Gay Erotic Stories

My Night With Russell Crowe

by Maverick4sex

Disclaimer: This is truly a work of fiction, Mr. Crowe is not gay, nor am I trying to suggest that he is. This is merely a fantasy of mine. The standard warning applies as well. If you are under 18 or are offended by gay sex, please go elsewhere. "No, I told you, I don’t want to go see that movie. I’m totally not into that sort of thing. You guys have a good time, I’ll meet you at the club at 11:30." I hung the phone up. I had been talking to my 2 best friends and they were trying to get me to go see Gladiator with them. I had a quiet evening planned at my place, I was going to watch a movie and get some of my laundry done. Not too exciting for a Friday night, but oh well. I started a load of laundry and grabbed one of the movies I had rented. I popped it into the VCR and hit play. Well, in a blink of an eye, my VCR went haywire, and totally seized up. I didn’t have a clue what to do, so I unplugged it, and grabbed my phone from the charger. I dialed my friends’ number and hoped they hadn’t left yet. "I’m glad you changed your mind Terry. You’ll really like this movie. The lead actor is totally hot!" My friend Chase told me. "His name is Russell Crowe, and he’s getting rave reviews for this movie." We paid our admission and went into find a seat. The theatre was really packed. We managed to find three seats in the same row and sat down. The movie started and I was just amazed. He not only was totally fucking hot, but also a fabulous actor! The movie ended, much to my dismay, and we left the theatre. All I could think was "Wow! He’s hot." We went to one of our local clubs and had a few drinks and then went our separate ways. I wandered around the downtown area, cause I was bored, and I decided to go into one of the local adult bookstores. I got a handful of tokens from the clerk, and went into the back area where the peep booths were. I wandered around, looking to see if there was anyone worth cruising. I wasn’t particularly interested in any of the guys there, until HE walked in. This guy walked through the curtain and nearly bowled me over. He apologized profusely, and I noticed that he had an Australian accent. I couldn’t get a good look at him, but he seemed quite good looking, with a nice body, and a nice smile. I found an open booth, and went in, but never shut the door, hoping that he would walk past and see me waiting. I popped a token into the slot, and selected a movie with three good-looking studs playing. I was just getting ready to sit on the stool when I heard a tap on the door. It was him. I didn’t know what I should do. I stood up and said, "Hey, how’s it going?" He looked at me for a second and said "I’m good mate, how are you?" In the light of the booth, I got a better look at him. Shaggy hair, a few days beard growth, and the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. "I don’t really get off on doing this here, man, mind if we go to my hotel room?" I nodded in agreement and we left through a side exit. We walked to a park and got into a forest green Jeep Grand Cherokee. I noticed a "Gladiator" Premiere ticket on the dashboard, and asked, "Oh did you go see the premiere of ‘Gladiator’?" He looked at me and said, "See it? I was in it mate." I was flabbergasted. Here, less than 2 feet away from me was Russell Crowe, or a very convincing double. "So, you mean that you want me to believe that YOU are Russell Crowe?" He looked at me with those soulful eyes and asked, "What proof do you want? Drivers license? Screen Actors Guild Card?" I felt like a moron, not believing him, and I reached for the door handle. "What are you doing, mate?" He asked, "I thought we were gonna go back to the hotel." I looked at him and said "Mr. Crowe, I feel so bad. I doubted you, and I don’t deserve to be in the same car as you." He looked at me and laughed. "Oh bullshit. You made an honest mistake. Now, do you want to come to my room or not?" I nodded, and he started the Jeep and we drove off. We drove up to the Grand Hotel, parked, and were greeted by the concierge. We walked into the hotel, got an elevator and went to the very top floor. We got off the elevator and Russell was greeted by a very built, very cute, bellman. He unlocked the door and led me into a very well appointed suite, with a fabulous view of the city. I must have looked nervous, cause Russell asked me if I wanted a drink, I accepted the offer, and he mixed me a screwdriver. "Thanks" I said, taking the glass from him, "Maybe this will calm my nerves." He looked at me. "You’re nervous, mate? How do you think I feel? I’m a bonafide Hollywood leading man, and I’m gay. How do you think I feel living the lie I live?" I didn’t know what to say. "Russell, if you don’t want to go through with this, I’ll just go. Just say the word and I’m outta here." He sat on the arm of my chair. "No, don’t go. It’s alright. I’m just worried that one of these times, one of the blokes I bring back to my place is gonna go and spill all to the tabloids. Then I’d be fucked. I prefer to keep my personal activities personal, if you know what I mean. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to use the washroom. Make yourself another drink if you like. I won’t be too long." He got up and walked towards the bathroom. All of a sudden I felt incredibly guilty about this, but at the same time, I got a HUGE rush of endorphins, because behind the door of the bathroom, was Russell Crowe, Hollywood star, and I was in the same suite as he was. I went over to the mini-bar and poured myself another drink. "Do you want me to make you a drink, Russell?" "Sure, make me what you’re having. I’ll be right out." I went about mixing Russell a drink, when I heard a crash come from the bathroom. "Are you alright, Russell?" I shouted. "Yeah, I’m alright Terry. I just dropped the water glass. I’ll be right out." I finished making Russell’s drink, and went back and sat on the chair. After a minute or so, Russell came out of the bathroom, in a terrycloth robe. "I spilled the water down the front of my pants. I figured it would be just as simple to throw the robe on as it would be to change pants." I couldn’t argue with that logic. So, there he was, wearing only a robe. He had it done up rather loosely, so it was showing off his solid chest. I couldn’t help but stare. He was that gorgeous. I wanted to be that robe. "So, Terry. Are you going to get into something more comfortable? There’s another robe in the bathroom, if you want." "Oh that’d be great, thanks Russell. I’ll go get into it." I set my drink down and walked over to the bathroom. I locked the door, and leaned up against the counter. I couldn’t fucking believe it. Here I was, in Russell Crowe’s hotel room, about to strip down and get into a robe, so I could fool around with him. I all of a sudden got very hot and started to sweat. I turned on the cold water and splashed some on my face and neck. I stripped out of my shirt and noticed the sheen of sweat on my chest. I wiped it off with my shirt, and then undid my belt. I pulled off my pants and socks and was going to take my boxers off, but noticed I had a slight problem. Well, not slight. I mean, my boxers were tenting out so much, I couldn’t pull them down. As I stood there, waiting for my hard-on to subside, I noticed that there was a door on the opposite side of the bathroom. Being an inquisitive person, I walked over to it, and opened it up just a crack. On the other side was a walk in closet filled with various costumes he had worn in his previous movies. There was the suit from The Insider, the fur hat from Mystery Alaska, and some of the body armor from Gladiator. I was looking at the stuff from Gladiator when I heard Russell calling my name from the bedroom. I left that room and ripped my boxers off, and put the robe on. I walked out, and Russell was sitting on the chair, with the robe very loosely tied. "I was beginning to think you’d slit your wrists to get out of this, mate." He laughed. "Oh, no, Russell. I want to do this. Very bad." "Gee, mate, you make it sound like I’m a fantasy come true." Truer words had never been spoken. "So, what do you feel like doing, Terry? I’m game for pretty much anything." "Uhm. I don’t really know. What do you want to do Russell? I don’t want to do anything that you aren’t comfortable with." With that being said, Russell slipped his robe off, revealing a well-built chest, covered with just the right amount of chest hair, and showing off his large, thick cock. "What do you think, mate?" he asked me. I replied the only way I knew how, my grabbing the back of Russell’s neck and drawing him into a passionate, deep kiss. MORE TO COME. If you like this story and want me to continue it, email me at Looking forward to comments, criticism and ideas for what Terry and Russell should do.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Maverick4sex

My Night With Russell Crowe

Disclaimer: This is truly a work of fiction, Mr. Crowe is not gay, nor am I trying to suggest that he is. This is merely a fantasy of mine. The standard warning applies as well. If you are under 18 or are offended by gay sex, please go elsewhere. "No, I told you, I don’t want to go see that movie. I’m totally not into that sort of thing. You guys have a good time, I’ll meet


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