Gay Erotic Stories

My Neighbor, Bryce, Part 2

by Good neighbor

It has now been 3 months since I first fucked with Bryce in my backyard. I didn't think my life could get any better. I've had the advantage of being able to have pussy and dick almost anytime I want it. Even though Lacy has enjoyed her newfound love for sucking pussy, she still loves to blow me any time I ask. She is still ready, willing and able to satisfy her man. Secretly I think that she prefers pussy as much as I now prefer a good cock. Bryce has been a wonderful teacher to me, teaching me so many joys of this "new life." I've never felt so free. I guess I wanted to admit a desire for men for years but I was too weak. (Not that I am ready for anyone but a very tight circle to know!) Our adventures just keep getting better. Bryce told me one day that he had a big surprise for me. I was quite anxious to see what he had in store. He asked me to drive him to pick up his car from the auto shop and he would give me his surprise. We drove up to the shop and I could see his Corvette out front. He went in to pay for the work and I waited in the car. I could see from my window that he was having a conversation with a mechanic. He then motioned for me to come inside. I thought maybe there was a problem so I quickly raced inside. When I got inside, Bryce said that I was about to get my surprise. We walked back to an office and I realized that the mechanic I saw earlier was leaning against a desk along with another guy. Both mechanics were younger than Bryce and me, probably around 25. It was hard to tell how good-looking they were because they were covered in grease and dirt. They introduced themselves as Justin and Erik. It was obvious to me that Bryce had arranged an encounter. Before I knew what was happening, Justin and Erik started pulling off their clothes, revealing much cleaner skin under the dirty clothes. They were standing before Bryce and me in all their glory. Justin was about the same height as Bryce and me; Erik was about 3 inches shorter. What Erik lacked in height he definitely made up in cock size: He was huge. His dick was also much thicker than Bryce's. It seemed like his balls were almost touching the floor too. Justin had a small dick but it was uncut. I had never seen an uncut dick so I was pretty eager to get a closer inspection. The smell of these two young studs was almost too much for me to handle: they had worked very hard and could have used a shower but Bryce and I didn't care: we were about to get a taste of these "lucky" dudes. Bryce said, "Okay, ladies, grab a dick and let's all fuck our brains out!" Within seconds, we were all four on the floor lapping at each other's smelly dicks. I had Justin's uncut dick in my mouth and it tasted sweeter than I could have imagined. Erik's tongue found my ass and he started sucking on it for dear life. I had one in my mouth and one in my ass; could it get any better than this? Next, Bryce grabbed Justin and started shoving his dick in Justin's mouth and Erik started probing my ass with his finger. Then, Erik shoved that huge cock in my ass. I couldn't believe the pain at first. I could feel my ass stretching to accommodate that cock: Bryce was the only man who had entered me there and he was big but Erik was much bigger and thicker. He pushed and pushed until he was ready to fire his load. He pulled out quickly and pulled my head back and shot his load on my face. I finished him off by sucking my juice that was hanging off his cock. I looked up and noticed Justin's dick sliding in and out of Bryce's tight hole. Justin pulled out and shot his load on Bryce's chest. Then, Bryce told me to close my eyes. He said it was time for my surprise. I thought that I had already received my surprise! What did he have in mind? He grabbed me and bent me over a toolbox. My dick was slapping against the metal and it actually felt good. I was getting harder waiting for my surprise. I could feel sweaty hands grabbing my hair and pulling me up. Then, I could feel the warmth of a pair of lubed hands playing with my asshole. Next, I could feel a dick sliding in and out. That was no surprise to me. . . It gets better. All of the sudden I could feel another set of hands playing with my dick and asshole as a dick was sliding in and out. Before I knew it, another dick was sliding in and out! I arched my head up and looked behind me and saw Justin and Erik pumping my ass together, one on top of the other. Even though it hurt like hell, I was excited. Their weight was pushing my dick into the tool chest. Bryce immediately came over and moved it out of the way. Then, he got under me and started sucking my dick. I had 2 dicks in my ass and a mouth on my dick. After about 5 minutes, we all collapsed. I've never seen so much cum all over the place. What a night! I have to admit, I was so sore that I had no desire to fuck for about 4 days after that night. Bryce told me today that he has another "surprise" for me. I cannot imagine how he is going to top the last one. I'll let you know. . .


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Good neighbor

My Neighbor, Bryce, Part 2

It has now been 3 months since I first fucked with Bryce in my backyard. I didn't think my life could get any better. I've had the advantage of being able to have pussy and dick almost anytime I want it. Even though Lacy has enjoyed her newfound love for sucking pussy, she still loves to blow me any time I ask. She is still ready, willing and able to satisfy her man. Secretly I


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