Gay Erotic Stories

One night..., Part I

by Bret

I was entering University of San Francisco as a freshman with a full tuition scholarship. My foster parents were nice enough to offer to pay for my dormitory expenses, but I declined since I owe them so much already for my life. Instead, I found myself a part time job as a waiter to support my living expenses. Three days before school started, my roommate asked me to move out, so that his girlfriend could move in. I freaked out, but I had to vacate in a week. So that same day, I picked up a paper, and did my apartment search. I could only afford to pay two hundred dollars a month, and the ads were running too high for my budget. I knew that it would be impossible to find a place within my limits, but somehow, luck struck: Male in his thirties, renting a very small room for Two Fifty a month. I called a number, and a deep sounding voice answered. He gave me directions, and I took the Muni to Castro. The place had two bedrooms, but the room he was renting out is as big as my closet back home. But the pad was very clean. The furniture was very nice looking. Josh seemed to be nice to, and when he learned that I was a college student in USF, he said that he would be happy to have me as a roommate. The next day, I moved, and he even waved the two weeks rent. But as soon as I got my last box in, he told me that he is gay. He told me that to "clear up" the air. I couldn't believe what he just disclosed. Josh is three inches taller than me ( around 6'1") an he has a good muscular physique ( not gym body). I even think he was a good looking guy, and my first impression of him was a real woman chaser. Of course I got uncomfortable, but for two fifty, and no roaches , I just though I have to live with it. I tried to be a good roommate, and so did he. For two years, things worked out fine. We hardly see each other, but when we do, we would chat. He has a very good sense of humor, and has given me good advice about school and places to go in the city. Once in awhile, I would see a half naked guy in the morning, headed to the bathroom. I figured that they were with Josh that night. At least someone in this pad is getting it. At nineteen, I was still a virgin. I am aware that I am attractive, because a lot of my girl classmates flirt with me, but because I am way too serious in life, I felt that girls and sex can wait after college. I knew that men were attracted to me too. I'm about 5'9", swimmer's build, dark hair, olive skin, and with mixed Irish, Italian and Asian ancestry, my facial features are mixed very well. Since I live in a very gay area, I often notice men either look back when I walk by, or give me the wink, or a smile. And then one night... It was my birthday. My foster parents left me a birthday message on the answering machine. When I got home, Josh told me that he was taking me out for a birthday treat. I tried to weasel my way out, but he insisted on it. We went to have dinner around the corner. The neighborhood is very gay, and when I walked in with Josh at the restaurant, a lot of heads turned. That night I felt proud being with the company of the most good looking guy in the crowd. He was wearing a black cotton shirt, with blue jeans. His arms were showing, and his chest looked real well with the fitted shirt. His teeth were so white, and his five o clock shadow looked perfect on his face. He was wearing his prescription glasses and it added more appeal to his good looks. It was weird, but I had fun with the idea that Josh and I are a couple having dinner. I was only able to eat a little because Josh kept me laughing. But he kept ordering me drinks, and by the time we walked out of the restaurant, I was tipsy. So was he. We got up to our apartment and tried not to make any noise, since we live up to our reputation as the nice boys at fifth floor. As soon as I got to my room, I just crawled to my bed. Even though San Francisco has a nice cool weather almost year round, that night, it was a little warmer than the usual. "Hey kiddo, you may want to take your clothes off, or you're going to toast in those jeans" I heard Josh say. I tried to get up to pull my pants off, but my arms were too weak to pull my own pants down. "Let me help you" Josh said. So he did. He took my shoes off, and then he helped me with my shirt and then he unbuttoned my jeans. I noticed that he was ready to go to bed because he was just wearing his briefs. I have never seen my roommate in his underwear, and he does have a very defined body. While pulling off my pants, my underwear came off with the pants. He didn't put any covers over me. I was so drunk that I didn't care. I felt him get up, and he turned off the light. A few minutes later, I felt a towel patting on my forehead. He was drying off my sweat. He ran his fingers through my hair, and he whispered. "I really like you" I couldn't believe what I just heard. "Actually, I'm crazy about you", he said, and then he kissed my forehead. I froze. Then he kissed my cheeks, gently and then my neck. He placed his hand to my hips gently, and stroked my thighs. I wanted to say something, like "stop" but his touch felt nice. He positioned himself on top of me and continued kissing me. He kissed my chest... my belly and then my inner thighs. He ran his tongue close to my balls. I started to feel aroused, and my dick started to get really hard. The stiffness was almost painful. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked. I had to think. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked again. I almost couldn't get the word out of my mouth. "No" I finally answered. And then he took my erection in his mouth. His mouth was warm, moist and his lips felt so good around it. I placed my hand to his wavy black hair, almost clutching it as he started to move his head up and down. First it was gentle, and then he started to suck harder and then faster. He kept rubbing my thighs, and balls. The feeling was so overwhelming. And then I came. He still kept his mouth around my dick until I finished coming. He came up to me and we kissed, pouring my own cum to my mouth. I have never had a blow job, much more, kissed another man. It was a good kiss; tender and sensual. His tongue probed my mouth. I didn't realize, but he managed to get his hips between my legs. With almost one motion, he had my back lift up a bit and then slid a pillow to support my lower back. He spat his hands, and then I realized what he was going to do. But it was too late. Josh positioned his dick to my opening. "Please don't..." I asked him " I don't want to do this " pushing him away. But Josh is a lot bigger than me, and he had me pinned down. With his right hand , he grabbed my arm, and that's when we began to struggle. I almost had him knocked over. I am not getting fucked, I thought to myself.. He slapped me so hard that I almost lost consciousness. He was breathing hard, and we were sweating so much. He stood up, and I noticed his dick. It was as thick as my gel spray plastic bottle, and about 7 inches long. I tried to move away, and he walked towards me, and then with my phone cord, he pulled my hands over my head and tied it to my bed post. "Please don't do this " I begged him. But he was deaf to this. Josh saw my hand lotion, and then used it to rub his dick. He again positioned himself between my legs, and lifted my lower back and his dick pointed to my hole. I started screaming, but he placed his hands over my mouth. Then he pushed it all in. It was painful, and I felt my hole stretch, and I even thought it would rip. I couldn't breathe well with his hand over my mouth. He stayed all the way in for a few seconds, and with his free hand, he gently touched my hair. He then started to move in and out, almost rocking me back and forth. He would pull almost all the way out, and then slam it in. Needless to say, Josh wasn't being gentle. He then pushed my legs more to my chest, and then he thrust in me more rapidly. My mouth was not covered anymore, but I didn't want to scream, thinking he would hit me again. And then I knew he was coming. He closed his eyes, and pushed everything with all his strength and then collapsed on top of me. My hands were freed and without a word, he walked away. I knew what just happened, and I never thought this would ever happen to me. I was tired, more than shaken. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. (to be continued)


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Bret

One night..., Part I

I was entering University of San Francisco as a freshman with a full tuition scholarship. My foster parents were nice enough to offer to pay for my dormitory expenses, but I declined since I owe them so much already for my life. Instead, I found myself a part time job as a waiter to support my living expenses. Three days before school started, my roommate asked me to move out, so

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