Gay Erotic Stories

I Am What I Am

by Dannyboy

I am what I am Exams were over. I should have been so happy. I had had a great freshman year academically, and now I was heading home to a pretty cool summer job and would be able to spend lots of time with my high school sweetheart, who had just recently started letting me into her pants after two years of resistance. So life was good, right? But instead I was totally depressed. I knew that I was failing in my quest to somehow, someway, turn myself around and be the straight cleancut preppy college boy I had always expected myself to be. Instead, I was obsessing more and more about guys, and most specifically my jock roommate Ben, the school’s most confident, sexy, savvy undergraduate, the conqueror of any woman on campus he wanted. You know the type....brash and funny and drop-dead handsome, and I had fallen badly. Hell, I had a friggin’ schoolgirl crush on the guy, and it pissed me off. I had spent the whole year lusting after him, and although I never expected anything to come from it, just having him nearby provided some gratification for my fantasies, even though I hated myself for it. I could hardly imagine a whole summer not being able to watch him while he slept, steal casual glances of him sauntering around the room in various states of undress, spy him putting the moves on women, listen to him brag about getting blown, hear him laugh. And worst of all, how could I go for three months without a steady supply of his freshly worn underwear to sniff and play with while I jerked off? The underwear thing had become a real bad habit....Ben had an early lab almost every day and he would get up and head for the showers in just his shorts. When he returned to the room he would have on only a towel and would toss the underwear in his hamper as he came in and then proceed to get dressed. I would generally pretend to be asleep and would try to catch a glimpse of his fine thick tool and dangling balls as he pulled on a fresh pair from the dresser drawer. As soon as he headed out for class I would get up, lock the door and go straight for his laundry hamper and retrieve whatever sexy piece of his fine collection he had slept in. I would spring a woody almost as soon as I touched the fabric (that is, if I hadn’t already woken up with one). Then i would sniff the musky smell where his balls had so recently been nestled, and rub the fabric all over my face and body. Sometimes I would pull them on myself and wear them for awhile, occasionally pulling my pud with them tucked under my balls or something. On rare occasions when I knew he wouldn’t be doing laundry for a while and therefore wouldn’t notice anything was missing I would go ahead and wear them under my clothes all day, sneaking them back into the hamper when he was out of the room sometime during the evening. On exactly two occasions during the year I got a big happy surprise....his underwear was wet with a fresh load of jock cum that he had obviously shot off while he was in the bathroom. I figured this was so rare because he generally deposited a couple of loads every day into some chick or other, so he didn’t have much need for masturbating. Anyway, when I felt the sticky material that first time and realized what I had, then caught a wiff of the fresh cum odor, I nearly fainted. Of course I recovered quickly and lifted the briefs to my face for a close examination. The first time I just tentatively flicked out my tongue and gave a little taste. The second time I was bolder and licked down probably half of it. Both times I used the balance to lube my cock as I jacked off in frantic ecstasy. Anyway, I was moping around the room that last evening of the semester, halfheartedly packing up some of my stuff for the drive home the next day. As I debated whether to swipe the pair of Ben’s Champion grey boxer briefs I was currently wearing to remember him by for the summer, in he barged, with another guy in tow I had never seen before. “Hey roomie,” Ben barked. “This is my kid bro. Seth, meet roomie Dan.” “Hey Seth,” I muttered glumly, still feeling sorry for myself. But in a moment my attention was grabbed by the handsome kid, who smiled brightly and walked across the room towards me, extending his hand, looking me dead in the eye with wide, clear green eyes. Jesus, I muttered to myself as I felt his firm handshake, this kid’s every bit as sexy and confident as his brother. Not quite as built, but hey, I was never into muscle dudes anyway, more into the chiseled, smooth types. OK, I admit it, I’m into prettyboys, and this kid was a 9.5 on the smooth and pretty meter. “‘Hey Dan, sup?” returned Seth. “Bet you’re glad the semester’s over, huh?” “Oh yeah, real glad,” I lied. It turned out Seth had come to meet his brother and head off for quick weekend camping trip. Just one year younger than Ben, Seth had just turned eighteen and was graduating from high school in three weeks. He had been accepted to our college for the fall, but was still considering a deferment so he could spend a year working and maybe doing some hiking and mountain biking and stuff. As we hung out for a while and Ben and I both did some more packing, the three of us chatted idly. As I started to get acquainted with Seth, I couldn’t stop feeling that there was some kind of a spark between us. He was so direct and sincere and friendly, but then again I figured he was just that kind of guy, a kid so full of self assurance that he could treat a total stranger as if he was a long-lost buddy. So I took a deep breath and told myself to get real. No doubt Seth had laid half the girls in his high school, just as Ben had laid half the female population of the college. Anyway, the three of us ended up going to dinner together and then out for a couple of beers at the latest edge of town tavern that catered to under-age student drinkers. Of course we hadn’t been there very long before Becky, Ben’s most recent conquest, had joined us, and it wasn’t two long after that that the lovers decided to head out for in search of a more intimate location. On his way out, Ben, winking, told us not to expect him back that night. “And this way,” he explained to his kid brother, “you can sleep in my bed tonight instead of on the floor.” “That’s cool,” replied Seth, returning the wink. “You two be good, now, hear?” A couple of more beers and some small talk later, Seth and I headed back to the dorm. It was getting late, and we both had to hit the road pretty early. We started to strip for bed. As soon as I was my pants were down to my knees I realized I was still wearing Ben’s underwear. I thought, holy shit, its a good thing it isn’t Ben I’m stripping in front of without thinking! Better be more careful, I warn myself. But realizing Seth wouldn’t know the difference, I focused on getting a look or two at his bod as he slipped quietly out of his t-shirt and jeans and climbed under the covers. He was wearing standard white jockeys, and man did he look like he filled ‘em out nice. His chest was so nicely defined, totally smooth, I was knocked out with desire for this natural guy. I climbed into my own bed, anxious to hide the massive bone I was suddenly sporting. After a moment Seth asks, “So I guess ole Ben gets laid alot?” “Yeah, you could say that. He’s pretty much the campus champion, and still a freshman.” Seth smirked at that thought. “And you? I’m sure you have no problems with women either.” I blushed. Only someone totally confident in his sexuality and himself would make such a statement, but it made me even more hard. “Yeah, well my girlfriend is at a different school, so its like, sporadic. But starting next week we’ll be together all summer.” “Cool.” “What about you, Seth? Got alot of girlfriends back home?” “Um, not really, Seth.” I thought, well, I can play this game too. “No? That’s hard to believe, dude.” “Hmmm, I thought maybe Ben told you. See, I hope this doesn’t like offend you or anything, but I’m gay.” The color drained from my face. Did I hear right, or was he joking or something. “Gay?” “Yeah.” “Wow. I mean, just like that? You’re sure?” “Just like that. Came out when I was 15. Silly of me to think Ben would have told anyone. He doesn’t really like the idea, although he accepts it.” “Oh, I see.” This was all I could mutter, although as you can imagine my mind was racing a mile a minute, my heart beating so fast I could barely think of what might happen next. “Sorry, I can see I put a damper on our conversation, but I am what I am.” “No. I mean, that’s cool. I am just kinda surprised.” “Yeah most people are.” “Seth, I.......oh, shit, I’m really....ah.....taken aback.....see......” I trailed off stupidly. Seth waited patiently for half a minute, then said, “Go on, man. What were you gonna say?” I was committed now for sure. I gulped, then took a deep breath. “See, I have been wondering for some time about whether I might be like, bi, or gay or something, too.” I don’t know how I expected Seth to react but he barely batted an eyelash. “I thought you might say something like that. Guys who are struggling are always the ones that get nervous when the subject comes up.” “Oh. I see.” Damn, why was that all I could say? Seth waited while I sat there like a log, starting to sweat. Finally he asks, “So what makes you wonder?” “Um, well I, uh, notice guys alot, the ways most guys check out women.” “OK. And what are you thinking about when you jack off?” Shit, this kid could cut through the clutter. I blushed and responded. “Um, usually guys.” And when you are banging your girl, what are you thinking about then?” Damn the SOB was gonna pin me right to the mat. “Um, usually, guys.” Seth was direct. “Yeah, your gay.” Just like that, it was over. I had been officially diagnosed. “Yeah, I know,” I spit out with a mixture of relief and total anxiety. “Just haven’t been ready to admit it.” “That’s cool. You have to do it on your own schedule.” “Yeah. But man, look at you. Out since 15, totally confident in what you are, taking no shit from anybody. That is pretty awesome.” “Well, thanks. But we are all different. So, can I ask you something, Dan?” “Sure.” “Um, that thinking about guys thing.....any particular guy?” Well, I was this far along, there was no going back. “Yeah. Your brother.” “Thought so.” “Really?” “Yeah....welcome to the club.” He winked at me. “What made you ask that?” “Well, he is hot, dude. And either you’re wearing his shorts or you model your purchases after him. He has been wearing Champion boxer briefs for three years.” Did anything get by this kid? “You caught me,” I admitted. Seth smiled. “Well, I should know. I used to wear his underwear before he went off to college.” “Cool.” I resisted the temptation to say, ‘Oh, I see.’ Instead I took another deep breath. “But, Seth?” “Um, the thinking about your brother stuff? That was before I met you.” He smiled that gorgeous smile, his green eyes round and shining. “OK, dude,” he said, happily, matter-of-factly. “Enough talk. Your bed or mine?” TO BE CONTINUED


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Dannyboy

I Am What I Am

I am what I am Exams were over. I should have been so happy. I had had a great freshman year academically, and now I was heading home to a pretty cool summer job and would be able to spend lots of time with my high school sweetheart, who had just recently started letting me into her pants after two years of resistance. So life was good, right? But instead I

Real Stakes

The three of us were experienced street basketball players. We'd been doing it for a lot of years. We'd look for others players who thought they were as good as us and hustle some money games. We were really good when the real money was on the line, and our reputation had become pretty wide spread in our neighborhood. So we had to branch out and look elsewhere to earn the big

Sex With Jim Thome

Growing up, I always had a thing for pro athletes. But, I had no crush bigger than the one I had on Cleveland Indian first baseman Jim Thome. In my eyes, he was perfect. Big, muscular, and hairy body, and a great attitude to go along with it. I learned that Jim was living in a condo complex about five minutes from my house in a small suburb of Cleveland called Bay Village. Every


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