Gay Erotic Stories

Mario's Photo Shoot

by MarkeePoo

"Turn your head a little more to right, and up just a bit." Looking through the lens of my camera, making sure he was positioned just right. Having done a lot of photo shoots, it had become 'old hat'. But, today, it was more difficult as the guy I was photographing was non-other than that well built, and very handsome, Mario Lopez. I had watched him when he was on, "Saved By The Bell", and marveled over what a developed physique he had at such a young age. And that dark skin, and handsome face only added to his fantastic good looks. But, that I had to set aside as this was business. Photographing him for a magazine layout. I had to look at at him as just another photo shoot, but from the moment we met this morning I knew it would be difficult to keep the two separate. Right now, we were finishing up the close-up shots. No matter how I had him position his head, those eyes drove me nuts!! As I 'zoomed' in for this last shot, for a moment all I could do was focus on his face. That GORGEOUS, dark skinned face. His black hair, those perfectly shaped-and i'm sure very satisfying-lips...... I caught myself 'drifting', and regained my focus on the job at hand, finishing this photo shoot. At the very instant I snapped the picture, he grinned ever so slightly, and I knew that would be one of the pictures used, as it was PERFECT!!!! Well, that's enough for now. Let's take a break, relax, grab some water or whatever, and we'll continue on. Alright?" "Cool." was all Mario said as I watched him stand up from the stool he had been sitting on for the past couple of hours, and just watching how he stood up, stretching his entire body, was enough to drive anyone crazy. But, I kept telling myself, "This is a professional photo shot-NOTHING ELSE!!!" I said this to myself over and over again. Since it was a Saturday, I had to do all my own stuff, getting more rolls of film, adjusting the tripod, backdrops, etc. As I was 'working', it started to dawn on me that Mario and I were the only ones that were here. Just him and me. All sorts of fantasies started to creep into my head, which I instantly stopped by calling out Mario's name, and saying, "We should get back to this so we can get the hell out of here." Returning to the studio we had been using, I noticed immediately that he had unbuttoned a couple of button on his shirt which I thought would make for some good shots. I also thought, "Why stop at a couple?" As Mario returned to the stool, I was focusing my camera. "Hey Mario, lets make this a good layout for magazine. What do ya say? Up for it?" With a grin that could cause a guy to cum right there in his pants, he said, "Sure. What the hell. What do ya want me to do?" Looking at him through the lens, his hands laying in his lap, his face looking rugged and sexy, his jeans that fit so nice. "Let's do some comfortable shots. If it's cool with you, unbutton your shirt and show these people a little a of that chest poof yours." It wasn't for those people, it was for me that I wanted him to do this. I just hoped like hell he didn't find this out. Looking, again, through the lens all I could see was that chest of his. For a good minute or so all I could was salivate at what I saw.. His shirt wasn't off-yet-but the goods were showing themselves. "Well, start clicking some pictures, so-like you said-we can get the hell out of here." That snapped me back to what I was doing, a photo shoot, work. Not looking at Mario Lopez. Clicking away I did,telling him to move right, and left, put his hands here, put his hands there. "Okay, take your shirt off. They told me they wanted a couple of good shots of your upper body for the female readers." With this, Mario slowly removed his shirt. As he did this I took a few more shots which I thought would be good for magazine, not to mention me. I grabbed my hand camera, as Mario tossed his shirt to the side, and sat back down on the stool. This shouldn't take too much longer." I said as I walked toward him, with a slightly less than manly walk. This, tho, didn't seem to bother him, as many of the people in the business new I was gay, just not a 'flamer' or anything. "All I need are some shots of your chest, and a few close-ups as they want one for the cover." "Whatever you need, it's cool with me. I've never been asked to be on the cover of a magazine before, and when they told me why they wanted me, I knew i'd have to just kind of, 'go with flo', as they say. And they told me you knew what you were doing, and were one of best in business. So......" Ending this, he had the most sexy smile on his face. Over the next 45 or so minutes, I had him in several different styles of posing, flexing his arms, laying on his side, and none of this seemed to bother him all that much which was such a relief to me both as a photographer, and as a guy who has lusted after him something fierce. The final shots were of Mario in white sweat pants, nothing else. We shot pictures of him with weights, as well as him doing sit-ups, etc. The final few shots I wanted to take, I explained to Mario. "Now, these last few shots, I want you to forget i'm a guy and that i'm taking your picture." Mario looked at me with a kind of confused face. I continued, "I want you to imagine in your mind that i'm a gorgeous female that you want real bad, but you say this, not with words, but with a look. Understand what I mean?" "Yah, I think so. Just be as sexy as I can so when the women are looking at the pictures it looks like i'm looking right at them, right?" "You got it-stud." I said this with a laugh, which made him laugh. "I know. Whats say we have something to drink. I got kind of thirsty doing that last stuff under these damn hot lights." Stretching his arms, and bending at the waist, Mario responded with, "What do you have?" "What do you want?" Not knowing if he meant soda or a 'drink', I said, "We got Pepsi, 7-up, sparkling water......" Before I could finish my sentence, Mario cut me off, "Got anything harder?" I knew what he meant, and I tried not to smile-which I failed at-as my mind thought of all kinds of answers. "I have some Scotch, is that ok?" "As long as there's ice to go in it, that would be cool." A couple of minutes later I returned with the drinks, turned on some music and sat down next to Mario who was seated on the floor against wall. We didn't say much as we sat, relaxed, listened to the pop music, and finished our drinks. After about 20 minutes of relaxing, as well as another bit Scotch, Mario broke the silence. "Alright, I think I can do this 'sexy look' thing now. You ready?" I did notice as I looked at him while he said this, that his whole demeanor had relaxed. A few thoughts popped back into my head, but I had to remember this was job, that's it. "Let's do it." At that,we both got up, I grabbed my camera and started to think of how I wanted to shoot this. From the corner of my eye I saw Mario stretching up with one arm, while the other was in front of him, with his hand inside the sweatpants he was still wearing. As he did this, he rolled his head back and forth as his eyes were closed. Not wanting to let him know I had seen him doing this, I said in a way that seemed like I had been thinking, "Okay, I think I know how to do this so it'll be affective." "What?" "From where you are, walk toward me, and remember, i'm not a guy i'm a beautiful woman that you want real bad. Ok?" "Let's do it." Mario said, and if I hadn't of been concentrating on what I was doing I would have taken those words a different way. But, this was work. Aiming my camera at him, and focusing it, I said, "Ok, go." He started walking toward me, in a weird, slow, and very sexy way. "Good, good....." I said as I snapped, and snapped pictures. I was following Mario,, if he went to the right, I went to right, etc. A few minutes into this, still following Mario, he slowly lowered himself to the ground, down on all fours. Following him down, still snapping away, "This is going to be some good stuff." I wasn't sure if Mario heard me or not, not that I cared as what I was seeing was DYNAMITE!! I had backed up against the wall, as Mario was still coming toward me as I wanted him to. "This is going to be good stuff." Mario said in the deepest, most sexy voice I had ever heard before. Without anywhere else to move, I lowered my camera to tell him we had enough, and that we were done. As I looked at him to say this, his eyes pierced through mine with a look that I had never seen before. I tried to look away, but our eyes were locked. As if he seemed to know this, he moved closer to me. So close, I could feel his breath on my face. All kinds of thoughts were going through my head at this moment. I didn't know what to think or do. His eyes were so captivating, and striking, and hand the power to not let me look away, not that I wanted to. Looking into his eyes, his face not more than an inch away from mine, his breath warm was warm on my face, and looking at his face like this instead of through my lens, I could not believe how incredibly handsome this man was. Seeing him on TV and in magazines was one thing, but this way you couldn't help but see what a SEXY man he really was. All this stuff was going through my head, as our eyes remained locked. I knew why I was staring at him, but I didn't know why he was staring at me. Could it be because...................... I couldn't think, my mind had shut it self off. I watched as Mario's face-and lips-moved towards me, until his sexy, soft, warm, strong, lips were pressed against mine. Was I dreaming this? At that moment I did not care, as my eyes closed as Mario began to kiss me. Slowly, he moved his lips over mine, and firmly put his lips over mine. I could do nothing but respond to what was happening to me. I let myself enjoy this moment as much as I could. I opened my mouth slightly to see how he would respond, and to my surprise he did the same back to me. Slowly but surely, what started out small developed into a long, heavy-duty, incredible kiss. His mouth devouring mine, his tongue exploring very inch of my mouth, and down my throat his tongue went. All I could do was was let him do whatever he wanted as this was like my fantasy come true. As he kissed my lips, my neck, my shoulders,my hands couldn't resist what was in front of them. I had to know what his chest and body felt like. I put my hands on his arms, and luckily it didn't seem to bother him, so I didn't remove them. From there I felt his arms, his biceps, strong, large, biceps. I felt his shoulders, big, broad. His neck, as I felt his neck, I totally let myself go. I ran my tongue up and down his neck, and onto his shoulder blade. He tasted, and felt, so good. As I kissed his neck, I ran my hands slowly up and down his chest. He had some of the nicest pecs I had ever seen or felt for that matter. So firm, in-shape, muscular. Over and over my palms felt his chest, his stomach, his abs, feeling the hair, slight as it was, on his chest. None of this seemed to bother him at he continued to kiss me, and seemed to enjoy my feeling his body as low, little moans came out out of him. His kissing of me was become more intense, and then he seemed to 'take over' our little situation. Pulling away from my face and looking into my eyes again, he started to push me down on the ground. Not in a rough way or anything, but he seemed to know what he wanted, and I was not going to be the one to say no. As my body went down, over mine came his til he was on top of me, looking into my eyes again, kissing me again, and this kiss almost seemed to be saying something as well as feeling fantastic. He, again, pulled away from me, looked DEEP into my eyes, "I want to fuck you here." he said in, I swear, the deepest, most 'turn me on', kind of way I had EVER heard in my entire life. Looking into those eyes that were above me, so piercing, so sensual,SO SEXY............For a split second-not truly believing what was happening-I remembered back when I 1st saw Mario on, "Saved By The Bell". How I was speechless at his wonderful physique so well developed for such a young man. And that face was such a turn-on, and the color of his skin was SO............................... "I am here to make this photo shoot the best it can be, which includes making you as comfortable as I can." I said, trying to sound as seductive as I could. With this male-God wanting what he wanted, and me as eager to oblige him in anyway possible, I did not want to blow this chance at him for ANYTHING!!!! Still looking deep into my eyes, Mario said nothing as his face became more SEXY than I ever thought imaginable. Grinning the most sexy grin and obviously acknowledging what I had said, proceeded to kiss me again. This kiss tho was so strong, and forceful, and tho he didn't utter a word, that full, mouth on mouth, kiss, told me he wanted it, and he wanted it NOW!! His strong hands ripped my shirt off, which was so unexpected but-OH MY GOD-such a turn on!! And he continued to kiss me on the lips, and my neck, my shoulder blades, my nipples..........Moans were pouring forth out of me before I even knew it was me that was making them. My hands touched every part of his muscular body, feeling the sweat already on his back and shoulders. I couldn't resist what I wanted to taste, Mario's salty skin. My lips devoured as much as I could from his shoulder blades, his neck, his chest. His chest was so covered with sweat my fingers flowed over it as if on feathers, and the the taste was so incredibly GOOD.! Nothing was holding ma back now!! As my hands covered his chest again, I pushed him back a little so as to make him 'up-right'. Sitting on his knees, his face looking at me with such a look I never thought i'd see looking at me, my hands felt his face, and was sort of surprised to find that his face semi-muscular also. I ran my fingers over his cheeks, his lips-which he parted as I did so-were so, 'WOW!!!', and his neck was driving me insane!! As I devoured his neck again, my hands went down to his sweats, and with a little 'help', they were off him and I was finally felt what I had only dreamed i'd about. Mario let out a moan as my hand wrapped itself Mario's dick, and from what I could tell from the feel of it, he was a very healthy 8 1/2-if not 9-inches. I looked down at his dick, and wanted to devour it right then and there! "Suck my dick." Mario said, again such a deep, rough, voice. And that was all I needed. "Stand up." I said, as I looked up into his face again. As his naked body rose in front of me, I was looking at it like someone looks at at a gourmet meal. My eyes went to the top of his head and slowly looked at 'the meal' in front of y eyes. From his face, to his chest, to his now, half erect cock, my eyes studied and memorized this 'feast' that stood in front me. As Mario was looking down at me, I licked his shaft up and up, feeling it slowly become more and more erect. Slowly I let his head fall into my mouth, at which he let out a deep moan. Flicking his head with my tongue, I felt his dick becoming harder and harder inside my mouth. As it grew harder, the more of him I took in to my mouth until he was at a full erection, and moving himself back and forth, each time his cock went deeper and deeper into my very welcoming mouth. Relaxing my neck and throat, I let Mario enjoy the warmth of my throat, which he was so obviously enjoying as his cock kept going deeper and deeper, harder and harder, into my throat. I closed my eyes and felt his hands on the back of head head. As Mario felt the pleasure n front of him, I enjoyed his body that was flexed at points now.In and out he went, as my hands caressed his arms, his chest, his face. As I ran my fingers over his mouth, he opened his lips as I ran my fingers over his sensual, intense lips. Hearing more moans escaping from Mario, and knowing that he probably wouldn't mind exploding here, as well as 'there', I roughly ran my hands over his chest again and played with his fully erect nipples, and felt his rock-hard stomach, and ran my hands up and down his thighs, feeling his erection was very close, his legs began to tremble and with one final Mario moan, my mouth was flooded with the the salty taste of Mario 'juice'. He shot a good 3 times into me, and I willingly devoured every drop. As he finished, his hands moved across my face, and under my chin as he lowered himself to me, and without any hesitation, he kissed me. This kiss tho, was so gentle, so 'thanking', so incredibly, "WOW!!" As the kiss went on he had lowered himself back onto the ground beside me. Still kissing me with such warmth and intensity, my eyes were closed, savoring every moment of this much-unexpected fantasy come true. I felt his hand start to move down my stomach o my fully erect, cum-oozing, dick. He enveloped it in his hand and slowly began to move his hand up and down my shaft and over my balls. Still 'playing' with my cock, he pulled his lips away from mine, and again, looked into my eyes. [What it was about his eyes, I don't know. But they were magical, sensual, sexy, inviting.....] I've never done anything like this before." he said, in a low, but still sexy voice. "So, bare with me, but since i've done this much I want to try this as i've always been kind of curious about it." And with that, he he went down on me. He couldn't take all of me, but what he did felt GREAT! I didn't try to put more 'into him' as I figured he would do what he could, and anything e did I knew i'd enjoy it. For a couple of minutes he only took part of me, as I moaned basically at the sheer pleasure of having Mario Lopez there at all. The moaning, tho, seemed to entice him as he proceeded to try and take a little more, which made him gag. "It's all good, don't worry." I said, so as to et him know I understood this was new t him, and I wasn't expecting..........Right in mid-thought, I felt him take all of me the best he could down his throat. "Oooohhh........" I let out almost uncontrollably. Mario withdrew from where he was, and again had his face-AND THOSE EYES-right n front of my me. My fingers ran across his face and lips, as I drew him too me, and kissed him for a minute or two. "I still want you to fuck me." I said, looking into his eyes, my fingers feeling his strong arms. "That is, if you still want to." This, I said, with his cock in my hand. Taking my cock in his hand, and showing me that SEXY Mario smile, again, "I want to." he replied in that same deep, sultry, 'turn-me-on', voice. "Is it cool to, maybe, kill some of these lights and have another shot?" "Whatever you please, Mr. Lopez." I said as I stood up. "Don't move." I said, as I went to a door only feet away from where he was. I pulled out a couple of large, soft, pillows which I carried back to where Mario was sitting. Spreading them out on the floor [they were very large pillows] I leaned down and kissed Mario on lips, and said, "Lean back, relax, and i'll be back in just a couple of seconds. Cool?" "Cool." Mario said, with a tiny grin as he layed himself on the pillows, face up, and looking so sexy. I left him there, so as to relax, and 'regroup'. Returning a couple of minutes later, a good portion of the lights now off and/or dimmed, with our 2 shots, I had to pause for just a moment as I gazed at Mario nice and stretched out on the pillows, his brown skin that covered his muscular body shining from what lights were still on and from the sweat that had covered him. Looking at him like he was, I knew I had to get at least one picture. He hadn't heard me come back as the music was still playing, so I quickly grabbed my camera and snapped a shot. Using the type of film I was using, flash was not necessary. Returning again, I walked over to where he was laying, and sat down next to him. "With just these few lights on, your body is incredible." I said to Mario, handing him his drink by setting it on his chest. "You think?" was all he said, with smile, and taking a hold of his drink. "Your not such a bad looking guy yourself." he said almost nervously. "Thanks." I replied. "It's cool. I understand this whole thing is a real trip for you. And just incase your worried about 'this' after today, DON'T. What we've done, and what we'll do will stay inside here. Cool?" "Cool." He said, again with a smile. This smile tho had the look of relief, as well as it's SEXYiness. Watching Mario, still not believing this was really happening, as he downed his drink in such a macho way that I started to get hard again. "Someone is is obviously ready for more." he said, again place his hand on my cock, and stroking it. "What can I say?" I said knowing it sounded sort of stupid the moment I said it.But, with a big-shit eating-grin on my face, I too downed my drink which Mario promptly took from my hand with that same Mario look, then placed the same hand that just held the glass with ice, onto my now erect dick, and started to massage it, and jerk it, as he moved towards me. Instantly surrounding my mouth with his, he was ready for 'this', I could tell by how hungrily he kissed me. His lips were all over my mouth, his tongue deep inside my throat, and his hands pushed me flat onto the pillows, til he was on top of me. Not stopping his kissing for an instant, his hands ravaged my body down to my legs which he lifted so roughly, yet not in a mean way, over his shoulders. Feeling the head of his very erect dick 'knocking at my back-door', I knew he was ready, as I was, tho I hadn't used any lube or anything. The man I saw directly over, wanting to enter me, was just about the most handsome,and SEXYiest man I had ever seen. And the look on his face, and in his eyes, made me make my body accept what was about to come inside of me. I looked up at his face, his arms, those big, strong, arms, his chest, OH HIS CHEST.........I felt his rock-hard dick begin to enter me. It burned a little, so I just kept concentrating on his whole physique. As he slowly slid his dick into my I slowly ran y hands up and down his chest and arms, I just couldn't seem to get enough of his muscles. When he was about half-way inside me, he lowered is body down to mine-my legs still over his shoulders-til his face was touching mine. And he had the warmest, softest,smile on his face, as he whispered, "Is everything cool?" "With someone like you it can only be hot." I could believe I had just said this, but I did. He then kissed me so deeply, as his hands moved under my shoulders and he grabbed onto them as he let the rest of himself go full in me, in one fell swoop. It hurt just for a second, and then it became a feeling I had not known before. In and out he moved his cock. Every inch in, and almost every inch out, and back in again. With each entry he made into, it felt different and better each time to where I honestly didn't want it to stop. This boy knew what he had, and he knew what to do with it. For the next-almost-hour he slowly drove his cock in and out of me, he pounded his cock in and out of me. With swat dripping from both of us, I knew the end of ultimate fantasy was coming as he through his head back-beads of sweat flying everywhere-my hands devouring his sweating body. For another 5 to 10 minutes, he pounded my ass with all the strength he had in him. And just before he shot his load inside, I found myself shooting my load all over him, me, the floor...... "Oh yah!!!." That had never happened to me before!! Tis obviously was a slight turn-on for Mario as I felt him wither, and shake, and he let his juices flow again inside. SHOT! SHOT! SHOT! SHOT! SHOT! Emptying every drop of juice from him into me, he slowly came back down to where I was laying. My whole body numb, yet electrified, and tingling all over. He kissed me one final time and flashed that Mario smile, as he looked into my eyes for the final time-THAT DAY-and rolled off me,as we both laughed, and said, "ICE!!!". [Any comments welcome!!!!]


6 Gay Erotic Stories from MarkeePoo

A Joey Day, Part 1

  As I lay here in my bed, looking at the ceiling, the sound of the clock ticking away. I lay there, not believing what had happened earlier that day. As I finally start to drift off to sleep, what had happened that day filled my dreams............... I was jogging, as I do on a regular basis, this morning.. The sun was bright and warm. The air was crisp and clean. There

A Joey Day, Part 2

In the back of my throat I could feel the full extent of his tool. It hurt a little, but it also felt so good. The instant the head of his dick hit that back of my throat, his hips quivered as he felt the back of my throat hit against his head, and he made sure-without even realizing it-that e went 'all the way' in. And the moan that came out of him, in that instant, was more

Mario's Photo Shoot

"Turn your head a little more to right, and up just a bit." Looking through the lens of my camera, making sure he was positioned just right. Having done a lot of photo shoots, it had become 'old hat'. But, today, it was more difficult as the guy I was photographing was non-other than that well built, and very handsome, Mario Lopez. I had watched him when he was on, "Saved By The

Soap Stars, Part 2

"CAMERON MATHISON GETS 'LUCKY'!!!!!!!" (part 2) "Let's go into the bedroom," Cameron whispered into Jonathan's ear. He lifted his head to look again into Jonathan's deep blue eyes. The smile that greeted his eyes was something Cameron had never experienced before. So soft looking, so sexy, so masculine-yet not a turn off. The slight grin on Jonathan's face said more than

Soaps Stars, Part 1

ABC hosts 3 of daytimes hottest soaps, and once in a while 2 shows will shoot scenes using the same studio and set. This happened about a week ago. Cameron Mathison - "All My Children", and Jonathan Jackson - "General Hospital", were filming on the same set together. It was a long hard day for both, and when the shoots finally wrapped for the day and the crew had almost

Stalled on Joshua Avenue

A work of fiction and in no way implies or suggests ANYTHING concerning Joshua Morrows sexual preference!!] The breeze felt great on my face, the sun shining brightly, cool tunes rockin' out of the radio, and luck was with me as there was not many people on the highway. So, for me, it was very relaxing as I was about 1/4 of a mile from my turn-off and then just minutes from my


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