Gay Erotic Stories

My First Time with Todd: Cards for Consequences (C


I had known that I had feelings for guys for a while. My best friend, Todd, was a very good looking young man, and although I did not want to ruin our friendship, my lust for him eventually overcame this sentiment. One day, Todd and I were talking about our personalities. I had told him that he was too secretive. He said that he wasn't, but I did not agree. I told him that he would never get naked in front of me. He said that he would. That's when it all began....I knew at that point that Todd was interested. We were at his house, unfortunately, so he said that he did not want to do it there. I told him that we could go straight to my house after school the following day since I knew there would be noone home. He agreed. I half expected Todd to back out the next day after he had had some time to think about it, but he was ready to go. We hopped into his truck, and headed to my house. On the way to my house, I suggested that we do something to get used to the idea of seeing each other naked, so we could avoid an awkward situation. He asked how we would do that, and I explained it to him. We would play blackjack, and we would stipulate a consequence the loser would have to perform before each hand. The loser would then have to perform that consequence. He agreed, and by then we were at my house. By the time we walked in the door, I could tell that tension was mounting. But, by the bulge in Todd's pants, I could tell he was willing. We went up to my room, and I closed the door. I found the cards, and I turned around to see Todd sitting on the couch, smiling. I told him he should make up the first consequence. As I expected, he refused. So, I conceded and told him that the loser would have to strip naked and allow the winner to examine him for as long as he wanted. He said ok, and I dealt the cards. I had no problem showing Todd my body, but I was elated when he lost the hand. Surprisingly, he immediately started removing his belt. He removed everything except his tighty whites, and I could see his member beneath the cloth. I reminded him that he had to strip, and he slowly pulled off his underwear. I was slightly surprised when a fully engorged 6" member flopped out of his shorts. I felt a pinge of fear as I remembered that I was only about 5 ½ inches, but quickly got over it when I realized that I would never get anywhere with Todd if I did not show it to him. I told him that we should forget the games, and he readily agreed. I started to strip my clothes off, and I watched Todd stare at me as I did so. When I finally stood naked before him, he did not seem surprised at all by the size of my wand. He just knelt down and took the entire thing into his mouth. He sucked and sucked, and when I finally spilled my seed into his waiting throat, it felt so good that I thought I was going to collapse right there. This doesn't compare in the least to what happened next....... Check back here often for the next exciting chapter of: "Cards for Consequences"


1 Gay Erotic Stories from

My First Time with Todd: Cards for Consequences (C

I had known that I had feelings for guys for a while. My best friend, Todd, was a very good looking young man, and although I did not want to ruin our friendship, my lust for him eventually overcame this sentiment. One day, Todd and I were talking about our personalities. I had told him that he was too secretive. He said that he wasn't, but I did not agree. I told him that he


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