Gay Erotic Stories

Peter and Darrell


I was bummed out because the service manager at the auto repair shop had just told me that I would have a three hour wait until my car was fixed and I was stuck in a large city an hour's drive from my home and knew nobody and would not enjoy sitting there thumbing through boring magazines. After, I left the service desk, I saw a man standing there receiving his bad news...he also had a long wait ahead of him. He too seemed bummed out about his mess and sat down next to me and we both complained to each other about our predicament. We decided that misery loves company and proceeded to hike several blocks to a fast-food restaurant for a bite to eat and some distraction other than out-of date magazines in the waiting room. We exchanged small talk along our hike and then ordered food and parked in a corner booth to continue amusing each other until our cars would be ready. His name was Pete...just call me Pete and I requested he call me Dave. The chat went along well and eventually he smiled and said.... I wanted to tell someone this for years and I hope it doesn’t embarrass you or me and then laughed. I replied, "Pete, at my age.... there is not much I haven’t seen, heard or done." We both got a good laugh and he began. He told me that he had left his parents home at age 18 when he joined the military service and had only returned once in that 4 year period and truthfully he was glad to be out of that household because the constant bickering and fighting and such was driving him nuts. He had a younger brother named Darrell who was 12 when he left home. He told me that the military life was not perfect, but sure beat the heck out of the home life and he quickly adjusted, made new friends and was happy. He said he had never thought of himself as a gay man...dated etc...but a military buddy and he ended up drunk and in bed one night and he had his first experience and loved it. He said, he had to do some serious thinking after that and try to get his head straight on the matter, but eventually ended up deciding that he was truly much happier with guys than gals. He said he didn’t communicate much with the folks at home, so certainly what he did with his life was not mentioned on the rare occasions they spoke. After the service, he stayed on the west coast where he had been stationed and made a life for himself...very glad that a continent divided him from the family. He said when he was 26, his mother called and wanted to know if Darrell who was by then 20, could fly to the west coast and spend some time with him. He said he was not thrilled with the idea but to please his mother, he agreed to the visit. He said he was waiting for the flight bringing his brother and finally it landed and he watched the exit gate patiently for Darrell...he wasn’t on the flight...darn...what happened. He was getting ready to check at the flight desk when a handsome young man approached him and said, "Pete, it's me, Darrell." He said he almost blushed because he had seen this hunkaboy step through the exit gate and had some very nasty thoughts about him. They shook hands...then retrieved Darrell's baggage and got into Pete's car. He said that when he left, Darrell was a skinny, annoying, spoiled rotten pain in the ass little kid brother and now he was a major drool session young stud. He said they laughed about Pete not recognizing him and sort of caught up on old times. Pete told me that he had decided ahead of time that trying to pretend he was straight was much more than he wanted to endure, so he told Darrell in the car on the way to his place about his lifestyle and even told his younger brother than three months ago his live-in lover had left him for another guy. Darrell said, "No are still my brother." That was a relief. Pete said he took Darrell out to dinner and then drove him around the city to show him the major tourist sites then they ended up at the apartment. He showed Darrell the spare bedroom and the shower etc and said, "You are on your own now bro' yourself to what ya need." After he showered and got settled in, Pete said that he and Darrell had a few beers and chatted more. Every time that Darrell would raise his arm to scratch his head or gesture, he got a glimpse of his favorite....a set of armpits carpeted with thick dark hair...always a major turn-on to him. Finally, after a few beers, Darrell laughed and said, " Ya wanna know a secret?" "Sure, what is the big secret you are gonna tell me now?" "When you lived at home, I would watch you jerk off at night." "And just how did ya get to do door was always locked...bro'.... so don’t bullshit me." "My closet backed onto yours and if ya remember, I could pull away the panel and crawl into your closet." "Well, you sneaky little bastard...did ya like watching me pound my meat?" "Yeh, Darrell said........."especially looking at your thick armpit hair...I didn’t have any then and yours really fascinated me." Pete told me he broke up laughing at that point and Darrell wanted to know why he was laughing so much. He then told Darrell about his love for hairy armpits and they both got a good laugh. Then Pete said that he told Darrell..."little bro' got some great armpits...couldn’t help but notice that forest hiding there. Darrell then lifted up his right arm and said.........nice, huh. They decided that since Darrell was tired from his trip, they would go to bed and continue the chatting the next morning. Pete said that sometime in the night, he felt Darrell slide in beside him and raise up his arm and begin licking his armpit. He said it didn’t take long until they were both exploring every nook and cranny of each others body and ended up having some hot sex for several hours. Pete said he woke up with Darrell snuggled up into his armpit and they talked a long time about what happened between them and Darrell explained he had wanted to do that since he was twelve. Pete said that he and Darrell had lots of sex for the two weeks until Darrell returned home. When Darrell got married, he said he flew east for the wedding and after Darrell’s' buddies all left after the bachelor party, they ended up having a hot night of sex. He said that about once every year or two, they schedule a trip together and have sex as always. He told me that he felt guilty about it and had wanted to tell someone about it for years. I think he was totally shocked when my reply was this, "Sounds like fun...when do ya plan to get together again." Pete month.


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