Gay Erotic Stories

Plumbing Disaster


There are many advantages to owning an old home but one bad thing is that something is always falling apart. I saw this disaster coming when the commode would not flush, so, I called the plumber who does my work and he dropped by to diagnose the problem. " Dave, it looks bad..we are gonna have to dig up the old septic system and replace it." Oh long does that take, Ed......sometimes a week..sometimes longer. O shit...bummer. The good news was that the actual time I would not have the toilets functioning would only be half a day. The other good news turned out to be Ray, the man who would be doing most of the work. On day one of the disaster, I saw the heavy equipment moving in and the usual hustle-bustle of getting things unloaded and I saw Ray...around 6 feet of undiluted hunk. I thought to myself...the lawn is going to be a mess but at least the scenery will be great. Ray was sporting a wedding ring and my mind said......oh well..probably got a wife and three beautiful kids who look just like Daddy..they always least the cute ones ya see walking through the mall with the wife and kids. Ray turned out to be good at the job and things went well. It was late August and the temperatures hovered in the 90' Ray ended up perpetually covered in sweat, so I kept the cold drinks flowing his way and plenty of fresh towels for him to wipe away the sweat. Any time I got down-wind from Ray....the aroma of his sweat was almost intoxicating....not the sour and unpleasant scent of dirty sweat, but the sweet smell of man body would flow through the air and would stay on the towels until I washed them. I had experienced this aroma before but never so strongly and for such a long period of time. Poor Ray, it seems that the more he repaired, the more he found wrong. "Dave, this system has simply fallen apart from old age.....sorry about all the mess and digging we have to do." "Well, Ray...may as well do it right now or plan on doing it again.....go for it." I would fix lunch for Ray and snacks and cold drinks and enjoyed every moment he was there. He was what I call a 'sweetie'..a very pleasant man and easy to talk with and had a smile that along with the aroma of his sweat kept my head thinking very nasty thoughts. However, the wedding ring and the fact that he nor I flirted just about zeroed any chance of any action other than getting my septic to function again. One of the hottest days of the year, Ray was digging in an area and ended up getting mostly covered with a foul-smelling liquid that had festered in the system for years. I offered for him to use the outside shower I had rigged up for post-gardening use (not fancy..just an old shower head hooked to the end of a garden hose suspended so ya could stand under it). He gladly accepted and much to my surprise quickly took off his shorts and boxers and tee and shoes and stepped under the cold shower and began rinsing himself off. That pretty well did it for my peace of mind. There stood 6 feet of muscle, wrapped in the softest dark brown fur and my eyes saw a fat cock and generous balls that would make most men envious. He seemed perfectly at ease doing the garden shower and I suggested I wash his clothes while he ate lunch. He agreed. He sat at my deck table wearing only his towel and his wonderful smile and ate a hearty lunch with me. I must admit, I set the drying cycle time a little bit longer than necessary to prolong my visual feast and the aromatic treat of his body mostly exposed. He mentioned that his wife hated the way he smelled and insisted he bathe often and use various body scent things. I must have surprised him by saying, " Ray, I think you smell delicious....a manly smell.covering that up would be terrible." He smiled a big smile and said, " I have been ashamed of the smell for years." I laughed and said, " Well, Ray, it seems women want a man to smell like a woman, not the manly smell of maleness." He seemed to take comfort in that and said, " Do I smell too strong to you, Dave?" Sort of not thinking at the moment, I said, " No Ray--it yanks my chain." He blushed. Later, as he was again clothed and working, I remembered my comment and decided that silly old me had inserted his foot to the ankle in his mouth and really shot off my mouth too much. The next day over lunch he said, " I wanna talk to you about what you said yesterday." Oh we go. He is gonna tell me that he has told Ed, the boss that he wont work on my system cuz the old faggot hit on him. Instead, he said ."Does my smell really excite people?" Again, with my head somewhere other than on my shoulders, I blurted out, "Drives me wild, Ray...drives me insane." He smiled a huge smile and said, "Good. Always thought there was something wrong with me cuz I sweat and that strong smell gets all over me." That delicious aroma must have clung to every beautiful hair on his body. The final day of his work on my system, we were having lunch on the deck and he got quiet. Then he surprised me by saying, " I am going to miss these lunches and the time we spent chatting?" Again, big mouth me said, "I wish you were here every day, I really enjoy spending time with you." There was a long silence, finally broken by my saying, " I am fixing the baked chicken you love for tonight if you had time to stay for supper..." When he blurted out, "I'd love to do that, Dave." He finished up and left early that day. I had supper ready at 6 PM and we enjoyed a late evening meal outside on the deck. I noticed he was fresh bathed from his wet hair. He mentioned that his wife and kids were away for the weekend and that he had planned on going out for fast food and was thrilled I had invited him. He also said, " I took a shower at home and didn’t use all the stuff my wife likes for me to use after a shower." When he left my place Sunday mid-day (two glorious days mostly in bed)I didn’t want to wash the sheets for a aroma was an natural aphrodisiac. Occasionally my phone would ring and I would hear his deep voice say, " Hey, ya want stinky sheets tonight?" My reply was always, " Supper will be ready at 6 and don't be late." To this day, I can think of that aroma and get all crazy in the head.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from

Ben and Jerry

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Larry the Gardener

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New Car Disaster

Finally, I had been able to afford to trade the old rust-bucket car in for a new one. I had been keeping that old bomb running far beyond the time it should have been hauled off to the junkyard. In my work, as a sales rep for a photography supply company, I traveled often so a car was in effect a home away from home. I was completely enjoying the new ride. Traveling along a rural

Peter and Darrell

I was bummed out because the service manager at the auto repair shop had just told me that I would have a three hour wait until my car was fixed and I was stuck in a large city an hour's drive from my home and knew nobody and would not enjoy sitting there thumbing through boring magazines. After, I left the service desk, I saw a man standing there receiving his bad news...he also

Plumbing Disaster

There are many advantages to owning an old home but one bad thing is that something is always falling apart. I saw this disaster coming when the commode would not flush, so, I called the plumber who does my work and he dropped by to diagnose the problem. " Dave, it looks bad..we are gonna have to dig up the old septic system and replace it." Oh long does that take,

Rodeo Boys Take a Break

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The Back-Yard Match

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The Boy on the Ramp

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The Coffee Shoppe

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The Grad Student

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Tony the Tiger

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