Gay Erotic Stories

I Make A Little Money At The Adult Bookstore

by Fresno Jorge

I am totally straight. I know, I know, you've heard that before. But in this case it is true: I am only interested in women, pussy, tits, and everything else they have to offer: blowjobs, hand jobs, whatever they are up for. The closest I've ever come to being excited by a guy is when I was 18 and I saw a picture of a guy dressed up like a girl: he was so close to being a woman that at first I thought he WAS a woman. I remember staring at that picture in amazement and thinking, "I know I'm not gay, but that bitch is hot!" Then the thought of her actually being a guy sunk in and I was totally turned off. So I guess you'll just have to trust me since a lot of gay guys just can't believe that straight men aren't at all interested in gay sex. I have read stories in Penthouse Variations where straight guys suddenly realize they are gay, or have never been attracted to men and then find they are bi-sexual. This is just not my situation. It's not denial, it's just the way it is: I have never been the slightest bit interested in a guy, just the way I'll bet a lot of you gay guys have never even considered sex with a woman and you sure aren't about to go experiment. So anyway, let me describe myself: I'm a 21-year-old Mexican college student. I grew up near San Francisco, so I certainly saw a lot of gay guys, but my friends and I just kind of ignored them or made slightly derogatory remarks about them to each other. But, believe me, young straight Mexican guys don't spend much time hating gays, especially in San Francisco where it isn't cool to be homophobic. We were too interested in meeting girls to think much about gays. We knew they existed and we saw them, but they just weren't a very important part of our lives. Lesbians were a little different: I think a lot of guys like me were kind of turned on by the thought of lesbians, but we figured it was probably out of the question since they weren't interested in guys. Plus, all the lesbians we ever saw were like 10 years older than we were. I never even met a gay man until I went away to college, and then it was a sociology professor who was really vocal about being out of the closet, by which time homosexuality was not any kind of threat to me, and so me and the other students just kind of admired his courage. So anyway, that's where I'm coming from. Funny that for a guy from the Bay Area, the first gay man I meet is in Fresno! So anyway, I go to school here in Fresno. I'm a senior and I'm going to graduate in May. My girlfriend and I have applied for grad school. We are both studying engineering, and I think we have a pretty good chance of getting into UCLA's grad program in electrical engineering. We are both working our butts off to get good grades here. So you probably want to hear about the sex, right? Okay, so starting near the end of my sophomore year, I was getting really hard up for money. I have a bunch of loans and my mom is sending me as much money as she can, but even with a part time job at a deli near campus, I couldn't seem make ends meet. I'm kind of addicted to buying things for my girlfriend: I like to impress her with new things all the time. She likes the presents and I guess I just have never figured out a way to stop getting her more and more. I always feel like I have to top my last present. So this is how it started: I was at the deli one day talking to the dishwasher, a Mexican guy named Miguel. He could barely speak English, so I was the only one at the deli who could talk to him. Anyway, he loved to talk about girls and sex. I mentioned that I needed a raise or another job or something. We were talking about girls and how expensive it was to get laid sometimes (Miguel liked to pay prostitutes for blowjobs because he didn't have a girlfriend.) Anyway, he told me about an adult bookstore nearby where a guy could make some fast money. I thought he was just kidding. I remember asking him in Spanish sarcastically, "Right! I'll bet women go there to get dicked." And he said, "No, man. I'm serious. I'm telling you, man, you go back in that video area and you can make some money. Just be careful: some of those guys might easily fall in love with you." I thought he was just joking around, and he laughed nervously, too, but I was curious. The thought of a gay man doing stuff was awful. I just couldn't figure out how a straight guy could even stand the thought of doing ANYTHING, but I really needed some money. I had my eye on a necklace for my girlfriend and it was on sale for $300. I was kind of addicted to buying stuff for her (I still am, actually!) and I really couldn't pass up such a good price. The necklace usually went for $550, so I really wanted to buy it. After work, I said to Miguel that I was going over to my girlfriend's, and started driving that way, but after a few blocks I circled back and parked on a side street. I walked to the bookstore and went in. I had been in adult bookstores before, but not much. I'm just not into that scene. I think all those horny guys looking at magazines are kind of pathetic, but this afternoon, I was there for a different reason. I bought some tokens. I think $5 worth was the minimum. I remember thinking, "Shit, I hope I haven't just wasted $5!” and walked thought the beads that hung down to separate the video area from the rest of the bookstore. It was dark, kind of creepy, because you could hear the sounds from the movies in each stall. I was kind of confused about why there were so many guys just standing and wandering around. I remember thinking, "If these guys are so horny, why don't they just go in and jerk off to one of these movies?" But then I realized a few things. Some of the guys were looking around a lot, especially at me and smiling and shit. It freaked me out. I almost left, but I really wanted to make some money and I've always been kind of stubborn about admitting I'm scared. But I'm telling you, I was scared shitless. A few guys were not looking around much, and they looked bored. Then I kind of figured out that maybe those guys were there for the same reason I was: to make some money. I remember thinking, "Shit! I didn't think there would be competition!" But I'm competitive, and I figured, "Okay, let's see who can make the most money here!" I really wanted to leave, and yet I wanted to prove to myself and to these assholes (all of them: gay and straight) that I was better than them somehow. I can't explain it, but I've always had a really high opinion of myself! My girlfriend thinks I'm conceited sometimes, but I'm telling you, I want to win every game I play. So I just hung around and waited like everyone else. I thought to myself, "Jesus, you'd think we were all waiting for a bus." But after 10 or 15 minutes I started getting a little more comfortable; I was watching everything really carefully and trying to figure out how things worked. That has always been my way of doing things: just try to figure out the smartest way to get what I want. Except in this case, what I wanted was some money. I noticed that a lot of guys would pair up with other gays. At least I figured that was the case. It's still a mystery to me how people meet each other in these places. But then I saw an old guy whispering to a young Latino guy about my age, and I saw first the old one disappear into a booth, and then a minute later (yeah, right, like no one noticed?!) the Latino guy went in. "Jesus," I remember thinking, "That guy was so old. He must have been 60." But who am I to judge the Latino? He was just trying to make a buck, and he had been more successful than me. So I thought, "The next guy is going to be mine." Then I started wondering, "I wonder how much that guy is getting paid?" I decided to wait and ask him. I figured he might hit me, but I could usually calm a person down. So I waited. It only took 5 or 10 minutes. I thought, "Okay, how much money do you get for such a short time?" and then the old guy walked out sheepishly staring at the floor. There was a long pause, maybe 3 or 4 minutes, and the Latino walked out. I stopped him and whispered in English, "Hey, man, can I ask you question?" He looked really surprised and just shook his head. He walked passed me and I followed him out into the bookstore. He noticed and scowled and kept walking out on to the street. I followed him. I caught up and started to say, "Wait, man…" but he shot me down with, "Fuck off, faggot!" "Wait, man, I'm not gay, I just wanted some advice." I've found that people love to get asked for advice. "What, man?" He turned and stopped. I swallowed and said, "Look, I'm not gay, but I want to make some money. How much do I charge those guys?" The guy chuckled and spit on the sidewalk. "Man, listen, you gotta be careful. Some of those guys are dirty, man. I mean, be careful about AIDS and shit." "I know, man,” I said, “but I need some money fast." "Yeah, I hear ya. Okay, listen; you start by asking $100 for a blowjob. You tell them a blowjob and nothing else: I'm not going to touch them or even LOOK at them. They have to use their tokens and I get to pick the movie I want to watch, none of this gay crap." "A hundred dollars?” I asked, amazed, “Really?!" "Well, they will bargain you down. Try to get $75, but nothing less than $50. I don't take anything below 50 unless I'm desperate." "Thanks, man. Can I ask one more question?" "Yeah, what?" "How do you stand it? I mean: it's so fucked." He nodded knowingly and shook his head and sneered all at once: "You just watch the movie and don't look down. And don't let them jerk off. Once a guy started jerking off and the guy came all over my pants!" We both laughed. I gave him a high five, said, "Later," and walked back into the bookstore. The clerk must have forgotten me, because he wanted me to buy more tokens, but I showed him my tokens from before and he motioned me in. I think he might have been gay. Who knows? Back inside the video arcade, I looked around: A few new faces, some I remembered from before. I waited and waited. Then after about 15 minutes of boredom, a middle-aged white guy walked in. He was smiling and looking at everyone like he had just walked into a party. I remember thinking, "Shit, for him this must BE a party." Anyway, he looked around and seemed to be checking out the merchandise. I decided, "Fuck this, if I'm merchandise, then I'm going to sell it." I walked up to him slowly, raised my eyebrows in greeting and gave him a closer look. Suddenly he seemed pretty interested. I've noticed that all these queers want is a little attention. I figured, "He wants my dick, I want his money: why waste time?" I stood there next to him, a little ways off from the rest of the guys, but still not that far. Finally, he said, "How's it going?" "Okay, how 'bout you?" "Not bad," he said. I could tell he was nervous. He cleared his throat and said, "Are you a cop?" I stared at him. The thought of a cop in here hadn't even occurred to me. "Shit," I thought, "This is getting too crazy." But then I figured unless he was really a good actor, his nervousness and question probably meant that he WASN"T a cop, so I said, "No, are you?" We both chuckled. That seemed to help, because the next question he asked was pretty bold, "You want to go in a booth?" I said, "Sure, but I'm only here to make some money." He said, "That's no problem. How much?" I looked him right in the eye and said, "$200." He stared at me and his eyes got wide as he said, "That's a lot of money." And I remember being pretty proud of my next line, "Well, I got a lot of dick." That seemed to shut him up for a second. Then he said, "Look, I really want to, but all I brought was $100. If you'll take the hundred I promise to go to the nearest ATM and get out 40 more." I thought about that and said, "Okay, but make it 60 more, and I'm coming with you to the ATM." He looked at me. Shit, for all I knew he was an axe murderer, but he said, "Okay, follow me in the booth after I go in. Wait a little so no one notices." I said, "Okay, man, but all you get to do is suck it. You aren't jerking off with me and you aren't kissing me, and you can't even touch me, man." "Okay," he said, "no problem." So I thought, "Man, $160! For 5 minutes of work. Not bad." After he went in a booth and I waited a little extra time to make him a little nervous I went in, too. The other guys saw, but I figured, "Fuck you." In the booth I told him, "Put all the tokens in the machine. I'm gonna watch what I wanna see and you just keep your mind on sucking. Got it?" He nodded. I also said, "Give me the 100 dollars now." He looked scared, but I figured, "This cocksucker is not going to cheat me. Get the money up front." He gave me the money. I checked the 5 twenties to see if they were real. They seemed good to me, but I've always wondered unless they were just really obvious, "How would you know?" Anyway, I nodded, stuffed the money in my jeans pocket, and started unbuckling my belt. For you gay guys, I'm sure you'd love to hear what I look like. I'm 5'10" tall, and I'm kind of skinny, with, of course, black hair and brown eyes. My dick is nothing to write home about. It's 6.5 inches long, uncut, and I guess it keeps my girlfriend happy. All these stories about guys with 10 inch dicks are such bullshit. Actually, I guess 6 inches is normal from what I've read, so my extra half inch is a boner bonus for you cocksuckers. The guy was getting down on his knees while I stayed standing. I started looking at the different channels. I wanted some good old-fashion boy-girl fucking. One channel showed gay sex, and I quickly changed the channel. The guy was already chomping down on me, so he didn't even see the screen. I was facing the TV and he was getting his money’s worth. It felt funny getting a blowjob from anyone except my girlfriend, but then I just tried to forget who was doing it. I remembered the guy’s advice out on the street, "Watch the movie and don't look down." I found a channel with a guy fucking a girl doggy style. That was okay. Then I got bored and decided to look around. There was an S and M channel, but I'm not into that. Then a gang bang, but there is always too many guys on that shit, and I finally found a video of a girl giving a guy a blowjob. That seemed pretty good at first, I figured since I was getting a blowjob I might as well watch one, but after a while it reminded me too much of what was really going on, and I realized I needed to be a little more distanced from reality. I had nothing against gays, but I was really not into getting a blowjob from a guy. It was not torture, but it was not at all enjoyable, no matter what you read in stories where gays are sucking so-called straight men. So I ended up going back to the channel with the guy fucking the girl. It was a pretty lame couple, but it was the best I could find, and I wanted to stop looking so I could concentrate on cumming. All of this took five minutes. I was hard and the guy's blowjob was okay. I mean I'm not going to say that gays know how to blow a guy better than girls; that is bullshit. It is like saying that pigs know how to cook swill better than farmers because they know what good swill tastes like. Right, as if any straight guy is really going to enjoy having a guy suck his dick. But I just kept remembering the $160 and I never looked down. After about 10 minutes I was getting close to cumming. I said to the guy, "I'm going to cum soon. Where do you want it?" He stopped just long enough to say, "Can you cum on my face." "Jesus," I thought, "What a creep." But I figured he was paying. So I said, "Okay, give me a minute." I jerked my wet dick hard and fast and when I was ready I said, "Here it comes." I shot my cum. A little landed on his chin, but most of it went on the floor. The asshole seemed to be liking it. I suddenly thought it was kind of funny, this guy paying me $160 to cum on his chin. I started laughing a little, and then I guess all of the stress and shit got to me and I couldn't stop laughing. The guy was looking all concerned saying, "Shhhhh! Shhh! Be quiet." And I thought, "We aren't in a library." But I tried to stop laughing. I guess he thought it was kind of funny, too, because he was smiling a little. He got a Kleenex from the box that the management provided (I always thought that was kind of funny, too. Man, they must go through a LOT of Kleenex!) and wiped off his chin. He tried to clean off my hand, but I didn't want him touching me, so I said, "It's cool, man, it's cool," and I took the Kleenex from him and wiped my hand off myself. Then he got up and I put the merchandise away and buckled up. He said, "Thanks a lot. That was great!" What was I supposed to say, like, "Sure, I enjoyed it too?" All I wanted was to get out of that fucking bookstore, get to the nearest ATM and get the rest of my money. I said, "Meet me outside the bookstore." I left the booth, but I held my head up and smiled at all the boys and said loudly, "Have fun, guys." I figured, "Why be ashamed? I got money, the guy got dick, who did we hurt?" Besides, all these guys were either cocksuckers or guys like me trying to make some money. I walked out the door of the video area, passed the clerk, who was still smiling at me, and out on to the street. My eyes were burning from the glare, but they adjusted. The guy came out a minute later and said, "Thanks again. I think there is an ATM down about 2 blocks. You want to walk?" I said, "No, I don't want to be seen with you walking. Let's get in my car." "Okay," he said. He seemed a little hurt, but I figured, "Hey, don't get all pouty on me, asshole." I wasn't angry with him exactly, but I wanted to just get my money without anyone seeing me. We walked to my car, got in, found the ATM, and he gave me the money through my car window. I started pulling away before he could finish thanking me for the third time. I looked in the rear view mirror and started thinking. I had just made 160 dollars for 10 or 15 minutes of sex. I added on the 30 to 45 minutes of time it had taken to wait around. I thought, "Was it worth it? What if the guy had a disease?" "How will I be able to enjoy sex with my girlfriend?" "Should I risk meeting a cop?" I decided that I probably would not try to go back to the adult bookstore again.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Fresno Jorge

I Make A Little Money At The Adult Bookstore

I am totally straight. I know, I know, you've heard that before. But in this case it is true: I am only interested in women, pussy, tits, and everything else they have to offer: blowjobs, hand jobs, whatever they are up for. The closest I've ever come to being excited by a guy is when I was 18 and I saw a picture of a guy dressed up like a girl: he was so close to being a woman


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