Gay Erotic Stories

In The Beginning... part 2

by Donnie d Bellew

Sunset comes late in summer, and that Friday night there was still a trace of orange in the sky when I pulled my old truck into the parking lot of the Leghorn. There were newer bars, up along the strip, but I always liked to start at the old neighborhood joint. I’d been dropping by the Leghorn since the days when I had to use a fake ID, maybe ten years ago. After Sal’s trick the week before, I said I’d find a new place but I don’t change easy. Too many things change, and too fast; I like to stick to the old familiar as long as I can. “Hey, Travis! How ya doing man?” Sal grinned from his safe position behind the bar. “Set me up; you owe me a free beer, for a start.” I didn’t smile. Let him wonder for a while. He set my regular Coors in front of me, on one of them little paper napkins. Now I know he’s wanting to smooth things over, he don’t usually waste a napkin on me. “Just glad to see you, Travis. You ain’t been in here all week.” He stood there, mopping up the dry counter. He tried to read my face but I turned away, scanned the shadowy corners of the bar, checked out the booths, wondering who else was here, turned back to him when he started to walk away. “I got the water pump back on my truck, you won’t need to find me a ride home tonight.” I said it flat, giving away nothing. “I didn’t mean no harm, Travis. He’s a sweet guy, but I knew he wouldn’t lay a hand on you. I figured you knew his kind, I thought you could handle it. Hell, he took you home, didn’t he?” Sal looked all innocent like the last thing he had in mind was to set me up for a laugh. “Hell, no. He abducted me off to the woods and took advantage of my drunken state, my good nature and my big ol’ hard cock. Son of a bitch could sure suck a cock, I’ll give him that!” I let him off the hook, now I had my free beer. I let out the laugh I’d been holding back. He grinned with relief. “Had me worried, there, for a minute, Travis. I thought you might have taken offense.” He leaned closer over his elbows on the bar. “But you’re right; he knows what he’s doing, fer sure!” Sal wriggled his black eyebrows. “Don’t tell me he crawled up under your fat belly! Jesus, I don’t want to picture that!” “Hell, I wasn’t always fat. I used to be quite the stud, few years back. Before I got this job, I was hustling like you. A man’s got to do whatever it takes to pay the rent.” “Aw, shit! I ain’t no hustler. I got a job, three days a week. It covers the necessaries. What I scoop up from the pool table pays for my beer, that’s all.” I didn’t much care for Sal’s face as my mirror. “Well, pays for SOME of your beer, buddy. I’m the barkeep; not many secrets from me, you know? I can see who pays for your beer. That Weaver widow, she covers your tab more often than you. Son, I sure hope she looks better by daylight than she looks in here.” My bad Sal probably knows every damn thing! “No, ‘fraid not, man. Waking up to her saggy chins is worse than any fucking hangover, shit! She’s a generous and sweet thing, though. She catches me on the grateful side every once in a while. I just pass out on her and let her strip me down and sleep by me. She don’t ask for much, just a little politeness. Lord knows what she does while I’m conked out. I don’t want to know!” I looked around, again, eyes getting accustomed to the dark. “How about that guy you put on me last weekend? Has he been back in?” “Nah, he don’t come in so much anymore. Used to be a regular, most of his friends moved on, too. There’s a gay bar over in Jimson; guess they all go over there. I see one of the old bunch in here, sometimes. They come to check out the construction guys from Demcon, whenever the crew gets a weekend off, and they cruise the Blue Star’s parking lot, from what I hear. We got a few local teenaged boys turning a trick or two.” “Damn, Sal. You sure keep up on the gossip, don’t you?” Struck me, again, that he was in position to learn a lot about folks’ secret life. “Well, you hear stuff, you know? People talk when they drink, say too much every once in a while.” A guy took a stool down the bar and Sal moved off. Sal got me that ride last weekend knowing the guy was looking for a pick up. He also knew I was too far gone to realize what was happening. Thought it was funny, did he? Well, I learned something from it. I found out that getting it on with a guy was still as hot as it was back when I was a kid. Like riding a bike; I guess you never forget the moves. I enjoyed it more than I wanted Sal to know. Getting paid for it sort of gave me an excuse, not like I was gay or anything. I wondered if Sal would ever find out I did it before I knew the guy was going to pay me? He’d get a big kick out of that. Usually, when I come in the bar, I’m looking for dumbass boys who think they can shoot pool, or for old lonely ladies with a full pocket book. Tonight it was different. I glanced around at all the single men, most of the customers in there. I just sort of turned it over in my mind, which of them was sitting there wishing for another guy to make some discreet move? Everybody hiding what they want! Shit, I was new at this game. I didn’t know what to look for, how to tell. There was a good looking cowboy at the pool table, just fooling around, playing alone. He had a nice slender, neat body. He was about my age, around thirty, but he surely wasn’t the john type. Too good looking, he would never have to buy company. He was probably waiting on his friends to show up or waiting for his wife to get off work. Too bad. The suit at the booth, alone? He might be a funeral director, all in gray and white. He looked sad, like he needed cheering up. When I caught his eye, I gave a friendly nod, but sauntered over to the cowboy at the pool table. “Howdy. Wanna shoot for the next round?” He smiled right at me. Like he was hoping for a game. “Hell, yeah. I been playing with myself too long. I keep beating me, too!” I caught the way he said it, sort of sly and leering. Damn, he was cruising my basket, too. I just let it slide. He was no customer. He wanted to “date” me. But I was committed, now, and at least the pool table put me closer to the older guy in the booth. I glanced around, he was watching us. I nodded, again. Me and the cowboy shot through a game. I let him win. I never showed off without money on the table. When he sank his last stripe and the eight ball sat centered at the corner pocket, I didn’t even wait to see his shot. I went to the bar and waved Sal over. “Another Coor’s and one of whatever the coyboy is drinking.” He brought the beers. “Who’s the suit in the last booth, know him?” “Forget him. He’s hoping Mable Long comes in with her husband. He’s been moping around her six months. You want to connect, you try the big guy in the leather jacket, by the juke box. I don’t know him but I can still spot a mark.” I took the beers and headed back to the table. Passed right by the leather jacket. Sal had to be wrong. The man looked like a policeman, too neat, too military straight. And, damn, he was built! Had me by twenty pounds. Cowboy was shooting my leftover balls, just for practice. As I neared, he came around and leaned over the corner for a long green shot. Dayum! He sported a class A ass under some mighty thin denim! He was short of medium height, had to lean way over. I didn’t exactly pop a bone, but I felt some stirring, yessiree! He made the shot. “Here you go, Champ. Cool off that hot run and I’ll give you a better game, this time.” “Thanks, I’m ready for this!” He took the bottle and managed to stroke my fingers enough to make them tingle. Turned it up and chugged down about half in one gulp. Interesting, the way his lips gripped that bottle neck! He gave me the break and I ran four solids and stole his ten before I passed the table to him with a small grin. “You’ve been holding back, huh? What’s the stakes, this time? Want to make it more interesting?” He glanced down at my crotch. Tickled me the way he could turn every phrase to two or three meanings. “Yeah, let’s raise the bid.” I reached down to squeeze my dick and tease him, then my hand slid to my pocket. “I got a fiver burning a hole in my pocket.” “Just five? I had you pegged for a ten, at least.” His blue eyes danced with amusement. I tried to look hick dumb, but felt my lips turn up. “Oh, I got ten, alright, just don’t like to pull everything out at once.” He laughed out loud and then got to studying the lay I’d left him. It was tough. He moved around, looking for his shot. That’s when I noticed leather jacket was watching him, too. Not obvious, just a lingering glance, but his eyes were on that denim covered mound. Cowboy was sweating, the bar was hot. He popped open the top few snaps of his western shirt and leaned down across from me. Where his shirt hung open, I could see the dense mat of light brown hairs covering his throat and chest. I swallowed hard. His eyes flicked up at me and caught the light for a flash of blue, but his attention was on the double bank shot. He aligned it slow and easy, gently popped it and watched the cue spin just right; great job! The white orb made a magic- looking curve around the three ball and encouraged the thirteen to jump in the side pocket before it bumped my seven into a stolen corner and left his twelve sitting alone and suicidal at the lip. “Cowboy, I do believe you suckered me for my little fiver! You’ve played before, ain’t you.” “It was just a lucky shot”, he hid his pride not at all! Big grin! “I’m thinking you might teach me a thing or two if you’d a mind to.” “Might surprise you. If I get another shot at you, that is.” I was surprised at myself. Was I flirting with this guy? Hell, he was no paying customer! What the hell was I thinking? Just that he was so damn cute; first time I’d gotten the feelings for a guy since my Navy days. Well, not counting the man last weekend. But I didn’t pick him up; he picked me up. Cowboy set to collect his twelve, and leather jacket came over to lean on the next table to watch. He really had that “in charge” look down pat. He watched with eyes squinted up from the underside, Eastwood style. He crossed his arms and leaned back to watch down his nose. Cowboy suddenly noticed him, I could tell from his nervous twitches. He shot high and the cue ball nuzzled up against the twelve and went down after it into the pocket. Cowboy laughed, “Guess my luck ran out! Anybody got a shoulder I can cry on?” His eyes flicked to the Marlborough man. “I’ll buy you a beer, cheer you up.” I looked up at the sound of the whiskey baritone, he jerked his head toward a booth and walked away. “You got it, man. I’ll forfeit the eight.” Cowboy dug in his pocket for a bill and tossed it. “You’d have won it back, anyway. I’ve seen you play. I knew you were out of my league. Thanks for the charm, wish I could afford you.” His wistful smile faded and he was off to follow the tall leather dude. Guess the word is “stunned”? Maybe “cold-cocked”? He shocked me, anyway. Was he a mind reader or what? I had that awful feeling you get in a dream where you’re in public with no pants. Exposed. I couldn’t even shoot the eight. I racked my stick. Cowboy was squeezed in the same side as leather man. I didn’t want to look anymore. I got a fresh Coor’s. Sal was laughing with a couple at the bar. I went back over to the tables, kind of lost. The suit caught my eye, waved me over. “Sit down a minute, get your bearings. Getting dumped is no shame; happens to all of us.” I slumped into the opposite bench. “The game was just getting good, don’t know why he quit.” I didn’t have to fake the confused expression. “Really? I’d say ‘Nature Called.’ But more likely it’s just the lure of money. I know that man, he’s got a rough reputation. I hope your friend knows what he’s getting into.” “I just met him, didn’t even get his name.” “No? I thought you were old friends, you laughed so easily together. You look enough alike to be brothers. I watched you with envy. I haven’t seen my brother in ages. I was reminded of how much I enjoyed being with him.” He smiled, didn’t look quite so sad as he had been. “It’s rare to meet someone so quickly compatible. Did you ask him not to leave?” “Huh? No, I, uh. It’s none of my business.” I glanced around quickly, they were huddled close together. “You really think we look alike?” “I think you two are more alike than you realize. He liked you but you didn’t tell him, didn’t show him you wanted him to stay. He didn’t see your face when he walked away; I did.” I couldn’t look this man in the eye, he saw entirely too much. “Here”, he pushed some bills across the table, “get us another drink. Lift your head. Self pity is a really bad idea. Go on.” I grinned at his pat on my hand. He was a nice guy. “Okay, thanks.” See, Cowboy? Somebody cares about me. Somebody wiser than your silly ass! I strolled to the bar, joked with Sal and stopped by Wanda Weaver’s table to say howdy. She was with some folks her own age, giggled when I told them I was sweet on her. “What’s your name, suit?” I sat back down and met his eyes. “Call me Ralph. You’re Travis, I believe?” He wasn’t as old as I first thought. The sad posture aged him. About forty. Thick body, not fat. Kind of fatherly. “Yup, Travis. That’s me...” “I think they’re leaving. Come on. We’ll catch them in the parking lot. I’ll talk to Malone, give you a minute to speak to the boy.” He was rising. “Wait! What can I say?” I was following. “Anything, it doesn’t matter at this point. Give him an option, offer him a ride, get his phone number, anything. Just don’t let him walk away with nothing from you. Give him something! Or hate yourself.” He almost dragged me out the door. Outside, he put his arm around my shoulders and called to them. “Malone? I thought that was you! How the hell are you? Is this your son?” Cowboy stepped back; I shrugged off Ralph’s arm. “Hello, Ralph. My son and your..? Shall we say, nephew?” His laugh was ugly. “I’ve wanted to call you, kept meaning to. You know about the new metroplex center? Several of us are putting together a deal...” They walked together toward the cars. Cowboy and I hung behind. “You can afford me.” It was the closest to wit I could manage. “But can you afford me?” His hand brushed mine. Heat tingled between us. “I’d give all I got.” Well, that was painful. His look took me in, ran me over. I saw it, then, the loneliness behind the smile, the mask that made us so alike. “I almost believe you, hotshot. Almost.” “It’s worth thinking about, huh? I got a run down farm house north of town, a dumb dog and a ten year old truck and a three days a week job, more if somebody quits or retires. I got time, I got the room, I got the heart, Cowboy... I don’t even know your name?” “Doesn’t matter, you’d forget it in a week or a month ... sometime. When I said I couldn’t afford you, I wasn’t thinking of money, Hotshot. I was counting tomorrows.” “Is he your tomorrows?” I jerked my head at the leather man. “No, but he wont break my heart.” The chill laugh, again, without mirth, “He might break my ass, but I’ll forget I ever had a heart.” “Did you?” “Yeah, afraid so.” He kissed me, sweet and gentle, touched my cheek and filled my memory circuits with anguished wet blue eyes. Then he was gone. “Thanks, Ralph. You’re a good guy, a hopeless romantic, but a decent guy.” “Did you tell him? Did you try?” “Yeah, I told him and he told me and we decided I didn’t quite make the team. But I’m glad I tried. So, now? You ever had hot punk sex with a hotshot roadhouse hustler? I got a special on, tonight. All you want of me for free. How romantic are you, Ralph? Wanna run naked through a meadow by moonlight? Wanna go skinny dipping in a cool creek on a hot summer night? When was the last time you sucked a hot tongue?” I put my arms around him and lay my face on his chest. “Travis, it sounds nice, but... but I’m not gay.” “You don’t have to be, Ralph.” I felt his cock, it thickened in my hand. His arms went around me, tighter. “My newest discovery. You just have to be lonely.” I left my truck in the parking lot; fuck what Sal would think. I stripped all my clothes off on the highway while Ralph drove and laughed. Then, I started on his. It was like wrestling. My foot on the gas while I pulled off his shoe, I steered while he got his jacket and shirt sleeves off. His slacks were a real problem, I made him pull over and get them off, and his boxers. “Shit, slide over, quick. I see headlights!” He jumped back inside. “They’re five miles up the road! My driveway is closer. We’ll turn off before they meet us.” But we didn’t. The oncoming car sailed past us in a blur of lights. “God! That scared the shit out of me! I swear, I’ve never done anything remotely like this!” He gasped “But, Damn! It really gives you a shot of adrenaline, doesn’t it? I feel high as a kite!” I was laughing so hard, I tried to point out my driveway but he overshot, we had to back up to make it. Neither one of us had a hard on, but we were having a ball! Just crazy for doing something wild, breaking some minor rules, being teenagers again. It helps. The meadow behind my house was full of rocks and brush. Our feet got a few bruises and scrapes but we didn’t fall into briars as Ralph predicted. We made it down to the creek and it was terrific. The willows were spectacular by moonlight and the water was just cooler than the warm air. Reflections of the moon sparkled on the surface like a glitter of stars and we floated on the dream of boyhood summers and camping out and fireflies magic. Laughter died away and we lay back on rocks, half submerged. “Travis, it’s lovely! I feel like a kid. I don’t ever want to put on a tie again. I want to plow fields and raise chickens and milk a cow!” “I want to build a camp fire and sleep outside under the moon, bundled up in blankets against the morning chill.” I told him. “Let’s do it. Sounds great. Can we sleep on your back porch? It sounds perfect.” “Sure, come on. I’m tired and ready for bed, anyway.” We piled up old quilts and formed a nest, lay naked under the blanket and shared a final cigarette. He lay back and I curled against him, one leg over his thigh. We’d been naked together for nearly two hours, the shyness was forgotten. Skin to skin was more comfort than sensuous. Very pleasant and reassuring. We smoked quietly and I was thinking sex wasn’t even necessary, we had an intimacy going that was like sex, but not really. I was content to drift off, flow with the gentle kindness of friendship. Then he shifted and his cock rolled against my leg. It was warmer than my leg. It twitched. I snuggled closer onto his chest and lay my face in his curly mat of hair, moved my thigh over his cock and pressed it down. Felt my own dick stir and pulse against his hip. What a surprise. I don’t think either of us expected this, just a reaction to the relaxed intimacy. His hands came up to slide over my back, caressing my shoulders. My hands seemed to move of their own mind, caressing, touching. It began as a dream state, slow and unfocused. But soon our heat built to a faster pace and Ralph slipped out of his friendly, fatherly persona and became a demanding man against my body. Sweat popped out on us both. The blanket got tossed aside and sensual touch became grasping gropes. He surprised me with his sudden hunger. Like a beast newly unleashed! He clasped my face and his mouth covered mine, chewing at my lips and exploring with his wet tongue. His cock was hot and swollen, hard and throbbing. I gripped him in amazement at the excitement that coursed from his gliding loose foreskin to my palm, to run up my arm and shake my spine. “Come on, suck it!” This guy was getting rough in his heat. I didn’t figure to suck him, I was thinking maybe we just jerk off and ... “Travis, please! I want it, now.” Well, guess I started it, my fault. Still, it felt funny because he really was a man, no pretending he was anything else. I didn’t want him mad. I went down on him. Not my first time, just the first time in a long time. Damn, he was squirming around, wouldn’t stay still. I speeded up, wanted it over and finished. He was pulling on my hip, turning me. What the ..? Oh, I get it. I flipped around in a sixty-nine position and he went right for it, that’s what he wanted. Geez, that feels good! Umm, now I was the one squirming around, trying to fuck his face. He was hunching up to me, too. Kinda weird, like feeling it as you suck somebody else, like sucking your own cock. We got the rhythm together and it was very, very good! My good feelings got translated to giving him the same pleasure I was getting. Imagining what he was feeling, a real connection! His hand came down to push at the side of my face, he tried to wriggle away. I felt his tremors almost too late, tasted his jism before I let it slide out of my mouth and shoot in my fist. Pulse after pulse ran through it as I milked it up, squeezing out the thick liquid. I was close, myself. Got that “no stopping now” feeling and let myself ride on the waves of pleasure as I pumped against the roof of his mouth. The contractions came quickly, my prostate recoiled and I pulled out of his warm mouth into the air and spume went everywhere, his face and his chest and I slid down till I rested, dripping on his shoulder, till I could raise up and turn around, use the blanket to wipe his face. “I’m sorry, Ralph, it got away from me.” He laughed a low chuckle, “Hot punk sex is not suppose to be neat and clean, is it?” I smiled with him. “Guess not. You didn’t mind?” “Hell, no. It was great. Best climax I’ve had in years. Surprised myself, wasn’t even sure I could still do it!” He kissed me. “And you surprised me. I underestimated how sexy you’d be. I figured we would just play at it. I haven’t even thought about another man as sexy. But you’re right, I was lonely... had to do something, right?” “Well, Ralph, it’s what I been studying on: two bodies together, warm and caring, and a little friendship, well, sex happens. Fear might get in the way, or some hang up about what’s socially correct, but mostly it’s just a skin thang, and being close with somebody you like, that’s nice. That’s enough. Don’t have to be no promise for all the years to come or til death do us part, just has to be comfort right now, to get through the night.” “Yes, Travis, I understand. I know.” We slept with me spooned up in his arms and the blanket felt good in the morning chill, like a sweet old memory, or a lost love. .....................


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Donnie d Bellew

In The Beginning... part 2

Sunset comes late in summer, and that Friday night there was still a trace of orange in the sky when I pulled my old truck into the parking lot of the Leghorn. There were newer bars, up along the strip, but I always liked to start at the old neighborhood joint. I’d been dropping by the Leghorn since the days when I had to use a fake ID, maybe ten years ago. After Sal’s trick the


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