Gay Erotic Stories

My Very First Time With A Guy

by Gay18yo

It was Halloween and my best friend Brian came over to spend the night after we took in a nice load of candy. We were both inexperienced, sexually that is--neither of us had ever cum or jerked off in our life, we didn't know how. When we returned from our Halloween candy collection, we went directly to my room. The night went on as a usual night would go amongst teenage guys: we watched TV and ate A LOT of candy. At the time I was about 5'2", brown hair, about a 120lbs, not a lot of muscle at all, but no fat. I had a nice bush of black pubic hair growing around my then 5.5" cut erect penis (it's gotten much bigger since then). I had a pretty thick cock too, about the width of 2 fingers when hard. And then there was Brian: he was the same height and weight with brown hair also. He had a very small growth of brown pubes around his cock which was also 5.5" and cut, but about half the thickness of mine. So finally bed time rolled around, we put on our bedtime attire, which consisted of T-shirts and sweat-pants. We decided to sleep in the same facing one direction and him the other (so my head was by his feet). When we were getting into bed, Brian thought it would be funny to try and pull my pants down. He pulled the ass of my pants down, I quickly pulled them back up. So for the next 15 minutes or so, we spent rolling around on my bed trying to pull each other's pants down...I don't know what he was thinking but I wanted to get a look at his package. Soon the game tired (I wasn't going to get a peek this way!) so we laid down in our positions in bed and pulled the comforter over us...his head pocking out of one end and me the other. We're both laying there flat on our backs just talking when I got and idea! I stretched my arms up into the arm pretending to stretch and yawn and then I brought them down right on top of his crotch...but the blanket was so thick I couldn't feel anything...but just the thought of it made me totally hard. Brian said, "Hey watch your hand dude...that's my cock!" I said, " Oh, I'm can do it to me if you want to get me back" (hehehe). So he did it, he put his hand on top of my crotch. So there we hand on his crotch and his on mine. Brian quickly said," Dude, you can't even feel anything" AND THAT STARTED EVERYTHING ! ! ! So I whipped the comforter off of us and said for him to try it now. So he did! He put his hand on my crotch! It was a great feeling but still covered up by clothing. He gripped right on to my erect cock. Then he said, "You're totally hard up feel me now...I am too!" So I did! This was great! He then started fingering the elastic band of my pants and then I his, signaling each other to pull our pants down. I pulled my pants down to my thighs and then he his. So there I lay, looking at his erect cock and sac and little pubes. I grabbed his cock and started pulling the skin back and forth...he did the same to me. We laid there and jerked each other off, staring at the ceiling. Just sliding the skin on our shaft's back and forth very slow and just talking about what was on TV, about school. It was great just so friendly! But then I decided to try something More, I said, "You wanna see something I saw on HBO?" He said sure, so I got up and turned around, pulled his dick straight up in the air and kissed the head of his cock, then did it again. Then I licked it and put my head around it. I just sucked the head--I was too scared to go any further down and kept jerking him off. Then I felt something tingle in my dick...My head started to swell and it felt like I was going to pee. I told Brian, and he said his was staring to feel the same way. Then I shot white creamy sticky liquid all over Brian's thigh. Almost immediately, Brian's hips shot upwards and his eyes closed--he shot the same liquid all over his stomach. We just looked at each other. What the hell had just happened!?!? Brian pulled his pants up in embarrassment and then I did the same...and we didn't say anything about that experience again. If you like this, please e-mail me at I hope to get some more stories posted. They'll all be true, but there won't be that many. I haven't gotten around that much. :O)


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Gay18yo

My Very First Time With A Guy

It was Halloween and my best friend Brian came over to spend the night after we took in a nice load of candy. We were both inexperienced, sexually that is--neither of us had ever cum or jerked off in our life, we didn't know how. When we returned from our Halloween candy collection, we went directly to my room. The night went on as a usual night would go amongst teenage guys:


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