Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Patrol, Part 6



Highway Patrol, Part VI The door opened and Carlos turned away and went back to the desk, while the guards indicated that Mike was to go with them. Resigned, he left the library, and was returned to his own suite. The bed was perfect, and he was soon sleeping soundly. He awoke with sun streaming in through the windows, his cock hard as usual for this time of day. He was also hungry, so decided to test the room service. He picked up the phone, and before he could begin to dial, a voice said, "May I help you?" He decided to go all-out and see what he could really get. "Yes, I'd like Eggs Benedict, grapefruit slices, black coffee, and a cheese colache brought in 30 minutes." "Very well," was the reply, and he was disconnected. "Well," he thought, "we'll see if this really happens!" He then went to use the bathroom, and took a shower. It was really strange to be able to watch himself in the mirrors as he washed. His boner was still half up, and he began to stroke on it, arousing it to its full 8" length again. He had always liked to work himself over in the shower, the soap slicking everything up nicely. He let his other hand begin playing with his balls, working them around. He was just really beginning to get into it when he heard a voice! "Senor, No!" His eyes flashed open and he was embarrassed to see a guard standing there watching him. He tried to shield his hard-on with his hands, his face turning beet-red. He asked "Jesus, don't you people knock or anything!" The guard looked at him uncomprehendingly, and again motioned in the universal "jerking off" way, "No, Senor, por favor!" Mike understood well enough. He wasn't to jerk himself off. The guard remained where he was until Mike acknowledged that he would discontinue his self-stimulation, and proceeded on with his shower. The guard left the room. "Shit," he thought, "there must be a camera or two-way mirrors or something." He was pissed that he apparently had no privacy at all. He'd have to discuss this with Carlos next time they met. He finished showering, shaved, dried his hair and went to get dressed. He noticed that his clothes (if you wanted to call them that) had disappeared. He began looking in the dresser drawers, and found more clothing. But it was all identical. Same gauzy material, same short shorts, same useless tank-top. No shoes anywhere. He got dressed anyway, and went to look outside in the daylight. Very nice garden/pool. Might have to try it out! He heard the door to the room open, and in came another guard with a huge tray. It was placed on a small table, and the guard left. Mike removed the lids of the various dishes, and sure enough, there was his breakfast, exactly as he ordered. It also tasted as good as it looked! He might be able to get used to this.... for a while anyway! After eating, he decided to explore the house further, since no one seemed to care where he went and he hadn't received another "summons". He went out in the hallway and began opening doors as he went. Most of the rooms in this section were other bedroom suites. He noted that none were quite as extravagant as his own, but were still quite luxurious. He descended a staircase and found a series of large, open rooms, most of which seemed to be what he would call living rooms. They were furnished with various sofas, chairs, side-tables, etc....and seemed to have no other function other than for entertaining. They were too large to actually live in, and seemed to reflect no real idea of the home-owner other than a display of wealth. All of the rooms opened onto the courtyard, and he finally went out to look at the pool area. It was already quite warm outside, and he brushed his foot through the water to see what the temperature was. Very comfortable! He noticed a small structure off to the side of the courtyard, and went to explore it. It was a pool house, complete with the now-usual marble and mirror bathroom, but the shower was large enough for several people and had shower heads sticking out of all the solid walls like antennae. He returned outside, and was met by a guard, who offered him two large beach towels and gestured that the pool was available for him if he wanted to swim. Mike decided that that might not be a bad idea, so took the towels and put them on one of the chaise-lounge chairs that faced the sun in the appropriate direction. Another guard appeared bringing a tray containing sun-block, sunglasses, various other ointments and creams, and an insulated pitcher of ice-water. "Ok, guys, thanks for all this stuff, but where's a bathing suit?" He realized that his gauze shorts would probably just fall off as soon as they got wet, and that he hadn't seen a bathing suit in his "wardrobe" collection. Apparently the guards understood English, although they didn't respond with words. They just gestured that he could remove all clothing to swim. He thought about that a few moments, then decided that he might as well enjoy things now. Besides, maybe he could check out the walls for a way to escape. He shucked off his shorts, pulled the top off, and dove into the water. He swam a few laps, but felt his cock begin to stir at the unaccustomed freedom of flopping around loosely in the water. He figured he‚d better get out before he got a hard-on, as the guards might get the wrong idea. He went back to his chair and went to dress, but his clothes were gone! Now he was pissed! He didn't mind swimming naked, but he wasn't about to lay around naked for anyone in the house to look out and see! He picked up a towel, quickly dried off, wrapped himself in it, and returned to his suite. He got another set of clothes out, dressed, and was just about to leave again when a knock came at the door. He opened it, and a guard motioned that he was to follow. He was led to a different part of the house, it seemed to be the basement, judging from the number of staircases they went down. They went along another corridor, the guard stopped at a doorway, and motioned Mike to go in. He entered the room and heard the door pulled shut behind him. The floor was covered with wrestling mats, and standing in the middle of them was Carlos. He was wearing a spandex wrestling singlet and a big grin. "Well my friend, how do you like your new home so far?" "Well enough, but I still don't want to be here." "Tell you what.... maybe you can earn your freedom. All you have to do is wrestle me... and win. The match will be winner-take-all, and no holds barred... with one exception... you can't cause permanent damage. Other than that, it's man-to-man for your freedom. Deal?" 'You're serious? If I can pin you, you let me go? No questions, no nothing? Just free?" "That's the deal! Are you in or not?" "In! Where do I change?" "Sorry my friend, you wear what you have on." and Carlos crouched and began approaching. "Hey, not fair... I'm all loose and flopping... I don't even have a jock on. My dick'll be all over the place." "Sorry, fair is not part of the deal. You don‚t think you can beat me do you? Even if you had a jock! Poor Mike, can't fight without a jock on", he taunted. Mike got angry, as Carlos expected, and lunged at his opponents legs to tackle him. They both went down in a tangle of arms and legs and began rolling across the mat in an attempt to gain the top position. It appeared to be a fairly even match, both men were about the same height/weight/age and build. Mike had wrestled in high school and college, so had some experience. He wasn't aware that Carlos had grown up in the streets of Mexico City and had learned how to fight to win at a very young age. Carlos knew how John had subdued this big cop, and was looking forward to the chance to do it himself. Mike had forced Carlos onto his back and was struggling to pull Carlos' arms up over his head to immobilize them, when he felt a mouth enclose his left nipple. Teeth sank into the soft flesh, not breaking the skin, but causing a unique blend of pleasure/pain as the tongue and mouth swirled around the whole nipple while the teeth clamped onto the rapidly stiffening nub. "Arrrgh!" he yelled as he tried to pull away. But Carlos followed with his mouth, maintaining suction. Mike tried to roll and Carlos rolled with him. Mike's grip on Carlos' hands failed, as he struggled to free himself, and Carlos immediately attacked the other nipple and began twisting and pulling at it. Mike gasped as his hand began to defend his chest against the attack. He struck Carlos on the side of the head and was rewarded with a painful bite. He rolled again and was back on top. He crawled forward and finally pulled free. Carlos had a grip on the flimsy gauze tank top, and as Mike moved forward, Carlos pulled at the fabric, ripping it, and Mike found himself shirtless. Not that it had mattered. The stupid thing had been so skimpy that his tits had been exposed from the beginning. But psychologically, he felt he had lost round one. Carlos didn't give him time to think too much, though. He was up and after him in a flash. Both bodies slammed into the mat again as the fight continued. Mike felt Carlos‚ knee force its way between his legs and mash against his crotch as the mouth again descended on his chest, searching for and finding the ravaged tits. Again, Mike felt the waves of conflicting sensations as his chest was worked over, and then he felt a new sensation in his crotch. Carlos was jamming his knee firmly back and forth against his balls and dick, and that combined with the mouth and hands on his chest was stirring his dick to life. "Down" he thought as he willed his cock back to flacidity, but Carlos was insistent and Mike felt his body yielding. He struggled again to remove Carlos from his sucking attack, and succeeded again by rolling over. Carlos was smiling as he tried to regain his grip on Mike's erect nipples, even as his hands were slipping in the fresh beads of sweat that were beginning to from on Mike's chest. He himself was starting to work up a sweat, and he knew it wouldn't be long before things would be very slippery. Mike grabbed at the straps of Carlos‚ singlet and pulled down on them. The material didn't tear, but he was able to pull it down to Carlos' waist. The straps tended to immobilize Carlos arms and he seized the opportunity! While Carlos struggled to get his arms out of the straps, Mike was moving him into pin position. He slid one arm between Carlos‚ thighs, grabbed his ass and began to lift. Meanwhile, he used his weight to hold Carlos' torso in place while his other arm attempted to wrap around his neck for the final hold. Carlos knew what was happening and frantically pulled his arms loose, just as he felt Mike get into a locked position. It was nearly over! With one last effort, Carlos pushed his legs with all his strength, and was able to gather sufficient momentum to do the backward somersault he needed to break loose. Mike felt the move gathering force, but was unable to stop it, as he felt Carlos' body wrap around him and flip over. He was only just able to get out from under Carlos as he felt arms beginning to close in on him. Now they were both free, kneeling, facing each other, panting and sweating, Carlos with his singlet dangling around his waist, Mike with his gauze shorts barely concealing his genitals. Carlos lunged forward, pushing Mike back onto the mat. They rolled again and Mike felt Carlos‚ arms wrapping around his chest from behind. He began squeezing him, working at his tits again. Mike rammed back against Carlos with his elbows and was pleased to hear a grunt as the grip relaxed. Mike turned and attacked Carlos' chest the same way his had been attacked. Carlos laughed as he felt Mike's mouth envelope one of this tits. He twisted and was able to escape. Mike was face down on the mat and Carlos quickly jumped on him, sitting firmly on his shoulders. He shoved his left arm under Mike's stomach, lifting his hips off the mat, bringing his ass into the air. He then began swatting Mike's ass through the shorts. Mike was unable to roll either way, try though he might. He felt the strong arm squeezing tightly across his stomach, holding his back firmly against Carlos' chest, as the stinging slaps continued raining onto his ass. Carlos repositioned his left arm lower on Mike's body, so that now, with each swat, Mike's dick and balls were jarred forward through the gauze against Carlos' arm. As his ass heated up and became more sensitive to the blows, Mike again felt his dick start stiffening. "NO!" he thought, but as each slap landed, his dick bounced against the arm. And with each bounce, it grew a little longer, a little harder. And the longer and harder it got, the more firmly it rubbed and bounced. A spiraling circle of continued reinforcement of sensations. He felt his dick-head slide out from the loose confines of the shorts as his erection continued growing. Now his dick was hard enough that it no longer bounced, it just rubbed against the soft hairs of Carlos‚ forearm as Carlos continued pounding his ass. His balls were bouncing loosely in their sack as his ass burned. He felt his dick reach its full hardness and again struggled to free himself, but Carlos' weight was too much. Mike's arms were firmly held against his sides by Carlos' thighs, and he was unable to stop the attack. Finally, one blow forced him to begin leaking pre-cum. His dick oozed and smeared Carlos arm with the clear slippery fluid. Only then, did Carlos stop his beating. "Well, seems like something new is exposed here. Let's see what we've got now..." and Mike felt the grip across his stomach tighten as the free hand searched and found his dripping cock. He felt fingers squeeze the head, forcing more juice to flow out, dripping to the mat in a long string of crystal liquid. "Looks like somebody's having a good time here." Mike felt fingers working over his engorged dick-head, rubbing at the flange surrounding it, sliding up the length of it to his pubic hairs, then back down. "Don't think we need these anymore" he heard as he felt his shorts ripped open from behind, then felt the cloth fall in a soft heap around his knees. "Yeah, I've got your gringo dick now, cop. What you gonna do about it? Not much, it looks like. See, he likes what I do to him. Yeah, I feel him dripping more when I squeeze him like this!" Carlos said has he began pistoning his hand up and down Mike's dangling cock. He released his grip across Mike's waist and wrapped his other hand around the 8" shaft and began riding up and down the rigid pole, forcing more pre-cum from the imprisoned meat as he stroked it. Mike tried to free himself and began to thrash his legs around trying to break loose, but Carlos hugged his arms even tighter and continued pounding at Mike's meat. He was getting really close to coming, and tried again to get loose. Carlos laughed at his attempts and began pumping him even harder with one hand, while tickling his dick head with the other. Mike felt Carlos' own erection pressed against his back through the spandex fabric, and felt his dick begin to swell up in preparation for ejaculation. Carlos felt the subtle change, too, and released the cock. He again pinned his arm across Mike's waist, holding him still, and began stroking Mike's thighs as he let Mike move away from the edge of orgasm. "Not yet, buddy.. you're not getting off that easily. You've got a real nice dick here," he said as he swatted it playfully, "and I've just begun to have fun with it. Let's see what else you've got for me here." Mike felt the hand on his thigh begin moving upward, circling at the base of his still-rigid pole, tangling through his hair, circling behind the base of his cock, touching the sensitive area between his balls and ass-hole. Then he felt the fingers move forward again, touching his scrotum, trailing downward on the back-side of his sack, tickling along the sparse hairs there, reaching the bottom of his suspended balls, brushing gently around them, then back up to his shaft. His cock lunged involuntarily, leaking another drop of clear fluid. Carlos felt the shudder as it did this, and again re-traced his route along the helpless ball sack. This time, when he reached the suspended nuts, he began to play with them, pushing them back and forth, fingering them, poking at them, finally wrapping his fist around them and closing in. Mike felt the palm press against his balls as Carlos' fingers completed the trap. His dick was still hard as ever, and twitching in response to Carlos' touch. The pressure on his balls began to increase, as Carlos tightened his grip. The other hand again wrapped itself around Mike's cock and began a slow crawl up and down the slicked up organ. Mike felt his nuts being pulled down away from his body, the pressure still increasing. He tried to move his hips to follow, but Carlos quickly pushed him up with the fist that had wrapped itself around the base of Mike's cock. Carlos began tugging rapidly on the captured balls, while maintaining his vice-grip on the dick. The exposed 4" of cock/cock-head were turning a dark shade of red, and Mike felt a near continuous stream of pre-cum flowing out, interspersed with droplets corresponding to each jerk of his balls. "Now I've really got you! You've lost the contest. Your balls are mine, your dick is mine. In fact, your whole body is mine. You're not leaving now. Maybe someday, I'll let you go, but for now, you are my guest. Would you like to come now? Your dick seems to want to come. Maybe these balls would like to give me their load so I can see how much of a man you really are. You have the equipment of a man, but maybe you have a puny load?? Come on, now, give your gringo load to Carlos. If you give me a lot, maybe I won't let the guards fuck you. They've been asking when they might get a chance to have your white ass." Mike nearly felt ill hearing these words, knowing that with a word, Carlos could and would let any of the guards fuck him, and that he'd be powerless to stop it. There were too many of them. "Ugghh!" he cried, as he felt Carlos crush his balls. His cock spurted another big drop of pre-cum. He felt Carlos hand relax on his cock and once again begin stroking the full 8" length of it. "Oooohhh" he moaned, as his body began thrusting against the friction of the hand. He felt himself nearing the edge again as he slid his cock back and forth against Carlos palm, feeling the fingers pinch at his dick-head when they rode over it, then circling his pole as the hand slammed back against his crotch, sliding back to the head, rubbing over it, back to the base. Meanwhile, his balls were gripped and tugged, carefully timed to be squeezed as the fingers manipulated his cock-head. He felt himself tighten up as his cock yielded to superior strength and began rapidly bucking against the torment. "Aaaagggghhhh!" he cried, as he felt one last hard grip against his trapped balls, and his dick began spewing white jets of jizz all over the mat. Carlos smiled as he felt the big cop's dick surrender its load to him. He felt the balls twisting beneath his hand as they struggled to yield up every last drop of cum they had made. He felt pleasure holding the American man against his will, forcing his load from him, knowing that this was just the first of many sessions that he would have with him, knowing that his captive was defeated, and that each subsequent event would only further his control over him. He felt Mike's body sag in exhaustion and defeat, and released his holds on the other man's genitals. He turned Mike onto his back, watching as he struggled to regain steady breathing. Carlos straddled Mike's chest, pulled his singlet down the rest of the way exposing his own 8" erect cock, and began slapping Mike's face with it. "You see, you've lost." Slap. "Now you see what I've got" Slap. "and what you have to look forward to," slap. He, too, was leaking pre-cum, and each slap of Mike's face smeared a little more of it across his lips and cheeks. He clenched his eyes shut to keep the image away, but felt the hot, wet pole continue its smacking at his mouth. "Here, this is for you. Think about how it might feel in your mouth, or maybe up your ass." Mike opened his eyes and watched helplessly as Carlos jerked his cock rapidly. It was virtually the same size as his own, just darker in color, corresponding with Carlos' darker complexion. He saw that Carlos had a smooth chest and stomach, and appeared to work out on a very regular basis, judging from the definition of muscles across his chest and abdomen. Actually, his body was more defined than Mike's own. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he saw the first jet of cum streak from Carlos‚ dick and land squarely on his forehead. Again, he shut his eyes as he felt the remainder of Carlos' sizable load land over his face. He also heard the soft "sssffttt" of each shot as it ejected itself from Carlos' balls. He rocked his head back and forth, trying to escape the onslaught, but succeeded only in getting his entire face covered. When he felt the drops stop hitting, he opened his eyes again and looked up dully into Carlos' handsome face. "I see you give up to the better man. Your dick, he likes what I do to him. So do your balls. Well, now they're mine. I've let you off easy this time. I just needed to know how strong you really are. Next time, maybe I'll fuck you. Or maybe I'll fuck your face. I don't know when the next time will be, but you can be sure that there will be one. In the meantime, enjoy my hospitality. Take a swim. Watch some movies. Eat. Drink. But don't get too drunk. Guards sometimes take advantage of drunken men. I'm sorry you don't have a bathing suit. Most people hear just swim Eau naturel. No one will bother you at the pool. They know that you're mine, and that I keep careful track of your comings and goings. Just don't try to escape. They might use too much force in restraining you." He climbed off Mike's prone form and looked at the mat. "Yes, I see that you do have a man's load to give me. Well, save it up. I'll be back for more. I almost forgot to tell you.... no jerking yourself off. If you try, the guards will come in to stop you. Your dick and balls are mine, and I will decide when they can play. You can take a shower hear before you leave. Don't let the guards see you like this. They might just get the wrong idea!!" Carlos left the room. Mike was alone and naked. He didn't want to get up and move, but then heard sounds outside the door. He heard it open, a head poked in, then quickly withdrew. "Well," he thought, "I guess I'd better pull myself together and get out of here. Carlos is bad enough, but the guards...." He took a fast shower, found more identical gauze clothes (it seemed like Carlos must have hundreds of these outfits scattered throughout the house), dressed, and returned to his room. It took a while to find it since he'd been led to the wrestling room, but eventually he did. He collapsed on the bed and fell asleep and dreamed of nothing.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from

Highway Patrol, Part 1

Highway Patrol, Part I He had always had a nose for trouble, and was rarely wrong. This time, it involved the man sitting across the room from him at a booth near the door to the restroom. He was dark-haired, late-twenties, probably around 180#, and looked to be about 6' tall, pretty close to Mike's own dimensions. Mike topped 6' by just a fraction,

Highway Patrol, Part 2

Highway Patrol, Part II Yes, his memory all came back with a roar, and his mind forced him to re-live that experience, burning it into his memory forever. He and his partner Bill had been on routine foot patrol through an area of Dallas noted for its abandoned warehouses. It was a haven for all sorts of unsavory characters.. dealers, the homeless, the

Highway Patrol, Part 3

Highway Patrol, Part III John left the secret room, with Mike still tied. He had pulled Mike's boxers and pants back up and fastened them, but pulled his dick and balls back out through the fly to keep him vulnerable. Mike was unable to get them back in no matter how he maneuvered his hips around, the fly was just too tight against the base of his

Highway Patrol, Part 4

Highway Patrol, Part IV Before they were ready to leave, John brought in some food from a fast-food place and told Mike he'd better eat up, because there wouldn't be any more food until Mexico and it might be his last "American" meal. As John refused to release Mike's bonds, he had to feed him. Mike was hungry, and ate everything that was offered. He

Highway Patrol, Part 5

Highway Patrol, Part V After several hours of driving with only brief stops for fuel and restroom breaks, the van reached Acapulco. Mike was able to glimpse a few sights as they drove along, but wasn't able to determine anything further than that they were in a city. The van pulled up to a heavily gated driveway, the driver spoke a few words to the

Highway Patrol, Part 6

Highway Patrol, Part VI The door opened and Carlos turned away and went back to the desk, while the guards indicated that Mike was to go with them. Resigned, he left the library, and was returned to his own suite. The bed was perfect, and he was soon sleeping soundly. He awoke with sun streaming in through the windows, his cock hard as usual for

Highway Patrol, Part 7

Highway Patrol, Part VII Mike woke up with a start in a blinding light. He'd been dreaming again, the same dream he'd been having the last few nights. It was always the same. He was trapped in a fog and looking for a way out. He was naked, running, his hard cock slapping against his body as he ran, his balls rocking against his thighs, aching. But he

Highway Patrol, Part 8

Highway Patrol, Part VIII Mike awoke. He was still tied to the bed, spread-eagle, and his cock was roaring hard. He needed to take a piss, and called out. He knew someone somewhere was monitoring him. Sure enough, the door opened and four guards entered. He no longer cared what the guards saw or thought, all he wanted to do was get to the bathroom,

Highway Patrol, Part 9

Highway Patrol, Part IX Mike had been taken back to his suite after the encounter with Tomas. He was still angry, shaken and embarrassed by that whole scene. He had never intended to rape anybody, but Carlos had worked him up so hard that he'd just had to do it. He felt guilty, too, because in spite of everything, his body felt a whole lot better now.

Highway Patrol, Part 10 (The Conclusion)

Highway Patrol, Part X The Conclusion Then, sensation stopped. He felt himself being lowered to the mat. He felt Carlos come next to him, lay down beside him, and then something warm on his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw that Carlos was actually kissing him. He was too weak to respond, but his lips parted and allowed Carlos' tongue to enter. He

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