into that circle. The Cobra in his full blue-and-black outfit entered the place of the event. "I saw your body naked, Sqwarecut. I have to say, you kept it in shape very well. " "Please, let me go! ", Sqwarecut pleaded, for he already had a fair idea of what was about to happen. "You turned me on, boy. Especially when you beg me for your life. Before I get through with you, you have begged me many times more to save your pitiful life. The Cobra will not listen to it, however!" Sqwarecut realised it was all or nothing for him this time. He couldn't help thinking of Superboy who probably was at his apartment now, not realising his new found boyfriend was in mortal danger. David saw the video-camera's around the ring. Only then he realised it would all be on film and be broadcasted later. And Superboy would be a witness to whatever would be the outcome of this fight. Then Cobra gave a sign. The camera's started rolling and he went for the red superhero from the start. Sqwarecut defended himself and gave it his best shot, but he knew it would be next to impossible to win this fight. Cobra managed to get a grip at Sqwarecut's arm and forced him down to the mat. He then bend the arm behind his back, then grabbed him around the waist from behind, hoisted him up a bit and then slammed him back on his knee. Cobra didn't let go but repeated this move three times across the ring before Sqwarecut rolled over and covered his injured crotch with both his hands. Then he was rolled on his stomach and Cobra sat on his back forcing his head backwards as far as possible. Sqwarecut cried out in pain. Then Cobra got up again. Sqwarecut still was down at the canvas, when a small needle appeared out of Cobra's pointed boot. With this he kicked the red-clad superhero once in his side. The small needle punctured Sqwarecut's spandex and inserted just enough venom to slowly start to paralyze the hero. "You are lost already, Sqwarecut. Even though you may not know it yet! " Corbra forces the lean and muscular hero to his feet by pulling his hair. The hero tries an attack on the Cobra, but he feels the venom spread through his body already. His movements slow down a little. Cobra backs off during Sqwarecut's desperate attempts to make a move against the villain. He is wearing himself out and it doesn't take long before Sqwarecut sinks to his knees, then in his despair crawling to the ropes to try a last escape. Cobra prevents him doing this by kicking him once again and with it inserting a second dose of the venom. Sqwarecut falls back to the centre of the ring. It's all starting to turn and tumble before his eyes. He is unable to get up again. Sqwarecut is now completely paralyzed, but conscious. The Cobra now kneels next to him and then slithers on top of him, like a snake, symbol of total domination. As Sqwarecut lays helplessly on the floor, Cobra starts pulling down Sqwarecut's lycra suit exposing his incredible body. It's all to Sqwarecut's horror, but he is complete helpless to do anything against it. It is just a matter of time before the mask will come off and Sqwarecut knows it. Then Cobra pulls up Sqware's head and points it directly towards the camera. Cobra has his helpless victim sitting up flat on his butt, while the villain is kneeling behind him. "Now lets show the people out there exactly who you are, my hapless superhero. " During the fight, Cobra is turned on by Sqware's divine body and now the feel of the tight spandex that remains on Sqwarecut makes him get harder even more. The venom inside Sqwarecut's blood stream seems to be wearing him off . The boy doesn't say anything anymore and pretends to be still paralyzed, in the meantime considering he can make a last escape attempt. He waits for the right moment and then tries to break free and make a run for it. The Cobra however is too quick for him and with another quick kick he, for a third time, injects venom to the hero. It works more quickly now, then it did the first time. Cobra kneels behind Sqwarecut and whispers to him, "You were never my equal, boy and now for your final humiliation" As Cobra prepares to take Sqwarecut's mask off, the door suddenly opens and the Masked Villain enters the room, dropping the body of Superlycra on the floor. "I want to make a deal with you, Cobra " Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 13 Cobra kneels behind Sqwarecut and whispers to him, "You were never my equal, boy and now for your final humiliation" As Cobra prepares to take Sqwarecut's mask off, the door suddenly opens and the Masked Villain enters the room, dropping the body of Superlycra on the floor. "I want to make a deal with you, Cobra " The Cobra got a bit annoyed with the Masked Villain barging in. He was just about to have his ultimate satisfaction, unmasking that boy Sqwarecut, who now was lying back in his arms. "Who the fuck let YOU in?", Cobra shouted towards the Masked Villain. He knew the he never showed up anywhere without a plan of his own. "Your own cronies did, Cobra. As soon as they saw the gift I brought for you, they let me pass! " "I see you have that superhero Superlycra brought in! I thought he was dead, killed in the fire I started at the Hero-destroyer's lair ! " "No , he didn't, Cobra. I followed you in your tracks and when you burned down the Hero-destroyer's lair I knew Superlycra would be a cremated superhero if I didn't react quickly. I didn't want to lose the possibility to gain his mask, after having him unmasked in public. " "I knew I couldn't trust you, but now I only want to know why you are really here? " "I want to publicly unmask Sqwarecut and add his mask to my collection. In return you can have Superlycra for you to torture. " "And you think I will give up that ultimate satisfaction of unmasking this boy after I had all that trouble of capturing him. No Masked Villain, that won't happen. " "I can understand, Cobra, but what about a joined unmasking of Sqwarecut. I promise you, that after this I will leave immediately, but with his mask. What about it! " Cobra had to think about it for a while. He looked at the Boy still lying helpless in his arms, half-conscious and able to follow the discussion about his ultimate fate between Masked Villain and Cobra. It was tempting, for then Cobra would have TWO superheroes in his power. "All right, MV. I will allow you to help me unmask Sqwarecut." The Masked Villain jumps into the ring and joins the Cobra. Two villains now accompany Sqwarecut, still on his butt--one at each side. Cobra now looks into the camera and addresses himself to the public. " Time has come to unmask one of your precious superheroes. Watch him closely! " As both Cobra and the Masked Villain took a hold of Sqwarecut's mask and pulled it of their captive's head, they exposed to the world one of the most handsome men they had ever seen. Tears ran down Sqwarecut's face. He realised his life had no meaning anymore. Cobra noticed the flow of tears on Sqwarecut's cheeks. He felt strange, awful, and monstrous. Those tears on that innocent boy's face touched him more than he wanted to. The Masked Villain had fewer problems with it and he knew, a new mask was added to his still growing collection of superhero's masks. "I want you to leave now!", Cobra burst out. "Take the mask and go! " The Masked Villain grabbed the red lycra mask with the yellow lightning bolts. He jumped out of the wrestling circle, throwing one look at Superlycra : "I will get you some day! ", and then disappeared from the scene, leaving the Cobra behind with a sobbing boy in his arms, a boy , only covered with the red spandex down from the waist, the red, white and blue striped Speedo still covering the most private parts of his beaten body. After the Masked Villain had left, the Cobra waits until the venom's affects on Sqwarecut fade away a bit because he wants a last change of thoughts with this good looking human creature. "Listen Sqwarecut. I can kill you right here on the spot, without any problem. But I must confess that after I have seen you in your white underwear and now I saw those big tears roll over your face, I really want to save your life. It's too beautiful to spoil it. " "What ... what ... do you ... mean? ", Sqwarecut could only get out with all of his remaining strength. "I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you, David ! " "No! ", the boy got out. "Yes! And I want you to become my lover in exchange for me sparing your life!" David couldn't believe his ears. So the Cobra thought he would agree becoming his love-slave at free will. Even join his bed! No! Then he'd rather die at this moment! "I don't want you, Cobra. I can't. I won't. I'm in love with somebody else. " "You refuse!??? " "I only want to give my body to Superboy. Only he may have me! " Cobra is mad! Being rejected by someone who chooses death over a life with him, that's unacceptable for the villain who is used to only hearing " YES" from his henchmen. He decides to end this boy's life here and now. While David starts to gain mobility yet again, Cobra, pinches against his carotids and cuts off his blood supply. David fights futility, but soon his arms lose strength and fall limply by his side. Cobra though continues to feel a pulse and holds him in this death grip even longer. David's reactions slow down to almost nothing. It greatly excites the Cobra feeling the life flow out of his victim. If that boy thinks he can reject the Cobra's wishes, there is nothing else but death for him left. Lights are going out on David. Cobra then whispered to the nearly lifeless superhero, "Time to put out the light". Then with one final squeeze the life of Sqwarecut is extinguished. Cobra lets the lifeless body of the superhero drop. A cruel smile comes across the Cobra's face. He looks into the camera. "Come and get your young friend, he'll be waiting for you. ". This message was meant for the other superheroes who would become delayed witnesses of this execution soon enough. Cobra then takes and slings the lifeless body of David over his shoulder. He binds his wrists together and then suspends him from the ceiling. Bait for the next superhero. THE END OF "WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME"


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TOO MUCH TO HANDLE Too much to handle, part 1 After The Hero-destroyer had barely managed to escape from the gaz-attack from Captain Invulnerable the villain swore ultimate revenge. From that time on it became his sole purpose in life to eliminate all superheroes in the country. With the indispensable help of his Dr Skeleton the Destroyer was sure he would succeed in the end.

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 3 : Punk Superheroes

PUNK SUPER HEROES A twelve episodes long story, the follow-up of "Captain Invulnerable" and "Too much to handle" The involvement of other superheroes is spreading out and the super villains are becoming more dangerous every day. Punk Super Heroes, part 1 Skeleton decided to go to the Metropolis Wrestling Arena himself without the help of the Hero-destroyer. He had taken an

Gay Super Hero Fantasies 4 : Wrong Place, Wrong T

This story is a work of ADULT FAN FICTION and it contains references to Tempest, Superboy, Robin, Aqualad, Batman, Wonderman and Captain Marvel These characters are the property of D.C. or Marvel Comics. To the best of my knowledge all other figures are pure fantasy. WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME (4) Wrong Place, Wrong Time, part 1 The explosion that destroyed the Metropolis

Too Much To Handle

Too much to handle, part 1 After The Hero-destroyer had barely managed to escape from the gaz-attack from Captain Invulnerable the villain swore ultimate revenge. From that time on it became his sole purpose in life to eliminate all superheroes in the country. With the indispensable help of his Dr Skeleton the Destroyer was sure he would succeed in the end. Skeleton was specialized


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