Gay Erotic Stories

Muscular Mike Meets Jason

by Derek Flex

Mike and I had been seeing each other for about two months. He would cum over to my house and I would touch his massive muscles and jerk off. He would suck, ever-so-gently on my penis while I pet him. I would cum. He would cum. His orgasms were usually recordable on the Richter scale. I once timed one of his orgasms. It lasted– the climax and the squirting– lasted over seven minutes. I measured the amount of his cum once (when I could discipline myself not to drink some). It measured two and a half cups. Mike had to drink a lot of water to keep his hydration up when we got together. I loved to test Mike’s strength. He is so strong. Sometimes he would lift me up and down putting his penis in my ass. It seemed effortless to him, and he really enjoyed it. (So did I). One day, I met a man who I thought never existed. Someone taller, bigger, more muscular, and (as I found out) stronger than Mike. I know it doesn’t seem possible, but here’s what happened. I needed some mini-blinds installed so I called to have an installer come over. The installer rang the doorbell. I opened it and immediately my penis started growing in my pants. I had had much experience with the most muscular beefy hunk on the planet (Mike), so I thought I could handle just about anything. Not so. The guy standing in front of me was incredible. He had to be manufactured or something. He was probably a good two or three inches taller than Mike. Probably about 50 pounds heavier, too. And the additional pounds were all muscle. He looked to be about Mike’s age– maybe a little younger (21?). He had brown hair that was short, but not cropped. Kinda wavvy. His dark brown eyes penetrated me. His smile was warm and confident. His skin was dark, but not olive. It was rich and clean. He had a square, muscular jaw. He had about a day’s worth of hair on his face. I almost started ejaculating when I just looked at that gorgeous face. Beneath his face was the most massive neck I had ever seen. It was bigger than Mike’s. But then everything about this guy was bigger, it seemed. “Hi,” he said in a slight southern drawl. “I’m Jason. ‘Here to install your blinds.” He smiled broadly. I kept checking him out. He was wearing a dusty powder blue sweatshirt and bluejeans. The sweatshirt was so big, I’m sure it had to be custom made. I had never seen one so big. I always love how sweatshirts mold themselves right over a guy’s traps, if he has them. Jason had them. They were massive and looked hard. The sweatshirt hugged them and tapered out to his broad shoulders. The boulders that formed his shoulders were big and round. They stuck out as if he were wearing football pads. But he wasn’t. He was pure muscle. “Great, come on in,” I said after I caught my breath. Jason turn a little, bent his head a little, and came in. When I closed the door, we ended up standing very close to each other. Jason’s chest protruded right at my face. It was huge. His boobs were wide and full. Extremely thick and beefy. They pressed his sweatshirt outward. He was so massive. Standing close to him I could smell his warm muscles as they layed under his sweatshirt. His massive neck was so lean and pulsing with vessels. I just wanted to stand close and smell his muscles. And he let me. Finally he broke the silence. “Where did you want me to do the work?” he asked. “Oh. I’m sorry,” I said. “Upstairs, in my bedroom.” He moved to the staircase and started up. Ah, yes. I was going to get to follow. He seemed to walk slowly as we ascended. Maybe to give me a good look. His glutes were right in my face as we walked. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. I checked out the size number on the leather badge of his jeans. He had a 29 inch waist!! I couldn’t believe it. His quads bulged and moved inside his pants. They were so massive and muscular. He was so hot. I was able to see, during this little follow-the-leader episode, that Jason wasn’t wearing a T-shirt under his sweatshirt. We got to my room and I showed him the window where the blinds were to go. He was replacing some old ones that hadn’t been removed yet, so I asked him to remove the old ones too. Jason glanced across the room and his eye stopped on a metal bar that laid bent on the floor. This bar had been bent by Mike a few days earlier. I had been in one of my lets-see-how-strong-Mike-is moods and I had asked Mike to bend it. He took off his shirt (I always loved that) and started working on it. I stood behind him and put my hands on his shoulders and arms, so I could feel his strength as he worked. After a few seconds of moderate straining, Mike started to bend the bar. His hot muscles grew. They pulsed with power. I could feel the strength move through his arms. Mike started to strain a little harder. His neck grew bigger. He pushed harder and harder. My penis grew harder and harder. I moved my hands over his bulging traps and shoulders as he groaned and pulsed. His back muscles rippled and moved. Slowly the bar bent, until it was at about a 90 degree angle. I reached orgasm at just that moment. My hands jerked as they squeezed his traps. Mike stood there and his muscles slowly relaxed. Mike and I continued to masturbate each other for a while. When we were done, I asked Mike if he would be able to bend the bar back so it was straight. He worked on it. His arms looked like they would burst. But he wasn’t able to straighten it out. He seemed a little miffed at himself about it, so I gave him a warm kiss and gently squeezed his genitals, and he seemed to feel better. Jason asked “How’d that pipe get bent? It would take someone pretty strong to bend a piece of metal like that.” “I have a friend who’s a bodybuilder,” I said. “Mike likes to show me how strong he is. He bent that a few days ago, but it’s a little harder to straighten it out that it is to bend it.” “Oh really,” Jason smiled. “I’m a bodybuilder too.” “Yeah, I could tell. Those sweatshirts don’t really hide as much as people think.” “So this Mike of yours must be pretty big,” Jason said. “Yeah, he’s huge,” I answered. “But you’ve got to be bigger. How much do you weigh?” “I weigh 357 pounds, at about 4.5 percent body fat,” he said. He seemed a little shy about bragging about his body. “That’s inhuman!” I said. “I think you have Mike beat by about 40 pounds. And I imagine you’re about 3 inches taller than him.” “He’s still over 300 pounds. Is he lean?” “As lean as you are. He’s really something,” I said. “But then I know him pretty well. He does a lot of posing for me.” “Yeah. I bet you enjoy that quite a bit,” Jason smiled. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well, I just can tell you probably appreciate the discipline it takes to be a bodybuilder,” Jason said. His pecs moved a little. “Well, I guess I do,” I smiled. “Do you compete Jason?” “No. Never entered a contest,” he said. “Why not?” “I am a private exhibitionist only,” he said with a laugh. His pecs danced again. I could tell he was flirting with me. My boner stiffened. He fiddled with the mini-blinds. His sweatshirt bulged as his arms moved. They had to be an inch bigger than Mike’s arms. He was so hot looking. “To whom do you exhibit?” I asked with raised eyebrows. “Well, I guess I’d be willing to for you, if you were interested,” he said without taking his eyes off his work. “Well. Sure,” I said. My hardon was throbbing. “I’d be interested to see if you think I look better than this Mike of yours,” Jason said. “Well, don’t tell anyone I said this, but even with your clothes on, I can tell you probably wouldn’t have any problem with him,” I said. “How big is his dick?” Jason said. I went white. I couldn’t tell if he said what I thought he said. “What?” I asked. “I just wondered if I could beat him in the manly man department,” Jason grinned. “Like I said, I think you’ve got him beat everywhere. But I’d have to look to be sure.” I said. Jason moved away from the blinds and towards me. He came right up to me and stood in front of me. His chest was inches from my face. He flexed it very slowly. “I have always wanted to show myself off to people who want to look,” he smiled. My knees went weak and I think I got a little light headed. “But then, I’m thinking you probably want to do more than just look, don’t you.” His unshaven face smiled as he continued to dance his pecs for me. Jason slowly leaned over and kissed my lips. As he did, I erupted. My penis had grown to the top of my belt line, so my semen squirted up and hit me on my chin. It got on Jason’s sweatshirt, too. Then his chin. He kept kissing me, and I kept squirting. He laughed a little as he kissed me, and then he pulled back, chuckling. “I guess I can compete with Mike in more ways than one,” he smiled as he wiped his chin. “Does he have this effect on you too?” “Yeah. I guess I’m a sucker for guys with unbelievably gorgeous, muscular, masculine, beefy, masturbatable bodies,” I said as I tried to clean myself up. “Well, I think I fall into those categories, especially that last one,” he said. “I think I’d like to meet this Mike guy sometime.” “You won’t have to wait long.” The voice came from the bedroom doorway. Mike stood there, filling up the open door with his massive body. He looked huge, but I could tell he was a little intimidated by Jason. “Mike!” I said. “How long have you been there?” He grinned “Long enough to know that I’d like to meet my new competition.” He walked into the room, his muscular body pushing against his tight white T-shirt. His 24 inch arms bulged with each step. It was difficult to believe that this hunk of massive muscles could ever be intimidated by anyone. His shirt swelled with massive pecs and enormous shoulders. His narrow torso fit tightly into his jeans. His genitals bulged. His legs were immense. Mike walked up to Jason and stopped about three feet from him. He smiled and reached out his hand. “Hi. I’m Mike.” “Jason,” came the reply. Jason stood 3 inches taller than Mike. He was awesome. His 357 pounds seemed to dwarf Mike’s 315. His chest stood out and formed an enormous bulge in his sweatshirt. I could only imagine the expanse underneath the chest. It was probably filled with massive ridges of muscular abs. Jason’s arms were obviously bigger than Mike’s, and Mike could see that. Mike’s dick grew under his pants, and I could tell he was feeling a little uncomfortable. As they shook hands, Mike brought his other hand up to Jason’s massive arm and felt it. They kept shaking and Jason squeezed Mike’s hand a little harder. Mike could feel Jason’s muscular strength through both hands. Jason’s arm grew, and Mike’s face began to show a little tension. It was apparent who was winning this little show of strength. Jason’s smile grew a little. Mike’s boner grew a lot. It started protruding up above his belt line. Precum started dripping down over his belt. His head was almost fully exposed. Jason didn’t take his eyes off Mike’s eyes, so he didn’t notice Mike’s erection. The two of them stood there, feeling each other’s strength. Mike’s arm grew even bigger, under his t-shirt sleeve. Jason’s grew bigger under his sweatshirt. Finally Mike took his hand off Jason’s bicep and they let go of each other. “Wow. You are incredible,” Mike said grinning from ear to ear. Jason pumped his pecs a little and said “Thanks. You look pretty amazing yourself.” Mike asked “Would you mind taking off your sweatshirt so I can see your muscles?” I liked that about Mike. Always coming right out and asking. “Sure.” Jason said. He started to slowly lift his sweatshirt (it was spotted with my cum). He seemed to tease Mike as he did it. He lifted it slowly, exposing his abs first. They were unbelievable! He had an eight pack that was thicker than anything I had ever seen. The separation between his abs was fantastic. Mike’s precum started flowing more quickly now. Jason smiled. Jason lifted the sweatshirt out, away from his body. He had to do this in order to get it up over the huge overhang that his pectorals formed above his abs. He really had to reach up and under, and pull straight out in order to get the fabric around his massive chest. He stopped, just standing there with his mammoth chest and abs exposed. He smiled as he saw Mike’s reaction. Mike had now grabbed his own genitals, and was lightly rubbing himself through his pants. Jason lifted the sweatshirt up and tugged it off his arms and threw it on the floor. His arms seemed to expand and fill with muscle as he did this. It was as if the sweatshirt had been restricting his arms and they were now able to breathe free. He put his arms down to his side and flexed them lightly as they hung there. They bulged and pulsed with incomprehensible muscle mass. They had to be about 26 inches. Mike burst forth with squirts of cum. Mr. Control started jerking slightly as his orgasm overtook him. The cum shot up above their heads. It got in Jason’s hair, on his face, on his unbelievably broad shoulders, his traps; it dribbled down his chest and started to drip off his nipples. It ran down his abs and onto his pants. Mike’s penis was two or three inches above his pants as it squirted cupfuls of semen into the air. His muscular body pulsed with each squirt. His chest heaved. It was huge. His shoulders bulged as he continued his masturbatory orgasm. His huge arms flexed as he tried to contain his juices– but to no avail. Jason was just too much for Mike. He was too much for me too. At the sight of all this, I started creaming again. My penis erupted with a hard jerk. Cum squirted into the air. I was standing far enough away that my cum didn’t hit the two musclemen in front of me. I throbbed as I looked at Jason’s muscles. He was unbelievable. I pulsed as I watched Mike worship Jason’s muscles by offering gifts of cum. It was amazing. Jason smiled as he cleaned up Mike’s mess. His fingers ran across his muscle body and scooped up Mike’s milk. Jason quietly mouthed his fingers as he drank up the cum. His lips were obscenely seductive. “It seems I have this same effect on everyone today,” he smiled. Mike apologized for the mess. “I’m sorry. I usually try to contain it more, because I know I produce a lot of semen. More than most people.” “Don’t worry about it. Just be glad you don’t flow like I do,” Jason said. “I usually have to keep a bunch of towels handy. It’s usually about a quart for me.” “Give me a break!” Mike said. “Yeah. It’s true,” Jason answered. “I tried jerking off more often, in hopes that I could reduce the amount, but that didn’t help. So I just try to make sure I do it where the mess is repairable.” He flexed his pecs a little. The skin made a smooth, but hard wave across his chest. Then he did it again, rippling his muscles in the reverse direction. Mike was still cleaning up his cum. He had it on his own T-shirt, so he decided to take it off. Jason looked with interest as Mike exposed his muscular body to him. Mike’s unbeatable traps and shoulders were especially appealing to Jason. I could tell his genitals were growing as Mike stood in front of him. Mike smiled as Jason eyed him. “I think I need to clean up a little better,” Mike said. He started to unzip his pants. “Need any help?” Jason asked. My semi limp penis began to spring to attention again. I unzipped my pants and took off my clothes so I could enjoy the show that was about to unfold before me. Mike said “Sure,” and Jason moved closer. The two of them stood facing each other. Jason’s arms seemed to dwarf Mike’s huge guns. Mike’s chest touched Jason’s. Mike’s pants were totally unzipped and his penis was swollen, but not totally hard as it laid under his red posing strap. It started to grow. The two of them smiled at each other a little. Then Jason leaned forward and began nosing Mike’s nose. Mike’s eyes closed. Then Jason did the most amazing thing. It was so sexual and erotic. So dominating. He gently stuck his tongue up into one of Mike’s nostrils. Mike smiled and kept his eyes shut. Jason’s lats spread wide as he brought his huge arms up and placed his hands up and behind Mike and onto Mike’s broad strong shoulders. But Jason’s were broader. The two of them stood locked in a massive display of passionate bulging muscles. Their two huge, lean muscular forms fondled and hugged. I heard a slight moan, but I couldn’t tell which muscleman it came from. Jason continued massaging Mike’s nostrils with his tongue, slowly mouthing his whole nose at times. Mike seemed to relax, almost go limp in Jason’s powerful embrace. Jason moved his mouth a little and slipped his tongue inside Mike’s mouth. They tongued each other for a few minutes. Jason’s hands started feeling more of Mike’s immense back. He squeezed Mike’s lats then moved his hands down Mike’s torso, then back up. Up and down, up and down; stopping when he found some muscle that needed squeezing. Jason loosened Mike’s pants and pulled them down. The two Herculean men unlocked for a minute as Jason pulled Mike’s pants down over his huge glutes and quads. Jason ran his hands over Mike’s quads and back to his glutes. He brought his hands around front and up to Mike’s abs and chest. Mike’s muscles bulged as Jason explored. Jason continued up to Mike’s shoulders and traps, then out to Mike’s massive arms. Mike flexed for Jason. Mike’s penis started to grow as he was being felt all over by a fellow muscleman. Mike brought his arms up and flexed his biceps for Jason. Jason smiled and moved his massive hands to feel Mikes arms. Jason’s hands were huge. Mike’s arms were huge. Jason stood there with one hand on each arm, as Mike held still. Then Mike twisted his forearms and his arms danced again. Jason smiled. Jason’s penis was now sticking up above his pants. “I think I need to give myself a little room,” Jason said. “Here. Let me,” Mike said. Mike reached down and unbuttoned Jason’s pants. He slipped them down, exposing Jason’s posing strap. Jason’s penis was 10 inches and still growing, out the top of the strap Mike bent down and finished pulling Jason’s pants over his unbelievable massive quads. They put Mikes’ mammoth meaties to shame. Mike pulled Jason’s strap down to the floor, and then pulled his own strap all the way off. They stood before each other totally nude. It was enough to make any man cry. The display of totally erotic beefy muscle was overwhelming. Jason was a man to beat all men. He was totally proportioned and more fully developed than anything I had ever imagined. His tremendous shoulders capped a body that would be every man’s dream to behold. His traps were huge. His 26 inch arms were orgasmic. His indescribably massive chest was so muscular and seductive. His canyon like abs were rocks. His svelte 29 inch waist exaggerated his massiveness. His quads were so big they should have shook the house when he walked. And now Jason’s long, thick penis and big balls were fully exposed for us to see. It was fully erect now. Probably 12 inches, but I was so dizzy, I couldn’t really tell. The ridge on the outside of his shaft stood out and pulsed with his every heartbeat. His billiard-sized balls sported soft dark brown hair. He was indeed a man’s man. Mike’s hand started gently caressing Jason’s genitals. Jason closed his eyes and smiled. He stood perfectly still (except where his muscles bulged and pulsed– he couldn’t help that) as Mike began to masturbate him. Once again, my little Mr. Penis had had enough. I started squirting again. It was too erotic for me. To see this Muscular Mike bend down, in all his beefy glory, and begin to rub the genitals of Jason– it was incredible. Jason’s precum flowed down his shaft. Mike began licking it up. He started sucking Jason’s dick lightly. He moved his mouth up and down Jason’s huge stiff shaft for a long time– maybe five minutes. Then Mike stood up and began exploring Jason’s muscles. Jason didn’t seem to mind that the dick massage had stopped. He flexed and pumped lightly as Mike moved across his body. Mike moved behind Jason and put his hands down on Jason’s glutes. They were incredible. Mike’s boner was at 12 o’clock high. Mike brought his hands up and felt Jason’s rippling back muscles. He felt Jason’s shoulders and traps. He brought his hands down over Jason’s shoulders and began feeling his huge arms. Jason began flexing them. They grew. They grew and pulsed and bulged to huge proportions. Jason turned to face Mike and posed both arms for him, just as Mike had done for Jason, earlier. Jason twisted his forearms and his biceps danced under Mikes massive hands. Mike had never experienced anything like this before. He had thought his own arms were the biggest a man’s could get. But now he was delighted to learn that Jason had bested him in this category (and just about all other ones as well). Jason’s bicep peak was perfect. Mike squeezed it. Jason smiled and flexed some more. Mike’s erection was as hard as ever. So was Jason’s. Jason’s penis was about an inch longer than Mike’s, but it stood higher up than that because Jason was taller than Mike. As Mike stood there, feeling Jason’s arms, Mike’s own arms looked so hot. It was such a beautiful display of two musclemen loving each other’s bodies. Jason slowly brought his arms down to his side and began flexing his pectoral muscles for Mike. Mike placed his hands on Jason’s planet-sized chest. Mike got a little light headed. Jason reached out and supported Mike by placing his hands on Mike’s glutes. Jason’s penis pulsed with desire. I don’t know if it was sheer strength of will or what, but somehow Mike seemed to win the coin-toss in the next move. As Jason danced his pecs for Mike, Mike slowly– by pure willpower– slowly was able to move his hands off Jason’s ultra desirable chest. Mike moved around and positioned himself behind Jason. He then placed his hands on Jason’s glutes and began trying to spread them apart. He brushed his penis up against Jason’s glutes. His precum moistened Jason’s basketball sized glutes with a silky glistening shimmer. Jason seemed to resist. “If you go in me now, I’ll spout,” Jason said. “I want to wait a minute.” Mike said “I can’t wait any longer. I have to get inside you. You are so hot I can’t be responsible for what happens if I can’t get my penis inside your asshole.” “No,” Jason insisted. Please wait. I am really enjoying this foreplay.” Mike paid no attention. He began to force his hands in Jason’s crack to pull the glutes apart in order to get his raging hard-on inside. Mike’s triceps bulged as he struggled with Jason’s glutes. Jason smiled a little, then flexed his glutes. They were so powerful. Even Mike’s inhuman 24 inch arms weren’t powerful enough to separate them. Mike strained. Jason began to strain a little. Mike’s massive arms grew bigger as he began to spread Jason’s ass apart. Jason’s face began to show a little concern. He tightened his body and began to give Mike a little taste of strength. Jason’s chest began to ripple. His arms pumped. His shoulders flexed. His abs tightened. His quads grew. Jason flexed his glutes and Mike let out a cry. Jason was crushing Mike’s fingers. He said “You’re not getting in until I want you in.” Mike redoubled his efforts. Jason’s little show of strength only served to turn Mike on more. His penis was visibly throbbing. It was all he could do to control himself from having an involuntary orgasm again. I, however, was not as disciplined. As these two mega-men struggled in front of me, I started cumming again. Jerk after jerk. Squirt after squirt. I came and I went. The sight of these two naked flexing hunks struggling against each other’s supreme power was intoxicating. Jason kept Mike’s fingers firmly caught between his glutes. Mike couldn’t remove them. He started to pull and Jason squeezed a little harder, smiling. Mike was visibly in pain. His knees started to weaken. Jason relaxed his glutes. Mike stood up straight and regained his massive composure. “O.K.,” Mike said, “If I’m not stronger than you, then maybe I can find your weakness.” “Do you really think you have any strength that is greater than mine?” Jason asked over his shoulder. He flexed his back muscles to show Mike his massive power. Mike didn’t answer. He just moved closer and put his hands on Jason’s glutes again. This time he wasn’t forcing anything. He began to caress them. Jason’s facial expression changed as his penis began rising again. Mike was turning him on. Mike massaged Jason’s beautiful big ass for a minute. Mike’s penis was full and ready to burst, but he forced himself to wait. Mike moved up against Jason’s back and brushed Jason’s butt with his penis again. Jason flinched, then relaxed. Mike moved his hands around to the front of Jason and began feeling his muscles. He ran his hands up over Jason’s chest and onto his shoulders– all the while he kept caressing Jason’s glutes with his dick. Up and down, back and forth. Slowly. Erotically. Mike gently squeezed each bulging muscle on Jason’s beautiful body. Jason started to weaken. I don’t know how Mike controlled himself. I know that every time I have ever touched one of Jason’s muscles, I have involuntarily creamed. Jason kinda thinks it’s cute, but it really bothers me. I don’t see how Mike does it. I guess he’s just a pretty powerful guy. Mike brought his hand down to Jason’s genitals. Jason’s huge dick was sticking straight up. Precum flowed. It was totally wet. Mike’s massive hands began to gently and lightly touch Jason’s pulsing penis. Mike massaged Jason’s precum into his penis head and down his shaft. Jason was so hot. And he was so turned on. As he massaged Jason’s genitals with his right hand, Mike slowly brought his left hand back to Jason’s glutes and began spreading them with his fingers. Jason resisted for a second, but Mike began kissing Jason’s neck. Jason weakened. Muscular Mike kissed Jason and sucked his neck. He sucked Jason’s ears. Mike caressed and kissed Jason. He slowly began to move his hand up and down on Jason’s huge shaft. Jason’s massive glutes relaxed. Mike spread them apart and began to stick his full-grown hard cock up inside Jason. Jason groaned. Mike smiled as he pushed. Jason groaned a little more. He liked it. Finally, Mike had his long stick fully inserted into Jason’s hole. “Wow,” Jason said. “You have a lot of control. You are very strong.” “Oh yeah,” Mike said. “Not nearly as strong as you, Jason.” “Yeah, I guess that’s true. But I just couldn’t resist you when you started touching me that way,” Jason said. Then, Jason said, “But lets see if you can control yourself now.” “What do you mean?” Mike asked. “Well, why don’t you see how long you can stay in me without ejaculating,” Jason said. “Sure,” Mike said. “I think I can handle you for a while.” He smiled confidently. “O.K.,” Jason smiled. He didn’t say anything more. For a second they just stood there, Mike gently stroking Jason’s dick; one huge muscleman locked inside another. Then Jason gently started to flex his glutes. Mikes eyes started to open wide. “I wonder if this will have any effect on you,” Jason said. Jason flexed his glutes some more– not powerfully, to hurt Mike– but erotically, to bring him to orgasm. Mike looked worried. Jason continued to massage Mikes genitals with his gently throbbing massive glutes. It looked so hot. Here these two musclemen were– one trying to out masturbate the other. Jason was so smooth in his motions. I wondered if he had had a lot of practice. His huge ass pulsed and bulged, as Mike was caught in it’s seductive grip. Mike tried to resist. He tried to control himself. But I soon knew that it was only a matter of time before Mike would explode inside of Jason. Jason was patient. He gently flexed and unflexed his butt muscles as Mike’s penis strained to keep from ejaculating inside. Jason’s huge muscular body seemed to be weakening Mike’s resolve. Mike was really getting turned on by this gentle, erotic ride. Mike put his hands on Jason’s massive arms. Jason grew them just a bit as he continued Mike’s massage. Jason’s own penis was still spurting precum, and it looked like he was enjoying doing this to Mike quite a bit. Jason rolled his eyes in ecstasy as he masturbated Mike. I don’t know if it was touching Jason’s muscular guns that did it, or maybe Mike just couldn’t hold out any longer. But whatever happened between them, it was now apparent that Mike was getting ready to blow. Mike’s face tightened. He squeezed Jason’s arms and began jerking. At that moment, Jason also started to go over the edge. His unbelievably muscular body tightened. His arms grew to an incredible size as Mike caressed them. They were so powerful in Mike’s hands. I could just look at Jason’s arms all day long. They are the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Sometimes when Jason is over at my house, he’ll look at me and wink, and then flex his arm for me as they relax at his side. He knows this kills me. Quite frequently, Jason just needs to just take off his shirt and I’ll start creaming. His arms are irresistible. Mike groaned and jerked as he injected Jason’s cavity with massive amounts of semen. Jason continued the glute massage in order to masturbate Mike beyond his threshold. Jason’s glutes gently bulged and pulsed, even as Jason was entering the first stage of his own orgasm. His muscles grew and grew. Mike, even as he began jerking, could tell Jason was cumming too. Jason started groaning. And then he let go. His massive body heaved and lifted 315 pound Muscular Mike off the floor. Jason jerked once and then again. He set Mike back down, but continued to jerk. No semen had come out of Jason yet. It was like he was in the first stage of jerking. Mike moved his hands down to Jason’s penis, which had grown and thickened to what seemed like a fire hose. Mike’s eyes widened as he wrapped both hands around Jason’s huge penis and balls. Jason moved his hands back to Mike’s huge glutes and pulled Mike inside even farther. Jason’s triceps bulged as he grabbed Mike and forced him in. Massive Mike was helpless to resist Jason’s huge arms. Jason’s arms pumped Mike in farther. Mike continued to jerk as he spewed fresh semen into Jason. Then Jason began to squirt. Maybe it would be more accurate to say he began to spray. His cum shot out of his penis. He jerked. His muscles strained. Mike continued to ejaculate inside of Jason. Jason sprayed across the room. Maybe 10 feet. His muscles became even more defined as he ejaculated. His beautiful body bulged and pumped with each spray of semen. His thick quads lifted Mike up again. Mike’s muscular hands held onto Jason’s penis and they both kept cumming. Ride em’ cowboy! Jason held Mike up in the air and they both ejaculated in unison. Their bodies pulsed together. It was the most amazing muscle stud event I had ever dreamed of. Mike’s massive arms reached forward as Jason’s behemoth arms reached back. Their joint muscularity and masculinity was dizzying. It was amazing. Their muscles bulged as they touched and fondled each other, and jerked together. Jason’s semen kept squirting and spraying all over the room. Mike’s semen must have been filling up Jason. At times it looked as if Mike’s semen was squirting right into Jason, and then out of Jason and across the room. This seemed to go on for quite a while, with neither one of them wanting to be the first one to finish. But eventually, all good things must cum to an end. And Mike was the first to expend everything. His muscular body finally went limp and rested on Jason’s huge back. But Jason wasn’t done yet. He kept squirting semen for a minute or two after Mike had relaxed. When they both finished, I could tell Mike had had it taken out of him. Jason just flexed his pec muscles and asked “Can we do that again?” It took both Mike and me working in tag-team tandem style, to satisfy Jason. We were up late into the night masturbating that man. He was so incredibly powerful and strong. Mike and Jason did some arm wrestling too. It was too much for me. I jacked off at the sight of their muscles. The three of us became good friends.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Derek Flex

Cousin Tim

My cousin’s husband was the stud to beat all studs. He was in his early 20’s. He stood about 6’ 3.” He was lean and muscular. Not too big, but big in all the right places. His long body was just beautiful. His defined abs were the hottest. Tim had very nicely developed arms. They were probably 19 inches. They bulged out from his broad, thick shoulders. Tim’s chest was full and

Flex Wheeler in a Bottle

Flex Wheeler Fantasy by Derek Flex I rubbed the lamp lightly, trying not to get my hopes up too much. Of course those stories about genies in bottles were hogwash. But deep inside, like most people, I wanted to believe the fables were true. This dark cave, deep in the desert of Africa, held many treasures. Our tour guide had allowed me to stray from the rest of

Jeff The Muscleman

I sat the barbell down and stood up. I was just at the end of my workout, pretty tired. I sat down on the bench to rest. Just then, HE walked in. I had masturbated over this guy from the first day I laid eyes on him. He was the biggest, most gorgeous hunk I had ever seen. I had first seen him about four months ago. He joined the club and began working out in the early

MuscleMan Meets His Match, and Then Some

The Ultimate Superhero– MuscleMan Episode Two – MuscleMan Meets His Match, and Then Some MuscleMan (a.k.a. Brock Garrett) entered the dark chamber. He stepped into the blinding beam of light. Suddenly, two powerful arms grabbed MuscleMan’s wrists from behind, and held them behind his back. MuscleMan resisted and tried to break free. But he realized that the man holding him was much

Muscular Mike

The doorbell rang. I sighed, knowing the dishwasher fixit man was finally here. I opened the front door. Standing before me was the largest, most muscular and handsome man I had ever seen--in person or pictures. He was at least 6’5” with short flat-top black hair. His eyes sparkled and his white teeth smiled a perfect smile. His neck was like a linebacker’s, and his traps

Muscular Mike Meets Jason

Mike and I had been seeing each other for about two months. He would cum over to my house and I would touch his massive muscles and jerk off. He would suck, ever-so-gently on my penis while I pet him. I would cum. He would cum. His orgasms were usually recordable on the Richter scale. I once timed one of his orgasms. It lasted– the climax and the squirting– lasted

Superhero MuscleMan rapes Doug

Episode One – Raping Doug Brock Garrett (a.k.a. MuscleMan) drove through town with a slight smirk on his face. He had just learned the identity of the stud at the gym whom he had earlier muscled into whimpering submission. The guy’s name was Doug. He had just moved into an apartment on the south side of town. The gym owner said Doug was usually a nice guy. Kinda quiet. The

The Ultimate Superhero - MuscleMan (intro)

The Ultimate Superhero – MuscleMan An Introduction By Derek Flex Brock Garrett was celebrating his 20th birthday alone. It’s not that he didn’t have any friends. Quite the contrary, he had people flocking to him whenever he wanted. But today, Brock had come to a new realization. He had “discovered” himself. Now, as he was just about to enter adulthood, he


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