Gay Erotic Stories

My Favorite Yankee

by Navar

In a way you can say I have a dream job. I’m not a CEO and am not a famous movie star. No, I’m a batboy for the New York Yankees. Now, I’m not a boy, but I would feel foolish if I called myself “batman”. Being a batboy is not a high paying job, but there are fringe benefits. For one thing, I attend all the home games for free. When the team’s not playing at home, they usually have a local be their batboy, but sometimes I am taken along and so get free trips across the country and Canada as well. Also, normally there would be a boy (or girl) to be a batboy but with me, I can do more than just collect stray bats and balls on the field. I can be a janitor, of sorts, in the locker room, the other fringe benefit. Mind you, there is work to be done and not all of it pretty, but I get to see more of the Yankees than anyone aside from their wives and girlfriends. A large part of my job is maintaining cleanliness in the locker room. Most of the work comes after a game and everyone has left such as sweeping and mopping, but I also collect uniforms to be cleaned. The players undress and put them in a rolling hamper, which I then take to the laundry room. Obviously, this is my favorite part of the job. There is modesty such that players wear towels around their waists as they walk to the showers, but I do get a glimpse of the occasional butt. Players tend to face their lockers so I don’t see them from the front before they put their towels on. However, their bare chests are out in the open. Nothing makes my heart flutter like seeing Derek Jeter’s or Roger Clemen’s chunky torsos as they walk by, well, except perhaps for their butt cheeks. Not just them, of course. There’s Martinez, O’neil, Knoblauch, and so forth. I was rather sad to see Wells go for more reasons than just being a fan, but Clemens is a hunky alternative. Anyway, after the players have taken their showers and most have left is when I take mine. The shower room is made up of many private stalls with opaque doors. When I was in mine one day there was a rap on the door. “Hey, it’s Chuck.” That would be Knoblauch. “Yes?” “A group of us is going out to celebrate. Care to join us?” Normally I don’t hang out with the players. We get along fine and talk to each other during the game and so forth, but I’m an employee of the stadium like the ushers and concession stand; therefore this was a surprise. “Sure.” “Good, we’ll wait for you outside.” With that, Chuck walked away. I was certainly looking forward to it. This was the fan in me talking. Chuck Knoblauch was waiting for me along with Jeter, Clemens, and Martinez. We all got into Jeter’s car. Martinez sat up front. I sat in the back in between Clemens and Knoblauch. Normally I prefer a window seat, but I wasn’t going to protest my current position. Clemens sat up straight with his hands clasped over his lap to my left while Knoblauch was more relaxed. His right arm was leaning on the door handle while his left arm was stretched along the back seat behind me. We talked a little about the game. However, I was concerned about etiquette. I mean, how do I address them? Do I say Derek and Roger or Mr. Martinez or simply plain Knoblauch? As I said, I normally don’t hang out with them after a game and never really had a need to address them by name. For the moment I avoided having to address them by name. They referred to each other and teammates by first names. Anyway, we arrived at a restaurant and had a nice meal. I was quiet during the meal. In truth, I didn’t know why I was there; why I was invited. Knoblauch leaned over to me. “Are you feeling ok?” “Yes.” “Then speak up. You don’t have to be so quiet.” “Yeah, what do you think of the game?” Clemens chimed in. “It was a good game, good plays. Jeter’s double play was cool.” “You can call me ‘Derek’.” “What about David’s pitching?” Clemens, Roger, asked. “He did well despite the home run. Of course, I still think of him as a Met. I don’t like favorite players changing teams all the time.” I looked to Roger. “No offense.” He smiled. “At least David picks up the ball”, Derek teased. Chuck shook his head. “I’ll never live that down in the clubhouse.” Conversation continued, not just about baseball. Alas, it was time to go. I had to take a train home, and Derek dropped me off the station. There was a game the next day, and it was back to work as usual. During the game was about the game. However, afterwards Chuck and David would talk to me. Roger said “hi”. I wasn’t invited out this time. After this game the team would go on a road trip, so I had a few days off. I watched a game on TV. Unfortunately they lost. About an hour later the phone rang. “Hello?” “Hi, it’s Chuck.” “Chuck who?” “Knoblauch, who else would it be?” “Oh, hi. Wow, wasn’t expecting you to call me. Sorry about the game.” “It happens. Anyway, just called to say hi. It’s too bad you can’t make all road trips. I’ll see you when we get back. Bye.” Well, that was a nice surprise. When the Yankees returned to New York Chuck would regularly talk to me after games. Other players would make small talk, but Chuck and I would have a conversation. I was also more often invited to outings with the players. I even had my picture in the paper when team members were photographed. Anyway, after one particular game there was the familiar rap on the shower door. “Hey, it’s Chuck. Are you free tonight?” “Sure.” “Ok, I’ll meet you at the usual place.” Later I went to the parking lot to meet Chuck and the others but only Chuck was there. “Where are the others?” “No one else. I just figured it would just be the two of us tonight.” “Oh, that’s fine.” Chuck took me to the hotel where he stays in New York. There’s a restaurant on the top floor. We took window seating and had a terrific view of the city. We made a pact not to talk about baseball tonight. While we were eating, though sitting across from each other, I noticed our legs were touching underneath the table, more specifically our calves. Neither of us moved, but surely Chuck had to feel it. I decided to pretend not to notice. It wasn’t because of lust, more of a familiarity. There’s no question we had a friendship, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a small crush. As a private joke to myself I would say that all this time we were dating. “Would you like to have dessert at my place?” Chuck asked. “It’s a better place to relax and there’s still a great view.” “That’s fine by me.” After dinner off we went to his apartment. It was rather large, bigger than most Manhattan apartments I’ve seen. Chuck served us both ice cream, and we ate by a large window overlooking the city. Again we sat across from each other, but the table was smaller than in the restaurant. Our legs touched. Our knees touched. We ate quietly, looking out the window. A warm sensation came over my legs. Chuck’s legs were moving, rubbing against mine. I looked at him, but he was still looking out the window. When we finished Chuck took the dishes and put them in the sink. I stood up and went closer to the window. Chuck came next to me. “See anything interesting?” “I just like the view. It’s a perspective I don’t see every day.” Chuck went to his stereo system and turned on some music. He danced a little. “You seem tense. Relax.” I tried to relax but couldn’t. I felt a sense of uncertainty. Why was I here? I continued to stare out the window. Chuck came up to me. “Hey, buddy, what’s wrong?” “Nothing.” “Don’t give me that. You look depressed and withdrawn.” “Why am I here?” “I invited you.” “But why? I’m not a Yankee. I’m not a ballplayer. None of the others invite me anywhere, not that I expect them to.” “Hey, calm down. Baseball is my job and I love it, but it’s not my life. I have interests outside of it. You just happen to be one of them. Is that so wrong?” “No, but ...” “No ‘buts’. I’m a guy just like you. I’m a celebrity but still just a guy” Chuck proceeded to take off his shirt. He padded himself on his torso. “See? I’m not wearing my uniform. I’m Chuck, not Yankee.” I let out a laugh. I suppose I did keep seeing him with a uniform. Of course, now that I see him bare-chested, you can’t help but notice how handsome he is. Chuck turned me around to face the window. He then began to massage the back of my neck. “You are tense. If I went on the field like this we’d lose every game.” “Then how come you made so many errors this year?”, I teased. He chuckled. “Well, enough of that. We promised no baseball tonight.” His hands moved to my shoulders. “That’s better. Just relax.” As he continued the massaged he slowly went down my back. However, he didn’t stop at my lower back. It wasn’t long before he was massaging my butt. “You passed the border.” “Do you want me to stop?” “No,” I sighed. I reached out behind me and grabbed Chuck’s legs. He leaned in to me and kissed the back of my neck. He stopped massaging and put his arms around me. He rubbed my chest as he continued kissing my neck. I lifted my arms up and ran my fingers through his hair. He turned me around to face him. “How long have you felt about me this way?”, he asked. “Since last year during the play-offs with Cleveland.” “It’s nice to know I always had at least one fan. For me it was early in this season. It took awhile to get the nerve to ask you to hang out with the guys.” We kissed on the lips. I paused. “There’s something you should know. This isn’t just lust. I have a crush on you.” “Oh, I see. Well then, I guess it’s time we consummate our relationship.” Chuck picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. He put me on the bed and laid on top of me. We resumed our kiss. This time it wasn’t just our lips. We kissed all over our faces. We held each other tight. I rubbed my hands along his back. Chuck began to hump, pressing his groin into mine. He stared into my eyes. With an evil grin he said: “Hi, I’m Chucky, and I want to play!” He then quickly took my clothes off. He did the same with the rest of his clothes. With both of us naked we embraced each other again, our bodies pressed against each other from head to foot. We entwined our legs and arms. Our dicks rested against each other. I lowered my hands to grab Chuck’s ass. Upon grabbing hold he humped me again while licking my neck and right shoulder. I kissed his shoulder in return. Chuck reached a hand in between us and grabbed both our dicks, rubbing them together. I was in ecstasy, not so much from the stimulation but the situation. I held onto Chuck, never wanting to let go. I continued to squeeze his butt cheeks, fondly remembering them covered by his uniform and now firmly in my grasp. I just had to see them. I maneuvered myself from under Chuck to have him lie on his stomach on the bed. I sat on his legs and stared at his ass as my hands massaged it. Chucked hummed his pleasure. I then laid on top of him to kiss the back of his neck. My dick sandwiched between his butt cheeks. I leaned over a bit to kiss him on the lips again. He turned over to face me. This was more than about lust. On future dates we would explore our fetishes but tonight, it as just about us being together. We hugged and cuddled each other for the next hour. For this night, Chuck simply grabbed our dicks and jerked them together. The tickle in our dicks could no longer be denied. As pleasure overtook us our cum gushed from us. Physically satisfied, we continued to hold onto each other. Life at work wasn’t quite the same afterwards. Nothing changed in routine, but the atmosphere was for the better. Chuck still hanged out with some of the players after games. Once in a while I could join them, but it was still a “members only” gathering. However, when others weren’t looking, Chuck would flirt with me. It could be a wink. It could be a quick flash. At night, and especially after road trips, our reunions became quite passionate. One night I got an interesting surprise. Chuck had given me his key to his apartment. He was to hang with the guys tonight but told me to be there at about midnight for him for something special. He said it was a fetish he wanted to try. As I waited several images came to my head. We had already done standard things. Some new ideas I quickly dismissed because I didn’t think Chuck would go for it. Anyway, the door buzzed. It was Chuck. When I opened the door I was surprised to see Shane Spencer standing behind him. Chuck said one word: “Threesome.”


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Navar

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It's Just A Short Stop To Nirvana

It has been a while, but I return to J’s Hangout; a juice bar upstairs, a j/o club downstairs. All types of guys go downstairs, from the elderly gents to the scrawny twinks to muscle jocks. There are also various personalities like the slut who does anyone, the guy who just won’t shut up, and the mysterious short guy wearing a baseball cap. Perhaps the most frustrating personality is

My Favorite Yankee

In a way you can say I have a dream job. I’m not a CEO and am not a famous movie star. No, I’m a batboy for the New York Yankees. Now, I’m not a boy, but I would feel foolish if I called myself “batman”. Being a batboy is not a high paying job, but there are fringe benefits. For one thing, I attend all the home games for free. When the team’s not playing at home, they usually have

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Tarzan Origins

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The Oilman

Times were tough. I needed to get a job, any job. I found work at Madison Square Garden as a janitor. Not a glamorous job, but work is work. I helped clean the arena after sporting events as well as maintain the general cleanliness of the entire building. Once in a while I would be asked to do odd jobs at various events, such as ushering. There was one sporting event that proved

The Photo Shoot

There was a small help wanted ad in the newspaper for an office assistant. I doubt it would pay much, but I needed the job so I had answered it. It was a Manhattan address. It wasn’t in a ritzy neighborhood. However, it wasn’t in a slum either, just a low rent area relatively speaking for Manhattan. I took the elevator to the 7th floor. It opened up into a reception area. I was

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