Gay Erotic Stories

My New Years Kiss

by Happy guy

It was after I had graduated from high school. I had decided to work for a year and put some money away for college. David was a guy that I worked with, and he was in his last year of high school. David and I quickly became friends. David always seemed to me to be as straight as an arrow, he had a girlfriend and stuff like that. I had such a hard on for him it hurt. David was so cute, he was 5'9 brown hair and the prettiest blues eyes. It was the day after Christmas and David invited me to his house for a New Years Eve party, he had told me that his parents are always out until five in the morning celebrating. I said "Sure, it sounds like fun." I got to David's house at about eleven thirty. When I got there I was surpised to see that I was the only one there. I asked him where all the other people were, and he said that I was the only one invited. David and I sat and talked for a while. David told me that he and his girlfriend had broken up, which surprised me because he wasn't upset about it. He just said that she was not the right type of person for him. It was a mineute away from midnight and David wanted a New Year's kiss. I just said with a big smile on my face. "I am the only one here to kiss." "Let's do it anyway" David said. "Just one little kiss." The clock ran down to midnight and it was not just on little kiss. We were lip locked, swaping tounge and everything. After it was done David looked turned on, but didn't try to do anything. I was trying to hide my hard dick that you could see in my pants. Then David said. "It's a new year let's party." David pulled out and video tape and put it in the VCR and played it. It was porn, and guy and a girl. David took off his shirt and started to undo his pants. He asked if I cared if he jacked off while watching the porn. I said that I didn't care. As he pulled out his dick I was impressed, David was a good nine inches! I realy wanted him right there at that moment. David started commenting about the guy in the video. "Look at that guys huge cock. Man I would love to have it in my ass." I looked at David when he said that. I was very astonished. David stoped what he was doing and said. "I can't stop lying to myself or my friends. I am so gay, and I want you more than anything." I was in shock of hearing this I couldn't speak. David just said "I understand if you want to leave, or if you hate me now." David sat next to me and said "I just wanted you for so long. I hope I didn't ruin our friendship." I responded with and kiss. David looked so relieved. "I've wanted you too" I said to him. We were instantly lip locked. He pulled off my shirt and we kept kissing each other. I went down to his huge cock and started sucking on it very hard. Before I knew my mouth filled up with his sweet tasting cum. Then he pulled off my pants and started to suck me off. I couldn't hold back and blew my load in his hot mouth. Then he started to lube me up. I felt his huge cock go into my ass. At hurt at first, but then it felt wonderful. I was on cloud nine. Then I felt his load shoot into my ass. Then he said "Now fuck me." I laid him down and spread his legs and lubed up his ass, and started to fuck him. It felt great. I kept going faster and faster. David kept screaming "OH YES FUCK ME HARD BABY." I kept going harder and harder, until I felt myself cumming. We laid there in each others arms for a very long time. Then I heard David say "I love you". I just responded by saying "I love you too." And that was the truth. That night we both made a New Years resolution to stay together. David and I went to the same college, and live together today.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Happy guy

My New Years Kiss

It was after I had graduated from high school. I had decided to work for a year and put some money away for college. David was a guy that I worked with, and he was in his last year of high school. David and I quickly became friends. David always seemed to me to be as straight as an arrow, he had a girlfriend and stuff like that. I had such a hard on for him it hurt. David was so


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