Gay Erotic Stories

Pool Shark, Part 2

by Deland Vincent

Written: April 15, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. When I started reading Taven's diaries, I was sitting on the living room couch. The television was providing background noise to give me a vague feeling of company. The windows were open to let in the fresh air. It was a beautiful sunny day out. However, soon I found that I was going to need some privacy to complete them. I moved to my bedroom and got in a comfortable reading position on my bed. It wasn't long before I had to set down the book and strip down. The early entries were rather long as they encompassed a rather long period of time. Taven apparently had not been keeping up the diary regularly so he had a lot of catching up to do. Richard seemed to be right. It was answering a lot of questions and was proving to be quite entertaining. Taven's diaries: July 17, 1991 I've never kept a diary before. I'm not complaining, but I guess my life has been relatively uneventful, up to now. I've never been much of a writer either, but what need do I have to make excuses since this is just for my own record anyway. I could never let anyone read what I'm about to spill into this little book. Some of Richard's closest friends know a lot of what I'm going through, but at least my thoughts can be private. Maybe that's why Richard gave me this book; so I could have something private. Certainly nothing else in my life is private anymore. I'm not even allowed to shut the door when I go to the restroom. He says diaries can be very therapeutic, serving as a sort of emotional dump. Tomorrow is my birthday. This diary was my present from Richard. He had to go out of town today and suggested I use the time to catch up on it. I'll get to go home for a birthday party this Saturday, but Richard is throwing me a party tomorrow night. I've just gotten back from my daily visit to the gym. In addition to that fatigue, Jeremy, Richard's man-servant, has exhausted me as he always does when Richard is out. I wouldn't mind it if Richard didn't forbid him to let me come. I can only do that with Richard's permission, and of course he doesn't give it often. The last time I did was six days ago, which is longer than usual. Richard says he's saving me up for my birthday. I'm looking forward to my party, but I'm more excited about sex with Richard after the party. I'll finally get some relief. I learned a while ago that Jeremy is completely loyal to Richard, so I can never talk him into a bit of leniency. No doubt Richard pays him insane amounts, not to mention his fringe benefits, of which I am one. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Jeremy and Richard both are kind enough to massage my balls after sex to keep the blood from collecting too much. It relieves most of the soreness. Richard owns a software design company that he started himself. He does a lot of his work from his office here in the house. Jeremy tells me that he owns a lot of stock too. He can do his trading from the terminal on his computer. What it all adds up to is he's very wealthy, and he can set his own hours, of which he doesn't have many. He's got other people doing most of the management now. Our formal relationship started on March 12th. I remember the exact date because that's the date on the contract. He actually wrote one up. We met a couple months before that. Richard seemed like a completely different person then. I still have trouble accepting the bizarre situation I'm in. It usually hits me pretty hard in the morning just after waking. Funny how your real life just kind of turns off when you sleep. My dreams don't seem to have any connection to my real life. Then, when I wake up, my real life comes flooding back to me. Just last night I dreamt I was a deep sea fisherman. It all seemed perfectly familiar to me at the time even though I don't know a damn thing about deep sea fishing. Then a shark got involved in the dream somehow. I woke up shortly after that point and all the details got fuzzy. It troubles me how deceptive Richard was, but I can't help the intense attraction that I feel for him despite all he's done. He seduced me in those first couple of months. I really fell in love with him. I was starting to think about the kind of future we could have together. He said he was thinking the same things. I guess it was all to soften me up for his plans. We played a lot of pool. I'm pretty good. He let me think he was a beginner and that I was teaching him. Just when he got to the point where he could win every now and then, he convinced me to make a bet with him. He knew I didn't have much money. He said if I won he'd pay for my first two years of college at Tech. If he won, I would be his for two years. When I asked him to clarify he said that he would own me, in every sense. At the time, I certainly didn't take him literally. I just thought he was being romantic. I basically perceived this as a marriage proposal. I was very flattered. We hadn't had sex yet. I'd made it clear that I wanted to, but he said he wanted to wait, that it would be special that way. I'd been waiting on tables since graduation and trying to save money and figure out some way to go to school. In the meantime I'd had my share of meaningless sex. No one I met seemed to be interested in a real relationship. Now this wonderful man had come along and offered to banish my problems with love and money. I feel just a little guilty that his money excited me. I tell myself that it shouldn't matter. Still, I liked him a lot even before I knew. Well, I took the bet, sure that I would win. He made sure there were plenty of witnesses. I can't possibly describe my feelings when he won before I'd even gotten a shot. He lit up a cigarette and then sank everything. It was the first and last time I ever saw him smoke. There were just too many things going through my head. For a moment I actually thought he might just be very lucky. It sank in later that I'd been tricked. My whole world turned upside down. He didn't give me too much time to think things through. Right after the eight ball he grinned at his friends that were watching. A few of them were laughing quietly. Then he grabbed my arm and led me out to his car. He took me to his stock broker's office and opened a money market account for me with $50,000. The purpose of this, he said, was to compensate me for my time and secure the agreement I had made with him. Then he took me to where I work and told me to quit with no notice. Finally, he dropped me off at home and told me to pack. He was going to be back the next day to take me home with him for the next two years. I was beginning to realize he was serious about this. It was hard to get my parents to accept that I was moving out so suddenly. I just told them that I'd been offered a position as a live-in man servant that would help me save a lot of money for school. When we got to his house he dismissed Jeremy and took me straight down to his rec-room. I'd never been down there before. He had a pool table. He made me strip. I asked why he wasn't getting undressed, but he just said to do as I was told and reminded me that I was completely his now. He used long red straps that went under the pool table and attached to my wrists and ankles to keep me spread-eagled on my stomach. They weren't attached to anything so I could pull one hand in but it would cause my other hand to be pulled away from me. I was really afraid of what might happen, but he was telling me that there was nothing to be afraid of. He promised he wouldn't hurt me. I felt like I knew him and could trust him. I'd already fallen for him and I was looking forward to finally consummating our relationship, even if he needed it to be a little kinky. "Do you like me?" he said. "I thought I did, but why are you doing this?" I asked. "I've wanted you for a long time, Taven; longer than you probably realize. And I always get what I want. I think I've been very fair about this and I expect you to cooperate. You'll like it once you get used to a few things." He then unzipped his black jeans and pulled out a rather large member. He grabbed my hair and lifted my head up as he rested it on the edge of the table so I could get a close-up view. "Do you like it?" he asked with a grin. "I guess so." I answered. I was afraid to say no. The size did unnerve me a little but I tried not to show it. "That's good", he said, "because this is your one and only god now. You're going to worship it before all others with evangelical enthusiasm. This will be the primary focus of your life for the next two years. Tonight I'm giving you a chance to let it sink in, just what you've gotten yourself into." With that he put a rubber on and fucked me for the first time. He gave me practically no time to adjust as he pushed into me, and it had been a while since anyone had been inside me, let alone someone so big. It was exquisitely painful at first, but soon the pain faded and only the ecstasy remained. I wanted so badly to be able to touch myself. It seemed to last forever before I finally sensed he was done. He shocked me by leaving me and turning out the lights without allowing my release. I begged him shamelessly, but to no avail. He never touched my cock which was extremely hard by then and was being pressed between me and the table. I cried myself to sleep that night. A couple hours later he woke me and started finger fucking me, first with one finger then two. He stroked my balls as he was doing this which only caused me more frustration. Then he climbed onto the table and jacked off onto my back leaving the mess to dry. I tried to get him to explain why he was being so cruel and he seemed to get a little angry. He put a plastic, phallic-like gag on me that went several inches into my mouth. It had a tunnel down the middle that allowed me to breath through it if necessary. I've learned since then that this is a safety measure to keep me from choking if my nose were to get stuffed up. Actually, if I'd wanted to scream, it would have done nothing to stop me, but it did prevent intelligible speech. He then inserted a dildo that strapped on so I couldn't push it out and left me again in the dark, more frustrated than I could ever remember being. I didn't understand how I could be aroused by these things. I was even upset with myself that it excited me. I tried to turn on my side to free my engorged cock but this was impossible to do for long with the straps. The gag caused me to salivate a lot and my face was in a puddle of it before I finally dosed off. When he woke me next, it was morning. I think my dick had finally gotten flaccid at some point, but when I woke I had a pee hard-on. I've heard it's almost physically impossible to pee when your dick is hard; something about a little valve that closes in the urinary tract. Maybe its a defense measure of the body to keep you from wetting yourself when you're asleep, and right then, I really needed to relieve myself, so my cock refused to relax. He brought a tall glass of water in with him. My mouth was very dry so I hoped it was for me and not just something he would torment me with. He unstrapped my right wrist and ankle and helped me to sit up. My hand approached my dick. I wasn't thinking about exactly why, but I guess I was just going to massage a little of the soreness out. It was a reflexive action, but before I even realized I was doing it he had snatched my wrist up and held it there. He said through gritted teeth, "You will never again touch yourself there unless I tell you to! And don't ask me if you can touch yourself there either. If you do, it will be that much longer before I allow you to. When you use the restroom, you will sit down and aim the best you can without your hands. I'll have to go with you for a while until I feel I can trust you. Hopefully, you'll want to earn my trust as much as I want to give it to you. Often, your lust will make you very hard and you will have the desire to press your cock against something to relieve the pressure. You must resist this urge, as this is not allowed either. I do make one exception though. As long as you are squatting, you may press it against my leg like a dog. You don't even need to ask my permission to do this." He removed the gag. "Do you understand completely?" "Yes, Sir." I whimpered. How kind of him, I thought sarcastically. He held the glass to my lips and gave me time to get a good drink. "I haven't told you to call me that, but I had planned to. You learn quickly. I had expected as much." he said. It's embarrassing now when I remember that he had me on the verge of tears. I was thinking of how I could get out of this. Of course I didn't take it seriously in the bar when he said I was to be his completely. I was thinking about the money he had deposited in my name. He had kept his end of the deal making it clear that he took it very seriously. The only way he was going to get that money back now was if I helped him withdraw it. Both of our names were on the account. Just one day had passed and already I was struggling with the idea of returning it, but it was so much money! I wondered how he would react if I even suggested it. He seemed to sense the wheels turning in my head. "Feel free to speak your mind. I'm afraid if I don't let you, you may try to renege on me. And yes, that would really piss me off. I'm always good for my bets and I expect the same from everyone else." I let out all the things I'd been thinking about as I lay on that hard pool table all night. It occurred to me then that he had planned it that way. I had been given time to think on the very instrument of my destruction, so to speak. There was anger in my voice, but I couldn't bring it above a whisper for fear that I would start crying. "I had no idea you could be thinking of something like this! I was falling in love with you. It was all just a big lie. This is just some kind of game with you!" "It's WASN'T a lie, but you're correct in the other respect. Life is a game, Taven, a game I take very seriously. There are winners and losers. I set my mind on winning a long time ago, and without meaning to brag, I usually do. When I lose, though, I pay the price. I never make a bet I'm not good for. I never lied to you. I certainly tricked you, but I never lied! It's your own fault for being so trusting. I'm the winner and you're the loser," with this he smiled, as if to rub it in, "at least for now. I fell in love with you too. Why else would I go to this much trouble?" He continued, "Now you need to face that fact and pay your dues. Don't think about the next two years as 729 more nights like last night. You have to understand that you are like a horse that needs to be broken in for riding. My goal is not to make your life a living hell. My goal is to condition you for obedience. The sooner you yield, the sooner your life will get easier." His voice softened a bit as he went on. "Believe it or not, Taven, I think you'll really learn to like it after a while. I know your personality type. It's part of why I chose you. You've already said that you were falling in love with me, so We have that much at least. Well, I fell in love with you before you even knew me. I was enjoying your company from a distance until I found the right moment to meet you. I've wanted you longer than you realize and this is exactly 'how' I want you. When I want something I go after it. Can you find it in your heart to give me a chance. You owe me at least that." I was speechless. It was very flattering. I found myself seriously considering what he spoke of. The fact that he was showing me some tenderness then showed that he was at least capable of it, and that gave me some hope. "Now, stand up and stretch yourself." I did so as he kept talking. "I'm very excited, Taven. You and I are undertaking a new game together now. That's exactly how you should think of it too. It will keep you from taking everything so seriously. If you can make it through two years we will both have won. And I assure you, we will have plenty of fun in the meantime." He seemed to be on a roll now as he went on with his lecture to me. Meanwhile my bladder was calling out to me. "Do you realize what the problem is with relationships these days, both hets and gays?" I shook my head no, becoming more self conscious as he Waxed philosophical while I stood buck-naked, save my two hanging straps, with a raging pee hard-on pointing straight at his chest. I spent the rest of the day naked. I didn't even know where he had put my clothes. "The problem is they've lost their purpose. The duality is gone, the yin and the yang. The new consciousness is all about equality. Marriages used to last because the woman was a servant to the man. No one would ever say that a man was better than a woman, but he was always in charge. I'm not saying we should go back to that way of thinking, at least not entirely, but there is some value in it. The problem was that it was always the man who was dominant. Why should it always be the man? Some people fail to see that a woman doesn't always want that, though some do. That sort of duality naturally forms in any kind of relationship between two people. One of them takes pleasure from the other, and the other is content to give it, to different degrees of course. The relationship starts to break down when you try to take that away. So you see Taven, I'm just trying to forge the foundations for a strong and lasting relationship between the two of us. You are going to give and give and give of yourself. It's your nature, wwhether you realize it or not And I will gladly take. That's in my nature. Meanwhile I'll take care of you and you will have my intense love." He finally paused as if waiting for my response. He held the side of my head in one hand while smiling down at me. It really was a very loving look and a very loving touch. I felt comforted. And I hated to destroy the moment, but . . . "May I use the restroom now?" I whispered a bit timidly. He just smiled as he led me, with his hand between my Butt cheeks. He stood right over me while I pissed. It was very difficult as my cock points upward a bit when its hard. I had to sit down and lean over and concentrate intently on making it go down since he wouldn't let me touch it. I tried to think about Calculus. It took a while and it was quite humiliating. I was afraid he would lose patience with me, but he didn't. I couldn't hide the relief I felt as I let out a long sigh. As I was finishing up he said, "You're going to go through a cleansing process today as a sort of initiation. Think of it as a fresh start in your new life. Its not something I will subject you to often. It wouldn't be healthy. So don't let it bother you, but I want you to fast today. It's good for you to do it now and then. It lets your body purge itself of a lot of toxins. I'm going to be controlling your diet from now on. It will be much healthier than what you're used to." One day didn't seem like it would be that bad. However, there was more to it. He made me get on all fours in his spacious, beautiful tub, while he gave me a rather large enema. He made me hold it a while. I'd had smaller ones before, but this was really causing my insides to churn. He didn't get angry with me for my small complaints, however. Rather, he just tried to comfort me and assure me that it would be over soon. There was another enema to follow that one and another later that day. Almost immediately after the first I was starting to get pretty hungry. One day suddenly seemed like a long time to go without eating. When he was done with the second enema, he shaved my armpits, my crotch and my legs. I have very little body hair anyway, but the act seemed to arouse him. When he was done, he got me to shave his crotch and the area around his asshole. He was fully erect the whole time. That was the first time I'd seen him completely naked. He took me back to the pool table and laid me on my back this time. He put a throw pillow under my back and pulled me to the edge of the table so that my head hung over the side. This left me in an ideal position for him to insert his cock very deeply into my mouth and down my throat. He pushed it in immediately as far as he could until I gagged. Then he repeated the process, each time giving me a small break to recover. "It will get easier.", he assured me. I wasn't able to take the entire length that time, but this became a routine over the next week. It wasn't so much a sex act as it was an exercise to prepare me. He explained that the shutting muscles in the jaw were very powerful, but the muscles that hold the jaw open aren't very strong on most people so I had to develop mine. He did it several times most days. He said he wanted to come in my mouth but in respect for my safety he always pulled out and came on my cheek or my chest. The second day he started video-taping it. He made me Get down on my knees and look up into the camera while he held my head with his other hand and thrust. I was having trouble adjusting to the fact that he wasn't reciprocating. I wasn't used to sex without orgasm then. That first day was unbearable. He talked a lot while he was fucking my face. He started by telling me how beautiful I was, how soft my lips were and various other odd compliments. Before long he was mixing the compliments with what seemed like suggestions aimed at controlling my thinking. "This, I think, is my favorite way of expressing my love for you." he said. "You're more beautiful than ever from this angle with my cock buried in your face. Look up at me. I want to see your eyes. My cock will be in your mouth so much that you'll feel incomplete when its removed. You'll become quite accustomed to it's texture and shape. I'm going to make sure you learn all of the most sensitive spots and the many techniques for using your lips and tongue to stimulate it. This is the only way we can both be complete." If I could have, I think I would have laughed at much of his ridiculous, unending dialogue. However, it surprised me how quickly I got used to it, and soon it did start to turn me on in spite of myself. That's when it first started to occur to me that if I was going to try to endure this treatment, I might as well try to enjoy it if it was possible. Apparently it was at least possible because my dick rarely softened the entire day. He lived up to his promise. An hour or so after sucking him, we were watching a movie from his collection. He usually won't allow me to sit on the furniture. He gave me a large throw pillow and told me to sit at his feet. About halfway through the movie he took off his shorts and had a semi-hard-on. His dick doesn't shrink much when it's soft, unlike mine. He told me to put it my mouth. When I started to push it in and out of my mouth he stopped me with his hand. "Just hold it deep in your mouth." he said. He watched the rest of the movie without letting me take It out. My saliva was dripping down all over his crotch. Of course, by the end of the day my jaw was aching. Often, he still calls me to his office and has me kneel and hold his cock deep in my mouth while he's working. He never seems to tire of it. He affectionately refers to this act as "sheathing his sword". To this day I still find that comment amusing. Even when he was fucking my face I never could completely get the hunger off my mind. My stomach growled furiously in the middle of the oral sex. He just ignored it and told me to do the same but I couldn't. He had me drink water all day. He said it helped the cleansing process. That night he strapped me into his bed with him. Again, the straps were attached to my wrists and ankles and then connected to the headboard and the foot of the bed. I had much more leeway this time although I couldn't put my hands down to my sides. This has the added "benefit" of preventing me from touching myself in that certain spot. I could turn over and move around a little bit though. There were loops on many spots of the head and foot of the bed so he could easily control my position by moving the straps around. He whispered into my ear, "You've really impressed me today. I was expecting a lot more complaining. You're really good at sucking my dick. Before long you'll be able to take the whole thing into your mouth. You'll get plenty of practice." Then he started caressing my body and thrusting his tongue into my mouth. It filled my mouth completely. He stopped for a moment and said, "Suck it, as hard as you can." Then he pushed it back in and I did as he said. His arm brushed against my persistently erect dick. He massaged my balls for a long time. It was really painful at first as he gently squeezed the blood out from the tender area above my testicles. I made little moans from the pain with each little squeeze. Finally, the pain stopped. He sensed it because only then did I finally stop wincing and squirming. He held me close to him all night long. When the massage was over, I felt so relaxed that I was able to stop thinking about my penis and I fell asleep. It was one of the best sleeps I ever got in my life. The next morning I woke as he got up and brought me a glass of water. After I drank it he pulled me away from the headboard as far as my straps would allow. Then he told me to stick my tongue out as far as I could and leave it out. He squatted over me and slid the crack of his ass across my tongue over and over. I'd never done such a thing for anyone and just the idea was revolting at first. After a couple of swipes I withdrew my tongue. "Leave it out!" he said more forcefully. This time I forced myself to keep it out. It wasn't really so bad after all. He was clean and the area was shaved. I'd taken care of that myself the day before. Then he turned around and told me to lick and suck his balls. Finally he unstrapped me and told me to kneel and gave me very specific instructions as I licked and sucked his cock and balls for a while. "Now its time we completed your cleansing process." he said. "May I use the restroom now, Sir?" I asked politely. "Not yet. I want you to touch yourself now, but be careful not to come." My body finally seemed to have adjusted to having an empty stomach and I'd forgotten my hunger. He stepped out and came back with a towel that he placed in front of me and stood on it. It wasn't long before it was impossible to hide the signs of my ecstasy. I was shivering and breathing heavily as I very slowly stroked myself being careful not to climax. "This is what I've been waiting so patiently to see!" he said excitedly. "You have my permission to climax now, but don't feel like you need to rush." How typical of him to think of himself as the patient one while I wasn't allowed to touch my dick or come all day. I tried to take my time and enjoy it. Half of me was incredibly embarrassed to be masturbating with this man standing over me, but the other half was so completely out of control that I didn't care. "Do it on my feet." he commanded. I think tears streamed from my eyes as I was coming. The climax went on very long, and he switched to the other foot halfway through it. Both of his feet were glistening when I finished. I guess I should have known what he would make me do next. "Clean them." he commanded. As I reached for the towel he shouted, "No! With your tongue, you will remove every drop you have spilt." I paused for a long moment. He simply waited patiently. I started by dabbing at them with the tip of my tongue. "It will be dry long before you can finish that way. You'll need to use long wide sweeps like you're eating an ice cream cone that's melting quickly in the sun." I'd tasted my own semen before just out of curiosity, and I didn't care for it. It didn't taste any better now. I quickly forced myself to lick it all up so I could get it over with and then tried hard to swallow it all. It left a strong aftertaste in my mouth. I couldn't bear to look up at him once I'd completed my task. I was too ashamed. He ordered me to stand up on my knees again. He lifted my face up and was smiling down at me. I could see now that he was quite erect. "You are the brightest red I have ever seen you and it is beautiful. We'll have to do this more often." Something stirred inside me and my penis immediately started to harden again, and I was once again shocked that he could arouse me with his games. He retrieved a rubber from his night stand and tossed it to the ground in front of me. "Put it on." he said. Like a fool I started to put it on myself. "Don't be ridiculous. On me!" he said. "Get on the bed on all fours." He climbed on behind me and pushed into me. As before, it was very painful at first. Once he got going he reached under me and started stroking me. He fucked me and stroked until I came. Then he stayed in me though I begged him to pull out. "I refuse to take it out until you come again. This is part of the cleansing process." he said. He held my dick waiting for it to harden. After several tedious minutes it finally did and he began thrusting again. This time it took much longer before I could come and he continued thrusting afterwards despite my obvious sensitivity. I was so relieved when he finally finished and pulled out that I just collapsed onto the pool of my come and fell asleep again with Richard lying on top of me. I woke before him and was careful not to move and disturb him. When he woke we took a long bath together and soaked in his hot tub for a while. I felt so content and secure with him then that I almost forgot what he'd put me through. He was contrastingly gentle and comforting to me then. Our third day, he took me to the doctor and we both got tested for HIV. He said that even though we would always be safe, it was always a good idea to get tested regularly. We were both negative. After that we almost seemed to develop a routine, though I've never gotten bored. Richard always lays out what he wants me to wear in the mornings. Of course there is no sense or reason to what he makes me wear. Often there's nothing there which means I'm to remain naked. He seems to really like tank- tops. Sometimes that's all he puts out. I feel really strange with a top and no shorts or pants. Today all he laid out was a tight, white cotton T-shirt. Sometimes he puts out spandex shorts with a hole cut in the front to keep my cock and balls exposed. Occasionally there are even strange accessories like nipple clamps, cock rings, butt plugs or dildos. Many times, the dildos or butt plugs come later in the day if the mood hits him. He likes to administer these himself. Of course, if he has plans to take me somewhere he puts more out, but I'm only allowed to wear underwear when I go to the gym. I'm always afraid I'll get an erection in public, and without underwear it would be hard to hide. It's all aimed towards the purpose of keeping me perpetually aroused. It was extremely frustrating at first, but its not so bad now. He said it gives him a wonderful feeling of power over me. I have a problem with pre-coming a lot, but Richard seems to like that. Sometimes, if he sees that I've softened, he fondles my genitals or my butt hole until I start to pre-cum and then smears it all over my cock. I guess it has given him some power over me. Now all he has to do is stand in front of me and stare at my cock until it hardens and starts to drip. He's particularly proud of this trick. Sometimes he uses my pre-cum to lube his fingers and then finger fucks me. That always sends me into ecstasy, the way he twists and probes with his fingers. Its not at all painful like when he fucks me. He usually just lets me come about twice a week. I may never get used to this, but it has gotten easier. He's at least kind enough to massage my balls after sex or to have Jeremy do it if he's too tired. It keeps me from getting a really bad case of blue balls. I've learned that its perfectly all right for me to ask this favor of either of them whenever I feel I need it, since I'm not normally allowed to touch my genitals. I have to go to the gym six days a week. Sometimes Richard goes with me. Sometimes Jeremy just drives me there. Richard has a personal trainer, Jake, that meets me and takes me through my session. The first time we went, Richard was pointing out his goals for me. He described which of my muscles he wanted us to focus on the most as he traced them with his finger. He said he had a particular fetish for my calves so they should get special attention. The trainer seemed a little shocked but he maintained a professional attitude. I felt like an animal that two breeders were discussing as we stood out in front of God and everybody in the gym. Richard didn't seem to be afraid to express himself at all. It took a while before I could be comfortable around Jake after that, but we've since become friends. I'm pretty sure he's gay. I was expecting questions from Jake about Richard and me, but he just minds his own business. I'm glad. I don't know what I would say. Jake really pushes me, as Richard has instructed him to do, but I look forward to my workouts. I can really feel the muscles in my body afterwards. Besides, Jake gives really good rub downs. We've focused more on toning than on size, but I am much more developed now. Richard is very strict about what he'll let me eat, but for the most part, I've adjusted to that pretty well. I really like the effects it has had on my body. I almost never get anything sweet or fattening. He seems to enjoy eating dessert in front of me while I eat my healthy meals at his feet Once he could tell it was getting to me and asked if I wanted some dessert. I said yes, so he drizzled chocolate syrup all over his cock and said that was the only way I would ever get dessert. I gladly accepted. Sometimes Richard just has me spread out naked across his lap on the couch and runs his hand across my body while he watches TV or reads. He told me once that I'm much better than a furry animal for relieving his stress. Sometimes it puts me to sleep, I get so relaxed. This is about the only time I'm allowed on the furniture. I have to do as Jeremy says when Richard is gone. Jeremy is quite attractive and not nearly as strict as Richard. He likes to suck my cock, something that Richard never does. It feels wonderful and he's very good, but since I'm not allowed to come it's extremely frustrating. Sometimes he fucks me while watching videos of Richard having sex with me. I think he may be a little jealous of Richard and it lets him fantasize about being Richard. I can understand that. Richard is so confident and successful. I can't imagine Richard letting much of anything get him down. I think he may even love Richard, but Richard never gives the slightest sign of returning those feelings. I get all of Richard's attention and I'm glad for that. Today Richard put a large dildo in me, gagged me, and tied me to a chair in front of a video of us having sex, before leaving for his trip. He told Jeremy not to untie me until he had finished preparing for the party. Jeremy took a break while the cake was baking and licked all the pre-cum from my dick and sucked me for a while. He's learned to be very careful since the one time he made me come accidentally. It was early and I was still strapped into the bed. Richard had stepped out and instructed Jeremy to let me sleep a while. I was half asleep through most of it up until the climax. In my dream, it was Richard that was sucking me. I wouldn't have come in his mouth if I'd been coherent. By the time I was completely aware of what was happening it was all over. I think he expected me to make some noise or something towards the end, but I've always had pretty quiet orgasms. I think its from the many times I masturbated in my room while my parents were in the house and I didn't want them to know. Richard had fucked me just an hour or so before and I hadn't come in a couple of days so it didn't take much. I looked down just in time to see my come drizzling out of his mouth and down the sides of my dick. Jeremy looked up at me as it popped out of his mouth. He looked so guilty, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but he quickly tried to regain his composure. "There's a little left in my mouth." he said. "Help me clean it all out." With that he kissed me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I could taste it. It was a taste I'd gotten very familiar with by then, and rather than disgust me now, it turned me on. I sucked his tongue and then ran my tongue around his mouth and gums. When I thought I was finished, he wouldn't pull away. He held my head against his and kissed me for a really long time. It was so intimate I began to feel as if I was cheating on Richard, despite my specific instructions to do whatever Jeremy said, even of a sexual nature. When he finally stopped he stood up and turned around. He seemed afraid to look at me. He stood there a moment like he was thinking about something and then quickly walked out and closed the door without looking back. The come dried on my crotch It was an hour or so before he came back and unstrapped me. It's Jeremy's job to bathe me when Richard can't, and he wouldn't talk to me as he washed me. It was days before he could look me in the face again. I don't know if he ever told Richard what happened. He never asked me not to, but I didn't. After all, it was his responsibility not to make me come. Actually, I keep hoping that he'll slip up again. It was really pleasant. My clothes are already laid out for tomorrow. For the first time, Richard let me pick them myself. I picked some knee length blue jean shorts and a white short sleeve collared shirt. When we go out Richard usually has me in tight shorts or jeans and a tank top or tight T-shirt. I wanted to look respectable instead of sexual for a change. I'm still not allowed to wear underwear though. Hopefully, I'll be distracted enough to keep it down and not embarrass myself. He's inviting some friends over, but he told me not to invite anyone to this party. That bothers me a little, but I think I understand why. Some of Richard's friends know about our unusual relationship and it may very well come up in conversation at the party. I've had sex with a few of them. He's probably just trying to save me some embarrassment. Richard has a running bet with some of his friends that whenever they win a pool game against him, they can have sex with me, within his preset guidelines of course. This is something I had a real problem with at first until I realized how much it turns him on. He always insists on being there, except with Jeremy. He says it gives him a greater feeling of power over me when he makes me have sex with other men. He's always very concerned for my safety. All I know is that whatever turns him on, seems to turn me on too. Somehow his desire for me to do it makes it O.K. with me. Without that, I really don't think I would care for it. I think he must throw those pool games sometimes. I know much better now how good he is. I still play games downstairs with him and I watch him play when we go out, though he never plays against me while we're out. I think he loses now and then only to make people underestimate him. He also only uses me in bets with attractive men, thank God. He can be considerate at times. There's more I could write, but Jeremy is standing over me patiently. It's bedtime and he needs to strap me in. I hate sleeping alone, but Richard said he would be in sometime tonight. He told me to go on to sleep because I'd need my rest for the party. Normally, I must sleep on the floor when Richard's not here, but he's trying to make my birthday special. He really is a sweetheart. To be continued in Pool Shark, Part 3.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Deland Vincent

Gender Gap

Written by Deland Vincent ( Constructive criticism welcomed. Once the pirates had us disarmed and cuffed, they started marching us rapidly through their ship. This vessel was enormous, especially for a pirate ship. It had certainly made short work of our ship. At first I assumed they wanted to hold us for ransom until I saw a number of workers that were obviously

Incubus, Part 1, author of Poolshark Constructive feedback welcomed "Mr. Bartlet." If the farmer had not been numbed by a long day in the fields, the shrill voice might have severely startled him. Still, he had not heard anyone approach as his head was under a stream of cold well water. His head whipped around, his shoulder length hair splattering a trail of

Incubus, Part 2, author of Poolshark, Constructive feedback welcomed The farmer heard that wet crunching sound as of a limb being removed and saw the creature's own disembodied organ laid on the bed in front of his face. He then felt his own organ anchored against the creature. It had replaced its' own organ with the farmer's and was fucking him with it! He still felt

Pool Shark, Part 1

POOLSHARK Part I Written: Feb 20, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. This stranger was becoming more and more fascinating by the moment. It was a beautiful house. That practically goes without saying in the neighborhood we were in. I had only recently moved to Atlanta, but I knew that this was a very nice area. He had said that he

Pool Shark, Part 2

Written: April 15, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. When I started reading Taven's diaries, I was sitting on the living room couch. The television was providing background noise to give me a vague feeling of company. The windows were open to let in the fresh air. It was a beautiful sunny day out. However, soon I found that I was going to need

Pool Shark, Part 3

Written: April 27, 1994 Written by: Deland Vincent (a.k.a. I finished Taven's first diary. I was excited about starting on the other one, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I felt like a voyeur, getting such pleasure from the ramblings of this boys bizarre sex-life. I couldn't stop myself though. Richard was right when he said I'd get a lot of pleasure from


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