Gay Erotic Stories

My College Roommate

by CrazyAce

It was my first semester going full-time to college. I was nervous, like anyone else would be. After much debate, I decided to reside on-campus as opposed to living at home and commuting. It was just more economical to live in the dorms. I would reluctantly give up my privacy in order to save money...and as a person who values his privacy, I wasn't happy about this.

I was hoping to get a room to myself, and upon arrival I found the room empty. For the next few days I settled in nicely, going to orientation and getting started. By the end of my first week, I was enjoying myself in my new room.

But my privacy was shattered when I came home from class one day the following week. The director of the particular floor I lived on caught me in the halls. "Hey, Ace. You'd better straighten up your room a little, your new roommate is going to be coming in this afternoon." Jill said to me with a non-expressive face.

I started to protest, "A new roommate? But why..." Jill interrupted me,

"He asked for a transfer from his other roommate, you were the only room available. Sorry, man." she said just a little too cheerfully as she skuttled away. I felt like throwing my book at her as I continued to my room, feeling like my day and probably the rest of the semester was ruined.

I cleaned out one side of my small room, knowing that soon it would no longer be mine. The day was moving on, and my pouting was put on hold as it was time for another class. I left my room, feeling less secure, and double-checking to make sure that all valuables were hidden.

Sitting through a boring class with something on your mind is not fun, and it was torture for me. I just knew that I'd get some partying jock for a roommate, or some partying frat guy. I loathe the type, and all their preppiness. I just knew that my semester was going to be in ruins, and that I would have to move back home and commute.

My sense of dread grew as I approached my room my steps getting smaller and my pace slowing. I stopped outside my door, and closed my eyes, sighing. I heard my new roommate's choice of music, heavy metal. I rolled my eyes and pushed out any emotions I may have had as I turned the door knob.

I entered the room, regulating my breathing. There was my roommate, putting something away in the closet on his side of the room. I saw that he was thin or maybe muscular, he was wearing what I call "punk" clothing, with closely shaved blond hair. Not a crewcut, just short hair.

He must have heard me enter because he stepped from out of the closet and looked to see who it was. I looked right into his eyes, and my jaw dropped. Walking towards me was the most handsome man I had ever seen. He had a masculine face, and the most gorgeous blue eyes. I had never really had anything for blondes, but this guy screamed, "HUNK".

"Hey, I'm Jock. I'm your new roommate." he said, snapping me out of my trance. I could barely speak as I answered, "I'm Ace."

I shook his hand, sure that he would notice that I was shaking. "Yeah, I've seen you around. We have psychology class together." he said, "But it's nice to finally meet you in person."

I could only nod my head as I searched my mind. I was pretty sure that I had never seen this guy before in Psych class, but then again I never really looked around while in the classroom, I was always too busy staring at the hunky, young professor.

Again, I was snapped out of my thoughtful trance by Jock. He had been speaking to me,

"...and I hope you don't mind if I play my music whenever one of us isn't studying." I quickly muttered, "No, that's not a problem." (Even though it was) The two of us talked for awhile longer, getting some ground rules out o the way (me mostly bumbling around like some kind of idiot).

Finally, Jock announced that he had a class to go to, and he left. As the door closed behind him, I let out a huge sigh and collapsed on my bed. Suddenly, all my fears came rushing back to me. "Ugh...this guy is a JOCK, even his name is JOCK!" I whimpered aloud.

I saw one of his bags laying in the corner, and my nosiness got the better of me. I went to the bag and saw the owner's tag. I read it, and it turned out that his wasn't "Jock", but Jacques. This hit me as funny and I laughed. I decided not to search through his stuff, despite curiosity.

When Jacques returned later that day, we talked a little more. I was less startled by this hunky guy's cuteness, and could actually hold a decent conversation. It would turn out that Jacques and I have many things in common. It would also turn out that Jacques was a very sweet and kind guy.

As time progressed, and the more I got to know Jacques, the more I fell in love with him. He was just the perfect guy to me. He started sitting with me in Psych class, and occasionally we would go to lunch or dinner together. Jacques wasn't very book smart, so I would help him all the time with his homework.

Any opportunity that presented itself for me to see him undressed was taken advantage of. He was muscular, and he wasn't very hairy (which made my attraction to him even stranger, because I LOVE hairy men). I had never seen him completely nude, mostly in his boxers.

The semester progressed, and I eventually convinced myself that my love for Jacques was stupid and a waste of time. I was still nice to him, but I made an effort to spend less time with him. I learned to hate being around him because I could never have him. Eventually I turned my love for him around, and began to hate and despise him. It was horrible of me, but it happened nonetheless. I avoided him completely, I even skipped many Psych classes. I was rude to him many times as well.

My semester from there went downhill, and soon I became a miserable person. I was tempted to drop out for the remainder of the semester, and I had trouble studying. My whole demeanor changed completely, I went from generally nice and clean cut to somewhat nice (except to Jacques) and didn't care about how I dressed or looked.

One morning, Jacques woke me up by lightly tapping my shoulder and calling my name. "Ace, it's time for Psych class. If you miss this one you'll get a whole grade deducted from your final score." he said.

I huffed as I put my pillow over my head, "I don't care." I heard Jacques sigh and walk over to his bed and sat down. The room was quiet for a long moment, and I almost fell back asleep when Jacques said, "What has happened to you, Ace? Are you on drugs or something?"

I didn't appreciate this, so I sat up quickly. "No, I am NOT on drugs, and it's none of your business if I was!" I said in a spite-filled voice. Jacques looked hurt by my tone, but I really didn't care, I had learned to hate him.

Jacques got up and started to grab his books before he looked to me. "You've changed since the first day I met you. You used to be nice, and all you could care about was getting good grades on your schoolwork. Now you're nothing like that. It's like you just don't care anymore." he almost whispered.

I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything, relying upon the uncaring look on my face to do all the talking. He walked back over to his bed and sat down again. "And you've been especially rude to me. I see how you avoid me. You used to hang out with me all the time, and we would help each other with our homework." he said as I briefly looked into his beautiful eyes.

I could see the concern and sadness in his eyes. "Hey, I was the one who helped YOU with YOUR homework." I said, the spite laid on thick.

He looked hurt by this and said, "I've been nothing but nice to you, man. I don't deserve this bullshit of yours. I thought you were a good person, but I can see now that you're not." he said without anger as he got up and walked out of the door. I sat there, alone.

I walked into Psych class, feeling wretched for what I had done. I sat down as the Professor continued his lecture. Jacques was several people away from me. I just couldn't bring myself to look at him. I felt horrible. Everything mean that I had ever done to him was haunting me, because the truth was he didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve any of it because he was nothing but nice to me. I felt sorry for what I had done, and I knew that I would have to make things better.

As class let out, I approached Jacques When he saw me he turned and started to walk away, but I rushed up to him and grabbed his shoulder. He looked at me, but I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes. I stared at my feet as I said lowly, "Listen...can we talk?"

I could feel him staring at me, so I looked up to show that I was sincere. I looked into his eyes.

"We can talk tonight after my Math class." was all he said as he walked away.

Having all that time to think about how badly I had acted made me depressed. I ate a small lunch and decided to skip my next class. Back at the room I was going over what to say to Jacques. I decided to just apologize to him. I started to get nervous about the time his math class is usually over.

The door opened and Jacques walked in, set his books down and took off his jacket. He messed around with his things as I sat quietly on my bed. When he was finally settled, he sat down on his bed and looked at me, silently.

I rubbed my chin nervously, and searched for the right words to use. "Jacques..." I began, followed by my own silence. He continued to look at me silently, waiting for what I had to say. Finally I just blurted out, "I'm really sorry for the way I've been treating you. I've been acting stupid lately, and I'd like to apologize. I..."

I had to stop myself, everything I had done to poor Jacques was running through my mind. My chin started to shake, and I knew that I was going to cry. I fought back as hard as I could, but I felt the tears roll slowly down my cheeks. I cursed myself for being such a sap. I wiped away the tears quickly and finished up what I had to say.

"I'm just sorry, okay?!" I covered my eyes with my hand, and knew that the silence would follow. I knew that Jacques would think I'm some kind of pansy, and it scared me. That's when I felt an arm go around me. It was shocking at first, but I knew it was Jacques.

I didn't have to look. I heard him ask, "But why? What made you act like this?" I didn't want to tell him, I really didn't, but he deserved an explanation, the right explanation, the truth. I sighed heavily and tried to compose myself. I uncovered my eyes (it was safe, I had finished crying) and looked into his caring and sympathetic eyes.

"I...was mean to you because..."

I just couldn't say it. His arm was still around me. "Because I started to hate you. I started to hate you because I...I..." I could no longer look into his eyes, I looked down and could feel more tears falling. I decided that after this emotional torture that I would treat myself to some ice cream, which made me smile a little.

It also gave me the strength to blurt out, "...I started to hate you because I am deeply in love with you, and I knew that I could never have you. You are the kindest and sweetest guy I have ever met, and I hated that I couldn't have you. I resented you, and it wasn't fair to you."

I continued to stare at my feet, as I felt his arm leave my shoulder. I decided to not say anything else, I was feeling bad enough and I wanted to let what I had told him to sink in. I was prepared to hear some gay-bashing, but I was willing to accept it.

It was shocking to feel his hand gently touch my chin. He gently pulled my face up, and I had no choice but to look into his eyes. His eyes were watery, and I could see his chin shaking. I couldn't believe my eyes, here this manly jock was near tears.

He couldn't speak (neither could I), we were both at a loss for words. We just sat there, looking at each other. I was prepared to get up and leave, and I guess he knew my intentions. As I started to turn away from him, he put his hand on the side of my face. He then reached over and started to kiss me gently.

I was shocked, but gave in. I allowed him to kiss me, and I started to kiss him back. We continued to kiss for awhile (who was keeping time?!) before he finally parted our lips. I could only look into his eyes, not knowing what to expect. He leaned in and kissed me again. He then took my hand and placed it onto his thigh. His hands started to roam my body.

At first I wasn't sure, but I realized what he had in mind.

Our kiss became more passionate, and soon my lust for him took over. I ran my hands over his body. We continuedd to make out and explore each other with our hands. Eventually we parted lips again and he stood up. He removed his shirt. I also stood and started to remove mine. He grabbed my hands, and removed my shirt for me, kissing me.

We embraced each other, and hugged each other as we began passionately kissing again. My hands went through his hair and down his muscular back. My hands roamed across his backside, and I felt his muscular ass through his jeans. As my hands felt their way into his jeans, our kissing became more urgent, more passionate. I reached into his jeans and felt his bare ass, and my hands slowly moved to the front of his jeans.

I felt his hard cock nestled in his jeans, and I began to stroke it lightly. His own hands were now on my hard prick. I broke our kiss this time as I looked into his eyes. I stared into his eyes, captivated by his beauty. He started to move in, wanting to kiss some more, but I put my finger over his lips, stopping him. His tongue darted out and he began to lick my finger, and took that into his mouth.

My saliva coated finger left his mouth and made a trail down his face, neck, and chest. I moved forward and began to kiss his adorable chin. His lips gently kissed my forehead as I moved my kissing down his neck. His hands gently caressed me as I made my way to his chest and I began to gently kiss his nipples.

I continued to move downward, and licked my way past his belly button. I could see his dick straining against the fabric of his jeans, and I licked and nuzzled his bulge. My hands roamed up his legs, and found their way to the his jeans. I slowly unzipped and unbuttoned his pants and pushed them and his boxers to the floor. I stared wide-eyed at his beautiful cock before I slowly licked around the head...

The next morning I awoke in Jacques' arms. I looked at his beautiful face, and laid my head down on his chest. I listened to his peaceful breathing.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from CrazyAce

My College Roommate

It was my first semester going full-time to college. I was nervous, like anyone else would be. After much debate, I decided to reside on-campus as opposed to living at home and commuting. It was just more economical to live in the dorms. I would reluctantly give up my privacy in order to save money...and as a person who values his privacy, I wasn't happy about this. I was


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