Gay Erotic Stories



The man who usually does my lawn care and shrubbery had his wife phone me to tell me that he had been hospitalized and to check with me to see if it would be okay for Joey to do the work until he recovered. The lawn was getting so tall, it should have been baled into hay, so, out of desperation, I agreed for Joey to come over. I heard the truck come up the lane and looked out my kitchen window to see Joey unloading his mowers and other tools and Joey was a beautiful sight. He was around 5 feet 10 and muscular. He walked to my door and I met him there. He was very polite and introduced himself and checked a second time to make sure it was okay with me to do the work instead of Frank. I assured him it was okay and saw him begin the work. I couldn’t resist the occasional peek out the window to watch him moving around mowing and trimming and clipping. The sun had gotten hot, so the tee shirt was now off and in the cut-offs.... not much of his muscular young body was hidden. Later, I went outside and offered him a cold drink, which he gladly received. As we sat chatting on the deck, he told me he was a college student and was working his way through school. I tried not to be rude and openly stare, but the sweat running down over his pecs and the farmer tan were very enticing. Joey returned to work and I began preparing lunch for us. Around lunchtime, I heard his mower stop, so I called him into lunch. He was one of those guys that works hard and eats like a mule, so having him ask for seconds was great. I love cooking for a hungry man. He returned to his work and before long came to the house and asked me to inspect his work. He told me he wanted to please me by doing it correctly. We walked the lawn and shrubs and I pointed out a few details he had missed. He quickly fixed them and I sat down to write his check. I liked Joey and enjoyed his company, so I invited him to come back for supper. He apologized and said that he was having dinner with his pal Trey and begged off. I suggested they both come for supper. He thought a moment and said, "Let me call Trey and check with him." I pointed out the phone and went to the deck to give him privacy and after a few minutes, he came out and said, "Trey said it was okay.... what time do ya want us to arrive?” "6:30 will be great....see ya then." They arrived promptly at 6:30 and after introductions, I suggested they enjoy the pool while I finished up some food prep. They laughed and said, "We didn’t bring any swimming trunks". I laughed and said, " No trunks allowed in my pool." I had to giggle to myself because they turned their backs toward each other and took off their shorts and shirts and then got into the pool. I kept an eye out on them and noticed that the newness of seeing each other nude had begun to wear off and they were openly chasing each other around in the water and dunking each other and doing all the water-play things that young men do to burn off that energy. Trey was taller than Joey but just as well built. They got so comfortable with their nudity, they even grabbed floats and lay on them soaking up the evening sun.... with an occasional one or the other sneaking up and dumping the other one off his float. I called them to supper and they climbed out of the pool heading for the towels. I suggested they just keep the towels on and not get dressed because they might like to swim after dinner plus I was totally enjoying the scenery. Again, I fed two hungry mules and enjoyed seeing them eat heartily. I was pleased when they offered to help clean up and proceeded to gather up and even wash the dishes. I told them I was going to the pool house to gather up and they could complete the dishes. As I returned from the pool house, I saw them quickly draw back from an embrace when they heard me. We visited a while before they left. A couple of days later, Joey called and asked if he could come over to visit. I said, "Sure, I will fix you lunch." He arrived shortly. As we ate, I mentioned that Trey seemed like a fine young man. Joey told me they were friends from school and he really liked Trey a lot. Then he got sort of quiet and said, " Can I talk to you about something?" "Sure, Joey, what's on your mind?" Remember when we were swimming in your pool...well...this is embarrassing but I got a hard-on. I said...hey, for a young man that is common and normal. Then he did Trey. Again, I reminded him that was normal for the age. He said.... when you were at the pool house, Trey came up behind me and kissed my shoulder and I felt his dick pushing against my butt through the towel. Well, Joey...did ya like it? He said...that is what bothers me.... I liked it a lot. How about Trey? Did he like it? He told me he loves me and has been attracted to me since we first met. What did you say? I told him that I really like him and that I didn’t know what to say back. When he drove me to my place, he asked if he could kiss me goodnight. I said, yes and he put his arms around me and kissed me on the lips. How did that feel Joey? Then Joey blushed and said.... I got a hard-on. Are you scared of the feelings, Joey? Well...yes...I am confused. Do ya want me to talk to Trey? Joey lighted up.........would you, please? What do ya want me to say, Joey? Well...maybe you could tell him what we talked about. Joey, maybe YOU should tell Trey what we talked about. Would you please talk to him for me, Dave? Okay, but after are on your own. He got up and hugged me and said, thanks, and then left. Later that evening, the phone rang and it was Trey. Hey, Trey...did Joey tell ya I wanna invite ya to supper tonight. Yeh, he has to study for an exam, but I can come over. After dinner, I broached the topic by saying, "You and Joey seem like close friends." I noticed his eyes got soft and he said, Joey is my best friend...I really like him. I agreed, he is a great young man...a good person...and a good friend to you. Trey, Joey asked me to talk to you about what happened at my house on the night you came over. He looked rather shocked and scared. Oh God, Dave, is he mad at me? No, Trey, not at all...he is just confused about his own feelings. I am sorry Dave...I just couldn’t help it. No need to apologize, Trey. What feelings do you have for Joey? Trey said, I have been in love with Joey since we first met. I have wanted to tell him but was always scared he would stop being my friend. Trey, I don’t think that will happen...he really likes you and considers you his best friend. Why not go talk to Joey about this. Call him now. I left the kitchen and gave him privacy. He came running to the deck...must hurry, he wants me to come over now. Good luck, ya soon. Around 10AM the next morning, Joey called. Hey are ya, man. He said...I wanna thank ya for having Trey come talk to me. Sure, Joey, Glad to help out. Did ya get things worked out between ya? Yeh, we talked late into the night. Are you still friends? Then he giggled.... I will let Trey answer that when he wakes up...he is asleep in my bed now. Sensing the conclusion of the long talk...I teasingly said...and did you just get out of that bed, Joey? He laughed and said...yep. Still confused, Joey?...nope.... he replied. Joey and Trey became my friends and we enjoyed many meals and pool times as they completed college and eventually moved away. I get cards and letters and an occasional call from them. They have now been together for 12 years. They started and have been successful at a lawn care business. Oh, by the way...Trey did phone later that day and said....Dave, thanks. he is wonderful.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from

Ben and Jerry

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The man who usually does my lawn care and shrubbery had his wife phone me to tell me that he had been hospitalized and to check with me to see if it would be okay for Joey to do the work until he recovered. The lawn was getting so tall, it should have been baled into hay, so, out of desperation, I agreed for Joey to come over. I heard the truck come up the lane and looked out my

Larry the Gardener

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New Car Disaster

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Peter and Darrell

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Plumbing Disaster

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Rodeo Boys Take a Break

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The Back-Yard Match

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The Coffee Shoppe

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The Grad Student

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Tony the Tiger

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