Gay Erotic Stories

My Monitor, My Master! Part 1

by Hypno_kid

My monitor was a very attractive guy. Ever since I got into this boy’s school I couldn't stop thinking of him. His name is DingYi, a cool stud, and a member of the track and field team. His perfect abs made him that much more attractive. We were very good friends and we shared a common interest, hypnosis. We both had steady girlfriends whom we got to know from the net. Our relationships with our girlfriends were very good, but one day DingYi's girlfriend, Jane, decided to end their relationship. DingYi was very downhearted for a period of time. As his best friend, I could only console him and spend more time with him. Things started to get better after a few weeks, but DingYi was behaving rather weird: all the Playboy and FHM magazines that he used to bring were all gone, and he didn't talk about girls the way we used to. One day after class, we were studying at a quiet corner in the school when DingYi started talking about his new red-coloured contact lenses. I leaned forward to have a better look. He sure looked real cool in them; red coloured lenses with spiraling circle patterns on them. DingYi was smiling, and said in a firm and strong tone, "Jason, look deep into them, you will feel something special." "What?" I mumbled. I was taken in by his unexpected request. I began to stare hard into his eyes. "As you keep staring, Jason, you will start to realize how soothing it is to look into my eyes." Well, it really felt good looking at the spiraling circles. It was like calling me to go deeper and deeper... "As you look deeper, you will feel more and more relaxed, and slowly you will feel sooooo sleepy, soooo drowsy. And it's completely OK to fall asleep now, because I'm here to take care of you. I will take very good care of you, my dear. Leave everything to me, and you will be all right. Everything will be all right. Everything will work out just fine. Now, at the count of 3, you will fall into a complete, deep sleep. 1, 2, 3." I could hear what DingYi was saying vaguely as a strange feeling passed through my body. My mind was clear and seemed waiting to be filled. After a long time, DingYi spoke, "OK, now Jason, you can listen ONLY to my voice now. Your attention is solely concentrated on my voice. You listen to me very, very carefully, and whatever I tell you, you will feel an overwhelming urge to carry out my commands. Understood?" "Yes." I replied. "Always put 'Sir' at the end of the sentence when you talk to me. Understood?" "Yes, Sir!" "OK, Jason. When I say 'Victory', you will become my willing slave. I will be your master and there is nothing that you won't do to please your master. You will now only exist to serve me and do my bidding. Do you understand, Jason?" I nodded in agreement. I wasn’t sure what was happening. My entire body felt relaxed and my mind wass waiting for orders. "Jason, who are you?" "I am your slave. I exist only to please you" "Very good; you are learning very fast," DingYi said as he patted on my head. "Very well now, do you have any appointments later tonight, my slave?" "Yes, Sir. I have a date with Pauline, Sir." "Oh. Pauline, huh? That girl you’ve been with for two years, right?" "Yes, Sir." "Oh, no! Listen, Jason, you are no longer attracted to women, do you understand? They are all bitches who only toy with your feelings. You are only attracted to ME, you got it? The first thing I want you to do later when you wake up is to cancel your date with Pauline and break off with her completely. You will not have anything more to do with her.” "But, Pauline is my girlfriend, and tonight is her birthd..." "No ‘buts!’ Understand?" "Yes, Sir. I will break off with Pauline. All the girls in the world are bitches and are only out to toy with my feelings. I am only attracted to you, my master." "That’s my good boy. Write a note in your diary that you have an appointment with me tonight at 8pm. After you wake up, you will completely forget about this note until 7:30 tonight. At 7:30, you will suddenly remember this note and reach my home at 8pm sharp. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." "That’s my boy, Jason. Now in a moment, you will start counting from 10 to 1 very slowly. As you count, you will be brought back to your normal self in every way. As you count, you will be swiftly brought back to reality. When you reach 1, you will be wide-awake and feel totally refreshed but you will forget everything about this conversation. Ok, start counting NOW!" "10, 9, 8, 7..." I started counting as I started feeling more and more refreshed. "Jason! Stop daydreaming, we have lots of work to cover later you know?" DingYi gave a knock on my head. "Huh? Oh, yeah! We have to finish revising our biology test for tomorrow!" To Be Continued... Comment from the author: I hope you enjoyed the story! If you are into hypnosis like me, I would like to hear from you! Please email me at:


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Hypno_kid

My Monitor, My Master! Part 1

My monitor was a very attractive guy. Ever since I got into this boy’s school I couldn't stop thinking of him. His name is DingYi, a cool stud, and a member of the track and field team. His perfect abs made him that much more attractive. We were very good friends and we shared a common interest, hypnosis. We both had steady girlfriends whom we got to know from the net. Our


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