Gay Erotic Stories

My Dad and My Love

by Eric Shun

The first time I had sex with my father, I was 20 years old. I was home from college for the summer and was working for my father at his insurance agency. My father was 41 years old at the time this took place. My dad is the perfect image of manhood. He was a high school and a college athlete and stands 6 feet tall and weighs just over 210 pounds. He is without a doubt one of the most wholesomely good-looking men I have ever seen. He has dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a wide grin full of perfectly formed white teeth. He is one of the best-dressed men in our town, and is immediately recognized when he enters a room of people. I took after my father when it came to athletics, but I am the first to admit that my dad has all the good looks. I am often told that I am good looking, but my dad beats me by a mile. I had always admired him, but had never told him nor anyone else that I was gay. I was closeted and still am. I dated in high school where peer approval was important to me. Now that I am in college, that approval is less important, and it has been two years since I have had sex with a female. The Saturday afternoon that my dad and I "discovered" each other, we were at home and had the house to our selves for the afternoon and night. We had done some household chores and had showered and changed into our tee shirts and gym shorts. Dad made himself a cup of coffee, I was drinking a cola and we both sat on the small two-seater sofa in front of the TV. Conversation was light and we concentrated on the soccer match on the cable system. We had been glued to the TV for perhaps a half-hour when I got one of those "where did that come from" erections. My dick was somewhat pinned down but a quick glance down at my crotch let me know that it would be obvious if someone looked. I casually re- arranged my crotch to ease the pressure of my shorts on the meat. Moments later my dad shifted position slightly and put his right arm on the back of the sofa over my shoulders. At this point, I had no idea what was about to happen and assumed that Dad had not noticed anything. Not that it mattered that much, because Dad and I had always been open and honest about sexual matters, and a hard dick was not something to be ashamed of. Seconds passed and to my surprise my dad placed his right hand on my right shoulder and patted firmly. He then applied gently pressure to my shoulder in a sort of manly hug. I looked at him and he returned my smile with one of his own and patted me again. Seconds later I stole a quick glance at his crotch and realized that he had a full-blown boner as well. I was not wearing underwear and when I looked at his dick, it was obvious that he wore no underwear either. I could see the impression of the corona of his penis through the soft material of his shorts. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dad turn his head toward me and I knew that I had been busted. I quickly returned my eyes to the TV screen, but I knew that he was aware of what was known by me. Dad then surprised me when he pulled firmly on my shoulder once more. This time it was obvious that he was pulling me toward his body. In a rush of affection, I simply leaned toward him and put my head on his shoulder and placed my right arm across his torso and hugged him. As I gently squeezed his firm body, I knew in just a second that I did not want to let go. As we sat there with our arms around each other, my ear was placed on his right pectoral muscle and I could both feel and hear the thumping of his heart. It was racing! As I paused there, I let my eyes fall to his crotch again and saw his dick just as it stiffened and pushed against the gray fabric of his shorts. Dad's warm hand on my shoulder began a firm but gentle rubbing. I wanted him so badly at that point that my own heartbeat raced and I could feel the throbbing of my blood in my ears. My hand lay on Dad's abdomen and I rubbed it slowly across his washboard stomach. As I rubbed, I began to inch slowly toward the elastic waistband of his shorts. When I was within an inch or so of the waist, Dad thrust his hips forward on the sofa cushion and brought his face down and nearer to mine. I lifted my head and looked directly into his blue eyes. They had become glassy and his pupils had dilated. I could not contain my emotion and my own eyes became misty. Dad immediately put his large hand behind my head and pulled my lips to his and he kissed me. His tongue pushed gently into mine and he took a sharp intake of breath and drew my body across his own and put both arms around me and held me. We kissed for several seconds and then he put his hand to my body and his fingers found my aching dick. He pushed his fingers up the leg of my shorts and his warm hand found my balls and he cupped them softly. I felt him move his hand to my dick and he fisted my dick and slowly moved it up and down. By this time my fingers had found his erect nipple and I rubbed it gently through the tee shirt. I began to tug at the waist of his shirt when he spoke softly and said, "Let's get in bed." I didn't say a word, but rose from the sofa and held out my hand to him. He took it and rose to his feet and we walked to my room. He was behind me as I reached my bedside and I turned around in time to see him pulling the tee shirt over his head. As he did I admired the chest that was inches from me and put out my hand and felt the soft hair that covered his pecs. As I did, he reached to me and began to remove my shirt. We stood facing each other in our shorts. He put out his hand to my neck and once more pulled me gently to his lips and kissed me. My hands went to his shorts and pulled them partway down and he did the same to me. We paused to kick off our shorts and stood there naked and ready. I looked down at his 7 inch cut penis and he did the same to my own. His hand and mine both went to the other's dick and began to stroke. I moved to the bed and fell back and pulled him to me. Our lips pressed together and our breathing became heavier. I could feel Dad's hairy body against my own and I shook with passion. Dad moved back from me and smiled and once more looked deep into my eyes. His own eyes became misty and he placed both hands on my chest and began to rub my nipples and caress the hair on my chest. He moved his hands slowly down my abdomen toward my throbbing hard on. When he reached my dick, he bent down and placed his mouth over my dick and wet it with his saliva. My back arched and I gave out a short cry of intense pleasure. Dad cupped my balls with one hand, fingered my nipple with the other and began to bob his head up and down over my aching dick. I felt waves of pleasure sweep over me, and it was all I could do to keep from screaming out. I somehow extended my hand to his body and found his dick and began to stimulate him. I could both hear and feel my Dad's moans even though his lips were around my dick. The sounds from his throat were soft, but deep. I suddenly felt moisture on my hand and knew that Dad's dick was getting wet. I rubbed the fluid over the head of his dick, and continued to give him pleasure as he pulled and sucked my root. It was only seconds later that my body gave up all resistance and I felt the spasms of my abdominal muscles signal the coming explosion. Dad sensed the approaching orgasm, and slowed his sucking slightly and tightened his grip on my balls. I cried out in spasmodic yelps as the warm fluid filled my tubes and the sensation of fullness rushed to the tip of my penis. I jerked repeatedly as the cum left my body and entered his own. Dad moaned loudly as he took the spurts in his mouth. He gently milked my dick to push the remaining drops to his tongue, and then moved to my face and kissed me. I could taste the warm saltiness of my load in his mouth. My hand remained on his dick and I could tell that his own root needed relief as well. I sat up and pushed him gently on his back to the bed and put my face to his musty pubes. I ran my tongue over his scrotum and felt the hair brush my nostrils. I moved to his dick and licked the silky lube off his penis. I looked up at his face and saw the look of a man in intense pleasure. His mouth was open, and his eyes squeezed shut. As I lay between his spread legs, I began to give him the same pleasure that he had given me. My mouth covered the head of his dick and I could feel the tiny ridges and soft folds of skin and it made me get hard again. I worked his dick in and out of my mouth and felt the girth of his penis begin to increase. I knew that he was about to cum and I placed my hand under his balls and pressed the area between his ass hole and nuts. Just as I did, I felt the muscles under his nuts start a rapid series of contractions. I knew he was cumming and continued to move my lips up and down over his dick. He cried out sharply, and his leg muscles became like iron as he stiffened and jerked. His load came in one huge burst. It filled my mouth and I could sense it's strong odor as I breathed in and out. Dad moaned again and this time he shook from head to toe. I kept my lips over his dick until I was sure that no more of the slippery fluid was to be had. And just as he had done, I moved to his face to kiss him. As I did, I looked at his face and it had the most peaceful and satisfied look that I can ever remember him having. I paused for a moment and he opened his eyes and looked at me. My emotions could not be held back and tears came to my eyes. My father smiled the most gentle and loving smile that I have ever seen and pulled my body to his and hugged me. My feelings could not be concealed and I started to cry softly. Dad cried and caressed me, kissed me, and placed his hands to my head and rubbed my hair softly. He spoke softly to me. I don't remember all that he said, but I do remember him repeating again and again, "I love you." I told him that I loved him as well. Three years have passed since that day. I have completed my college and have returned to my parent's hometown. I am working full time at Dad's office, and living in my own apartment. My father and I leave the office several times a week and go to my place where we share our affection and love for each other. I spend each day in complete happiness, knowing that I have the most generous and loving father that anyone could imagine.


35 Gay Erotic Stories from Eric Shun

A Neighborly Demonstration

I have been married for 4 years, and am straight. But something happened just over 6 months ago that surprised me and has made me wonder if I am 100 percent heterosexual. Not that it would bother me to find out, because I find my present relationship with my wife very satisfying. Nevertheless, I want to relate the incident to someone. My wife and I had eaten dinner, and she

A Noble Cause

My junior year in college, not having a preference for a room mate in the dorm, I took my chances like many others and just signed up for a two-man room. On the first day of the semester, in walks my new room mate. He introduced himself as Noble. An unusual name I thought for a guy like him. Noble was, in a word, a "country" boy. He was 5 feet 11 inches tall, lean but not

A Rich Story

My sophomore year in college, I had a room mate named Rich. Unless you and your preferred room mate signed up for the same room at the same time, you simply got whomever you got, by chance. That is the way I got assigned to the same room with Rich. Rich was an OK guy by my initial judgement, and the first impression was correct. Rich and I got along just fine. He was the same

A Swimmer's Jock

My brother and I attended the same university. He was 3 years older and had encouraged me to attend the same school as he. It was the summer following my freshman year that the incident I am about to describe occurred. It was during summer school and my brother had a part time job as lifeguard at the pool provided for the students. The afternoon that this began, I did as I

A Trip To Denver

A Trip to Denver Jason and I were in Denver on a business trip. Our employer had sent us there for training on a piece of automated equipment for the food processing plant where we worked. Normally when our employer spent money to train employees, they were generous with the expense accounts. However, in an effort to save a few dollars the company allowed expenses for only one

A Trip To The John

A Trip To The John What I am about to describe happened (and continues to happen) at work. I am employed by a large accounting firm with about 200 employees. The building is 12 floors, old but in good condition. I mention that because of the method of construction in the building and the way it relates to the story. The building was built about 40 years ago and uses a


Animal by Eric Shun When I was in my sophomore year at college, I had an unusual experience with one of my dorm mates. At that time, I did not actually know his name (Kyle), because everyone called him 'Animal'. The name fit very well. He was about 5-9, a stocky well built man with well developed muscles and chest. He had been an athlete in high school. He had light brown hair

Beach Fun

I found out that I am more or less bisexual some time ago when my friend Steve and I went to the beach for the weekend. I had a very well equipped van that had lots of home comforts in the back. Plenty of room for the two of us to sleep. We would drive to the beach Saturday mornings and spend the weekend chasing pussy and having fun. Clothing was our swim trunks and food

Bill and I

Bill and I by Eric Shun Bill and I were traveling together on company business and were sharing a motel room. We had worked together for some years and got along well with each other. Bill was a big man with coarse curly blond hair and blue eyes. He was muscular and had big broad shoulders and big arms. He was kind of a quiet fellow but easy to talk to. We had been out to eat

Brad's Show

My junior year in college, I shared a room in the men's dorm with Brad. He was a sophomore, a farm boy, played center in high school football, and beautifully built. He was about 5-9 and 190 pounds. He had bulging thighs, well defined pecs nicely covered in hair, big biceps and tight abs. He couldn't be called handsome, but was definitely attractive to me. I had known of my sexual

Camp Shower

Camp Shower by Eric Shun Years ago, my friend Ed was the leader of a group of scouts. As I was talking to him one afternoon, he said he was taking a group of scouts to the state park at the beach for an overnight camping trip. Ed and I had been friends for a long time and I asked him if he needed some assistance with the trip. He said "Definitely!". He went on to say that the

Clay Man

Clay Man, by Eric Shun I had known Clay for some time, just as a casual friend. We had been introduced by a mutual friend and had met in social situations several times. Clay was one of the most striking men I had seen in some time. First of all, he was a huge man about 35 years old and single. He was at least 6 feet tall and weighed probably in the neighborhood of 250 pounds.

Company Picnic

Chuck and I work in the accounting department at a large petroleum based company. We are exactly the same age, 32, and even share the same birthday. Chuck is not what you would call a knock-out handsome fellow, but he has a masculine appearance that has a strong appeal. He appeared to me to have a nice physique, standing about 5-11 with a healthy head of black hair, with blue eyes,

Deer Hunt

I am not a hunter, but I went along with the 3 other men just to get out of the city for a few days. Carl, Preston, and Larry all insisted that I join them even though I had no desire to shoot a deer. I have no problem with those who enjoy hunting, I just don't care for it myself. The deer lease was expensive, and I knew that the three of them had put up a good deal

Deer Hunting

I am not a hunter, but I went along with the 3 other men just to get out of the city for a few days. Carl, Preston, and Larry all insisted that I join them even though I had no desire to shoot a deer. I have no problem with those who enjoy hunting, I just don't care for it myself. The deer lease was expensive, and I knew that the three of them had put up a good deal of

Farm Boy

It was late on a Saturday evening/Sunday morning and I was sitting in a gay bar finishing my last bottle of beer. There were only 3 of us in the bar and we had been chatting, talking about this and that. The bartender had issued the last call for a drink when the door opened and in walked a knock-out good looking fellow. He had a big grin on his face and was dressed in a

First Contact

I had realized that I was gay from a rather early age. The realization that I was a sexual being started at an early age, but at age 8 to 12 years old, the sexual experiences I had were the usual juvenile "show me yours and I'll show you mine" kind of thing. As I continued to mature, I had no direct sexual contact with another person until I was almost 22 years old. I knew that

First Head

Years ago when I was 18 an event happened one summer afternoon that took me by surprise, but pleased me. I was at our local public pool one steamy summer afternoon. It was a Wednesday and the pool should have been busy, but for reasons unknown the number of people there was surprisingly small. When I arrived, there were perhaps a dozen people there, but within a half an hour they had

Godzilla In A Bookstore

It was a dull Saturday morning and it promised to be a dull Saturday afternoon. So to relieve my boredom (read horniness) I decided to get out of the house and head to the nearby adult bookstore. The store has a large selection of books, magazines and of course video tapes. And any adult bookstore worth the name also has a video arcade where one can view adult video tapes in the

Hiker's Dream

The incident I am about to relate to you took place when I was 22 years old. I was not a newcomer when it came to gay sex, but my contacts with other men had been limited to only four other men. This particular day, I was camping with some of my family in a state park. We had arrived on a Friday afternoon and had set up camp in one of the camping areas provided by the

Jeff And Me

My mothers parents were farmers. They lived for years on the farm and I visited them as a child during the summer. I typically left the city and spent 2 or 3 weeks with them. It was great. I enjoyed the pampering that my grandparents gave me and the opportunity to get out and explore the countryside on my own was a real treat. And each time I went to the farm, I had a playmate

Lake Jock

What I am about to describe took place in my eighteenth summer. My family often took my brother and me to a beautiful lake a few hours drive from our home. The lake was clean, cool, and surrounded by trees and was very well maintained. We typically spent the day there and cooked our hot dogs and burgers, relaxed and swam in the lake. The swimming area was a popular gathering spot

Mark And Daddy

Mark and Daddy Mark and I have worked together for three of the ten years that I have been at the manufacturing facility. Mark is married and he and his wife are expecting a child in four months. Mark is 27 years old, and even at a quick glance, a jock. He has a massive build with a bull neck and shoulders. He stands five feet and eleven inches and weighs about 250. True

Masturbater Watcher

Masturbater Watcher by Eric Shun I know that I am not the only one in the world that likes to watch others having sex with themselves. Ever since I was an adolescent, I realized that I like to see other men getting their rocks, particularly when they don't know I am watching. I suppose some might call it a fetish, and if so, then they are probably correct. I think part of its

Masturbation: A Personal History

Masturbation A Personal History When I was maybe 12 or so, I began to masturbate regularly, or should I say daily.......hell, hourly! My dick was small at the time, but that was no barrier to the imaginative ways I tried to get myself off. I had seen my older brother (15 years old) jerk off a bunch of times. Shyness was not an impediment between my brother and me. I was envious

My Closet Coach

I will relate this story to you, but not in total detail. These events took place in college and involved my athletic coach. The college and the sport I played are irrelevant and might give away more information than is proper. I knew I was gay and had adjusted to being gay in a straight world. I also knew there were others like myself both at school and in the business world. I

My Dad and My Love

The first time I had sex with my father, I was 20 years old. I was home from college for the summer and was working for my father at his insurance agency. My father was 41 years old at the time this took place. My dad is the perfect image of manhood. He was a high school and a college athlete and stands 6 feet tall and weighs just over 210 pounds. He is without a doubt one of the

Off Shore

Off Shore I am 37 years old, and employed by a large offshore oil company. I serve as the "Medical Department" on an offshore rig in the Gulf of Mexico. My work schedule is two weeks on and two weeks off. The platform is provided with all the facilities that are needed to feed and house the workmen. My duties are not comparable to the emergency room of a hospital,

Shift Hands At Work

Tim and I worked at the same plant and the same shift. On this particular day, we had both worked overtime 2 hours into the next shift. After the job was done, we headed to the change room to shower and change. By this time, no one but us were in the change room, and we stripped off our coveralls and entered the showers. The shower room was small and only had 3 shower

Summer Service

It was the summer between my sophomore and junior year in college when the events, which I am about to describe, took place. I was working a part time job at a service station from 5 PM to 10 PM. It was a laid back kind of job, because most of the customers simply pumped their gas and I took the money. Occasionally there would be a flat tire to patch, but even then, the job was

Swimming In Semen

This is a true account that happened to me when I was 18. The small southern town where I spent my high school years was more fortunate than some of the other surrounding towns in that we had an excellent swimming pool. The population of the town was perhaps 3000, and in summer the pool served as an excellent place for teenagers to gather and socialize. This meant that the pool

The Gay Divorcee

I had known James for some 10 years. We work together, or rather we work at the same location. We often ran into each other at the coffee bar and chatted about any number of things. He was a quiet kind of person, 36 years old. He stood about my height of 5 foot 10 and weighed 170 or so. He had dark blond hair and light blue eyes. Basically, he could not be called handsome, but

Three Way For Dimo

Three Way Fun by Eric Shun I have a buddy whom everyone calls Mac. We have been friends for years and have often engaged in sex, but we could not be called lovers. We do a lot of things together and enjoy each other’s company. Mac will most often initiate any sexual activity because he lives alone in an apartment, whereas I have a straight roommate. My roommate knows I am gay,

Uncle Frank

Uncle Frank by Eric Shun My mother's youngest brother, my uncle, was 20 years younger than she was. As a result, my Uncle Frank was barely two years older than I was. I never addressed him as 'Uncle', always as Frank. Since we lived only blocks from my grandparents, Frank and I often played together as kids (and later as adults!) We spent countless hours together as kids and I

Video Jack

Jay and I ran into each other at a local pub and we sat and talked over several beers. Jay and I had been co-workers for some time and both of us were recently divorced. We seemed to have a lot in common when it came to education and work experience and in marriage too. Jay has a striking look about him. He is not too tall, maybe 5-10 and is very well put together. Anyone who


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