Gay Erotic Stories

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 2

by Leather Gryphon

Not quite prepared for this blatant display of submission, it took me a moment to respond. Finally I reached down and put my hand on the back of his head and pulled it gently toward my crotch. He walked his knees closer to me on the hard tile floor and began to lick the still moist cock. Immediately it stiffened and started to rise toward his mouth. Without using his hands which were still in perfect position on his thighs he opened wide to let the stiff tool enter his mouth. With practiced skill he took that huge thing deep into his mouth and eventually down his throat. He gagged slightly a couple of times but obviously knew how to control the natural reaction. His warm mouth excited me even more and as I grew it became more difficult for him to keep the stroking invader going all the way in. Within a few moments I felt the need to cum and signaled him that I was nearly ready. He gave a few more wet strokes then let it plop out and began licking the side of it again. As my cock rose higher still he twisted his neck and moved under it to try to suck one of the huge balls into his mouth. He never got it in before I started grunting in a rising crescendo terminating in three loud bursts of noise that were surely heard out in the bar. The cum flew over his shoulder and splashed against the wall behind him. I backed away slightly. He resumed the head down, kneeling position of an experienced slave waiting for me to make the next move. Following through with the scene I said "Good job boy. After I leave, clean up the wall and meet me at the bar." I zipped up my pants, washed my hands and left the bathroom with him still quietly waiting, kneeling in perfect position. Entering the dark bar again it took a moment for my vision to adjust but I was greeted by a round of sparse applause that confirmed my expectation that I'd been heard. Grinning widely I approached the bar. Pulling out a stool, I swung my massive leather covered thigh around it and sat down heavily. The bartender was waiting for me and I automatically ordered my usual vodka tonic and added the habitual "Squeeze the lime" request. "Billy do a good job for you?" The question had come from the way up the bar so everybody heard it and from their looks they were all waiting for my reply. I thought for a moment then came up with, "Well, with a little more training and a proper exam he just might get his license." That must have been what they wanted to hear. Laughter filled the room. Several comments about Billy were made around the bar and I overheard one big guy say "Hell, I'd drop to my knees too if I had a chance with that bull." That remark re-enforced the realization that I looked huge to everybody. The bartender returned with my drink and said. "On the house. Thanks for the entertainment, it was getting a bit slow in here." Pulling out a one, I pushed it to his edge of the bar. "My pleasure." I responded. We grinned at each other and he took the tip. Billy emerged from the restroom and looked around for a moment. After his eyes adjusted he started coming toward the bar. I was about to ask him what he wanted to drink when he dropped to his knees again at the base of my stool. OK, I thought. He wants to keep this scene going. "I didn't tell you to kneel." I said accusingly. He looked up into my eyes and I immediately pushed his head down and gruffly said, "That's two mistakes in ten seconds who the fuck trained you? Now stand and wait!" I turned my attention to the bartender again who was watching this scene unfold. "What's he drink?" I asked. "Jack and coke." Was the reply. I turned back to Billy behind me and looked him over. He was standing straight with his head slightly bowed looking at an empty spot on the bar top. I judged him to be in his late twenties, about 5' 8". Blond crewcut hair, high cheek bones, slim athletic build, jeans and black tee shirt. Not a bad package. I'd always liked small men. Easy to throw around in bed. My bulging crotch started getting tighter and I adjusted my position on the stool to relieve the pressure. "Are you ready for a drink boy?" He answered with a firm, clear, confident "Sir. Yes Sir!" and remained in standing submissive position. He was careful not to glance toward my eyes. I watched him for a second then pulled out the stool on my left. "Sit." He glanced at the stool then sat down still avoiding my eyes. "Time out. Relax and talk to me." I said relieving him from the role temporarily. His position shifted toward me a little and he said "You sure are big all over." The bartender was still watching us. I nodded to him and then at Billy and reached for my wallet. He went away to fix the drink. "You like big men?" "Yes sir. I think they're really sexy. You're really sexy. I love your Mohawk and your muscles. Hot man!" He said closely eyeing my chest. I reached, grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand to my bulging pecs. That was all the prompting he needed. His hand slid erotically around my chest and struggled to fit under the strap of the tight leather harness. He felt down my hard rippling abs and back up to the pecs. He teased around the generously shaped nipple then twisted it gently. The sensation went straight to my crotch and my hormones were ramping up into overdrive. I could see he wanted to touch more. I ordered him to help me take off my jacket. He got off his stool and pulled the coat back off my massive shoulders. As the heavy leather fell free of my arms its weight surprised him. I stood up and he slipped it over the stool under me. He stood behind me for a moment. "You want to feel my shoulders and arms. Don't you?" "Yes sir, may I?" "Knock yourself out boy. Do a good job and maybe I'll take you home with me." "Yes, SIR!" His enthusiasm was contagious. His hands caressing my new bulging traps and delts felt electric. I leaned my huge arms on he bar and hunched my back in pleasure. I swear I could feel the muscles of my shoulders and back bunch up massively. He grabbed huge handfuls of muscle on my back and neck massaging the tension out of them. Lower went his sensuous hands, down around my wide wing like lats. He leaned against me to get his hands around onto my chest. He teased my tits and hugged me warmly. I straightened up on the stool, turned, put my hand on the back of his head and pulled his mouth to mine. We kissed deeply and wetly for several minutes. With one hand I massaged the back of his neck. With the other I felt his crotch and discovered his stiff cock straining to be free. He moved around in front of me and pressed his butt up against my huge bulging crotch pulling my ham-like arms around him across his chest. As I hugged him and mock fucked him he felt my arms with growing enthusiasm. I nuzzled his neck and licked behind his ears and along the underside of his jaw line. He shivered with excitement and moaned softly. Someone in the bar mockingly yelled "Get a room!" The spell was broken. He stood up, turned and we kissed gently a few more times. He sat back on his stool and took a big gulp of his drink. He made a sour face briefly as the strong taste spread through his mouth and down his throat. I took another sip from my glass and breathed a sigh of relaxed pleasure. We talked quietly for a long time but drank very little. We touched on the subject of our sexual preferences and I was not discouraged. Several people that I knew passed by us and gave me a thorough stare but none of them recognized me, or if they did, didn't believe it could possibly be me. Finally I knew it was time to leave. "You know how to ride bitch on a bike?" I asked. "Yes Sir. My master had a bike before he set me free a couple of days ago." He said slowly. His words hadn't told the whole story. I'd seen it over and over again. He been dumped. However, I respected this boy's attitude to the situation. This was a true slave. He liked being submissive. I am not what you would call an absolute "Top" but I have been on both sides of the scene for years and know more than the basics. I could probably give him the domination he craves and in turn he could help teach me my role. I know that treated properly this young man would be a faithful lover for a lifetime. A rare commodity in the gay community. I looked around the bar. It had started to fill up as the Friday night crowd gathered, anxious to start their weekend. Well. I thought smugly. I've beaten them to it. I looked back at Billy and asked if he had a jacket with him. "Yes sir." He said as he quickly checked by looking back at the stool where he had been sitting when I had come in. "Let's go then." He needed no further encouragement and quickly retrieved his denim jacket. I put on my jacket and headed for the exit. There were five bikes now parked in our spot. I was pleased that my selective parking had worked. My helmet was locked on the side of my bike. I unlocked it, then opened one of the luggage bags and pulled out my extra helmet. It was a little loose on him but would do. We rode carefully through the city then merged back onto the Interstate. I opened it up fast enough to be fun but not so fast the Friday night speed patrol cops would be likely to stop me. No back roads now. I wanted to get us home quickly. He held on to me tightly most of the time. I enjoyed the feel of his arms around my massive body as he shifted his hips closer to mine. By time we got to my place it was almost midnight. I reached into my jacket pocket and pressed the button of the garage opener. We eased into position next to my car. The resonance of the room amplified the strong smooth thrumming of the powerful engine. I put my feet down, turned the key, and silence returned while we dismounted Looking around I grabbed a leather collar sitting on the garage shelf where I'd left it after cleaning it last week. When we reached the kitchen at the top of the stairs I turned to face him, then reached up and fit the collar around his neck. A quick snap of the tiny padlock said he was now mine. Instantly he fell into the appropriate role and assumed a totally submissive standing position. Using a firm, dominant re-assuring voice I ordered. "Kneel in the center of the floor facing the sink and wait!" Without hesitation he complied exactly, assuming a well practiced perfect position. Hands centered flat on his thighs, fingers together pointing toward his knees, butt resting on his heels. Back straight. Head down, looking impassionately about three feet in front of him at the empty floor. Pleased at his skill and training I smiled internally, closed the door to the garage and left the kitchen knowing he would be exactly there when I returned, no matter how long it took. Yes. I thought. This WAS going to be a fun night. For both of us. I went to the bathroom to pee. The mirrors attracted me again. Damn I was hot! Hot leather muscle stud. Muscle bound ultimate masculine man. Stud leather top with his willing slave waiting patiently for whatever attentions would come his way. The thoughts excited me. I shrugged off the massive leather jacket letting it fall heavily to the floor. I reached up to feel my huge chest again. Absolutely marvelous! I was beginning to believe that this was my own body. It felt like my body. It moved like my body. It even smelled sweaty like my body I could detect no trace of the telltale neoprene scent that it originally had. Remembering my waiting slave, I set about preparing my makeshift dungeon. Lighting, towels, lubricant, rubbers, restraints, toys and music. Good thing someone had left a bunch of king size rubbers here once, although I never thought I'd need them for myself. I checked the sling carefully to assure it would withstand another nights use. Satisfied that the physical scene was set, I returned to my slave knowing that he would probably be starting to feel uncomfortable by now. It was my job to now relieve his discomfort and start the psychological scene rolling. Keep him guessing all evening long. My boots were silent on the thick oriental rugs. Stopping in the door to the kitchen I watched him in silence. He was exactly as I had left him. "Adjust right." I commanded from behind him. He promptly lowered his right hand to the floor and let his right butt cheek lower to the floor taking the pressure off his feet and knees. His gaze remained downward quietly waiting for the next command. I opened the refrigerator door and pulled out and opened a couple of beers. I placed one of them on the table, walked in front of him and poured the cold brew on his head and down his back. The shock made him gasp but otherwise he accepted the humiliation quietly. I let the frigid liquid soak into his hair and clothes while I drank the other beer. "Stand, face me and strip." I ordered. His athletic build allowed him to rise gracefully. He unbuckled his belt, yanked out his tee shirt and pulled it over his head. The pants fell to the floor and he easily stood on one leg in turn to completely remove the faded torn jeans. Leaning over he untied his gym shoes and kicked them off. Again, easily standing balanced on one leg he removed his socks, then slipped his jock strap down and flipped it off his foot. He resumed a standing position carefully avoiding my eyes. This boy was really beautiful I thought. Not a lot of muscle but he was lean and firm with smooth young skin not yet affected by age. His crotch sported a decent sized tool semi-stiff and surrounded by a patch of fine blond hair that had obviously been shaved from his dick and balls but now showed several days growth. His hairless scrotum held his large balls hanging heavily between his slightly separated legs. "You understand that until our relationship evolves to the where I give you permission to call me "Master" this is entirely consensual don't you? All you have to do is say 'Enough' and I'll immediately stop whatever is happening and change the scene. You are free to leave at any time if you want to. I'll even take you wherever you want to go." "Sir. Yes, Sir. Thank you Sir." "You into handball?" We hadn't discussed this before so I had to ask. I had lots of games to play but if he was willing I'd gladly accommodate him with my favorite tool. "Sir. Not yet Sir." His reply indicated he at least knew what I was asking and he'd not immediately rejected it. OK, I thought. We'll return to this subject again after I've gotten him ready. "All right, lets get to it. First, pick up your clothes, empty your pockets and stuff all this wet stuff into the washing machine in the garage. Soap's in the cabinet above it. Second, grab the mop in the closet next to the washing machine and mop up this beer. Third, take a shower, down the hall to the right, and clean out your butt thoroughly. I don't want to deal with any shit tonight. Fourth, follow the hall to the end and take the stairs down to where I'll be waiting for you. Chapter 3: First Rule I was correct in thinking this boy knew how he wanted to be treated. We played games for several hours. He was very good at giving me feedback about his pain/pleasure limit. Years of being on both sides of this type of hard adult play had convinced me that the concepts of "Top and Bottom" were entirely relative. I was getting pleasure from seeing his reactions. He was getting what he wanted and in some symbiotic mechanism I was under his control. Top/Bottom, it all depends on who's giving or teaching who what. The last session had been particularly intense. We were both exhausted. I wiped the sweat from the beet red swollen flogging marks on his back, butt and outside of his thighs then helped him stand fully upright again. We kissed gently. He thanked me for my attentions and I complemented him for his skill at taking them. We never did get to handball but I knew there would be more opportunities. Once I had him up and steady on his feet I grabbed another towel and started wiping the sweat from my huge body. I stopped half way down my arm and realized that I was really sweaty all over, crotch, armpits, chest, back, and neck. I was sweating right through the heavy rubber muscle costume I was wearing. I glanced at the clock. It was well after three in the morning. Confusion from the exhaustion and late hour made me re-think about the situation. I remembered that I'd been warned not to sleep in the costume. I had to shower and remove these muscles but then I'd be disclosing my secret to Billy. I wasn't sure how he'd take it. Finally I decided that if we were to have a future he had to accept me as I really was. I reached for where the concealed zipper should have been but couldn't find the edge of the flap that covered it. I searched for several minutes then realized Billy had been watching my frantic efforts. His eyes asked the question he wouldn't say without being given permission to speak. I stopped my efforts with the zipper and told him to sit. After explaining the whole situation of the costume I asked him to take a shower with me and see if we could find the zipper and remove this body suit. The shower felt good. I could feel the sting of the high pressure spray from the shower head on my massive muscles. It was strange lathering up my huge body and Billy eagerly volunteered to help. The shower session was erotic in itself and we played with each other again. Both of us were able to cum once more even though we had both cum several times already tonight. We rinsed off one more time and I turned my back to him so he could search for the zipper. Perhaps the effect of the water or the soap had done the trick because he found it immediately and pulled it down to the base of my spine. He helped me loosen the flaps of back muscle and work them over my shoulders. The chest came loose with a sucking sound. The arms turned inside out as I pulled out my own arms. Now the whole top of the costume hung around my waist. We worked the material loose from my hips and eased it down my legs. Finally I extracted my feet from the end of the rubber legs. The pile of skin colored rubber lay at my feet and I felt naked and embarrassed in front of Billy. I felt I had lied to him. I showered myself quickly, then he helped me rinse out the inside of the limp rubber, then wash it carefully with soap and rinse it out again. Then I remembered the first rule, but the costume had come off easily so I figured I hadn't done any damage to it. We dried ourselves off. I found the special wooden hanger and we hung the heavy limp mass of inside-out rubber muscles like a jumpsuit onto the shower head pipe. I'd removed his collar before we entered the shower so we had dropped the master/slave roles during while cleaning each other and had talked about this situation. He realized my feelings about this and said he didn't care that it was a costume. I was still a good man and one hell of a sex partner. Yea, the suit was fun and he would really like me to look like that but it wasn't all that important. His wisdom surprised me. I was really lucky to have found this young man, I thought. How could anybody dump him? I suggested that we go to bed. He snuggled up in front of me in bed and I wrapped my puny seeming arms around him. We were asleep in minutes. I woke surprisingly early to an empty bed. My head ached and I was groggy. A quick check revealed Billy was not in the room. Forcing myself out of bed I headed for the bathroom. I ached all over like I'd done a really heavy workout at the gym after a several week layoff. Terrible muscle pain and stiffness. I peed and rubbed my face and upper body with a cold wet washcloth to try to wake up quickly. It helped a little. Checking myself in the mirror my reflection looked gaunt and older than it should. I was awake enough now to examine myself more carefully and saw that my body looked somewhat thinner than yesterday morning. My penis had even shrunk more than normal and my balls hardly had enough weight to distend the scrotum sack. Shocked at my apparent loss of weight and masculinity I stepped onto the scales. Eight pounds less. Damn, I was eight pounds lighter and it showed. My skin was wrinkled as if it was a nearly empty balloon. It would take me months to regain eight pounds of muscle in the gym. The costume. I thought. My wonderful costume where was it? There was the empty hanger on the shower rod. Billy. Damn him, he's stolen my beautiful costume, my body, my phenomenal muscular body. Fuck him. I'll find him and wring his traitorous neck. Furious I rushed out of the bathroom naked checking every room in the house. I found him in the dining room wearing my costume. MY costume. MY body. "Take it off. NOW." I shouted. He was posing in front of the mirror wall. I saw both his back and front clothed perfectly in my body. He was a good four inches shorter than me but the costume had shrunk proportionately to fit him as well as it had me. The morning light showed that the suit had also changed color like a chameleon to match his lighter face color. As hugely muscular and gorgeous as he was, I was still insanely mad at the thought that he dared wear my muscles. My manhood hung from his crotch like a fantasy barbarian porn drawing taunting me to blind fury. I forced my painful body into motion and rushed at him to try to throw him to the floor but he brushed me off like midget and I crashed into the table. Dazed, I struggled to my feet and swung my fist at him wildly. He stopped my fist inches from his handsome face holding it firmly with his massive arm. Despite my best efforts to resist him he easily forced my arm down and behind my back. His other arm wrapped around me holding me immobile. I struggled uselessly against his incredible strength. "Mike. Mike, stop it. I'll take it off. He implored. I just wanted to try it. It's beautiful isn't it?" I struggled for a few moments longer but my emaciated body lost it's puny strength quickly and I had to rest. When he sensed that I was no longer struggling, his arms relaxed a bit and I slid to the floor as my knees collapsed under me. I sat on the floor panting and weeping. "Forgive me Sir. I didn't mean any harm. I just wanted to see how I would look with huge muscles like you. Please forgive me Master." His pleading and genuine remorse and especially his deliberate choice of the word "Master" reminded me of our budding relationship. I hadn't given him permission to call me Master yet. His voluntary admission of total submission indicated his view of our relationship. He wasn't playing the role. He genuinely lived the role and had already yielded himself to me. I turned my head around and upward to see him staring at my collapsed sobbing form at his feet. Coming around in front of me his huge muscled arm reached down to help me up. "I'm sorry Sir! Please help me out of your costume, I can't find the zipper." With his help I stood quickly. The strength had returned to my legs and I stood although somewhat unsteadily. He kissed my cheek and washed the tears from my face with his tongue. His sensitive attention eased my pain and aroused me. We kissed tenderly for a while. He admitted that he loved the suit of muscles. "It feels so wonderful Sir. It makes me feel like you are making love to me all over my body. It's still warm and I can feel you surrounding me like when we were sleeping. I really don't want to take it off but I will for you. We then started trying to unzip the costume. I couldn't find the zipper either. There was absolutely no seam to show where the flap of material covering the zipper should be. There wasn't even any noticeable bulge of a zipper under the "skin". I checked the area of his neck where the edge of costume material should have been but could find no indication that these huge muscles were not part of his own body. Was this the way it had looked on me? I thought. What kind of costume was this? Incredible. I had to get it back on. I was getting frantic looking for a way to get it off of him. "Stop it Sir. Mike, slow down. There must be a way. We took it off you last night. How did we do it?" "The shower. I said excitedly. The shower, we were in the shower. He grabbed my hand and led me like a little child toward the bathroom. Without waiting for the water to warm up we turned the spray on full and both quickly started getting completely wet. The shock of the cold water made me shiver violently until the temperature rose. He reached down and adjusted the hot faucet to keep the water from getting too hot. For several minutes we searched for any sign of a seam in the costume. Nothing. "Soap." I said hopefully. Grabbing the soap from the tray he frantically lathered himself all over. "Here." I said loudly when I noticed a slight crack running down his back. I slipped my almost nonexistent fingernail into the crack and lifted out a segment of flap about two inches long. Running my finger down under the flap the rest of it came loose in a smooth perfectly straight length of rubber-like material. A seam around his neck had appeared. I put my hand under the unzipped material of the costume and forced the knotted muscles away from his back. We worked it off his shoulders and arms then he helped me work the leg area down his own legs. Finally it was off. I was desperate to put it on immediately and felt like pushing him out of the shower. At the last moment I found the control to stop myself. I looked down at my baggy skin and shrunken cock, then back at the pile of rubber muscles on the shower floor. "Look at me Billy. I've lost several pounds of muscle just by wearing that costume for fifteen hours yesterday. I'm desperate to put it on again. It's like an addiction and it does something to you." He looked at me like I was crazy then said. "But that's what you looked like last night when you took the costume off." "No." I practically shouted. I had a healthy body yesterday. Now I look like I haven't eaten for a week." He looked me over then at the pile of bulging spongy, wet rubber suit crumpled in a huge pile at our feet. "Really?" Was his simple reply. "Yes. Damn it. Really! I said sarcastically. "This thing sucked almost ten pounds of muscle off me yesterday. But I have an almost irresistible urge to put it on again. I'm afraid I will, and who knows what will happen to me next time. He looked deeply into my eyes then seeing my genuine fear, grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the shower, away from the innocent looking pile of rubber. "I'll dry it off and we'll take this thing back." He commanded.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Leather Gryphon

Not Just Skin Deep

WARNING: This story is sexually explicit fiction and describes Male to male sexual practices. If you are underage or are offended by, or are hostile to this type of material then don't read it INVITATION: If on the other hand you decide to read this story and have intelligent, adult, constructive (non-flaming) comments, compliments or even complaints you may reply to:

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 2

Not quite prepared for this blatant display of submission, it took me a moment to respond. Finally I reached down and put my hand on the back of his head and pulled it gently toward my crotch. He walked his knees closer to me on the hard tile floor and began to lick the still moist cock. Immediately it stiffened and started to rise toward his mouth. Without using his hands

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 3

Chapter 4: Second Rule About an hour later after his clothes were dry we were dressed and almost ready to go I realized I was famished, probably from the emaciating effect the costume had had on me. I wanted breakfast desperately. He offered to cook something for me and set about the kitchen searching the cabinets and expertly started preparing a full morning meal. I wandered


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