Gay Erotic Stories

Pacific Islander, Part 1

by Buck Naked

Dan was stationed in Hawaii with a few months left under his belt as his time to return home was getting closer. He had served three terms with the army. Now at the age of 34, his desire to have an experience with a man had him completely preoccupied. He dared not to open himself up to any of his peers in fear of being discovered and ridiculed. Such was the attitude of his friends and he played along with it, as it made him feel safe. He was enjoying the sun, surf, and the sights at one of the popular beaches one Saturday. Checking out the babes was no hard task, in fact it was a requirement of any red-blooded male, he was also checking out some of the local males as well. Though he had to be extra careful as not to be noticed. He had always fantasized of being with one of the dark skinned and well-developed bodied men that were plentiful all around the island. His major turn on were those that were husky and thick boned with body hair, but there were those that were of the smooth skinned type that were quite appealing as well. The day was getting late and he decided to pack up and head back to the barracks. He rolled up his beach matt and grabbed the water bottle and his shoes and headed for the parking lot. First he stopped by the shower to shower off the salt and sand from the day. While rinsing him self off he noticed a man and his girl friend as they argued about something, he wasn't quite sure what the topic was, but was sure that there was a certain debate between the two going on. Dan turned off the water and grabbed his towel and began drying him self off. He was trying to listen to the man and woman’s conversation. What had really brought their presence to his attention wasn't the fact that they were quarreling, it was the sight of this guy that was quite breath taking. He stood about 6'3" and had huge shoulder that ran into a set of awesome arms, arms so thick with mass that they were bigger than an average mans thighs. His forearms were equally impressive, massive amounts of muscle, thick black hair on the back sides trailing down to half way across the back of the of his large thick hands. And the under side of his arms displayed a thick network of veins, and a thick black bush at the pits. The guy’s chest was as powerful as any Hercules that ever played in any of those movies, and his densely thick chest hair flowed out of the top of the white tank top that he wore. His chest tapered down to a waist of maybe 38” and he had a well-formed round thick ass that gave way to two pillars for legs. His thighs were thick and hairy and his calves were equally thick in proportion to the rest of his lower half. Right on down to the massive feet, which had hair growing halfway across the tops of them. Dan caught himself in a well heated attraction for the man almost instantly after laying eyes on him, thus he was extra careful at not letting him self stare too intently, instead he would steal glances while toweling him self. After he was done drying himself he headed for the snack wagon that was parked in the parking lot, and got a hot dog and a soda to sooth his hungry stomach. He got to his car and threw his stuff in the trunk and had opened the door and wound down the windows to let out the heat from inside before he got in. As he was waiting he was half sitting on his car hood sipping on his soda and eating his Hotdog. Then Dan noticed the man from back by the showers, he was heading toward him. He was alone and not paying much attention to anyone around him, but was looking primarily at the ground as he approached. He had parked next to Dan and was unlocking the car door and winding the window down when he just happened to look up to Dan and say, "What in the world goes through a wahines head"? Dan wasn’t sure if he was just making a statement or was genuinely asking Dan his advice. Dan figured what the hell and gave him an answer. "NO man knows that, that’s why they drive us nuts". The guy looked at Dan and said, “Man you sure hit that one on the head. All I wanted to do is go to the racetrack tonight. But she wants to go over to one of her girl friends house and I can't stand going there cause all they do is wahine talk". Dan spoke up to keep the conversation going, and said, "I haven't been to a car race in a long time, I wouldn't mind that myself". Then the guy told Dan that he hadn't been there himself in a couple of years and thought that it would be a lot of fun, but his girl wouldn't even think about it, she was not interested in it one bit". Then the guy offered Dan a beer and Dan accepted his offer. The guy gave him the beer and held out his huge hand to Dan and said, "My name is Faoli". (Fà-oh-lee) Dan took his enormous hand in his and noticed the way in which Faoli shook his. It was quite a masculine grip without being over powerful and his touch was firm and had a scratchy hard callous feel. This had some rather turn on effects to Dan and he kept his composure, despite of the lingering grip that Faoli held his hand. Dan and Faoli started talking about problems with understanding the opposite sex. Dan shared his experience with his disaster of a marriage and Faoli listen with great understanding. Their conversation went on and before long they had finished their beers, Faoli asked Dan if he was interested in having a few more and Dan agreed that a few more would be nice. Faoli asked Dan to follow him and they would stop by the store to pick up some beer and then head off to a place where they would drink them. So Dan got in his car and followed Faoli up the street to a market Faoli got out and walked up to Dan and said I'll get these you can wait here if you like. So Faoli went inside and in a few minutes came out with a 12 pack and a bag of ice. He walked to his trunk and opened it up and from inside pulled out a cooler and put the beer and ice inside and closed it up. He walked up to Dan and told him to follow him. So they pulled out on to the road and headed along the shoreline. After a bit Faoli pulled up a road that headed up the mountains and then after about 15 min. of going through the thick wooded area, they came out into a park area that over looked the shoreline with a tremendous view. They parked their cars and got out, Dan was mesmerized by the panoramic view. Not to mention this stud he was with, what a terrific Samoan God this guy was! Faoli got the cooler out of the trunk and they headed down a path toward the edge of this overlook. Then about mid way down the path Faoli took an unmarked path into the wooded area. Dan asked him where he was headed and Faoli told him it was a private place that not many go to, he said he goes there sometimes when he is by himself and wants to think. They came out to a secluded area that was both panoramic and yet secluded. It was a small but roomy ledge that was tucked under the cliff from up above, so it would offer shelter from rain and yet was open. They sat and started drinking and talking about all kinds of stuff. Then Faoli asked Dan if he had a girlfriend, Dan told him that he was in between girl friends. Faoli told him how lucky he was that he wasn't trapped into a relationship and that he was free. Dan told Faoli that freedom was over rated and there were times when he would rather have the companionship. Faoli asked him if by companionship he meant sex, and Dan nodded yes. Faoli said that that was the problem, that we (men) needed sex, and that there was sex and then there was making love and the animal part of the sex was the strong part. Faoli said, "Too bad we couldn't just enjoy the physical aspect of the sex with out putting in all those restrictions that we have to deal with in our society. So we would be able to have sex with whomever we were attracted too and just leave it at that, a good physical stimulation". Dan agreed and feeling a bit loose and relaxed from the beer, added…”even if it’s a friend of the same sex”. Faoli looked at Dan with those large dark brown eyes and said, “Are you gay”. Dan looked right back at Faoli and said, "No I am not, though I must admit there have been times when I have found another man appealing, not that I go out looking for men, its just sometimes ya meet someone and they are just naturally appealing”. Faoli asked Dan, "Do you find me like that"? And Dan was cautious but was so drunk with attraction that he answered Faoli, "I think that you are a very handsome and attractive man, and the idea of sharing an experience with you would be fulfilling on many levels". Faoli just stared back at Dan with a look that Dan couldn't quite understand, either he was pissing Faoli off or if Faoli was trying to make heads of what Dan had just said. Then after a moment or two Faoli said to Dan, "You like give me head"? Dan replied, "Is that a question, or are you offering"? Faoli replied to Dan, "If you want it then you know where it is". With that Dan wanted to jump right at the offer, and yet he wanted this moment to last forever, after all Faoli was more than any fantasy any one could think up, he was real and he was more man than that of the average man. His dark brown skin gave gold undertones in the reflection of the late summer days sun and his unshaven face seemed to command attention, at just the mere glance. Dan put his hand on Faoli's knee, and Faoli responded by widening the spread of his legs, not a lot but enough for Dan to know that he was about to taste his first man. Dan lowered his face to the side of Faoli's knee on the inside, and he put his lips to his flesh and began softly kissing him there. After a moment of brushing his lips on the hair of Faoli leg, he opened his mouth and let the tip of his tongue taste Faoli's skin. Then he widened his mouth to increase the caress of his mouth on the inside of Faoli’s knee while making longer strokes about three to four inches from the knee, up toward Faoli's thighs. Dan decided to make the plunge and on the fifth pass on Faoli's leg he let his tongue out and ran it all the way up Faoli's thigh to where his pant leg of his shorts started. Faoli let out a soft moan and slightly quivered as Dan stroked his tongue on the inside of his thighs. Dan put his hands on the waistband of Faoli's shorts and began to slide his fingers inside. As he did Faoli raised his ass off of the cooler where he was sitting. Dan then slipped his fingers into the waist band of Faoli's briefs at the same time and slide the material down and over the large firm ass, until he felt the thick hair on the back side of Faoli's legs. As Dan was doing this he had maintained his mouth on the upper inside of Faoli's thigh, when he had felt the back side of Faoli's leg, Faoli sat back down on top of the cooler, and Dan lifted his head to discard the shorts and briefs from Faoli's legs. As he did this he got his first look at Faoli's crotch, a nice set of thick eggs and a thick cut cock all draped in the thickest dark black mat of pubic hair Dan had ever seen. Even Faoli’s genitals were of dark brown skin, and the thick mushroom head had a lighter colour of brown to it. One thing that aroused Dan was the site of a mans pubic bush and Faoli’s bush damn near knocked the wind out of him at just the mere site of it. Dan delighted in two intense sensations at the same time, one he was looking at Faoli's prize's and second the feel of his immense legs as he ran his hands down taking off the shorts and briefs. Faoli's right foot slide right out of the fabric, but his left foot got snagged. So Dan held his calf in his left hand and he slipped his right hand under and released Faoli's foot. At which time Faoli spread his legs in a huge hairy arch and Dan slide his hands across Faoli's legs up to the crotch as he also lowered his face to the man meat in front of him. He ran his fingers within the thick mat of pubic bush and gripped Faoli's cock. It was semi hard and rapidly approaching full hardness. Dan opened his mouth and took in that wonderful full mushroom head of Faoli's cock and began massaging it with his lips and tongue. Faoli's moans turned into groans as he felt Dan flicking the tip of his tongue within his piss slit. In about no time Faoli was full raging hard and Dan was in another world, brought on by Faoli's taste and his strong musky odor of his crotch. Dan's thought's swam dizzily in his head, as he never wanted to stop sucking Faoli, it was as though Faoli was made for his pleasures alone, and no one could appreciate such an erotic stud as this Samoan. Before long Dan was pass the head and start flicking his tongue on that tender part on the underside about an inch from the crown. He would flick his tongue very rapidly while making his mouth very tight around and literally pushing the cock into his mouth, as though it was a very tight pussy with a flicking tongue. Faoli was supplying very generous amounts of pre cum and Dan delighted in his taste. Since he had never had a cock before this was a new taste to him and he found that there was nothing he would rather eat than this delicious, sweet, hot meat that he was now enjoying. It was then, that Dan knew exactly what Tube Steak meant. Faoli’s cock was about 8 ½ “ long and very thick, it looked like a thick brown fuck pipe. In time he started to take as much as Faoli as he could handle. Then he would ease off a bit and then start the whole process over again starting with the head message and the flickering tongue. Faoli was in heaven. The longer Dan took care of him the more he told himself that it was ok for two men to enjoy one another. Faoli was raised in the general way most males are raised and believed that a man should only have sex with a woman, but his new friend Dan was showing him something that he would have never tried. In fact he had been approached before by men, but Faoli dislike gays for their openness and the thought that Dan wasn’t gay, but was attracted to HIM, made him open up and led to this moment. At this thought Faoli reached down and wrapped his huge thick fingers around the back topside of Dan’s head and enjoyed with great pleasure the sensations that his cock was experiencing. Faoli had his cock sucked before, but evidently it was never done by anyone who hungered for his meat and the taste of it. Dan, at one point took his mouth off of Faoli's cock and Faoli immediately protested, but Dan had some other plans, this was his first man and since he was on his knees doing the servicing, he was going to call the shots. With out missing a beat Dan put his lips to the underside of that thick cock and began at the tip, ran his mouth and tongue down slowly and repetitively. When he reached the base he pushed into Faoli's crotch and took one of his large eggs into his mouth and firmly but tenderly massaged it very well. Faoli's eggs hung low nicely and they rocked back and forth with the movement of Faoli rocking his hips. After Dan had taken care of each of Faoli's eggs, he grabbed Faoli's thighs right up in the crotch and raised his legs. This caught Faoli off guard and so he didn't loose his balance, he removed his hands from Dan’s head and grabbed the rock wall behind him, then he felt Dan lift and spread his legs and then felt Dan licking his ass. Dan decided that if he was going to do this, he was going to go all the way and do it right!! He ran his tongue along the inside depth of Faoli's crotch, right up to his hole. He then began to make circles and in no time began pushing his tongue inside, and past the sphincter. It got looser the more he did this, before long he was engaged in to some serious ass fucking with his tongue, while he was doing this he was rubbing his thumb across the cock head and digging into the piss slit with a moderate amount of pressure. The more he tongue fucked Faoli, the more he enjoyed it and never wanted to leave it. Then he heard Faoli, whom up to this time was quite busy groaning like a wild man. He announced to Dan that he couldn't hold his load any longer. At which time Dan pulled his tongue from the inside of Faoli and tightly wrapped his mouth around the head of the cock. He didn't want to go down too deep, as he wanted the full impact of Faoli's orgasm and feel him come into his mouth and so he could also taste him freshly. As he positioned himself on Faoli's cock he also placed his thumb up to Faoli's ass hole and slowly slid it in. Then Faoli began to buck and groan and utter something in Samoan. While Dan rocked his head on that wonderful thick brown love pipe, while sliding his thumb up inside that wet tight hairy asshole. Mouth sucking, thumb fucking, it was too much for Faoli, and he no longer could contain himself. Faoli’s orgasm was so intense and powerful that it actually slightly burned his piss hole when he erupted. Dan sucked and swallowed in an endless rhythm, thinking that he would be choked before long by the amount of cum that Faoli delivered to him. It was close but Dan seemed to find the strength to out swallow Faoli's supply of his ribbon of juice. Faoli reached the point of his orgasm that had him totally spent. Which meant that he had begun that point of intense sensitivity and tried to stop Dan’s movement on his cock. Dan knew instinctively what Faoli was feeling. So Dan stopped all movement of his mouth on Faoli’s cock and just applied as much suction and pressure as he could. He held this for about a minute and then slowly released the pressure and then applied it again very rapidly. He kept on doing this as though he has puffing on a cigar. This brought relief for Faoli, and let the sensitivity come to pass. When Dan felt the muscles in Faoli’s body begin to relax, he knew that his sensitivity time was over. So while maximizing the pressure and suction on Faoli’s cock, Dan slowly pulled his lips to the tip of his cock and made sure that the piss slit was cleaned and emptied. At which point he kissed the slit a few times and then leaned back and rested his head against Faoli’s thigh. Faoli looked down at Dan and put his enormous hand on his head and said, “I can’t tell you how happy I am that I took the time to talk story with you in the parking lot. But promise me that what we have shared here, stays here and goes no further”. Dan told him, “That goes both ways you know, after all you’re the one who got a terrific blow job, and I did all the work”. Faoli responded to Dan, “As much as I have enjoyed what you did for me, I am unable to go down on you, I hope you are not angry with me”. Dan looked up at Faoli realizing this whole time he had spent revealing in the joys of this studs lower half, and realized that he hadn’t even taken Faoli’s shirt off. So he reached up and slid his hand under the white tank top and was rewarded with the fuzziest torso he had ever touched. In fact he had never even touched a man’s chest before so he said to Faoli, “Faoli, I would love to lay naked against you and have you just rub me, if you could do that, I would be very pleased”. Faoli then thought to himself, this man has given me the best head I have ever had, or probably would ever have and he must be harder and hornier than hell. Faoli slid off of the top of the cooler and gently pushed Dan down on to the beach mat. As Faoli reached down and began to take off Dan’s shorts, Dan in turn was pulling off Faoli’s shirt. Then Faoli pulled off Dan’s shirt. The both of them were now naked. Faoli looked down at his new friend who wasn’t a bad looking man and was in nice shape as well. Faoli wrapped his hand around Dan's hard cock and noticed how wet it was, Dan must have been oozing out pre cum for quite a while now. Faoli lowered him self on top of Dan with his left leg in Dan’s crotch and Dan wrapped his right leg around Faoli’s waist and put his hand on Faoli’s huge pecks and rubbed his thumb against his large dark brown nipples. He put his mouth to Faoli’s nipples and began sucking on them. Faoli began to get hard again and he was very slowly but methodically rubbing Dan’s cock, making the head of it grind into the palm of his hard callused hand. His thick strong fingers were like miniature vises squeezing and rubbing the shaft of Dan's cock. Dan’s cock was rock hard and Faoli knew that Dan couldn’t hold off coming for much longer, as Faoli’s hand had become soaked with pre-cum from all of his stimulation that he was giving to Dan. Faoli realized that he was enjoying this form of forbidden sex with his new male friend and a deep curiosity started to grow in Faoli’s sex lust to venture more in depth. After all when would a situation like this ever arise again and Faoli was really enjoying the feeling of a man sucking on his chest. No woman had ever done this to him with such hunger and lust. Dan was nibbling away at Faoli’s nipple taking his time in flicking the thick tip of it with his tongue and then biting on it gently with his teeth tucked behind his lips. After a bit of nipple sucking he ran his tongue through the thick mat of chest hair and then ran his tongue down to Faoli’s wet moist armpits. His male musk odor was very strong and as he slid his face into his deep hairy arm pits Faoli moaned with pleasure and acceptance and rolled slightly to give Dan easy comfortable access to his arm pits. Dan just revealed in the thickness and the strong taste of Faoli’s very hairy pits. As he lay there sucking on the hair and then stroking his tongue on flesh that was deep under it, he had the side of his cheek resting on those thick melon sized biceps of Faoli's magnificent arms. The thought flashed through his mind, that if he had access to have sex with a man like Faoli, he would never bother to fuck another woman. “Why should I”, he thought. He then pulled himself away for a moment and looked at Faoli in the face and said, “Man you are one hot stud. I am trying to hold myself off from blowing my load, but I can’t hold off any longer”. Faoli smiled and commanded Dan, “There is no way you can hold off, as long as I got these hands on you, you will come”. He spoke in such a thick low bass tone that it sent a deep thrill right thru Dan. It was like the straw in the camels back, Dan came and he came hard! As he erupted he squeezed Faoli ass real hard, sinking his fingers into Faoli's thick hairy ass. Faoli got a tremendous thrill out of making Dan come, and it made his cock grow even harder and it ached with desire. When Dan’s orgasm had subsided, Faoli asked him if he would suck his cock again as it was pulsating in a tremendous heat. Dan's entire body had had an eruption unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It took him a bit to recover enough to comply with Faoli's wishes. He was eager to keep his new stud friend hot and horny and … with him! Faoli slid his huge brown hairy body up across Dan's until his cock lay on Dan's chest. Dan wrapped his arms around Faoli's waist and began to rub his large thick hairy ass cheeks . Faoli was into a most erotic rhythm rotating his massive thick hips and grinding his man hood hard against Dan's chest. Dan was hypnotized at the most erotic site of watching Faoli's cock being rubbed against him, and it was just inches away from his hungry mouth. Dan tilted his head up to look at Faoli and his massive torso loomed up and hung at a 45° angle supported by his immense arms. Dan was mesmerized at the site of his arms from this angle, with the stress on his arms supporting his upper body weight, the veins were thick and protruding. Faoli was all that is masculine and erotic all in one body, and Dan thought for his own personal pleasure. The two of them had by this time built up a generous amount of sweat, and with that Faoli cocked his hips in a closer region to Dan’s mouth and gave Dan just enough access to suck on the head of Faoli's cock. As Dan massaged it with his lips and started to dig into the slit with the tip of his tongue, he got the first flow of pre-cum to start oozing out. Dan was unsure of what taste of Faoli's body he enjoyed the most. He finally figured that the pre-cum tasted the best, as this was a longer lasting moment than his actual cum itself, though he thought that is the finale reward. While Dan was enjoying sucking on the cock head, he was also busy rubbing that wonderful ass. By this time Dan had worked his finger into the crack of Faoli's ass and he was making circles with his middle finger around Faoli's ass hole. Faoli revealed in the wonderful sensation of his cock head being sucked on and his asshole being massaged. He slid his hips closer to Dan's busy mouth, and after a moment more he moved in even closer. All the while Dan was making accommodations for the ever increasing amount of meat that he had to contend with, and at the same time he relentlessly kept on stroking that hairy hole of Faoli's that was tucked away out of site just under his heavy laden eggs. Then Faoli began small bucking motion with his hips, fucking Dan in the mouth on the forward thrust and getting his ass invaded by Dan's finger on the back stroke. Dan got into this and found it thrilling that Faoli enjoyed his ass being penetrated. Now Faoli was ready to change the situation and he pulled his cock clear out of Dan's mouth and raised his hips and spread his legs as wide as he was able to and squatted right on top of Dan's face. Dan watched with great interest as Faoli lowered his thick hairy ass on top of his face, with his hole right on target of Dan's mouth. Dan slide his tongue right up into that tight hole and extended his tongue as deep as he could. Dan did have this one very erotic endowment and that was the thickness and length of his tongue. He was able to extend a total of about 4” of fat hot tongue into Faoli’s ass. Faoli was breathing extremely heavy and really got off on the feeling of Dan's tongue deep in side his ass and Faoli began rocking his hips so that Dan's tongue was fucking him in the ass. As he rocked himself on top of Dan, Faoli realized that he was getting an add bonus to this great sensation and that was Dan's thick moustache was scratching and scrapping at Faoli’s eggs as he rocked his massive hips on Dan's face. Faoli got to the point where he thought he was going to go over the edge so he again, changed the situation. He pulled himself off of Dan's face and lightly slid his ass across Dan's well toned body, down across his chest and stomach and then positioned himself in between Dan's legs at his crotch. Dan thought he knew what was coming next, and was ready for Faoli to fuck the living daylights out of him. Fuck him till the end of time, man he was hot for this stud and couldn’t imagine this hot sex they were having coming to an end. Faoli then surprised the hell out of Dan. He grabbed Dan's thighs, spread his legs and then lifted him effortlessly. Faoli then lowered his rugged handsome face down into Dan's crotch and took Dan's cock head inside his mouth and began sucking on it like a natural. At that very same moment as Faoli took Dan's cock into his mouth, he also slid his thumbs up into Dan's crack and began messaging Dan's ass hole. Dan was so stunned and turned on that he couldn’t believe what was happening. Dan just melted as Faoli worked his hot mouth on Dan's cock and then he slide the whole thing in his mouth. Dan's cock was about 6 ½ “ long and was thick as well. He wasn’t very well hung, but it sure was a decent piece of meat by anyone’s standards. Faoli took it all in and had his nose buried deep into Dan's bush and was grinding his nose hard against Dan's pelvic bone. Dan could feel the head of his cock being massaged by the muscles in the back of Faoli's throat, also he could feel Faoli sliding his thumbs inside his asshole and he was fucking him in the ass with both thumbs and simultaneously was massaging his asshole muscle. Then Faoli would pull his mouth back and grind the head of Dan's cock working real hard and rough, but no teeth were ever felt, then Faoli would push down deep on the entire length again and he would keep on repeating this process. All the while taking extra care in relentlessly fucking Dan's asshole with his thumbs. Faoli slide his thumbs out of Dan's ass and let Dan's cock fall from his mouth. Still positioned between Dan's legs Faoli crawled up to be face to face with Dan. As he did Dan looked at this stud with the most admiration and he wrapped his legs around Faoli's waist and curled his arms up around Faoli's shoulder and they kissed for the first time. It was hot and passionate and deep. As they kissed Dan could feel Faoli's cock pressing against his eggs, it was hard and wet. So Dan took his right hand off of Faoli's thick shoulder reached down and wrapped his hand around that massive fuck pole and positioned the head on his asshole. Carefully and slowly Faoli pushed in and stopped and pushed a little more, till he felt his head penetrate Dan's asshole. They never stopped kissing, their mouths were locked together and they revealed in the excitement of the feeling of sucking on each other’s tongues, and exploring each other’s mouths. Faoli took his time in deeper penetration, but Dan was so hot, that he needed all Faoli had to offer and he wanted it and needed it and lusted wildly for it. Dan having his legs wrapped tightly around Faoli's waist, loosened them just a tad so he could position his heels on Faoli's ass cheeks and he pushed down hard at the same time he shoved his hips up to meet the on coming invading thick brown fuck pipe. This surprised Faoli a bit so he complied with Dan's needs and slid all he was deep into Dan's tight hot asshole. Dan yelled out in total ecstasy, and griped Faoli’s shoulders with all his might, clenching his fingers deep into Faoli's flesh. Faoli and Dan's kissing got hotter and hotter, and Faoli just found a nice slow rhythm in fucking Dan. Faoli learned early in life that if he had an orgasm, the second orgasm would take him a while to accomplish, so he could fuck Dan for quite some time with out any worry about coming too soon. So he rocked himself slowly but powerfully inside of Dan. They both lay together Faoli laying right on top of Dan and scraping Dan's entire front side with his wiry hairy hard hot body. Dan was about to pass out, as though he thought, from the intense sensation! No mortal is capable of experiencing this much sexual stimulation. He started to hyper ventilate, but relaxed his breathing and broke his mouth free from Faoli's in an attempt to catch his breathing. Dan began to cry in an animal voice to Faoli each time Faoli thrusted inward, his walnut sized eggs slapping against Dan's ass. Now Faoli got into Dan's cries and began picking up his pace, thrusting deeper and harder, as though Dan was just a piece of meat. This is something he could never do with his girlfriend, a few times they had made love together she would complain to Faoli during their lovemaking about his abusive use of his strength and how it hurt her. So he had to always make sure to be quite easy. But now he was fuckin like the animal he enjoyed being and he knew that even if he was hurting Dan, Dan was still getting off on it big time, and wouldn’t have it any other way. Faoli then broke from Dan's grip and positioned his hands on each side of Dan's head and started murmuring words like “take my fuckin dick you fucker, I’m going to fuck your ass to pieces”. Dan was so into the abusive dirty talk, it really heightened the sex. Then Dan reached up and curled his arms up around Faoli's and griped tightly to the top backside of his shoulders and would reply back to Faoli “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me you rotten bastard!!” And then he put his mouth on Faoli's neck right on top of that big vein just below his ear and he both bit and sucked really hard and he also was digging his nails into Faoli's shoulders. Faoli was aroused to a point he had only fantasized about and as Dan bit into his neck, he wrapped one of his arms around Dan's back and hoisted and lifted him up and re positioned himself in one swift movement. So now he was on his knees holding Dan against him still fucking and never missed a beat. Still slamming his hips like a fuckin locomotive. Then Faoli came, shootin load after load deep inside of Dan. Dan felt Faoli release himself inside of him, and melted as the hot feeling of Faoli's cum splashed deep inside him and filling every cavity. Though he didn’t cum he didn’t care, because the feeling of Faoli spending himself deep with in him gave Dan a feeling of great satisfaction, that he took damn good care of his man. Faoli collapsed after having spent him self, all of his energy was depleted, and he lay half on top of Dan breathing very deeply to catch his breath. After his cock became completely limp he then pulled it out of Dan. Dan loved all the feeling he was having with Faoli and he then said to Faoli, “I need to make love with you on a regular basis, man”. Faoli agreed with Dan, “You got it Dan, any time you like”! Dan look at Faoli as he had his head laid upon his arm, and noticed the bite mark on Faoli's neck. It was going to be hard to explain that one. Faoli told Dan that he would just put a gauze patch on it make up some story and dump that little bitch. That was how he referred to his girl friend, that is his X-girl friend. “There is no way she could hold a candle to you Dan,” said Faoli, “She is history, and you buddy, are going to be my main squeeze”. They looked at each other and started to laugh, because they each knew that Faoli wasn’t using the term loosely. Faoli took a deep look at Dan and said, “Next time it’s your turn to drill me, and I won’t settle for anything less than what I gave you”. Faoli then rolled over and reached for the cooler and retrieved a beer from it and poured it out all over his cock, as he rubbed it vigorously. “Since I haven’t used any protection, I hope the alcohol in the beer helps clean it off”, Faoli told Dan. Dan smiled and after Faoli had used all the beer in the bottle on his cock and saw that it at least looked shiny and clean. Dan leaned forward to suck the remaining beer off of his cock. Faoli told him that his cock was numb from all of the fuckin and he could hardly feel Dan's mouth on it. Dan laid back and told Faoli, “Since we wore out your cock, lets work on mines now”. Faoli smiled and chuckled, and still chuckling he spoke to Dan, “Well that’s another good thing about two men together, they have twice the cock power as one man”. They both laughed and hugged one another, and then started to kiss again and the kissing started to grow more passionate again, but then Dan broke away from Faoli's lips and told Faoli to climb on top of him and sit on his cock and ride it. Faoli smiled and did just as Dan instructed him to. As he placed the head to his asshole, Dan reached down and starting stroking Faoli's eggs lightly yet firmly and Faoli eased him self down on Dan taking his time and catching his breath and trying to relax his hole for Dan's penetration. Since he had just finished giving one of the hottest fucks of his life, it made it easy for him to relax. Slowly Dan eased deeper and deeper into Faoli's tight hard hairy ass. Faoli wrapped his thick hard hairy legs around Dan's legs and finished up the rest of Dan's meat so it was now all inside of Faoli. It hurt some and Faoli just relaxed a moment and gave himself time to adjust to Dan's invasion. Then he began to rock slowly on top of Dan. It felt so wonderful in no time at all. All of the hurt was replaced with a feeling that Faoli didn’t know how to express in words. It was a feeling that must be experienced to appreciate. Dan ran his hands up and down Faoli's wonderful torso, rubbing his entire body as if he were jacking off one huge cock. Faoli picked up his rhythm slightly not much but ever so slightly, so his movements were more deliberate now then the slower hesitant movements that he began with. As he rode Dan, he began to weep. This amazed Dan when he first noticed it, but then realized that Faoli was weeping because of the intense satisfaction. The satisfactions that comes with being with someone you chemically and physically match with, tied in with the magnificent sexual stimulation he was having. Dan understood this as he too not to long ago just had the same moment. He reached up grabbed Faoli by the back of the neck and pulled his head toward his and as Faoli opened his mouth to greet Dan's kiss, he was surprised to see Dan lick his cheek and eyes. Dan was into any of Faoli's body fluids and Faoli's tears that were brought on from this great pleasure was a wonderful and delightful taste. So far today Dan was fortunate to taste the delights of Faoli's Blood, Sweat, Tears, Saliva, Pre-Cum, and his powerful spunk! Man Life just doesn’t get any better than this! And Faoli rode Dan into the sunset… PART II coming soon…


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Buck Naked

Pacific Islander, Part 1

Dan was stationed in Hawaii with a few months left under his belt as his time to return home was getting closer. He had served three terms with the army. Now at the age of 34, his desire to have an experience with a man had him completely preoccupied. He dared not to open himself up to any of his peers in fear of being discovered and ridiculed. Such was the attitude of his friends


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