Gay Erotic Stories

Off The Fence


I was about 16 years old and happy for the most part. I had a serious girlfriend and an active social and sports life. Being the only junior on the starting basketball team, I was something of a stud at school. All of this was soon to change in the coming months. My mother was a single parent and was struggling to keep our small farm going. I would always help her as much as I could, but I had school and she had work. She decided to hire some live-in help to keep things going smoothly. We had live-ins before, but they were mostly older guys who were hard up for work. This was soon to change. When I came home from school one day my mother told me that she had found someone to work for her and that he was moving in that night. I asked her what he was like, and she said he was about 25 or so and the cowboy type. I thought that would be cool because I never had a brother or anything like that. Later that night I woke up in my sleep to go to the bathroom, much to my surprise there was someone in the bathroom. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a naked 6 foot beefy man in my bathroom. I stared at his body for a couple of seconds before I came to my senses. Finally he said,"My names Luke you must be Billy." I said yes and apologized for walking in on him. He just shrugged it off as he put a towel on. "Nice to meet you"he said, as he reached out to shake my hand. His hands were very big and hard and dwarfed my hands in comparison. For some reason I felt excited by it. I told him goodnight and went back to my room. Feeling excited I pulled a playboy out and tried to masterbate,but all I could think about was him. I thought some guys were good-looking before, but this was different. I kind of liked some guys but I didn't think I was gay or anything until now. The next day I felt like I was in a daze, all I could think about was Luke. My girlfriend, Lisa, came up to me after school, and gave me a kiss. I hugged her back and kissed her. She immidiately asked if anything was wrong. I told her no and said I had to go home early. When I got home noone was in the house, so I went outside to see where Luke was. I heard a noise coming from the barn so I went to inspect a little. It sounded like a woman moaning as I climbed up the loft. Much to my surprise there was Luke buck naked fucking some girl. I had never seen her before but I really didnt care. I was to busy waiting Luke pounding his cock inside of her. He was perfect! She wrapped her legs around his waist and rode him for about 30 minutes. I have to admit I got a little jealous of her getting all of that. For the first time in my life I wished I was a girl! Having a hot stud with a big dick riding you all night and you just sit back and enjoy it. I got so excited thinking of Luke fucking me that I almost came in my pants. As I moaned they saw me and I ran away. Later that night I waited in Luke's closet to catch a peek of him naked again. His closet was unfinished and was connected to my room. Lucky me! Just as he came out of the shower the phone rang. It was my girlfriend Lisa. I told her I was busy with something and that I would call her back I then ran back into the closet to see Luke, I was turning into such a fag! I watched him as he ran the towel over his hard pecs down to his beautiful abs and ass. I starter to stroke myself as I watched him. He started to admire himself in the mirror, and begin to feel himself up. Just then I let out a moan again. Luke came into the closet and looked around. His dick was right in my face. I stayed still as he felt around. Then he caught me and pulled me into his room. He asked if I was some kind of a faggot, and I said no. He said ,"Then you just wack off looking at other men. I said I was just curious. He told me to go to bed and we would talk tomorrow. It was a Saturday and my mom was out of town. Luke was taking another shower at about 4 o'clock. He came into my room after and stood by my bed in his towel. I was short of breathe as he gazed at me. He pulled his dick out and said,"Is this what you want Billy boy?" I didn't say anything as he guided it in my mouth. It felt so good to finally suck it! I got on my knees and waved my ass in the air as I sucked it. I had never felt this way with a woman. I always had control with a woman. I was at his mercy and I loved it. I started to play with my own asshole as I sucked Luke. He then licked his finger and slipped it into my ass. I loved it! He said,"Do you want that cock baby ".I said yes as I sucked him. He then lowered me back on the bed as he kissed me on the mouth, I sucked on his big serpent tongue as his dick slid into me. I could see him slide into me in the mirror behind him. I watched as his ass tightened as he fucked me. As he pounded on my ass the answering machine kicked in and it was my girlfriend. She asked me to pick up the phone. Little did she know I was getting my brains fucked out by a total stud. Luke laughed at the message as he turned me on my stomach and nailed me from behind. I was in sheer ecstacy and knew my life could never be the same. I broke up with Lisa the next day and said I just needed time alone for a while. Yeah time alone to think about Luke's cock.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from JASON Z.

Off The Fence

I was about 16 years old and happy for the most part. I had a serious girlfriend and an active social and sports life. Being the only junior on the starting basketball team, I was something of a stud at school. All of this was soon to change in the coming months. My mother was a single parent and was struggling to keep our small farm going. I would always help her as much as I


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