Gay Erotic Stories

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 2

by Sedgwickme

Note: This story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this do not go any further, exit this site or search other sections that may be of interest to you. This is also a true story but the names and location has been changed.

Anyone that enjoys this story and are nudist/exhibitionist, I would love to hear from you about some of your experiences that you may have had while being nude in public and private situations and would like to share your stories please e-mail me at

To find out more about me read part 1 of Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught that was posted at the same time as this story.

It all started a week ago. We have been having warm weather for the time of the year in New Hampshire. It was in the middle of the week and I decided to go hiking. I grabbed my backpack and put a pair of shorts, a blanket, some food and water in my pack. I put on socks and my hiking boots. I stood there in front of the mirror, admiring my tan, hairless body and my 9" uncut cock. I picked up my backpack and headed to my car and drove off to the State Park. When I got to the area where I was going in hiking I pulled into the parking lot and saw that there was no one there which was good for me because I didn't want to have to put my shorts on the this point. I got out of my car, put my pick on and headed off for my hike. I just love having the wind blow around my naked cock and balls. This is life to the fullest. I had walked for about 2 hours when I decided to take a break and rest. I found a small opening just off the path where I could lay out my blanket and relax. As I lay there enjoying the sun I had a little bit of food and water. I started to get real horny. A drop or two of pre-cum was coming from the slit of my cock. My fingers rubbed the liquid all around the head of my cock, making the sensation one of pure ecstasy as my cock throbbed to my gentle fingers. More pre-cum oozed from my slit in which I gathered with my fingers and licked slowly from them. My hard erection was aching now to be released but I decided to savor these feelings. The sensations were so overwhelming as I continued my slow rhythmic strokes on my cock. With my other hand I played with my ass hole. My fingers found their way into my ass and now pressed against my prostate. My loins ached to expel my love juice. I continued my thrust until I lost control and began to shot my jism, my seed, my love juice, my CUM all over my stomach and chest. I moaned (almost a scream) as my cock shot its big hot load of cum. I lay there spent, my body heaving for several moments when I heard clapping and someone saying "Bravo, great show!" I quickly looked behind me to see standing there a park ranger. I went to get up but he was much faster then he and I soon were standing over me with his feet firmly planted in each side of my hips. I looked up at him and asked, "How long had you been standing there?"

He replied, "Long enough!"

"I wouldn't had known you were here if I didn't hear you moaning," he said, "I came to check it out thinking that someone was hurt."

Then I started to really look at the man that was standing over me. He was in his uniform with his large hands on his hips looking down at me. He has very wide shoulders with large muscular arms coming out of his short sleeve shirt. A very pleasing face, piecing eyes and a strong jaw. He removes his hat revealing curly blond hair. I smile up at him and he smiles back with a wink in his eye. His left hand moves to his partly opened shirt and starts to unbutton it. He slides his shirt off and reveals a massive hairless bronze chest. His pecs protrude out like shelves with very large, erect, dark brown nipples. Under his pecs, a wash board abs down to the waistband of his pants.

He stands there looking down at me when all of a sudden with out taking his eyes off me he is kneeling over me. He bends over and his lips finds mine and we kiss. Our tongues find each other's and kiss passionately for some time. He next starts kissing and running his tongue down my neck to my chest where he proceeds to lick off my cum. He continues until he has every last drop of cum licked clean off my chest and stomach. He has made me so hot and horny by this time.

He stood up once he was finished and I got onto my knees in front of him. I was eye level to the bulge in his pants. I reached down to his right boot, undid it, removed it and his sock. I did the same to the other. I then returned to the bulge in his pants. Running my hand over it, I could feel a very large amount of meat wanting to be released. I reached up, unsnapped his pants and lowered his zipper. I then pulled his pants down to the ground and removed them. I now ran my hands up his massive, hairless, hard muscular legs to the large bulge in his crotch. He was wearing white briefs that looked like he was poured into them. His cock was straining to get out. I could see the signs of pre-cum soaking his underwear. I leaned over running my tongue over the wet spot on his briefs, while at the same time my hands went around him to his firm tight ass.

While I'm chewing on the front of his briefs I move my hands to the waistband and start pulling his shorts down. When his cock is finally free it springs up with a plop against his stomach. When it is done bouncing and swinging it points straight out in front of him just inches from my mouth. It is a 10", thick, veiny, uncut cock with a large amount of foreskin. The mushroom head of his cock was peeking out of the foreskin. He had large hanging, hairy balls and a thick golden bush above his cock.

I fondled his balls as I licked the pre-cum from the head of his cock. I ran my tongue along the underside of his cock back to the tip where I played with the slit with my tongue. Opening my mouth I suck his cock in down my throat till my nose is in his bush. I suck madly on his cock. He puts his hands on the back of my head and starts to pump his cock in and out till I feel him tense up. He quickly withdraws his cock. He knees down in front of me and pushed me back onto the ground. He raises my legs onto his shoulders and places his cock at the entrance to my ass. He slowly pushes his cock till it enters me. Inch by inch he enters until I feel his crotch hair bush against my ass. He then pumps his cock slowly at first but picks speed until he is pounding it forcefully, with his balls slapping me in the ass. I'm so excited that I start to scream and shot a large load of cum into the air and all over my chest and stomach without touching myself. He too is unloading a load of hot cum into my ass. He collapse on me when he is done with his cock still is me.

We stay that way for a long period of time. Once we have recovered we sit and talk for a while before we get back to business. We have sex several time before we have to leave. He doesn't get dressed when I go to leave and we walk together naked back to my car. We exchange numbers and he gets into his truck naked and leaves. On your walk I find that he is a nudist also and this looks like a very interesting summer nude for us.



4 Gay Erotic Stories from Sedgwickme

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 1

First let me tell you a little bit about myself. This is a true story of an event that happened to me just a short time ago. I'm 45 years old, 160 pounds, slim, 6'1", blue eyes and light brown hair. My cock is 9" uncut, with golf ball size balls that hang low. I have a hairless body and I have no crotch hair and no hair on my balls because I keep it shaved off at all times. I have a

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 2

Note: This story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this do not go any further, exit this site or search other sections that may be of interest to you. This is also a true story but the names and location has been changed. Anyone that enjoys this story and are nudist/exhibitionist, I would love to hear from you about some of your experiences that you

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 3

Note: This story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this, do not go any further, exit this site or search other sections that may interest you. This is also a true story that happened when I was in my late teens. I am now 45 yrs. Old but remembers this event very well. Also, if you haven't read parts 1 & 2 check them out as well. Anyone that enjoys

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 4

NOTE: this story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this do not go any further. This is also a true story but names and location have been changed. First let me recap a little about myself if you haven't read Parts 1,2 and 3 of Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught that is posted in gay/beginnings. I'm 45, 160 slim, 6'1", blue eyes and light brown hair. My


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