Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Patrol, Part 7



Highway Patrol, Part VII Mike woke up with a start in a blinding light. He'd been dreaming again, the same dream he'd been having the last few nights. It was always the same. He was trapped in a fog and looking for a way out. He was naked, running, his hard cock slapping against his body as he ran, his balls rocking against his thighs, aching. But he never got anywhere. He had to keep running because they were after him. He didn't know who "they" were, but they were coming for him. The fog would begin to clear, and he felt his balls tighten up in preparation for coming, then the door would burst open, lights would come on, and the guards were there, looking at him! He was so horny now, he was almost ready to jerk off in front of them! It had been three days since his match with Carlos, and he hadn't touched himself or cum since then, and he was really ready to get off! He didn't know how they always seemed to know when he was hard or close to orgasm, but their timing was unnatural. He'd tried the second day to have a little session in the afternoon, but the guards showed up just as things were getting interesting. He'd tried again before he went to sleep, but got the same results. He assumed they must have some type of sophisticated spying equipment, maybe infra-red or something, as well as something that could monitor his heart and breathing rates. In any event, every attempt to bring himself off had been frustrated. He relaxed and felt his erection begin to subside. As it was morning anyway, he got up after the guards were satisfied that he wouldn't be cumming, ordered breakfast, showered and shaved while waiting for it, ate, then went out to explore. He'd looked through most of the house by now, at least those parts that weren't locked off. He hadn't used the pool yet, except for the first day, and he now went to the courtyard to look around some more. He had his usual attire of gauze shorts/tank-top and still felt almost worse than if he'd been stark naked. Somehow, the clothes just seemed to emphasize the presence of his nipples and genitals. The guards never seemed to give him more than a passing glance, though, just making sure he knew they were there and watching for attempts at escape. He circled the pool to the far side of the courtyard, and a noticed a gate that was nearly concealed by a large shrub. It seemed to lead through a breeze-way to a new part of the grounds. He tried the gate, and it was unlocked! He went through, following the doorless passage and found himself in the front yard, if you wanted to call the vast sweep of lawn a yard. The house looked even more imposing from the front. Just as he was about to turn back and explore further, he heard sounds. Barking! The Great Danes were coming at full run! He turned to retreat down the tunnel, but the dogs quickly caught up with him. There were only two of them, but they were huge males, and their mouths and teeth appeared capable of almost anything! He decided the best idea was to stand his ground, and try not to appear threatening, and to try like hell not to be afraid. The dogs stopped in front of him, and began to circle. It was then that he noticed their stubby tails appeared to be wagging! He tentatively reached out a hand toward one of them, and was rewarded with a lick! He patted the dogs head, scratching it behind the ears, and it became even more friendly. The other dog began to beg for attention, too. It rose up on its hind legs and placed its paws on Mike's shoulders. Its huge head was level with Mike's face, and he felt a sudden slurp of dog-tongue at his mouth. "Yecch!" he mumbled, as he pushed the dog down. Now both dogs seemed friendly enough, and were gamboling around him playfully. He figured they must be only a year or so old, they were acting more like gigantic puppies than attack dogs. He found a stick and threw it, both dogs tearing up turf racing to get it and bring it back. He continued these efforts for ten minutes or so, then heard a voice behind him. Carlos stood there smiling. "So, I see you're making friends with my attack dogs! Well, they're really not mean at all. I lied to you about them. You see, they are trained to accept anyone already in the compound, it's only someone coming in from outside that they will attack. Since you came from in the house, they accept you as belonging. Enjoy your day. I'll send for you tonight. Don't eat a heavy meal!" With that said, Carlos left. Mike turned back to the dogs. "OK boys, that's enough for today." He again patted each one's head and turned to leave. But the dogs weren't finished playing. One grabbed the stick and raced in front of him blocking his path, and reared up, indicating Mike should take the stick and throw it again. The other waited expectantly! Mike took the stick, threw it, then began to head back across the lawn to the tunnel. Their games had led him to the center of the yard and he had quite a distance to cover. But the dogs saw him again leaving. One grabbed the stick while the other raced back to Mike. This time, it jumped up on him from behind, knocking him down with the force of its run. Mike hit the grass and rolled over. "Hey, you guys, enough here!!" He laughed as the dog tried to lick his face again. "Shit" he thought, "this dog must weigh nearly as much as I do." He tried to sit up, but by then the second dog had arrived, and it, too, began licking his face. He struggled to bring his arms up and shied himself from the slobbering dogs, and then heard the guards arrive and pull them away. "Thanks" he said, as he got up, dusted himself off, and headed back to the tunnel. "Now I feel like a swim!" He dropped his clothes in the pool-house, went back out, and dove naked into the water. He splashed around a while, then got out, oiled himself up with sun-block, and laid back in the chair. A waiter appeared and stood nearby, expectantly, and Mike ordered iced tea with lemon. It appeared momentarily, and he quenched his thirst and laid back. The sun felt nice on his naked body, and at this point, he didn't care who was watching. Carlos had been correct. The guards left him strictly alone, except for his attempts to wank off, but other than that, he was treated like royalty. But what about tonight!? Maybe he'd go to the gym he'd found yesterday and work out for a while. He could use any additional strength if Carlos was going to give him another "contest". Well, that would be for this afternoon. Thus he spent the remainder of the morning, swimming, dozing, drinking tea. Evening came soon enough, and he ordered yet another gourmet meal from the kitchen. It seemed like nothing was beyond request. He felt like he was beginning to put on a few pounds from all the rich food he'd been eating, but it was fun to test the system! Before the food arrived, he placed another call to room service and ordered a recent movie. He'd found the wide screen TV and VCR hidden behind a wall panel, and also had found that there seemed to be a very good cache of late-run movies available. The tape arrived just as he finished eating. He watched the movie, and went to bed. He hadn't been laying down more than five minutes when the knock came at the door. "Go away" he shouted. The knock came again. He got up and went to answer it, pulling on only a pair of the gauzy shorts. He opened the door and was face-to-face with Carlos himself. "Good. I see you are ready. Come." he ordered. Mike felt his arm grabbed as Carlos pulled him out the door and led him down the hall. They again went to the basement, and approached one of the rooms Mike had tried to explore earlier, but it had been locked. It wasn't locked now, and Carlos led him in. Mike barely had time to make out some of the details of the room before Carlos landed a devastating blow to his mid-section. He was totally unprepared for the attack and doubled over in agony as his still fairly-full stomach tried to settle itself. He felt Carlos move behind him, and then felt something soft but firm get wrapped around each wrist. He turned to see what was happening and saw that Carlos had fastened fleece-lined leather cuffs to each wrist, and that those were in turn attached to plastic coated wire cables which reached up through separate pulley devices suspended from the ceiling. Carlos went to a wall, picked up controller device and pressed a button. Mike heard motors whir, and felt a sudden jerk on his arms as they were pulled up toward the ceiling by the cuffs. When his arms became fully stretched and began to pull his body weight upward, Carlos stopped the motors. His arms were now pulled up and slightly out in a "V". He also noticed that the facing wall was covered in huge mirrors. He had a full view of himself, arms stretched, as Carlos stood back momentarily. "Hey, man, what's going on here. Let me go! What's the idea here?" "You'll know soon enough, gringo." At that Carlos left the room and closed the door behind him. Mike stood, spread-eagle waiting to see what was next. In a few minutes, he heard the door open and stared in disbelief as Carlos returned to the room dressed in Mike's full Texas Highway Patrol uniform. He was wearing the Stetson, badge, gun leather, shoes and all. It fit him as well as it had fit Mike. He walked over to Mike and stood beside him. "Now you'll see what is going on. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. It really doesn't matter. I'll like it, and that's all that counts here. My big gringo muscle-cop is going to learn to do exactly what I tell him. Now, how do you like this?" Mike felt a hand reaching under the hem of his shorts. He stepped back a few inches, which was all the cables would allow, but the hand continued. He felt it brushing against his cock, tracing its length, playing with the head. He felt it begin stirring to life. He hadn't been able to jerk off and his dick was ready to play games. "Yes, I knew your dick would like this." Mike felt the other hand begin entering the loose confines of his shorts where it nosed around until it found his balls and began fondling them carefully. Mike suddenly kicked at Carlos. "Ahhh, trying to fight back, eh my prince! That's not allowed at all. Not tonight! You're my prisoner and it isn't nice to kick the policeman." He squeezed the balls mercilessly, and Mike nearly screamed in pain. "You won't kick me again, will you?" "NO, I promise, let go of my nuts!" "You will show the appropriate respect to a policeman. Now what did you say?" Mike hesitated a moment and then meekly replied, "I promise, SIR!" Carlos smiled and said, "That's better, gringo." He felt the grip relax, and let out his breath in relief. Carlos retreated and came back and took handcuffs out of his gun belt. These were attached to Mike's ankles, cables leading to the baseboards on opposite walls. The motors started, and Mike felt his legs being spread apart Carlos stopped after a few moments. Mike was able to support most of his weight on his feet, but if he tried to move them at all, he would lose his balance, pulling painfully on his arms. He was forced to stand in an "X" position. He watched as Carlos approached. "Now I won't have to worry about your oh-so-accurate kicks anymore. Let's see, where was I??" Mike felt a hand enter his shorts from each side, one returning attention to his now half-hard cock, the other gripping his nuts again. "Does my gringo like how I play with his dick? Does it make him hard to have my hand wrapping around his meat? Does he love me? Does he hate me? Yes, I think his dick loves me. See how he weeps to have me hold him like this?" Mike felt his cock reach full erection, and due to his forced abstinence, it was already beginning to leak pre-cum. "Yes, he cries for joy at my touch. Feel how his balls love being stroked firmly. How about his tits? Does my gringo cop like me to suck on his tits?" Mike felt a hot moist mouth close over his left nipple. The brim of the Stetson brushed along his lower jaw. Teeth sank softly into the brown flesh, and Mike moaned. "Yes, he likes that too. His body is all excited that I'm touching it! That's right, just shut your eyes and contemplate the sensations! Just remember it's me, Carlos the cop, that has your cock and balls in my control, not anybody else. Your body is mine and do not forget it. You and everything about you is mine." Mike was trying to think of anything else, but Carlos kept sucking at his tits while stroking his wet shaft up and down, playing with his balls. "You have nice hair here on your chest... I like especially the way it gathers here in the middle, and spreads lightly upward, leaving your delicious nipples free so I can suck at them without having to have hair in my mouth. You a very perfect chest. See how developed your pectorals are??" Mike felt hand begin kneading his chest, firmly massaging his muscles, while the mouth returned to its work on his nipples. They were both hard and distended, the firm pebbles becoming very sensitive to any touch. Carlos began chewing at them, twisting and pulling on them firmly. Mike's dick was making a big mess of his shorts... Carlos had been careful to leave it inside the fabric. Mike felt the fabric which was wet and slick from his pre-cum slide across his dick-head. "MMMMMHHHH" he moaned as he pushed again. He was getting close to shooting as Carlos continued working on his chest. "Hey.. not so fast here." Carlos had felt the tension rising in Mike's body and realized Mike was going to attempt to get off by himself. Carlos backed off and watched Mike as he thrust his hips and worked his cock against the slippery resistance of the fabric. The wetness made the shorts nearly transparent, and Carlos smiled as he watched Mike's 8" dick working back and forth in its futile efforts to cum. Small beads of sweat were beginning to form on his captive's chest. Back and forth rubbed the big meat, pre-cum beginning to seep through the fabric as Mike tried harder to rub his dick on it. He didn't care that Carlos was watching him, his entire focus was now on his cock, trying to get sufficient stimulation to get it off. His balls were beginning to ride up to the base of his prick, preparing their load. His hips began working faster as his dick struggled back and forth. The sweat began to gather and create tiny streams, rolling down his chest, his thighs, too, were beginning to be damp from the efforts. Still, he couldn't quite get there. Carlos watched in anticipation as the trapped cock turned a deeper shade of red. He could make out quite clearly the big flanged head as it rubbed against the cloth. Mike's breathing was becoming ragged as he strove to push against the restraint of the shorts, but by now, the slickness was working against him. As he thrust, the fabric rode higher and higher. He continued pumping away. He was starting to get close! Then with a great effort, he began pushing rapidly. He was nearly there! Only two or three more thrusts and he'd be there! But on the first one, he felt the hem of the shorts ride up over his dickhead and slide down the back-side of his cock. Carlos watched in amusement as the hot wet meat suddenly poked it's head out as the shorts slid over it and down to Mike's crotch. The dick had finally escaped the confines and was now waving wildly in the air, looking for relief and not finding it. "NNOOOOO!!!!" yelled Mike, as he felt his dick spring free! He thrust frantically, looking for the friction, but it was no longer there. His dick continued to bob up and down in frustration, but Mike's body sagged in defeat. He had tried so hard and nearly made it, and now, nothing! Just air. No sensation. His shaft was completely soaked in pre-cum, and Carlos watched as the crystal liquid continued to form at the slit. He approached and touched the pulsing cock-head. Mike moaned and thrust at the finger, trying to maintain contact. "See, he's really glad to see me here. Look how he tries to have me play with him! See, he likes it when I do this!" Mike felt fingers rubbing just beneath the crown of his cock. He moaned softly as the fingers continued circling just below his dickhead. "Yes, see, he weeps even more when I do this to him. And look how far these balls have come up to play. Usually they hang quite low, but now they've nearly disappeared. Let's get them back out. I like seeing them low on you. They are quite large you know." Mike felt fingers prying into his crotch as his balls were forced away from his body Carlos kept playing with his dick as he pulled Mike's nuts down. "See, this is much better now. I like your dick very much. Your balls, too. And he likes me. Good, we're all happy." "Please, let me cum now, my balls are aching!" "Oh, so you think it's time to cum now? Well, maybe you're right." Mike felt his equipment released as Carlos went around behind him. He tried to look over his shoulder, but as he did so, felt Carlos press against his backside. One hand reached around and grabbed his cock, the other grabbed his balls. Pressure! Squeezing! Pleasure/Pain! Carlos began stroking his still-wet cock, yanking firmly on the balls. Suddenly, Mike felt breath against the side of his neck, and then felt Carlos mouth plant itself firmly on the corded muscles. Teeth clamped down hard and Carlos began sucking and licking Mike' neck as he continued to jerk his cock. Mike could feel the Highway Patrol badge on Carlos' shirt cutting into his back. He also felt Carlos' raging hard dick pressed against his butt, but it appeared Carlos had not taken it out of the uniform trousers. He could see himself in the reflection of the mirror, dark hands gripping his genitals, working them aggressively, pounding away on his cock, cupping his balls carefully, maintaining complete control over his attempts at orgasm. Carlos held Mike firmly in his grip as he dry-humped the American's ass. He was really enjoying pulling the prisoner's big cock and liked having control of the big nuts. He was getting very close now, and could feel Mike begin to tense up to blow his load. Carlos again released his prizes, wrapped his left arm tightly across Mike's abdomen, his right cinching down on his chest, gripping the left nipple mercilessly. Carlos sank his teeth into the corded muscles along the side of Mike's neck and began to pump rapidly against the captive's ass. He felt his nuts let loose and rammed his hips in long, sensuous motions against Mike as he unloaded his sticky cum inside the uniform pants, holding tightly to the muscled body hanging from the ceiling. Mike moaned in dismay as he felt the hands once again abandon his cock, and gasped as Carlos' grip tightened across his chest. He felt Carlos thrusting against his backside, and then felt the tell-tale dampness begin spreading across his ass-cheeks as Carlos' cum seeped through the material of his pants. He had cried out in pain when Carlos bit his neck and had struggled against the assault, but could not escape. Meanwhile, his own cock bobbed and bounced uselessly in front of him, and he watched it in the mirror as it waved gallantly, still looking for the final touch that would release it. His balls ached from their continued stimulation without release, and now that Carlos had finally gotten off, he expected his dick to be taken care of next. At this thought, it again surged harder, trailing stringy pre-cum to the floor as he felt Carlos' relax his hold. "Finally" Mike thought, as Carlos went around in front of him again. "I see that your meat is most expectant! Does he want me to take care of him now?" "Yesssss!" Mike hissed, as his dick again leaped in anticipation of cumming. "Well, I'm tired now. I think I'll go to sleep. The guards will come for you in about an hour and take you back to your room. They have strict instructions on how you are to be handled. Sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow!" And with that, Carlos left the room. "NNOOOOOOOO!!!! COME BACK!!!!" Mike cried as Carlos opened the door. "Don't leave me like this, please, I beg you, please, make me cum. Let me cum. I 've got a terrible case of blue balls! You can't leave me like this, I've got to cum NOW!" Carlos returned and laughed as Mike's dick jumped up and down, waving for attention, leaking pre-cum frantically in an effort to simulate orgasm. Carlos took out his police night stick and reached across and lightly popped the bobbing prick, stinging it with the contact. Mike let out a yelp but involuntarily swung his dick back at the night stick. Carlos popped it again, watching as the color deepened. Mike was running rivers of sweat in his efforts to keep his cock away from the blows, yet trying to get it touched again to get off. Carlos laughed and went back to the door. "Good night, my handsome gringo. Sleep well!" He tipped the Stetson at Mike and left. Mike cried out again, but the door remained closed. No one responded to his many calls for help. His dick remained completely hard, and he watched it helplessly in the mirror as he tried every move he could think of to get off. But nothing worked. Time passed, he had no idea how much, and was suddenly surprised to hear the door open. He was only half-hard by now, but at the sound, his dick again sprang to life. But it was the guards! They saw him in the mirror and snickered at the sight of the big American strung up like so much beef, his dick swelling up in front of him like a big chorizo Well, they had their instructions. They quickly released the tension in the cables, and secured Mike's hands behind him. They led him naked, hard cock proudly pointing the way, back to his room. He was secured on his back in bed, each hand and leg tied to a different corner of the bed, and no sheet or cover over him. Then they turned off the light and left. Mike screamed! He was tied spread-eagle on the bed, he still hadn't gotten off, and his cock and balls had become the entire center of his being. His only goal now was to cum, and he couldn't! He struggled and pulled against the cuffs, but they held fast. Finally, exhaustion and sleep overcame him. He dreamed and dreamed of sex, but the dreams weren't intense enough to take him over the edge. Eventually, he slept soundly. Carlos looked in once or twice during the night, satisfying himself that Mike hadn't yet cum. He wondered how much attention his prisoner could take before he exploded without being touched. He also wondered if he could keep his own hands off that pretty dick long enough to find out! He left orders to be called when Mike awoke, then went to bed, still wearing the uniform. It had been a very enjoyable evening!


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Highway Patrol, Part 7

Highway Patrol, Part VII Mike woke up with a start in a blinding light. He'd been dreaming again, the same dream he'd been having the last few nights. It was always the same. He was trapped in a fog and looking for a way out. He was naked, running, his hard cock slapping against his body as he ran, his balls rocking against his thighs, aching. But he

Highway Patrol, Part 8

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