Gay Erotic Stories


by Max

Forget it. Forget it and get back to your normal life. A senseless life? Oh come on, that's not true! You have your friends, you have your work, books you love to read, music you adore... You feel lonely, that's true, more and more lonely as time pass... But why have you decided he's that very only one you need? The one you can love? A guy you don't know a thing about... Forget it. Why do you think he's interested at all? It's just a fantasy... Well, maybe he liked you, let's suppose he did - but that hardly may have anything to do with what you're thinking about, with sex! Have you seen yourself in a mirror lately? You're losing your looks, darling, didn't you notice? You're getting old... More than half of your hair's grey already, there are so many wrinkles around the eyes, your cheeks and neck are growing flabby... to say nothing of the rest of the body. And don't try on now all these faces – thoughtful, laughing, smiling this soft smile... All that's good but that's not what he could see yesterday. Oh, and of course not this expression of an inveterate sex-hound, that's ridiculous, baby... And not this childish pretty look, too. You've been displeased with everything yesterday, right? With the stupid party, with your dear old friend that talked you into going there. You didn't want to go at all - but he asked, he needed very much to talk with someone there, but didn't want to go alone... You yielded, finally. "Just wait for me there, please, can't you? It's just for half an hour, not more", he said - and soon disappeared, leaving you among total strangers, mostly rather unpleasant ones. And of course, a good hour later he still was somewhere away. How do you think you looked then? Wrinkle your forehead in the centre, with brows slightly up, a bit like Pierrot, yeah... Deadly boredom and discontent in eyes... Corners of your mouth down... more... more down. And yes, right, shoulders down too, you're always stooping when feeling uncomfortable. Now it's looking much more like you yesterday. A wreck, good for nothing but sighs. Do you think he could get excited at the sight? He, a young guy, beautiful, full of energy... How old is he? Ten years younger than you or maybe fifteen?.. Come on, you'd better go and get busy with something useful, stop thinking of him! He's incredible... His eyes, his smile... Ooh, everything! His hands... The way he walked, the way he turned his desperately beautiful head... What is it, are you trying to howl? Now that's something new. Stop it. And move away from the wall, you aren't really going to climb it. You should have thought quicker yesterday, now it's too late... Why haven't you even tried to talk to him? For a whole hour you've been sitting there and just staring at him as if he was in a movie on TV... sighing and thinking dismally of years that go by so soon. Instead of doing something to try to get him. You know very well what people use to do for that, don't you?.. Simple things, there's nothing to invent. Oh, are they silly things? Well then sit here alone and howl, if it's more suitable for a sophisticated grown-up man like you. You're alone for several long years. For all these years there were only a few times that you happened to have sex with somebody... let's not count, that's awful. Frankly, you didn't really enjoy any of them, you need something more than accidental encounters, you need love... Love! You're pining for it, you're dreaming of it... Keep dreaming. Forget him and keep dreaming. Maybe, he would leave you soon, you do know how painful is that... Maybe, it's better to lose it before it began. Tears... So stupid. Yesterday, when he, wandering across the room with a glass of champagne, stopped suddenly near your table – and looked right into your eyes, and smiled... Oh, it was... like a sudden blow of wind into your face, fresh wind, so fresh!.. He said merrily, "What a boring party, isn't it?" - and raised his glass, greeting you. You managed somehow to smile in reply, but what a smile was that - so labored, so pale... You began to wake up from your lethargy, but slowly, very slowly, not believing yourself... Thinking, thinking... Why are you always thinking? Why couldn't you let your feelings decide, just once? For some seconds more he kept looking at you, and then went back to where his friends were sitting. Nothing special? He's such a merry-maker, has seen a gloomy mug and just wanted to cheer up the poor man a little? Or was there something more to it?.. Did he try to say something by that look? It seems to you he did! Oh dear, it can't be... You don't understand, you thought you knew everything about all these things, an expert, my ass!.. The sound of his voice is still vibrating inside of you, you still see those smiling eyes looking into yours - and the more you think of it, the less you understand, it's mad, mad!.. And it's useless. Yesterday, you've lost it... You had wasted so much time! Trying to weigh everything, trying to bridle that whirl in your mind, that desire raging in you body... Then trying to screw up your courage... He was there, in just a few steps from you! And from time to time he glanced at you, and it seemed to you there was something inviting in his looks... Finally you managed to make up your mind, but it was too late. Dumbfounded, you watched him and his friends standing up and heading to the exit. You haven't dashed after him, of course... Already on the threshold, he turned back, waving hand to somebody in the crowd, and then, last of all, looked at you. Smiled to you once more. And left. And that's all. You don't know his name, you don't know anything. Soon your dear friend returned, as pleased as punch. Glanced at your bleak physiognomy and asked you with a sweet meekest smile, "Don't kill me right now, please, won't you?" It took quite a while till you realized what's that he's talking about. A rascal... Okay, you'll kill him some other time... On the way home, you forced yourself and asked him if he knew the guy, such and such, that was with such and such friends - but no, he didn't. He knew just a couple of people from that crowd, actually... You even got so far as to ask him to contact them, right then - and he did, but with no result either, and you felt too awkward to insist on making those unknown to you people ask someone else... You have lost it. Lost. Resign yourself to it, stop these hysterics. Telephone is ringing. Oh, don't throw it out of the window, you never do such sort of things! Take the receiver, make your voice sound calm. ---– Hello? Can it be?!... His voice. He speaks and you can hear him smiling... He says, maybe you remember him? Yesterday, a cuckoo stranger with a glass of champagne... Says he had left too quickly from that horrible party - but later he thought it's a pity that he hasn't got acquainted with you, and maybe if you don't mind he could right the omission? He would really love to chat with you... He speaks very fast, as if being afraid that you'd interrupt him... And his voice seems to sound... well, nervous! A fantasy? Now it's your turn, don't be silent for so long or he'll think something wrong and hang up the receiver! Tell him, of course you remember him... you're very glad he called. Come on!!! You'll be happy to meet him... Are you busy tonight? – No, not at all... Then, how about a dinner together at a restaurant? – Sure, with pleasure!.. Do you want him to pick you up at home? – Oh yes, please, if it won't trouble him!.. No, no trouble whatever, he says, but then you'll have no chance to change you mind!.. Laughs... No chance to... Is it just an innocent joke? Is it?.. Oh my, he says something else, do listen! Will it be okay if he'd be at eight?.. Sure, fine! You tell him your address, "See you", and he hangs up, leaving you standing there trembling, with the receiver in hand, trying to understand what's happening... Cuckoo stranger... No, it can't be. To chat with you, he said. It must have seemed to him you're a clever guy interesting to talk with... That's all there's to it, don't be silly, stop making up fairy stories! Why have you decided he's gay at all?.. But at least you'll see him again! You'll see him!! Oh, what a shiver, what a wild shiver there, somewhere in your stomach... The feeling is almost like sickness... Are you going to stand like this till he comes? You carefully put the receiver down, and the moment it touches the base, the bloody thing rings again. You startle and the receiver together with telephone itself drops down to the floor. You need a doctor, don't you think?.. The cord has all got tangled, you have to kneel down to speak. – Hello? It's your dear friend calling. What it was, the crash he just heard? Are you all right?.. Yeah, you're all right, it was just the telephone dropped down from the table... Hmmm, he says, well then. The matter is: both of his pals from that yesterday party have called him today and asked him about your phone number, and he had given it, was it okay? They said, a guy had asked them to do that, and it seems that's the very guy you... You interrupt him - yes, yes, he's just called you, it's absolutely okay, thanks. Dear friend chuckles, "I got it. Good luck, man"... Hangs up. Oh my... He did all those "silly things" for you... He asked everybody and got your number, he called you and will soon be here, can it be that you're still doubting?! "Good luck"... You'll be lucky if you won't go mad of all this till eight... Eight, he said. But now it's half past seven! You spring up and fly to the bathroom - oh my God, what a sight, your face... The sleepless night, the tears - all that's here: red eyes, terrible swollen lids... You're unshaven, the head's unwashed... You pick up an incredible for you speed. By five minutes to eight everything you could do is done. You're out of breath, your hair's damp, there are some new little cuts on your chin, but you look a bit more fresh than before. You get dressed. Not that bad, not that bad at all! Why all those complexes? After all, some people do find you beautiful, you know that... Maybe they're not so completely wrong? Oh, what a nonsense... It's eight. You're wandering around the room. What are you going to say to him? You should say something! But there's not a slightest shade of any thought in your head... Nothing but this shiver. Oh dear. The doorbell. – Am I not late? – He's already on your threshold, smiling. Even more beautiful than you remembered him... This close... Do say something, you can't stand like this forever, just staring at him! – No... Of course not. Come in, please! You show him to the sitting-room, and in the center of it you both stop... He's here, are you glad? Are you? Can you see him at all?.. Damned shiver... You're trying to think what you should do next... What for did you ask him to come in? You were supposed to go to a restaurant, weren't you? Embarrassed, you raise your eyes at him – and quickly cast back down, stricken with what you seen. Can it be?! Was he really looking at your lips, looking the way he did?!.. He did! You can't mistake such a look... You don't even need to look for any more signs, you simply feel it now... ooh, you feel it turning your entire being upside down... Look at him, look right into his eyes. He wants you... It's so clear, so simple! It's going to happen now. Oh what a heat sweeps over you! Your eyes close on their own. You don't see... How he looks at you, how he raises his hand to touch your cheek – but takes it back at the last moment... Clenches his fists for a second... Raises his hand again, both hands this time... There's not a sound between you, you both almost aren't breathing... He touches your forehead, very, very softly... slowly smoothes out your brows with his thumbs... His hands are quivering. He lightly brushes his fingers over your cheeks, softly explores the form of your chin... Gently outlines your mouth with his thumb... again... and again... Now you hear him breathing. He passes his thumb over your lower lip... Then another time, with more stress... And then – his lips carefully touch yours, and the ground floats away from under your feet. Why can't it last forever? ...Are you thinking again? Even now, when his head is so snugly lying on your breast? He's listening to your still rather rapid heartbeat and smiling... You can't refrain from a sigh, and, apparently, it sounds pretty sad – he raises his head and looks at you, smiling inquiringly. – What? – Nothing... – you shook your head and smile too, – I just can't believe it's all real... You're incredible... You can't be! You almost reverently touch his face, stroke his shoulders... He drops his head back onto your breast, chuckling, – Oh yeah, I'm a spirit. Absolutely ethereal, mmh? You laugh, clasping his head to your chest.... Anything but ethereal, indeed! What a happy feeling... How strange to think you've been nearly mad of doubts and fears just an hour ago! You smile and rumple gently his hair, – You said you were going to chat with me! He snorts somewhere into the hair on your breast, – Uhum, and then have foully deceived you! He rubs his face at your chest, sliding down little by little. You giggle, trying to get him back up, – Oh, no, no! Don't!.. I can't!.. Let's better go... to a restaurant! We were going to, remember? – No way, – he mutters down there, – I wanted so much to get in this bed, I won't get out!.. At least till morning... – And... what in the morning?.. Oh dear, you should have said that jokingly, not the way you did! He raises his head, peers attentively into your suddenly clouded eyes – and grins, and then makes a beastly face, – In the morning we'll eat something and then shall continue! – He slides up and brings his face close to yours, – Don't you even hope that I'll get dispelled like a ghost! He moves to your ear, licks it all over, bites on your earlobe... Ouch, how good it feels! – You're a pain in the neck, you know that? – he whispers tenderly, smiling, between those licks, and calls you by name... You suddenly realize that you still don't even know his name – but before you have time to say a word, he closes your mouth with a wet hot kiss. He kisses you long, so long... Give in to this bliss. A pain in the neck, you... If you have any comments, feel free to contact the author:


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Max

A Trip On My Ecstasy

Now my work is finished, at last, and I'm on my way home - to you. You are waiting there, I know, waiting and ready for me - and I hurry up… I think only of you, hardly noticing anything around. I'm insane long since. We'll make love… You're created for it, boy, it's the very essence of your being… You're always thinking of it, aren't you? You may be busy with something quite


Forget it. Forget it and get back to your normal life. A senseless life? Oh come on, that's not true! You have your friends, you have your work, books you love to read, music you adore... You feel lonely, that's true, more and more lonely as time pass... But why have you decided he's that very only one you need? The one you can love? A guy you don't know a thing about... Forget

Speeding Ticket

It was about 4 a.m. I was driving from New York to my south Jersey home. I was going at about 75mph barely awake. Then I look in my rear view mirror and I see a cop with his flashers on telling me to pull over. So like a good citizen I pull over and role down my window. He comes out his police car slowly. His tight pants crabing him in every place. Wishing I was thous


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