Gay Erotic Stories

My 19th Birthday

by Rudy

What do you give a gay teenager who has everything except self-esteem? Answer: A date with an absolutely gorgeous young man. That was my cousin's idea of a perfect gift for me on my 19th birthday. "You're too old and too big to be walking around with a sad look on your face," Eddie scolded. "That's what little kids do. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. You're attractive, you've got a great looking ass, and you've got the interest of a lot of guys. Grow up, for chrissake!" Eddie delivered my gorgeous looking date to my door, handed him two 20-dollar bills and the keys to his apartment, and told him to make my big night "memorable." Kurt---that was my date's first name---led me to his car, handed me the two 20s, and told me he was taking me to his home. "My parents are gone and I've got everything ready." He wasn't kidding. Our dinner was cooking when we arrived at his place. All he had to do was set the table and light the candles. Yes, I said candles. He wanted a romantic dinner for two. "This is all very nice," I complimented him. "Well, I have to admit something to you: It was just going to be a movie and a pizza when I agreed to this date. Then I saw how good looking you are . . . and, well, here we are." There was no need to ask him where he hoped our romantic dinner would lead. There were signs all over the place---two robes and fresh towels out by his pool, candles and bottles of bubble bath around an oversized bathtub upstairs, and cologne sprayed over the pillows on his bed. Oh, and a number of gay videos near his VCR where I'd be sure and see them. I had to telephone my cousin for advice. "Advice!" he bellowed. "Advice! You're alone with a guy who's horny for you and you need advice? What the hell is the matter with you?" Nothing was the matter with me once I was in Kurt's arms, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and gave him everything he hoped for and then some. On the sofa in his den, not upstairs in bed, was where he fucked me. Twice. He was on me like a lion on a gazelle. The only problem was with my cousin afterwards. He wanted to hear everything that happened in detail. Everything I told him supported his prediction that Kurt would bring me out of my Sad Sack mood. And he was right. I was on Cloud Nine for a long time. Then it seemed like returning the interest I got from other gay guys was the easiest thing in the world. I was so happy I even told my mom. She's feeling much better. After her heart attack, the pills her doctor prescribed left her kinda punchy. She's down to a half-dozen pills and insists that's all she needs . . . so long as I don't surprise her again.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Rudy

Kelinci Percobaan

Mesin Penghisap Namaku Rudy. Sebenarnya aku berusia 18 tahun sebaya dengan anak muda seperti biasanya dan hidup seperti biasanya. Aku masih duduk di bangku SMA di Surabaya. Aku suka sekali olahraga bahkan bela diri sekalipun. Aku sangat suka main tenis, berenang, dan sepak bola. Kalo bela diri aku hanya ikut Taekwondo dan sekarang sudah sabuk merah. Aku ikut beladiri ini sejak SMP

My 19th Birthday

What do you give a gay teenager who has everything except self-esteem? Answer: A date with an absolutely gorgeous young man. That was my cousin's idea of a perfect gift for me on my 19th birthday. "You're too old and too big to be walking around with a sad look on your face," Eddie scolded. "That's what little kids do. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. You're

Pertemuan Pertama

JUMAT Siang tadi aku telefon Arman. Kami sepakat untuk bertemu di lobby Hilton Hotel besok, jam 15.00. Aku sudah tidak sabar menunggu saat-saat pertemuan kami yang pertama. Gambaran dirinya adalah idamanku, tinggi, badan atletis, berkumis tebal, rambut pendek dan macho. Semoga dia belum punya pacar. SABTU Sejak pagi aku gelisah sekali. Akhirnya saat-saat yang kunantikan

Pertemuan Pertama (Lanjutan)

Pertemuan Pertama (Lanjutan) Pagi-pagi aku sudah terbangun. Kulihat Arman masih tergolek di sisiku. Dia masih tertidur dengan lelap. Napasnya teratur dan matanya terpejam. Bulu matanya yang lentik terlihat tergerak-gerak sedikit. Apakah dia sedang memimpikan kejadian semalam, aku berpikir dalam hati. Badannya yang tegap itu tampak seksi. Otot otot dadanya berisi, pasti

Remaja Dimadu Polisi

Namaku Rudy. Aku berumur 18 tahun dan masih di bangku kelas III SMA di suatu sekolah negeri di Surabaya. Aku memiliki tinggi 175 cm dan beratku 70 kg, aku memiliki warna kulit coklat terang serta bodyku kencang tak berlemak sebab aku sangat suka olahraga dan angkat beban meskipun tidak terlalu berat. Banyak orang yang ngomong aku ini ganteng dan seksi dan mungkin akan mendapat banyak


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