Gay Erotic Stories

My First Bondage Experience

by Sandal Boy

I was just starting my senior year in high school, when we moved to a small town in the Mid West. My uncle found a job for my father at a farm equipment dealership, and my mother had a job at the dinner in town We were renting a small house about a mile out of town. My cousin Brian was going to the same school. I had been able to make the swim team, so I was happy. Brian played football. He was a couple of inches taller than I and was a bit heavier. He looked like a football player. I had asked the coach if I could also join the diving team. He told me that he would let me try out, but suggested that I take gymnastics first. Everything seemed to be moving along well. My parents were away from home a lot because of their jobs, but that gave me more time to study and practice my swimming after school. We had been swimming in some rather ratty swim trunks and the coach wanted all of us to be dressed the same. Most of the kids were not in a position to buy the latest swim wear, so the coach said he would see if the local sporting goods store would sponsor the team. The owner agreed, if the school would allow him to put the store's logo on the swim trunks and towels. After the school agreed, the coach turned all of our measurements in, and in a few weeks, the new stuff arrived. We were asked to come to the gym and pick it up. The store had been very generous. They supplied us with two pairs of trunks with our names on them and the store logo. They included two big towels, also with our names, and a very nice pair of clear plastic V thong sandals. They were almost like going bare foot, since you could see right through them. We were all excited about trying on our new trunks, as soon as we could. When I opened the plastic bag, I found the most abbreviated pair of Speedo's I had ever seen. I put them on to see if they fit, which they did, very well. Everyone was quite self conscious the first time they wore them to practice. We also noticed a lot of girls showing up at the pool to watch us. Brian would often stop by after football practice, to see if I needed a ride home. I usually ask him if he could wait until I changed, which he did most of the time. However, when we got, the Speedo's he would tell me to put on my T shirt and let's get going. He was always in a bit of a hurry. I told him I didn't want to get the seats wet in his pick up, but he said he didn't care, the truck was old. A couple of times he even told me that he thought my new trunks looked really cool, but I didn't attach any meaning to it, until a few weeks later It was a Friday afternoon, and Brian stopped by and asked if I wanted a ride. I told him that I would be right there. I grabbed my T shirt and towel and slipped on my plastic thongs. I was trying to put the T shirt on when I got to where he was standing. He told me not to bother. It was hot outside. Brian was dressed in cut offs and a pair of blue and white Adidas soccer sandals. I got in the truck with just my Speedo's and sandals and tossed the towel and T shirt behind the seats. He took me for a little ride around town to meet some of his football buddies and talk about what they were going to do over the weekend. I felt a bit embarrassed, being almost naked, but his buddies didn't seem to mind at all. They liked my trunks and the sandals, and told me so. After we got to my house, I invited Brian in and for a Coke. We sat around for a couple of minutes and then I said I needed to take a shower. He said, go ahead, don't let me stop you. I tossed my towel and T shirt into the laundry hamper and went in to shower. I came out in just a towel, and tossed my trunks into the hamper. Brian asked me to sit down for a minute and have a coke with him. I said I would be right back, after I put something on. He told me to chill out, and just leave the towel on. We sat and talked for about ten minutes before the phone rang. My mother called to tell me she was going to be home very late, because another waitress was out sick. Brian said, "Why don't we go into your bedroom?" We got up and went in. I sat on my bed and Brian sat in a chair next to it. He seemed nervous, and was looking all around the room. I asked him if everything was ok. He looked straight at me and said, "I want to play with you." I wasn't quite sure what he meant, and said, "What do you want to play?" He hesitated, and repeated that he wanted to play with me. And then quickly added, my body. He said that he was really turned on by just looking at my body. When we started to wear the new trunks, it turned him on even more. He liked the way my body was so smooth all over. I had blond hair that came down just below my ears. I had it cut like the boy on the Dutch Boy paint can. He said it looked cool and he wanted to play with it. I was really confused. My feelings were all mixed up, and I guess I just sat there dumfounded. I liked the idea that someone felt that way about me, but wasn't sure that I should let this go any further. However, he was bigger than I, and could over power me very easily. I didn't want that to happen, so I said, "What do you want to do to me?" He said that he had some ropes in his truck and wanted to tie me up. For some strange reason, that thought made me tingle all over, and I said, "okay" He came back in just a couple of minutes with a big paper bag, containing a whole lot of ropes. He said that he wanted to tie me to my bed I laid back and grabbed hold of the head of the bed. He quickly tied my hands to the corners. Then he went to the foot of the bed and tied my feet to the corners, at that end. It felt weird just lying there tied that way. It was also an exciting feeling, especially when he slid my plastic sandals off. I never had another guy do something like that, and look at me as if he was going to devour me. He then grabbed the edge of the towel, and just pulled it off. He could see what this was doing to me. I had never been this excited, and it was obvious. He sat on the edge of the bed and started to rub my penis. I was whimpering and trying to tell him not to do it He kept it up until I was almost ready to shoot my load. I recognized, that if I came, he knew that I was his for the taking. He was not going to make it easy for me. He kept me just at the edge of cuming, and told me that I would have to beg him to make me cum. I wasn't going to let him make me beg. I tried to keep my mind on everything but, what was happening to me. He was too good. I finally reached the point that I wanted to cum so bad, I could taste it. I finally said, "Okay, you win," but that wasn't enough for Brian. He told me that I had to beg him to do it. I had to plead with him to make me cum, in just those words. I couldn't take any more of his torture, and finally said that, "I was pleading for him to make me cum." He finished me off by holding the end of my penis so the cum would squirt all over me. He got it on my stomach, chest, face, and even in my hair. I lay there exhausted, trying to recover my senses. He looked at me, and said he wasn't finished yet. I didn't know what else he could do, but I soon found out. He took all of his clothes off and straddled my stomach. It was obvious that all of this had turned him on. He had a great looking body, much like that of a weight lifter, with big arms and powerful legs. I knew that whatever he was going to do, there was nothing I could do about it. In just a few minutes he was pumping his penis really hard, and aiming at my face. He told me to open my mouth and keep it open. I did as I was told, and then he started to cum. The first two blasts went straight in my mouth and the rest of it went all over my face. This kid really put out a load and my face was covered with his cum. When he was finished, he got up and sat down in the chair next to the bed. In a couple of minutes he took his toes and slid them through the cum on my stomach. He held them to my mouth and told me to lick them clean. He spent half an hour making me lick all of my cum off his feet and toes. Brian took his time untying me. He touched me all over and even tickled me while he was doing it. Then he told me to take a shower. He came in with me and watched. When I finished, he made me stand in front of him so he could dry me off with the towel. He told me to put on my other pair of Speedo's and my plastic sandals. He also wanted me to call my mother, and see if I could stay at his house over night. She said that it was okay with her, since it was a Friday night. Brian told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. He tied them tight and pulled the ropes between my legs. He wrapped the ropes around my waist a couple of times and tied it. He pushed me out of the house and into his truck, and we drove to his place. When I got there, I was wondering what his parents would say when we got out of the truck. To my surprise there was no one there. His parents were staying with some friends over the weekend. At this point I began to think about what could happen to me, being alone with Brian over night. The thought frightened me and excited me at the same time. We went to Brian's room and he made me sit in a chair. He tied my feet to the legs and left the room for a few minutes. When he came back, he sat in front of me and told me that he was going to do some more things. He would try not to hurt me too much. I didn't know what to say. I tried to convince him to let me go and I would do whatever he wanted. He smiled, and said that he didn't think I would be that cooperative, when I found out what it was going to be. He had a large box full of ropes, chains, and straps, that he pulled from his closet. He had a large hook screwed into the ceiling, which I thought was for one of those hanging basket chairs they had years ago. He pulled one of the ropes, through the loop in the ceiling, and let it dangle. He untied my feet and pushed me toward the rope. He made me stand with the rope behind me and tied my hands to it. He pulled the rope and forced me to bend over. He pulled the rope even farther and I was now in a very uncomfortable position with my head down between my legs. He tied the rope to the leg on the bed and I was stuck in that position. He ran his hands all over my butt and then pulled my Speedo's down to my ankles. He made me lift my feet so he could take my trunks and sandals off. He just sat for a few minutes and looked at me. He was obviously pleased with what he saw. He then got up, went back to his box and pulled something out. It was a piece of a broom handle, about 18" long, painted gloss black. It had a long leather thong through the base of it. At first, I thought he was going to hit me with it. He waved it in front of my face, and asked what I thought he was going to do with it. I said I didn't even want to guess, but pleaded with him not to hit me. He snickered, and said, "That's not what I had in mind." He reached into the box again and pulled out a rubber. He pulled the rubber over the rounded end of the handle and down the shaft as far as it would go. I then realized what he had in mind, and started to whimper again, begging him not to put it up my ass. Brian took out some KY and began to apply it. He told me that, although this was going to hurt a bit, I would be glad that he did it. My mind was spinning at that point, and I was begging him not to do it. Brian obviously had only one thought in mind, and that was to push that broom handle up ass. I have to say he was as gentle as one can be, with that kind of thing. He pushed it in only a couple of inches at first so I could accommodate to this terrible intrusion. He then turned it a bit and moved it back and forth just a little. He could judge by my groans and breathing, how much I could take. But, his goal was obvious, he was going to get as much of that handle up my butt as possible. When he finally stopped, there must have been at least 10" of it in me. He then proceeded to tie the thong around my balls, to keep me from forcing it out. He sat down again, and watched me struggle with this thing up my ass. I kept pleading with him to take it out, but to no avail. After about ten minutes I heard the door bell ring. My heart started to pound. I couldn't imagine being found in this position by someone, even though they may be going to let me go. Brian got up from the chair, and casually left the room, not even closing the door. I heard voices in the other room and it sounded like friends of Brian. Then I heard them coming toward the bed room. I was in a panic. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, but Brian brought his friends in.. It was Jason and Kevin, also in cut offs and soccer sandals. We had met earlier, when Brian was taking me around the town. Jason walked over to me and began to run his hands all over my body and especially my ass. He told Brian that I really did look like a girl from the rear. Brian said, "I told you so." Then Kevin mumbled something about this being a rough way to treat your cousin. He also added, that he liked the stick up my ass. Then I heard Brian comment about seeing them both in the showers, and if they were going to fuck me, he wanted me to be able to take them without screaming too much Jason told Brian that he had brought some things over in his gym bag. He wanted to put a pair of red plastic fisherman sandals on me, that his sister had left, when she went off to college. He thought it would add to the fantasy of me being a girl. Brian held my feet up one at a time, so Jason could slip the sandals on. They felt very smooth inside, and the fact that they had been worn by a girl was beginning to excite me. He strapped them on tight so I couldn't wiggle my feet out of them. They all stood around and just looked at me, tied in that horrible position with the broom handle sticking out of my ass, and a pair of girls sandals on my feet. Brian turned to Kevin and Jason and said, "Let’s take him to our play room." Jason indicated that he would go ahead and meet the rest of us at the barn. I told them that I couldn't go out to the barn like this. He told Kevin to untie the rope that was pulling my arms up in the air, but to leave my wrists tied. I was pushed toward the front door. I couldn't believe they were going to take me to the barn, naked, with the stick up my ass, but they did. It was dusk and it had started to get cold. It was a real effort to keep that stick from moving around while I was walking. When we got to the barn, I found out that their play room was up in the loft. There was a long ladder bolted to the wall that went up through the floor of the loft. Jason was already at the top waiting for us to come up. Brian pushed me toward the ladder and I pleaded with him not to make me go up. He told Kevin to untie my hands so I could hold onto the ladder. He told me to climb up three rungs and stop. At that point he tied a rope, that he had in his hands, to by balls. Then he told me to go on up the ladder, and he would follow me with the rope. He pulled it a couple of times just to scare me. When I got to the top, Jason helped me to the floor. I was still having all kinds of trouble trying to keep that stick from hitting anything. The loft was empty and fairly clean. The barn was now being used to store equipment. When everyone was up, my hands were retied. I was then pushed to the other end of the loft. There were three rooms, two of them had open doorways and had stuff stored in them. The third door was locked with a padlock. Brian went ahead and unlocked the door and turned on the lights. The room was big and had linoleum on the floor. There were six large wooden kitchen chairs in one corner and a number of cardboard boxes. I also noticed a number of I bolts attached to the walls and floor. After we were in, Brian closed the door and locked it from the inside. I was pushed toward the middle of the room and forced to stand next to a rope that hung from the ceiling. My wrists were tied to the rope and again pulled up from behind my back, forcing me to bend over. Then Jason attached ropes to my ankles and pulled them apart, tying them to the bolts in the floor. I was glad they put the plastic sandals on my feet so they would slide easily. I started to look around the room to see what was going on. In one corner I saw a large box of sandals which surprised me, because I never saw Brian wear sandal, other than the soccer sandals. He noticed me looking at it and said: "What are you looking at?" I replied, "Nothing." He knew that I saw the sandals, and told me that if I ever told anyone about it, I would be really sorry. One of the other boxes was full of bondage magazines. I quickly found out what went on up here. These guys would come up here, put on a pair of sandals, and jack off while reading the magazines. Tonight was going to be very special. They would pick out the sandals that turned them on the most, and start playing with themselves. When everyone was excited, they were going to fuck me. Brian was going to watch his friends rape me, and cum off while they were doing it. He had taken me for the ride to see who wanted to participate, but they wanted to see me first. Jason and Kevin took out a number of pairs of sandals to see which ones they wanted to wear. I was interested in all the different styles they had. Most of them were leather thong styles. I think they probably bought them from a store, because they were older styles. Jason saw me looking at him, and told me, that if I didn't stop, he was going to spank me with the sandal or even make me lick it, after he had tried it on. They stripped off their cut offs and soccer sandals to do this. There was a big mirror in one corner in which they could see themselves as they walked around the room. Seeing these guys naked in nothing but sandals, was a real turn on for me. I never thought about it before, but being tied up like this, in girl's sandals, and seeing these guys in their thongs, was getting to me. They could see what was happening, and decide to tease me some more. They showed me pictures of other naked guys, all tied up in different positions. Jason found this one picture, and said, "This is what we are going to do to you if you ever tell anyone about this place." The picture was of this young naked guy, hanging upside down from some beams. His legs were spread as far as I could imagine, without breaking them. His thumbs were tied together behind his back with a leather thong, and then attached to his balls. One guy was whipping his back with a three tailed whip. It was leaving welts, and you could see the guy was in pain. The guy in front was pushing the biggest penis I have ever seen, into the guys mouth. There were a few more pictures showing the guy really being tortured. The final scene showed the guy's mouth open and cum dripping out. Jason noticed how hard I was getting, and told everyone to look. Brian chuckled and said, "I think he really likes this." When Jason and Kevin had their penises good and hard, Kevin told them to rape me. He untied the thong from my balls and slowly pulled the stick out. Jason decided he was going to fuck my ass and Kevin would make me suck him off. I knew what the guy in the picture must have felt like, as Kevin started to push his penis in my mouth. This guy was big and long. I hoped he didn't plan to push it all the way in. Jason's penis was also big, and I was glad that Brian had prepared me for this. I never thought I would say that. These guys worked on me for nearly half an hour. They had agreed to cum together and give me a real work out. I could get a glimpse of Brian holding one of the soccer sandals in front of him and pushing his penis through the strap. When everyone was ready, they cut lose. My ass and mouth were flooded together. These guys could shoot a load, I thought they would never stop. This was the first time I had ever tasted another guy's cum. I had tasted my own on occasion, but Kevin's tasted very different from mine. After Jason and Kevin finished with me, Brian suggested that they jack me off. It was obvious I had been turned on by all of this, my penis was stiff and dripping. Kevin began to play with it, while Brian shot his load into the soccer sandal. He wiped the end of his penis off on the heel cup and handed the sandal to Kevin and told him to make me cum in it. It took only a few minutes for me to start moaning and thrusting and finally cumming in the sandal. Kevin made sure I got every drop into it, then he handed it back to Brian. Brian told them to pull my head back so he could pour the cum into my mouth. He wanted to see me eat every drop of cum from the sandal and then lick it clean. He even wanted me to lick his sweat off of it. Brian held the heel cup to my lips and started to tip it up. I could see the pool of his cum and mine start to flow toward my lips and then into my mouth I could tell which cum was his and which was mine by how warm it was. Brian made me clean up every drop, including licking the entire sandal. They left me tied in the position they had fucked me in. Jason went over to his gym bag and took something out. I couldn't see it, because he was slightly behind me. I heard Brian ask, "What the hell is that?" Jason told him it was called a speculum, and it was used to check cunts and asses. “You see, you push this up the guy's ass and adjust it so it will stay open. I'll show you how it works.” He held the device right in front of my face, and began to apply KY to it. He squeezed the handle to show me how it opened up. I started to plead with Brian not to let them use it on me. Brian told Jason to go a head and put it in. He was careful to put it in easy, because my ass was sore from the fucking. He got it in and began to squeeze the handle and spread it inside me. He opened it until I screamed and beg him to stop. They locked it open and then got a flash light to look up my ass. They said they could see Jason's cum in my ass. Brian said, "Leave it there." He was going to get some crushed ice. While he was gone, Jason took out some metal probes that could be used with the device, and put them into me. I could feel the cold metal touching me in places that were never meant to be touched. It didn't hurt, but felt uncomfortable Brian returned with a small plastic bucket of crushed ice. He gave it to Jason and said to put some in me and see what happens. The first few chunks had me yelling for mercy. The pain was really bad. I could feel it all the way up inside me. Brian told Jason and Kevin to gag me so I wouldn't make so much noise. They were going to see if their other buddies were ready for me. Jason was looking for a gag and found a couple of pairs of old sneakers with some gym socks stuffed in them. He pulled one of the socks out, and stuffed it in my mouth. He then took a leather thong and tied it in place. Jason shoved some more ice up my ass just to torture me while they were gone. They turned off the lights and put the lock back on the door. I thought about myself tied in this terrible position, just waiting for another group of guys to show up and fuck me. That was all I needed to start getting hard again. I knew I was going to be their sex slave as long as they wanted me.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Sandal Boy

A Trip To The Woods

I live in a small town in Maryland, near the Cotoctain Mountains. It was the first day of summer vacation. Both my parents work and are away from home a lot. I keep myself busy with mowing lawns and taking pictures. One of my favorite things to do is to ride my bike up into the mountains and take wild life pictures. I have found a few good areas where I can get close ups of

My First Bondage Experience

I was just starting my senior year in high school, when we moved to a small town in the Mid West. My uncle found a job for my father at a farm equipment dealership, and my mother had a job at the dinner in town We were renting a small house about a mile out of town. My cousin Brian was going to the same school. I had been able to make the swim team, so I was happy. Brian

Roger Meets A New Friend, Part 1

It was the first day of Summer vacation. Roger had just finished his freshman year in collage. He liked Summer because a lot of people would be wearing sandals. He had a real thing for sandals. Not very many of his friends wore them except some of the girls he knew. Roger had a couple of pairs of sandals he had hidden in the back of his closet. He didn't want his parents to know

Roger Meets A New Friend, Part 2

Jack was walking down the street in a pair of white short shorts and light blue T shirt. He had on his favorite pair of black T strap thongs with the square toes. He was thinking about how hot Roger had been in the last photo session they went to, when he noticed a "Garage Sale" sign in front of a big house. There was a young guy arraigning things on tables, and a clothes rack with


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