Gay Erotic Stories


by Spencer Whang

Possession by Spencer Whang "What the hell do you think you're doing!" Joe Free screamed as Spencer Whang threw him off the raft and into the pool. True, the water was in the nineties, but Joe profoundly resented being tossed in against his will. It was hot. Really, really hot. The summer drought had hit Piedmont badly. All the kids in this wealthy, suburban town were complaining about their extreme discomfort in the heat. Luckily David Kram had a pool. David lived just outside of town in Willow Bend, one of the most exclusive subdivisions in town. His dad owned a chain of florist shops and was also the deacon at the parish church. But both David and his dad were right now several hundred miles away from the scorching misery of northwest California. Off to their condo in Florida, they had unwisely left the house to the care of their neighbors. Every day Joe and Spencer would come over to take in the mail and catch a quick swim. Best friends of David, they were deemed trustworthy by his folks and had full run of the pool and house. The house itself was pushed back into a wooded area of the subdivision. It was at the end of a long driveway and gave the illusion of being in the middle of an isolated forest. Joe and Spencer had been swimming there regularly since the hot weather hit. Every day they would endlessly dive and show off until nightfall. Two weeks ago, the day after David and his family left town, the two of them threw a little party. Courtesy of the family's beer tap in the basement, Spencer and Joe had a wild time. The thing about Joe that always stuck out to a person meeting him for the first time was his eyes. His large, deep, sunken eyes stared at you with a mixture of cynicism and suspicion. His face was absolutely perfect. For being a sophomore of Piedmont Junior College, he had a torso and head surprisingly free of any blemishes or marks. Yes, he worked out and it showed. He was the kind of guy always willing to rip off his shirt and parade around. His legs reached another level of human perfection. Smooth, covered with only a thin layer of hair, they were shocking in their beauty. His powerful calves were only matched by his powerful thighs. Spencer was his equal, though he achieved that pinnacle of masculine glory through other means. Spencer was a year older and would be starting his junior year at the local university in the fall. His eyes, like Joe's, were also legendary. Two penetrating brown eyes expressed more emotion than he could ever muster with his words or gestures. The face below his black hair was long and had a unique characteristic that could only be described as manly. He was just a little taller than Joe. Visible just above his swim trunks was a barely visible trail of hair leading downwards from his navel. Strong legs and oddly attractive feet finished this guy off. Joe and Spencer were new friends. Joe had moved in from a Chicago suburb very much like Piedmont. At first meet they didn't like each other. Their strong personalities clashed and after a few initial problems they stayed apart. It was only through a year of slow realization that the two learned they shared much more in common than that which separated them. Since then their friendship had been cemented and they were inseparable. Today was the last Friday in August. The next Saturday David's family would return from Florida and David's pool would again be open by invitation only. Spencer drove up to Joe's house on in the Beach section of Piedmont. "Hey, buddy. What's up?" "God, Spencer, you said you'd pick me up at noon - it's half past one! What were you doing?" OK, Joe didn't win too many awards in the friendly personality category. Spencer saw the deeper, more feeling side to the adolescent, but mostly the world only saw a conceited prick that realized the world would be delivered to him on a platter due to his stunning loo ks. Joe hopped into the car. He was wearing his trunks, sandals, and a towel slung across his shoulder. Spencer, also sandalled, had on a dark, midnight blue, shirt. He had on a pair of blue on over his Speedos. Spencer floored it and took River Road to David's house. Even in this horribly hot and miserable weather the Piedmont Creek (more like a river) looked spectacular. Joe and Spencer had been planning a camping trip for later this summer. Soon Spencer decelerated and spun around the corner into Willow Bend. He drove up the driveway, hopped out, and found the hidden key to the house. After grabbing the mail and checking phone messages, the two headed for the pool outback. Perhaps the only advantage to the weather was the absence of too many insects. Usually humid, the hot, dry air had killed all the mosquitoes' favorite breeding grounds. In the wooded backyard both guys scrambled to get in the water. Spencer unbuttoned and tossed aside his shirt as Joe kicked off his sandals. Spencer unzipped his shorts, pulled them down and stepped out of them. Joe looked over at Spencer. Being fairly modest, Joe could never imagine wearing Speedos. Spencer's were skin tight. They were white and had blue stripes on the sides. Spencer caught Joe looking down at his swim gear and Joe quickly averted his eyes. They raced each other to the pool and dove in. For hours they swam and dove. The water was of a perfect temperature and it was easy to forget the drought. A curious thought entered into Joe's mind once when Spencer was walking to the diving board. Spencer's white Speedos, as if they weren't revealing enough, had a tendency to turn somewhat transparent when wet. From behind the skin tight material showed off absolutely everything. If it were dark out it might be easy to mistake him for being totally naked. Joe observed Spencer's slightly dirty ass and thought about how the Speedo clung to it. When Spencer turned around to stand on the board Joe got another view. Now, with Speedos it's always obvious what a guy's packing, if you know what I mean. Joe thought back to the first time he saw Spencer in them. You could see that Spencer's cock was neatly aligned to press against the upper part of his left thigh. At this point on the diving board, now that the swimsuit was soaked, Joe saw even more. He noted that now Spencer's cock was still on the left side, but up a little bit more. Through the light material he could see Spencer's pubic hair and it was even possible to make out the glands of his penis. His shrunken ball sack was less visible, but clearly there. Joe caught himself thinking these thoughts and was bothered. He had a girlfriend, Stephanie, and he should be thinking about her. However, Steph's younger brother had lately been looking pretty good. No! He had to shut these thoughts out. Joe returned to swimming and playing around. Around four that afternoon the boys decided to take a break and sit out in the sun for awhile. Both had a fantastic tan over their well-defined chest. Joe's nipples were a bit taut from being out of the pool and he appreciated the warmth of the sun. They lay down on towels in the grass and carried on a conversation about mutual friends. Both were on their stomachs and Joe was lying to his left. The young bucks were drowsy and worn out. Joe's mind was wandering when, in mid sentence, Spencer reached down. He pulled his Speedos down off his ass and down to just around the top of his thighs. Spencer must have noticed the rather odd look on Joe's face. "Gotta get that good, tan, ya know..." Joe knew. Spencer laid his head down and dozed. Joe stood there for awhile with his eyes closed. He felt a curious compulsion to just look over at Spencer. He first looked at that ass. Yeah, Joe had seen lots of guys' asses before, but somehow there was something different about Spencer's. The cheeks were smooth and it had a fresh crème like complexion. Spencer's buttocks were obviously quite lighter than his back or thighs, but it was obvious that they had seen the light of day many times already this summer. Then Joe heard something unexpected. A fart escaped from Spencer's butt and entered the air. Joe never liked the smell of a guy's ass but there was something strange about Spencer's smell that seemed to turn him on. Something from the fact that it came directly from Spencer himself. Joe's eyes wandered down. He looked at Spencer's naked hip and then just a bit below it. Crunched in that gap between his leg and thigh was an extraordinarily perfect penis. All that was visible was the very tip, the rest was under Spencer's body. In fact, if Spencer hadn't shifted his weight just a bit to his other side it wouldn't have been visible at all. Joe examined the tip, made mental comparisons to his own, and spotted the tiny hole on top. Spencer was now soundly asleep. For some reason Joe couldn't even get calm, let alone fall asleep. At one point Spencer reached over and stretched and turned a bit over on his right side. Joe gasped as everything became visible for just a second. The now drooping scrotum, the still damp hair, and that perfect shaft popped out. It was with a start that Joe realized the next surprise. OK, he knew Spencer's cock was big, but it looked a lot bigger here. Then he realized it. Spencer's natural tumescence in sleep made for a minor hard-on. It was only about half-erect, but to Joe it was quite a shock. He resisted the odd urge to reach out and touch it. Joe had to reach down and readjust his trunks. He know realized that it was his own cock that was hard as a rock. He lay back down and slept That night Joe and Spencer had planned their final farewell to their summer's fun unsupervised at David's house. They had been carefully monitoring the family's alcohol supplies and were anticipating a fun time. This time Joe drove. Joe arrived at Spencer's house in the Wildwood section of Piedmont and told Mr. and Mrs. Whang that Spencer was spending the night at his house. Joe told his parents, the Free's, that he was spending the night at Spencer's house. It worked well, like a charm! Both were well-dressed. Wearing the preppy summer uniforms of Piedmont, they were outfitted in button-down shirts with the appropriate commercial logo sown on, the right kind of shorts, and caps. They didn't bring their suits, because the figured they'd have more than enough to do with the alcohol. They pulled up into Willow Bend and drove back to the empty house before them. "To a memorable summer, my friend!" toasted Spencer in mock seriousness. They clinked their beer glasses and chugged. The night had begun. They were merely buzzing when the two moved out onto the patio by the pool. They had some music playing, they lit the torches around the back yard, and turned on the pool lights. By the water the boys toasted the night. This was the fundamental happiness of upper-middle class youth in America. The world was theirs and they would conquer it. The heat wave's temperatures hadn't abated much with the setting of the sun. After the 100+ degree temperatures of the afternoon, the night never dipped below a scorching ninety. They exercised moderation and enjoyed themselves until one or two in the morning. "You gettin' hot, Joe?" asked Spencer. Even the relative coolness of the evening was hot. They kicked off their sandals and walked to the side of the pool. Still buzzing hard they put their legs in and sat side by side as they sweated. "Hey, Joe," said a now almost drunk Spencer, "I got an idea." "What?" "Ya wanna bare ass it tonight and go swimming?" "Ya mean skinny dip? Yeah! Let's do it!" Joe, his mental faculties starting to desert him, thought the idea sounded great. The odd thing is that he wasn't really even thinking any sexual thoughts at the time. It was the hottest night of the year, he was sweating, they were alone in this secluded backyard, and the inherent sense of wrongdoing appealed to Joe's adolescent instincts. They got their legs out of the pool and walked over to a umbrella covered table. The mixture of backyard torches, harsh artificial lighting, and the surreal patterns of the pools underwater lights gave the backyard a feeling of otherworldliness. The guys unbuttoned their shirts quickly, fumbling on the last buttons. They were kind of excited and thought this would be a fun thing to do. Both had their belts undone at the same time and unzipped their shorts. Spencer pulled down his shorts and his boxers in one motions, while Joe carefully stepped out of his shorts, put them aside, and then slipped off his boxers. They ran to the water, slightly embarrassed, filled with that feeling of naughtiness, and dove in. No matter how immodest a person or group may be there is always a sense of awkwardness about being naked around another. As the guys raced and jumped into the pool they didn't look at each other. It was really quite a sight -two naked guys, the hottest young studs in their town, running, dicks flailing about wildly, as they screamed. Out of mutual masculine respect and mutual embarrassment they just leaped into the water. It felt so good to them both. It's always your crotch that sweats the most and it's always that region of your body that feels most relived upon jumping into cool water. Joe and Spencer made the stock "shrinkage" remarks as their scrotums reacted to the relative cold of the water. Once they got in the two just enjoyed the sensual pleasure of the water. They swam laps for awhile as their slight buzz wore off a bit. It was actually Joe, the more modest of the two, who climbed out of the pool first. As he stepped up from the small ladder water soaked his pubic hair and dripped off his penis. He walked up to the diving board, his hand automatically moving for modesty's sake over his genitals. When he actually got on the board he did a curious thing. Joe has always been much more aware of his musculature than Spencer. He's always been the guy to work out and then show off his body. When he got on the diving board, he removed his hand, and struck a most peculiar muscleman pose for Spencer. Spencer looked at him do this and felt a rather funny feeling in his throat. Joe's body was about as perfect as you get - no doubt about that. Yet there on that diving board, wearing nothing but a gold chain around his neck, Joe's body was more than Joe's body. His defined muscles reached all through his torso, arms, and back. Though it was the perfect symmetry and completeness of his naked body that was truly impressive. As he struck this pose the muscles in his backside tensed up and showed their power. His thighs showed power. It was in that pose that Joe's genitals most stuck out. Often when you see a naked guy (a statue, in real life, a painting, etc.) the cock and balls look like and almost embarrassing addition to an otherwise perfect form. Not with Joe. Joe, standing their in this pose, water still dripping from his hair and the tip of his penis, looked like nudity was his natural state. The penis was not frightened and curled, but rather dangled down with a peculiar stateliness all its own. Perhaps it was the shaft of his penis that brought the image more complete. Free from blemishes, unsightly veins, or marks it was the way a cock should be. The matted pubic hair didn't look wild or rough, but rather organized and comforting. His scrotum hung tight and also followed the lines of symmetry of his body, each testicle taking its half. It was Joe himself who realized first the possible inappropriateness of his action. Let's face it - Joe had been struggling for a long time with powerful homosexual urges. His little pose on the diving board could easily have powerful homoerotic connotations that he didn't want to express. He quickly straightened and plunged his naked body into the water. The guys were tired. It was late and they had worn themselves out in the pool. They swam over to the shallow end and sat on the steps in maybe two inches of water. The huddled there with their knees almost up to their chins and their hands linked over their shins. Yeah, it was a bit awkward, they being naked and all, but both tried to act hard as if this was something they did every day. It reached a certain point where the two, especially Joe, began to feel so uncomfortable that they thought they'd be getting out soon. Sitting hunched over began to get tiring, so Spencer stretched out his legs into the water. Joe looked down at his feet, then his shins, then his strong thighs, and then he was staring at Spencer's genitals. Odd thoughts popped into Joe's mind. He's never really seen Spencer naked like this. It was kind of nice actually. Joe decided to forgo modesty and stretch out his legs, too. Mistake. Joe spread out a bit only to reveal to Spencer a fully erect penis. Joe's thought had gotten the better of him. His young cock stuck straight up in the air and there was no hiding whatsoever what it was. He instinctively looked over at Spencer with a look of abject horror on his face. Spencer looked down at the beast before him and smiled. It took perhaps fifteen seconds for Spencer's to assume the same position. The two boys sat like that, naked and erect, side by side. Then Spencer reached out and over. With his left hand Spencer grasped firmly Joe's hard-on. He squeezed tighter and tighter and rubbed it. Joe tentatively reached over to touch Spencer's. This was Joe's dream. He didn't believe it was happening. No. Joe reached over and with his thumb and forefinger felt the penis, tentatively. As if planned, they both dove at each others bodies. They rolled out of the pool and on to the grass. They grabbed each others bodies, clutched each other, and tried to press their muscles as hard as they could. And down below their cocks faced off and mingled happily. Mouths locked and they explored their bodies with an almost disturbing intensity. Sex between men is like no other sex. Strength and aggression lead men to violently attack each other's bodies as they struggle to become closer. They fight against the fundamental erotic dilemma - the desire of two singular beings to become one. Joe and Spencer grabbed each others muscles with a rough ferocity that would have crushed a girl. They reveled in it, each put his mouth all over the still wet body of his companion. Joe sucked on Spencer's breast, his arms, his neck. They pulled each other tighter and tighter. Their hips pressed against each other as they arranged their cocks. They intertwined their legs and passionately made love. Spencer's hand moved all over Joe's head and ran and curled his fingers in his hair. They kissed. They sucked each other's mouth. It was intense. Very intense. The pressed their naked chests together and pulled closer and closer. Both reached down and grabbed the other's erection. Feeling another man's erection is more than just a sexual experience. As Joe clutched hard Spencer's hard-on he realized the significance in what he was doing. A man's erection is the ultimate symbol of power. The phallus is the ultimate phallic symbol. Joe just held, gripped it, clutched it. They looked into each other's eyes. They looked and stared into each other's eyes. As their stare became too emotionally tense they resumed their furious kissing. Lips, tongue, and teeth were pressed closer and closer. At times Spencer thought Joe was getting a bit rough. The thrill of initial discovery overwhelmed them, however, and made both forget about pain. Joe was the first to go down on Spencer. He was still holding on to Spencer's erect penis and now put both hands on it. He nestled it in between his outstretched palms and took a break just to look at it. He looked above and beyond it to spot the gaze of this erection's proud owner. Spencer's dick wasn't perfect - it was manly. There was a rough element to it that Joe's smooth, perfectly proportioned cock lacked. Joe couldn't help but at least glance down at his own erection. He was sitting basically cross-legged and leaned down onto Spencer's phallus. It was hard to not glance at his erection which was almost uncomfortably waving in the air. Joe realized their dicks were different. Joe's would be the kind you'd see in a magazine. The tip, even when erect, looked soft, as if you'd want to cuddle up with it. You could run your finger across the glands and down the shaft and feel a silky smoothness. As Joe compared and dwelled on Spencer's he saw a difference. Spencer's penis was the kind you'd expect to see on a football player. It's shaft was imperfect and not as soft as Joe's. Joe had never in his life explored another man's genitals as he did Spencer's. He lifted up the erection and got great pleasure out of playing with Spencer's testicles. That peculiar texture that all ball sacks share was the next object of Joe's interest. He felt an incredibly urge to explore that texture with his mouth. He went down on Spencer again and began to lick and suck on his scrotum. His tongue darted across the hairy sac and Joe tried to get it all in his mouth. Recently out of the pool, Spencer's body was perfectly clean and Joe felt comfortable exploring every inch of it with his tongue. The pubic hair of both of men was still damp and matted down but drying quickly in the warm night air. Once again, Joe and Spencer differed. Joe's body had much less hair. At the navel a very light trail of fuzz could just barely be seen leading down to his genitals. Once there his pubic hair was moderate and light and always appeared well organized. Similarly on his ass, there was just a light coating of fuzz that was barely visible. And on his chest and arms he was very smooth as the muscles he'd been working all summer to develop bulged out. In the exact center of his chest there was a small trail of dark hair equidistant from his nipples. Around each medium-sized nipple was a ring of singular hairs. At the navel this dark streak reappeared and soon flamed up into his pubic hair. His thighs were quite hairless and smooth, though his legs had a comfortable amount to show. After Joe finished his preliminary exploring he went to work on sucking his friend. Spencer's textured penis was a pleasure to lick and discover. He managed to get it almost all the way down. Occasionally he'd readjust his right hand to stroke himself intermittently to comfort his attention-starved erection. Spencer was lying on his back. The two made it a point to maintain eye contact as much as possible while Joe manipulated and stimulated Spencer's cock. Joe sensed that Spencer's climax was nearing. Joe didn't know what to expect. The sum total experience he had with orgasms was based on a few guilt-ridden masturbatory experiments he'd conducted. Joe felt Spencer's muscles tighten up and his hips begin to rhythmically tense. Joe teased Spencer to climax with his hand as he intently watched the look on Spencer's face. The cum flew in the air; Spencer panted. Joe allowed Spencer a few moments to collect himself. Joe moved his body around. Spencer was lying down on his back as Joe stood on all fours over him in a sixty-nine position. Joe was still absorbed what he considered the miracle of his friend's cock. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, yet at the same time one of the most frightening. In the waning erection Joe saw wars being fought, kings being murdered, and spears being thrown. But for Joe he didn't have to think too symbolically. The real thing was right here and he was still rather incredulous. As Spencer recovered from the best orgasm of his life he looked up to see Joe's ample erection dangling down in his face. While Joe remained on all fours Spencer sucked and played with his friend. Spencer was pull their bodies together and run his hand over Joe's chest. He would tease Joe's nipples and cruelly taunt his navel. Joe's cock was an absolute joy to suck. It was like running your mouth over flesh silk - an sensual pleasure to the tongue with no compare. Even if it weren't the erotic nature of what he was placing his lips around, it would be a delight for his sensitive tongue nevertheless. Like Joe, it took Spencer awhile to realize the significance of the situation. Here, inches away from his face, were the genitals of another man. What a thought! These are the most private parts of an individual. These are the parts which are covered by swimsuits, underwear, and towels. And here, now, Spencer was nuzzling his face in the most sacred region of his buddy's body. Guys at school talk about cocks all the time, usually in jokes and crude remarks. Yet in the showers at school everyone gets surprisingly uncomfortable around the exposed penises of their peers. Now Spencer was as intimate with another man's penis as was humanly possible. Joe's cock was an individual all to itself as far as Spencer was concerned. He worshipped it, kissed it, loved it. For Joe, his ensuing climax was nothing sort of a life event. He had never known pleasure on that scale. He exploded in Spencer's face and collapsed on top of his body. The two boys rolled back to the pool to clean up a bit. After the fact it all seemed a bit anti-climactic. As Spencer leaned down into the pool Joe saw his nice, rounded, yet firm buttocks flex. He grabbed back his best friend and they began a whole new round of love making. The next morning both woke up naked, in each other's arms, and happy. Their penises were now limp, but five minute of staring in the light at their naked bodies brought the cocks up to half- mast. They stood and held hands. For the two of them the most remarkable aspect of that moment was the lack of shame. Last night when they had first ran nude around the pool it was awkward and hands often would spontaneously assist modesty. Now they stood with no shame, no embarrassment, no false modesty. Two men. They stood before each other naked of all clothes and all illusions. There are few sights more beautiful than two men in perfect harmony with their bodies enjoying each other's manliness. Before they went off in search of their clothes Joe couldn't resist just reaching down for one last clutch at Spencer's penis; Spencer reciprocated. The dressed and sat by the pool silent. "Spencer, you know I've felt like this for an awful long time." "Yeah. Me too." As the family returned to their home that afternoon they were pleased to find everything in good array. The wife thanked the boys and gave them each twenty-five bucks their effort. They vigorously assured her that it was their pleasure...really!


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Spencer Whang

Fumbling Ecstasy

Fumbling Ecstasy By Spencer Whang e-mail to for suggestions The storm had been raging for four days, and I was getting tired of being couped up in my small attic room. Not to mention that being so close to the storm it was deafeningly loud. For a time I had been able to amuse myself with surfing the Net, but a tree was uprooted in Cutter's Lane, and


Possession by Spencer Whang "What the hell do you think you're doing!" Joe Free screamed as Spencer Whang threw him off the raft and into the pool. True, the water was in the nineties, but Joe profoundly resented being tossed in against his will. It was hot. Really, really hot. The summer drought had hit Piedmont badly. All the kids in


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