Gay Erotic Stories

Mistaken Identity, Part 1

by MoJo JoJo

[The Guy] It’s Friday morning; I receive an e-mail from an Internet brokering site telling me that a 25-year-old guy in my area with blond hair and blue eyes has submitted an e-mail with a desire to be dominated by another guy. He is white, about 5’8”, toned and supposedly quite cute. Well after all, I love to dominate guys...make ‘em do as I please! I accept the job and send instructions to the broker site. The guy is to show up at a local brewery tonight, around the side of the building at 7:30 sharp. He is to wear khaki-colored carpenter’s jeans, brown shoes, a blue sweatshirt, and a denim cap. I describe what I will be wearing, and when he sees me, he is to stay where he is and pretend to talk on a cell phone. Ha! The bastard has no clue. I’m so horny I could use some local slut to get my rocks off on a regular basis. The last bitch I had moved away. Don’t get me wrong: my girlfriend was awesome. But I loved dominating cute cocky guys; watching ‘em learn to suck dick my way, and fuckin ‘em was even better – tight and hot! [Derek] It was Friday night; I was meeting my girlfriend outside of our favorite restaurant at 7:00. It was now 7:30 and she still wasn’t there. Not able to get reception from the front of the place, I slipped around the side of the building. While my cell searched for service, I notice this guy across the parking lot looking at me. He was white, about 21 years old, and maybe 6’1”, with brown hair. He was wearing blue carpenter’s pants and a short sleeve button up shirt with a T underneath. I wonder what he’s waiting for, and why he’s staring at me...probably a faggot although he looks too masculine to be one. My cell finally finding service, I call my girlfriend. Waiting for her to answer, I notice this guy crossing the parking lot toward me. I wonder why, since the entrance is the other direction and there really isn’t anything over here on this side of the building except me. Hmmm. No answer at my girlfriend’s house. I hang up puzzled. Suddenly I realize that the guy is right behind me. “Well, well… khaki-colored carpenter’s jeans, brown shoes, a blue sweatshirt, and a denim cap,” the guy says. I hung up my cell phone, put it in my pocket and turned around, looking up into the face of this guy. He had described what I was wearing. “What are you talking about?” I asked. He reached out, put his hand on my shoulder: “Let’s go.” And he turned me toward the curb. “Let’s what? What are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere! Who are you?” “You weren’t kidding,” he answered. “You said you would resist…Fine with me!” This time he turned me around, grabbed me around the waist with one hand and pushed his other hand into my back, forcing me toward the curb. “What the…!” SLAM! I felt a searing pain on the right side of my back. He jerked me forward and toward what looked like a truck, a late model Blazer. “Hey! What are you doing!?” I cried. SLAM! Another punch! He was strong, no doubt about that! I struggled, but to no avail. “OK, you wanna play it hard? Fine! How does the nose of this revolver feel in your back?” I felt the blunt pressure of a gun in my back. I settled down immediately. “That’s it; now get into the truck!” I got in and he followed, climbing over me into the driver’s seat. “You wanted discrete, so duck down until I tell you!” he ordered. “I’m not doing anythi...” SLAM, a punch in my side…this time I fought back. We exchanged blows as I attempted to free myself from his assault. It wasn’t working. He was stronger…faster…damn it! I couldn’t get away! He had me in a headlock, pushing my head down to the floor, then burying my face in his chest…I couldn’t breathe...I was tiring and weakening… “My pistol and your e-mail says you’re going with me!” “What the...” I started. “Now get down!” With that, he grabbed me behind the neck and forced me to duck down out of sight, pushing my head down onto his lap. I stayed still, looking straight down his legs at the underside of the dashboard, trying to catch my breath. I notice wires sticking out under the dash. What a piece of crap this truck was. I also notice what appears to be a radar detector with a small lens or something on it directly across from me. I began to wonder how it worked, but was interrupted by the truck starting. I felt movement backwards, then forwards...turning...right...turning left...where we were going I had no idea. “You can’t see where we’re going; that’s part of the deal. So put point your face down into the seat now! I know it’s harder to breathe, but we wouldn't want you regaining too much of your strength anyway!” With that, he grabbed the back of my head and turned it until my face was facing directly into the seat and between his legs. “Yeah, that’s it!” he said with a satisfied tone. I could feel his legs across my chin and forehead, and his crotch against my left cheek. It was humiliating! Being overcome by this guy and then ending up here! I had never been so close to another guy before, certainly never touched a guy anywhere near this area of his body! What was I going to do? [The Guy] Little bastard really likes to resist! That’s ok, I can handle him...I’ve taken on tougher dudes than you, my friend. Soon, they all learn to submit to me! They all earn to suck my cock, just the way I like it! Oooh, all this thinking is getting me worked up! It looks like this dude is becoming restless with my excitement... let the games begin...just a little turn of the head so your face is right in my crotch ought to get you goin' a little. [Derek] My thoughts were interrupted by his hand on the back of my head again, turning it further into his crotch. I pulled away in protest, but he reasserted his desire, pushing my face further into his crotch. I could feel this warm soft mass enveloping my face. It must have turned him on, because this mass between his legs was becoming firm, and his hips began to push up into my face. Shit! He was getting a hard-on! I pulled back again... “Whoa! Where you goin’?” he asked amused. “I can’t breathe!” I responded. “That’s OK. I’ll let you up for air. Now get down!” he said pushing my head back down onto his lap. Again, I was staring out under the dash. Soon he began to rotate his hips, grinding his crotch into my left ear and cheek! I could feel my cheek getting hot from the heat radiating from his crotch! Slowly as he shifted and adjusted, I felt this dudes dick creeping down his pant leg! Shit, this was awkward! This dudes dick was climbing down my cheek! His hard-on was definitely hot, and getting longer! Please let this end...oh please... “Ok, take a deep breath!” he said as he grabbed the back of my head and turned my face toward the seat again. Sure enough, going down his pant leg was what looked like a huge dick pushing out the fabric of his carpenter’s jeans! Before I could react, he pushed my face down onto his lap! I could feel his dick pressing into my chin, my nose, my cheeks as he slowly ground his hips into my face while moving my head in a circular manner over his crotch. I had to get through this...wait until we stopped and make a run for it...I’ll show him, then I'll come back and kill the SOB! “Just wait and see, you bastard!” I thought to myself. Soon he pulled my head up for air and shifted his dick in his pant leg so that it pointed straight up into his trousers toward his stomach...all the while keeping a good grasp on the back of my head and driving with his knee! It wasn’t long before he again pressed my face into his dick and crotch. Now my face alternated between this hard rod and his soft mushy balls. It was in this position that I began to smell dick. A strange and unique smell of flesh...of some other dude’s dick! He continued to grind and smear my face around until finally he pulled me up for air, and let go of my head. I stayed there motionless. He reached down, unzipped his jeans, and pulled out his cock! It was at least 10 inches, and quite thick. I was in shock: I had never seen another guy’s hard-on...not this close...not for was so big and as real as life right in front of me! I began to get dizzy...that’s when I lost it. “What are you doing? I’m not going anywhere near that!” I said as I sprang up in my seat. Taking a quick look around, I notice we were on some back road somewhere...we were pulling over. [[The Guy]] I knew that move would get him goin’! He’s a real feisty one. Time to pull over and tame this little buck. “Now take it easy, my young buck, it goes so much easier if you don’t RESIST!” I said as I pulled his left arm and thus his body toward me. Oh yeah, a come back here! Gotcha! Resisting every move! You’re fast...but ...not fast...enough! There you go, down toward my dick! No you can’t get away! Let’s...try…again! A good thick dick […no over…here]...has been known to domesticate even the wildest animals! Stop ...resisting and ...give into the dick!” [Derek] I continued to resist. The car was rocking! He turns in his seat facing me! This Blazer had so much room in the front this guy could stand up bent over and grab me wherever I went! The doors were locked...shit he’s got me face towards his dick...pushing away...getting out of breath! No! Ugh! The tip of his shaft brushed my face! Ah! A hot dick touching my cheek! I pull back again, summoning all of my strength! He is too strong! The tip of his dick pressing against my lips...pushing into my mouth! No! [The Guy] “Aaaw, my young getting...tired, breathing heavily, trying to escape but there is nowhere to go. That’s it; I’ll tame you yet. Time to stab you with my spear! Oh yeah a smooth hot dick against your face. Oh, a last ditch effort to escape! Oh no you don’t...time for the tip!” “Give in to my dick buddy! Give in!” I suggested, but he struggled, out of breath and energy now, but still flailing. Man, for a guy who’s supposed to want this, you sure wouldn’t know it! I press my smooth tip into my young buck’s lips. “Let it go! Open up!” Oh shit yeah that’s it! Yeah open just a little!” He is exhaling heavily through his nose...trying to deal with a full mouth...a mouth filled with my cock! “Oh yeah...easy now...down you go!” I smiled down at him as he looked like a fish stuck at the end of a spear, wiggling and thrashing about! He gags...chokes, still trying to catch his breath! His breathing is slowing now...more rhythmic. “Ha! I am breaking you!” I think to myself. Little by little I’m breaking you in with a nice fat dick! It’s amazing how convincing my dick can be... “Oh easy there...down a little further...Good. Now bob up and down as I drive. And SUCK! None of this head bobbing only: suck! I want to hear some slurping!” Besides, I think to myself, it looks good for the Net cam mounted under the dash...HA! My latest investment, a mini Net cam that saves up to 2 hours of footage! [Derek] I couldn’t believe it! This guy’s dick is in my mouth! I’m bobbing up and down on another guy’s tool! It doesn’t taste bad like I was sure a dick would, just like flesh, except it’s hot and real smooth! I cannot go down far before I gag, but he doesn’t seem to mind. I’m just gonna bob up and down a little and barely touch it if I can...Shit, now I have to slurp. I have to clamp my lips down over his dick to seal it and begin to actually suck. I’m embarrassed as I begin to make slurping noises in between the gags. The taste of raw spit it precum?… permeates my mouth. I continue bobbing, chowin’ on this guy’s tool. [The Guy] “Yeah that’s it. You’re settlin’ down nicely on my cock, fallin’ right into line. ‘Course it took a nice long dick to persuade you, but I knew once you went down on it you’d be hooked. We both knew you really wanted it! Funny though, you act as though you never sucked another guy’s dick before. I thought giving head was a prerequisite for guys like you!” “Ah! Lucky for you we’re here...pull off the cock now.” “Well look at you! All red-faced and wet! How’s my dick taste? Yeah that’s right, you can’t help but stare at my rod straight up in the air, all wet and shiny from your polishin’! I can tell you adore my dick! Good – it’ll make it easier for ya. Now, we’re gonna go inside my house here and I don’t want any trouble. Get it?” [Derek] I nodded, knowing I would try to make a break for it. I watched as he stuffed his dick back into his pants finding it hard to believe that I sucked what little he made me take into my mouth. Then I notice that he unplugged what I thought was the radar detector from the beneath the dash. He got out and came around to my side...he opened the door, and I bolted! Shit! He...was...obviously expecting that as he grabbed the back of my neck and threw me towards the steps leading up to the house. I had only a moment to notice that this house was in the woods somewhere before he was on me again, dragging me while I struggled, to the door. Once inside, he threw me to the floor in amusement. “Don’t bother trying to escape, tough guy...I’ll be on you so fast you won’t know what hit you! But...that’s what you want isn’t it?” I sat there on the floor, wondering what was next...and at that moment of pause, I noticed that I could smell the scent of his dick on my breath. He sat down at his computer and plugged the device from the truck into something... “No offense buddy, but you suck at sucking dick! My girlfriend sucks cock better than you, and she hates it!” he said in disgust. While the computer was busy, he stood and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and removed his pants. Shit! I knew he wasn’t wearing boxers! There he was before me wearing only his socks/boots and his button up shirt. His dick, now flaccid, pushing out over a huge set of balls! Even with his dick soft, it was quite impressive...I found myself somewhat envious. He sat back down in his chair facing me, his legs spread open, his head turned toward the computer as he manipulated the mouse. “Now you’re going to give me a nice long blow job. You’ll blow me how I like it and do as I say. You’ll LIKE IT too! I ain’t kiddin’! If you don’t give it up and suck this dick like it’s your last, first of all I’ll kick your ass; second of all I’ll publish my little homemade movie all over the Internet! Here, take a look,” he said amused, as he turned the monitor toward me. Oh shit! That device under the dash was a mini cam! There I was, clear as could be...lying on his lap looking straight into the camera...and...oh no! Now my face was being fucked by his crotch even got me sucking his dick! The images made me weak. There I was with a dick in my mouth, bobbing up and humiliating! Yep, clear as day, I was sucking another guy’s tool! “Now,” he said. “You have ten seconds to get over here and wrap those lips around my dick...just as we discussed or else I publish your work.” I hesitated... “I’m serious, if you’re not on your knees, between my legs with my dick in your mouth in ten seconds I publish do it! Ten...nine...” What was I going to do? No time to think...think later... “” I had to follow through didn’t I? If I was to get out of this – get it over with... “Six...five...” Girls did it – and the job I gave him in the truck wasn’t all that bad for me... “Four...three...” I got up and moved over toward him, pushing his legs apart, and knelt. I was staring straight into his manhood. His dick was still flaccid and his balls folded out as they rested on the seat of the chair. “Yeah that’s it, my little buck,” he said. “Come” I grabbed his dick in my hand, closed my eyes and put the tip in my mouth. “Yeah, that’s right, but I said THE DICK, not just the tip!” He wrapped his hand around the back of my head, slouched down in his chair a little and pushed his entire dick in my mouth! He was...feeding it to me! Being flaccid, it went all the way in easily and I could feel his pubes grinding against my nose, his balls heaving up and down on my chin! I just sat there. [The Guy] Man, this dude acts as though he don’t want this dick! I’m gonna have to teach him. Thinks it’s easy while it’s soft... “Now suck! Move your tongue around...that’s it; swish it around like you’re washing your mouth out with dick! Ah yeah...swallow...yeah, keep swallowing. Now look up at me! No closing those eyes! I want to see your face for the next few minutes!” I watched as my little buck worked over my tool. Makin’ it look easy, but I was getting hard. He was staring up at me in desperation...he was beginning to slow down a little ...oh yeah, my cock was starting to interfere with his efforts! I watched as his eyes grew just as my cock grew and crept down his throat! His breathing became labored. I smiled down at him as I watched my dick swell in his mouth, pushing his lips open wide and wider. He gagged a few times and I chuckled as I watched his Adam’s apple heave up and down in an attempt to swallow my cock right on down. “Take it easy, champ...that’s rule number one. Rule number teeth!” Soon he relaxed into his position and began to breathe normally...the gagging subsided. [Derek] I though my head and neck was going to explode! This guys hot, smooth dick was really penetrating my mouth! I felt like I was one big dick! HIS dick! “Know practice bobbing for a while...but I want you to bob all the way down!” he ordered. I pulled off a little, watching his dick slide out across my lips. It seemed to pop out of my throat! Down I went again until my face was once again buried in his crotch. I continued, glancing up to see him turned, doing something on the computer! Here I was choking his dick down my gullet, and he was treating it like it was a pastime! “Yeah that’s it, keep it up my little cock sucking buck!” he said while staring at the computer screen. [The Guy] I figured while this soon-to-be slut of mine was orienting himself to his new position – makin’ a meal out of my cock, I’d check e-mail. Glad I did! What a surprise! I found an e-mail from the Internet brokering site informing me that my meeting with the submissive was cancelled at the last minute! HA! I have some poor unlucky chap wondering why he went out for a nice dinner with his girl, only to find himself sucking dick all night! Wait...he never expected... I captured a straight guy! A! I was fucking a straight virgin mouth! Oh yeah, I am going to enjoy this more than I thought!! “Ah ha ha!” he sounded out. “Oh yeah, time to get down to business!” “Oh yeah, suck that dick boy! Now pull off, keeping only the tip in your mouth...that’s do some this. Shit shake your head rapidly back and forth like a dog defending his bone. Oooo yes! Now alternate between the two, taking time to spiral down over my long cock and down to my pubes!” “Yeah...that’ yeah...oh yeah...suck that dick faggot! Bet you didn’t know you were a faggot huh? Yeah suck some semi...ahhh yeah! Keep your eyes open! Focus…on the fine blow job you’re giving!” [Derek] I didn’t know how, but this domination thing was starting to turn me on! What the hell was happening? I stared down a long dick as I shook my head wildly from side to side, polishing the fat tip of his dick. I could see his balls shake back and forth with my rhythm. He pulled me off and his dick shot straight up, a stream of spit drooping through the air connecting my lips with the tip of his dick! His dick was pointing toward the ceiling. “Now take a close look at my dick, boy! It owns you...don’t ever disrespect it or deny it!” With that, he grabbed his dick and slapped by face! My head turned to the left from the weight of it. SLAP! Back to the right! SLAP! SLAP! He grabbed the back of my head with one hand and his dick in the other and began to smear his dick all over my face! My face was getting wetter as he rubbed it over my nose, eyes, cheeks! “Yeah, this dick is all over you! Smell my dick and your spit all over your face! So hot! So smooth! Now wet it down again!” He angled his dick down until it pointed directly at my face and fed it right into my mouth! “Yeah, get it nice and wet! You’re mouth is so warm!” He pulled in out and again rubbed it all over my face. It slipped back and forth, the smell, the was so hot, so big, so commanding! I ...was I getting hard? “And these balls own you too so don’t forget them! Now, suck those balls down that warm little throat of yours!” he ordered. I couldn’t explain it, but his dick and balls were starting to look good to me! I could see why girls could like dick! I turned my head down sideways to the left and plunged my face down into his balls! They didn’t taste different than his dick, just soft and spongy! I sucked wildly taking first one ball into my mouth, then the other, massaging and batting them around with my tongue! Finally I managed to stuff both balls into my mouth! Too much! The sacs were spilling out of the sides of my mouth! I could feel his hot, wet dick sliding around on my right cheek, the tip catching in my hair! It was so erotic! I was definitely hard! How can this be? He was even starting to call me degrading names, yet I was too busy to care! “Oh shit boy! You’re stuffin’ both in? I...I...can tell’re starting to really enjoy this! That’s it. Go with it. dick! The shaft...don’t your lips across the length on my dick, faggot!” I let his balls spill out of my mouth and grabbed his dick. I ran my lips up and down its length, swishing my tongue along as I went over the tip and down the length of the other side. Getting it nice and wet again, I dove down over it, taking its entire length into my throat. “Oh fuck! You’re a cocksucker! Suck that cock, faggot! Suck it!” suck a mean dick! You...were...born to suck dick you... cock...sucking ...faggot! I sucked faster and faster ...semi-circles, deep throating his hot, smooth cock. Funny, but it seemed as though I was in control now. I began to moan and swirl my hips in a circular motion as I knelt before him. Lust was taking over! I massaged his balls as I continued my slurping assault on his dick. Sluupt…Sluurpt…purrpt! Suddenly he began to tremble. His legs shaking, he placed both hands on the back of my head and forced me to dive. “” I felt his balls lifting upwards into my chin as he trembled even more! He started rotating my head about his dick, grinding my face into his crotch! “I’’re making me...ahhh! Ahhhhhhhhh! Oh fuck yes! Uh...uh...take this faggot! Uh! Uh!” I felt a warm load burst into my throat! One after another after another! His balls heaving up and down against my chin! Oh fuck! ...dick! Ah! Oh!! Ahhh!” His man juice was backing up in my throat, as I couldn’t swallow with his dick so firmly in place and filling my mouth. There was so much! I couldn’t believe that I actually had another guy’s cum in my mouth, bursting down my throat! His cum leaked out of my mouth into his bush and ran down over his balls. Soon he calmed down a little...legs still trembling. “Oh shit can suck dick!” he said looking down at me. His dick started to soften, and as it did I regained some space in my mouth and began swallowing the remains. He pulled his dick out slowly, careful to use my lips to ensure it came out clean. He guided my face down to his balls to get the rest. Afterwards, I sat back on my haunches with a wet, red face, both of us out of breath. My mood changed. I must have cum myself. Shit how embarrassing. Why did I do that? Why did I get into it so much? “Yeah give some damn good head! Not bad for your first time! In fact, I think you enjoyed that judging by the stain covering your crotch! Yeah I’m gonna have to keep you in the picture for a while ...which shouldn’t be hard seems as how I got the best blow job I’ve ever had recorded!” he said proudly. Sure enough...I looked under his desk to find another mini cam. Damn! Now what? [End of Part One]


1 Gay Erotic Stories from MoJo JoJo

Mistaken Identity, Part 1

[The Guy] It’s Friday morning; I receive an e-mail from an Internet brokering site telling me that a 25-year-old guy in my area with blond hair and blue eyes has submitted an e-mail with a desire to be dominated by another guy. He is white, about 5’8”, toned and supposedly quite cute. Well after all, I love to dominate guys...make ‘em do as I please! I accept the job and send


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