Gay Erotic Stories

Pool Party

by Sid

The summer after I graduated from high school, was particularly boring. I was really looking forward to going off to school in the Fall. All my friends were working all the jobs they could find so there was not much time for us all to get together. I knew I was gay but had never been with any guys. I was really afraid of the small town gossip, and especially afraid of my brother. He was a real red-neck and six years older than me and at 6' 5", a full foot taller than me. He always made fun of gays and said they made him sick. My brother was a construction worker, he worked long hours in the summer, and often went drinking after work and would come home for only a couple of hours sleep then go back to work the next morning. I don't know how he lived like this. My parents went away for a two week vacation, and I was supposed to be "house sitting", since you could not rely on my brother for anything. One hot night at about 9:00 P.M. my brother, Tony, came home early, followed in the driveway by two other pick-up trucks and two vans. About twelve of his construction worker friends piled out of the vehicles carrying cases of beer around to the back near our in-ground pool. I called Tony aside and explained I was responsible he basically told me to shut-up and handed me a beer. It was already pretty dark, and our pool is completely isolated from view from any other houses. I was shocked as the guys got to the pool that they opened a beer, guzzled about half of it and then stripped and jumped in the pool. I stayed outside to keep an "eye" on things, these construction workers had the most muscular toned bodies, all in their early twenties were very tanned from the waist up, and no inhibitions about sitting around the pool, swimming and diving in completely nude! I was sitting in a corner sipping my beer and not able to keep my eyes off of their gorgeous bodies. Some were blonde but most were very dark, some cut some uncut, it was amazing how I could just sit and compare bodies and their cocks. All of a sudden I felt about six hands grab me as someone shouted..."Throw the kid in!" Tony yelled to them to take off my shoes, belt and wallet, the guys did better than that... they completely stripped me before throwing me in! Once in the water my cock was rock hard. I didn't dare get out because no one else had a woody and I did not want them to see it and make fun of me. So I stayed in the water while the construction workers continued to drink, dive in to the water and walk around the pool. Finally I spotted a towel near the edge of the pool...If I wait until no one is on this side I might be able to pull my self out and wrap the towel around me to hide my 6 ½ inch hard pole. At the moment I thought I could do it... I pulled myself out of the water, as I lifted one leg onto the pool edge, Jake, the biggest and hairiest guy there was standing right in front of me. "Where the hell do you think you are going," he asked, he started to push me back into the water, when he spotted my hard cock standing straight up out of my dripping wet pubes. He pulled me out of the water, turned me around so everyone on the other side of the pool could see and yelled to the guys to get a look at this! I was never so mortified in my entire life. Completely naked with a full erection being laughed at by twelve hot construction workers! Somehow I broke loose from Jake as he almost doubled over in laughter and ran to my room in the house. I did not turn on the light, but went to the window where I had a perfect view of all the hot naked guys starting to get really drunk.. My cock still rock hard I watched them and began stroking my cock. I don't think I was ever so hot in my life, guys would take turns going onto the diving board with a couple of hops before diving...their cocks and balls bouncing with each hop was a real turn on for me. I continued to stroke and watch, oblivious to the fact that I was not alone. I heard a noise and turned around, standing in my doorway was Dale, the most muscular of all the guys, completely nude and stroking what must have been a nine inch monster cock! He gently said, "Don't be embarrassed if you like looking at cock, have you ever seen one this big? I told him I hadn't and still stroking it he walked over to me..."You can touch it if you want" he added. I put my hand around the hand could not get all around was huge. He then asked" Mind if I join you?" as he reached down and began stroking my cock which seemed miniature compared to his. Leading me be my cock he pulled me over to my bed, he began licking my nipples and chest while we continued stroking each other. I had never felt anything like this before...then slowly his mouth began slipping down as he gently kissed and licked my chest, abs, and finally my crotch... I could no longer reach his cock as he continued to stroke mine and lick me all over my pubic area. Then he pushed me down onto the bed on my back. He started licking my tender cock head and the skin just below the head as he slowly slid his body on top of me until his cock was hanging right over my face. I reached up and grabbed his butt and pulled him down until I could get his huge cock head in my mouth. I reached under to feel his huge balls and gently massaged them. It was all more then I could handle as I felt my load begin to build. I shot a tremendous wad into his mouth, and just kept licking and sucking it. Finally he sat up and began fiercely stroking his massive cock..I continued playing with his balls until he shot a load that almost reached the ceiling. We went into my bathroom to clean up, by the time we finished his cock was back to normal and he went back out to the pool. I stood by my window and jerked off two more times! I tried to encourage my brother to have more parties before our parents returned but I think he might have suspected something. I think about my first time almost every time I jerk off.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Sid

At the End of the Trail

I have a favorite lake that I hike to regularly in the summer. Located in upstate NY in the Adirondack Mountains, there is no easy access to the lake. The shortest trail to it takes about n hour and is mostly up hill. I love the serenity and peace and quiet. When I am there I feels alone with nature. If I am sure I am alone, love to skinny dip in the lake and sunbath on the rocky

Pool Party

The summer after I graduated from high school, was particularly boring. I was really looking forward to going off to school in the Fall. All my friends were working all the jobs they could find so there was not much time for us all to get together. I knew I was gay but had never been with any guys. I was really afraid of the small town gossip, and especially afraid of my brother.


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