Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Patrol, Part 9



Highway Patrol, Part IX Mike had been taken back to his suite after the encounter with Tomas. He was still angry, shaken and embarrassed by that whole scene. He had never intended to rape anybody, but Carlos had worked him up so hard that he'd just had to do it. He felt guilty, too, because in spite of everything, his body felt a whole lot better now. He ordered a snack, ate, then returned outside to the pool, where he spent the rest of the afternoon. Again, his clothes disappeared when he went into the water, so he sunned naked, not really caring any more who looked at him. He was tired from his work-over earlier, and dozed frequently, until the sub-tropical sun got to be too hot. Then he'd get into the water and splash around awhile. As the sun set, he showered in the pool house, pulled on just a pair of shorts, and decided to do some further exploration of the grounds. There had to be a weak point somewhere! No ordinary house was inescapable. He casually strolled through the lengthening shadows of dusk, staying near the perimeter of the grounds, looking for gates or other openings in the wall surrounding the villa. He passed the main driveway entrance in the front of the house (the dogs apparently weren't around now), continued along the front wall until it turned right to go along the far side of the house. There just weren't even any gates along here. Most of the wall was at least partly covered in vines, but it would have been obvious if there were any openings. And there weren't. The house finally met the wall, preventing further progress in that direction, so he headed back through the tunnel to the pool area, and entered the house. He'd remembered catching a glimpse of another yard area different from the front through a set of rooms he had discovered on his previous explorations of the house, and again attempted to re-trace his steps to that area. After several minutes and only one wrong turn, he found himself at his destination, looking out at the spread of grass. The outdoor lighting had come on automatically as the sun got lower in the sky, but it was still light enough to explore. He exited the house again, and went to the nearest wall and began following it. Strange, he hadn't seen any guards on the front yard, and there didn't appear to be any here, either! Was security getting lax? He quickened his pace and finally was rewarded by the discovery of a smallish gate. It was still large enough to admit a pick-up or van, but was clearly a service entrance. He approached it and tried to open it. Locked! And the gate was entirely of metal, too. No bashing through that! It seemed to be very secure in its hinges, too. Well, onward. As he continued his search, he heard an automobile approaching, and quickly ducked into some concealing foliage. A van rounded the end of the house opposite from where he started, turned as if to cross the lawn, then dropped rapidly from sight! He raced over and discovered the garage. It was on the same level as the basement of the house, but the roof was actually the back lawn, and it was only visible as a garage from this side. He followed the driveway away from the garage, and found that it in fact led back to the front of the house through an opening carefully concealed by shrubbery and trees. So, it appeared there were only the two entrances.... the main front gate, and the smaller back gate. He turned to go back to the garage, and was about to descend the ramp, when the guards finally appeared. "NO!" they exclaimed, and gestured that he should return to the house by a regular door. He smiled, tried to go around, but they firmly grabbed his arms and began walking him to one of the rear doors of the house. He went along, as it was beginning to get dark, and without a shirt, the night air had a slight chill to it. Not only did the guards walk him to the house, they then proceeded to take him down a series of hallways, down one flight stairs, and into a small theater with seats for about 30 people. He was led to one of the plush chairs and indications were made that he was to sit down and wait. The guards left, and Mike immediately got up to leave. But the door had been locked. "You could at least bring me something to drink!" he yelled at the air, and flopped back down in a chair. The air-conditioning was sort of chilly and he hugged himself to keep warmer. The door rattled and opened, and in walked Carlos, carrying a tray with an assortment of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. "Here, I thought you might be thirsty and hungry, so I brought you something. I wasn't sure which of your favorites you'd be wanting, so I brought them all. Now, it's show-time!" Mike turned to the screen as the lights dimmed, swooped up one glass, downed the contents, grabbed another, polished it off, then took a third. "Easy, gringo.. you don't want to be drunk tonight! Let's enjoy the movie! I think you know the stars!" Sure enough, as the film began, Mike watched as Tomas walked across a room. A room carefully edited to show nothing of the restraints that had held Mike captive, only a young man approaching. He stops and reaches toward the camera, holding his position... until suddenly his eyes widen in surprise as his body is knocked to the floor. A much larger man, naked, with a raging hard-on, has attacked him. The whole scene unfolds just as Mike remembered it, but with the careful editing of Carlos' production team, the whole thing looks like nothing but the violent, forceful rape of the younger man by Mike. Even the final scene, as Tomas splatters his cum over the apparent camera lens, shows only that Mike overwhelmed him, and took him against his will and wishes. And even so, Mike felt a slight stirring in his dick as the memories of the tight ass were flashed before his eyes. The lights came up after it was over, and Carlos reached over and touched Mike's crotch. "Yes, I see he remembers the good times I gave him today. He is a star performer! So big and ready to take what is his! I saw the other version of the movie today also, just so you know. In it, it shows how Tomas had you strung up, how he played with you with the oil, how he enjoyed tormenting you! Of course, I myself had to be edited out of the scenes, I'm not an actor at all. Just the Director! Tomas was most impressed with the film. He assures me that no one in his family or his bride's family would be interested in seeing that movie at all and that he is most willing to be my friend. Too bad his father is ill. The doctors don't expect him to live much longer, then poor Tomas will inherit and be in need of guidance from a more experienced person. His new friend!" Mike was sickened by these words, knowing that Tomas was too young and insecure to be able to fight back, and that his fear of blackmail would keep him in Carlos' control until it was too late to escape the grip. He realized that he had to get out now! He would take his information to the police and they would do something! "I read you like a book, my friend. You cannot escape here. I can free you, but you cannot escape. And remember, there are two versions of the movie. In one, you are a homosexual rapist, preying on young Mexican boys. This won't play well with the local police. If you go to the police, I show them your movie. If Tomas goes to the police, I show his new wife his movie. Very simple. The game is mine! Good night. I'll send for you later. Be ready!" Mike ordered dinner, ate, then went to bed. Later, he awoke suddenly. He knew someone was in the room, but couldn't see well enough to locate him. A voice whispered in his ear "Come, quickly, before he realizes what's happening!" Mike reached for the light. "No lights!" the voice hissed, "it will attract attention!" Mike scrambled out from under the sheets, his half-hard dick slapping gently against his thigh. "Hurry, dress, we have little time!" Mike found his clothes, pulled on the shorts and shirt, felt his hand grabbed and pulled toward the door. It opened a crack, then a figure slipped out, pulling him with it. It was Tomas! He raced down the hallway, taking Mike with him. They hurried down a flight of stairs and turned toward the rear of the house. They heard voices approaching, and Tomas quickly opened a door and shoved Mike in, then entered himself. It was a small closet, and their bodies were pressed close together. The voices came down the hall, then seemed to stop near the closet, while their conversation continued. They seemed to suspect nothing amiss, but weren't moving. Mike felt Tomas' chest rapidly rising and falling against his own, and his body began responding involuntarily, remembering it's previous pleasure with the younger man. His dick started hardening up nicely, resting firmly against Tomas' thigh, and he wrapped his arms tightly around the youth. Tomas buried his face against Mike's neck and began licking it softly. Mike's dick grew even harder at this, and he began to rub his crotch back and forth against Tomas. His dick slid completely free from his shorts and he backed up enough to let it spring upright, and felt Tomas' hand wrap itself around the veiny shaft. He nearly moaned out loud at the touch. Tomas began stroking the 8" pole, sliding his fist up and down, gently squeezing the head as his hand passed over it. Mike felt his nuts pull up close as his excitement increased. The voices in the hallway receded, then were silent. Abruptly, Tomas released his grip on Mike's dick and peeked out the door. "Hurry, they're gone!" and he exited the closet, bringing Mike with him. Mike's dick was disappointed at this turn of events, but he was glad to be escaping, so stuffed it back as best he could into his shorts and began running. It was hard to run with a hard-on, as it kept banging around inside his shorts, sometimes painfully striking his balls, but he kept up with Tomas. They turned another corner and Tomas whispered "My car is just on the other side of this door. I need to see if there are any guards there. Wait!" He disappeared momentarily, then returned. "It's OK! Hurry!" They went through the door and Mike was astonished at what he saw. There was no car. This wasn't the garage. It was another mirrored room with all sorts of what appeared to be bondage accessories. A wooden "X"-shaped structure with restraints at the end of each corner, more hooks in the ceiling and floor, as well as on the walls, mats all over the floor. And standing in the middle of the room, wearing the Highway Patrol uniform, was Carlos. "Thank you, Tomas. I know you didn't like doing what you just did, but I needed to know if this man would still try to leave. You know he would like to fuck you again now, that it was not just an isolated event. But I will protect you from him and anyone else who tries to harm you. Go now, get married, enjoy your honeymoon, and make lots of babies! I'll help you any way I can, just call me! And give my regards to your bride!" Tomas thanked him, turned and looked at Mike, his glance seeming to say "I'm sorry", then he left. Mike saw another one of his uniforms, neatly folded near the door. It was all there except underwear. The shirt, pants, shoes, gun belt, hat. Carlos pointed to the stack and said, "Put on your uniform." Mike looked at Carlos and said, "Why should I?" Because we are going to wrestle. This is your last chance! If you lose, I'm going to fuck you, and if I fuck you, you don't ever leave! But, if you can manage to fuck me, then maybe I let you go! But you better get dressed and get your dick hard, because you can't win without it!" Mike dressed in the uniform. Seeing himself in the mirror, he though he didn't look like a Highway Patrolman anymore. He felt like a fake in a uniform. But looking at Carlos in uniform, his dick started getting hard. He put on his hat and walked towards Carlos. "I guess you'd better be prepared to get arrested Carlos, because I don't intend to let you fuck me." Mike grabbed Carlos and was struggling to get a better grip on Carlos' chest and waist, but sweat had already soaked their clothing and it made everything very slippery. They wallowed back and forth, rolling around the mats, clothes sticking in loose folds to their bodies. Mike could see that Carlos was only half-hard, and remembered that Carlos' dick was as big as his own. He certainly wasn't going to let it anywhere near his asshole. He grabbed at Carlos' shirt, pulling it roughly, and heard the fabric rip. The shirt split open, and he saw Carlos smooth, shiny skin, muscles bulging, as he tried to gain the advantage over Mike. Mike felt hands grab his own shirt and pull, but the fabric held... this time. The second attempt ripped the buttons off. Now both men were in open shirts and uniform trousers. Their hats had rolled away during the initial confrontation. Carlos' dick was nudging against his zipper and Mike grabbed for it. Carlos slid back, but couldn't get away in time and felt the cop's hand pull down the zipper. In the next thrust, he felt Mike's hand wrap itself around his shaft. His dick sprang to life at the touch, rapidly firming up as Mike pumped on it. "That's right, gringo, make me hard! All the easier to fuck your ass!" he taunted. Mike tried to re-position himself to grab Carlos nuts, but felt a hand stealing along his leg, unzipping his zipper. Mike knew Carlos was reaching for his own crotch, so he backed off slightly. Carlos shoved as he felt Mike move away, and they again began rolling over the floor. Carlos' cock escaped from Mike's grip as they rolled. He carefully avoided anything that would make Mike get hard. He didn't want to give him any advantage. The wrestling continued in this way for several minutes, with no one ever getting a clear advantage. Mike managed to get on top of Carlos, and while holding him by the chest, he was able to yank Carlos' pants down to his knees, leaving the gun belt around his waist. This served to pin his legs together momentarily, and Mike tried to seize the opportunity. He forced Carlos to the mat, face down, leaving his ass-crack exposed. He quickly pulled his dick out to attempt the attack, but it was only half-hard. He slid it between the lighter-colored cheeks and tried to find the hole, but his dick just slid around. Even the friction only marginally increased his erection. Frustrated, he continued driving away, but Carlos was able to turn over. Mike attacked Carlos' exposed chest, biting at the nipples, twisting, pulling, whatever he could think of. Carlos just laughed and grabbed Mike under the arms. He pulled hard, and rolled at the same time, breaking Mike's grip. The two separated, and Carlos took the time to kick off his pants, so he was naked, except for the open uniform shirt and gun belt. His hard 8" cock poked straight out in front of him. "Take one last look, before I bury him in your ass, gringo!" Mike still had his uniform pants on, his cock sticking out of the zipper from when he had tried fucking Carlos. The bodies slammed together again and went down, sweat flying everywhere as the fight continued. Both men's breathing became heavier with their exertions, but they were an almost even match. What advantage Mike had in height/weight was made up for by Carlos' strength and stamina. Finally, Carlos ripped down Mike's pants when the opportunity presented itself, exposing the American's genitals and ass. He threw attempted to go for the big balls that were now openly available. Mike knew what was coming and moved out of the way in time. He felt Carlos' hand slithering around his waist from behind, reaching for his crotch. He tried to move again, but couldn't escape this time. He felt the hand circle his dick, squeeze, and begin yanking vigorously. Finally, he started to get hard. However, he felt Carlos' hard dick rubbing on the back of his thigh, as the other man tried to move higher up on his body, getting his dick closer to Mike's ass. More struggling, rolling, a swift elbow to the gut, and Mike was again free. But now, his big dick was nearly hard and becoming a hindrance to his abilities to fight. Carlos was in the same fix though. This went on, back and forth, for another 15 minutes or so, neither man able to gain the advantage. But Carlos was enjoying himself, as evidenced by his continued grinning, while Mike was beginning to tire. Carlos would grab him, and Mike found himself more and more forced to struggle furiously to escape, while Carlos was expending minimal energy holding him. Carlos seemed to be finding different holds that forced Mike to really work at escaping, protecting his semi-virgin ass from being raped, while Carlos himself had to exert very little effort. Another 10 minutes passed, and Mike found himself rapidly weakening. But Carlos kept up the pressure. He allowed Mike no opportunity to rest. He kept finding new holds, each of which brought his dick closer to Mike's ass. Mike was growing frantic, trying to keep Carlos away, and as he lost more and more control of the match, his attempts became more uncoordinated, and thus he wound up expending even more energy. Panic finally took hold, and Carlos found a grip that let Mike flailing uselessly, using up the last of his strength. Mike's mind was racing! Escape, it screamed! He was totally panicked now, and found his arms and legs involuntarily floundering, looking for the escape. But the grip held tight. One last surge of energy! He gripped Carlos' arms and tried to pull. His muscles strained, veins popping out all over. His arms shook with the extended effort, shook more, quivered, then collapsed against the mat, spent. Mike was flat on his back, Carlos laying along his right side. He felt Carlos' hand touch his stomach, tracing the smooth muscles, reaching higher up his chest, finding the nipples, pinching one. He tried to raise his arms to deflect the hand, but found that the muscles only shivered at his command to rise, then his arms fell back to the mat. He was totally spent, unable to raise a defense. Carlos continued his examination of Mike's chest, twirling his fingers through the light hair he found between and above Mike's pecs, then he re-traced his route back down, through the valley, over the navel, through the thick tangle of pubic hair, wrapping his fist yet again around Mike's raging dick, which seemed to be the only muscle he had that was still functional. His arms and legs both refused to respond to his will. Exhausted, he could only lay there as Carlos began stroking his dick. "It's over now, gringo, your ass is mine. But first, I play with my favorite toy!" Carlos pinched the head of Mike's dick between his thumb and forefinger, holding it firmly just below the head. He repositioned himself to lay across Mike's stomach with his face only inches away from the pulsing meat. Then, he began working it, gently rubbing circles around the ever-hardening shaft, watching as the color deepened in excitement, a clear bubble of pre-cum forming at the slit. A few more swirls of the fingers, and the clear fluid began making a trail down the shaft. Carlos was careful not to interrupt the flow. The small stream finally flowed all the way to the nest of hair as he kept rubbing the sensitive skin, sometimes working on the head only, other times just below it. Mike's hips began thrashing, trying to get more stimulation, and Carlos felt a tentative touch at his back. Mike again had reached up to try and stop Carlos from working his dick over. But just as his hand was able to reach up, the muscles collapsed again, totally spent. He had never been like this before! Try though he might, he was unable to make more than feeble efforts to sit up, move his arms, or his legs. All the while, sensations of pleasure were racing through his body as Carlos manipulated his dick. He felt the other hand circle his nuts and begin to increase pressure. "Nooo" he moaned, as the trap became complete. Carlos' rough palm worked itself around his balls, sliding easily over the oily eggs, holding them firmly, while he continued playing with the dick-head. He could tell that Mike was getting close. His breathing was becoming quite heavy, and the useless efforts of his opponents arms were becoming more frequent, but just as ineffective. Time to move on. Mike felt Carlos get up, saw him cross the room, kneel, then return. He felt rather than saw his own arms being raised, felt the cuffs being attached to his wrists, then heard the whine of tiny motors as the pulleys began to retract the cables. When his weight became a resistance, the sound dropped in pitch as the motors began to haul his deadweight body up. Finally, he was on his knees, arms stretched upward by the cables and cuffs. His knees quivered, unable to support his weight. He then felt Carlos at his crotch, reaching from behind, and shut his eyes as he felt a leather cord become tied around the base of his balls, not too tightly, but enough so that he was very aware! A quick, firm tug on the cord, and he felt his balls pulled directly downward, where the thong was secured through a ring in the floor. Any motion exceeding a few inches forward or back created great stress on his balls. So, he was now strung up, totally unable to use his arms, and he was tied into position on the floor by his balls. Defeated, he hung his head as Carlos picked up the lost Stetsons and plopped one on each of their heads. Then he felt the inevitable stroking of Carlos' hands. They began at first on his sides, at his waist. Working their way up his torso, stealing around front, feeling every bit of his flesh as they moved. Searching again for the sensitive spots, his nipples, his neck, stopping at each to torment him. He saw in the mirror how his cock waved proudly, straining against the taut skin trapped by the cord, his dick leaking pre-cum, balls furiously working to produce a load, knowing what was eventually coming. He was totally unable to resist or move, and he could only watch as Carlos brought the circling, stroking hands lower and lower down his body, feeling the heat as Carlos inched ever closer to his back. Finally, as one hand began probing his naval and the other started twisting his pubic hair, he felt the dreaded moment arrive. A gentle but insistent pressure, accompanied by heat, began sliding against his ass-cheeks. He flexed his buttocks, tightening them, but the probing organ was stronger. Hands lower on his crotch, beginning to work around the base of his dick, lower, stroking and pressing his balls. His dick leaped, and he saw pre-cum string to the floor. The hot probe on his back-side slid deeper between the white mounds, finally centering on his secret spot. He felt it nudge closer, press, back off, press, each time pressing just slightly harder. His muscle was relaxing at the gentle prodding. He tried to keep it tight, but Carlos knew just how to stimulate him, and gradually the tight opening winked a little wider. He felt some lube applied and then feeling a wedge begin to enter, forced it back. It approached again, pleading moistly to be let in. His hole winked wider, allowing a little more to enter, before it clamped shut. He heard Carlos moan softly, "Sooo sweet.... perfect.... come on, just a little more.... let me in... you know it's going to happen.... Mmmmmmmhhhh." Again, the hot head touched his hole, and this time, he felt his ass open. Resistance gone. Penetration. Very slight pain, stretching of muscle, a slight relaxation as the head passed, widening again as the shaft began sliding past the guard, then slow, easy pleasure as Carlos buried himself to the base of his root. "Ahhhhhhh... finally... I have waited for this for so long......" Again, Mike's dick leaped in the air as Carlos rode past his prostate. Once firmly implanted, Carlos stopped moving, just letting Mike's sphincter clench and unclench around his cock, wrapping his arms around the well-muscled torso of his captive. He actually enjoyed this more than what was to come. Just knowing that he had taken another man, an equal, and could now do anything to his body was almost enough to send him over the edge. But he wasn't ready to cum yet. He wanted to pound this man for hours. When he felt himself regain a little composure, he began slowly thrusting again, not rough, just steady.... slowly drawing back until only his dick head was encased, then riding back in to the hilt, pulling Mike to him just as he penetrated most deeply. Mike watched Carlos hand moving over his body, caressing, stroking, toying with it, while the steady rhythm continued it assault of his hole. His whole mind became centered on his cock, his balls and his prostate as Carlos rode him. He saw his dick drooling in anticipation, felt the skin stretch tight with each thrust as his imprisoned balls tugged the delicate skin of his dick, smoothing it out as his balls, restrained by the thong, were held in place. Carlos began pumping a little faster. Mike felt hot breath across his shoulder and near his neck as Carlos' excitement increased. The invading dick became more insistent, pushing harder, sliding faster, striking more frequently against his prostate, which felt like it, too, was swelling larger in expectation. It really wasn't, but Mike found himself moving so as to gain maximum stimulation as Carlos' dick rammed past it. His hips began their own involuntary rhythm, timing themselves to Carlos' jabs. Mike's balls screamed in protest at the new motion, but the pain wasn't great, and the pleasure was astounding. Mike felt Carlos' mouth plant itself on the side of his neck, open, tongue pressing, licking, teeth clamping down, as Carlos neared the point of no return. Mike heard a strange sound, growing louder, and realized it was his own voice, crying out in sexual heat, as his body took complete control, moving only to satisfy the animal urges. Sex, sex, cum, cum, mate, mate.. his cry grew louder as Carlos' teeth bit harder, hands pinching his nipples viciously, no mercy. Carlos felt himself lose control of his own body, his mouth found Mike's neck and leeched on, his hands found nipples and attacked, his dick found life on it's own and was driving hard and deep with each thrust, trying to get even further into Mike's rectum. Both bodies out of control, only knowing that they must cum, that release must occur. Mike felt the air nearly crushed out of him as Carlos arms tightened around his chest. He knew it was coming! He forced his ass back against the punishing cock, and felt Carlos freeze for a brief fraction of a second, then Wham!, Wham!, Wham!, Carlos was driving furiously into him, again and again, teeth leaving a definite mark on his neck. Carlos new the moment was beyond recovery! When Mike pushed against him, he felt his dick fully enclosed in the hot tunnel, head pressing against something firm. He held the position, trying to recover, but couldn't. He had to cum! He let loose, dropping any inhibitions, and just fucked as hard as he could. It felt as if he would never stop cumming. His balls struggled to produce more cum, as he continued plowing into Mike, even after he knew he had stopped cumming. He just couldn't stop. Finally, his dick screamed for relief, and he withdrew. Rivers of sweat were pouring down his chest, and he saw that Mike, too, was sweating. But there was still a big dick to be handled! He reached between Mike's legs, grabbed the tied ball sack and squeezed it. Mike cried out in surprise, but could only watch as Carlos pulled repeatedly on his balls. The force made his dick swing wildly up and down, stimulating him further. "Carlos, please, do me, let me cum, please!" he heard himself beg, as his dick struggled for release. "Why should I? You lost! I should maybe just leave you here for now. Come back later, when I'm in the mood to have your ass again! You think yes?" "God no!, Please, please, let me ...Unnnggghhh!" as Carlos gripped his nuts even tighter. Only then did a hand wrap itself around Mike's throbbing shaft. His eyes flashed open, he looked down, and saw Carlos' face staring straight at his dick, head-on. He pushed his hips, Carlos pumped the meat, then released it. "NOooooo!" Mike cried, feeling his cock abandoned again. Then the blessed hand returned, stroking a couple of times, then leaving. Mike was growing frantic! Again, the hand encircled the raging pole, but this time, the other hand released its hold on his balls and began to assist. A mild slap across his dick-head brought him over the edge. The first shot hit Carlos directly on the brim of his Stetson. Then Mike felt both hands surround his cock and begin pounding him for all he was worth. His balls jerked spasmodically against the restraining leather, producing wave after wave of cum which was shooting all over Carlos face, hat and chest. Carlos was laughing, enjoying forcing Mike's load from him, pulling the dick until it was completely drained, and then continuing a little longer. Mike was writhing against the restraints, his dick so sensitive to touch now that he nearly screamed.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from

Highway Patrol, Part 1

Highway Patrol, Part I He had always had a nose for trouble, and was rarely wrong. This time, it involved the man sitting across the room from him at a booth near the door to the restroom. He was dark-haired, late-twenties, probably around 180#, and looked to be about 6' tall, pretty close to Mike's own dimensions. Mike topped 6' by just a fraction,

Highway Patrol, Part 2

Highway Patrol, Part II Yes, his memory all came back with a roar, and his mind forced him to re-live that experience, burning it into his memory forever. He and his partner Bill had been on routine foot patrol through an area of Dallas noted for its abandoned warehouses. It was a haven for all sorts of unsavory characters.. dealers, the homeless, the

Highway Patrol, Part 3

Highway Patrol, Part III John left the secret room, with Mike still tied. He had pulled Mike's boxers and pants back up and fastened them, but pulled his dick and balls back out through the fly to keep him vulnerable. Mike was unable to get them back in no matter how he maneuvered his hips around, the fly was just too tight against the base of his

Highway Patrol, Part 4

Highway Patrol, Part IV Before they were ready to leave, John brought in some food from a fast-food place and told Mike he'd better eat up, because there wouldn't be any more food until Mexico and it might be his last "American" meal. As John refused to release Mike's bonds, he had to feed him. Mike was hungry, and ate everything that was offered. He

Highway Patrol, Part 5

Highway Patrol, Part V After several hours of driving with only brief stops for fuel and restroom breaks, the van reached Acapulco. Mike was able to glimpse a few sights as they drove along, but wasn't able to determine anything further than that they were in a city. The van pulled up to a heavily gated driveway, the driver spoke a few words to the

Highway Patrol, Part 6

Highway Patrol, Part VI The door opened and Carlos turned away and went back to the desk, while the guards indicated that Mike was to go with them. Resigned, he left the library, and was returned to his own suite. The bed was perfect, and he was soon sleeping soundly. He awoke with sun streaming in through the windows, his cock hard as usual for

Highway Patrol, Part 7

Highway Patrol, Part VII Mike woke up with a start in a blinding light. He'd been dreaming again, the same dream he'd been having the last few nights. It was always the same. He was trapped in a fog and looking for a way out. He was naked, running, his hard cock slapping against his body as he ran, his balls rocking against his thighs, aching. But he

Highway Patrol, Part 8

Highway Patrol, Part VIII Mike awoke. He was still tied to the bed, spread-eagle, and his cock was roaring hard. He needed to take a piss, and called out. He knew someone somewhere was monitoring him. Sure enough, the door opened and four guards entered. He no longer cared what the guards saw or thought, all he wanted to do was get to the bathroom,

Highway Patrol, Part 9

Highway Patrol, Part IX Mike had been taken back to his suite after the encounter with Tomas. He was still angry, shaken and embarrassed by that whole scene. He had never intended to rape anybody, but Carlos had worked him up so hard that he'd just had to do it. He felt guilty, too, because in spite of everything, his body felt a whole lot better now.

Highway Patrol, Part 10 (The Conclusion)

Highway Patrol, Part X The Conclusion Then, sensation stopped. He felt himself being lowered to the mat. He felt Carlos come next to him, lay down beside him, and then something warm on his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw that Carlos was actually kissing him. He was too weak to respond, but his lips parted and allowed Carlos' tongue to enter. He


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