Gay Erotic Stories


by Edward Gordon

***The following is a work of fiction*** "Imagine" Author : Edward Gordon my email : "Does that sound right?" Daniel asked, strumming a series of chords on the acoustic guitar he was using. "Mmm…I think so," Darren replied thoughtfully, paying attention to the sound. Daniel sighed, putting the guitar down. "Want to take a break?" "Yeah!" Darren gladly agreed, the chance for a rest sounding welcoming. "Coffee?" he offered Daniel, going into the kitchen. "Yeah, thanks," Daniel accepted, putting his music equipment and sheet music down. He wandered into the kitchen area with Darren, and watched him making the coffee. Darren turned around, holding a mug which he offered to Daniel. He made a cup for himself, got some cream filled doughnuts for them both, and then they both strolled into the living area to sit down on the sofa. Before Darren sat down, he went to make a quick phone call. He was just out of Daniel's earshot, so Daniel didn't know what he was saying, but he was smiling, so he presumed the call was about something good. While he was waiting, Daniel idly thought how much better Darren looked with his natural blonde hair. Smiling fondly as his ever-enthusiastic friend gesticulated and laughed, Daniel took another sip of his coffee. Presently, Darren came back to sit on the sofa next to Daniel, and they started discussing the song they had just been working on. Darren grabbed a doughnut, munching into it hungrily; it had been a while since he had had something to eat. They stopped talking about music for a while, as Daniel also picked up a doughnut and started to eat. Darren contemplated telling Daniel about the decision he'd come to yesterday afternoon. He'd decided that there was no point in feeling the way he did about Daniel, because, as far as he could tell, the feelings were not reciprocated. So, he'd accepted the offer of a date from a pretty, intelligent girl he'd met the week before, Rachel Evans. He really liked her: she was fun to be around, and always made him laugh. Plus, she was gorgeous, with long wavy red hair and sparkly green eyes. But, there was one problem: she wasn't Daniel. "So," Darren said conversationally, "I got asked out by Rachel yesterday, the girl that I met last week at the…" "Yes, I remember," Daniel interrupted, scowling slightly, "You said no, right?" "No, I said yes," Darren replied, surprised. "She's really nice. Should be fun. We're going out tomorrow night." "Oh," Daniel replied flatly, not sure why he was feeling distinctly pissed off, and not enjoying it. He folded his arms, trying not to glare back at Darren, who looked rather amused. "Do you not like her or something?" he inquired. "No, it's not that, I…" "Ohh, right, I get it! You like her!" he grinned. "No, I don't, I just think she's a bit too…shallow for you," Daniel protested. "Well, beggars can't be choosers!" Darren laughed musically. "It's the only decent offer I've had for…well, quite some time, to say the least." "Fair enough…" Daniel sniffed, worried and unsure as to what he was feeling, and why he was feeling it. Was this…jealousy? Nope, couldn't be. Why would he be jealous, he didn't even like the girl Darren was seeing. He shrugged it off, and reached out for another doughnut. Darren looked at Daniel, puzzled. Nah, he couldn't be sensing jealousy from him. Daniel didn't feel that way about him. He decided it would be best to change the topic of conversation. "Hey. Daniel, Ben, Karl, Lee and Jennifer want to go out to eat with us tonight, if that's all right with you?" Daniel nodded numbly, smiling automatically. "You sure?" Darren probed, prodding Daniel in the arm. "Yeah, sounds fine." Daniel smiled more sincerely. "Good, 'cause I already told them you said yes." Darren grinned, getting off the sofa and taking the empty plate and dirty cups to the sink. Daniel sat alone on the sofa, confused. Why was the sexy sway of Darren's hips suddenly looking much more appealing? An hour or so later, they were both ready to go out. Darren was wearing black jeans and a dark green short sleeved shirt with a silver Chinese dragon up one side, which looked great with his currently spiky blonde hair. Daniel was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a paler blue shirt, open at the collar. When they arrived at the restaurant, they met Ben and Lee. Karl and Jennifer arrived soon, and they all went inside to the table they had booked. Daniel sat somewhat uncomfortably across from Darren, for once not feeling immediately at ease with making eye contact with him like he did usually. On his other side was Jennifer, and directly across from her was Ben. Karl was across from Lee. Darren ordered chicken in a creamy sauce, and went to the toilet while the others ordered. When he came back, Daniel was caught up in an involved conversation with Ben about the music he had been working on, and Ben was giving him some suggestions about the way he thought it should sound. Karl smiled at Darren as he sat back down. "Hey, Daniel was telling me you're going out with that girl Rachel tomorrow?" "Umm, yeah," Darren replied, sneaking a quick glance at Daniel. "Nice one, she's a great girl." Karl nodded approvingly, smiling at Darren. Ben turned to look at him for a moment, then turned back to his conversation with Daniel. "Yeah, she's alright," Darren said, unenthusiastically. "Do you not like her or something?" Karl inquired, looking surprised. "Nah, she's okay. It's just…I kinda had my eye on someone else," Darren confessed. "Ooh, anyone we know?" asked Lee, joining in the conversation. "No, probably not," Darren answered quickly, making brief eye contact with Daniel. "You know me, falling in and out of love on a regular basis," he added, laughing nervously. Lee shrugged, and started talking to Jennifer. Darren absent-mindedly started playing with the flame of one of the candles in the centre of the table, wondering if Daniel actually had a clue about how he felt about him. Daniel regarded Darren moodily, watching the way the candlelight flickered in his eyes and the shadows reflected on his hair. It was funny how, sometimes, you just noticed how beautiful someone you'd known for years was...Darren shone with creative talent, physical beauty and a lust for life that made everything else look dim in comparison. As Darren struck up a conversation with Ben, Daniel watched the way he enthusiastically responded to everything Ben said, the way that wide grin lit up his face. Daniel sighed. The food arrived soon, and they all busied themselves with that, occasionally making conversation and laughing and joking with each other. Darren was less exuberant in his stories and laughter than usual, contemplating how he felt about his date the next day. When he had first met Daniel, he had instantly realized that the two of them had a strong connection, but it wasn't until a while later that he had realized he had actually fallen for him. Since then, they had been skirting about the issue. Darren was never really sure if his feelings were returned, but due to recent events, he was now convinced that they were not. Before they knew it, the meal was over, and Darren and Daniel were heading back to their hotel room. Daniel bit his lip, considering what he was about to do, as they unlocked the door and walked in. "Umm, Darren?" he started, "Remember what we were talking about this afternoon?" "Yeah?" Darren responded quickly, turning to face Daniel with a slightly worried expression on his face. "Are you…looking forward to it?" Daniel chickened out. "Yeah, of course I am!" Darren's laugh came out slightly strangled. "Oh…well…have fun then," Daniel supplied lamely, running a hand through his thick blonde hair. "No, Daniel, what is this about?" Darren protested, walking into the living area and sitting down on the sofa. Daniel sat down beside him, patting his knees nervously. "Nothing," he insisted, "I was just curious." "But…you've been going on about this for quite some time. And you acted really…well, weird when I told you. What's up? You usually tell me everything." "Well…If I tell you, you've got to promise not to…you know, have a seizure or anything." Darren laughed again, sounding as nervous as Daniel looked. "You're gonna think this is really stupid, honestly, I already feel like an ass for mentioning it…" He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "When you told me about Rachel I felt…angry. Not because I don't like her…not because I want to go out with her instead of you. I…didn't know what I was feeling, but I thought about it, and I realized - I was jealous." Darren was frozen in place, unable to speak, unable to move. Was he hearing Daniel right? "So…I guess there's a reason why I reacted like that," Daniel continued, blushing slightly, "And I think I don't want you to be with her, because…I want you to be with me." Darren, realizing his mouth was hanging open slightly in an unnatural position, quickly closed it, but was unable to think out a coherent response. "I'm sorry," Daniel apologized quickly, and looked away - he couldn't meet Darren's eyes. "I shouldn't have mentioned anything. I'll…just go to bed now, if you want. I mean, I'll get out of your way, I don't mean I want to go to bed with you, umm, I'll just go." He stood up and made to leave the room, but Darren grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to the sofa, looking him in the face. "Daniel," he said softly, "don't apologize...there's no need, honestly. I…I'm so glad you said something about it." He threw his arms around Daniel for a tight hug, resting his head on the taller man's shoulder. Daniel frowned a bit, confused. "Umm, does this mean…?" Darren pulled back, smiling. "Yes, this means I feel exactly the same way! Finally, Daniel, the penny drops." He nudged him teasingly, before pulling him back into a hug. "I love you…" he whispered in Daniel's ear, his lips tickling the sensitive hairs there. Pulling back from the hug, Darren's gaze focused on Daniel's lips for a moment. He reached up, and ran a hand through Daniel's silky blonde hair, and slid closed to him, touching his thigh with his own. Daniel shivered, feeling Darren's fingers stroking gently against his scalp. He licked his lips, suddenly feeling even more nervous. Darren slid his hand down to the back of Daniel's neck and pulled him closer, until he was mere centimeters from his face. He allowed his lips to brush lightly against Daniel's. His lips were only parted slightly, and he slid his hand round Daniel's back, shifting so that they were pressed tightly against each other. Daniel licked across Darren's full bottom lip, and Darren whimpered slightly, parting his lips further to allow Daniel entrance. Daniel flicked his tongue gently across Darren's, not pushing it too quickly, or taking his mouth too hard. Darren made another soft sound that made Daniel's heart beat race. Darren's arms tightened around him, allowing to Daniel to deepen the kiss. Their tongues tangled together slowly, languidly, as Daniel explored Darren's mouth. At first it's slow, a gentle tasting of each other, but as it continues, it slowly builds in its intensity. Wanting to be closer, Daniel pulled Darren up until he was straddling his thighs, and slipped his arm round his waist, pulling his body tightly against his own. Pulling Darren's tongue into his mouth, Daniel sucked on it gently, as Darren whimpered softly. Darren rocked his hips up against Daniel's, trying, and failing, to stop this from becoming too much, too fast. The kiss became hungrier, rougher as Darren tried to allow Daniel to take as much of his mouth as possible. Daniel moaned, tightening his grip on Darren. He sighed in pleasure as Darren slid his hands down his back, making his spine tingle, and moved down to cup his ass. Unconsciously, he kneaded against Daniel through the rough fabric of his jeans, as he poured all of his energy into their kiss. Daniel pulled his mouth off Darren's, gasping, then licking up Darren's neck until he reached his ear, and then pulled his ear lobe into his warm mouth, laving it with his tongue. He pulled away, his gasping breath tickling Darren's ear. He pulled Daniel back into a deep kiss. This time, he was the aggressor, plundering Daniel's mouth roughly with his tongue. Daniel fumbled, unbuttoning the bottom buttons on Darren's shirt and sliding his hands up and over Darren's chest. Reaching his left nipple, he rubbed across it, and then took it between his thumb and forefinger and pinched slightly, all the while continuing to kiss Darren. Darren hissed into Daniel's mouth, and thrust his hips up against him, pressing their cocks together. Daniel slid his hand down Darren's chest, making him shiver, and kept going until his hand was resting between his legs, rubbing against his cock. Darren pulled away long enough to unbutton his shirt fully, and shrug it off, discarding it somewhere on the floor. Then, he reached down and rubbed his hand across Daniel's hard on, and Daniel arched into his touch, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into another searing kiss. He kissed the side of Darren's mouth, and made his way down his neck, rubbing his head and lips against it, kissing and sucking the skin gently as their groins rubbed together. "Daniel…" Darren breathed softly, appreciatively, the feelings of happiness and intense arousal entwining and melding together inside him. Daniel slid his mouth down to Darren's chest, licking over his right nipple, before sucking the flesh into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. Darren gasped, allowing his head to slide back slightly, his hips rising a bit as he gave himself to the sensation. Daniel gave the left nipple the same treatment, and then Darren surprised him by standing up, unsteadily. Daniel looked up at him, and Darren smiled, his lips redder than normal, and slightly swollen, his eyes sparkling and his cheeks flushed. Daniel stood up with him, and Darren grabbed his hand, pulling him along to 2nd room with the unused double bed. As they reached the edge of the bed, Daniel took control again, pushing Darren down onto the mattress on his back. He joined him moments later, straddling Darren's hips in a sitting position. He undid his shirt, and threw it down to the side of the bed, then leaned down, capturing Darren's mouth again. Darren melted into him, eagerly stroking his tongue around the recesses of Daniel's mouth. Daniel sat back up, undoing his belt, and then stood up to take off his denims and underwear Darren followed suit, discarding his jeans and black, tight boxers. Completely naked, they tumbled back onto the bed again, limbs and tongues tangling. Darren moaned loudly, the feel of Daniel's naked skin against his own almost more than he could take. Daniel slid his hand between their bodies, rubbing his hand over Darren's erection. Darren let out a strangled hiss, not sure if he'd ever been this hard in his life before. He pulled his hand away, wrapping his arms around the back of Darren's neck. Darren writhed against him, getting to the desperate stage, rubbing their hard cocks against each other and curling his legs around the backs of Daniel's. Daniel breathed into Darren's mouth, thrusting his tongue into his mouth as his hips rocked hard into Darren's, rubbing against him. The friction was slowly driving Darren insane, the sweat from their exertions slicking their movements. They swapped, Darren suddenly becoming the one on top. Daniel pushed up against him, pushing Darren's sweat damp hair out of his eyes. Their eyes locked, and Daniel saw the complete and utter desperation in Darren's eyes. He slid down Darren's body, licking a wet trail down his chest and stomach, until he reached his cock. Running his tongue around the head, he flicked it briefly over the slit, causing Darren to arch up off the bed with a strangled cry. He licked the shaft, and then back down, before engulfing the entire length in his hot, wet mouth. Darren moaned loudly, his eyes rolling back in his head. Daniel swallowed round his cock, and Darren knew that it would all be over to soon if he kept this up. He pushed Daniel's head back, gasping, his body burning, and pulled him back up his mouth again. Giving him a thorough kiss, he looked into his face. "Daniel…? Do you want to…?" Daniel nodded vehemently; there was not a doubt in his mind about exactly what he wanted to do. With effort and sheer will power, he wriggled out from under Darren, and dragged himself away, making a hasty trip to the bathroom to collect the necessary supplies, legging it back to him as quick as he could. He lay back down on top of Darren, greeting him with a quick kiss. Darren rolled him over, reaching Daniel's hands up over his head and restraining his writs with his wrist, and kissed him viciously, sucking his tongue into his mouth. Daniel struggled slightly, although he didn't really want to escape, and this only served to enflame Darren more, as he nibbled at the sensitive point of Daniel's jaw. Picking up the lube Daniel had left on the nightstand, he rolled it between his palms, trying to warm the contents. He spread some on his fingers, and urged Daniel to put one of his long legs over his shoulder. The other, he curled round Darren's waist. Careful not to hurt him, Darren circled his index finger lightly around Daniel's entrance, and then penetrated it slowly, with only one finger at first. Initially, Daniel winced slightly, wriggling uncomfortably. Darren kept his finger still, waiting for Daniel to adjust, then pushed another finger in. Daniel made a small, desperate sound, as Darren started to slide his fingers in and out, slowly and first, and then more quickly as Daniel got used to the feeling. Darren pulled out, and then slid only his index finger in, curling it upwards. Daniel's tightly closed eyes flew open, and he jerked upwards as bursts of light exploded behind his eyelids. He bit his lip, trying not to scream out loud. Darren grinned, pleased with his handiwork. Pulling his fingers out completely, Darren slid on a pre-lubed condom, and shifted his hips, getting into a suitable position. He looked down at Daniel, checking to see if he was still sure. The look on his face affirmed the fact that he most definitely was, and Darren began to push his cock into him, slowly. Daniel gulped, obviously in pain, as Darren slid more and more of his length into him. When he was fully inside, Darren stopped, allowing them both time to adjust. Their breathing was heavy and labored, and Darren had to restrain himself from coming right away at the feel of Daniel's body tightening around his cock. Daniel's face and body relaxed, and he smiled a wobbly smile up at Darren, indicating that he was all right. As Darren started to move, they both moaned at the sweet, sudden rush of arousal through their blood streams. They both panted, and Darren slid his hand round Daniel's body to grasp his cock in his hand. "Are you all right, Daniel?" his voice sounded sweetly in Daniel's eyes. "Yeah…fuck yeah," Daniel sighed, his blue eyes snapping shut again. As Darren started to thrust in and out of him, Daniel groaned, a sound so low it was almost a growl. Daniel's body clamped around Darren's cock, and Darren moaned loudly, his pulse pounding in his ears. "Can't you go faster…?" Daniel ground out, visibly swallowing hard. On request, Darren sped up, thrusting faster and harder into Daniel, his thoughts and feelings becoming a hot blur, centering in his cock. He leaned down, kissing Daniel hotly, and Daniel surged up against him, sliding his mouth down to Darren's shoulder and sucking hard. He murmured in to Darren's skin, incoherently, about how he was feeling, how he wanted to feel, what he wanted Darren to do to him. Darren thrust hard, one last time, and then his neck snapped back and his back went stiff as he came with a force that echoed years of unrequited love. He cried out loud, yelling Daniel's name as his body trembled, jerked and shuddered. The look on Darren's face and the tightening of Darren's hand around his cock brought on Daniel's own orgasm, and his back arched up into a perfect convex curve. He moaned, loud and long, and then both of them collapsed into a sweaty, sated heap of skin and cum onto the bed. Darren lay, breathing hard, his head resting on Daniel's chest, his body still shaking. Daniel wrapped his arm around Darren's slim shoulders and closed his eyes. Minutes or hours later, it didn't matter, Darren opened his eyes and looked up at Daniel. "I love you," he said honestly, smiling, and pressed a gentle kiss to Daniel's forehead. Daniel looked into the blue depths of Darren's eyes and grinned, pulling him into a hug. The last thing Darren heard before he drifted off to sleep was Daniel's whispered "I love you, too…"


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Edward Gordon


***The following is a work of fiction*** "Imagine" Author : Edward Gordon my email : "Does that sound right?" Daniel asked, strumming a series of chords on the acoustic guitar he was using. "Mmm…I think so," Darren replied thoughtfully, paying attention to the sound. Daniel sighed, putting the guitar down. "Want to take a break?" "Yeah!" Darren gladly


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