Gay Erotic Stories

On Top Of The World


Note: There is a problem about writing stories to do with celebrities; depending on where you live in the world you'll either know who the celebrity is, or you'll have no idea about them! Even if you don't know who the characters are in this story, I hope that you'll enjoy it anyway! The characters in this story, may not be of the same sexual orientation as portrayed in this story On Top Of The World When a country takes a team of 22 of football players to the World Cup finals, you can be sure that they are the best in the land. Although in every team, a couple of people will always stand out from the rest. The England football team, going to the World Cup finals in France are no different. Full of new young stars who haven't very much experience on the international football fields, yet some of the most talented young men around. Two stand out. Michael Owen, only 18, plays for Liverpool back at home. One of the stars to emerge from only the past two years. His boyish looks are a perfect screen to hide away his immense talent with the football. His hair, blond and cropped close to his head, his eye, wide and the clearest shade of blue, those cherry red lips, bright cheeks that seem to glow red after 90 minutes of running up and down the pitch, when the guys older than him have long cried enough. His legs, hairy, hard and strong. His whole body tanned over from playing his game on the grass, wearing his footy kit, white shirt with the three lions of England on his chest and navy blue shorts. David Beckham is the other good looker in the team! At 23 he's a bit older than Michael, although from looking at him, you wouldn't have guessed that he was any older at all. His hair is slightly longer and dyed blond. Brown eyes and a smile to die for, especially with a quick flash of those dimples that are all to easily hidden away from the TV cameras. Certainly his body is clearly that more mature than Michael's; his legs are more hairy, so are his arms, he just looks bigger, more of a man than a boy. Before being confirmed in the squad, each of the players has to go through a medical. Makes sure that they are fit and well enough to play their sport at the highest possible level. Two by two the lads went into the examination room and came out. Michael and David sat on the waiting chairs outside the room, talking about the matches that were coming up, what they were doing in between games and that type of thing. David was having a problem in talking to Michael about stuff, although he knew that he wasn't that much older than Michael, he was finding it difficult to try and work out what stage boys of 18 where at with life in general. Should he talk about women? Would he have had a proper night out in the pubs and clubs of London? Thankfully, as David saw it, they were called into the room. Inside the examination room, there was a black leather couch and in one corner a desk that the doctor sat behind and in front of the desk, two chairs. The pair went in and sat down in front of the desk. Of course they had both met the team doctor before. The doc was a pretty young guy, 26, and had only recently qualified as a sports medicine specialist. The three chatted for a moment while the doc explained roughly what the examination was checking for and why it was necessary. He took the pair of them over to the other side of the room, where there was a pair of scales and a large ruler for measuring height against the wall. He asked both of them to strip down to their underwear. There was no problem for either of them doing this as they had both seen each other naked in the showers after a couple of matches that they had played in together. Although neither of them had ever taken a real interest in how the other looked. David was the first to finish getting undressed. He was wearing a pair of black Calvin Klein's and he stood with his arms folded. Michael soon finished and he looked over to David. Michael wore a pair of black and white ordinary cotton boxers. They both smiled as they quickly took their first proper look at each other. David had plenty of hair on his belly and a little running down the centre of his pecs, while Michael was still smooth all over, apart from the small trail of black hair running down from his navel before disappearing beneath the waistband of his shorts. "Whose going first then!?" the doctor asked. "I will." David replied, stepping forward. David stood up on the scales as the doc slid the weight along and took a note of the result. Then he moved him across to the ruler and made a note of his height on the clipboard that he always seemed to carry with him. Then Michael did the same, although a little self conscious that he was standing in his underwear as David looked on at him. He just smiled, and that sort of put Michael at ease, although gave him a strange sort of feeling in the pit of his stomach. The doctor walked back over towards the leather couch in the centre of the room, and the two almost naked football players followed him. "Right then David." the doctor said, "Can we have those shorts off please." he asked. David just took in a deep breath, as he moved his hands to the waist band of his shorts. Michael stood next to him, he hadn't realised that they would end up totally naked. He tried not to look, but the lure of another man taking his underwear down is usually something that you can't ignore! David moved the stretched cotton down, revealing his tight ass first and then more and more hair appeared at the front of him, then the base of a dick, revealed so slowly, then his balls and finally he was uncovered as he let the shorts drop to his ankles and stood out of them. It was impossible for Michael not to take a look at his team mate. He knew that David was like him, pretty good looking, could get any girl he wanted, but only by seeing him totally naked did Michael realise just how stunningly good looking the body of a young man who has done nothing all his life except play soccer can really be. It wasn't long before his sight was drawn to what was between David's legs. His soft prick hung loosely over his balls which in turn where hanging freely from the rest of his body. He was just so fucking tasty! The doc asked David to get up and lay down on the couch. Michael watched as the young England international climbed up on to the couch and lay down on his back. He brought his legs up to him but slightly open so that he was giving Michael still a good view of his package. Michael had to focus on something else because he felt a stirring in his own shorts, and from what was being done to his team mate, he knew that he wouldn't have even the very slightest protection that they gave him at the moment. As David lay back on the couch with young Michael looking on, he realised just how good looking Michael was. Standing there at the end of the couch, watching him, completely naked in nothing but his boxer shorts. He thought back to school when he was not much younger than Michael was now, and how he got turned on by watching the doctor play with the other boys during the yearly medical examinations. He wondered if Michael was having the same thoughts that he used to get. He smiled at Michael when their eyes met, and enjoyed the quick flash of that 'naughty boy' grin that Michael was so good at! To check the joint movement in David's leg, the doc raised and lowered each of David's legs, and then did the same with his arms. All the time Michael looked on, unable to keep his eyes from David's soft prick as it lay there cushioned by his light brown pubes and big balls that hung below his body. To tell the truth Michael had never seen a man naked in so much detail before. At school in sex education, all there was were a couple of drawings, in the showers only brief glimpses at each others' equipment and at his medical when he first signed for Liverpool, it was only him with a female doctor who looked like she was getting on a bit. No, it was a new experience to be close enough to see the veins in another dick, to see how it looked a little different to his own, to see so much hair around another guy's stuff. Michael was getting a stiffy and there was nothing he could do about it. No matter how much he tried to look away from between David's legs he couldn't. He tried to focus on something else to make the swelling in his underwear go down, but it wouldn't work. All he could do was to put his hands in front of his shorts and hope that when it came to his turn to drop them, that it would have gone away. Just then the doc's bleeper went off, he checked the message and excused himself, saying that if he wasn't back in half an hour to go and he would call them back either later that day when he was free or tomorrow. The two players just stayed were they were while the doc got his stuff together, apologised again and went out of the room. "Didn't even tell me to get dressed!" David said, smiling at Michael. "No!" Michael said, nervously laughing back. David opened his legs a little wider to give Michael an even clearer view of him. He moved his hands so that they rested just underneath his balls, lifting both his balls and his dick up a fraction. The feeling of his touch to that area of himself made David's prick jump ever so slightly in anticipation of what may be to come. David made sure that Michael was paying attention to what he was doing, and he certainly was! "Do I really turn you on that much!?" David asked the boy who was standing in front of him with his eyes firmly fixed on his balls and his prick. "Huh?" was all Michael could manage, a lump in his throat now as well as his underwear. He could feel his face redden, and he wondered just what David would make of this. He knew that there was now no way that David could have not seen the erection that was tenting his shorts. "Come on Mikey!" David said, still playing with himself and still smiling, "come and have a play!" he said, as his dick started to become firmer and firmer with the nervous excitement that was building up between the pair of them. Michael hesitated for a moment, considering what was going on. Nervous, although definitely relieved that David didn't mind him watching and getting turned on. He moved to the side of the couch and looked up at David, who just smiled at him. His wide brown eyes inviting Michael to go for it. And he did. For the first time he moved his hands from the front of his shorts, allowing his cock to fully tent his shorts. He moved one hand to David's stomach and moved his hands over the hair that lightly covered it, wondering for a moment whether this was the way that his body would also develop. He moved on of his hands further downwards. Still he couldn't keep his eyes of David's hand, still playing with himself, making himself harder and harder, turning the both of them on so much. David moved his hand up from himself as his prick reached it's full 7" and letting the foreskin start to peel back slightly to reveal the sensitive head of his prick. He took Michael's hand in his and moved it down to the hairy base of his prick. Letting Michael get used to the touch of a man, hard and exciting. The heat coming from his body was amazing. David moved his hand of Michael's and patted his hand, letting him know that is was all right for him to feel and touch as much as he wanted. David then moved his hand downwards, stroking gently the side of one of Michael's legs, feeling the new hair that was growing there. He thought back the couple of years when he was the same age, remembering how much of a thrill his own body had been. His hand went a little higher, up the leg of his boxer shorts. He looked towards the 18 year old's face, his lips quivered slightly at the new sensation of another person touching him there, his eyes seemed to glaze over a little. All the time feeling and touching David's prick. David continued raising his fingers slightly higher and higher all the time. With his finger tips he could just about feel some of Michael's pubes and the side of his balls, tight and held up against his body. He looked at the front of his shorts, still tented, only now a wet spot was starting to form on the front of the cotton. "Take your shorts off for me Mikey, let's have a look at what you're hiding under there!" David said, trying to put his young friend at ease. He was finding it difficult though. This was his first time with a guy too! He'd been with plenty of girls, but this was different, this felt better than any of the girls he's fucked before. Michael did as he was asked, although reluctantly took his hands away from David's body. Michael knew that he was turning David on by the way that David was turning out loads and loads of precum from the tip of his dick! His hands moved to the waistband of his shorts and he began to pull them down. The slight trail if hair from his navel in the centre of his otherwise smooth stomach continued downwards and he followed it with his eyes as he continued to pull down, showing more and more hair, more and more flesh. He guided the material carefully over his big dick, and down his legs to his ankles. He put his hands at his sides and let David look him over. Never missing an opportunity, on or off the ball, David took a good look at his mate. Smooth body, a little hair under his arms by the look of things, rounded pinky coloured nipples, begging to be sucked, firm, shaped body, tight ass, hairy legs, but the most important bit was the best bit! His prick, the same length as his own, maybe a little thinner, but a full 7" none the less. His foreskin tighter than his revealed the tip of his prick, shiny, covered in his precum. David couldn't leave his little friend any longer, he needed to show him how good another person's touch against the bare flesh felt, he would be the man to give it to him for the first time. He got down from the couch so that he was standing right in front of Michael. Looking straight at his face, Michael wondered what he was going to do. He thought that maybe it had been a set up, something that he would never be able to live down. He was very soon proved to be very wrong. David reached his hands out and got hold of Michael around the waist and brought him right up close to him. Bending his head down slightly they looked straight into each others eyes, and their lips met. Tongues went in and out tasting each others' flavour, the taste of two young football players. One young virgin football player, being shown what to do by his older mate. They licked and kissed and tugged at each others lips, faces and necks. Their bodies grinding up close to each other. Michael's smooth skin on David's slightly more hairier skin, his young soft nipples rubbing against the older boys' turning them hard, and ultra sensitive, their dicks rubbing together, each other's precum slicking the other one up, their pubes entwining with each others, bringing them ever closer and closer together. Breaking the kiss, David moved his hands underneath each of Michael's armpits, feeling the slightly rough hair against his hands. Michael looked at him, trusting him completely with his body. David lifted Michael right up and placed him down on the edge of the couch. Giving him one last kiss on the lips, David ran his hands down the sides of Michael's teenage body. He placed his lips on one of Michael's nipples and sucked it, hard, feeling it with his tongue, he could almost sense the electricity pulse through young Michael's body with each stoke of his tongue. David started to trail his tongue downwards to the centre of his body, just in the centre of both of his pecs, onto his stomach, making him squirm slightly, into his navel, licking all the way round and then following the small trail of hair downwards to what is usually covered up from view. David moved his hands all the way down and took hold of Michael's monster! He pulled the foreskin all the way back, leaving Michael, open mouthed groaning slightly, wanting some relief from the sexual ecstasy he was experiencing. David put his lips to the tip of Michael's prick, tasting the salty precum on his lips, he liked them with his tongue, sampling Michael's teen juice. He started feeding a little at a time of Michael's silky smooth prick into his mouth. Eventually his nose rested in the slight bush of pubes that covered the base of Michael's prick. David put his hands onto Mikey's balls, massaging them, holding them, playing with them. Michael moaned slightly, feeling his prick engulfed in David's hot wet mouth he tried to thrust himself upwards and downwards, trying to get some kind of release for his engorged organ. David wasn't letting him do it though, he would provide all the release that Mikey needed, in time! He ran his tongue up and down the shaft of Mikey's dick, feeling the smoothness of it and the sensitive head of his prick, opened up to the sensations of his mouth by having his foreskin pulled right the way back. He could feel Mikey's precum rolling onto his tongue as he licked his piss slit. Allowing Mikey to feel what it was really like to have your prick serviced rather than do it yourself, David began the work. Moving him up and down in his mouth, his prick being slicked up by a mixture of David's saliva and his own precum, his foreskin being rolled back up as he began to leave his mouth, before being pulled right the way back as David launched him deep into his throat. Then, after about three goes in and out of his mouth, David stopped and backed up off Mikey's dick. He left Michael sitting on the edge of the couch unable to speak, but trying to get David to go back down on him. David walked away, leaving Michael to jack his dick as best he could trying to get the same feeling back as he was getting from David's blow job. Of course, there was just no way that he would get the same sensations from his hand. David walked over to the cabinet where the doc kept all of his medical supplies, rummaging around for a moment, he pulled out a blue and white tube. KY. He walked back over to Michael and stopped for a moment, watching the young man desperately jacking his dick. He reached out and took hold of his hand to stop his jack-off session. "Hold on matey, I'll sort you out in a moment!" David told him, smiling widely. Michael looked up and smiled at him, he managed to laugh slightly as he realised what he had just been doing in front of his team mate. David climbed back up on the couch and sat beside his young friend. He tool hold of one of Mikey's hands and opened up the tube. He squeezed a little of the clear gel onto Michael's hand and pulled it over and rested it on his dick. Michael immediately knew what to do. He rubbed the gel all over David's dick, the feeling of the hard prick and the occasional rough hair as he rubbed all the way over. He rubbed the shiny head of his prick, making David breath hard and heavy as the sensations of Michael's hand on his dick coursed throughout his whole body. David had to stop Mikey before he tipped him over the edge with just his hand on his prick. This boy certainly knew how to have a good time, and David thought about all those lonely nights in the hotel rooms and imagined young Michael laying there long after the lights had gone out and all the boys had gone to sleep, giving his prick the greatest jack off of his life, just like the one that he had just given him. David needed to give a release to his prick, he was just far too horny, and he knew that if he was this horny, that young Michael was even more so! He took Michael's legs and brought them up around his waist. Lifting his legs upwards slightly, David took a little of the gel on his fingers and got a sight of where he was about to go. A slight trail of hair continued from around Mikey's dick, around his balls and in between the lad's balls around to his ass. David could see the hair running up between Mikey's crack, and the puckered hole that would give the two of them a release from the sexual tension that was growing in both of the boy's balls! David began to rub at the entrance of Mikey's hole. He could hear Michael's breathing getting harder as the boy realised what was to come. He pressed gently against the hole, Michael groaned pretty loudly as David slipped a finger inside him. He probed around, feeling the warmth and the dampness and the softness of the young boy's shit chute. David smile to himself as he thought that today nothing was going to be coming out, but they both knew what was going in! David spread the gel around the entrance and in the opening of Mikey's hole. Slipping another finger and then another inside his hole, he thrust them in and out, making it wider, trying to open it up, so that it the big thrust wouldn't be too painful for his young mate. Beneath him, Michael wriggled and squirmed, both with the sensation of the young man's fingers actually inside him and with the thought of what else would be going up him very soon. Finally, the finger thrusting stopped and David had decided that the young boy was ready for the big time! He brought Michael back up to him and looked at him in the eyes. His face with a glazed look of sex, his mouth open, his eyes wide. He couldn't help but kiss him, long and hard on the lips, brushing his fingers through his short blond hair. "Sure?" David asked him, not wanting to force the lad into anything he didn't really want to do. After all, they would be on the football pitch together in the morning! Michael couldn't talk, still overcome by the sensations that every boy gets during his first time. He nodded, a signal that he wanted David up him now more than he had wanted anything else in the world. David, of course, obliged his friend. He raised Michael's ass up off the couch and slipped underneath him. He took hold of his cock and stroked it up and down the young man's crack, feeling the hairs against the tip of his prick, and the slickness of his hole as his ran the tip over it. Michael reached behind him, wanting to take control of the situation, wanting to make sure that everything was as he wanted it. Everything seemed to stop for a moment as Michael took hold of David's hard prick, he rubbed once more up and down his hairy ass crack and stopped it at the entrance to his hole. He began to sit down. Michael felt the tip of David's prick against his ass, and he tensed himself up. "Push, like you're having a shit" David said in a strained, whispered voice. Michael took his advice and David could feel the lad above him hard to push out, his hole opened and David helped by sliding the tip of his dick inside the opening. He felt Michael's hole clamp down around him. Michael continued sitting down on top of David. David took hold of Mikey's prick and started playing around with it, trying to move his attention to his swollen prick and away from the pain that he was experiencing in his hole. Agonizingly slow, Michael pushed David into him, inch by inch. Stretching him wide open, no amount of finger thrusting from his mate could have prepared him for his ass hole being stretched open so wide. Then, finally, after a long time of slowly going down, Michael almost collapsed on top of David as he sat all the way down. At last he had all seven inches of David's thick cock up inside his ass. David took a firm grip of Michael's cock and the two of them started thrusting. Michael pulled himself up off David's cock, almost all the way, until only the tip remained inside him, pressed up against the soft walls of his chute. And then ramming all the way back down. In time with Michael's thrusts on his cock, David was jacking Michael off, pulling his tight foreskin all the way back, making the boy shout out with the combination of pain from his foreskin being pulled back so violently and from inside his ass, and in the shear pleasure of it, the feelings were like nothing else he had ever experienced. Mikey ploughed back down onto David's prick, forcing it all quickly back inside. The edge of the prick grazed the side of his prostate gland, putting him right on the edge of an almighty orgasm. The noise coming from the two was like that off two animals fucking themselves widely, not a care for who could hear them. David could feel Michael's prick getting harder in his hand, he could see his balls clench up even more tightly, he could see the ripples of pleasure streaming through his body. His eyes open wide to take in all the sights, his mouth dropped, moaning and groaning, the saliva dripping out of the corners of his mouth and on to both of their naked bodies. His nipples stiff and erect, begging to be sucked once again. Michael roughly forced himself back down on David's prick and that was all the Manchester United player could take. He screamed out, as his balls pumped load after load of hot spunk deep inside Michael's bowels. As his orgasm grew more intense, David literally ripped Mikey's foreskin back and held it there. Michael couldn't hold it anymore, and he began to shoot wave after wave of cum, high above the two of them before dropping down David's chest. As his dick began to soften, David could feel his own cum dripping out of Michael's ass hole, and onto his dick. He could imagine the sight behind them. His cum dripping down Michael's ass crack onto his balls before dropping back down onto David's hot, spent body. Michael pulled himself up off and away from David's dick, covered in a mixture of the KY, his own cum and Michael's body juices from his ass. He lay on top of his team mate, his head against his chest, covering his face in his own cum. David put his arm around the young player. They waited for the doc's return. The End If you liked what you read, then I want to know about it! There are two ways to get in touch, you can either email me or use my ICQ pager. Click one of the options below, and tell me what you thought about the story! Email: ICQ: 5813636


3 Gay Erotic Stories from UKSW

Down The Road

(c)UKSW 1998. Three copies of this story have been produced. One for the UKSW web site, one for Men On The Net and one for the ASSGM newsgroup. No further copies of this story may be distributed or used on any other website/newsgroup, without the consent of the author. Please write to if you would like to use this story on another web site. To my Kangaroo

On Top Of The World

Note: There is a problem about writing stories to do with celebrities; depending on where you live in the world you'll either know who the celebrity is, or you'll have no idea about them! Even if you don't know who the characters are in this story, I hope that you'll enjoy it anyway! The characters in this story, may not be of the same sexual orientation as portrayed in this story


Do not read this story unless you are legally allowed to read about two males having sex together in the country where you are accessing this file. If you like this story, then let me know by writing to me at and in return I'll send you the URL to my web site, where there is a whole list of my stories and a couple of pictures to help illustrate things!


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