Gay Erotic Stories

My 30th Birthday

by Sparkie

My friends decided that we should do something really special for my 30th birthday, seeing this as the passing of a major milestone in my life. This made me feel really great on one hand, yet view the whole matter with trepidation on the other. Certainly I was hitting the big 30, was in good shape, had a great job and some great friends; but also had this sinking feeling of apprehension regarding the what the next decade of my life might bring. Jeff and Eric were great friends and I had really come to rely on them following the breakup with Phil, my partner for the past 8 years. This was nothing dramatic, just a culmination of different job changes, schedules, interests--all those little things that add up to a real difference in opinion. Oh yes, and his new object of interest, a Jamaican named Oscar! Anyway, the past 8 years were history and, except for my friends, I was feeling really out of place. Phil and I hadn't agreed on selling the house, and I hadn't yet moved out, so I had to take over one of the guest bedrooms. I tried to make myself scarce at the critical times---just about every evening! It was damn difficult not to hear the cavorting, and other pleasurable noises coming from the master bedroom--after all it was a loft--open to the living room from above. Most evenings, I elected to join friends at the local watering holes after work, usually coming home just prior to the 11 PM news. I would catch up on the local, national and international events of the day, then hit the sack--alone! This had gone on for several weeks and was becoming both boring and expensive! My wallet was really taking a hit, so I reluctantly agreed to go along with my friends' idea of spending the big 30 in Provincetown. The flight to Boston was uneventful and seemingly short. I had had a hard week of working during the day and supporting my favorite bartender by evening, so promptly fell asleep about 20 minutes into the flight. After landing at Logan, we rented a car and headed out to the cape. Checking into a large gay hotel on the beach, we could hear the activity in the bar. Eric and Jeff dumped their bags in the room and promptly headed in the direction of the club. I joined them after a shower. The evening was just what anyone would want--great location, beautiful beachfront surroundings, lots of hot men, most half sweaty and half naked, dancing up a storm to some really great tunes. Even though I had been tired earlier, the shower had done its magic and I was "cruising" along just fine. After a long and physically demanding dance session with Jeff, I ordered another cocktail and took a healthy swig. I looked up and there was a great looking guy looking at me--Phil reincarnated! Our eyes met briefly, then a friend got his attention and he turned away. Shit! Now I was suddenly fighting to hold back remembrances of previous trips to P'town with Phil, and other escapades. This last drink was really a stiff one--I guess my generous tipping of the bartender had had its desired effect. All of the sudden, the week's hours of work and play were catching up to me. I elected to retreat and hit the sack. The next morning--actually about noon--Jeff and Eric finally presented themselves for lunch--to hell with breakfast! We spent the day cruising the shops and the guys cruising the shops! Sensory overload--for sure. That evening, Jeff and Eric had a special dinner planned and the restaurant and food was great--for the three of us. Yep, three--and I was both the object of the evening's festivities and the odd man out. Following dinner, they had wanted to return to the hotel's disco. Not wanting a repeat of the previous evening, I elected to join them for a couple of drinks and sneak out to another establishment I had enjoyed on previous visits. The evening was hot, yet the breeze cooled bare skin just enough to prevent breaking a sweat. "Hi" a voice spoke from my right side, as I opened the small corner bar's door. I turned towards the source of the salutation, and there was the guy from the disco last evening. "My name's Tyler, and yours?" ...We struck up an conversation and after who knows how many stories and drinks, we decided to revisit the disco. We had just ordered a drink, when Tyler took my arm and said "let's hit the floor". This turned into a marathon that neither of us wanted to end. Tyler was into the music and I was talked out--more importantly didn't know what more to say. He had long since taken off his shirt, I followed suit. My eyes must have widened and he probably noticed. He had a good body--not too muscular--but a nice chest that tapered neatly to a sweaty and wet band of 501's where a belt should be. I was beginning to fade, but he succeeded in getting another tune out of me, then the mix slowed and he came closer, changed positions, our heated bodies touched and we were slow dancing. It felt great, slippery, hot, yet with an occasional sea breeze cooling the skin. Tyler was a good dancer--conventionally speaking. The song was nearing its end, he pulled me closer and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. Still lip-locked, we moved in the direction of the nearest corner and continued our embrace. Tongues exploring each other's mouths. Sweat mingled between our chests, arms, hands. Tyler stroked my hair while suggestively rubbing my crotch with the other. Hell--what was happening! At this point, I made a joke in an effort to start some small talk--", this is turning out to be quite a birthday...". Suddenly, I realized that my 30th birthday, Jeff and Eric included, hadn't popped up in conversation. Tyler didn't seem to care, "...well, how about an impromptu! he whispered. The next thing I knew, we were alone in my hotel room, our bodies embraced again, jeans and shorts tossed away and laying in a suddenly damp bed enjoying our salty bodies and the salt air. During the course of the evening we did just about everything two guys could do--again and again. We spent the rest of the weekend together. Eric and Jeff looked at each other knowingly... Oh, yes, the weekend just wasn't enough. Two weeks later, Tyler moved to South Florida, I moved out of the house, bought a new condo, Tyler moved in. We lived there for 5 years before relocating back to Chicago. We are both Partners in each other's lives and in our computer internet company too! Yep, that 30th birthday was a milestone-now what does one do for the 40th?


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Sparkie

Cousin, Cousin

Well, I guess the best place to begin--is at the beginning. I'm not sure just how things got started between us, but I'm sure it had a lot to do with teenage runnaway hormones and just plain pent up horniness. My cousin Jeff lived about 1.5 hours north of us in a small western Nebraska town of about 400 people. This was always the brunt of lots of jokes and one-upsmanship. In

El Paso Connection

It all started when I and my lover moved to Denver. I had been transferred by my company and he was just out of college, so after much planning we decided to move our 1 year relationship to the mile high city. Quite a change coming from the east coast to a western city. Lots of new faces, new places, streets, and a whole new gay scene to get acquainted with. We were anxiously

Just Another John

It was an ideal early summer evening. I had just completed my second year in college and was home for the summer. Earlier, I had spent the day clearing up some yard chores with my dad. Tomorrow, we planned to build that new brick planter around the gas yard light. But for tonight, I had washed and wiped down my little white Camaro convertible and was going out on the town. Out

My 30th Birthday

My friends decided that we should do something really special for my 30th birthday, seeing this as the passing of a major milestone in my life. This made me feel really great on one hand, yet view the whole matter with trepidation on the other. Certainly I was hitting the big 30, was in good shape, had a great job and some great friends; but also had this sinking feeling of

One Just Never Knows, Part 1

I remember when we first moved to South Florida from Chicago more than a decade ago. We didn’t know we had so many friends…we had non-stop company visiting from mid-December through the end of April. We enjoyed it, but it eventually put a strain on our privacy as well as our finances. Looking back, I guess it was worth it though…we had quite a few “close” friends… Having a townhouse with

One Just Never Knows, Part 2

I pushed Aaron into the shower first, but he pulled me inside with him. "Don't need to waste water," he smiled. Who was I to disagree? “I’m into recycling too.” I retorted. Aaron just game me an inquisitive look, which turned into an evil grin and a raised eyebrow, making me wonder just how he took that…then regretting what I said when I considered another possible meaning. Now my

The Tennis Lesson

We had just moved to South Florida from our native Chicago. After getting settled into the new townhouse, Walt and I decided--actually I decided-- to sample the tennis courts and pool. After much coaxing, Walt relented and accompanied me in the direction of the tennis courts. It was still fairly early on Saturday morning, so there were no players on the court. No one to bother


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