Gay Erotic Stories

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 3

by Sedgwickme

Note: This story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this, do not go any further, exit this site or search other sections that may interest you. This is also a true story that happened when I was in my late teens. I am now 45 yrs. Old but remembers this event very well. Also, if you haven't read parts 1 & 2 check them out as well.

Anyone that enjoys this story and is nudist/exhibitionists, I would love to hear from you about some of your experiences that you might have had while being nude in public or in unusual situations. Please feel free to e-mail me about these stories or stories about yourselves at

It all happened one hot, beautiful Maine summer weekend when I just turned 18. It all began when Richard, a close friend, and myself decided to go camping in Maine. We have both known each other since we were kids and have grown up as nudist. By the time we were fifteen we also knew we were gay. We are also exhibitionists as well.

Richard is blond, blue eyes, 6'1", 165 lbs. and a slim swimmers body with a cut 9"cock with average sized balls. He has a nice firm round ass. I'm also 6'1", 160 lbs. (I weight the same now at 45 as I did at 18). A slim swimmers body, blue eyes and light brown hair. My cock is 9" uncut, with golf ball sized balls that hang low. I have a firm melon sized ass and we are both tanned all over. We also have no body hair at all except for our heads; crotch hair is shaved off. So you could say that we are totally nude.

We started out one Friday morning where we had a 4 hours drive and a two miles hike to a secluded lake we knew of.

To make it more exciting and daring, we started off naked with out clothes locked up in the truck of the car. When we got to where we park the car, we throw on our backpacks with our camping gear (leaving our clothes locked in the car) and hiked to the lake where we would spend our nude weekend.

By noon we made it to the lake and set up camp. The drive and hike in made us both horny as hell, so we spread a sleeping bag down and sucked and fucked for about an hour. We then went for a swim and took a nap. When we woke at dusk we went for another swim. On the way back to camp I had this strange feeling that we were being watched. We looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary, so we made a fire and cooked supper.

We were settling down to have sex when it all happened! From out of the dark, four burly men showed up. The larger of the four (later learning was Chuck).

He said to the others, "What do we have here? Looks like we're going to have some fun tonight!"

We had no idea what they were planning for us but all we could hope for was not to get hurt.

They stood there, what seemed like forever, staring at us. They then moved in and grabbed us, dragging us off to some trees, where they strung me up with my hands stretched out above my head and tied to a limb. They drove some sticks in the ground and pulled my feet and legs spread-eagled and tied them to the sticks. They also tied Richard the same way. They then went back to our camp and sat around talking, every once in a while looking over at us.

Then one of the other guys (known as Arnold) got up and came towards us, picking up a stick along the way. He went behind us and started running the stick up and down our bodies, then WHAM!!!! A blow across my ass! He did this 5 or 6 times before going over to Richard. When he was through we couldn't see him but knew he was still there and didn't know what he was doing.

WHAM!!!! Across my ass again, but this time with his hands. Stepping out from behind us totally naked. We then looked up and there were the other three also nude with raging hardons. We knew then that we were going to be raped. I looked over at Richard and saw that he had an erection, then I realized I too had an erection also (when I have erections I still have an inch of foreskin hanging beyond the head of my cock).

Arnold, who is around 5'11", 185 lbs., massive chest, small waist, dark and about a 7" cock with nipples to die for, moved over to Richard grabbed his cock and started to nibble on his tits. They even tied strings around our balls and cocks, which made them, look even bigger, especially where we had no public hair around our cocks.

Chuck (6'2", blond, hairy massive chest, wash board abdomen, ass like firm melons and hung like a horse, 11 inches) came right up to me and grabbed my foreskin, stretching it out about another inch or so. Then with both of his thumbs, he inserted them up inside my foreskin pulling and spreading it out as far as it would stretch. He then stepped closer and slipped me foreskin over the head of his large cock and started to masturbate both of our pricks while biting and sucking on my tits. While Richard and myself were being taken advantage of, Burt (the third guy who was about in his twenties and much younger than the other three and looked like a blond Greek god and had a 10"fat cock) was giving me a royal rimming.

Meanwhile, Richard was getting a rimming from Conrad (the fourth guy). Conrad was around 5'10", 175 lbs., large hairless chest, small waist, dark eyes, black curly hair, and an 8" uncut cock with a thick black bush and large low hanging balls.

The next thing I knew, Burt inserted one finger, then two until I thought he had his whole hand inside me. Then the pains of his 10" cock slamming up my ass! Once the pain subsided I noticed that Chuck was giving me a blowjob. Burt screwed me rough and hard until he shot his load in me during which I was about to unload into Chuck's hungry mouth when he stopped, keeping me from shooting my load.

I looked at Richard when I heard him scream, seeing Conrad slam his cock into Richard pumping his cock hard and fast.

For two or three hours they pinched, pulled, bit, sucked and fucked us, ravaging our bodies taking turns until they were exhausted. They went over to our camp leaving us tied to the trees. Boy! Did I need to get off even though I was sore and tired. Both Richard and I both hadn't gotten off in all that time. Sleep didn't come that night, I was so dam horny, my cock stayed hard and throbbing all night.

The next morning all four of them woke up with ragging hardons. They untied us and took us down to the lake where they proceeded to bend us over and tied our hands to our feet, which made our asses exposed to their whims. They then proceeded to fuck us hard while they took turns fucking both out asses and faces emptying two or three loads of cum in each of our asses. This went of for an hour or so. There was cum all over us and we thought that we were going to burst with all the loads we had in us and we both had to cum real bad. I could feel cum running down my legs from all the cum from the night before and now. They finely stopped and went for a swim leaving us there tied up.

When they returned they untied us and told me to kneel while my hands were tied behind my back to my feet. I was wondering what they had in mind for me. They instructed Richard to beat off on my face while they stood there cheering him on. Then it was my turn to do the same to Richard.

After we both had relieved our throbbing cocks on each other, we were told to go down to the lake and clean up and rid our asses of their loads. While we were there alone we hugged and comforted each other helping each other to get ourselves clean. We took out time for we were not in any rush to get back to our camp and the four of them.

By the time we got back to camp they were gone. It was too late and we were too tired to hike out, so we decided to stay the night and leave in the morning. Boy! Were we tired but not enough to stop us from sucking each other off before falling off to sleep.

The next morning we hiked out, deciding on the way that we would not put clothes on until we were almost home because after we had a chance to rest we decided that we had a great time after all and didn't want it to end.

When we reached my car there was a note on the window, which read: "Had a great time, hope you did too and maybe we will run into each other again. FOUR HORNY GUYS.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Sedgwickme

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 1

First let me tell you a little bit about myself. This is a true story of an event that happened to me just a short time ago. I'm 45 years old, 160 pounds, slim, 6'1", blue eyes and light brown hair. My cock is 9" uncut, with golf ball size balls that hang low. I have a hairless body and I have no crotch hair and no hair on my balls because I keep it shaved off at all times. I have a

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 2

Note: This story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this do not go any further, exit this site or search other sections that may be of interest to you. This is also a true story but the names and location has been changed. Anyone that enjoys this story and are nudist/exhibitionist, I would love to hear from you about some of your experiences that you

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 3

Note: This story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this, do not go any further, exit this site or search other sections that may interest you. This is also a true story that happened when I was in my late teens. I am now 45 yrs. Old but remembers this event very well. Also, if you haven't read parts 1 & 2 check them out as well. Anyone that enjoys

Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught, Part 4

NOTE: this story involves sex between men. If you have a problem with this do not go any further. This is also a true story but names and location have been changed. First let me recap a little about myself if you haven't read Parts 1,2 and 3 of Nude Exhibitionist Gets Caught that is posted in gay/beginnings. I'm 45, 160 slim, 6'1", blue eyes and light brown hair. My


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