Gay Erotic Stories

Give The Man A Cigar


High School graduation was over and college still months in the future when I took a job in a drugstore to help pay my college expenses. Across the street from the store a new church was being built, and I spent many hours looking out the window at the construction workers. I had a lover...sort of...and had established my own sexual identity, but I was far from "out." My lover was a fifty-five year old Italian construction worker, but he was married and not available very often. So as I looked out the windows, I dreamt about him and about them and about the whole marvelous idea of servicing a really sexy he man. All of the workers came into the store on a daily basis to get soft drinks and other supplies, but one fascinated me completely. He was probably about forty-five (to my teenage sensibilities he was "middle-aged) and struck an amazing figure. He was tall, broad-shouldered and heavily muscled. From a crest of long, bleached blond hair above sparkling blue eyes and a flashing smile to the fur covered, powerful chest and arms to the powerful legs, he was a breath-taking sight to see. He wore only construction boots, socks and brief cut-off shorts so tight one wondered how he managed to keep them on. He was a stone mason working on the facade of the church. Every day at noon he came into the store and bought a coke and a cigar from me. Always he stayed to make cheerful conversation and give me the opportunity to admire his beauty up close. When he stood at my counter, I trembled and often became speechless or said stupid things in spite of the fact that I had had the highest IQ in my graduating class. I would take a long time on my knees selecting his cigar so that I could peer out through the glass case at his well-filled basket. One day as I knelt to get the cigar, I saw that several buttons on his fly were open and I could see part of his cock and balls. I almost fainted. When I managed to get to my feet and hand him a cigar, he asked, "How old are you, kid?" I have always looked young for my age, a curse then, a blessing now. "Eighteen. Just graduated from high school." "Yeah! You look about fourteen. What time you get off here? "I'm off at 2:30 this afternoon." "Me, too. It's too hot out there. You want to come with me for a beer or something?" I didn't drink or smoke but I would have gone to the moon with him if he had asked, so I agreed to meet him at his car at 2:30. As he started out the door, he turned back and said, "Hey, kid, remember I always like a nice cigar." After work I ran to his car holding a cigar in my hand as a gift. He said nothing as he got into the car but drove directly to a rather ramshackle motel attached to one of the city's better restaurants but off the tourist path. "Do you live here," I asked. "I don't live anywhere, kid. I follow the work. Call me 'Mason'. Everybody does. What do I call you?" "Most people call me 'professor'," I said, "cause I always helped everybody with their homework." "Ain't you the nice pansy though. Could of used you when I was in school. Don't go for book stuff much." We entered the nondescript motel room and he immediately took off his shoes and socks and then dropped the shorts. I stood there looking at that magnificent body in disbelief. I had never seen anything so magnificent. I had had sex with some high school kids, but I never really was attracted to young kids. I like to service a real man. As he stood there running his hands over his hairy body, I was startled to see how white the skin beneath the shorts was and how very dark his brutally sunburned skin was. Looking like the statue of Adonis, he broke the spell by flipping his prick and balls in the Italian style and walking without a word into the bathroom. Frozen in my position just inside the door I watched him piss into the toilet and then enter the shower. "What the hell are you waiting for, kid?" he called. "Get your clothes off and get in here. You don't expect me to scrub my own back, do you?" I never undressed so fast in my life. I hurried into the shower. "Cheez, you really are a puny little thing, aren't you," he said. "I can imagine you as a girl easily. Do my back first." With heart pounding I soaped his broad back and thrilled to the touch of his skin as I ran my hands over his powerful shoulders and back. "Don't forget my ass, kid, and be sure to clean that crack well." I did as he said and felt my whole hand slipping into his crack as the other fondled the most beautiful buns I had ever seen. I was embarrassed that my own cock was standing straight out in front of me until he turned around and I saw that his was too!. I ran my soapy hands through the long bleached blond hair on his chest and abs and then dropped to my knees to wash each of his powerful legs with loving care. I looked at his huge cock and balls that looked absolutely massive to me then and hesitated. "I think you might want to use your mouth on that," he said. Eagerly I leaned forward and kissed his piss slit. I licked the swollen purple head and breathlessly licked my way up and down the shaft. One at a time I gently took his balls in my mouth. I licked that glorious spot between his balls and ass crack. The sight of his full erection was overwhelming but I was determined that I would never have an opportunity like this again. As I leaned forward to swallow that throbbing delicious piece of meat, I felt his hands on the back of my head and knew that I was in for the face-fuck of a life time. He gyrated from the pelvis and began to moan and groan as that beautiful pecker found its way in and out of my mouth and my hands roamed passionately over the most exciting man-body I had ever encountered. Long before he climaxed I felt myself coming involuntarily on the shower floor. Then the huge dick grew even larger and began to spurt. I thought I would drown as eruption after eruption poured into my throat, my mouth and spilled over the front of my body. I think I passed out from the sheer excitement, because when I awakened, I was lying on the bed beside him. "You got to build up your strength, little fella," he said, "we still got a lot to do before summer's over." He said he was tired and asked me to massage his tired, sunburned body with oil from a bottle beside the bed. What a thrill. He lay spread eagled on the bed as I gently, but thoroughly massaged oil into his shoulders, back muscles, buttocks, thighs and calves. Each muscle was a new work of art. I thrilled to the touch and the sight and was shocked to realize that he had fallen asleep. More than an hour passed as he slept the sleep only a manual laborer can know as my massage turned to gentle caresses and fondling. When he awakened, he rolled over, his huge penis fully erect and pointed at that beautiful nest of hair around his belly button. "Time for the other side now, little man," he said as I straddled his body and began to work on his shoulders and chest, my whole body trembling from the excitement. As I approached his cock and balls, I slid between his legs and leaned forward to suck his dick again. But slowly he lifted his legs toward himself and presented me with an eager, hairy asshole. "Put it in there, lover boy," he said. "I don't do any of that fairy cocksucking stuff, but I sure do enjoy it. Real men like a good fuck and I'm a real man. Fuck me, kid." I had never done that. "I--I wouldn't want to hurt you, sir, and I've never done that before." "Hell, you ain’t got enough to hurt anybody. Shove it in there. I can't hold my legs up forever." So I found myself actually fucking the most beautiful man I had ever seen and used my hands to stimulate him. It was a sensational feeling and certainly didn't take me long to cum. As soon as I did, I withdrew and fell on his cock and balls with my mouth ecstatically slurping all over those glorious genitals. He reached for the phone when he had cum. I didn't even hear what he said. I collapsed on top of him and just lay there with my arms around his neck. Before long there was a knock on the door and a waiter from the restaurant was entering the room with a tray in hand. I jumped up startled. I had never been "caught" before. Mason lay on the bed laughing at me. He instructed the waiter to put the tray down, put the food on his bill and leave. He called him Carlos. The waiter did as he was told but hesitated at the door. He was a handsome man about twenty-four, very Latino, sexy moustache, tight pants revealing a great bulge. "Not now, Carlos. Later, much later, Carlos. Vamoose!" The waiter left. We ate. Then I began to eat him again. We repeated the whole process again and I was exhausted when I dressed and left with Mason sprawled on the bed. "We'll do this again, kid," he said as I left, "just remember to bring the man a cigar!" The church facade was almost finished. Some days I worked days and some nights. Some days he left early and some days he worked late. But the timing worked out and a little over a week later he asked me to bring him a cigar at quitting time. I called my mother to tell her I would not be home for supper and hurried to his beat up old Ford. Once again we showered, sucked, massaged. Then as he raised his beautiful pucker in the air and I aimed my six inches toward it, the door opened and Carlos came in grinning ear to ear. "Lock the door, Carlos. We won't want to be interrupted now." Carlos had no tray this time and slipped out of his clothes amazingly fast. He had a lovely body, quite different from Mason's. He was as smooth as Mason was hairy. His cock was not as big around as Mason's, but it was longer! And it was sure erect. "Hop on," Mason said as Carlos straddled Mason's upper body. "Put it in, kid," Mason said. "You might as well learn to suck and fuck at the same time." As my cock thrust in and out of Mason's asshole, I took Carlos' dick eagerly into my mouth and played with Mason with my free hands. What a sensation! All three of us came about the same time, but the flow from Carlos was really amazing. I spent the whole evening with them and we showered, sucked, and fucked. Finally when it was time that I would have to leave, I lay facing Mason as Carlos entered him from behind. Mason put his arms around me and held me close running his fingers over my body. I felt my gorge rising and found that I was pumping my entire body against him We climaxed together and all over each other. Poor Carlos fell exhausted back onto the pillow and asked if he could stay the night. Unfortunately I couldn't. That weekend I got the "summer flu" and spent a week in bed. When I returned, I saw that the stone facade was finished and Mason was gone. I was despondent for a while, but then I remembered that Carlos worked at the restaurant! I can be reached at


15 Gay Erotic Stories from JIMBO

A Night At The Theater

My friend Norman and I decided to break up our holiday together which had included plenty of touchy feely stuff and lots more sucky, sucky stuff...but that's another story. We bought tickets to a touring Broadway show and took our seats. There was an empty seat next to me and in my usually grouchy fashion waited for the fat, smelly old lady who usually occupied that seat whenever this


Since his morning classes were on the East Campus and the remainder were late in the day on the West Campus, the professor tended to work out at his gym rather than eat lunch. The men who were regulars at that time provided a real feast for his viewing pleasure and, sometimes, a bit more. Every so often an exhibitionist provided a show in the shower room and he had been involved in

Cement Mixer, Part I

I'm a middle-aged, married college teacher whose main sexual excitement usually comes from looking at, but not touching, the body-builders at the gym where I work out several times a week. However, my real fantasy is to get into bed with a fully natural body...the kind that men develop through hard construction. I am particularly fascinated by men over forty who

Cement Mixer, Part II

CEMENT MIXER PART II When Moose and I had finished dinner, it was still light out and we walked back to the bedroom with our arms around each other's waists. Moose told me about his life and his plans. He was retiring from the fire department and planned to pick up extra cash doing "odd jobs." I explained that there was very little that I had mechanical aptitude for

Cement Mixer, Part III

The cement truck made its first delivery shortly after I had finished my breakfast. I watched with new fascination when "my men" applied their finishing skills to the newly poured cement. While the truck went for a second load, I escorted each of the four men into the bathroom as I had the day before. But there was a difference. Both Moose and Tony asked if it was okay

Dark Dreams

Although my stories as all good stories should come from my own life experience, they have been appropriately fictionalized to protect the innocent and entertain the reader. They are intended for adults only. DARK DREAMS BY JIMBO The first few weeks of freshman year were rainy, dreary and lonely. I had enrolled too late to get a room in the dorm and was spending most of my

Frat Slut

FRAT SLUT BY JIMBO This story is based on true experiences but fictionalized to protect the innocent. It is intended for reading only by adults. It took place before current crises, but only a fool today would have unprotected sex. Attending a small liberal arts college in a rural Midwestern town far from the city is not a wise move for the young, gay male, but,

Give The Man A Cigar

High School graduation was over and college still months in the future when I took a job in a drugstore to help pay my college expenses. Across the street from the store a new church was being built, and I spent many hours looking out the window at the construction workers. I had a lover...sort of...and had established my own sexual identity, but I was far from "out." My

Holiday Red Blazer

CONDOMS CLUTTER EROTIC STORY LINES, BUT ANYONE NOT USING THEM TODAY IS A FOOL. THIS STORY, AS ALL THE OTHER IN THIS SERIES, IS PARTLY FACT AND PARTLY FANTASY BASED ON THE AUTHOR'S PAST. He had settled in to his new teaching job and felt he needed something to keep him in shape physically. Since his classes were divided between two campuses, he took to going to the gym in the

Home Delivery

Everyone seems to fantasize about the UPS man. Not me. I realized long ago that they are too busy to do all the things they are accused of in stories. But I have been very friendly with John, our UPS man. My wife orders lots of stuff from catalogues, so he has become almost one of the family. I once asked my barber about him. My barber knows everyone. He said that John still lives

Psyched Out

Although all literature is based on personal experience, these stories develop a character who has shared some of my experiences but who is not me. He lives in a kinder, gentler world; only a fool would have unprotected sense today. PSYCHED OUT BY JIMBO With his undergraduate degree in hand, he traipsed off reluctantly to do his military duty. That extraordinary experience

Rail Ways

My stories are, of course, based on my own life's experiences, but they have been fictionalized to protect the innocent and are intended for adult reading only. The stories took place in a kinder, gentler time; only a fool today would have unprotected sex, especially with a stranger. He hated to wear the uniform off the post. He realized that there were sometimes fare advantages

Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day By Jimbo Everyone in town seemed to know about "Fairyland Forest." This park conveniently located near the intersection of the two major interstates in town and featuring three parking lots, much undeveloped forest with streams and cliffs, and convenience for the gay population who rushed to its covers all hours of the day and night in spite of the


My stories are loosely based on incidents in my own past but are fictionalized to protect the innocent. They happened in a safer past; only a fool would have unprotected sex today. SOLDIERING BY JIMBO The war was in its final days. Still, with college degree in hand he reluctantly plodded to the draft board at his summons to do his patriotic duty. Had he been any smaller or


The war was in its final days. Still, with college degree in hand he reluctantly plodded to the draft board at his summons to do his patriotic duty. Had he been any smaller or any more near-sighted, he would have been rejected and the "Little Professor" ,as his friends called him, was certainly not very good military material. He had never been an athlete and was much too gentle to


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