Gay Erotic Stories

My Brother And His Best Friend

by Kyle Jacobs

It was sometime during the second semester of my brother’s ninth grade year that Lance moved to our small mountain city. Immediately they became best friends. After a very short time, it was like I had another brother. He even started calling my parents Mom and Dad.

My brother is exactly eighteen months to the day younger then I. Jay and Lance were still at Neville Junior High, while I had already moved on to Millard Filmore High School.

I know the move was a huge culture shock to Lance. He had lived in Hawaii for the previous 8 ½ years, when suddenly in the middle of the school year his father was transferred to a military post near our town. Imagine going from a tropical location like Honolulu to a small city plopped on the top of a mountain in the Alleghenies. In February no less. I think when he moved in, the temperature was about 20oF and we had 10 inches of snow.

Lance was like a brother to both Jay and me, except he was a “touch” person and our family was very not into that. I got used to his hugging and backslapping, even to his friendly little punches on the arm. I also got used to having him around, especially in the summer. Our house was the gathering place for all our friends. We’d all spend the whole day hanging out around our pool, sunning and swimming and just enjoying life. I certainly got used to seeing Lance in his swimsuit, which hugged his hips like I only wished I could.

I should tell you a little about all of us. My name is Kyle. I have light brown hair, blue-green eyes, am 5’10” tall, and weigh about 165. I inherited the broad build of my father. I have a full, thick, soft mat of fur that covers me from shoulders on down. My pubes are unusually thick and form a nice frame for my thick 7 inch dick and fat balls. I furred over during the summer between junior high and high school. I was always a little self conscious of it then, since I was the only male in the family, and one of the few in my class, to have this. Mom says I get that from my French grandfather. All through school I was involved with the band, which meant many hours spent on the marching grounds. It was wonderful for my legs and ass. Besides my eyes, I consider my legs and ass to be my best features.

My brother Jay took more after my Mom’s family with his long, lean looks. Jay is just shy of six feet tall, has dark brown hair and brooding dark blue eyes. His smile is infectious and can bring even the coldest heart to laugh unexpectedly. Jay’s sense of humor was among the first things people mentioned about him; he is widely known as a practical joker. He weighs about 150, and to this day still has only 17 hairs on his chest. He played baseball, but mostly just for the fun of it. This gave his slim body a fine tightness. His dick was just like the rest of him, long and slender. His 8 inch dick was of a uniform thickness from base to tip and curved over his low pendulous scrotum.

Lance was obviously not related to us. He stood 5’7” and had a slight build. He kept his blond hair cut fairly short, probably thanks to his military father. Lance’s icy blue eyes were constantly sparkling, the mischief just barely hidden. His years for surfing and swimming had toned his body nicely. His legs were sculpted, his arms firm and lightly muscled. His abs were smoothly cut, tapering artfully to his rounded hips and butt. For some reason I always thought his butt looked like two halves of a coconut: high, hard and slightly tear shaped. For a blond he tanned easily and seemed to forever keep that warm toasted color.

After graduation I left town to attend a large southern university. I entered the teaching college and really threw myself into my studies, as always. I had been an honor student throughout school and was finally glad to be out of that small town with it’s often small minded people. I had accepted my gayness completely by sixth grade and never thought much about.

I had only furtively acted upon my sexuality with a neighbor boy. We exchanged hand jobs in the tree house in the forest behind my home a few times. That was the extent of my sexual experience to that point. Of course, I had an active imagination and raging hormones. My jerk-off sessions would sometimes last all night.

I hoped to broaden my horizons in the large university city. But that didn’t happen. I was too overwhelmed with school work and just didn’t know how to find another gay person. The few that I could spot were too fey. I was just expecting everything to sort itself out in time. I wasn’t a recluse, I had a nice social circle and some really great friendships were formed. They didn’t evolve into a physical thing.

During the autumn quarter of my senior year I got a call from Jay. He invited me to come visit him at the home-state university. Jay was majoring in legal studies, and Lance was going into psychological nursing. I thought it over for a while. It would be great to see him and Lance again. Since my school was on the quarter system and theirs on semesters, I could make a long weekend of it. They had naturally enough become roommates as freshmen, pledged the same fraternity, and moved into an apartment adjacent to campus before their sophomore year.

The ten hour drive seemed to take forever, but I finally got to their apartment without much trouble in the unfamiliar town. I was surprised at how civilized it looked and wondered if they had cleaned on my account. It was a very homey place, and was larger than I thought. Lance cooked a great meal. We sat talking and eating around the table in the kitchen. I laughed out loud when Lance chided Jay about not eating his vegetables. I commented that Jay had never liked them and Lance told me that he always had to force Jay to finish them. Later we sat around the living room listening to the stereo, drinking beer, smoking a few bowls, and just catching up with one another.

I soon found that I was zapped. The long drive, the meal, the beer, the weed had all done a number on me. I asked where I should crash, fully accepting that the couch was where I’d be. Jay piped up, “Certainly not. You take my bed.”

I told him it was unfair. He shouldn’t have to give up his bed, even if I was his older brother. He said he’d just bunk with Lance, since Lance had a king size bed. At that point I was just too tired and buzzed to argue. I wandered into my brother’s sparsely furnished room and was soon asleep on the waterbed.

The next morning I woke with a little start, not recognizing my surroundings. Once I had my bearings, I stepped into the hall and shuffled into the kitchen. Lance called out from the other room that there was coffee and to just help myself. I gladly, if slowly, poured myself a steaming mugful and carefully sipped it. Jay had never liked coffee, so I was surprised when he called out for me to bring him a cup. With all the grace I could muster from my woozy brain and body, I cautiously carried the cups into the living room. I found the two of them sitting cross-legged in the floor, and great pile of laundry in front of them and my brother’s cat, Sampson, playing gingerly in the clothes.

Lance swatted the cat away while I passed the mug of coffee to Jay. I sat in the recliner and quietly sipped my coffee, still not awake. I asked if they minded if I smoked. There’s nothing like fresh hot coffee and a cigarette in the morning. They said no and went on with their sorting and folding.

My mind suddenly snapped when Jay held up a pair of the skimpiest purple bikini briefs I had ever seen. “Who’s are these?” he asked Lance.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter,” Lance replied and took the sexy underwear, folded it neatly, and placed it in a pile. A pile. That’s when I noticed that there was a pile of towels. A pile of shirts. A pile of jeans. A pile of underwear. Nothing was separated into piles of ‘mine’ and ‘yours.’

My mind was quickly putting things together. Two young college guys, and the apartment looked like my Mother would even approve. The great dinner and Lance scolding my brother for not eating well. The two of them sharing a room, a bed, without so much as a fuss or grumble. Jay’s room looking like a spare bedroom that was seldom even opened, let alone used. The way they played with the cat, and shared the chores. My little brother and my somewhat-brother are lovers. It just has to be!

At that moment I refocused my eyes to see Lance looking at me. His eyes, like I said, were always full of mischief. The expression that came across his face then was full of knowing. He could tell I had started to unravel the mystery. Lance winked at me and quietly went back to his laundry chores.

I got up from the recliner and headed back to the coffeepot, announcing on my way out of the room that I was going to take a shower. Jay told me where I could find the towels, and I grabbed one on my way into the bathroom. As the warm water cascaded over me I let my mind deal with what I thought I had figured out. Still, I found it difficult to fathom. These two guys, one family and the other nearly so, were unfamiliar to me in ways. A part of me was exhilarated.

As I opened the bathroom door, I could see across the squarish hallway into Lance’s bedroom. Jay and Lance were in front of the open closet. Jay was sitting on the edge of the wide bed, Lance standing between his legs, and they were locked to each other at the lips. I stood there dumbly for a minute or two, watching these beautiful men kissing. They hadn’t heard the door open, so they didn’t know I was barely ten feet away completely enraptured in the show they thought was a private performance.

Quietly I stepped over to the bedroom, letting my towel puddle at my feet in the doorway. With my now-erect dick leading the way, I approached them. It wasn’t until I was almost beside them that they realized I was there. The look of shock on my brother’s face was really funny to me. The mischief in Lance’s eyes spread across his face. I’m not sure if it was because they were caught, or because I was standing beside them naked and hard as a brick bat, or some combination of those.

“Mind if I join in?” I asked, shocking myself with this newfound boldness.

“Not at all,” Lance chirped. “But I have one request. I want to see my ‘brothers’ kiss and make up first.”

The only thing I’d be making up for was lost time. I slipped my right hand around my brother Jay’s neck and leaned down to kiss him. My nerves were surprisingly still. As my lips met his I felt the tingles shoot through my body, causing my cock to leap and throb. Jay’s lips were soft, yet firm. I felt his tongue slide across my freshly brushed teeth and search my mouth to ind my own tongue. Our eyes were open and locked intently on the other’s, but there was no challenge, only acceptance. We kissed deeply for many minutes. My brain was racing with thoughts: I am kissing my own brother, while his lover, my almost-brother, is holding onto each of us and pressing us together.

Slowly, reluctantly, I pulled away from Jay’s lips. Damn, he was a wonderful kisser! I looked deeply again into his eyes and asked, “Do you mind if I kiss your boyfriend?”

Jay’s famous smile erupted on his face, causing me to smile and laugh softly. He looked warmly at me and replied, “We’ve always shared everything, I think it’s time we share our secrets. I don’t mind if you don’t, Lance.” He shifted his glance to the sexy little blond hunk.

“Mind?! Hell, I thought this fantasy would never get here!” Lance leaned up to me and we kissed. His full lips were like silk, warm and soft and yielding. His talent was obvious in his tongue. It wrapped itself almost instinctively around mine, stroking and fluttering. The chills that sensation sent coursing around my snapping nerves became evident when the goose pimples popped up all over me. I was hot and cold at the same time.

As we languidly broke off the kiss and pulled away from each other’s face, a sigh that was barely more than a breath escaped me. Jay was laughing now. “He’s a helluva of a kisser ain’t he?” All I could do in response was nod as Lance blushed so deeply he looked sunburnt.

My instinct must have kicked in full force at that very second. I found my hands, one again behind my brother’s neck and the other in his pulsing crotch, knew more than my mind. My fingers were working intently on his dick as it stretched along his left thigh. I felt another set of hands working open the buttons of Jay’s shirt, then down to the buttons of his jeans. I opened my eyes so I could enjoy the visual excitement. I suddenly broke off the kiss with my brother.

At some point, Lance had slipped quickly and silently out of his clothes. This was the first time I had ever seen him nude. I was pleasantly shocked. His body was better than I had remembered, and his hard dick was the most shocking. It was uncut, thick as a baby’s arm, and coarsely veined. He was the exact length of my own brother. It was all the more impressive on his small frame. His testicles were full and low and speckled in light-colored hair.

As Lance continued to expose more of my brother’s body to my inquisitive eyes, I moved one hand to his cock as the other hand went into Jay’s lap to tease his hard-on. I kissed Lance while he continued is work.

“Hey, Kyle! Come up for air!” I heard Jay call out. “This is awkward. Everybody two steps apart.”

We all disentangled ourselves so the clothes could come off. I had Jay and Lance stand beside each other so I could get a good look at them. I easily admitted that they were a good-looking couple. I placed a hand of each of their chests and could feel the hearts thudding inside, in time with the other. Their dicks lifted and sniffed at the air as if searching for it’s mate.

I pushed them back onto the bed and in a more demanding tone than I thought I ever had ordered, “Kiss. I want to watch you two kissing again.”

Jay and Lance gladly set to the task. It was such a hot scene seeing them kiss, their naked bodies fitting like custom puzzle pieces. I climbed on the bed to rejoin them, taking one hard cock in each of my hands. I stroked them slowly, heard them moan into each other’s mouth.

It was time I came clean with them. “Umm, guys ... I should tell you ... I’ve never done this before. We all know I’m gay, and I sure as hell know I’ve wanted to do something like this.”

My two favorite guys looked down at me, and a shiver rushed across Jay’s body. “Ohmigawd, my big brother’s a virgin?” It was almost a question and I could feel the blood flood my face.

After several quiet minutes I answered, “Technically, yes. But I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have teach me than you two.”

Almost in unison they said, “You could have fooled me.” To which Jay added, “You’ve got good instincts. It must run in the family.” We all laughed out loud and the nervous tension was gone, completely erased.

The three of us clambered fully onto the bed. I knew what my next lesson would be. I looked into Jay’s eyes and pushed him gently back onto the bed. Maintaining eye contact, I opened my mouth and hovered over his dick. He licked his lips and nodded to me, as if telling me it was okay. I slid out my tongue and licked the spot just below the slit where a bubble of pre-cum had formed. The taste was thick, salty and pungent. It rushed to my brain like a drug. I inhaled and impaled my mouth onto his cock. I heard him gasp as I took more of him into my mouth.

Slowly, I withdrew to the head drawing a deep breath and descended again onto my brother’s dick. I was stunned when I felt his pubes scratch my nose, the scent of him filling me with raw desire. Lance was gently coaching next to my ear, his breath and the tip of his tongue teasing me. “That’s it Kyle. Suck my lover’s dick, your brother’s dick. You’re doing great. Hear him breathing? He’s loving it.”

This encouragement filled me with a new determination. I began to exert more pressure on my lips, making them tighter around Jay’s hard cock. I began to take him harder and deeper in to my throat. I couldn’t believe I was deep-throating a dick, and that dick was attached to my brother!

“Bro, baby, slow down. You’re getting me too close,” Jay cried out. He placed his hands below my chin and lifted me off his dick. “Fuck! You sure you’re new at this?”

“He’s good,” Lance added as he leaned over and kissed me. He gently rolled me onto my back, never breaking our lip contact. I felt him roll over to my side and my brother’s mouth slid onto my own dick. I was leaking a great flood of pre-cum. I felt Jay’s tongue swirl my juices around to lube me. He then violently began to fuck his face into my crotch. Lance pulled his lips from mine, smiled at me, and straddled my face.

He pulled back his foreskin and the scent of his dick shot into my nostrils. It was hot and earthy. It made fire points ignite all over me. He aimed his prick at my mouth and told me to open wide. Lance placed his dick on my tongue and held it there, allowing me to savor his taste. I was amazed at how different he tasted from Jay. His fluid was sweet and much thinner. Lance began feeding me his dick at a controlled pace, knowing it would take me some time to get used to his wide member.

The sensation of Lance’s thick cock gliding along in my mouth, and Jay’s mouth thundering onto my cock almost sent me over the edge. They pulled off me at the same time and watched as the quakes eased and passed from my sweating body.

“You guys are making me crazy,” I stammered. I hardly felt that I could control my own body. They each knelt on either side of my face, softly kissing and whispering to me. Their hands roamed over me, raking through the fur on my chest, tickling at my balls and the spot just behind. Jay slid down my body, and I thought he was going to take me into his wonderful mouth again. I felt his hot breath against my dick, then my roiling nuts, and then he slid even farther down.

He grasped my ankles and raised them, slipping his hands down to my thighs, rolling me backwards into a ball. Lance dipped his head into my armpit, licking and inhaling. That’s when I felt Jay’s tongue dart out and poke my asshole. Some incomprehensible sound came out of my throat, rumbling deeply into the recesses of the room. As Jay’s tongue circled and teased my butthole, Lance’s did the same with my nipple.

When Jay pointed his tongue and jabbed it into my hole, Lance gently bit down on my nipple. This caused my hole to flare open and Jay began poking and lapping my hole, filling me with his spit. Lance moved up to my ear and swabbed it with his fluttering tongue, kissing my ear and softly puffing warm air inside. He whispered to me, “Relax, baby. Just relax. We won’t hurt you.”

Just hearing him say that made me relax, like a spell. Jay was eagerly eating my ass, thoroughly rimming me and covering me in his saliva. I felt him slip his finger inside, twisting and turning, probing me and preparing me. I knew what he was getting me ready for, and I was happy to accept it. Jay added another finger and lightly scissored them, making my muscles experience new thrills.

Lance turned around to face Jay as he again straddled my face and sat down, planting his fuzzy butt on my nose. His musky, slightly funky, scent made me go wild. I was trying to do to Lance what Jay had done to me with his tongue. Lance firmly grabbed my ankles and pulled them back to his shoulders. Jay sat up, inserted the index finger of each hand to open me completely and spat into my asshole. When he withdrew his fingers I knew what was going to enter me next, and I was unafraid.

The hot head of Jay’s dick pressed against my tenderized butthole. His juices were leaking freely, helping to lubricate me for my first fuck. Lance rocked his ass back off my tongue and somehow used his pubic muscles to smack his dick against my open mouth. Jay was making small circles with his dick against my butt.

Without being able to look at him, all I could do was just encourage him. “Do me bro, bust my butt.... Come on man, fuck my ass!”

Apparently, that was just all he needed to hear. He pressed forward. I felt my hole stretch and the head of his cock slip into me. As I opened my mouth to gasp, Lance forced his own cock into my throat and started banging my face. I was getting fucked at both ends by “my brothers.” I was loving every new wave of lust that swelled and crashed inside me.

Jay fully thrust into my ass, grinding his pubes against me. I felt my muscles relax a little more. My little brother took his cue and started sliding slowly out of me. He stopped with just the flared head of his dick in my anus. He grasped his dick at the base, making swirling motions and teasing me to new heights. Jay reveled in this power over me.

Jay soon found a deliberate, forceful rhythm. He pounded my ass hard and deep with each stroke. Lance was not far behind, setting up a syncopated cadence. As one of the boys’ dicks slipped into me, the other glided out. I felt Jay driving to an orgasm, when he abruptly stopped and yanked his prick out of my butt.

Lance pulled out of my suctioning mouth and repositioned himself at my open hole. Jay came up to lie beside me. When Lance entered me, Jay tenderly kissed me and stroked my sweat-soaked hair. Lance’s method was slightly different. His entry and backstroke was slow, determined, affectionate. His remarkable sac playfully smacked against me with every downbeat.

They took a tag team approach to my initiation. They would trade places, one fucking my ass while the other tantalized me elsewhere. I had the sweat lapped from my armpits. My nipples were licked, teased, and nibbled. My toes were swabbed by hungry tongues. My dick was sucked, the juice flowing freely from me like a spring. I was brought to the point of orgasm, and then gently pulled back from the edge.

When it was Jay’s third turn at my hole, he flipped me over onto my hands and knees. Lance wrapped himself over my back, using his hands to pry apart my cheeks so Jay could slam his cock roughly into me. Jay grabbed my hips, driving full-length into me. Over and over and over he rode my butt. Lance slid under me, taking my aching dick in his mouth. He used his amazing tongue to bring me to the point of cumming. I expected him to stop before I could finally get off. The pressure was intense within me and I was dying to shoot off.

This time, though, Lance and Jay let me cum. My sperm flooded into Lance’s mouth. Fire consumed me from the inside out. I screamed a loud, low, primal announcement of my climax. I heard Jay urging me on, his foul language adding to my excitement. Then he unexpectedly ripped out of my vibrating guts.

Lance deftly pulled himself between my legs and buried his face into my battered butthole. He had held my spunk in his mouth. Lance levered my hole open and spat my own cum deep into my asshole. He then madly rammed into me. My chest collapsed onto the bed, which forced my hips back and up. This angle gave him greater penetration as he used my sex-nectar as grease. I felt his already big cock swell and pulse, the rope-like veins fill with even more blood. The ridges of his dick rasping against my sphincter.

“Awww, fucking hell! Yeah, man take it ... take my load up your ass!” With that scream he unleashed a hot, steady stream of cum in my ass. It felt as if he was pissing in me his orgasm was so vicious.

When the last shudders of his manic release passed from his body, he slipped out of me. I felt the mix of our fluids oozing down my crack, my balls, my thighs. Jay mounted me again and hammered his prick deep, searching for his own fulfillment.

“Oh, Kyle. I’m gonna nut in your butt! You want my cum, big brother? Tell me you want it,” Jay begged.

In ragged breaths I wheezed, “Do it baby brother. Fill me up with your cum. Pump my ass full of that stuff!” He never stopped his hard thrusting as spurt after spurt of his sperm shot into my gut. I felt it squishing around his driving dick, the excess following the path of his lover’s spent seed.

My knees finally gave out and I collapsed face down on the mattress. The guys were panting on either side of me. All of us were completely worn out and satisfied.

Later that night I finally got my turn at both of them. I loved watching Jay bounce on my dick as I lay on my back, while Lance again straddled my face. When I fired my cum into my brother’s butt, he shot wad after wad on my neck, chest and stomach. His cum covered me and melted into the hair. This made Lance lose his load all over my face and in my mouth.

That was nine years ago. Jay and I both came out to our parents. It was a difficult time for all of us, but we all made it through. We’re as proud of our parents as they are of us; we are each other’s strongest supporters. Jay and Lance are still together -- I even stood up for them at their Union. They now live just five blocks from me and my partner. I did tell Shawn about the incident that finally brought me out, and while I’m sure he has a fantasy or three about revisiting that scene with us, we all know it won’t happen. Don’t we?


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Kyle Jacobs

My Brother And His Best Friend

It was sometime during the second semester of my brother’s ninth grade year that Lance moved to our small mountain city. Immediately they became best friends. After a very short time, it was like I had another brother. He even started calling my parents Mom and Dad. My brother is exactly eighteen months to the day younger then I. Jay and Lance were still at Neville Junior High,


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