Gay Erotic Stories

My Night With Matt

by JDS

Let me just start out by describing my relationship with Matt. We work together at a local restaurant. He is a waiter, and I cashier. He will occasionally come up to talk to me, but we aren't what someone might call friends. Matt is one of those guys, who no one would ever guess to be gay. He is handsome, well mannered, and flirts with the girls. I have had fantasies about him, but knew that nothing would ever happen between us. One day I was in the kitchen of the restaurant waiting for a to-go order, when Matt came in. He came up and stood right by me. "How are you doing Josh?" "Great and you" He is one of those that look right into your eyes when he talks to you. "Better now" He flashed a smile. He has a smile that could melt the cheese on a burger. He was always nice to me, but tonight he was even more so. When I went to reach my order, he said, "Oh no, you shouldn't have to carry that, let me get it for you." I let him get it, and he followed me up to the counter. "You can just set it over there by the soda fountain." As he set the order down, he flashed another smile at me. "Is there anything else I can do for you." "No, that's enough." "Okay, well just get me if you need me." "I will." As he walked off I couldn't help but stare at his ass. He had to have the cutest ass I had ever seen. At the end of the night, I went around and said my good byes. Matt stopped me and said that he would walk me out to the car. So as we walked, we talked about the normal stuff, then when we got to my car he stopped, he put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me close to him. When he leaned in to kiss me, all I could do was stand there, I’d been dreaming about this moment for ever, but never thought that it would happen. When he kissed me, I didn't push him away or anything, he kissed me softly and lovingly. He then whispered in my ear. "Let's get in my car." When we got in the car he took me to his house. "We have to be quiet, my family is probably still asleep." We snuck up to his room. As soon as he closed the door, he started to kiss me again, this time I was kissing him back, he lifted my shirt over my head, and rubbed his hands on my bare back. I let my arms rest on his shoulders, as his tongue entered my mouth, my mind went to all the times that I had seen him touching other girls, and acting all sexual with them. Now he was touching me, he was kissing me. His erection was for me. He took off his shirt; he had the chest of a body builder, not too big, but just the right size. Let my hands go over his body, he place me on the bed, and begin to remove my clothes. As he took his off, I could not help but stare at his perfect body. He laid on top of me, and began to kiss my neck, I placed one hand on his back and one on the back of his head, his silky smooth brown hair slipped through my fingers. He reached over and opened a drawer in his nightstand. He pulled out a condom. I took it from his hands and rolled on top of him. As I put the condom on him, I stared at into his eyes. We both smiled. I then bent down and kissed him. He rolled back on top of me, and took the lotion on his stand, and lubed my hole. It felt so good to have his fingers up my ass. I could only imagine how good it would feel to have his penis up there as well. he took his fingers out, and said, "This might hurt a little, just tell me to stop, and I will." All I could do was nod. As he began to slip into me, I felt the pain, but didn't say anything, I didn't want him to stop. When he was in me all the way, he began to fuck. I began to moan, I never knew that something could feel this good. He began to go faster and faster, I wrapped my legs around his waist, and held on tightly to his back. All of a sudden his door opened, his dad entered "Matt . . . Oh, god I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was in here." His dad shut the door. Matt just looked at me, and we both began to laugh quietly. He started fucking again, I knew that as soon as he came it was all over, I never wanted him to come, I wanted to stay in his arms forever. "I'm gonna cum" before I new it I felt his dick throb, I knew that he was shooting. "Oh god, that feels good" he said, He kept on fucking, then he stopped and collapsed on top of me. He laid his head on my chest. We were both breathing heavy, and his head raised with my chest. We were both silent. I unwrapped my legs from his waist, and he got up. He lay down next to me, I rolled over and looked at him. "Do you want to stay over tonight." I just nodded yes, and he handed me the phone. "You should probably call your parents and tell them." "Sure . . . should I tell them that I just finished being fucked my this guy, and I am going to stay the night." We both chuckled, after I called my parents he turned off the lights and we spent the rest of the night holding each other. When I woke up in the morning, I went into the bathroom, and I could here Matt and his father talking in the living room. When I went back into Matt's room, and finished getting dressed, Matt walked in. He laughed and said, "You remember when my dad walked in on us last night, he thought that I was getting it on with a girl. He asked if it was good." "Well, what did you say" "I said that it was the best piece of ass I have ever had." After that, Matt and I waited until his father left for work, and he took me to work, so I could pick up my car. He told me that he would see me that night, and that we should get together again. Neither of us are out of the closet, and so we are very discreet about it, but we have been carrying on for about two months now. I will always remember my first time, and no matter what happens, I’ll never forget Matthew Kennedy.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from JDS

My Night With Matt

Let me just start out by describing my relationship with Matt. We work together at a local restaurant. He is a waiter, and I cashier. He will occasionally come up to talk to me, but we aren't what someone might call friends. Matt is one of those guys, who no one would ever guess to be gay. He is handsome, well mannered, and flirts with the girls. I have had fantasies about him,


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