Gay Erotic Stories

Gender Gap

by Deland Vincent

Written by Deland Vincent ( Constructive criticism welcomed. Once the pirates had us disarmed and cuffed, they started marching us rapidly through their ship. This vessel was enormous, especially for a pirate ship. It had certainly made short work of our ship. At first I assumed they wanted to hold us for ransom until I saw a number of workers that were obviously slaves. They wore nothing but a small bikini and some sort of electronic collar, each with a four digit number in large, clear print. Four digits... Could they have over a thousand slaves here?! The scant clothing was probably a measure to make it difficult to hide any weapons and the collar was probably a locating device. My life would be as good as over if they were planning to ransom me. As a basic manual laborer, the company wouldn't have cared about me, and I didn't have a family. If I'd had a family I wouldn't have agreed to space duty. I thought it was a great chance to explore, but all I've really seen are the insides of asteroids and nameless moons. Now I can add the inside of a pirate ship to my short list of exotic places. We were marched into a long shower room with spickets on both sides and the four soldiers drew large knives. After clicking a switch, the vibrating blades made a high-pitched hum. "Everyone hold still or you'll have a nasty gash." one of them said. They began slicing the clothing from each of us. I felt the back of the blade against my back and flinched a little before realizing that that part of the blade was harmless. "I told you to hold still!" he shouted angrily. I was one of the first to be disrobed. The knife went through the back of my uniform and then down through pants, belt, and underwear at once. Men and women stood naked and cuffed, but we were all too frightened to be embarrassed. The soldiers began cleaning us roughly and quickly. As one would finish, he would put that slave aside and grab another, shoving him or her under the shower and scrubbing. Their gray one-piece uniforms seemed water-repellent. When they finished, men and women were separated and lined up across the middle of the long room. One of the soldiers walked out through an opposite door and came back with another man. He was dressed much more casually than the two soldiers with a billowy white buccaneer shirt, and black pants tucked into tall black leather boots. He wore black leather gloves, a thick black belt, an ordinary sword at his side, and a swashbuckler hat with a white plume. He seemed to really get into this pirate concept. His dark blonde hair was longish, not quite shoulder length, as if he considered a haircut just too much of a bother. His facial features were sharply defined by powerful bone structure, and his facial hair was unkempt like his hair, with a couple days growth. He walked rapidly past us giving everyone a cursory examination. His eyes met mine briefly and I almost felt as if they had paused on my body, but I was surely mistaken. When he got to the end he put his hands on his hips and got to business. He stopped at the first man in line and asked him "Do you intend to cooperate?" The man was nervous and looked confused at the vague question. After a pause he was asked again. "Cooperate how? What do want from me?" he asked. In less than a second something fell to the floor and the prisoner next to him jumped back. It took me a moment to realize it was his head. I had gotten accustomed to the sound of the vibrating blades the soldiers carried, and hadn't realized they were left on, still humming since our clothes were removed. My eyes widened and my breath quickened. The leader had been far enough back to avoid the spray of blood, but the soldiers dull gray uniform was now splattered with red as was the naked man nearby. The rest of the carcass seemed to fall in slow motion long after the violent act had taken place. He was making an example of the first man. "I am the captain of this vessel and I run a tight ship. We have no deadweight. If I have no use for you, then you die. I'm not a cruel man. If you disobey me or any of my men, you will die a quick and painless death. The same applies if you ever attempt to escape." His face shriveled up a bit as he looked at the next man in line. He was a smallish man; an officer in charge of personnel on our ship. The pirate merely shook his head "no" and in less than a second his decapitated body lay next to the other on the floor. The next man in line, another high ranking officer, looked very distressed. His eyes pleaded with the captain. He was terrified and confused. "I'll cooperate! I'll do whatever is required of me." "This is my situation", he explained, "We have enough slaves on board. You take up space and use valuable supplies. I'm using this opportunity to replace smaller weaker slaves with healthier ones. Most of my slaves are in better condition than you. I'm sorry." and with that, another shake of his head. "But I'm an excellent engineer. I can be very useful!" He barely finished pleading before his body joined the others. He took a moment longer to evaluate the next man. This one was a larger, healthier man. "Do you intend to cooperate?" he asked the young man. His answer was an emphatic "yes." And so he moved on down the line. Those who were given the chance had no trouble answering him. There was nothing callous or hateful in his tone. He went about this task coldly, like a meat inspector. When he had gotten the answer he wanted he merely nodded and moved on. He struck me as a very shrewd businessman; uncaring, selfish, greedy, even evil, but primarily doing what he needed to do in the most efficient way he knew how. He was very efficient. He was sizing people up quickly and moving on. He would shortly reach me. I noticed others looking down at their bodies. Most everyone seemed terrified that they just wouldn't measure up. My mind was telling me that I would live because I'm in excellent shape; quite muscular actually, but I was still filled with terror and would be until I knew for sure. I was sure that the next one would die and I was bracing myself for it, because I really liked him. He had a small frame and a lovely face with blue eyes, full pouty lips, and very dark hair. Like myself he was a worker. His name was Daniel and he was new, right out of high school; just a boy really. I liked him because he was so beautiful and because he seemed so gentle natured and kind. I admired his courage. I was visibly shaking with fear while he stood still, a few tears streaming down his face. He surely knew he was going to die. I was surprised when the captain stopped to size him up. He lifted the boy's chin as if to cheer him up somehow and smiled at him. "Do you have any sexual talents that might please my crew?" he asked the boy. Daniel's eyes finally turned away from his feet to look into the captain's. "Excuse me?" he said. He was thoroughly thrown off by the question. I was sure the captain was now just cruelly toying with him. "You certainly don't look like an impressive worker. You must realize that I normally have no need for such a small man." He waved one of the soldiers over. "Suck this man's cock." he ordered the boy as he pushed down on his shoulder. He fell clumsily to his knees as his hands were still cuffed in front of him. The soldier casually unzipped his uniform and pulled out his flaccid member. His blade was still vibrating in his other hand, just a foot from the boy's face. The other slaves looked away or straight in front of them, but I looked on with pity as he paused ever so briefly before opening his mouth and forcing his lips into an awkward 'o' shape around the head. His eyes were clamped shut as he obviously tried to block out of his mind exactly what he was having to do to save his own life. He made very small reciprocating motions and wasn't taking much of the length into his mouth. "The poor boy," I thought, "Whether he's gay or not, this is such a degrading thing to put him through." "That's enough!" the captain said disgusted, as he grabbed him by a fistful of hair and pulled him away from the cock. Now Daniel was about to cry, sure he was dead. "You're a beautiful boy and I would really like to spare you, but you have to earn your space and your food. Do you understand?" He nodded. "I'll give you three days to develop some enthusiasm for your work. At that point, you will come to me and show me that you can do your job right. Until then my men will advise you as to what you're doing wrong and how you can improve. Do you intend to cooperate?" He nodded again. "Do you intend to cooperate!?" he asked more emphatically. "Yes Sir!" he answered aloud. He then spoke to the soldier. "When we're done here, I want you to take him to the main intersection on level seven. Let everyone know where he is and explain that he's new and needs breaking in." My breath was coming in short sporadic puffs. By being near the end, perhaps I had had too much time to contemplate my most unpleasant situation. I wasn't even concerned about what my life would be like as a slave. All I could think about was whether I would live at all. I'm sure that was the captain's intention. I looked around me. The others didn't seem as afraid as I was; at least they weren't showing it like I was. I felt the need to get myself under control lest he perceive it as a weakness. When he stood before me, I looked him right in the eye and tried to look strong, but I was still shaking. Of all the things I should have been thinking about, I found myself exploring the details of his face. I realized he was just a tad taller than me and it occurred to me that he would probably be eye level without his boots. I was six foot two inches. He looked me in the eye a long time. I found myself calming a bit, to my own surprise. "Do you intend to cooperate?" he asked calmly. "Yes Sir." I answered quietly and without a thought. He nodded and moved on. I was to live. I was actually the last one to be spared. In less than a minute, the three men after me were dead. Then he walked to the center of the line of women. They showed at least as much courage as any of the men had. Not a one shook with fear like me. Knowing what he had planned for that boy made me very nervous for the women. I was sure he would choose the most attractive ones and kill the rest, but he surprised me. "It's very bad luck to have women on board. Fortunately for you, we will soon rendezvous with someone who does not share my superstitions and I'll be able to sell you. Due to my exceptional compassion and mercy, I am willing to bear the burden of your bad luck for a short time. Until then you will work as hard as you can to convince me that you are worth the burden you bring to my ship." The one in charge of killing was rinsing the blood off of his uniform. The strange fabric came clean immediately under a stream of water. I thought the Captain was done with us, but he pulled me out of the ranks as the soldiers were beginning to march the others out. "You care about that boy." he said. "I suppose I am somewhat concerned for him because he's so young." I answered. I was afraid to show my feelings for fear he would use them against me. He rolled his eyes at my response. "That was a statement; not a question. It's quite obvious. You're life will be easier and longer if you are simply honest with me. We don't play mind games here." "What was that little game just now?" I thought. I really did care for the boy a great deal. He has a very pleasant nature about him and he was always very friendly to me. He seemed like such a selfless person and I hated seeing him treated cruelly. This, combined with the fact that I found him very attractive made it difficult to hide my feelings for him. The women and the boy were immediately separated from us. We were then each given a small black bikini that at first seemed like it was made for a child, but it was made of a highly elastic material. Only one size was needed because it stretched to fit, though very snug. This was probably to ensure that we had nowhere to hide anything like a potential weapon. Then our necks were measured for collars. They were inflexible metal, electronic devices of some sort, and they latched on with a sound of permanency. As soon as they were affixed, there were three little beeps and a red light began to blink slowly and continuously; probably to signal that it was working properly. We stood in line as each of us was processed and assigned to a work group. They gave us no time to adjust. We were immediately taken to our respective areas to work. Slaves were everywhere, performing whatever menial task that seemed below the well-trained pirate crew. I saw a man crawl out of a vent near the floor with a bucket and a dirty rag. He was smudged all over with dust. He was a short, thin man, which made me wonder about the captain's supposed policy of not keeping such slaves. Apparently he needed some for getting into small places for cleaning or servicing, and he surely had other uses for them. I began to question the captain's true motives for killing those people. My escort passed me on to a man who I presumed was to be my supervisor. He had a device on his forearm that held his gun secure against theft, but that allowed it to be quickly shifted forward into his palm. He asked me my name, and when I told him, he took a marker and wrote my first name in big letters across my chest and again across my back. "That's just until I learn it." he said, and he began giving me orders. I spent my day building in an enormous storage area. It must have been twenty stories high, but only the first several floors were built. Large freight elevators were already in place along several walls, but they only led up to the huge empty space above. They could keep me busy a very long time in this place. We put metal girders in place to support the sheets of perforated metal which made up the floors. The material was incredibly light for it's strength and size, but still presented quite a task. I was sure I would be sore until I got used to the work. We put on a small pair of boots as we entered, and we had to remove them before we left; obviously another measure against smuggling anything in or out. We were all guided back to communal slave quarters and had to turn in our briefs as we entered. I was pleasantly surprised to see Daniel was assigned to the same large room as me. The room was completely open, with open cubicles in the sides, and within the cubicles, pallets on the floor for sleeping. There were no blankets, sheets, pillows, or anything that might be used to cover one's self or to hide anything. The walls were all metallic and bare. The only break in the pattern of bareness were lights and large opaque hemispheres attached to the ceiling in various places, no doubt to hide surveillance cameras. There was an open doorway to a large restroom and showering area. As soon as we came in, a guard ushered us into it to get cleaned up before we were allowed to rest. I saw Daniel at a sink, repeatedly rinsing his mouth out. When he finally stopped, I followed him to the showers and stood next to him. He seemed unable to look at me. His mouth hung into a frown as if there was a tremendous weight on all the skin of his face. His eyes were red from crying. He stared at the tiled wall in front of him as the drops of water pounded down onto his body, and refused to recognize my call to him, or else didn't hear me at all. After being ignored a second time, I gripped his chin turning his face towards me. He didn't resist, but his eyes looked down, unable to meet my gaze, and he immediately broke into tears. There was a bruise on his left cheek. My mind conjured up images of what he must have gone through that day. "Oh sweet Daniel", I said to him, "you know you can talk to me about anything without shame." I had never dared to speak to him so openly before, but now nothing seemed to matter. He just fell against me burying his face in my chest, his arms hanging limply at his sides. I wrapped my huge arms around him, squeezing him with my great strength. The pressure seemed to force out the pain he had been holding in, and his body shook with sobs. His tears mixed with the water streaming down my stomach. After a guard looked us over to ensure that we were clean and dry, we were allowed back into the main room to rest. Daniel lay his head on my chest when I sat down against the wall. As much as I had fantasized about just such a moment with him, I could not enjoy it. I felt so badly for him. "I can't get the taste out of my mouth." he told me. His voice broke with the last word. As he continued to speak his sobbing started back up, but he was finally opening up. "I thought I was finally able to stand it until one of them peed in my mouth. Then he slapped me when I didn't swallow it all." He turned down the food that was brought to us and I woke the next morning with his head in my lap, my stomach coated with his dried tears. When he woke, he ate his breakfast silently, like nothing had happened. As we parted ways, he seemed like a robot. Everyone was given a clean pair of black briefs as they walked out the door; everyone except Daniel, who was led away by his own private guard, naked. That night his face was no longer sagging and red; just blank. He lay against me again, only this time he didn't hide his face. He merely rested against my shoulder. I didn't touch him. I didn't feel I had the right to. I just tried to be there for him. He knew he could receive all the comforting he needed from me without fear of being violated. In these two short days, I was already feeling a bond with him. The next night, after a long while like this, he spoke. "I have to prove myself tomorrow." I stayed silent. "I'm afraid. I don't want to die." "I don't think the captain wants to kill you either. I wouldn't worry." I was trying to reassure him, but I wasn't very confident myself. He placed his arm across my stomach and around my waist. His head slid down my chest a little bit. For the first time since we had been captured, he looked into my eyes. He held my gaze while his hand slid down and rested on my cock. "You have to help me to do it right," he said. He was serious about this. He was fighting for his life in the only way he could, under the circumstances. "I've had so many in my mouth. I don't care any more. I can handle it, but I don't know if I can do it as well as I'll need to tomorrow." Then he looked a little embarrassed and he turned away to finish his request. "I'm not assuming that you would know more about this than me." He said. "Just tell me if it feels good and what I could do differently." He didn't know that I was gay, and he was being careful not to offend me. It broke my heart that he was feeling guarded around me all over again. I thought surely he would know by now that I loved him. I guess he had only sensed the important part: that I cared about him a great deal. I went down on him then. He was very surprised. I looked up for a moment to see his eyes closed, his mouth open, and his head tossed back. After a few gentle strokes over the head, I pulled off. People were watching us with their mouths wide open. Their staring attracted a guard's attention. One guy started to make a smart remark. I don't know what because I really didn't care, but I was shocked when the guard slapped his face hard with the back of his hand. He then continued watching us from a distance as I instructed Daniel. "You want to be very gentle at first. Keep your teeth away from the skin and let your tongue and cheeks caress it. Keep it wet with your saliva. That makes it feel really good. Don't worry about getting your face and mouth wet." Then I swallowed him in again, this time going about a half-inch further with each stroke, finishing with very long, slow strokes. I teased him a long time like this, pausing when I felt his muscles begin to quiver with an approaching orgasm. "Eventually you want to suck more vigorously, causing your cheeks and tongue to rub against it harder." I told him. Then I did just as I had described, and in a few short moments he was gushing into me and I was swallowing it all, now creating less suction because I knew he would be very sensitive during that moment. I just kept up a gentle reciprocating motion. He spurted over and over. It had obviously been a long time since he'd cum. The guard that had been watching us quickly walked out of the room as soon as we were finished. I got the feeling that he was reporting us. Again, I didn't care. It was the greatest moment I'd spent on this horrid ship. All I cared about now was protecting Daniel, and being with him as long as I could. As I was giving his cock a few final strokes with my mouth, I squeezed it with my hand to get the last drops. I looked up to find him looking back down at me and smiling. His face looked pleasant and peaceful for a change. I gave him advice as he was sucking me, but he almost didn't need it. Perhaps he had learned quickly from my lesson, but I think I enjoyed it so much just because it was Daniel and I loved him, and it felt like he loved me back and was trying to show it. If I had any doubt of that, it was dismissed when he looked up into my eyes while he was sucking me. He held my gaze for a long time like that, going up and down on my cock. He was enjoying it. There was no doubt in my mind. "You don't have to swallow it, Daniel." I reassured him. I was close, and he could tell. He started increasing the suction as if he hadn't heard me. I began releasing several days worth of accumulated sexual energy, and he easily swallowed it. After I held him for long time kissing his neck and shoulder, he said "I wish it could be like that with the others." I held him all night as usual and nobody bothered us. If anyone got too close to us, a guard would move them away. It seemed very strange, and I was sure something was in the works that we did not yet know about. I was right. If I had had any idea that that would be the last blow job I would ever receive, I imagine I would have tried to make it last. Instead I was just trying to make it as easy as possible for Daniel. The next day I was led in a completely different direction by an unfamiliar guard. I had learned that guards simply ignored slaves when we spoke, so I didn't bother inquiring about where we were going. We seemed to travel quite a distance and then many floors by elevator before entering what looked like a sick bay. There were beds covered with paper and what looked like a mirror set into the floor. I'd never seen anything like it. A man, who I assumed to be a doctor, told me to remove my briefs and give them to the guard. Of course I did as I was told, and the guard left with them. The doctor sounded older than he looked. I think perhaps he had had extensive plastic surgery, which wasn't very unusual these days. He told me to sit on one of the tables, and he seemed to just be occupying himself on a computer terminal. I thought I noticed a shimmering in the mirror as he typed something. Soon I realized what he was stalling for. The captain entered and the doctor rushed to his feet and stood next to me. The captain approached and began to look me over. He ran his hand down my muscular arm and then cradled my flaccid cock in his hand a moment. Though it wasn't much larger than average, it tended to stay about the same size hard or soft, so it must have seemed pretty big to him. I liked the way it hung low against my leg when I was soft. The doctor waited for him to finish, then asked him "Are you sure you want to go through with this? He seems excellent just as he is." "I'm very sure; even more so now that I've had a chance to look him over." Then he spoke to me. "You're being prepared to be my personal servant. I like you the most out of all the men we've captured. You're in excellent shape, just as the doctor said. If you try hard to keep me happy, you'll have a really easy life here; no more heavy labor. You're hardest job will be keeping yourself in good shape. How does that sound to you?" "Is this because of what happened last night?" I asked. I was sure he had been informed of the exchange between Daniel and me. "Somewhat. I can do what I want with any of the slaves, but I prefer someone more adaptable, someone who will adjust easily. I think you are that person. That is, if you really do want an easier life here." "Will I stay in different quarters?" "You want to know if you can be with that boy. No, you'll eventually be moved. However, if you are particularly enthusiastic about pleasing me, I may even reward you by letting you see him occasionally." He smiled broadly with that. It was hard to believe that he was offering me something in exchange for my service. "Don't count on it, but there is one thing I can guarantee you. If you don't cooperate completely, he'll die, and you'll watch." He then left me alone with the doctor. After a thorough examination during which the doctor determined I had no health problems, he put a small device against my collar which caused it to release. Using some sort of blue paint, he carefully painted circles, one around each of my eyes including the brows, one around each of my orifices, and then painted a line all the way around my head, outlining my hairline. He then asked me to submerge myself to my shoulders in the pool and explained that I would feel a tingling sensation that might become somewhat intense, but that the pain should be minimal. I was to tell him when the sensation stopped completely. "Be very careful not to go in past the shoulders. It's extremely important that none of that fluid touch you inside of the blue lines that I've drawn." I had no idea what pool he was talking about until he directed me toward the "mirror" in the floor. When I touched it with my foot, the surface wavered and I realized it was indeed a pool filled with an opaque silvery substance. My foot found a step, and as I sank into the viscous fluid, I began to feel the tingling everywhere that the fluid contacted my skin. In spots, I would feel a momentary tinge, like a small electric shock. When I was in to my neck the tingle slowly traveled up past the level of the fluid and I began to feel it all over my face and ears, but primarily around my beard and mustache area where I had several days worth of growth. In less than a minute it stopped and I told the doctor. He typed something into a terminal near the pool and then took me to an adjoining room with a shower. As I stood under the shower he began scrubbing me with a rough sponge. "Just out of curiosity, do you mind me asking what this is for?" "It's to remove hair." He said. "The captain prefers you smooth. Does that bother you?" I was surprised at this unusual, though minor concern for my feelings. It was a first since I had come on board. I hadn't been paying attention, but I now noticed upon looking down that the sponge was easily pulling the hairs out of the skin, all over my body. "Not really. I just don't look forward to the itch when it starts growing back in, but I know I'm in no position to complain." "Oh, no. No, it's not going to grow back in. The solution you were soaking in was composed completely of microscopic robots. They were programmed to destroy the follicles. The lines I drew are borders that they have been programmed not to cross. That's to keep them from removing your head hair and your eyebrows, and to keep them out of your ears and nose and such. Your skin will get a little numb tonight most likely, but it'll feel normal in a day or two." My jaw dropped a little as I again looked down at my masculine body and the pile of hair collecting in the drain. He had just finished both armpits and was now scrubbing the hair away from my entire crotch area. I've shaved my balls before, but frankly, a completely naked crotch looks ridiculous. My chest was already completely smooth. "Follicles dead" I thought. "Gone forever" I thought. I suddenly felt a little less masculine. I had a really nice body hair pattern; very nicely proportioned and in all the right spots. My chest used to have a nice line up the middle that spread out thinly over my pecs. My next thought was wondering how the other slaves would react. Would they poke fun at me? I suddenly felt very naked. I touched my cheek and the short hairs of my beard came off into my hand. When I was completely clean the doctor asked me to tell him if I found any stray hairs that wouldn't come out easily. He then told the guard to take me back to my room. Just before leaving, he gave me a shot with a very large hypodermic and told me my penis would start to feel numb, but not to worry. I wanted to ask why, but he had a look on his face like he did not want to elaborate, so I didn't. It wouldn't matter anyway. I started to dread what it could possibly be for. Were they going to pierce it or something? I was given my briefs back as well as my collar, but the briefs were taken again before I could enter the slaves quarters. And as usual, I was sent straight to the shower area before being allowed in the general area. I was getting a lot of surprised looks. I looked at myself closely in the mirror. I felt my face. I would never be able to grow even a mustache, but I didn't really care about that so much. It was kind of nice to not have to shave anymore. But other than that, my body looked almost alien. I looked down at the rest of my body. It would take some getting used to. I never really looked for any stray hairs, but I seriously doubt I would ever find any. I was completely bare and smooth from chin to toe. As I was washing my crotch, I immediately thought of what the doctor had told me. Perhaps it was in all in my head, but the very tip of my penis seemed to have no feeling already. I tried to keep my mind from generating images of what they might have planned, but it was very difficult. There was no point in worrying as there was nothing I could do about it anyway. I turned myself away from the open doorway. No one else was in the shower area, so I took a moment to stroke myself, achieving an erection quickly. I loved to feel the thickness of it, the weight in my hand as it hardened and engorged. I wanted to cum before it went completely numb, but I couldn't possibly finish without people knowing what I was doing, and I was just too embarrassed to put on a show for everyone. Who knows how long it would be before I could cum again? If they pierced me, it would probably be some time before it healed enough to jack off. I tried to think of other things, like Daniel. "Oh my God!", I thought. Was he OK? I hadn't seen him yet. I went back to my palette in the corner and tried to cover my denuded body from curious eyes as best I could while I kept watch for him. I couldn't sleep until I knew if he was OK. Each time I heard someone entering, I sat up, eager to see if it was Daniel. As I waited impatiently, I kept rubbing and squeezing my dick, trying to get some sort of sensation. It had gone completely numb, except for my balls. I knew I should leave it alone or it would probably be sore when the feeling returned, but I couldn't. It felt like a huge piece of dead meat hanging from me. He had given me a shot in the arm and I wondered how was it that only my penis was being affected. It was hours before Daniel finally entered. I could easily recognize his shape in the dark and I reflexively jumped to my feet and wrapped my arms around him. Though I expected him to be distraught, he seemed very calm. He merely smiled at me and reached down to cradle my limp cock in his hand. "What did they do? Shave you?" he asked as he ran his hand over my smooth chest. "Something like that." "I think I like it." He said, still smiling. "What do you think about having a repeat of last night?" He was continually massaging my genitals as he made the suggestion. He shocked me. "Aren't you going to tell me what happened? I've been terrified that he would kill you." "Nothing happened. All he did was talk, and not even a lot of that. I just sat on the floor while he worked on something, fixed him a drink a couple of times, and every now and then he would ask me about stuff. I don't want to think about that right now." He added, frustrated. He continued to fondle my genitals making it clear that he meant what he said. My mind rushed to think of something to say but I finally just opted for the truth. It would only be a matter of time before he knew anyway. "Stop touching it, Daniel. They've numbed it with something really strong. I have no idea why, but I think the captain may be planning to pierce it or something." "They numbed what? Your dick?" "Yeah." I was terribly embarrassed and the fact that he was so slow to comprehend wasn't helping. He kept trying to get a reaction until I finally had to just pull his hand away from my groin. "Let's just sleep, OK?" He finally gave in and we lay down against each other. It wasn't long before he was rubbing an erection against my leg. I could tell neither of us would get any sleep until he used up some nervous energy, so I went down on him. It was more difficult to get into this time. I hadn't recovered from the fear that he could have been dead, and I was frequently distracted by the meat dangling between my legs. I was wishing it would shrink up more when it was soft like most guys, but I kept feeling the soft flesh against my thigh, and it was a one-way sensation. It wasn't long before I felt his hands pull against the back of my head, trying to push his organ deeper as he climaxed. The taste of him in my mouth comforted me a little as I finally dozed off, distracting me from the myriad dark scenarios I had conjured up about tomorrow. Daniel's description about what happened had me really wondering. The captain had made it clear that he expected something from Daniel tonight, and yet he hadn't done anything. He seemed to not care anymore. I think Daniel had just become a tool to get to me. The guard from the day before woke me by kicking me in the side, then grabbed my arm and hauled me quickly to my feet. Daniel was left alone, though he woke to watch with trepidation as I was led away. Besides being woken so suddenly, I had gotten so little sleep, so I was in a daze. My brief moment of sleep was a moment of forgetfulness, a moment when I was blessedly free of my ever growing fears. Now they were all flooding back to me as the rough handling by the guard made me more wakeful. They didn't bother giving me a suit to wear this time. I was dragged through the many halls naked. People looked but they didn't seem to think much of it. It wasn't a particularly rare sight here. I felt the occasional sensation of my cock bumping against my leg, and again it felt like a dead piece of meat dangling there. I began to wish that the numbness in my cock would spread to the rest of me and block out everything. When I reached the doctor's office, a young assistant led me to a table with stirrups, like what might be used for giving birth. Only this table was also designed to restrain. I was instructed to lie on my back while my knees were placed in the stirrups and strapped in. My feet were strapped into similar devices a little lower. Then my wrists were strapped to the table at my sides and a large strap was secured around my chest just under my armpits. With each tightening of each strap, my anxiety grew. The entire setup seemed excessive for a simple piercing. The assistant stepped away and came up behind me with something on rollers. I managed to tilt my head back and see that it was just a thick blue sheet hanging from a rod. He brought the sheet over my face and chest so that it draped across my waist, blocking my view of my lower body. I wasn't sure if I was glad for this or not. On the one hand, I wanted to know what was going on. On the other, perhaps it was best that I didn't. The young man left, leaving me with nothing to do but stare at the ceiling and the equipment around me. I now noticed a cart with a tray of surgical implements and electronic devices near one wall. I tried to make out what they were but from my level it was difficult. I could make out just enough shiny metal and sharp edges to make me very afraid. On another tray was a small computer. There were no cords connecting the computer to anything outside the cart. It seemed like an hour that I was left alone with my thoughts; an hour to feed my growing sense of impending doom, but it was impossible to judge the passage of time. I'm sure my mind was drawing it out. Finally the doctor came in and walked straight over to me with a very forced smile on his face. "Are you reasonably comfortable?" he asked with a kind note in his voice. It was clear that he was nearly as anxious as me about what he was about to do, and he wasn't doing a good job of hiding it. Actually I was squirming in my bonds, but all I said was "It doesn't matter." The smile became more forced. His eyes stopped smiling completely while his mouth seemed rigidly held in place. He went behind the screen, and I felt his sleeve touch my thigh just before I felt his fingers brush my balls briefly. It was the only indication I had that he was handling my penis. "Can you feel that?" He asked in a very clinical manner. "I can still feel my testicles. Other than that all I feel is a light tugging." He fiddled around a moment longer and asked the same thing again. This was repeated several times, and each time I said "No." Finally, he seemed content that I was completely numb there. "What's your name?" he asked. "Frank." I answered. His attempt at bedside manner was commendable, but unconvincing. He was talking to me like I was a real person. I decided to try and take advantage of his moment of weakness, if you can call it that. He was beginning to show some sort of concern for my well being. "Please. Please tell me what you're going to do." I begged. He was trying to change the subject. He was dead set against telling me anything. Instead he started typing into the computer. "Frank, the nanites are going to generate a local anesthetic effect. It should happen very rapidly, and I just want you to confirm when you feel it. You're going to go numb from the chest down, but don't panic. It's a temporary and easily reversible condition. You should think of these nanites as your friends. They're going to handle the more complicated parts of this procedure and then aid in the healing which will drastically shorten the recovery period. You'll be fully recovered by the end of the day." He sounded very proud of these nanites, as if he expected me to be impressed or as if he expected this to end my fears. My legs felt like they were falling asleep and the sensation spread quickly up my back and into my stomach. "I'm feeling it already. Is that what the shot was?" I asked between puffs of air, "More nanites? I don't get it. Why did you numb just my penis yesterday, which took hours, when you can now numb half my body in seconds with those things?" "They're merely blocking the sensations in your nerves right now. Last night they gradually caused all the nerve endings in your penis to migrate up deeper into your body. The nerve endings are intact, just in a different part of your body." Now he wasn't even trying to smile. He look worried, like he had nothing to say that would calm me down. I had little doubt that it was at least as bad as I was imagining. Otherwise he would have something to ease my mind. My panic was becoming obvious. "Frank, calm down. You're starting to hyperventilate. You've got to slow your breathing down. I don't want to have to knock you out for this. Local anesthetic is much safer, especially considering how effective my local anesthesia methods are. You have nothing to worry about. I've done procedures like this countless times without fail." "What is it... you're not telling me?" My breathing was getting more out of control. "Okay, I can tell you that this is going to require an adjustment for you, Frank, but it's not as bad as you might initially think." He squeezed my arm, trying to comfort me, and he forced that smile again. "Certain... aspects of your life are going to be different, but the faster you try to adjust, the more you will find that it's not such a bad thing. I'm doing everything possible to make this a positive experience for you. The only thing holding you back will be your refusal to accept change. Change is a natural part of your life now." I couldn't think of anything else to say. What was he saying? The nerves were moved out of my penis! Why?! Won't I need them?! I was trying unsuccessfully to control my breathing and keep from blacking out. I felt an oxygen mask come over my face as I started to see flashes of light mixed with periods of dizziness and then darkness. I could just barely make out the doctor's voice through the haze. "Frank, I'm going to knock you out for just a little while, just to give you a chance to calm down. Don't fight it. Just let it happen." He said something else, but it was lost in the cloudy darkness that engulfed me. The rapping of boots on tile flooring woke me, but just barely. I still felt the effects of whatever drug the doctor had used to knock me out. I felt somewhat mentally alert, but my body felt heavy and numb. It was an effort just to turn my head enough to see the captain had just entered. Then I noticed the oxygen mask was still over my mouth and nose. My eyelids were still half closed. Their dialog was easy to overhear, and I don't think they realized I was awake. "My God, doctor! His cock looks like Swiss cheese. What have you been doing?" "I just poked it in a few places when he was still awake. I had to be sure all the nerves had migrated out before we remove it. Otherwise he'll lose sensation down there. I don't know if you really care about that, but I do. If I'm going to do this procedure, there will have to be certain conditions." "Hey, that's fine doc. I've invested a lot of time, trouble, and money in finding the right person for this. Do it the right way. His eyes are open. Can he hear us?" "Maybe. It depends on how long he's been awake. But he should remain calm. I'm keeping him partially sedated. He was starting to panic and hyperventilate." "So there's no chance of that happening now?" "No. He's quite relaxed." The captain leaned close to my face, making it nearly impossible to avoid his gaze. I could feel his hot breathe on my face. He was grinning smugly. "Are you comfortable?" he asked mockingly. Of course I couldn't even nod my head. "Comfortable?" I thought. I didn't even know if I was comfortable. I could hardly feel my body. I could be laying on a bed of nails and I wouldn't feel it. I could vaguely feel his hand traveling down my naked chest before it was lost on my numb stomach, then further past the curtain laying across my waist. "Watch it. You're going to get cut!" the doctor snapped at him. This drew the captain's attention away from me instantly. "Are you starting? Don't you dare. I want to watch." "Just preliminary stuff. I need to start as soon as my assistant gets back, which should be any moment. It's not good to keep him sedated any longer than absolutely necessary." The captain pulled up a rolling chair on the other side of the curtain of mystery and became enraptured in the operation. Soon I was feeling a lot of tugging and prodding. That was the extent of the experience. It was completely painless as the doctor had promised. But there was deeper pain that came from the sense of loss. The doctor's word's came back to me. "I had to be sure the nerves had migrated out before we remove it." They were cutting it off! Now that I knew what was happening, each tug and prod led my imagination into a new terrifying direction. I tried to imagine what exactly he was doing. I felt tears streaming from my eyes and down the sides of my head, soaking my hair. In a few minutes, I saw my cock tossed onto a metal tray nearby, spattered with blood. It looked much longer than it should have been. Then I realized that he had removed even the internal portion, all the way to the root. The drugs and the sense of despair were too much after a while, and I drifted mercifully to sleep. I woke in pitch darkness, perhaps in the same room, and still strapped down securely in the same position, my legs still held up and apart by the stirrups under my knees. I didn't feel the curtain across my midsection anymore, which meant I could see down there if only there were a little light. The feeling was back in my lower body, but still not in that one area, apparently. I prayed my vision had been mistaken. Please let it be a dream. Let it still be there. I drifted in and out of sleep for a number of hours before the light finally woke me. The doctor came in with the captain. He was smiling broadly at me as he approached. My upper body was still strapped to the table, but I managed to lift my head a bit and look down between my legs. At first I could see nothing but smooth hairless skin down my chest, my rippled stomach, and down between my legs. Then just the slightest bulge of skin; perhaps just the remnants? Then the strangest sensation as the doctor, wearing rubber gloves, began to touch the area as he examined closely. There was no doubt that my cock was gone, but the area seemed very sensitive, like he had placed the nerves of my penis around the flattened area where it used to be. Then an even stranger sensation of his fingers entering my body. A loud gasp escaped my throat as I felt a new orifice reflexively clamp down on the doctors two fingers. "Relax for a moment, Frank. I need to do a deeper examination. Everything looks fine at the moment." The captain looked at me with that evil grin on his face as my face reddened. The doctor took his rubber gloves off and typed a few things into his terminal. "Everything seems to have gone as planned. The nanites have shortened his healing time from many weeks to less than 12 hours, exactly as I said they would. He's completely recovered. I'm just going to take a quick internal look to verify the data I'm getting from them." The doctor seemed delightedly proud of his "achievement". He put on some more gloves and picked up a black rod about ten inches long and less than an inch around. It was some sort of lighted scope. He then rubbed some lubricant over it and inserted it where his fingers had just been. I laid back and tried to relax as he had told me, but I felt myself tighten down on the scope again. He didn't seem bothered by this as he gradually inserted it further and further, a little at a time as he looked in one side and shifted the other end around inside me. It was only mildly painful every now and then as he pushed the hard tip towards one side or another. I kept waiting to see when he would reach the limit, but he had it to the hilt inside me when he finally seemed satisfied and slowly pulled it back out. I felt my body closing in behind it as it left me. "How does this feel, Frank?" he asked. He was rubbing something and it felt like someone rubbing their hand over the tip of my penis, but I could see that it was just his thumb. But my penis was gone, wasn't it? My stomach muscles clenched and spasmed a bit when he would stroke it just a certain way. "Please stop! It's very sensitive." I begged, as I suddenly noticed that my face was coated with tears. I had been crying since they started examining me and hadn't even realized it. "OK." He said kindly. "Like I said, you'll need to give yourself time to adjust, but I think you'll be fine." The captain seemed fascinated as he watched my reactions to the doctor. "You're done, right doctor? So we won't be needing you anymore today." He nodded with a slight frown. "Then go and leave us alone. I'll let you know what I think of your work a little later." As he left the doctor smoothed my hair out of my eyes and smiled down at me, much like someone trying to comfort a person on their death bed while trying to look strong and unaffected. The captain took up where the doctor had left off, rubbing that spot. He stopped and licked his fingers, then continued. "Don't bother asking me to stop. My bedside manner isn't as good as the doctor's. I'll stop when I'm ready. You must be curious about this new sensation. This is your clit." I couldn't face him. My head was turned the other way. But I heard his little laugh and I could feel him smiling hugely at my discomfort. "From now on, you're not allowed to speak to me unless I ask you something. I don't want to hear any whining or complaining." He kept rubbing as he inserted a couple of fingers. "How long has it been since you came? You haven't had sensation in your former organ for a couple of days. I bet your on the edge. Are you used to coming frequently?" They seemed like rhetorical questions and he didn't seemed bothered when I didn't answer. As he kept rubbing, I thought I felt liquid dripping down around his fingers. He finally stopped and I heard the sound of his zipper. I felt his hand around my thigh as he used the other to guide himself into me. I couldn't bear to look so I had no idea how big he was. He felt much thicker than the scope that was just used on me, but he had little trouble sliding in. It must still be wet from the lubricant. Once he was in, he put his other hand around my other thigh and pulled to slide deeply into me and slowly began thrusting. The muscles squeezing his cock gradually began to relax as the pressure was consistently applied to them and he began to pick up his pace. My breathing was coming more rapidly. "The doctor tells me he enlarged the glands that make your semen and directed them into your new pussy. Now you're abundant precum will keep you well lubricated. Isn't he incredible? I can feel your juices flowing all around me. I'd like more though. What should I do?" My pussy! Did he say that? He moistened a couple of fingers with the stuff and began rubbing that little nub again. I tried to tell myself that I can't possibly get any physical pleasure from this. "This man is evil, and he's done the most hideous thing to you," I kept thinking to myself. I didn't want to accept that I had always felt a certain animal attraction to him, despite his atrocities, ever since I first saw him. Maybe he had sensed it. Maybe that was why he chose me. I didn't want any pleasure to come from this new organ, but I couldn't fight it back anymore. Soon I felt the inevitable orgasm traveling through my body. My eyes were still watering as my teeth clenched and my lower body cramped up, including the muscles around his dick. His jaw dropped open in an expression of ecstasy when he felt the pressure increase. Nothing spurted out of me when I came. Instead I felt my warm juices coating his member inside me. In less than thirty seconds his orgasm followed and again I felt warm juices inside me as he leaned against my legs during his moment of weakness. "Was it good for you too?" He asked and laughed. Then he pulled out and walked over to my face, grabbed me by my hair and slapped his long member all over my face, smearing our mixed cum on me. I could see that his cock was as thick as mine was, and at least nine inches long. Then he pulled a paper towel from a dispenser and wiped himself off before tucking in and zipping up. "The doctor warned me that you might try to kill yourself, but I'm not worried about that. This was an expensive operation. If you do any such thing or anything else to upset me, the kid dies. And before he dies, I'll make sure he knows that you let him down." Then he let the guard in and told him to take me back to the slave quarters and left. The guard handed me one of the tiny black bikinis. "Can I clean myself a little first?" I asked. He looked down and his eyes bulged for a second before he quickly hid his shock at the sight of a huge muscular man with an oozing vagina. "Hurry." He said. I went through several towels drying off before I put the bikini on. The tears came back as I rubbed the area where it used to be with the towels. The sensation of vacancy there was unnerving. As we walked back, I had to cover my crotch to hide the lack of a bulge. Before long I noticed the cloth developing a wet spot. When we reached the entrance I suddenly realized that the bikini wouldn't be allowed inside. Not very optimistic, I humbly asked that the guard please let me keep it on. He shook his head no. I had to uncover myself as I pushed it down and stepped out of it. Giving him a full view I again looked at him pleadingly. This guard didn't seemed so shocked. He just put his hand out for the small garb. "Go to the showers," was all he said. One slave saw my crotch through the doorway before I covered it with both hands. He was immediately at the side of another, whispering frantically to him. Most everyone else looked at me strangely, wondering why I was covering myself. The guard on the inside pointed me at an area of the showers in the far corner where I noticed the shower had been modified. When I got closer I could see an attachment about waist level. It was an eight inch hard plastic rod with a rounded tip and several small holes in the end. This was at the end of a long hose and had a knob to adjust the water flow at the base of the hose. My face shriveled up in anxiety. Another man in the shower nearby was watching me curiously because I still hadn't uncovered my crotch. "Clean!" shouted the guard who had apparently been watching me also. Turning my back to everyone and standing sideways in the spray of water, I began to wash myself in the conventional way, ignoring the strange device for now. I washed away the fluids that moistened the outer lips of the orifice, and for the first time, I pushed my own fingers in a little to clean a little deeper. The lining was at least as soft as the lining of my other hole, but much firmer; tougher. After a few minutes of stalling, I heard the heavy stomp of the boots of several guards quickly approaching me in the shower. My heart jumped into my throat. They seemed very angry. By the time I had jerked my head to look over my shoulder and catch their glaring mugs, two of them had me hoisted in the air facing the stream of water, each lifting one arm and one leg. They held me suspended, almost horizontal with my legs apart as the third turned the knob on the device causing it to issue streams of water and ungraciously shoved it into my new orifice. The other man in the shower stopped cold, eyes bugging out, and stared at the hideous act of hygiene. Lather still covered about half of his body. His bar of soap dropped to the floor, loudly but unheard. A larger crowd was gathering to see what the excitement was about and the guards made no effort to disrupt it. In the space of thirty seconds, my secret was common knowledge. The guard with the nozzle removed it to rub the corner of a bar of soap roughly between the lips of my vagina. When this seemed insufficient to him, he squirted liquid soap into his hand and began to work it inside with several fingers before rinsing me out again by inserting the nozzle. The guards were all laughing or smiling as they worked. "Damn! It feels so real," the guard remarked as he again pushed his fingers inside me. It was taking much longer than what seemed necessary to clean me. Finally I was set down. They surprised me by being very careful that I had my footing before letting go of my arms. I expected to be plopped on my ass. Then I remembered that the captain considered me an investment, and these men must be acting under his direct orders to know what's going on. But I had to wonder why he would leave me here if I was so valuable to him. It seemed logical to keep me away from other men in my "condition." I dried off and had my towel taken away from me as usual. I continued to cover my self with my hands, until I could get into the corner of a cubicle and curl up around my vulnerable spot. Most of them left me alone for a while, except for a few tactless individuals that were behind me the instant the guards were out of view. "Hey man, what did they do to you? Did they cut your dick off?!" "Why'd they do that? Did you piss 'em off?" I acted like I didn't hear them. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the world around me. "Hey man, speak up! Are they gonna do that to anyone else? Cause I ain't lettin' 'em do it to me! Why'd you let 'em do that man? I'd kill myself before I let 'em do that to me. Holy Fuck! I can't believe it. This place is so fucked up!" And so it went on. A primary area of concern was that they might do it to others. Every now and then someone would try to talk to me. A few tried to console me and I tried to answer them as best I could. I figured I couldn't afford to completely alienate any potential friends. Finally one was persistent. "Hey let us see it." A long pause. "Come on man. We just wanna look at it." "Hey leave him alone!" "No way. Why's he being such an asshole." I felt a little shove against my shoulder to emphasize what an asshole I was being. "Just let us look at it and we'll leave you alone. What's the big deal if we just wanna look at it? Come on bitch!" He laughed. "Yeah, you really are a bitch, aren't ya?! Show us your cunt, you little hairless bitch! They shaved ya for us too, didn't they? Come on. I was tryin' to be nice about it, but I don't take this shit from no bitch." He laughed again. "I can be an asshole too." The obnoxious bastard was crouching behind me. I could see from the corner of my eye that several other very curious types were standing behind him. I was getting a very bad feeling from the vibes in the air. I took a tentative look over my shoulder and the first thing I noticed was they had erections, every one of them, and they had animal looks on their unshaven faces. The second thing I noticed was a guard, watching the entire scene from the opposite side of the room with a tight lip and a blank face. I felt that I better start being just a little nicer. "Look, I'm sorry. I just..." He cut me off. "No need to be sorry man. Just let us see it. That's all we want to do." "Didn't you see it already in the shower?" "No man. I wanna see it close up. I didn't see nothin'" A ripple of laughter went through the small crowd again and the guard across the way smiled. "Come on, turn around." I did as he asked, turning very slowly, knowing that he probably wanted more than to see it, but it seemed like there was no way around that. It was just a matter of how far he and his friends would go to get their way. I just had to hope that at some point, the guard would intervene. I kept my legs pretty close together, but he immediately slapped them apart. He blinked hard and then shook his head in disbelief. "It looks so real. I've seen a million of these things. If I didn't know any better I'd say they got this from a real woman." He reached out and touched it, sliding his fingers between the outer lips. My abdomen clinched up as if to keep him out. His face showed that he was enthralled. In a moment he began pushing his fingers in and I grabbed his forearm and forced it away. "He's bein' an asshole again. Someone help me." They didn't even take any time to think about it. In no time I felt every limb restrained. I fought to lift my myself up and someone sat on my chest nearly forcing the wind out of me. I started to shout for help when the man on my chest scooted back onto my face, covering my mouth with his naked ass. I could just barely breath through my nose. There was a knee on each of my hands, and two guys, one on each leg holding them apart. They took turns raping me as the guard looked on. They expressed amazement about how realistic my vagina was, as if it was some kind of sex toy attached to a blow up doll instead of a real person. They forgot about me completely. I think it was nearly a dozen before they were done, but it was probably over in less than half an hour. When they got off me I was exhausted. I don't know what from. I had ceased struggling after the first couple of men. I just lay there, not bothering to cover up anymore. It seemed like it was over for the night. Then the guard casually walked over and climbed on, unzipping his fly and leaving his jumpsuit on. I knew better than to resist him so I just left my arms at my sides as he wrapped his hands around my shoulders for leverage and began thrusting. His head was to the side. None of them had shown interest in any part of my body but the female part. The next morning I was wakened by a guard. I was curled in the corner again; not sure when I had assumed that fetal position. He watched while I showered and used the special device again. My space was sore, but it felt good to get clean after the night before. I took my first piss as a "woman." I had to sit, of course. All the toilets were openly visible and a couple of slaves laughed at me as I reached down to spread the lips. Leaving me naked, the guard attached shackles to my wrists which were then attached to my collar by short chains and brought me back to the captain's quarters. I was still greatly disturbed by the glares my strange body attracted from guards and slaves alike, and the short chains connecting my wrists to my collar prevented me from covering myself. The captain had a beautifully furnished room. I was chained by my collar to the headboard on the captain's bed and I quickly discovered a mirror facing down from above and another large mirror on the wall behind the bed. The bed had four posts and a canopy overhead. The above mirror was on the inside of the canopy. "How vain," I thought. The guard then left without any comment or instruction, so I just lay on my side facing away from the door. It was such a relief to be away from anyone, to have just a few moments of privacy that the chains didn't really bother me. I stayed awake this time. Eventually I heard the boots of the captain and I sat up. "I bet you don't feel so uncomfortable being alone with me now, do you?" he asked. "You wanted that to happen last night, didn't you? You knew what would happen." "I must admit, I was curious how a bunch of slaves who hadn't seen a woman for weeks and knew they never would again, would react to you." He smiled broadly. "Now be glad that you have the luxury of serving me. If you disappoint me we can always put you back on general slave duty with the rest of the common slaves. You would be good for morale, I'm sure." He said this as if slightly angry, perhaps just for emphasis, but his next statement was completely without emotional expression. "Slave 1392, release." The moment he said it, there was a beep and I felt the chains come loose from both my collar and my shackles. One chain was still attached to the headboard now hanging loosely, and the one attaching my collar to my shackles fell into my lap. I looked at my shackles and saw that they were somewhat complicated devices just like my collar, and they each had the number "1392" clearly printed on them. That must be the same number as my collar. "Slave 1392, shackles, lock." When he said this I saw a short metal bar protrude from a raised section on the back side of my left shackle, and four little wings extended out from it. It was clearly meant to be inserted into a similar hole where it would fasten. "See the hole over your wrist on the right shackle? Put your hands behind your back and connect them." I reluctantly did as he said, and after a little feeling around I felt them snap together and my hands were secured behind my back. "Aren't those nice? Not everyone gets those, you know? Now observe this, Frank. If I don't state a slave number, the computer automatically chooses whichever one is closest to me. Slave sleep." I was startled by a sharp sting in my neck underneath the collar, like a bee sting. Then a heaviness rushed over my body and I felt myself falling forward. I was thankful that I was on a bed, because I was helpless to prevent my fall as everything blackened around me. I was nearly out when I hit the bed. "The captain was rubbing the back of my neck as I opened my eyes. It took a few moments to even remember who I was; where I was; what had just happened. It seemed like I had been out for only a brief completely oblivious moment, though the captain explained that I had been out for about twenty minutes. "You were injected with a fast acting drug. The effects wear off quickly. In just a few minutes, the grogginess will wear off. I just wanted to give you a little demonstration so you'll have an idea of how helpless you are. That never has to happen again. A lot of slaves have gotten nasty bumps on the head, broken arms, broken noses, from falling flat on their faces. All a guard has to do is push a panic button on his wristband and every slave in the vicinity gets the exact same effect." I felt that my arms were no longer restrained. They rested at my sides. He had released me while I was passed out. "Turn over Frank." I did as he asked, with some effort. I lay on my back looking up into the mirror overhead. I saw my hard muscular naked body lying next to the captains. He was as tall as me. He had a beautiful body, though not as muscular as my own, and he retained his body hair. Just a little dark blonde hair on his legs, arms, and chest, but next to me it seemed like an abundance. He was stroking his member and his testicles hung low in a large sack between his legs. Again, seeing my body next to his, with nothing but a hairless slit between my legs, made his cock seem that much larger. Everything about the image suggested contrast. Him, with an engorged cock and sagging balls, long hair on his head, a trim mustache and goatee. Me with a completely smooth body, short hair, no cock, and manacles on my neck and wrists. A sense of being conquered washed over me and I just didn't care anymore. "Are you good at sucking cock, Frank? Lift up a bit, Frank.." He slapped me lightly on the cheek a few times to wake me up a bit more. With effort, I fought off the drugged feeling and propped myself on my elbows. "Do the balls first." He pushed my head down towards the base and I started licking his balls and taking them into my mouth one at a time. They were musky from a long day of being trapped in his clothes. He guided me up the shaft with his hands and I licked the musky scent away. When I reached the tip, he pulled the foreskin back a little and I cleaned the area underneath with the tip of my tongue. It had a stronger flavor than the rest. Soon it was clean and he pushed down on my head, signaling that I was to suck it now. The act was helping me to rise out of the stupor from the drug as I concentrated more on what I was doing. He stopped me for a moment to stand up. He stayed at the side of the bed and I got on all fours so I would be on the right level for sucking him. I assumed that I should continue what I was doing until he told me otherwise, and he seemed to be enjoying it a great deal because he allowed me to continue for some time. Finally he pulled my head back and his cock plopped out of my mouth. I looked up at him, precum and saliva dripping down my chin. He turned around and spread the muscular cheeks of his ass. I began to lick. After a short while he ordered me to push my tongue in so I began fucking him with my tongue. He turned around and paused for a moment. He smiled at me. "Look down between your legs, Frank." I did. Clear liquid coated my pussy and was dripping onto the bed. "I think you're ready for me to move on," he said. "Turn around and scoot forward." He got onto the bed and began fucking me from behind. My own natural lubrication allowed him to slide into me easily and he fucked me doggy style. I had resigned myself to my situation and was no longer fighting the fact that he aroused me. I decided that I may feel lust for him, but I would never let myself love this man. He managed to get me turned around onto my back without pulling out, and he was looking into my eyes as he slowly fucked me. Then he pulled out and moved to the side. I kept looking into his face, wondering why he was stopping. He pointed up, and I looked up into the mirror. "Look at yourself, Frank." I felt his hand travel down my chest until it finally rested on my smooth crotch. He rubbed the flat area where my cock was just days before. "It feels terribly vacant down there, doesn't it?" I couldn't answer. Why was he torturing me with this again? "You know you're still a man, right? You still have your testicles. They're just internalized. Your male hormones will continue to flow, and you will continue to produce sperm." "And how long before you take these things as well? Are you planning to change the rest of me?" "No. I don't want any women aboard this ship. You've lost your cock, Frank, but you have mine now. So tell me. Do you want me to fuck you?" "Do as you please," I said. "No Frank. I'm not going to continue unless I hear it from you. You won't be in any trouble if you tell me right now that you want to stop. I'll be fine to just jack off." He began to stroke himself over my stomach. "Do you feel violated? Do you want me to stop?" I didn't say anything. I just looked at his cock and felt a hunger for it growing. I tried to imagine how it once felt to hold my own fat cock in my hand and just jack off. The silence dragged on. I reached down and felt the tiny little nub, less than half an inch long, my "clit", the only thing left of my cock. It was just as sensitive as the larger organ it had replaced, but it wasn't the same. He began to stroke himself a little more vigorously. His eyes closed. "No! Don't stop!" I cried. "I don't want you to stop fucking me." The words came out in sobs as I groped for his cock with both hands. He let go and smiled as I ran my hands up and down the length of it. I was on the verge of tears again. He had torn the last shreds of my dignity away. I was asking my tormentor to fuck me. I was no longer the victim of a rapist. Now I was just a slut begging to be fucked. He allowed me great liberties as I sat up and nuzzled his cock and balls with my face. My face became wet with my own juices that coated his cock. Finally I laid back and kept my legs apart for him, inviting him. I suffered from an intense case of penis envy, exactly as he had planned, no doubt. He stopped smiling and just looked into my eyes again as he pushed back into me. He laid his head on my shoulder and rested himself on me. He wasn't thrusting. For what seemed like many minutes, his hard cock just filled me motionlessly and I felt at piece for the first time since my loss. I dreaded when the time would come for him to pull it out. Finally, he started to work it around very slightly, in small circular motions. Little moans escaped my lips. My muscular arms were squeezing his frame, small in comparison to mine, pulling him against me, trying to keep him deeply inside me. He lifted up onto his elbows after a while and was thrusting harder. He was now breathing heavy through his mouth and I felt his hot breath on my face. Several times, he seemed close, but each time he stopped thrusting and got it back under control. He knew when I was close to climax. My teeth were clinched together and my pussy clamped down hard on his cock. I was trying to wait for him to be close again. I assumed he wanted us to finish together. "Don't hold back for me," he said, "When you're ready, go ahead." With that, he grabbed fistfuls of my hair and thrust his tongue into my mouth. I sucked it greedily as I came. Cum flowed in spurts around his cock inside me for what seemed like the longest orgasm I've ever had. When he was sure I was done, he stayed in me a little while longer and then drew out his glistening cock. It was soaked with my cum when he straddled my face and brought it up to my mouth I gladly licked and sucked it clean. My head and shoulders were propped up on a pillow. He started fucking my face until his breathing picked up again. Then he kept just a few inches in my mouth as he stroked the base and fed me his own orgasm which I swallowed greedily. "Keep it in your mouth," he said, "I'm not done. Get ready to swallow again." After a few moments, his cock gradually lost some of it's rigidity and I felt a warm liquid flowing into my mouth. It was much thinner than the thick, bitter cum I had swallowed a moment before. My face shriveled up as I realized what he was doing, but I forced myself to swallow the foul stuff quickly. He was testing my obedience and I sensed that my reaction right now was crucial to what would happen next. It wasn't quite as bad as I expected, but bitter and very salty. I really didn't mind that he had just filled my stomach with his piss. The only thing I cared about was staying in contact with this cock. It was the center of my world now. Let me hold it in my pussy, my hands, my mouth. Just don't take it away from me. "Turn over on your side." He told me as he guided me with is hand. I faced away from him as he wrapped his arm around my chest and gently squeezed one of my large pectorals. He told me to lift my leg just a moment and placed his flaccid cock between my legs where I held it while we lay there for the longest time. After a while the hand on my chest began to play with my nipple very lightly until it hardened under his fingers. The cock between my legs stirred. I felt it trying to harden despite the pressure of my heavy legs squeezing it. When I felt him pulling, I lifted enough for him to get it out. He guided me onto all fours again and began to fuck me again. But after a few minutes he pulled out and I felt him trying to push into my other hole. He wanted to fuck my ass now and he had just used my vagina to get it wet. I grunted from the pain but I didn't dare deny him what he wanted. It had been a long time since I had been fucked like a man and I was now discovering how my vagina was so much better designed for fucking. There was so much more pain this way, though it was subsiding quickly. He persistently pushed into my stubborn insides and gradually began to lengthen his strokes as I was finally able to relax. It soon became clear that my prostate was still intact because he seemed to be rubbing against it making me drip with fluids once again. "Rub your clit," he whispered into my ear. "Stroke yourself off. Fuck yourself with your fingers." I could see the pleasure in my face with the mirror on the back of the bed, and I could see from the captain's face that he was as well enraptured with his task. He came inside me before I finished and left it softening in me as I brought myself to another climax. We lay together for the longest time, looking up at ourselves in the mirror. I began to feel more comfortable with him. The hate I felt for him had subsided a bit, at least temporarily. I was sure it would come back after I had been left alone with my disfigurement for a while. I ventured a question. "You could put it back, couldn't you?" "You aren't supposed to speak." He said casually and without any real anger. He seemed to be in contemplation. "I bet you have it somewhere preserved. The doctor would want to keep it, I think. He might have some use for it. You could put it back. You can still fuck me like a man, like you just did. I'll be good for you." "I like to fuck you both ways and I like your pussy better. It doesn't matter anyway. It's gone." "How can you be sure? Are you sure the doctor didn't keep it?" I thought about how reluctant the doctor had been to perform the operation. Perhaps he had planned for the contingency that the captain would change his mind. "I ate it." My mouth fell open. Only for a moment did I wonder if he was telling the truth. His face was expressionless. I could tell he wasn't lying. I stared wide-eyed into the face of the man who had consumed me. My eyes wandered down his body toward his stomach. I imagined a large intact penis in his stomach. Of course it was an absurd thought. He wouldn't have swallowed it whole and anyway it was certainly digested by now. "Shortly after the operation, I took it to my room and ate it raw. It took a long time. It was tough, difficult to bite into, but I resisted the temptation to cut it up. I wanted it pure and unaltered." "Why?! How could you do such a thing?!" "For virility." I remembered what a superstitious man he was. He refused to have women on board because they were bad luck, a belief that was eons old, from back when ships traveled the seas. He probably did think that consuming a man's penis would somehow enhance his own masculinity, perhaps even give him some mystical power over the man it was taken from. I couldn't help the bizarre thoughts that began to go through my head. I imagined the proteins broken down and distributed throughout his body as I looked his naked body over. It was a part of him now. It was truly gone forever. If I was ever to be whole again, it would have to be some fabrication, or taken from someone else. It just wasn't going to happen. As my eyes wandered down his body I noticed something for the first time. It was very subtle. There was the slightest difference in coloration and skin texture between his cock and the area immediately surrounding it. He didn't seem bothered when I wanted to examine his groin more closely. Perhaps he thought I was going down on him, but I was only looking. As I got closer and smooth some of the pubic hair away, the line around his penis was clear. His testicles seemed to be his own, but the rest of his organ seemed to have been replaced. "This is another man's penis." I said with astonishment. I knew it wasn't mine. It was much larger. "So what if it is." He answered flatly. "One of your captives had an enormous cock and you killed him and took it. These things make you feel stronger, more manly, don't they?" No response. "You're a very insecure man, aren't you?" I should have known that would get a response. I would soon regret saying it. He sprang up and jerked me up by my heavy collar. "I said you are not to speak! The next time you speak out of line, your voice will be next to go! Do you doubt me?" "No Sir. I'm sorry." "No you're not, but you will be. Slave sleep!" I woke gradually, as before. As my senses returned, I couldn't tell if my eyesight was still recovering or if I was in darkness. I became aware of a presence filling my ass, and a much larger presence in my vagina. The dildos were held in by something like a pair of tight shorts, made of something thicker and tougher than the usual slave bikini. It seemed like leather. My wrist shackles were attached by chains to the headboard and I now seemed equipped with ankle shackles as well, because the range of motion of my feet was also incredibly limited. For hours I lay in the darkness, unable to change my spread-eagle position. When the light came on, the captain and Daniel entered. Daniel stood next to my bed, naked, while the captain unlocked a small device on either side of my leather shorts, which allowed them to be unzipped at the sides and removed like a diaper. The moment had come. Daniel was going to see what he had done to me, and I hardly had time to decide how to feel about it. The shorts were quickly stripped away and I regretted that I was looking at Daniel's face. His shock was evident. I saw his eyes glance very briefly down at my crotch as I was stripped, but just ever so briefly. Then I could see the moment when his mind registered the change and he looked back and stared. His jaw dropped a bit and his eyes widened. The captain hadn't told him anything. The captain very slowly pulled an enormous black dildo from my new hole as Daniel watched enthralled. It clearly showed the capacity of my body cavity. Then the much smaller dildo was pulled from my ass and both implements were tossed to the floor. The captain gave a verbal command that released my ankle shackles from their chains and then gave the confused boy a shove so that his naked body fell upon mine. "Enjoy him. I've had all I need of him today." And we were alone. Daniel didn't get off me. He just changed positions so that he was facing me and put his arms around my back. His small weight comforted me but I couldn't bare to face him. I stared blankly at the wall while he tried to look into my eyes. Gripping my chin gently, he forced me to look at him just as I did to him when he came back from his first day as a slave. I still avoided his gaze and kept my eyes down as my eyes watered up. There was no sound; just tears flowing down my cheeks. "Tell me what's wrong." "What?!" Now I was angry. "You know what's wrong! You see what he did to me." "Yes, I know, but tell me what you're feeling. That's what matters." "I feel like a piece of meat. They may as well have implanted this thing in a wall. It would give them as much pleasure." I suddenly realized I was speaking in plurals. Now Daniel must realize that the captain wasn't the only one to abuse me. "He ripped away my manhood, and now he taunts me about it. He takes pleasure in humiliating me." "What's it like? Does it work? I mean, does it feel like a sexual organ or is it just a hole? Do you know if you can still feel pleasure there? Can you orgasm?" "Yeah, I can." I answered. "So you have then. You must have. How else would you know." I was embarrassed. He had to wonder how I had discovered this. He would know the captain had brought me pleasure. "Yeah, I have." "The captain?" he asked as if it was obvious. "He uses it to humiliate me. I don't want to feel it. I'd rather it hurt than feel good." "You keep talking about how he took something away, but that's not how it is. He didn't just cut your penis off. He changed you. You're different now, but not less than you were. He replaced one sex organ with another." "You have no idea what I'm going through. Do you think you would cope any better had it been you?" "I admit that I don't know what you're going through and I don't know how I would react. I think it would be devastating, but would you still love me if he had done it to me?" "Of course I would." "But would you still find me attractive? Would you still want to make love with me?" "Yes, of course." "Then I think I could handle it. I think I'd get over it in time." "Do you love me, Daniel? Is that what you're saying? Can you love me like this?" I asked. "I'd never been with a man before I got captured. It never even occurred to me that I could. But I've been with women. I can deal with the situation just fine. The question is can you? You have to deal with it. You have no choice. I already love you but you have to learn to love yourself all over again." With that he started fondling the new organ. He was playing with the clit and was just starting to push the tips of a couple of fingers into the opening. "Stop Daniel! I'm not ready for this." "You have to deal with this. You can start right now with me, or you can wait and see what happens with that bastard and his flunkies." I stopped protesting as he began to gently probe deeper into me. I let the pleasure show in my face. I could see from the look on his face, that he was loosing himself in the act. His mouth held open just a slit while his breath took on the familiar pattern of inhaling slowly and then exhaling in short hard puffs. His breath warmed my face. He began to probe my mouth with his tongue in conjunction with the probing of his fingers as his cock hardened against my leg. I longed to feel his lithe body with my hands, but they were still chained to the headboard. He began planting little kisses down my body as he moved his face closer to the hand that was fondling me. When I realized what he had in mind, I tried to clamp my legs together. It was all I could do to stop him. I couldn't conceive of the idea that someone would want to do go down on my now! "Daniel, you don't have to do that!" He ignored me. "It's not going to be what you expect. It's not going to taste like a woman. The fluids are male." He looked up and his face showed no reaction. "I've tasted your cum before. Don't you remember? Now relax. This time I'm the one that knows what I'm doing." He forcefully pried my legs apart and pushed his face into my crotch, nuzzling it. His light stubble scratched me as he buried his nose in the folds of skin. I wondered for a moment when he had been able to shave. Most of the slaves, except myself of course, had beards or were starting to grow beards. It seemed like he had shaved just recently. He spent a while nibbling my clit and flicking at it lightly with the tip of his tongue. That alone would have made me cum but he was being careful to just tease me with it before continuing with the rest of his exploration. If he was disgusted by it, he was doing an incredible job of pretending because he seemed so enthusiastic. He stopped for a moment to turn around so we were in a sixty-nine position and laid his cock on my face. I gulped it into my mouth and started sucking him. He had begun licking my clit more vigorously now and soon I was cumming. I could actually feel some of it squirting out of my hole against his lips. He lapped it up and dug his tongue into me to lick out the rest. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and turned back around to lie next to me and hold me. "I want to make you cum too." I told him, frustrated. "No. Rest for while. I want to fuck you. Do you think you'll be too sensitive?" I just shook my head "no" and he laid his head against my chest and kept his arms wrapped around me. "How did you shave?" I asked him. "The captain let me use his restroom to get ready for you. Do you know he uses a straight razor? I was terrified I would cut myself. I've never used any kind of razor before. I didn't think they even made them anymore. And have you thought about why he dresses like he does? I guess he's just fascinated with the past." "I guess." I fell asleep in a little while until he woke me by getting out of bed. In a short while he was back, the light was off, and I felt his hard member pressing between my legs. He was running his hands over my chest and stomach, kissing and biting my neck, and then he whispered in my ear "Are you ready?" "Yes." He used his hand to guide his cock into me and for the first time since the change, it felt right. I felt the muscles inside me instinctively hugging him tightly. His cock seemed harder than usual, like he was really aroused. He stopped for a moment, leaving himself buried deep inside me while he reached for something. I felt the huge black dildo against my chest. "This was inside you just a little while ago. Do you realize what an incredible thing your vagina is? My cock is tiny by comparison to this dildo, yet I'm fitting inside you perfectly. You're squeezing me and it feels wonderful." "Don't stop." I demanded. He tossed the thing aside. After we came together, he fell asleep on top of me, his cock slowly softening inside me. We were still locked together in that position when we were woken by the light. The captain was standing by the bed looking down his nose at us. "So... You're not as shocked by his deformity as I expected. You're rested up now, Daniel. You can go back to your post in the hallway." Daniel pushed up, looking into my eyes and smiling. His cock had begun to harden a little inside me as soon as we woke, but he finally pulled out. He had been in me for hours. "We'll be together again soon." He whispered. "Get going! You're done here!" ordered the captain. It's hard to tell exactly what happened. I thought I saw Daniel reach for something between the mattresses. The next thing I knew, he had the captain in a headlock with a straight razor to his throat. Oh my God, no. Daniel, this is futile. I was sure he would be killed now. "Slave sleep!" He was helpless with that collar on. There was a high pitched sound accompanied by a bright red light in Daniel's collar, but Daniel didn't seem affected. A trickle of blood stained the captain's shirt. Daniel was putting enough pressure on the blade to make sure he was taken seriously. "No thank you. I'm not tired. These collars have made you overconfident. Don't say another word except for what I tell you or your voice box and your jugular won't work any more. Now, we have a lot to do." After a few moments, I realized that Daniel wasn't just fighting off the effects of the drug. He couldn't have resisted for so long considering how quickly it had rendered me unconscious, and I was much larger than Daniel. Then I saw just a hint of a piece of flat metal underneath his collar and saw that the razor at the captain's throat had a piece broken from the end. It blocked the needle. It was hard to believe that I was finally free. It's taken a while to sink in. I wake up sometimes thinking I'm still enslaved. "Clean my boots." "Yes, Sir." Just the sound of the captain's commanding voice causes my juices to flow. I squatted over one and rubbed my pussy up and down from the top to the toe. I could easily get off just from this if I wanted, but I stopped when it was thoroughly wet from my juices and smeared them in with my face. Then I licked every inch clean and did the same to the other boot. I looked up into my lover's eyes for approval. He inspected them and seemed content. Precum makes an excellent boot shine. He scooted forward in his seat. "Now clean my cock and balls." I opened his fly with my teeth and licked every inch of his genitals until the musky taste was gone. Then I sucked him until he was hard and he ordered me to climb onto his lap and ride him. My feet rested on either side of the chair as I squatted over and over, easily engulfing his large member with my sex. I came twice before he did. I've learned that my surgically enlarged glands make it possible to cum much more frequently. When we finished, I licked his cock clean and he sucked what he could out of my hole. Then I sat in his lap and we held each other. He was still dressed and I was naked, as usual. I looked into my new captain's eyes. "I'll always love you, Daniel." He smiled. "You better. I intend to keep you forever. Now bring me your under belt." Some of the slaves died in the revolt, but the rest have been freed. Many of them decided to stay on board as employees and they unanimously voted Daniel as their new captain. It wasn't a tough decision after he gave them their freedom. The only slaves we have on board now are the surviving members of the old crew. There just wasn't much pity for them. I brought him the device he had ordered made especially for me. It was a leather jock strap that locks into place. Only Daniel can unlock it. It has a dildo molded from his hard cock on the inside that fills me when I wear it. On the outside is an flaccid rubber penis that mimics my old one. It provides a bit of a bulge under my clothes, not that I really care anymore. It was partly to protect me from unwanted advances by other members of the crew. Most everyone knew about the captain's unusual consort. But mostly it was just a turn on for Daniel and me. He liked the idea of keeping my parts locked away until he wanted them. The ingenious device even lets me piss like a man by redirecting the stream through the artificial penis, so I can wear it for days at a time if Daniel's away. I could have been changed back if I wanted. Daniel offered me the old captain's dick when it was removed. We agreed that I would stay this way for a few months and let him enjoy me with the vagina, so we kept the captain's cock preserved. But after a while, I just realized I had no desire. I like myself the way I am and so does Daniel. As a matter of fact, Daniel still thanks the old captain for changing me each time he passes him in the hall. The last I saw the old captain, he seemed resigned to his new fate. He was chained to the wall in a busy intersection, completely devoid of hair including his head and his eyebrows, and he had one cock in his mouth, one in his ass, and one in his pussy.


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6 Gay Erotic Stories from Deland Vincent

Gender Gap

Written by Deland Vincent ( Constructive criticism welcomed. Once the pirates had us disarmed and cuffed, they started marching us rapidly through their ship. This vessel was enormous, especially for a pirate ship. It had certainly made short work of our ship. At first I assumed they wanted to hold us for ransom until I saw a number of workers that were obviously

Incubus, Part 1, author of Poolshark Constructive feedback welcomed "Mr. Bartlet." If the farmer had not been numbed by a long day in the fields, the shrill voice might have severely startled him. Still, he had not heard anyone approach as his head was under a stream of cold well water. His head whipped around, his shoulder length hair splattering a trail of

Incubus, Part 2, author of Poolshark, Constructive feedback welcomed The farmer heard that wet crunching sound as of a limb being removed and saw the creature's own disembodied organ laid on the bed in front of his face. He then felt his own organ anchored against the creature. It had replaced its' own organ with the farmer's and was fucking him with it! He still felt

Pool Shark, Part 1

POOLSHARK Part I Written: Feb 20, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. This stranger was becoming more and more fascinating by the moment. It was a beautiful house. That practically goes without saying in the neighborhood we were in. I had only recently moved to Atlanta, but I knew that this was a very nice area. He had said that he

Pool Shark, Part 2

Written: April 15, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. When I started reading Taven's diaries, I was sitting on the living room couch. The television was providing background noise to give me a vague feeling of company. The windows were open to let in the fresh air. It was a beautiful sunny day out. However, soon I found that I was going to need

Pool Shark, Part 3

Written: April 27, 1994 Written by: Deland Vincent (a.k.a. I finished Taven's first diary. I was excited about starting on the other one, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I felt like a voyeur, getting such pleasure from the ramblings of this boys bizarre sex-life. I couldn't stop myself though. Richard was right when he said I'd get a lot of pleasure from


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