Gay Erotic Stories

Long-term Seduction

by Ichabod Crane

From the day I met him, I knew I had to have him. Don was an 18-year old senior in high school, and I was 27 and returning to college to start a new career. The night I met him, I had gone to see a musical at the local high school, and Don was starring as the male lead. The role required Don to wear tights, and from the moment he first stepped on stage, my heart was swept away. He had the perfect male body: 6 feet tall, about 165lbs, a trim waist, and the most gorgeous thighs I have ever witnessed. I wanted him, and I resolved then and there that, somehow, someday, I would make love to this man. It took me three years! I struck up a conversation with Don after the show, and asked him if he would consider working in summer theatre if I directed a show. He agreed, and that summer began a genuine friendship that left me both happy to have someone to hang out with, and frustrated that my best friend was gorgeous and straight. As our friendship developed, he dated several girls, and I sometimes argued with him about what kind of sex they had and how often. I was incredibly jealous that women could have that body, and I couldn't. Finally, a few months after Don had turned 21, I came up with a plan of seduction that spanned a couple of months. First, I began complimenting him on his physique at every opportunity. Don ran track in college, and his daily routines had made him incredibly "buff." His chest had developed, so the combination of thighs, waist, and now chest truly made Don a Greek God. He had just the right amount of body hair, too. A dark swath across his chest, and an even furriness from his thighs to his ankles. He was so beautiful! Don and I liked to camp, so that set the stage for the first phase of seduction. One night, after a couple of beers and a game of cards, I teased Don about his looks and playfully said, "You're so handsome that I disappear from view when you're in a room." He scoffed at this, but seemed pleased. I began talking about the differences in our bodies, and said I'd like to compare them undressed. Now, of course we'd been swimming together before, but I meant totally naked, and I made that clear. Don just laughed. So I challenged him to "strip poker." I ALWAYS won when we played poker, and Don knew it. Nevertheless, he accepted. We were sitting by the campfire in a secluded section of a campground, but Don still refused to actually disrobe. Each time I won a hand, he would verbally keep track of where he was: "OK, now I'm down to my underwear." If he won a hand, he'd report, "Now I've put my jeans back on." At last I made him ante up ALL of his clothes, and I won the hand. "OK," I said. "Time to pay up." "No way. I'm not taking my clothes off out here in front of everybody." No argument could convince Don to strip for me, so I suggested we take a walk. It was a warm, moonlit night. We found ourselves in a large meadow, surrounded by forest and lit by the stars and moon. We couldn't see a single man-made light, so I knew we were far from anybody's view. I made my move. "Don, you lost the poker game. Now you have to pay up. Drop 'em! Take off all your clothes." He laughed nervously, but he knew I had him. He had indeed lost, and he knew I wouldn't let up until he paid. "OK, but only if you will, too." "Me?" I asked. "Why should I strip? I won, didn't I?" "Yes, but I'm not just taking off all of my clothes for you. I'm not gay, and I'm not a stripper. If you want to do this, we both do it, and then we'll call it even." Why would I argue? We both undressed, and I found myself looking at the body I had always longed to see. The moonlight made it tough to make out all the details, but I could see Don' penis snaking out of his pubic hair, and it was all I could do to keep from dropping to my knees. In the end, though, we just laughed and "streaked" around the dark meadow, howling like wolves and having a great time. We dressed and went back to the campground. A few weeks later, we took another camping trip. This time, I was determined. One morning, after it was light inside the tent and we were quietly talking about what to do that day, I asked Don if he remembered our game of strip poker. He said, "Sure." I said, "Well, you know, I didn't really feel I got my full pay that night, because it was dark.." "So?" "So now it's light. We're in the tent, so no one will see, and you're already down to a pair of jogging shorts. Pay up!" Don got a little angry. "Listen. I don't understand why you want to see me. I'm just like everybody else!" "No," I assured him. "You are not. Look, Don. I can't explain exactly why I want to see you naked, but I do. I think your body is beautiful, and you should be proud. We're close friends, and you know I wouldn't ask you to do anything you didn't want to. I'm asking a favor; if you really want me to shut up about it, STRIP!" I couldn't believe it, but the next thing Don said was, "OK." I got out of his sleeping back, stood up, and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded, and he slowly pulled his shorts and underwear down, shook them off, and stood before me, tall, proud, and gorgeous. My breathing stopped. I looked at him in full, bright light: his chest, his "six-pack" torso, his waist and thighs, his perfectly shaped, circumcised cock, limp but about 3 inches long, resting above a tight, round scrotum. I'm telling you, the man was like a model from Playgirl! After a few moments, I gathered the strength to say, "Turn around." He did, and I observed a muscular, round butt, ripe for licking. As he completed his turn, I stood and went to stand next to him. He seemed perfectly calm. I tentatively reached out and said, "Can I touch you?" He shrugged and said, "I guess so." So I lightly rubbed his shoulders, back and naked butt. I was scared to reach around and touch his cock, so I just dropped my hands and said, "Whew. Thanks. You're incredible." While he went to take his shower, I masturbated and shot gobs and gobs of cum. The most I ever had!! Well, dear reader, your patience will soon pay off. Exactly one month later, after school had started that fall, Don and I went out on a Saturday night. He had begun dating a female track star from the college, and we had been arguing a lot about their sex life. I was so jealous, and Don could barely stand my jealousy. He was straight and was pretty much convinced that I was gay and he would never be able to make me happy. It had not been a good month. We both got a little drunk, and started arguing again. Back at my apartment, I made another move. "Don, I know you don't understand. But you could at least make me happy by getting naked for me again. I enjoy looking at you. If you're having sex with her, the least you could do is get naked for me." Bizarre argument, right? Well, it worked! This time, however, I was ready. As soon as Don was naked, I went to my desk drawer and pulled out some girlie magazines I had bought the night before. (Trust me, I had this all planned out!) I smiled and handed them to Don. "See how you like these!" Of course, he started avidly looking at all the naked women. His cock, his beautiful cock, came alive and within minutes was standing at its full, 7 inches of attention. "Do you want to beat off, Don?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess," he replied. "Go ahead," I said. "I want to watch." Don lay down on the bed and slowly began masturbating. I could tell he was getting extremely hot, so at the right moment I said, "Can I touch it?" He startled for just a second, but the alcohol and the magazine had done their work. "Sure, I guess so." I reached out and grasped the prize I had been working for: this gorgeous straight man's cock. I slowly pulled on him for a few moments, and I could feel and see the pre-cum oozing out. Don was breathing heavily, and I knew he could hardly hold out. It was a HOT moment! At last I leaned forward, my face only inches from his crotch. "Can I suck it, please?" Immediately, Don said, "No," and tried to pull away. I didn't relax my grip. I brought his cock right to my mouth and said, "Please?" again. Without waiting for an answer, I took him into my mouth. I was in heaven!! I had waited three years for this moment, and I finally had my best friend's cock in my mouth! I gave him the best blow job I could, and within minutes he was blasting hot, straight cum into my mouth. I swallowed every drop, and even licked up some that had spilled onto his stomach. That was our first time, but hardly our last. Don remained convinced that he was straight, but he couldn't refuse the incredible sex he and I had together. We progressed to trying everything: rimming, fingering, fucking. No matter what girl he was dating, Don had to come back to me to really get off. For two years, we had sex at least twice a week. At last Don married a girl from our hometown, and we continued having sex for about six months after they were married. But I just couldn't remain satisfied with being "the other woman," even if he was a great stud, so I finally ended it completely. We haven't spoken in more than two years. In a way, I regret ever changing that relationship from friendship to lovers. But all I have to do is remember the incredible passion we generated together, and the memory becomes like fine champagne. I wonder if I'll ever have it so good again.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Ichabod Crane

Long-term Seduction

From the day I met him, I knew I had to have him. Don was an 18-year old senior in high school, and I was 27 and returning to college to start a new career. The night I met him, I had gone to see a musical at the local high school, and Don was starring as the male lead. The role required Don to wear tights, and from the moment he first stepped on stage, my heart was swept


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