Gay Erotic Stories

My Fair Gentleman

by DW Simon

I was working in my office at the University when he walked in. He stood about 6’ 4” and had golden blond hair. He looked a little shaggy and slightly unkempt. He was somewhat familiar to me, but I couldn’t place him. Then he smiled, a smile that made his face light up, brought out cute dimples, and made his dark blue eyes sparkle. When he smiled at me, I realized that I had seen him the past few weeks at the coffee house that I stopped at on my way in to work. I smiled back and asked him what he wanted. “Well, I came in because I …” He stammered and hemmed and hawed. “I saw you in the coffee house, and I, uh. Well, I found out you worked here in the speech therapy department, and well, I uh, wanted to see you about …” “You came to see me, …” I prompted. He was so lost, and really adorable the way he was flustered and blushed a little. “I came in because I saw you and knew you worked here, and well, I came in – I didn’t think it would be so hard to ask you. I came in to ask – Oh good Lord, I need help.” “I understand. You’re looking for help. You need me to teach you. What do you want me to teach you?” “I figured that you were gay, I hope I’m right and not offending you.” I nodded to him as he continued. “I was hoping, since you are gay and I’m gay, that we could, maybe – this is tough.” “You need help? Pointers? Are you just out and getting started?” He nodded. He was so adorable, so flustered. I smiled at him and introduced myself. “Henry Higgins.” “Eliot Doolittle.” “Well Eliot, I can help you, take you under my arm and give you pointers. Give me two weeks and you will be able to walk into any club and nab the hottest guy there.” “Well, am I that bad? I just came in to—” I cut him off. “Spend the next two weeks with me and I will have you cleaned up and able to chat with confidence. I will teach you the lines, What to wear, to drink, and to eat. You will be the biggest smash at the Halloween gala.” He gave me a strange look, but responded: “Okay, Henry. Where do we start?” I told him to meet me at my house on Saturday at 10AM and we would begin. He walked out of my office with a look of bewilderment. But, I was thrilled to have a project again. I knew it would be fun. Now, just to decide what he should wear? Eliot was prompt and the first thing we did was get his hair styled. Shorter, his hair curled gently against his head. He looked great with that slight Roman look of low cut hair against his forehead. He was just adorable. We went back to my house and we discussed clothes. He was tall enough that most clothes would look great on him. I asked him to strip down to his underwear to get a body type. He stripped down and I noticed the mat of curly golden hair covering his chest and belly and the hairiness of his arms and legs. Not a gorilla, but not a smooth body either. “Eliot, you are just one hairy beast.” “Henry, I’m not that bad. Am I?” “Well, we need to trim it.” “I am not shaving my chest, I did that in high school for swimming. It itches like hell when it comes back in.” “I didn’t say shave, I said trim. Like when you get your hair cut, a razor with a guard, like a beard trimmer. Just to sculpt and even out the hair. Everywhere.” He didn’t look too sure, but allowed me to go for it. He had his great smile on all the time I trimmed up his chest. He really had a nice build, nicely muscled. Defined and toned, but not an unnatural steroid junkie build. “How did you get so muscled? Do you work out?” “Yeah, daily. After work I usually go between nine and ten. I use the time to unwind and there is no one there.” “Eliot, you are missing great network times. Go during the day and you will have men fawning over you. You are bordering on god status here.” He just laughed at me. “Henry, I just go to work my body and relieve stress. I don’t go to be ogled.” “We should start. You need to get used to other people’s reaction to you. Especially in shorts, a gym can be a great place to meet people.” He just shook his head with that great smile and laughed. I got his measurements and we decided on jeans and silk t-shirts. We had so much fun talking while we shopped. He tried on just about anything I asked. He looked so good in blue. Jeans, shirts, sweaters, it didn’t matter. He was so cute in blue. We stopped after about three hours and had some coffee. We talked about his background and education. I needed as much ammo as possible. Turns out Eliot dropped out of high school when he was sixteen and worked in coffee shops ever since. His parents had been killed in a car accident and he was left to raise his younger brother. He wanted to be a doctor and Eliot was working as much as possible to put him through school. He told me his name was Alfred, Alfie for short. Oh boy, he needed a sugar daddy. We continued to shop. I put everything on my plastic. Eliot objected strenuously. I don’t think he understood just how much this makeover would cost. I was glad to do it. He was my project. By the end of the day we had a brand new, updated wardrobe for him. He needed to rethink the underwear, but I figured one change a day was enough. The next day we dealt with conversation topics. He just didn’t get gay small talk and gossip. Thankfully, he could talk about quite a few other topics like current events and politics; which would do. We then got around to safe sex. I set him up with an overnight kit; a couple of condoms and some lube. I then told him about pillow talk. I told him that during the warm afterglow it was the best time to say ‘I love you.’ He was beet red for the talk, but we got through it. I didn’t just harangue him about dress and hair or sex and gossip. We talked about life and he seemed truly interested in what I had to say. He liked my house and actually cooked dinner for us Sunday night. It was a lot of fun and very companionable. We laughed and ate. He listened about some of my past relationships and mistakes. He commiserated with me. I wanted him to learn from my mistakes and understand some of the pitfalls of the life. But, he smiled and laughed at the good times, and when the bad times had me choked up, he held my hand and listened. It wasn’t until after he left that I realized how long it had been since I had had anyone to my house for anything but sex. Even that had been a long time ago. I was turning into a hermit and Eliot made me realize that I needed to get out more. Monday morning on my way to work, I ran into Eliot at the coffee house. He had my order for me instantly and remembered just what I liked. He smiled at me with his dimples and sparkling eyes and wished me well during my day. Gosh, I liked that. It was fresh and fun. We were coming up on Halloween and I was beginning to dread the day’s coming. It would mean that Eliot and I would have no reason to interact anymore. He is 24; I’m 36. He is young and fresh; I am older and wiser. He has all the mistakes to make of young love. I need companionship. I don’t miss those days, but I do envy Eliot his innocence. Halloween night came and we went downtown to the club, dressed in costumes. Eliot as a slim and sexy gondolier and myself as Zorro; I just love the mask. We danced a few songs and I scoped out the crowd for him. I recognized someone from the gym dressed as Hercules. He was perfect for Eliot to work his wiles on. I grabbed Hercules and introduced him to Eliot. I then took a quick exit to the bar to watch the progress. A few minutes later, Eliot came over to talk to me. “How is the conquest going Eliot?” “Henry, he wants me to go home with him.” “Congratulations Eliot, have a great time. Call me tomorrow and let me know how it went.” “But Henry, I don’t—“ “Don’t dawdle, someone else will grab him.” I pushed him over to Hercules and watched him walk away. His butt was something to behold. I decided to leave then, bittersweet about Eliot, and that confused me. He was my protégé, not my lover or even a future lover. But, jealousy was what I felt. Never mind, Eliot is embarking on a new journey. He will have fun and that will be that. I got home and decided to get out of my costume and have a drink while catching the news. After the weather report, there was a knock at my door. It was Eliot. I asked him what he was doing there. “Henry, I didn’t want to be with him. He took me back to his place. He told me to fix us a drink, he went into his bedroom and came out naked, lay down on the fur carpet by the fire and threw his legs into the air. Henry, I don’t want a quick screw on the floor. I want more. I want to be with someone I care about. I want to be with you.” He walked up to me as he said this, and leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. Once, twice, lightly, gently, like a butterfly. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. He then gave me his wonderful, bright smile before sweeping down again and kissing me. He licked at my lips until they opened then delved his tongue into my mouth and chased and caressed mine. He picked me up in his arms and carried me to my room. He set me gently on the bed. He removed his shirt and pants then skimmed off his underwear until he stood before me naked and hard. His skin was golden and his chest heaving. He reached to me and undid my robe, then lowered it off my arms and tossed it on the end of the bed. He then knelt before me and kissed my stomach, trailing his tongue across my skin, nipping at it lightly. Each kiss was more arousing than the previous. He took my nipple into his mouth and gently nipped it with his teeth. He pushed against my shoulders until I was pressed against the bed. He trailed his tongue down my sternum and followed the light trail of hair from my navel downwards. He found my cock and kissed it thoroughly with his tongue and lips, caressing the slit and laving the crown. He then slid his tongue along the sensitive underside and opened his mouth and slowly moved his head onto my shaft. He repeated the motion up and down over and over again. He caressed my stomach with his hands as he moved his mouth on me. I ran my fingers through his hair, gently grasping above his ears, helping him move in a slow rhythm, coaching him slightly. I was nearing the end and wanted him to know. My moans were coming quicker and my breathing was rushed. I wanted him to stop. I wanted to share, but Eliot was in charge and he didn’t stop until I cried out in release. My cock erupted in spasms of incredible delight. It lasted forever, slowing eventually to a gentle pulse against his tongue. Eliot got up off his knees and moved over me like a giant tiger, sleek and lithe. “Henry, I don’t think I can wait anymore. Let me inside you.” I nodded at him and rolled away from him to get a condom. I opened it and rolled it over him. He grabbed my wrist when I tried to stroke him. He smiled at me again, but it was a little forced. “I won’t last if you do that.” “Come to me Eliot. I want you.” He moved in between my legs and started kissing me. His erection pressed against my hip as he rocked on me gently. He reached one hand down to feel how ready I was. I was more than ready; had been from the moment he first kissed me. I told him I wanted him now. “Henry. I’ve never done this before.” “Are you used to being on the bottom?” “I haven’t done that either.” I must have looked at him as if he was crazy. He was blushing and rested his forehead against mine. I tilted my head so I could kiss him. He was hesitant. I felt bad that I had embarrassed him. I kept kissing him until he was kissing me back. When he moved his hand up to caress my cheek, I moved my hand down and guided his erection to me. When he was at my opening, I leaned back to let him slide into me. He grunted as he slid into me. He lifted his head from mine and looked at me in wonder. He stayed in place, not even twitching. “Oh my God, Henry.” He began to move slowly. He was so unsure and clumsy. It was still one of the sweetest experiences. I’ve been the first to be someone’s top, but never bottomed for someone’s first time. I had a feeling this wouldn’t last long. Eliot didn’t disappoint me. He thrust into me for a couple of minutes before crying out as he climaxed inside me while thrusting even harder. I was amazed when he hit my prostate just right with his last thrust before he collapsed; I came against him, amazed at how wonderful it felt. He lay on top of me and inside me for a long time, obviously exhausted. I just lay there under him, feeling his heart pound against mine, his breathing slow. I stroked his back and nuzzled his thigh with mine. When he came back to reality, Eliot leaned above me, looking into my eyes. He smiled again. I really started to love those dimples. He kissed me again. I felt him harden inside me. Maybe it being his first wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Over the next few hours, Eliot got lots and lots of practice. We must have cum at least ten times over those sweet hours. He now moved smoothly and was able to hold off his release to wait for mine. I always thought that was a considerate skill. When we collapsed on the bed after our last time, Eliot wrapped his arms around me and spooned behind me. He stroked my bare chest for a few minutes and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. Just before I was completely out, I heard Eliot say: “I love you.” I was so happy. He had remembered my lesson. I sat up and turned on the lamp. I looked down at him and smiled. He smiled back. “Eliot, you remembered my lesson. That is the perfect time to say I love you. I am so proud that my lessons took hold.” His smile seemed to fade, not on his face but in his eyes. “What lessons?” “Well Eliot, after you dumped the trick at the club I doubted you would ever get what I was teaching you.” “So you think I came here just to get a few more lessons?” “Well, yeah.” He stopped even trying to smile. He reached behind me and turned off the lamp. He pulled me down and told me to go to sleep. He rolled to his side. He didn’t touch me. He seemed to have a hard time breathing. I slowly drifted off, wondering what I did wrong. I awoke the next morning alone. Eliot and his clothes were gone. He had cleaned up after me. He had taken my robe and draped it over my chair. He had picked up my glass from downstairs and had even washed it and put it back. I was confused. I had often gone to bed with someone only to wake up alone, but this felt different. I spent that day doing what I normally spent Sundays doing. I planned my lessons for the week, got my dry cleaning together, and cooked a couple of dishes for the week. Monday morning, I walked into my favorite coffee house. I expected to see Eliot and I wasn’t disappointed. He was there. He looked up and when he saw me, he got a sad look in his eyes and turned away from the counter. He walked back into the offices. I couldn’t let this stand. I marched right past the counter and headed for the offices. I found him in the manager’s office. He sat behind the desk. I smiled at him when he looked up from the paperwork he was doing. “Hi Eliot.” “What do you want Henry?” “I wanted to see you. You left so abruptly Sunday morning, I wanted to make sure you were alright.” “Fine.” Well this wasn’t going well. “Won’t your boss be upset you are using his desk?” He looked at me and his eyes got really cold. “This is my desk. Henry, do you even know one thing about me? Did you look beyond your project and see me?” “Eliot, I don’t …” “Lesson learned Henry. I think our tutoring sessions are over. How much was our shopping expedition. I’ll write you a check.” That was cold. I bought all those things for him because I wanted to. I had enjoyed myself so much the last two weeks. I had a friend and I hadn’t had one in a while. “Eliot, I don’t want your money.” “You don’t want me either. So take my money. Or your clothes back. Either way Henry, its up to you.” He was really hurt and very upset. I didn’t understand what was wrong. Saturday night had been so good. It was perfect. “Eliot, why are you doing this?” “You don’t get it do you? I wasn’t lying to you. I never asked anyone out before. I was nervous and you jumped to conclusions. I spent all that time with you, letting you redress me, trim my body hair and style me out to pick up some nameless fuck. I was only ever interested in you. That is all I wanted. I didn’t need the body trim. Okay, so I haven’t bought any new clothes in a while and I needed a haircut, but I wasn’t lying to you. I loved you. Now get out.” I was shocked. Love me? Where did that come from? I must have looked shocked because I didn’t move. After a moment, Eliot got up and walked out another door. One I assumed led outside. I ran out of his office and around the building to the alley. There he was, leaning against the wall. I walked up to him and put my hand on his arm. He whipped around to me. He had a tear or two on his cheeks. “Go away Henry.” “But, Eliot …” “I learned my lesson okay. I was fine alone. Okay, so I was lonely. I worked all the time and I didn’t have a life. I only ever made love to my hand. But I wasn’t hurting. It worked for me. Thank you Henry. I understand how the world works now.” With that he walked back through the door and locked it. I went back into the store and walked up to his office door. I could hear him in there. The sounds were of someone’s heart breaking and trying to find a way to live. I know, I’ve made those sounds before. Especially after my first long-term lover left me. I just walked away. I went to the school and canceled my classes for the day and went home. I sat on my couch and thought about my life. I went through the long list of acquaintances and tried to find one that I would call a friend. I didn’t find one. I thought of all my past lovers, short and long-term. There weren’t that many and except for my first, none really touched me. It is a horrible thing to be sitting in your house and realize that you are shallow and lead an even emptier life than you ever could imagine. I was still sitting there when the sun went down. I only realized how late it was when there was a knock on my door. I got up and answered it. For a second I thought it was Eliot. He had the same coloring and build, but shorter and younger, and truthfully, not as handsome. He looked at me and smiled. Then he punched me in the jaw. When my senses returned, I looked up at him and said, “You must be Alfie.” “Yes, I am, you son of a bitch. How could you hurt my brother so badly. You bastard.” I stood up and invited him in. Alfie was a younger version of his brother. Where Eliot was six-four, Alfie was maybe six-one. They both still towered over my five-ten. He also wasn’t as developed or muscular as his brother. He still had that great smile and dimples though. I sat him down at the table and asked if he wanted anything. He laughed at me. “You treat my brother like dirt and you now want to play house?” “No, I was just being polite.” “Look, I just want to know why” I told Alfie everything. I explained how we met and why I thought what I did. I explained about the lessons, the makeover, and the misunderstanding after we went to bed. He got angry when I told him about the lessons. When I told him about our night in bed, believe me I glossed over the nitty-gritty, he got kind of moony eyed. Then I told him about the office visit earlier today. “Henry, you really are an idiot.” “What do you mean?” “Eliot and I have only each other. He left school when he was sixteen because mom and dad, who loved us dearly, died. I wanted to be a doctor. He quit school so he could save up enough money over the next four years to send me. When he turned eighteen, he realized it wasn’t going to be enough. The coffee house where he worked his second job was being sold. He sat me down and explained what he planned. He knew the place was being run wrong and they could easily turn a great profit. He sold our house and bought the business. We moved in over the store. Within three months, he had a healthy profit going. “He took that money and bought a second, then a third store. Since then, he puts all the money back into the business except for what I need to go to school. When Eliot should have been dating and having fun, he slaved away so he could provide for me. I’ve never met a more generous person in my life. I’m coming home for the summer before I go to medical school. I’m not looking forward to spending it with my moping brother. Fix it Henry.” I was amazed. I had no idea that Eliot owned so much or was so successful. I was incredibly shamed. I now realized what Eliot couldn’t tell me. He was totally innocent. He only knew work and had never taken the time to meet someone. That he chose me to move into the world with for the first time humbled me. I must have looked rather pathetic and as guilty as I felt because Alfie took pity on me. “Don’t feel bad Henry. You couldn’t have known that the first time he set his sights on someone it would be you. I was surprised when he called me a month ago. All he could talk about was this great guy he met in his latest coffee house. He was so happy that everything was going so well. He had enough money to pay for my entire medical school and was planning on taking some time away to live life. Then he called me Friday and told me how much he had fallen for you. Then Sunday morning he called and was devastated. I came as soon as I heard. Fix it Henry. I would much rather spend my summers and residency here than in that shithole apartment above the coffee house. All my clothes smell like French Roast.” “I thought he was shy and awkward because he was poor. Now I know he’s just innocent. I don’t deserve him.” “No Henry, you don’t. But he decided on you. One more thing you should know about Eliot. When he loves, it is forever. If you don’t want it, then never, ever see him again. I mean it Henry. Don’t tease him. Don’t drag it out. Let him start to recover. The next couple of months will be hard, but he will get over it. But if you lead him on and drag it out, he won’t recover. And know this, I have studied just enough medicine to cause irreparable harm to you and not know how to fix it.” He smiled at me. But I knew he wasn’t entirely joking. I thought long and hard about what he said as I led him to the front door. “Smile Henry. I think I will like having you as a brother-in-law. Maybe you can give me lessons. I seem to accumulate girlfriends that want me forever. All I want is one night.” He laughed as he walked down the sidewalk. I turned inside and started to formulate a plan. It was going to take time. It was going to take careful planning. It was also going to take Alfie’s help. I need him to get Eliot here. By midnight I had the outline set up. Tomorrow, while Eliot was at work, I would find his brother and put my plan in motion. The next evening, the plan was going well. I was home, the house set up the way I needed it. Alfie and Eliot should arrive in a few minutes. God, I was nervous. He really is worth it. He didn’t need me to teach him anything. I need him to teach me everything. That is my plan. When they got to my door, Alfie had Eliot blindfolded. He was grumpy and didn’t like the surprise idea. I led them quietly to my living room and Alfie sat him down in a chair. I removed his blindfold. Eliot was angry. But behind that anger was hurt. It flashed in his beautiful eyes before he could mask it. I knew now that I had fallen in love with him too. I was also terrified that no matter what I did, he wouldn’t forgive me. “Hello, Eliot.” “Henry.” “I asked your brother to bring you here because I need your help.” “What do you want?” I looked up at Alfie and he backed out of the room into the kitchen. “I need you to teach me. I need lessons.” “Very funny Henry. Alfie, we’re leaving. NOW!” “I’m serious. I tried to teach you how to live the life. To teach you to revel in one nameless, faceless screw after another. No ties, no feelings. It wasn’t until I realized how much I hurt you that I knew that wasn’t what I wanted for my life anymore either.” “I can’t help you Henry, I don’t know how to live life either.” “We can learn together.” “I don’t think so Henry.” “Please, Eliot. I’m sorry I hurt you. I only knew about life from my experiences. I thought this was all that life was meant to be. Nameless people, faceless parties. No life, no love, no soul. Help me, Eliot. Save me, Eliot.” “I can’t Henry, I would never survive.” “I won’t hurt you again.” “You can’t promise that. I can’t save you Henry. I don’t know anything. I thought I did, but I don’t. You just feel guilty. Don’t. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I gladly followed you. It is my fault I got hurt.” “Eliot. Eliot. You are the kindest, gentlest, most generous man I have ever met. I hurt you. I plucked out your heart, which you gave freely, and I stomped it into the ground than ground my heel into it. Yet you forgive me and take all blame onto yourself. Alfie was right. I don’t deserve you. But I want to try. I love you Eliot. I just hope I haven’t damaged your heart too much that you can’t love me again.” “Don’t Henry, please.” He was trying hard not to cry. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. His hands were fisted at his sides. I felt and heard his breath hitch under my ear. “Please don’t Henry. I’ll never survive.” “Forever Eliot. I promise.” His arms wrapped around me and he hugged me so tightly to him. I tilted my head back and kissed him. When the sun rises in the morning and you just happen to watch it, you feel like you are witnessing something so much greater than you alone. That was what this kiss was. It was sweet and full of emotion. After a few minutes of soul-searching kisses, Eliot picked me up and carried me upstairs. He pulled off my clothes and lost his in seconds. I was just as hard as he was. He pulled me down on top of him on the bed. He sat me up and positioned me. I impaled myself on him and we rode each other to completion. I fell asleep on him after we were done. Neither of us had slept much the last few days. I enjoyed falling asleep with him buried inside me, resting on that beautiful expanse of golden fur. I heard his heart beating and his breath coming in and out of his lungs. It was better than any lullaby. We both slept deeply. I awoke the next morning to a kiss on my cheek. Eliot had gotten up and made breakfast. He sat down on the bed, wearing those boxer shorts that I had thought were so horrid just a few days ago, but now I loved. He slowly fed me. After each bite of fruit or toast, I got a kiss. I had never been fed so lovingly. This was heaven. When the tray was empty, Eliot started kissing me again--each kiss deeper and longer. I was dizzy from it. I was hard and ready. Eliot pushed me down on the mattress. He lay on me, covering my body with his as he kissed me. I came against him. He hadn’t even rubbed against me. All we had done was kiss. I was very embarrassed. I looked up at Eliot but he just smiled at me. “Wow, I didn’t think it would work.” “What are you talking about?” “Lesson one, a kiss can be better than sex.” I laughed and rolled him over so I was lying on his chest again. “And lesson two would be…?” “Lesson two is simple, taking turns can be rewarding.” With that he stroked me again until I was hard. He reached over to my stash and grabbed some lube and greased his opening and my erection. He nodded to me. We had never done this before and if we hadn’t done it before, Eliot had never done it at all. I kissed him deeply while applying gentle pressure to him. He was tight, but gave way almost instantly. I wasn’t expecting him to give way like that. I slid all the way into him. He gasped and tensed up so much I thought I was going to have my cock snapped off. I kept kissing him; his lips, his chin, his neck. Nothing seemed to calm him. I reached his cock with my hand and stroked him. I couldn’t pull out of him until he relaxed. I was in heaven, but Eliot wasn’t. I latched on to his nipple and suckled him. I continued to stroke him. Slowly, Eliot relaxed. I went to move out of him but he grabbed my hips. He told me not to leave him. I nodded at him and told him to guide me. Tell me what he wanted. He tentatively pushed me out slightly then pulled me back to him. He repeated it; then again and again. With each thrust, his cock pulsed in my hand. He moaned out my name and released my hips. He told me to go for it. I took over and tried to be gentle. But Eliot would have none of it. He told me to fuck him like a wild animal. I had never heard him speak this way. Each filthy suggestion caused my cock to tighten harder. Hearing mild mannered Eliot Doolittle turn into a wanton slut made me hot. I was close to the end. My cock tingled with impending orgasm, surrounded by warmth and tightness and love. I felt the start build in my stomach. My abs tightened and my legs began to feel numb. I was going to explode and it was going to be massive. The first wave hit me and I stopped moving, I stopped breathing. The second hit me and I cried out. I didn’t stop calling out until the last trickle of my seed left me. I immediately felt guilty. I was in heaven and Eliot was probably still in agony. I looked down and he had the most amazingly goofy look on his face. I looked down further. He had shot a load I couldn’t believe. His belly and chest were covered from his orgasm. He looked at me and smiled, his dimples winked at me. “Is it always like this?” I laughed. “Never before. But I have a feeling it always will be from now on.” “Good.” Eliot and I now have the time to travel. Alfie didn’t need us once he finished his residency. We went all over. He taught me to enjoy Disney World and I taught him to enjoy Mexico. We even went to the Ascot horse races in England. He made me laugh but embarrassed the hell out of the crowd when he told his horse to move his ‘bloomin’ arse.’ Oh well! Love is good; he just won’t fetch my slippers. Comments, let me know:


7 Gay Erotic Stories from DW Simon


I knew I was gay very early in life. There weren’t words to describe it and I wasn’t really sure what the words meant in relation to me when I did hear them. But I did know I didn’t want to be different. Life is hard enough without dealing with that. So I hid. I lied to myself and denied that I was a sexual creature. Rather than make a choice to lie or sneak around, I simply went

Longtime Friends

When I was five years old, I met my soul mate. I didn’t know what the term meant at the time. I only knew that this soul was a kindred spirit. He was my friend in all ways. The one person on Earth I couldn’t disappoint no matter what. In him I found acceptance and companionship based on me myself and not out of a sense of familial responsibility. His name was Will. He was from a

Lost And Found, Part 1

I never planned to spend my life running. I didn’t even realize I had until I got to San Antonio. Running and alone, not what I wanted at all, but what was. I had worked various construction jobs since leaving home at 17. I haven’t stayed in one place or held a job for any longer than three months until last year. I hit San Antonio and met some people, liked my job, and here I

Lost And Found, Part 2

Brian and I spent our first weekend together making love, swimming in the pool, eating naked in the kitchen, and smiling at each other like goofy teenagers. Monday morning came much too quickly. We awoke to the alarm and showered together. We shouldn’t have. Brian slid his hands along my chest, raking through my furry chest hair, rasping my nipples, as he sank to his knees. He

My Fair Gentleman

I was working in my office at the University when he walked in. He stood about 6’ 4” and had golden blond hair. He looked a little shaggy and slightly unkempt. He was somewhat familiar to me, but I couldn’t place him. Then he smiled, a smile that made his face light up, brought out cute dimples, and made his dark blue eyes sparkle. When he smiled at me, I realized that I had seen

Rescue Me

I had gone to the cabin to heal. It had been the worst two months of my life. I had lost my job, my first and only lover left me, and my parents had been killed in a car accident. Whoever said that when it rains it pours was full of bullshit. It didn’t pour; it was a veritable hurricane. I had been there for five days when the snow started to fall. I made a huge pile of firewood

Uncle John

My mom got remarried when I was 10. His name was Steve and he was about 35. He had a younger half-brother who was 17 and was coming to live with us. His name was John and I was in awe of him. He was tall and handsome. Most of all, he was friendly and kind to me. I was beginning to realize that I was different from others around me. But, I was a little too young to understand what I


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