Gay Erotic Stories

It Started With A Goodbye

by Fire76

Let me tell you how this all started. I had been friends with Tim for as long as I can remember. One night he told me about this guy he met. It wasn't a sexual thing, but this guy just had this magnetism that fascinated Tim. I asked to meet him, and Tim said he would set it up. Three nights later, Tim and I were in a bar for Karaoke night. I was up singing ‘Let It Be’ when I saw a cute man walk in. He was about 6', with dark hair. I saw the guy go up to Tim and hug him. I thought, "This must be the new guy.” When I finished, I got a standing ovation, and I walked up to Tim. Tim told me how great I sounded and then, "Wade, this is my new friend, Dustin. Dustin, this is my best friend Wade." We shook hands and I noticed how solid his shake was. His eyes are an icy green that is unbelievably sexy. His smile had a way of captivating. We chatted and then all three of us got up and sang ‘Paradise By The Dashboard Light.’ From that point on, we were the three amigos. We hung out all we could. None of us was seeing anyone, so after work we enjoyed each other’s company. At that point, I had never thought of Dustin romantically. You see, I didn't accept that I was gay back then, and Dustin never discussed his romantic past. We had been hanging out for two years when it happened. Dustin and I were at my apartment waiting for Tim to get there so we could go out for dinner. Tim was supposed to arrive at 5:30, but he wasn't there at 7:00. Dustin and I were worried. We couldn't get him on his cell phone. It was almost 9 when the phone rang. I answered the phone, expecting to hear Tim's voice. But instead, I heard his sister crying. "What’s wrong, Jess?” I asked. "The police just called my Mom. Tim has been shot and killed. It was an apparent mugging, and I guess Tim resisted. He was shot point blank in the chest. He was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead after twenty minutes." "No, this can't be happening. There must be some mistake, he can't be…" "He's gone Wade. I'm sorry to have to tell you. We are going to make funeral arrangements tomorrow. Can you help us?” "I'll help. I am so sorry, Jess. I loved him like a brother." "He loved you too. See you tomorrow at 9?” "Okay. Bye." "What's wrong?” Dustin demanded as I hung up. I started to explain as tears started to pour. Dustin listened and then took me in his arms. He held me as my body shook with the pain and anguish that threatened to envelop me. Dustin just whispered that it's going to be all right, even as he cried. He held me for almost an hour before I could get a grip on myself. I felt humiliated for breaking down in front of him. "Don’t worry about it. I am here for you, that's what friends are for." Neither of us was hungry, but we ate a sandwich anyway, for we would need our strength. Dustin slept over that night. I started crying in the night, and he got into bed with me and held me. I awoke still in his embrace. I felt a strange stirring in my heart, and I grew hard looking at the man in my bed. I got up and took a quick shower. Dustin and I went to help make arrangements for Tim's funeral. I don't recall much about that day, only that Dustin was at my side the entire time. He spent the night with me again, and before I fell asleep, he kissed me on the forehead and told me he would always be there for me. The funeral was the most miserable time I can ever remember having. I felt as if my heart was broken, and I ached for the family that was now mourning the loss of one of their own. We all gathered at the graveside for our final goodbyes. I wept the entire time, and Dustin slipped his hand in mine and squeezed. I looked into his eyes and saw a tenderness I had never seen before. The sky opened with a slight drizzle as the reverend said a few words before Tim was lowered into his grave. I kissed Tim's Mom and sister and hugged his brother and Dustin and I left. On the drive home, Dustin seemed out of sorts. "Is anything wrong, Dustin? Besides the funeral and all?” "We need to talk." "Okay, Dustin. Is it anything serious?” "Yeah, but I'm afraid of what you might think." "Dustin, you can tell me anything. You are my friend and nothing will change that, nothing!” "Well, I am gay. I am sorry for telling you now, but I am confused." "You're gay? Oh. What are you confused about? I am still your friend, nothing has changed between us!” "I think I am in love with you." "Whoa. I don't know what to say." "You don't need to say anything. It is my problem. I'll just drop you off and go back to my apartment." "No need for that! Just give me a minute, okay?" The rest of the trip was silent. When we reached my apartment, I let Dustin in and went to change. Dustin came into my room as I was changing. He looked into my eyes and leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips. I was shocked. I felt a yearning I never knew I had. I wanted him! I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him back. I had never kissed a man before, but Dustin sent my heart racing. His tongue entered my mouth, and my passion boiled over. I moaned as he slowly ran his hand across my hairy chest. I took a step back and took a long look at Dustin. He was so sexy and desirable. Why would he want me? I have a bit of a weight problem, and I am not very handsome. "Why do you want me, Dustin? I am plain and ordinary." "You are anything but ordinary. I am attracted to you because you are the sweetest man I have ever met." "But I am fat and ugly," I protested. "You are not ugly. Sure, you have a few extra pounds, but I think you are sexy. I want to make love to you." I stepped up to him and took him in my arms. "You are the first man I have ever wanted. I need you!” Our lips met and we made our way to the bed. He slowly removed my pants and my boxer-briefs. "You are gorgeous," he said as he began licking my body. His tongue worked all over my body, making his way to my penis. I am not well endowed, only about five inches. He took my dick in his mouth and I let out a groan. His mouth was so warm and moist. He licked my balls and moved up to my lips again. I sat up and removed his clothes. This man was beautiful. I licked down his chiseled abs down to his nine-inch monster. I took him in my mouth and tried to take it all in. I got about seven inches down, but not anymore. He tasted so good, a little salty. He said he was going to cum, so I stopped sucking and jacked him off. His cum flew in thick ropes on to his chest. He moaned and told me to lie on my back. He then rubbed his soft cock against mine. It didn’t take me long to let loose my load, making a sticky sheet between us. He laid his head on my chest. "I love you, Wade." "I love you, Dustin. I never want you to leave me!" "I'm not going anywhere," he vowed as he kissed my lips again, then settled in beside me and took me in his arms. I never would have thought I would fall in love with Dustin. But he is everything I never knew I wanted and needed. I only wish Tim was here to see our happiness, but I believe he is up in heaven, smiling down on us, knowing that his leaving brought us together. It has been over five years, and I am more in love with Dustin than ever before. We are close to Tim's family, and they are glad Dustin and I have found love. They always say we make a cute couple!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Fire76

It Started With A Goodbye

Let me tell you how this all started. I had been friends with Tim for as long as I can remember. One night he told me about this guy he met. It wasn't a sexual thing, but this guy just had this magnetism that fascinated Tim. I asked to meet him, and Tim said he would set it up. Three nights later, Tim and I were in a bar for Karaoke night. I was up singing ‘Let It Be’ when I saw a


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