Gay Erotic Stories

Not A Happy Camper

by Desert Pete

Somewhere among the "naughty" sites on the internet(I wish I could remember exactly where), there's a photo of a naked young man throwing his clothes high into the air and yelling. "Freedom!" is the only word that could have come out of that young man's mouth, because I did the very same thing once and "Freedom!" was the only caption suitable for the snapshot taken of me. The boy taking the picture had just spread a blanket for us and the plan was to enjoy sex the way we always wanted to enjoy it---outdoors in the sun in front of God and nature. High school was behind us at last along with all our pretensions of being straight. "Let's fuck," my friend said, and we did. And we yelled to the four winds that we did. "Are you listening wind?" my friend yelled. "We're gay and it's wonderful!" We cried when we had to go home. We didn't want to have to give up the excitement of running naked and free. I went on to college while my friend took a job working in a department store. It was three months before we shared another bed. "I'm losing you," I told him. "I have to work. And you have to go to school." "Let's go back to the desert and run free one more time?" "We shouldn't have gone the first time. It made things hard back home. I didn't want to work, I didn't want to do anything but think about that trip." "I'm losing you." At a party, he met a girl named Amy and married her three month later. He couldn't invite me to the wedding, he said, because he might have to explain our relationship to Amy. At school, I met a boy and took him to the desert to run free and naked. No, the ground was too hard and there were too many "ugly, crawly things," he complained. "Let's go to the beach." He refused to go out with me again. What he needed, he said, was an older man who would take care of him. Two months ago, I met a young art student and fell in love. As soon as we found an apartment and moved in, he quit college, quit his job, and told me I had to take care of him. This weekend, I'm taking him to the desert to run free and naked with me . . .and I hope one of those ugly, crawly things out there BITES HIM ON THE ASS!!!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Desert Pete

Not A Happy Camper

Somewhere among the "naughty" sites on the internet(I wish I could remember exactly where), there's a photo of a naked young man throwing his clothes high into the air and yelling. "Freedom!" is the only word that could have come out of that young man's mouth, because I did the very same thing once and "Freedom!" was the only caption suitable for the


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